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Empowering people around the world

Founded by Pierre and Pam Omidyar, The Omidyar Group is a diverse collection of companies, organizations and initiatives, each guided by its own approach, but all united by a common desire to catalyze social impact.

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We believe in progress not perfection We believe in progress not perfection

Our approach is grounded in the Omidyars' belief that we are all part of a global community, and that the impact of our individual choices reaches far beyond our own lives. When these choices are positive, we believe they foster a thriving world where people are free to act on their inherent capabilities, and are supported by institutions that are accountable, responsive, and just.

We cultivate our work through four focus areas:

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We believe in change not certainty We believe in change not certainty

About Our Founders

About Our Founders

Pierre and Pam are parents, entrepreneurs, humanitarians, citizens, thinkers, doers, problem solvers, and philanthropists.

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We believe in impact not idealism We believe in impact not idealism