Technology Development Programs

NIGMS supports basic research that increases our understanding of biological processes and lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. NIGMS is interested in areas of technology development that support this mission and are not responsive to the mission of other disease-specific or organ-specific NIH Institutes or Centers.

NIGMS Technology Development R21 and R01 Programs

R21 Exploratory Technology Development

  • Up to 2-year project periods
  • Maximum budget $275,000 DC for 2 years; no more than $200,000 in a single year
  • Unpublished data not allowed; must be novel, high risk is acceptable
  • No untested biomedical hypotheses
  • Project outcome is a proof of concept study

R01 Focused Technology Development

  • 4-year maximum project periods (ESIs eligible for 5 years), renewable one time
  • Budget requests are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
  • Preliminary data to support feasibility of the approach is allowed.
  • Validation studies against known standards are allowed but no untested biomedical hypotheses
  • Project outcome is a working prototype of the technology

Parent R01 Notice of Funding Opportunity

  • 4-year maximum project periods (ESIs eligible for 5 years), renewable
  • Budget requests are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
  • Combines technology development aims with biomedical research
  • Project outcome can use new technology for testing biomedical hypotheses
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Biomedical Technology Optimization and Dissemination (BTOD) Centers

  • Up to 5-year project periods, renewable up to a maximum of 15 years
  • Maximum recurring budget $850,000 DC per year; additional support for equipment
  • Resources for late-stage Technology Development with Driving Biomedical Projects, Community Engagement
  • Replaces Biomedical Technology Research Resource (P41) program
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Small Business Grant Programs: SBIR and STTR

  • Grants to small business concerns to encourage commercialization of technology
  • Phase I: Proof of Concept Guidelines of 6-month project period
  • Phase II: Development Guidelines of 2-year project periods
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