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About Parks & Recreation

Our Parks and Recreation Department operates our recreational and cultural programs. They also maintain more than 250 City-owned parks including swimming pools, gymnasiums, historic cemeteries, sports facilities and recreation centers.

The department is responsible for the maintenance of 16,000 acres of green space, including more than 140 miles of trails in city parks and over 80 miles of hike and bike trails that comprise of the Howard W. Peak Trail System.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide exceptional parks, facilities, programs and services to improve the quality of life for all.

Our Vision

Our vision is Equitable Access for All by 2050.

We will provide fun, safe, attractive and affordable recreational opportunities and community spaces within a 10-minute walk that represent the diversity and desires of our neighborhoods.

By connecting people, nature, recreation and resources, we will inspire & nourish the well-being of all. We commit to a culture and system that drives excellence, equity, empowerment and engagement in all we do.

Benefits of Parks & Recreation

Parks and Recreation programming offers physical, mental and emotional benefits for people of all ages. Health studies have shown that physical activity helps prevent obesity and a wide range of other health care concerns. Providing places to exercise, such as parks and recreational facilities, offers opportunities for individuals to improve their health.

Parks and Recreation activities have shown impacts to mental and emotional health as well. Connecting people to the outdoors and opportunities to unplug can improve health. Being in nature helps people breathe better air, encourages relaxation and provides opportunities for education about environmental stewardship.

In addition, Parks and Recreation activities provide social interactions and cultural experiences. Emotional health improves with social interactions. Cultural activities offer opportunities for learning more about history and heritage as well as provide an outlet for self-expression. Participating in Parks and Recreation activities can build a sense of belonging and community. Furthermore, Parks and Recreation opportunities encourage exploration of different parts of the city.

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