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Uighur Language Lessons

1st the Basics

Study this page first to learn the basics of conversation in Uighur.

What to Say... (English) Neme Deymiz... (Uyghurqe)

1. Introducing People 1. Kixilerni Tonuxturghanda

1). Let me introduce you to Mr. 1). Men sizge John'ni tonuxturup khoyay.
2). Let me introduce my friend, 2). Dostum Anna'ni sizge tonuxturup khoyay.
3). May I introduce my husband? 3). Yolduxumni sizge tonuxturup khoysam
4). I don't think you've met my wife. 4). Siz ayalimni bilmeysizghu daymen?
5). This is Thomas; he works with 5). Bu Tomas bolidu, u men bilen bille ixleydu.

2. When Introduced 2. Tonuxturulghanda

1). How do you do? 1). Yahximusiz?
2). How do you do? Mr. John. 2). Yahximusiz? John apendim.
3). I'm very glad to meet you. 3). Tonuxkhanlighimiz intayin yahxi boldi.
4). I'm glad to have this opportunity 4). Siz bilen tonuxux pursetge ige bolghanlighim
to meeting you. yahxi boldi.
5). I've heard a lot about you. 5). Sizni burunla anglighan idim.
6). I've wanted to meet you very 6). Sizni bilen tonuxuxni arzu khilattim.

3. How to Introduce Yourself 3. Ozinigizni Tonuxturux

1). My name is Jack. 1). Men Jack bolimen.
2). Mr. Cook, may I introduce 2). Cook apendim, ozemni sizge tonuxturay. Men
myself? I am Jack. Jack bolimen.

4. When Meeting or Parting 4. Koruxkende ve Hoxlaxkhanda

1). How are you? 1). Yahximusiz?
2). How do you do? 2). Ehvaling khandakh?
3). How are you doing? 3). Ehvaling yahximu?
4). How have you been lately? 4). Yekhindin beri khandarakh ketip barisen?
5). How is your family? 5). Ayleng khandakh?
6). Hey, what is up? 6). Hoy, barmusen?
7). Goodbye (bye). 7). Hox.
8). Good night. See you tomorrow. 8). Hox emise. Ete koruxeyli.
9). See you later. 9). Keyin koruxermiz.
10). Bye, say hello to your kids. 10. Hox, balliringha salam berip khoy.

5. When Thanking People 5. Kixilerge Khandakh Rehmet Eytimiz

1). Thank you. 1). Rehmet sizge.
2). Thank you very much. 2). Sizge kop rehmet.
3). Thanks a lot. 3). Kop texekkur bildurumen.
4). Thanks. 4). Rehmet.
5). Thanks so much. 5). Kop rehmet.
6). It is very kind of you. 6). Bek obdan khildingiz.
7). Thank you for all your trouble. 7). Sizni kop avare khildim.

6. What to say to apologize 6. Khandakh kequrum soraymiz

1). Sorry. 1). Kequrung.
2). I'm sorry. 2). Hapa bolmang.
3). I'm sorry to troble you. 3). Sizni avara khildim, kequrung.
4). I'm sorry for all the trouble. 4). Sizge jikh avareqilikh tepip berdim, hapa
5). Excuse me, please. 5). Kequrung.
6). I hope you'll excuse me. 6). Kequruxingizni soraymen.
7). I beg your pardon. 7). Sizdin kequrum soraymen.

7. What to say to reassure people 7. Kequrmige javap khayturux

1). Oh, that's all right. 1). Hiqkhisi yokh.
2). It's OK, no problem. 2). Hiq nime bolmaydu.
3). I understand perfectly. 3). Men tolukh quxumimen.
4). Don't worry about it. 4). Hatirjem bolung.
5). Forget about it. 5). Untup khiling.

8. Remarks about the weather Hava toghrisida

1). What a nice day? 1). Nimedigen yahxi kun?
2). What a lovely day, today! 2). Nimedigan yahxi hava, bugun.
3). I hope it won't rain. 3). Yamghur yaghmisa bolatti.
4). It looks as if we were going to 4). Kharimakhta bugun hava yahxi bolidighan
have a fine day. ohxaydu.
5). Looks like snow, doesn't it? 5). Khar yaghidighan ohxaydu, xundakhmu?
6). Weather is too cold. 6). Hava bek soghukh iken.

