Free WiFi

Wifi Information

Provided by the Port of Portland

Portland International Airport offers free Wi-Fi (wireless Internet service), making travel easier by enabling airport visitors to stay connected to their home or office.

Passenger Drop-off

Access Points Throughout the Airport Terminal's Main Level

Use wireless-enabled portable devices to surf the Web, send and receive e-mail, and access corporate networks throughout the airport, including gates, food court, lobby areas near the north and south security checkpoints, ticketing lobby, bag claim, rental car center, and Tri-Met platform. Airport travelers can get real-time flight arrival and departure updates from the Portland International Airport Web site, browse information about the 30-plus retail and restaurant offerings in the airport, and get the latest travel tips.

What You Need to do to Access Wi-Fi

To use the airport’s free Wi-Fi service, simply connect to the open “flypdx” SSID then read, understand, and accept the presented Terms and Conditions. You must accept the Terms and Conditions to use free Wi-Fi at PDX.

  • If your device does not automatically present the airport’s Wi-Fi Terms and Conditions page, start a web browser session and go to by which the page will be presented. Your web browser must be configured to accept ‘cookies’.
  • Ensure your computer is connecting to “flypdx”. This network is Portland International Airport's free Wi-Fi; do not accept anything else.
  • Your device will be automatically disconnected after one hour of inactivity, after which you will be required to re-accept the Terms and Conditions to use Wi-Fi.
  • Most VPN client software is supported through airport Wi-Fi. However, it will require that the Terms and Conditions page has been accepted prior to using the software.

Reporting Issues with Wi-Fi

If you have questions, please contact your company's IT department, or e-mail PDX Customer Service.

Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

PDX Wi-Fi Access Service -- Terms of Use; Privacy Notice

This Information Concerns Your Legal Rights. Read carefully.

To access the Portland International Airport (“PDX”) Wi-Fi Access Service (the “Service”), you must accept the Terms of Use stated below. Clicking “YES” to obtain access to the Service represents your agreement to the Terms of Use; please read them carefully. In addition, we encourage you to read the Privacy Notice below – it addresses information collection, use, and sharing practices, some of which occur regardless of whether you access the Service. The Port of Portland (the “Port”) may change or add to these Terms of Use and this Privacy Notice from time to time; you should read the following in its entirety each time you use a Wi-Fi-enabled device at PDX.


No Warranties or Assurance of Performance

The Port provides the Service for FREE. The Service is provided "AS IS, WHERE IS." It comes with no warranties or assurance of performance and by using it you agree that the Port will not be liable for any consequences that occur through your use of the Service.

You Understand And Agree:

  • The Service provides no security features whatsoever.
  • You accept all responsibility for your use or inability to use the Service.
  • You will be solely responsible for any and all statements made by you and all of your acts or omissions that occur, through the use of the Service. We strongly recommend that you not disclose, receive or transmit any data or content that is confidential or that you would not want intercepted by others using the Service without taking appropriate steps to encrypt or secure the information.
  • That no computer or communications system can be made completely secure and accessing the Internet via the Service may subject your Wi-Fi-enabled devices to attack by third parties who intentionally or unintentionally transmit or spread malicious code, viruses, infections or contamination, or steal or view your data and information.
  • You may experience weak signal strength, depending on a number of factors, including where you are in relation to the wireless access points, the number of users currently accessing the Service, what other radio frequency devices are in use within the area, or how well your device handles Wi-Fi signals and interference.

Liability Disclaimer

  • The Service is provided without warranty, express or implied, as to performance, merchantability, title, infringement or fitness for any particular purpose. You assume the entire risk as to the results and performance of the Service. Under no circumstances will the Port or its personnel or affiliated parties be liable to you or any third party for any claim or cause of action arising out of or in connection with the Service, including without limitation any use for purposes not in compliance with the Use Policy set forth below.
  • The Port will not be liable to you for any liability or damage caused or initiated by third parties and affecting your Wi-Fi-enabled devices, software, data, property or services that may result from use or access of the Service. The Port assumes no responsibility and accepts no liability for any failure by you to obtain access or make a connection to the Internet via the Service or a failure in telecommunication lines or wireless signals, or electric power sources operating the Service or your access device. The Port does not warrant that access to, or operation of, the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free or that any errors will be corrected.
  • The Port may terminate, suspend, or interrupt your access to the Service at any time for any reason or no reason as the Port, in its sole discretion, may determine.

Use Policy

You agree to use the Service for lawful purposes only and that you will not use, or allow others to use, your access, either directly or indirectly, for any unlawful, invasive, disruptive, harassing, or other harmful purpose. The Service may not be used to hack, distribute spam, or transmit viruses.

Privacy Notice

Information Collected

The Port automatically collects anonymous information about your use of the Service, primarily including:

  • Utilization data – e.g. number of users
  • Session data – e.g. date and time device was detected; length of session
  • Type of device – e.g. iPhone, Blackberry
  • Browser data – e.g. browser version, IP address
  • Location data – e.g. where device is used within PDX
  • Use of services – e.g. mobile coupons redeemed
  • Device data – e.g. device name, ID number, MAC address
  • Web sites and pages visited – e.g.,

Information Use

Ways in which the Port uses the information collected primarily include:

  • Internal operations – e.g. enhancing the effectiveness of the Service, analyzing how the Service is used, and improving PDX and the PDX mobile experience
  • Legal compliance – e.g. assist law enforcement and respond to legal/regulatory inquiries
  • Marketing – e.g. banner ads, mobile coupons for products and services
  • Wayfinding – e.g. enhancing navigation and the location of services within PDX

Opting Out

Some of this information may be collected from a device’s active Wi-Fi signal even if the device is not connected to the Service. In other words, some of this information may be collected even if you do not click “YES” to obtain access to the Service. If you wish to eliminate the Port’s ability to collect any of this information from your Wi-Fi-enabled device, you must completely turn off your device’s Wi-Fi signal.

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