

A Timeline of the Holocaust

From Hitler's rise to power to the Nuremberg trials, key events of the Shoah.


The Sephardic Experience During the Holocaust

The Nazis wiped out several major Sephardic population centers and caused the almost complete demise of Ladino culture.


Nazi Germany 1933-1939: Early Stages of Persecution

How Hitler laid the groundwork for genocide.

Seven Holocaust Films You Should See

These under-the-radar movies about the Shoah are affecting, powerful and nuanced.

10 Holocaust Books You Should Read

Though not as well known as Anne Frank's diary or Elie Wiesel's works, these texts will increase your understanding of the Shoah.

Who Was Anne Frank?

The story of the young diarist who became a symbol of the Holocaust.

All the Holocaust Memorial Days Explained

From Yom HaShoah to International Holocaust Memorial Day, there are a variety of dates for commemorating one of the worst tragedies in Jewish history.


The largest Nazi extermination camp.

Jewish Refugees During and After the Holocaust

Jews fleeing the Nazis had difficulty finding countries that would take them in.

Nazi Propaganda in the Holocaust

How the Third Reich spread racism, antisemitism and anti-Bolshevism.

What Were the Nuremberg Laws?

Passed in September 1935, they provided the legal framework for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany.

America and the Holocaust

Where were the United States government and the American Jewish community during the destruction of European Jewry?

Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass

The widespread violence of Nov. 9-10, 1938 signaled an escalation in the Nazi reign of terror.

The Nazi Olympics

In August 1936, the Nazi regime tried to camouflage its violent racist policies while it hosted the Summer Olympics.

Ghettos Under the Nazis

During World War II, the Nazis established more than 400 ghettos for the purpose of isolating and controlling the Jews.