OSCN Found Document:Compliance with Act - Exceptions
Title 75. Statutes and Reports

Oklahoma Statutes Citationized
  Title 75. Statutes and Reports
    Chapter 8
      Administrative Procedures Act
        Article Article I
        Section 250.4 - Compliance with Act - Exceptions

Superceded On: 04/26/2004

Cite as: O.S. �, __ __

A. 1. Except as is otherwise specifically provided in this subsection, each agency is required to comply with Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act.

2. The Corporation Commission shall be required to comply with the provisions of Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act except for subsections A, B, C and E of Section 303 of this title and Section 306 of this title. To the extent of any conflict or inconsistency with Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act, pursuant to Section 35 of Article IX of the Oklahoma Constitution, it is expressly declared that Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act is an amendment to and alteration of Sections 18 through 34 of Article IX of the Oklahoma Constitution.

3. The Oklahoma Military Department shall be exempt from the provisions of Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act to the extent it exercises its responsibility for military affairs.

4. The Oklahoma Ordnance Works Authority, the Northeast Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority and the Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma College Savings Plan shall be exempt from Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act.

5. The Transportation Commission and the Department of Transportation shall be exempt from Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act to the extent they exercise their authority in adopting standard specifications, special provisions, plans, design standards, testing procedures, federally imposed requirements and generally recognized standards, project planning and programming, and the operation and control of the State Highway System.

6. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education shall be exempt from Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act with respect to:

a. prescribing standards of higher education,

b. prescribing functions and courses of study in each institution to conform to the standards,

c. granting of degrees and other forms of academic recognition for completion of the prescribed courses,

d. allocation of state-appropriated funds, and

e. fees within the limits prescribed by the Legislature.

7. Institutional governing boards within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education shall be exempt from Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act.

8. a. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall be exempt from Sections 303.1, 303.2, 304, 307.1, 308 and 308.1 of this title insofar as it is necessary to promulgate rules pursuant to the Oklahoma Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, to maintain a current incorporation of federal motor carrier safety and hazardous material regulations, or pursuant to Chapter 6 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes, to maintain a current incorporation of federal commercial driver license regulations, for which the Commissioner has no discretion when the state is mandated to promulgate rules identical to federal rules and regulations.

b. Such rules may be adopted by the Commissioner and shall be deemed promulgated twenty (20) days after notice of adoption is published in "The Oklahoma Register". Such publication need not set forth the full text of the rule but may incorporate the federal rules and regulations by reference.

c. Such copies of promulgated rules shall be filed with the Secretary as required by Section 251 of this title.

d. For any rules for which the Commissioner has discretion to allow variances, tolerances or modifications from the federal rules and regulations, the Commissioner shall fully comply with Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act.

9. The Council on Judicial Complaints shall be exempt from Section 306 of Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act, with respect to review of the validity or applicability of a rule by an action for declaratory judgment, or any other relief based upon the validity or applicability of a rule, in the district court or by an appellate court. A party aggrieved by the validity or applicability of a rule made by the Council on Judicial Complaints may petition the Court on the Judiciary to review the rules and issue opinions based upon them.

10. The Department of Corrections, Board of Corrections, county sheriffs and managers of city jails shall be exempt from Article I of the Administrative Procedures Act with respect to:

a. prescribing internal management procedures for the management of the state prisons, county jails and city jails and for the management, supervision and control of all incarcerated prisoners, and

b. prescribing internal management procedures for the management of the probation and parole unit of the Department of Corrections and for the supervision of probationers and parolees.

B. As specified, the following agencies or classes of agency activities are not required to comply with the provisions of Article II of the Administrative Procedures Act:

1. The Oklahoma Tax Commission;

2. The Commission for Human Services;

3. The Oklahoma Ordnance Works Authority;

4. The Corporation Commission;

5. The Pardon and Parole Board;

6. The Midwestern Oklahoma Development Authority;

7. The Grand River Dam Authority;

8. The Northeast Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority;

9. The Council on Judicial Complaints;

10. The Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma College Savings Plan;

11. The supervisory or administrative agency of any penal, mental, medical or eleemosynary institution, only with respect to the institutional supervision, custody, control, care or treatment of inmates, prisoners or patients therein; provided, that the provisions of Article II shall apply to and govern all administrative actions of the Oklahoma Alcohol Prevention, Training, Treatment and Rehabilitation Authority;

