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NIBIB in the News · September 6, 2024

As antibiotic resistance becomes an increasingly serious threat to our health, the scientific and medical communities are searching for new medicines to fight infections. Researchers at Gladstone Institutes have just moved closer to that goal with a novel technique for harnessing the power of bacteriophages. Source: Gladstone Institutes News

NIBIB in the News · September 3, 2024

Gene therapy, the idea of fixing faulty genes with healthy ones, has held immense promise. But a major hurdle has been finding a safe and efficient way to deliver those genes.

Now, researchers at the University of Hawaiʻi’s John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM) have made a significant breakthrough in gene editing technology that could revolutionize how genetic diseases are treated. Source: University of Hawaiʻi’s John A. Burns School of Medicine News

NIBIB in the News · August 23, 2024

A new portable device would allow clinicians to obtain a more comprehensive picture of the ear, which could improve diagnostic accuracy. The NIBIB-funded study reported in the Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO), describes this groundbreaking device from the University of Southern California's Caruso Department of Otolaryngology. 

Source: The International Society for Optics and Photonics News

NIBIB in the News · August 22, 2024

Participants in a self-directed diet program lost significantly more weight by consuming higher amounts of protein and fiber, along with adhering to a personalized and flexible diet plan. Source: SciTech Daily

NIBIB in the News · August 21, 2024

A new fluorescent imaging probe can for the first time objectively and non-invasively measure loss of smell, clinically known as anosmia. Targeting the olfactory nerve, the new tool has potential to eliminate biopsies used to diagnose certain anosmia conditions and to aid in the development of therapeutic interventions. This research, funded in part by NIBIB, was published in the August issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

Source: Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging News


NIBIB in the News · August 13, 2024

New research from a Florida State University professor and colleagues explains the mathematics behind how initial predispositions and additional information affect decision making.

The research team’s findings show that when decision makers quickly come to a conclusion, the decision is more influenced by their initial bias, or a tendency to err on the side of one of the choices presented. If decision makers wait to gather more information, the slower decision will be less biased. Source: Florida State University News

NIBIB in the News · August 8, 2024

A study funded in part by NIBIB published in Science Advances describes new technology developed by the Rice University lab of bioengineer Jerzy Szablowski that could be a game changer for brain-based gene therapy. The new noninvasive tool can measure expression of gene therapy or endogenous genes in specific brain regions.

Source: Rice University News

NIBIB in the News · July 29, 2024

A team of undergraduate researchers at UT Tyler have received $481,440 in funding from NIBIB. The focus of their research is developing formulations and algorithms to increase the speed and accuracy of ultrasound imaging so that it might one day be used to treat tumors. Source: KLTV

NIBIB in the News · July 25, 2024

There are currently no treatments, preventive vaccines, or cures for prion diseases, which can be acquired, like mad cow disease, or inherited, like fatal familial insomnia. But an encouraging new study in mice suggests a potentially promising path for developing a treatment for people with these deadly conditions. Source: NIH Director's Blog