9. How to ask directions 9. Yolni khandakh sorax

1). Will you please tell me the way 1). Aptovuz bekitige khandakh barimen?
to the bus stop?
2). Is this the right way to the City 2). Xeherlik hokumetke baridighan yol muxumu?
3). Which is the nearest way to Wall 3). Wall koqisigha baridighan eng khiskha yol
Street? khaysi?
4). Is the airport far from here? 4). Aydurumgha berix yoli uzunmu?
5). I want to get to Market Street. 5). Men Market koqisigha barmakhqi.
6). I am looking for a place to eat. 6). Khosakh toyghizidighan bir yerni izdevatimen.
7). Can you tell me where the 7). Korgezmige baridighan yolni korsitip bersingiz
Museum is? bolamdu?
8). Is there a post office anywhere 8). Bu yerge yekhin'narakh poxta hane barmu?
near here?
9). Which train do I take for 9). Washingtongha berix uqun khaysi poyuzgha
Washigton? quximen?
10). How do I get to the Statue of 10). Horyethan Munarigha khandakh barimen?
11). Where is the White House? 11). Akh Saray nerde?

10. What to say when asking 10. Kixilerdin meslihet yaki yardem sorax
adivice and help
1). I would like to have some 1). Sizdin biraz melumat sorimakhqimen.
information, please.
2). May I ask your advice about 2). Sizning pikiringizni sorisam khandakh?
3). Do you think I should buy this 3). Sizqe muxu maxinini alsam bolamdu?
4). Please give me your opinion 4). Bu toghurlukh sizning pikiringiz bersingiz
about the matter? bolatti.
5). I wonder if you'd help me? 5). Yardem bersingiz bolamdu?
6). I need your advice on how to 6). Bu iskha iltimas khilix uqun sizning
apply for this job? meslihetingiz kerek?
7). Could you please help me find a 7). Manga bir hizmet tipip bersingiz? Otunup ketey.
8). Will you help me fill out the 8). Iltimas jedvellirini toldorup bersingiz bolamdu?
application forms.
9). Help me, please? 9). Yardem bersingizqu?
10). Can you give me hand? 10). Manga yardem beringe?

11. Having difficulty in 11. Englizqi quxunuxte khiynalghanda

understanding English
1). I am afraid I don't understand 1). Sizning gepliringizni quxenmeyvatimen.
2). I am sorry, I don't quite 2). Kequrung, gipingizni digendek quxenmidim.
3). Would you mind saying that 3). Digen gipingizni yene bir khaytilisingiz
again. bolamdu?
4). Would you mind speaking more 4). Astarakh sozlisingiz bolamdu?
5). Could you repeat what you said? 5). Gepingizni baxkhidin bir disingiz khandakh?
6). I didn't quite catch what you 6). Diginingizni taza bilelmey khaldim.
7). Excuse me. What did you say? 7). Kequrung. Zadi nime didingiz?
8). My English is poor, I can't 8). Mening Englizqem biraz naqar, Englizqide
express it very well in English. ozemni tolukh quxendurelmeymen.
9). I don't know how to say it in 9). Buni Englizqide khandakh deydighanlighini
English. bilmeymen.
10). I can't understand you if you 10). Qapsan sozlisingiz quxunelmeymen.
speak too fast.
11). I can't think of the exact word, 11). Nekh sozni isimgha kelturelmeyvatimen,
but perhaps you know what I mean. birakh mening nime dimekqi bolvatkhanlighimni
12). A sort of ... you know. 12). Helikhi ... bilisizghu?
13). No, I don't mean that. 13). Yakh. uni dimekqi emesman.
14). Well, I don't know what you 14). Hmm..., uni nime dep ataydighanlighingni
call it. bilmeymen.

12. Expression of Agreement 12. Pikir, kozkharaxlargha khoxuldighanlikhni

1). Yes, I quite agree with you. 1). He'e, pikiringizge khoxulimen.
2). Well yes, that is true. 2). Elbette, bu gepingiz toghra.
3). I think you are right. 3). Meningqe toghra didingiz.
4). Yes, that is just what I think. 4). Bu nekh mening oylighinimdek boldi.
5). Certainly, that is exactly what I 5). Elbette, menmu nekh xuni dey digen idim.
was going to say.
6). I think so. 6). Xundakh.
7). I fully agree with your idea. 7). Sizning pikiringizge tolukh khoxulimen.

13. Expression of Disagreement 13. Pikir, kozkharaxlargha khoxulmaslikhni

1). Well, I disagree with you. 1). Yakh, pikiringizge khoxulmaymen.
2). No, I really don't think so. 2). Yakh, undakh emesmikin dymen.
3). Oh no, that can't be true. 3). Yakh, undakh bolmaydu.
4). No, I rather doubt that. 4). Yakh, bundakh dep oylimaymen.
5). Well, I am afraid I can't agree 5). Hmm..., kokhariximiz birdek emes ohxaydu.
with you.

