Precisely Global Services

Precisely Professional Services

Realize business value and accelerate return on investment by fast-tracking your data integrity journey with services, consulting, and education from the experts at Precisely.

Accelerate value and mitigate risk with global services from Precisely

The Precisely Global Services team helps our customers to cost-effectively plan, build, and deploy secure and high-performance solutions, delivering the greatest value in the shortest possible time. With robust methodologies, deep knowledge of Precisely products, and highly experienced consultants, you can reduce implementation risk and maximize the likelihood of meeting business objectives.

The success of your Precisely solution is as important to us as it is to your business. Yet each customer is unique, so Precisely Global Services offer a range of engagement options to fit most budgets. Whether you need implementation and maintenance services, managed services, applied analytics, or training and certification, you can put your trust in our experts.

Precisely Global Services

With our depth and breadth of experience helping organizations achieve their data integrity goals across industries and departmental functions, Precisely Global Services consultants are strongly positioned to support both implementation and ongoing maintenance. In doing so, we help organizations meet business objectives such as driving process change, reducing systems adoption cost, increasing data availability and quality, and creating process efficiency.

Precisely Global Services offers a broad range of implementation and operational maintenance packages:

  • Fast Start: Our pre-defined Fast Start packages are designed to get you up-and-running with a basic configuration as quickly as possible, delivering quick time-to-value but allowing you time to get familiar with the solution and define more detailed requirements over time.
  • Custom engagements: These can cover everything from initial solution design to technical implementation and verification, go-live support, and skills transfer to your operational team.
  • Assistance packages: For periodic health-checks, solution reviews, and software upgrades, our assistance packages ensure your Precisely solution continues to deliver against your business needs throughout its lifetime.

Whatever package you choose, our international team of experts engages flexibly, either on-site or via remote secure connection, working in partnership with your internal resources where appropriate, to deliver against an agreed set of requirements set out upfront in our Statement of Work (SOW).

Regular communication and adherence to an agreed project governance structure ensures that you are always kept informed of progress throughout the engagement. Contact us to discuss your requirements, and we’ll propose the best package for you.

Where a broader, ongoing degree of engagement is required, we will manage your entire solution—on-premises, off-premises, or hosted—freeing you to focus on running your business and realizing value from your data.

Precisely consultants are experts in our software and the environments they run in. They will perform day-to-day management and monitoring, periodic maintenance, upgrades, system assessments, and routine tests to keep your software running smoothly. This allows you to save on internal resources, reduce costly downtime, and derive more value from your data.

We work with you to develop a managed services solution that matches the unique needs of your business processes and technical environment. Our team can augment your existing staff, or we can completely manage your Precisely software at any level of customization or integration.

You can also take advantage of 24×7 assistance from the services team, backed by rapid response times, to keep your system running at peak performance.

Through our expertise in analytics, we will help you maximize the value of your software and data investment. Our consultants can visualize and analyze your business and customer data and create powerful location analytics models that result in more effective business strategies and predictable outcomes.

Through applied analytics, you can add powerful location insight to your decision making, enabling you to quantify and improve business performance. With access to best-in-class predictive analytics you can identify your ideal opportunities across markets, prospects, and customers, while managing channel investments and informing decisions that lead to better outcomes.

Using proprietary predictive analytic models, our experts help to quantify business challenges and opportunities in the context of your data, enabling decisions based on fact, not opinion. Experience the benefit of decades of experience building turnkey solutions that combine best-in-class data and custom statistical models.

Precisely training increases your team’s knowledge of Precisely products so that you can more quickly and successfully deploy and manage your solution. Our training services educate you on  best practices, provide advice that delivers high ROI, and support you on your data integrity journey.

We offer a variety of product training options for our customers and partners, including eLearning (online, self-study), instructor-led, and our new instructor-moderated courses.  We structure training to your needs and provide courses for both beginners and advanced students, with a focus on learning by execution.  This means most classes have hands-on lab exercises designed to build your product confidence and skills.

Precisely partners will find classes for our Professional Services Certification (PSC) learning paths.  These paths include required steps to complete a certification.  For example, our Assure Security PSC learning path includes the Assure Security PSC course, case study, certification exam, and monitored implementation.  Learning paths make it easy for you to determine requirements to achieve certification.  Our PSC learning paths are designed to help our partners satisfy their partner agreements with Precisely.

Visit the Precisely U site to see schedules, review pricing, and register to consume our product education. If the content you require isn’t listed, we can work with you to define a private course that will meet your organization’s needs. If you have questions or would like to explore organizing a private class, contact us at [email protected].

Discover why Eastridge Workforce Solutions choose to have Precisely manage Assure MIMIX HA for their business.

Large North American Bank uses Precisely location-based data and analytics for branch transformation.

The Precisely approach

Partnering with the Precisely Global Services team means you can extend the expertise, experience, and strength of your own team and expedite your return on investment.

The Precisely Services methodology provides a comprehensive framework that supports the management, delivery, and implementation of our offerings. Through our robust approach and range of offerings created to suite your unique requirements, you can be assured of a commitment to help you be successful. With pre-defined phases, milestones, and deliverables, our approach provides a clear, concise, and detailed path that mitigates risk and creates a shared understanding among stakeholders and team members.

When you engage with Precisely Global Services, you can have confidence in:

  • Meeting project deadlines
  • Adherence to defined budgets
  • Optimizing your solution architecture
  • Delivering optimum system performance
  • Integrating with critical business applications
  • Ensuring security and integrity of data
  • Implementing across geographies
  • Gaining insight to make better business decisions