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Terms of Use - Imprint

Company Information

Organiseme Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt)
Hohenstaufenweg 15
76337 Waldbronn 1

Contact info

You want to get in contact with us? Or you have a question?

As a start-up company we are a rather small team currently. Therefore we ask you to send us your request by mail. We will respond in time. Promised.

Please use our request form.

Alternatively, you can send a mail to: [email protected]


Amtsgericht Mannheim, Germany, HRB: 710256


Ulrich Riedel

Organiseme Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) provides the service for managing tasks and tasks lists on the basis of our Terms of Use. The Terms of Use which have been in effect during the time of your registration do apply.


Status: November 2010