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This weekend starts with a new moon in the introspective, self-protective, nurturing if worried sign of Cancer.

How do we feel about a family heritage and habits; how do we feel about our home and homeland; how can we make home safe for all? This is what the sun, Mercury, and Venus now in domestic Cancer want to know. 

This first week of summer brings long leisurely evenings, a watch for forest fires, and interesting new layers of family responsibility as the sun in Cancer asks us to introspect and take care of business on the home front.

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Our sunlight peaks as the earth hits its maximum tilt with summer almost upon us.

The astrological weather is nervy, exciting, but with potentially scattered focus and the occasional anxious streak with the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all in mercury-ruled Gemini. 

Feel a new wind coming in. It could just bring another drift of pollen or spate of wild winds, but it also opens up new possibilities. 

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This week the stars ask us to weed and cultivate our garden. Run with that earthy metaphor throughout life. But determining what’s a weed and what’s a plant worth fert…

Mother’s Day weekend brings the peak of sensuous Taurus season. 

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Astrologers predicted this spring would be as restless as the incoming tide on a full moon while the sun shoots off solar flares and Jupiter conjuncts Uranus.

Recombobulate, straighten out recent problems, and pick up threads of a project. Mercury just turned direct after a three-week retrograde, and we have some cleaning up to do. 

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Fasten your seatbelt and roll with the changes. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, the planet named after the god of procreative chaos. We feel this aspect all spring long, tho…

Keep plans flexible and stay ready to improvise. Retrograde Mercury is in full trickster mode as Jupiter approaches a conjunction with change-master Uranus. 

Astrological April roars in like a swirling spring storm full of conflicting winds and fertile possibilities. The headwinds come from the headstrong initiatory energy …

This week the stars bring us to a fork in the road but then ask us to go back, check to make sure our bags are packed, take care of unfinished business, and take another deeper look to learn our lessons and fine-tune our plans before heading off. 

Tend to relationships of all types this week. Garden the community network, support work collaborations, nourish friendships, and check in on allies as we head into Mo…

These last few days of winter bring a magical, confusing sun-Neptune conjunction, so let’s dream a better world. Consciously drift into fantasy and visualize what our …

The earliest hints of spring whisper, daylight saving time begins, and Mercury enters brash fresh Aries.  

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Our world is in flux, this spring’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction speak of the potential for great change this year. Get involved where you can, speak up and help steer the world.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed this week unless we can deal with one thing at a time. 

Aquarius can be one of the signs hardest to define. An image for this fixed air sign is a roomful of people sitting in a circle, sharing thoughts. 

Today’s new moon in Aquarius at 4 p.m. marks an opportunity for change, but we need to give it direction. Aquarius rules our connections to the community and speaks of our philosophy, our working operating system.

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Aquarius does not automatically bring “Age of Aquarius — harmony and understanding” as the song once said, though that is a wonderful goal.