Summer Lovin’-Valentine’s Edition- Elyse and Steve


Elyse and Steve Miller

When/how/where at camp did you meet?
Elyse and Steve were both counselors at the Mid Island Y JCC. We met the summer of 1991 but did not start dating until July 21, 1993

Was it love right away?
It was more like immediate happiness as soon as we met.

What happened when camp ended that summer?
After we started dating in the summer of 1993, we continued to date and then we got married in 1998.

Has your time at camp influenced your family?
YES! Camp is our happy place for our entire family!!

Do your kids go to camp?
Our kids did and do go to camp. To us, it is a place that you get to be you. No pressure of school and being able to have fun. In 2009, Steve returned back to the camp world and our children joined him.

In the summer of 2013 the entire family were at Camp Buckley. At that time both of our kids were campers. For the past 5 years, Elyse is the Inclusion Director and Steve was the assistant director. This summer, Steve is now the Camp Director, Jordan (16 ½), our son will be a counselor for the second year and Kaylee (13), our daughter will be in the teen program.


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