Jewish Languages


Influence of Isaac Bashevis Singer

I.B. Singer's ghost haunts Jewish literature to this day.

Esther Kreitman

Esther Singer Kreitman was a published author, but she was overshadowed by her brothers.

Isaac Bashevis Singer: Criticism

Not everyone admired Singer's fiction.

Isaac Bashevis Singer on Screen

The big screen likes I.B. Singer--but he didn't always like it.

Isaac Bashevis Singer: Between Fact and Fiction

The life and work of Yiddish literature's Nobel laureate.

Ladino Literature Revival

The magic and zest of Ladino---the Judeo-Spanish Dialect--enliven the novels of Rosa Nissan.

Ladino Today

Is the language of Sephardic Jews, undergoing a revival?

The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey

Jewish mystics took Judaism's reverence for the Hebrew language one step further, venerating the Hebrew letters themselves and considering them paths to the Divine.

Yiddish Revival

Once considered the language of an older generation, Yiddish is now being embraced by hip twenty- and thirty-somethings.

Hebrew’s Theological Significance

According to Jewish tradition, Hebrew is the original language of humanity and the language spoken by God.

The Beginnings of the Hebrew Language

It's difficult to pinpoint the moment Hebrew emerged as a unique language.

Choosing Hebrew

Jewish writers chose Hebrew, not German or Russian or even Yiddish, as the language with which to build a modern literary tradition.