14. Expression of satisfaction 14. Khanaetlengenlikni bildurmek

1). I'm quite satisfied. 1). Men buning'gha razi boldum.
2). I like it very much. 2). Men buni bek yahxi kordum.
3). It's very satisfactory. 3). Bu kixilerni razi khilidu.
4). I feel very pleased about it. 4). Buning'gha intayin razi boldum.
5). That is just right. 5). Digendek boldi.
6). That is how I like it. 6). Xundakh boluxni kotken idim.
7). It's just what I wanted. 7). Nekh mening diginimdin qikhti.
8). I have nothing to complain about 8). Buning'gha tolukh khanaetlendim. Hiq armanim
at all. yokh.
9). Yes! The exam score is much 9). Hoy! Imtihan netijem oylighinimdin yahxi
better than I expected. qikhiptu.

15. Expression of dissatistaction 15. Melum bir ehvalgha khanaetlenmigenlikni

toward a situation ipadilex
1). I don't like it at all. 1). Buni zadi yahxi kormidim.
2). It's very annoying. 2). Bu ix beximni bek aghritti.
3). I feel very bad about selling the 3). Bu maxinini setixkha konglim tartmidi.
4). It isn't what I expected. 4). Oylimighan yerimdin qikhti.
5). It's almost disappointing. 5). Buningdin bek puxayman boldum.

16. Expression of liking for things. 16. Nersilerni yahxi korgenlikni ipadilex
1). I like that. 1). Uni yahxi korimen.
2). I like doing that. 2). U ixni khilixni yahxi korimen.
3). I do like it. 3). Buni yahxi kordum.
4). I do like doing that. 4). Men u ixi khilixni hekhikheten yahxi korimen.
5). It is nice. 5). Bu yahxi.
6). It is very nice, indeed. 6). Elbette, bu intayin yahxi boldi.
7). It's really wonderful! 7). Bu hekhikheten bek isil boldi.
8). Really, it's almost perfect! 8). Elbette, bu teltukus boldighu!
9). I don't think I've seen anything I 9). Bunindin yahxirakh nersini korpakh'khinim
like better. yokh.

17. Expressions of dissatisfaction 17. Melum nerse ve herkeke razi bolmighanlikhni

with an object or an action. bildurux
1). I don't like that. 1). Uni yahxi kormidim.
2). I don't like doing that. 2). U ixni khilixni yahxi kormeymen.
3). I do dislike that sort of thing. 3). Xundakh ixlarni yahxi kormeymen.
3). I hate to do that sort of thing. 4). Men undakh ix khilixni oq korimen.
4). It is awful. 5). Be naqar ix boldi.
5). It is a horrible thing, isn't it? 6). By bek eski is boldi, xundakhmu?

18. Expressions of liking for 18. Xahsilerni yahxi korgenlikni ipadilex

1). He's a very pleasant person. 1). U intayin huxhoy adam.
2). She is a very nice lady. 2). U nahayti isil ayal.
3). She is really a nice girl. 3). U hekhekheten bir yahxi khiz.
4). Hasan is one of those very nice 4). Hasan nahayti obdan adamlerning biri.
5). I'd like to be a close friend of 5). Jimning yekhin dosti boluxni halaymen.

19. Expressions of dislike of 19. Xahsilerni yahxi kormeydighanlikhni ipadilex

1). I can't stand that man. 1). U adamni oq korimen.
2). I can't stand that fellow. 2). U kixidin seskinip kettim.
3). A most unpleasant sort of 3). Kixini zerikturudighan adam.
4). I do dislike that woman. 4). U hotonni yaratmaymen.
5). He's not the kind of man I like. 5). Undakh ademlerni yahxi kormeymen.
6). I don't care much for that sort of 6). Uningdek ademlerni halimaymen.

20. Expressions of doubt 20. Gumanlikhni bildurmek

1). I wonder. 1). Xundakhmidu?
2). I doubt it. 2). Ixenmeymen.
3). It is just possible. 3). Belkim boluxi mumkin.
4). You never know. 4). Belkim xundakhtu.
5). Well, I wouldn't know. 5). Buni rastlighini bilixim tes.

