

Tzedakah 101

Tzedakah is not just about charitable contributions, but about justice and righteousness.


The Gemach

A Jewish institution that takes the shame out of sharing.


Tzedek vs. Tzedakah: Justice vs. Charity

Both are about righting the wrongs that are all too pervasive in our world.


Tzedakah Quiz

Tzedakah, or righteousness, is often interpreted as charity, because Judaism views giving as the ultimate act of righteousness.

Pe’ah: The Corners of Our Fields

Rabbinic commentators interpreted the law of leaving the corners of one's field for those in need in light of their own concerns about the poor.

The Instinct to Hoard

Even when times are tough, we still must give.

Judaism and the Homeless

Jewish law demands that everyone have adequate and permanent housing.

Jewish Volunteer Service for Baby Boomers

How to find meaningful community service post-retirement.

How to Choose a Mitzvah Project for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Suggestions for adding social action to this rite of passage.

Maimonides’ Ladder of Tzedakah

The best forms of charity make the recipient self-sufficient.

Kosher Money?

Judaism obligates us to call out our fellow’s unethical behavior and encourage them to change it.

History of American Jewish Free Loan Societies

A group of Jewish women from Seattle began this community micro-lending effort.

We Are All God’s Creatures

One of the Torah's central insights is its effort to minimize human ownership.


Obligations to the poor at harvest time.
