On October 29, 1787, Wolfgang Amadé Mozart sat at the keyboard in the orchestra of Prague’s Estates Theater to lead the world premiere of Don Giovanni.

At age 31, he was older than every member of the opera’s cast. Luigi Bassi, in the title role, was just 22; Teresa Saporiti, a fiery 24-year-old, played Donna Anna; and Felice Ponziani, the Leporello, was in his late 20s.

Nowadays we’re much more likely to see and hear mid-career singers in most of the roles, but this summer’s new production at the Santa Fe Opera has a cast that’s almost as young. They’ve come of age in the 21st century, and most are singing their roles for the first time.

A powerhouse trio of 21st-century women tackles complex roles in 'Don Giovanni'

Liv Redpath and Ryan Speedo Green rehearse their roles as Zerlina and Don Giovanni in the upcoming production of Mozart’s popular opera.

A powerhouse trio of 21st-century women tackles complex roles in 'Don Giovanni'

Rachael Wilson makes her American operatic stage debut as Donna Elvira.

A powerhouse trio of 21st-century women tackles complex roles in 'Don Giovanni'

Teresa Perrotta, who was an SFO apprentice in 2021, plays Donna Anna opposite David Portillo’s Don Ottavio.

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