Daniel Septimus

Daniel Septimus is executive director of Sefaria. Previously, he served as CEO and editor-in-chief of My Jewish Learning.


Articles by Daniel Septimus

Edgar M. Bronfman: An Appreciation

Edgar believed that learning could only happen when you encounter difference.

MyJewishLearning Named to Slingshot!

We’re excited to announce that MyJewishLearning.com has been named one of the nation’s 50 most innovative Jewish nonprofits in Slingshot ...

Kveller: A Jewish Twist on Parenting

I’m very excited to announce that our new parenting website Kveller.com is now live. The idea for a Jewish parenting ...

Jonathan Franzen’s Jewish Mistake

Over at Tablet, Marc Tracy takes a “Jewish” look at Jonathan Franzen’s forthcoming novel, Freedom , and quibbles with its ...

Coming Soon to MJL…

I’m pleased to announce a major development here at MyJewishLearning.com. Recently, we received a significant grant from the Commission on ...

Forget About Jewish Identity

Here’s my entry in the 28 Days, 28 Ideas series. The article — Idea #23 — was written for Jewcy.com, ...

Mordecai Richler’s Rich Living

Canadian writer Mordecai Richler's life models.

The New MyJewishLearning.com

As you have probably noticed, things are looking a little different at Mixed Multitudes — and MyJewishLearning.com, generally.Indeed, this morning ...

Plot Against America

Philip Roth experiments with reality.

Thoughts from Rabbi Shai Held

Mechon Hadar’s Rabbi Shai Held wrote the following personal and beautiful words about the inauguration, which he has kindly allowed ...
