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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Subdivision 1.Commissioner's duties; report.

The commissioner of human services shall solicit proposals for the conversion of services provided for persons with disabilities in settings licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9555.5105 to 9555.6265, to other types of community settings in conjunction with the closure of identified licensed adult foster care settings.

Subd. 2.Planned closure process needs determination.

The commissioner shall announce and implement a program for planned closure of adult foster care homes. Planned closure shall be the preferred method for achieving necessary budgetary savings required by the licensed bed closure budget reduction in section 245A.03, subdivision 7, paragraph (c). If additional closures are required to achieve the necessary savings, the commissioner shall use the process and priorities in section 245A.03, subdivision 7, paragraph (c).

Subd. 3.Application process.

(a) The commissioner shall establish a process for the application, review, and approval of proposals from license holders for the closure of adult foster care settings.

(b) When an application for a planned closure rate adjustment is submitted, the license holder shall provide written notification within five working days to the lead agencies responsible for authorizing the licensed services for the residents of the affected adult foster care settings. This notification shall be deemed confidential until the license holder has received approval of the application by the commissioner.

Subd. 4.Review and approval process.

(a) To be considered for approval, an application must include:

(1) a description of the proposed closure plan, which must identify the home or homes and occupied beds for which a planned closure rate adjustment is requested;

(2) the proposed timetable for any proposed closure, including the proposed dates for notification to residents and the affected lead agencies, commencement of closure, and completion of closure;

(3) the proposed relocation plan jointly developed by the counties of financial responsibility, the residents and their legal representatives, if any, who wish to continue to receive services from the provider, and the providers for current residents of any adult foster care home designated for closure; and

(4) documentation in a format approved by the commissioner that all the adult foster care homes receiving a planned closure rate adjustment under the plan have accepted joint and several liability for recovery of overpayments under section 256B.0641, subdivision 2, for the facilities designated for closure under this plan.

(b) In reviewing and approving closure proposals, the commissioner shall give first priority to proposals that:

(1) target counties and geographic areas which have:

(i) need for other types of services;

(ii) need for specialized services;

(iii) higher than average per capita use of foster care settings where the license holder does not reside; or

(iv) residents not living in the geographic area of their choice;

(2) demonstrate savings of medical assistance expenditures; and

(3) demonstrate that alternative services are based on the recipient's choice of provider and are consistent with federal law, state law, and federally approved waiver plans.

The commissioner shall also consider any information provided by service recipients, their legal representatives, family members, or the lead agency on the impact of the planned closure on the recipients and the services they need.

(c) The commissioner shall select proposals that best meet the criteria established in this subdivision for planned closure of adult foster care settings. The commissioner shall notify license holders of the selections approved by the commissioner.

(d) For each proposal approved by the commissioner, a contract must be established between the commissioner, the counties of financial responsibility, and the participating license holder.

Subd. 5.Notification of approved proposal.

(a) Once the license holder receives notification from the commissioner that the proposal has been approved, the license holder shall provide written notification within five working days to:

(1) the lead agencies responsible for authorizing the licensed services for the residents of the affected adult foster care settings; and

(2) current and prospective residents, any legal representatives, and family members involved.

(b) This notification must occur at least 45 days prior to the implementation of the closure proposal.

Subd. 6.Adjustment to rates.

(a) For purposes of this section, the commissioner shall establish enhanced medical assistance payment rates under sections 256B.092 and 256B.49 to facilitate an orderly transition for persons with disabilities from adult foster care to other community-based settings.

(b) The enhanced payment rate shall be effective the day after the first resident has moved until the day the last resident has moved, not to exceed six months.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes