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2024 Democracy Fellowship

hosted by Public Rights Project

As the 2024 Presidential Election nears and attacks on our election systems ramp up, it’s never been more critical for local and state government attorneys to cultivate strong partnerships with election officials and gain awareness of election threats. Government attorneys must be ready to respond to lawsuits, stand up for the rights of voters, and help to ensure free and fair elections. 

Public Rights Project (PRP) is launching a special Democracy Fellowship for government attorneys who are involved or interested in election protection. The program is designed to increase understanding about emerging trends in the election space, identify pressing challenges, and provide coaching to government attorneys. 

The 2024 Democracy Fellowship sessions are informed by research and the expertise of local election clerks within PRP’s Election Protection Hub, which launched in February.

Fellowship Timeline

September 24 to December 1 
estimated 8 hour time commitment total

Program Fee

or participate via PRP scholarship/ financial assistance

Application Deadline

September 17, 2024 - 11:59 pm EDT


Candidates must be currently employed in a government law office that supports their participation. Candidates must be engaged in or interested in engaging in election protection work during the 2024 election cycle. 


  • 4 sessions (lasting 60-90 minutes) featuring election protection experts, government partners, and PRP staff. Topics include:

    • Election Security & Preventing Harassment

    • Election Certification Challenges

    • Building Resilience as a Government Attorney

    • Post-election Debriefs - Responding to challenges and attacks

  • Resources and guidance about election protections

  • Alumni Group and Networking Sessions for ongoing support in an emerging threat environment

Why Join?

Attacks on our election administrators and processes are nothing new, but the severity of these challenges is increasing. The 2024 Democracy Fellowship provides a place for government attorneys to build their knowledge about trending election issues and provide additional value and expertise to their government office.

  • Stay Ahead of Emerging Trends: Gain insights into the latest developments and threats in the election space.

  • Be Prepared: Learn proactive strategies to handle certification challenges and protect election workers from harassment.

  • Build Your Network: Connect with peers and experts who share your commitment to upholding the integrity of our democratic processes.

Have questions?

Email us at [email protected] or book a 15-minute information session here.