21. Expression of opinion, belief 21. Pikir, ixenqe khatarlikhlarni bildurmek

and so on.
1). I think so. 1). Xundakh dep kharaymen.
2). I don't think so. 2). Undakh emesmikin.
3). I believe so. 3). Xundakh boldighanlighini ixinimen.
4). I don't believe so. 4). Bundakh bolidighanlighni ixenmeymen.
5). I expect so. 5). Xundakh boluxini kutken idim.
6). I don't expect so. 6). Undakh boluxini oylimighan idim.
7). I don't believe it. 7). Uning'gha ixenmeymen.
8). I can't believe it. 8). Xundakh boldima? Ixenmeymen.
9). I'm not sure. 9). Nekh birnime delelmeymen.
10). You may be right, but... 10). Sizing toghra boluxi mumkin, lekin...
11). I may be wrong, but... 11). Mening pikirim hata boluxi mumkin, birakh...
12). It's most unlikely. 12). Yuzbermeslik mumkinligi intayin zor.

22. Expressions of suggestions 22. Telep khoyux

1). Shall I open the window? 1). Penjirni aqsam bolamdu?
2). Shall we go together? 2). Bille barsakh bolamdu?
3). Let's change the subject. 3). Baxkha parangni baxlayli.
4). Let's not talk about it any more. 4). Bu toghurlukh gepimizni tohtitayli.
5). You'd better hurry up. 5). Qapsanrakh mangsang bolamdikin.
6). You'd better take care. 6). Dikh'khet khilsang yahxirakhmikin.
7). Why not try it again? 7). Yene bir khitim sinap korseng khandakh?
8). Why not tomorrow? 8). Ete khilsakh khandakh?
9). What do say to a cup of hot 9). Bir bardakh qokolattin keltureymu?
10). Suppose I let you know later. 10). Sanga keyin dep berey.
11). Supppse you give me a call 11). Ete quxtin keyin manga bir telefon bergin.
tomorrow afternoon.

23. What to say when making 23. Uqruxux vahtini belgulex

1). May I visit you sometime 1). Ete keqkhurun oyingizge barsam bolamdu?
tomorrow evening?
2). Are you going to be home in the 2). Ete quxtin keyin oyde bolamsiz?
3). I would like to see you next 3). Keler hepte siz bilen bir koruxsem bolatti.
week if I can.
4). What time will be convenient? 4). Khaysi vakhit sizge kholaylikh bolidu?
5). Would 2 o'clock be all right? 5). Saet 2 de vakhtingiz qikhamdu?
6). I will be at home all evening. 6). Men keqte oyde bolimen, meyli khaqan
Please drop in anytime. kelsingiz boliveridu.
7). I am sorry, but I won't be at 7). Kequrung, men bugun quxtin keyin oyde
home this afternoon. bolmaymen.
8). I am sorry, but I'll be busy all 8). Quxtin keyin men intayin aldiraq bolimen,
afternoon. vahtim qikhmaydu.
9). I'll be free from seven. 9). Yettidin keyin box bolimen.

24. Expressions of sympathy 24. Ghemhurlukhni bildurmek

1). I'am sorry to hear it. 1). Bu vekheni anglap konglum yerim boldi.
2). What a pity ! 2). Biqqare !
3). I was sorry to hear you were 3). Aghirip khalghiningizni anglap biraz ensirep
sick. khaldim.
4). May peace be with your father. 4). Dadingizning royi mengu jan'et'te bolsun.
25. Expressions of congratulations 25. Tebriklimek
1). I am glad to hear it. 1). Buni anglap hoxal boldum.
2). I'm very happy to hear that. 2). Buni bilip intayin hoxal boldum.
3). Congratulations! 3). Mubarek bolsun!
4). Let me congratulate you. 4). Seni tebrikleymen.
5). How lucky you are! 5). Nime digen teleylik sen!
6). How wonderful! 6). Pah, nime digen isil bu!
7). let me congratulate you on 7). Okhux mukapitigha erixkenligingni qin
winning the scholarship. khelbindin tebrikleymen.

26. Expressions of requests 26. Telep khoymakh

1). Please close the door. 1). Hapa bolmay Ixikni yepivetsingiz.
2). Will you please tell me the way 2). Hapa bolmay bakh'kha baridighan yolni korsitip
to the park? bersingiz.
3). Would you please give me a 3). Manga bir parqe kheghez bersingiz bolamdu?
piece of paper?
4). Would you mind helping me 4). Manga biraz yardem bersingiz yahxi bolatti.
with this? Avare khilidighan boldum.
5). Will you please do me favor? 5). Sizni bir ixkha avare khilidighan boldum.
6). I wonder if you'd do me a favor? 6). Manga biraz yardem berelemsizkin dem
7). May I ask you a favor? 7). Sizni avare khilidighan boldum.

27. Expressions of refusal 27. Ret khilix

1). I'm sorry, but I can't go now. 1). Kequrung, men hazir baramaymen.
2). I'am afraid I can't. 2). Yardem berelmeydighandek turimen.
3). I'am very sorry, but... 3). Hapa bolmang, bireakh...
4). Pardon me, but I'm very busy at 4). Kequrgeysiz, men hazir bek aldiraq.
the moment.

