

The Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges was created on July 6, 1948 to govern the six regional universities. Eight of the Regents are appointed by the Governor. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is elected and serves in an ex officio capacity.

This is a photo Susan Wincheser
Christopher Van Denhende Headshot.jpg
Susan Winchester
Position 1
Chris Van Denhende
Position 2
Vice Chair
Lake Carpenter
Position 3
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Chuck Perry
Position 4
Connie Reilly
Position 5

Jane McDermott
Position 6
Regent Kupiec Updated Headshot_edited_ed
Regent Ryan Walters
Amy Anne Ford
Position 7
Thomas Kupiec
Position 8
Ryan Walters
Position 9

Check out our archive of RUSO meeting agendas and minutes.

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