12. The Board of Regents or employees of any university, college, or other institution of higher learning, except with respect to expulsion of any student for disciplinary reasons; provided, that upon any alleged infraction by a student of rules of such institutions, with a lesser penalty than expulsion, such student shall be entitled to such due process, including notice and hearing, as may be otherwise required by law, and the following grounds of misconduct, if properly alleged in disciplinary proceedings against a student, shall be cause to be barred from the campus and be removed from any college or university-owned housing, upon conviction in a court of law:

a. participation in a riot as defined by the penal code,

b. possession or sale of any drugs or narcotics prohibited by the penal code, Section 1 et seq. of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or

c. willful destruction of or willful damage to state property;

13. The Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission, its employees or agents only with respect to hearing and notice requirements on the following classes of violations which are an imminent peril to the public health, safety and welfare:

a. any rule regarding the running of a race,

b. any violation of medication laws and rules,

c. any suspension or revocation of an occupation license by any racing jurisdiction recognized by the Commission,

d. any assault or other destructive acts within Commission-licensed premises,

e. any violation of prohibited devices, laws and rules, or

f. any filing of false information;

14. The Commissioner of Public Safety only with respect to drivers� license hearings and hearings conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section 2-115 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes;

15. The Administrator of the Department of Securities only with respect to hearings conducted pursuant to provisions of the Oklahoma Take-over Disclosure Act of 1985;

16. Hearings conducted by a public agency pursuant to Section 962 of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes;

17. The Oklahoma Military Department;

18. The University Hospitals Authority, including all hospitals or other institutions operated by the University Hospitals Authority;

19. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority Board and the Administrator of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; and

20. The position audit procedure, including the impartial review process, of the Office of Personnel Management pursuant to Section 840-4.3 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes. Provided, that any appeal from an impartial review determination to a court of competent jurisdiction shall be confined to the record in accordance with the provisions of Article II of the Administrative Procedures Act.

Historical Data

Laws 1987, HB 1493, c. 207, � 12; Amended by Laws 1987, HB 1473, c. 236, � 125, emerg. eff. July 20, 1987; Amended by Laws 1988, HB 1669, c. 292, � 2, emerg. eff. July 1, 1988; Amended by Laws 1990, SB 676, c. 136, � 1, emerg. eff. April 25, 1990; Amended by Laws 1990, HB 2223, c. 300, � 2, emerg. eff. May 30, 1990; Amended by Laws 1993, SB 423, c. 330, � 30, emerg. eff. July 1, 1993; Amended by Laws 1994, HB 2447, c. 384, � 1, emerg. eff. July 1, 1994; Amended by Laws 1995, SB 368, c. 330, � 4, emerg. eff. June 8, 1995; Amended by Laws 1996, HB 2463, c. 320, � 11, emerg. eff. June 12, 1996; Amended by Laws 1997, HB 2111, c. 206, � 5, eff. November 1, 1997 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1998, SB 1317, c. 203, � 10, emerg. eff. May 11, 1998 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1998, HB 3189, c. 239, � 2, eff. November 1, 1998 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1999, HB 1845, c. 1, � 42, emerg. eff. February 24, 1999 (superseded document available); Repealed by Laws 1999, HB 1845, c. 1, � 45, emerg. eff. February 24, 1999 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1999, SB 372, c. 142, � 4, emerg. eff. May 3, 1999 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 1999, SB 726, c. 423, � 11, emerg. eff. June 10, 1999 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2000, HB 2711, c. 6, � 30, emerg. eff. March 20, 2000 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2001, SB 539, c. 131, � 16, emerg. eff. July 1, 2001 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2002, HB 2416, c. 402, � 12, emerg. eff. July 1, 2002 (superseded document available); Amended by Laws 2003, SB 425, c. 279, � 13, emerg. eff. May 26, 2003 (superseded document available).