Learn how to say animal names in Uighur.
Animals (English) Hayvanlar (Uyghurqe)
horse at, arghimakh, baytal
ox kala, bukha, inek, arghun
lion arslan, xir
cat, kitten möxük, arslan
snake atan, yilan
eyikh bear
yellow weasel aghmighan
fish belikh, belijan
fox tülke
rat qaxkhan
swan akh'khu
owl baykhux
sheep khoy, khoza
camel toge, bota
pegion kepte
antelope böken
wolf böre
marmot davghan
donkey ixek
tiger yolvas
gazelle kiyik
cuckoo kakkuk
hedgehog kirpe
whale kit
chukkar keklik
sea otter kemqet
lizard keslenqük
gadfly köküyün
turkey körke
stork leylek
shark leheng
monkey maymun
rice weevil mite
cat müxük
one-humped camel nar
elephant pil
gull qayka
canary serikh'khuqkhaq
yellow rat serikh qaxkhan
mink su bulghuni
phoenix sumrugh
marten söser
cockroach tarakan
squirrel tiyin
chick qüje
chicken tohu
dung beetle tizekqi
pig tungguz
crow kagha
cicada tomuzgha
spider qümüle
skylark torghay
peacock toz
frog pakha
crane turna
ostrich töge khux
camel töge
giraffe zirape
leech zuluk
ant qümüle
grasshopper qiketke
goose ghaz
argali ghulja
griffon vulture kharitaz
yak khotaz
snow cock ular
wild horse khulan
earthworm sazung khurut
magpie seghizhan
worm khurut
egret khutan
bird khux
duck ödek
duckmole ödektumxukh
alligator timsakh
rabbit toxkhan
leopard yilpiz

Learn how to say basic color names and combinations in Uighur.
Colors (English) Rengler (Uyghurqe)
brown khungur reng
red khizil
orange khizghuq serikh
gold altun reng
yellow serikh
green yexil
sky blue hava reng
blue kök
purple sösün
pink hal reng
white akh
silver kömüx reng
gray kül reng
black khara, siya reng
Color Mixes Rengler Arlaxlar
+ = Khizil bilen Serikh arlaxsa Khizghuq-Serikh bolidu.
+ = Serikh bilen Kök arlaxsa Yexil bolidu.
+ = Kök bilen Khizil arlaxsa Sösün bolidu.
+ = Khara bilen Akh arlaxsa Kül Reng bolidu.
+ = Ahk bilen Kök arlaxsa Hava Reng bolidu.
+ = Khizil bilen Ahk arlaxsa Hal Reng bolidu.
Colors (Rengler) Meaning of Colors Renglerning Menasi
Honor and loyalty Xohret ve sadakhetlik
Faith and purity Ixenq ve paklikh
Bravery and courage Baturlukh ve jüretlik
Piety and sincerity Rastqil ve semimiy
Grief and sorrow Hesret ve khayghu
Youth and hope Yaxlikh ve ümid
High rank and royalty Yukhuri derjilik ve hanlikh
Strength and endurance Küqlük ve qidamlikh
Sacrifice Pidakarlikh

Days and Months

Learn how to say the days and months in Uighur.

Days (English) Künler (Uyghurqe)

Sunday Yekxembe
Monday Döxembe
Tuesday Sixembe
Wednesday Qarxembe
Thursday Peyxembe
Friday Jüme
Saturday Xembe
Months Aylar
January Yanvar
February Fevral
March Mart
April Avril
May May
June Iyun
July Iyul
August Avghust
September Sintebir
October Oktebir
November Noyabir
December Dekabir
Seasons Pesiller
Spring bahar (Etiyaz)
Summer yaz
Autumn küz
Winter khix
Expressions Ipadiler
day kün
week hepte
fortnight yerim ay (on bex kün)
month ay
year yil
today bügün
tomorrow ete
yesterday tünögün
noon qüx
morning etken
afternoon qüxtin keyin
evening ahxam
night keq
tomorrow morning ete etken
yesterday night tünögün keqte
on Monday Döxembe küni
every Friday her jüme
in December Dekabirda
on winter days khix künliri
in the beginning of March Martning baxlirida
in the middle of June Iyunning otturlirida
during the summer yaz pesilliride (yazda)
two years ago ikki yildin burun
three years later üq yildin keyin
this month (year) bu ay (yil)
next month (year) keyinki ay (yil)
last month (year) otkenki ay (yil)
this week bu hepte
next week keler hepte
What is the date today? Bügün ayning khanqisi?
It's the 23rd of January. Yanvarning yigrime-üqi.
When is your birthday? Toghulghan küning khaqan bolidu?
My birthday is November 23. Toghulghan künüm Noyabirning 23 - küni.
It was February 1st, 1999. Xu kün 1999 yili Fevralning birinqi küni

