Wôpanâak Family Days
Indigenous Awareness Training

Indigenous Awareness, Cultural Sensitivity & Competence Training

for groups, organizations, educators, community leaders.


FREE series for individuals via zoom on March 4, 11, 18, and 25 from 6:30-8pm. Contact us via email to register at the bottom of the page.


This training offers an Indigenous perspective and serves to increase awareness and understanding of Indigenous/Native history and contemporary experiences in general, and on Wôpanâak territory specifically on the island of Nôepe (Marthas Vineyard).


Colonial injustices, have ingrained our society, our communities and our experiences for 500 years; and it is time for repair and reconciliation. Native history, culture, and narratives have been attemptedly erased, underrepresented, and falsified, and they require our attention, understanding, and action in order to bring balance and true peace.


The premise of this training is that in today's world, building cultural competency is no longer an option for organizations, educators and community leaders. It's vital for educational organizations to represent truthful curriculum content, amplify silenced narratives, embrace respectful representations and language, address rampant cultural misappropriation of Native culture, and build wholesome relations with Native/Indigenous Peoples.


The training is for groups of 12 or more people, and consists of 4 sessions of 1.5hrs each, that can be offered in one full day, two half days or on 4 different days or evenings. Training can be offered in person or via zoom and can be customized to meet specific organizational needs.


  • Session 1 Open Up: Lay of the Land, Land Acknowledgements, white bias, awareness of cultural threads.

  • Session 2 Dive In: History of genocide, history of Nôepe, Native youth, cultural misappropriation, and language. 

  • Session 3 Process: Decompression session to process and learn how to decolonize from a heart space.

  • Session 4 Activate: Integration of learning, and ideas around your organization's values, actions, goals, and steps.


Costs: $1,950 for groups of up to 12 people, $2,750 up to 24 people.

Dates: Contact [email protected] to inquire, coordinate and schedule.

Earth Knowledge Series
Indigenous Peoples Day 2022
Wetu & Fall Equinox 2023 Celebration 
Sassafras Main Camp
Free and open to All


Join us to celebrate the completion of our Wet8 [wetu] and the Fall Equinox as we transition into fall. Families, youth, teens, adults, elders, all are welcome, and children need to be accompanied by an adult. Experience our beautiful wet8, and learn about this traditional Wôpanâak home-building and why it is so significant during this day and age. Visit with our staff, enjoy a craft, play games, and cook some yummy food over the fire.


With gratitude to our builder Annawon Weeden, Mashpee Wôpanâak and crew.

Date: Saturday Sept 23, 2023 from 1-4pm

Location: Sassafras Earth Education, 5 Church St, Aquinnah, MA 02535

See calendar

Earth Knowledge Series 2023/24

Open to Wôpanâak and Indigenous adults.


This is a hybrid series of several zoom gatherings and an in-person weekend during each season, fall, winter and spring of 2023/24.


Earth Knowledge focuses on the following areas:


  • Return to the Land

  • Ancient Mentoring

  • Natural Knowledge

  • Traditional Skills

  • Our Native realities

  • Historic Trauma 

  • Ceremonial Fires

  • Decolonization

  • Land Culture and Restoration

  • Wetu Living


The primary goal for this series is to connect on a deep level to the land and each other. It is reparation time and Sassafras believes it is important to gather in a space with First Nations and Indigenous people. Through experiencing ancient knowledge and sharing with likeminded others, we can all transform, deepen our connection to the land and decolonize.


During each season, this fall, winter, and spring, we meet via zoom to orient, guide, and open conversation, and how to deepen the connection with the land where you live. We gather for an in person weekend, and follow up with another zoom call afterwards to process our experiences. 


Cost: Full Repair Rund Coverage, OR

$500 for the Fall Series / $1,500 for the full year,

Travel stipends available


Dates Zoom Calls Winter 2024:  

Monday  Jan 29, Feb 12 and 26 from 6:30-8pm


Dates In-Person Weekends:

Fall Weekend I from Fri Oct 6, 6pm till Sun Oc 8, 3pm

Fall Weekend II from Fri Nov 17, 5pm till Sun Nov 19, 3pm

Winter Weekend from Fri Feb 16, 6pm till Sun Feb 18, 3pm in Nashawakumuk / Chilmark, MA


see calendar

Truth about Thanksgiving
Location: Felix Neck (Edgartown, MA)

Sassafras' third annual Indigenous People's Day on Nôepe is a celebration and commemoration of native people, land & culture. With several Wôpanâak speakers that will each address community aspects and lift up native experiences. As in previous years we look forward to hosting our amazing Back Brook Singers. More content will be added soon.


Wôpanâak vendors that would like a free table, please contact us. 


Date & Time: Mon Oct 9 from 2-3:30pm

Location: Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, Edgartown


Indigenous Awareness Training
Truth about Thanksgiving 2023 
"The Ungrateful Taking of a Continent"

Speaking event via zoom, on the truth about our thanksgiving holiday that Sassafras prefers to call "The Ungrateful Taking". This presentation speaks from an indigenous Wôpanâak perspective, being the people of first contact. The Thanksgiving tale we tell is a harmful lie, and the objective of this event is to educate why, and how it is tied to the origin myth of the United States.


During this event, there will be an Acknowledgement of the Wôpanâak Territory and People, a Thanksgiving Address, an account of conditions of first contact, historic events that lead up to the celebration of this holiday, and a discussion of the contemporary impact of this celebration today. It is our hope to create a space of healing for all participating native and non-native, and to activate to bring a message of truth to your circles.


Date: Monday November 20 from 6- 7:30pm

Costs: Free, donations welcome to support this event

Zoom Link:

 Meeting ID: 249 205 3008


Become a volunteer
Become a Volunteer

Sassafras is always on the lookout for people who like what we do and want to contribute and be a part of our community. We welcome all who are interested in short or long-term volunteer experiences or who have an interest in learning nature-based mentoring through service, please contact us!

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