Citationizer Summary of Documents Citing This Document
Cite Name Ebene
Oklahoma Attorney General's Opinions
 2001 OK AG 5, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Charles Gray, Oklahoma State Representative, District 89Cited
 2001 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Opio Toure, State Representative, District 99Cited
 1987 OK AG 7, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Bernice Shedrick, Oklahoma State SenateCited
 1988 OK AG 52, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Ellis Edwards, Oklahoma State TreasurerCited
 1995 OK AG 67, Question Submitted by: Brad Holt, Executive Director, Medical Technology and Research Authority of OklahomaCited
 1999 OK AG 51, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Dan Webb , State Representative, District 91Cited
 1999 OK AG 55, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Mike Ervin , State Representative, District 28Cited
 1999 OK AG 56, Question Submitted by: The Honorable Frank Shurden , State Senator, District 8Cited
 2000 OK AG 15, Question Submitted by: Chairman Bob Rabon , Council on Judicial ComplaintsDiscussed
Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals Cases
 1994 OK CR 54, 880 P.2d 391, CANADY v. REYNOLDSCited
Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals Cases
 1991 OK CIV APP 19, 812 P.2d 1372, 62 OBJ 2458, Browning v. State ex rel. Dept. of Public SafetyCited
 1995 OK CIV APP 30, 895 P.2d 736, 66 OBJ 1600, Randolph v. Oklahoma Military Dept. ex rel. StateDiscussed
Oklahoma Supreme Court Cases
 1990 OK 69, 796 P.2d 321, 61 OBJ 1914, Stewart v. RoodCited
 1990 OK 78, 795 P.2d 1048, 61 OBJ 2091, Chase v. State ex rel. Dept. of Public SafetyCited
 1991 OK 134, 825 P.2d 1305, 63 OBJ 13, State ex rel. Henry v. Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.Cited
 1992 OK 22, 827 P.2d 1314, 62 OBJ 3115, Lincoln Bank and Trust Co. v. Oklahoma Tax Com'nCited
 1994 OK 38, 873 P.2d 1001, 65 OBJ 1340, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. v. Oklahoma Corp. Comm.Discussed at Length
 1994 OK 142, 897 P.2d 1116, 65 OBJ 4181, Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. v. Oklahoma Corp. Com'nDiscussed at Length
 2000 OK 45, 10 P.3d 198, 71 OBJ 1594, Davuluri v. State ex. rel. Oklahoma Bd. Of Med. Licensure & SupervisionCited
 1999 OK 26, 977 P.2d 1089, 70 OBJ 1069, Shabazz v. KeatingDiscussed
Oklahoma Session Laws - 2000
 2000 O.S.L. 6, 2000 O.S.L. 6, [HB 2711] - An Act relating to duplicate sections; amending Section 72, Chapter 352, O.S.L. 1995, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 365, O.S.L. 1999 (10 O.S. Supp. 1999, Section 7301-1.3), 18 O.S. 1991, Sections 552.3, etc.Discussed at Length
Oklahoma Session Laws - 2002
 2002 O.S.L. 402, 2002 O.S.L. 402, Inmate lawsuits; modifying provisions regarding prisoner litigation. Effective date. Emergency.Discussed
Title 75. Statutes and Reports
 75 O.S. 250.4, Compliance with Act - ExceptionsCited
 75 O.S. 250.1, Composition of Administrative Procedures ActDiscussed
Citationizer: Table of Authority
Cite Name Ebene
Title 21. Crimes and Punishments
 21 O.S. 1, Short TitleCited
Title 47. Motor Vehicles
 47 O.S. 2-115, Department May Summon Witnesses and Take TestimonyCited
 47 O.S. 962, Foreclosure of Lien.Cited
Title 74. State Government
 74 O.S. 840-4.3, RepealedCited
Title 75. Statutes and Reports
 75 O.S. 303.2, RepealedCited
 75 O.S. 250.4, Compliance with Act - ExceptionsCited
 75 O.S. 250.4, Compliance with Act - ExceptionsCited
 75 O.S. 251, Furnishing Copies of Permanent Rules - Rules for Administration of Section - Filing of New Rules and Amendments, Revisions or Revocations - Format - Incorporation of Standards by Reference - Publication of Executive Orders - Electronic Filing - Military PublicationsCited
 75 O.S. 303, Adoption, Amendment or Repeal of Rule - ProcedureCited
 75 O.S. 303.1, Filing of New Rules - Contents of Report - Time Limit for Approval or DisapprovalCited
 75 O.S. 304, Filing of Adopted Rules - Effective Date of Adopted Rule or Executive OrderCited
 75 O.S. 306, Validity or Applicability of Rules - Action - Parties - Presumption of Validity - Burden Of Proof When Rule Appealed - Declaratory JudgmentCited
 75 O.S. 307.1, Committee on Administrative RulesCited
 75 O.S. 308, Assign Rules to Committees - Procedure for Approval or Disapproval, Final Adoption - Emergency RuleCited
 75 O.S. 308.1, Final Adoption of RuleCited