Learn how to ask and answer simple directions in Uighur.
How To Ask For and Answer Directions Yolni Khandakh Soraymiz ve Körsitimiz
(English) (Uyghurqe)
Q: Where does this road lead to? S: Bu koqa nerge baridu?
A: To Turpan. J: Turpangha baridu.
Q: Is this the road to the Bazaar? S: Bu bazargha baridighan koqimu?
A: Yes (no). J: He'e (yakh).
Q: Could you show me the way to the S: Helikh meydanigha baridighan yolni
People's Square? korsitip beremsiz?
A: Go to the end of this street, then turn J: Bu koqining ahirigha berip solgha
left. egiling.
A: Keep straight for 5 minutes, you will see J: Udul 5 minut mangsingiz meydanni sol
it on your left. terepte korisiz.
Q: Could you show me on the map? S: Haritide korsetsingiz bolamdu?
A: Certainly. Just follow this line. J: Elbette. Bu sizikh boyqe mangsingiz
Q: I got lost. I am looking for the train S: Men adixip kettim. Poyuz istansini
station. izdevatattim.
A: Take the bus #1. J: 1-yol aptovuzgha qüxüp bering.
Q: Excuse me please, how do I get to the S: Keqürüng, körgezmige khandakh
Museum? bariman?
A: It is over there. J: U yerde.
A: It is the fifth building on your right. J: Ong khol teripingizdiki bexinqi bina.
Q: Where is the airport? S: Ayrudurum nede?
A: It is 25 kilometers away. You have to J: 25 kilometir yirakhta. Taksi bilen berix
take a taxi. lazim.
Q: Which road goes to Kashgar, please? S: Khaxkhargha baridighan yol khaysi?
A: The road on the right side. J: Ong tereptiki yol.
Q: Town center, please? S: Xeher merkizini depbersingiz?
A: This way. J: Bu terepte.
Q: Where is the toilet? S: Hajethana nede?
A: I don't know. J: Bilmeymen.
Q: Where is my room? S: Mening odam khaysi?
A: 204. It the third after the meeting room. J: 204. Mejlihanining akhidiki üqinqi oy.
Q: Show me the post office, please? S: Poxtahanini korsitip bersinigiz?
A: See that tall building? That is it. J: Egiz binani kordingizma? Nekhxu.
Q: Is it far? S: Yirakhmu?
A: It might take 10 minutes to get there. J: On minuttek mang'amsizkin.
Q: How far is the bus station? S: Aptovuz bekiti yirakhmu?
A: You are about to be there. J: Az khaldingiz.
Q: How many kilometers away? S: Khanqe kilometir yirakhta (uzakhta)?
A: 2 kilometers. J: 2 kilometir arlikhta.
Q: How long does it take by foot (car)? S: Piyada (maxinida) mangsam khanqe
uzunda yetip barimen?
A: About 15 minutes. J: Belkim 15 minut.
Q: Is there a bus/train? S: Aptovuz (poyuz) barmu?
A: Yes, there is. (No.) J: Bar. (Yokh.)
Q: Is it in the walking distance? S: Piyarda barghidek yermu?
A: I don't think so. It is too far. J: Yakh. u yer helila yarakh.
Q: Can I walk up there? S: Piyarda baralaymenmu?
A: Yes, you can. It is not so far. J: He'e, anqe uzun yol emes.
Q: Is there a bank around here? S: Bu yerde banka barmu?
A: There is one at the conner of Azat street J: Azat koqisi bilen Nur koqisining
and Nur street. bulungida birsi bar.

Learn how to say fruit names in Uighur.
Fruits (English) Miviler (Uyghurqe)
almonds badam
apple alma
apricot ürük
cherry kiraz
cumin zire
dates hurma
grapes üzüm
lemon limon
melon khoghun
mushrooms montar
olive zeytun
peach xaptul
pear armut, nexpüt
pineapple ananas
plum kharaürük
pomegranate anar
raison kixmix
strawberry qilek
tangarine margarin
walnut yang'akh
watermelon tavuz

