Rabbi Maurice Lamm

Maurice Lamm is the author of many books, including <i>The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning</i>. He is the president of the National Institute for Jewish Hospice, and Professor at Yeshiva University's Rabbinical Seminary in New York, where he holds the chair in Professional Rabbinics. For years he served as rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation, Beverly Hills, CA.


Articles by Rabbi Maurice Lamm

How Not to Comfort Mourners

The worst things to say to someone who is grieving.

What To Say When Comforting Mourners

Traditional Jewish words of consolation.

Modesty (Tzniut)

Discretion in appearance and speech is designed to protect our souls from assault by a coarse world.

Marriage & Community

In entering into marriage, a couple takes on new responsibilities for the Jewish community and its future.

The Ketubah Text (Part 2)

The second part of the ketubah (marriage contract) details the additional gift promised by the groom, the lien on his property, and the acquisition sealing the contract.

The Ketubah Text

The traditional Aramaic text of the ketubah (marriage contract) reflects the history of Jewish marriage.

Marriage & God

As part of God's creation, Jewish marriage creates a spiritual connection between human beings and with God.

The Conversion Process and the Covenant

For the Israelites, acceptance of the covenant was twofold: identification with the people through circumcision in Egypt and acceptance of God at Sinai.

Acceptance of the Yoke of the Commandments

Kabbalat ol ha-mitzvot (acceptance of the commandments) combines faith and action with an intent to evolve as a practicing Jew.

The Mikveh’s Significance in Traditional Conversion

Immersion in the mikveh actualizes the transition between the convert's old identity and his or her new one as a Jew.
