Rabbi Peretz Rodman

Peretz Rodman is a Jerusalem-based rabbi, teacher, writer, editor, and translator. He was a founding editor of MyJewishLearning.com.


Articles by Rabbi Peretz Rodman

Psalms for Every Day of the Week

Why Jewish tradition prescribes a particular psalm for each day.

Deutero-Isaiah: A Prophet of Comfort

After first Isaiah’s message of rebuke, another writing under his name came to comfort Israel with immortal poetry.

Ending Shiva

Getting up and walking around the block marks the end of a week of mourning.

Tevilat Kelim: Immersing Food Utensils

Some Jews perform symbolic sanctification of newly acquired items.

Travel to Israel

For Jewish travelers, a visit to Israel can and should be more than a typical tourist encounter with a foreign people, culture, and place

What Is the Haftarah, and Why Do We Read It?

Each Torah portion is paired with a passage from the Prophets.

Bring Your Own Books

Seven things to read in shul on the High Holidays.

Derech Eretz

This phrase, which literally means "the way of the world," refers to acts of decency that are commendable if not formally mandated.

Must One Honor an Abusive Parent?

While honoring parents is a core Jewish value, so is protecting one's health and well-being.

How to Choose a Siddur, or Jewish Prayer Book

It helps to know what lies behind the muted bindings and the denominational labels of today's wide array of possibilities.