Going Shopping
Learn what to say to get by in an Uighur marketplace (bazaar).
Buying/Selling (English) Elip-Setix (Uyghurqe)
Q: Are there shops around here? S: Bu etirapta dukanlar barmu?
A: Yes, over there on your right hand side. J: He'e, aldingizdiki ong kol terepte.
Q: Where is the bazaar that sell clothes? S: Keyim-keqek satidighan bazar nerde?
A: Take the number 1 bus and get off at J: 1-yol aptovuzgha qikhip Döngkörük
Döngkörük station. bekette qüxüp kheling.
Q: Where are the shops? S: Dukanlar nerde?
A: About 2 kilometers away. J: 2 kilomitirdek yirakhlikhta.
Q: Where can I buy bread? S: Nanni nedin aliman?
A: From any bazaar in the city. J: Bu xeherining herkhandakh bazaridin
Q: What time does the baker's open? S: Navayhanini saat khanqide aqidu?
A: At 6 in the morning. J: Etken saat 6de aqidu.
Q: What time do you open your store? S: Dukiningizni saat khanqide aqisiz?
A: At 7. J: 7 de.
Q: What time do you close? S: Khanqide takhaysiz(yapisiz)?
A: Around 9 in the evening? J: Keqkhurun saat 9 larda takhaymen.
Q: Do you have maps? S: Harite barmu?
A: No, to to the next store, please. J: Yakh, yenimizdiki dukangha kering.
Q: How much is it? S: Bahasi khanqe?
A: 2 dollar and 50 cents. J: Ikki som ellik tiyin.
Q: How much does this cost? S: Buning bahasi khanqe?
A: Two hundred fifty U.S. dollar. J: Ikki yüz atmix Amerika dolliri.
Q: I don't understand, could you write S: Qüxenmidim, yezip bersingiz bolamdu?
down please?
A: Certainly. J: Elbette.
Q: It is too expensive, isn't it? S: Bek khimmet bolup khapdu, xundakhmu?
A: Yes, it is, because it is imported from J: He'e xundakh, sevebi bu malni qet'eldin
abroad. ekelgen.
Q: Can you reduce the price a bit? S: Bahasini biraz qüxesingiz bolamdu?
A: Sorry I can't do it. The price is fixed. J: Keqürüng, bahasi bekitilgen. Uni
Q: Have you got anything cheaper? S: Ezenrek nersingiz barmu?
A: The one made in Guangchou is much K: Guangzhouda ixligini kop ezen bolidu.
I don't have enough money. Yenimda yeterlik pul yokh.
Q: Could you keep this for me? S: Buni manga sahlap khoysingiz bolamdu?
A: Ok. come pick it up before 5pm. J: Bolidu. saat 5din burun keling.
I am just looking. Pekhet körüppakhay dedim.
This one. Buni.
That one. Uni.
The one on your left. Sol khol teripingizdiki.
3 kilo of apples and 2 kilo of grapes. 3 kilo alma bilen 2 kilo üjüm.
Not that one, this one. U emes, mavu.
Nothing else, thank you. Baxkha nerse almaymen. Rehmet sizge
I am going take it. Buni alay.
I will think about it. Men oylixip körey.
Q: Have you got a bag? S: Haltingiz barmu?
A: Here you are. J: Mana eling.
Q: Could you wrap it for me. S: Manga orap bersingiz khandakh?
A: Certainly, madam. J: Elbette, hanim.
Wrap it with plenty of paper. Jikh kheghez bilen orang.
It is a gift, I am going take it to Kashgar.
Buni soghatlikh'kha aldim. Khaxkhargha elip
Q: Where do I pay? S: Pulni nede töleymen.
A: Go to the cashier at that corner. J: A bulungdiki kastirgha töleng.
Q: Do you take credit cards? S: Kredi kartni khobul khilamsiler?
A: No, we only take cash. J: Yakh. pekhet nekh pulnila alimiz.
I am sorry, I don't have any changes. Keqürüng, yenimda parqe pul yokh.
Q: Could you give me a receipt? S: Kholumgha höjet bersingiz bolamdu?
A: Just wait for a minute. I will write it J: Birdem sahlap turung. Men sizge yezip
for you. berey.
I want a a kilo of grapes. Bir kilo üjüm alimen.
Half of kilo tomatoes. Yerim kilo pemidur.
Two hundred grams of rasin, please. Ikki yüz gram kixmix alay.
One slice of melon, please. Bir tilim khoghun bering.
A glass of white alcohol, please. Bir rumka akh harakh khoyup bering.
Two bottle of beer, one for me and one for Ikki botulka piva bering, birsi özemge, yene
my friend. birsi aghiynemge.
Can I try a bite? Bir qixlem sinappakhsam bolamdu?
Do you have some medicine for Bax aghirikhni peseytidighan doringiz
headache? barmu?
I need something for cold(caugh). Zukam(yötel) dorisi kerek bolup khaldi.
Medicine for dropping the fever, please. Khizitma qüxürdighan dora.
I'd like a shirt. Bir köynek almakhqimen.
I'd like a pair of shoes. Bir jüp ayakh alimen.
Can I try this on? Buni keyip körsem bolamdu?
Is there a mirror? Nede eynek bar?
I don't like the color. Rengini yahxi körmidim.
Q: Do you have it in other colors? S: Baxkha rengi barmu?
A: We have green, blue and pink. J: Bizde yexil, kök ve hal rengliri bar.
There are too big(small, tight). Bular bek keng (kiqik, tar) keldi.
Q: Have you got a smaller size? S: Kiqigi barmu?
A: We have 5 other sizes. J: Bex hil rezmiligi bar.
Bigger size, please. Qongarakhni beringe.
Five stamps for America, please. Amerikigha salidighan hetke bex marka
I need a a film for this camera. Manga bu foto-apariti üqün bir filim lazim.
A film like this, please. Buning'gha ohxaydighan bir film kerek.
Q: Do you have any English newspapers? S: Englizqe gezitingiz barmu?
A: Which one are looking for? J: Khaysisini okhumakhqisiz?

