NIDCR News 2024

By revealing the structure of an enzyme in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, investigators may have identified a few ways to combat dormant infections in the body.

To microbes, our mouth is an entire world unto itself. From tiny bacterial “towns” to “microbial dark matter” that continues to elude scientists, over 65 years of NIDCR research is revealing their impact on health.

The enzymes that modify proteins in mucus may protect against COVID-19 and other infections.

For the last 40 years, NIDCR has supported research on the relationships between mouth health and the health of the rest of the body — the so-called oral-systemic connection.

From cancer vaccines and tumor-killing therapies to computer algorithms that map suspicious oral lesions, ongoing NIDCR-supported research aims to bring better care to patients with head and neck cancer.

More than 300 trainees attended NIDCR’s “Celebrating Trainees: Past, Present, and Future” Symposium as part of the institute’s 75th Anniversary celebrations. Nobel Laureate Dr. Ardem Patapoutian delivered the keynote address, and both days featured plenary sessions with NIDCR leaders. Trainees additionally had the opportunity to share and discuss their work in poster sessions, learn more about NIDCR’s grants and funding process, and receive career advice from experts during breakout sessions.

Over the last 75 years, NIDCR's investments have yielded a more complete understanding of the causes of periodontal disease and its effects on oral and overall health. 

For 75 years, NIDCR-supported science has brought healthy smiles to children. From therapies to halt tooth decay to AI-powered cavity-detection apps, ongoing research aims to break down barriers to oral health care. 

NIDCR News Archive

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