

Our Co-founders

In 1989, Shimeji Kanazawa and Rose Nakamura started Project Dana at the Moiliili Hongwanji. More than 30 years later, Project Dana has evolved and grown into an interfaith coalition of 30 or more churches and temples throughout
Hawaii and has trained many hundreds of volunteers to play a supportive and critical role in the lives of elders and

"Shimeji Kanazawa: Invaluable devotion to Hawaii's families spanned decades" by Leila Fujimori, Honolulu Star Bulletin (4/19/2014)

"Rose Nakamura's Legacy of Caring" by Kevin Y. Kawamoto, Hawaii Herald (8/7/2020)

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Our Logo

Project Dana’s choice of the lotus as its logo arises from the beautiful universal symbolism of the lotus itself. In ancient Egypt, among the Phoenicians and the early Persian dynasties, throughout Asia and India the lotus has for millennia been revered as the source of energy and the warmth that is compassion.

In the Buddhist tradition in particular, the lotus growing out of the mud to rise to the pure beauty of its flowering, symbolizes the spiritual journey of each of us. Like the lotus we, too, rise from the darkness of ignorance and self centeredness to the pure beauty, light and warmth of compassion selflessly extended to others.

Explanation of logo by Ruth Tabrah

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