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Division of Pensions & Benefits

Public Employees' Retirement System

Please select the applicable accordion to see information for PERS.

Retirement System Eligibility and Enrollment Information

Detailed information can be found here:

Transfer Information

Intrafund Transfers

An Intrafund Fund (also known as a Report of Transfer) happens when you stop working for one employer and are hired by another employer in a job that falls under the same retirement system. You continue to contribute to and earn service credit in the same account.

To be eligible for an Intrafund Transfer:

  • You must not have withdrawn from the PERS; and
  • It must be less than two consecutive years since your last pension contribution; and
  • You must meet all the eligibility requirements of the PERS with the new employer

Tier-to-Tier Transfer

If there has been a break in service of more than two years since your last pension contribution, you cannot contribute to your prior PERS account. An application will be submitted to enroll you in a new PERS account under the membership tier in effect at the time you return to PERS employment.

However, if you are vested in your prior, inactive PERS account, you may be able to transfer your old account to your new one. This type of transfer is called a "Tier-to-Tier Transfer." The member must submit a Tier-to-Tier Transfer Form. It is important to note that by submitting a Tier-to-Tier Transfer, you waive all rights to retirement benefits under the original account.

Additional rules and restrictions apply to Intrafund Transfers.

See the retirement system Member Guidebooks for detailed information.

Intrafund Transfer Forms

Interfund Transfers

An Interfund Transfer happens when you start a new job that falls under a different retirement system. This can be with the same employer or a new one. Your contributions and service credit are transferred from the former retirement system to the new one.

To be eligible for an Interfund Transfer:

  • You must not have withdrawn from the retirement system;
  • Your Application for Interfund Transfer must be received by the New Jersey Division of Pensions & Benefits within two years from the date of your last pension contribution; and
  • You must meet all the eligibility requirements for the new retirement system with the new job.

Additional rules and restrictions apply to Interfund Transfers.

See the retirement system Member Guidebooks for detailed information.

Since your retirement allowance is based partly on the amount of service credit posted to your account at the time you retire, purchasing additional service credit - if you are eligible to do so - may increase your pension amount or let you retire sooner.

Only active members of the retirement system are permitted to purchase service credit. Members on a leave of absence must return to active employment before they can request to purchase service credit.

Purchase Estimates

An online Purchase Estimate Calculator is available through MBOS.

Applying to Purchase Service Credit

You must apply to purchase service credit through MBOS.

Note: Paper Applications to Purchase Service Credit are only accepted for:

  • Members requesting the purchase of Military Service After Enrollment under USERRA (for additional information, see the USERRA — Military Service after Enrollment Fact Sheet).
  • Members requesting the purchase of Leave of Absence for Union Representation. See Application to Purchase Service Credit for Union Representation for more information.
  • Members applying for a purchase fewer than 30 days before their retirement date or Board of Trustees approval date. The member must request a paper Purchase Application by emailing: [email protected]. An application will be provided upon verification of the Board or retirement date status. Members without a valid board or retirement date will be instructed to apply using MBOS.

To learn more about purchasing service credit, see the Purchasing Service Credit Fact Sheet.

If you have ended your New Jersey public employment, are not planning to return, and are not eligible to retire, you may withdraw your pension contributions. To withdraw the balance in a lump sum, you must no longer be working in any covered position.

If you are a "multiple member," you cannot withdraw until you have terminated all jobs covered by the pension fund. By law, if you are on a leave of absence granted by your employer, withdrawal is not allowed. If you have a Workers' Compensation claim or litigation pending or if you have been dismissed and you have an appeal pending, your application cannot be processed until we receive required information from your employer.

To withdraw, you must complete the Application for Withdrawal through MBOS. Paper withdrawal applications are not accepted.

Once you apply for withdrawal, your former employer will be contacted to complete the Employer's Certification for Withdrawal. Your withdrawal claim cannot be paid until your former employer has completed this form.

Most members are covered by Group Life Insurance benefits.

Active Employees — Group Life Insurance coverage may be of one or two types:

  • Noncontributory Group Life Insurance is provided by the employer through the retirement system. There is no cost to the member for coverage.
  • Contributory Group Life Insurance is coverage where the member pays a premium through payroll deductions.

Conversion — When you retire, go on a leave of absence, or terminate your employment, coverage ends 31 days after you stop working. You may be eligible to convert your coverage to an individual policy.

Group Life Insurance Conversion Calculator

Group Life Insurance Publications

See your plan Guidebook for full details about Group Life Insurance.

Account Quarterly Posting Dates

Paper Loan Applications are not accepted!

Members must submit a loan request through MBOS

You can see your eligibility, the maximum amount you may borrow, and calculate various repayment options. Once you apply, you will receive confirmation that your Loan Application is received along with the date your loan check will be mailed.

For complete information about pension loans, see our Loans fact sheet or our Pension Loans page.

When considering retirement, there are steps that need to be considered before you apply. Find out what you need to know using our Online Retirement Guide.

Additional information on retirement can be found on our Publications page.


More videos are available to view in our Video Library

Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations

Retired Benefitsolver Guide

Solving MBOS Login Issues Part 1

Last Updated: Tuesday, 02/14/23