Learn how to say numbers in Uighur.
Numbers (English) Numorlar (Uyghurqe)
one bir
two ikki
three üq
four tört
five bex (bash)
six alte
seven yet'te
eight sekkiz
nine Tokh'khuz
ten on
eleven on bir
twelve on ikki
twenty yigrime
thirty ottuz
forty khirkh (qirq)
fifty ellik
sixty atmix (atmish)
seventy yetmix (yetmish)
eighty seksen
ninety tokhsen
hundred yüz
two hundred Ikki yüz
five hundred bex yüz
one thousand bir ming
million milyon
billion bilyon
twenty million yigrime milyon
sixty eight thousand seven hundred twenty atmix sekkiz ming yette yüz yigrime bex
Five times four is twenty. Bexke tortni köpeytsek yigrime.
Three plus six is nine. Uqke altini khoxsakh tokh’khuz.
Ten minus two is eight. Ondin ikkini alsakh sekkiz.
How much does this carpet cost? Bu gilemning bahasi khanqe?
You have to pay 3,500 Yuan. Uq ming bash yüz som bermisingiz boldu.
How much do you want to pay for this Bu saatkha khanqe pul bermekqisiz?
How much money do you have? Yeningda khanqe pul bar?
I only have 300 in US dollars. Mende pekhet 300 Amerka dollar bar.
Go ahead take it for $300. $300 dollargha elinge.
A cup of milk tea cost 2 yuan. Bir qine sütlük qay 2 somgha kelidu.
I bought this beautiful Uighur cap for 25 Bu qiraylik doppini 25 somgha aldim.
The taxi driver charged me $20 for taking Taksi xopuri meni aydurumdin ekilip
me from the airport. khoyghini üqün $20 aldi.
He cheated you as a foreigner, I would only Sizni qetellik dep aldivaptu, men bolsam $5
paid him $5. din artukh bermettim.
One hundred forty five dollars and 25 cents Bir yüz khirkh bex som 25 tiyin
He bought a very cheap (expensive) coat U barardin xundakh erzen (khimmet) bir
from the market. paltoni aldi.

Learn how to say simple phrases and sentences in Uighur.
Simple Statements (English) Addi Jümliler (Uyghurqe) d
How are you? Yahximusiz?
How are you doing? Khandakh ahvalinigiz?
How is your health? Tan salametligingiz khandakh?
Are you feeling well? Yahxirakh bolup khaldingizmu?
Thank you. Rahmet sizga.
What is your name? Ismingiz nime?
My name is John. Ismim Jon.
Where are you from? Siz nerlik?
I am from America. Man Amirkilikh.
How long have you been here? Buyerge kelginingizge khanqe yil boldi?
Do you like Urumqi? Urumqini yahxi kördingizmu?
I don't like the weather. Havasini yahxi körmidim.
The food is great! Yemekliri bek isil iken.
I like Uighur dance. Uyghurlarning usulini yahxi körimen.
What language do you speak? Siz khaysi tilda sözleysiz?
I speak English and Russian. Men Englizqi bilen Rusqini bilimen.
Do you speak Chinese? Hitayqini bilemsiz?
No, I don't speak Chinese, but I understand Yakh, Hitayqini sözlemeymen. Amma
a little. azrakh qüxünimen.
Did you learn Chinese at school? Hitayqini mektepte ögendinglarmu?
Yes, but Chinese is too hard for me to learn.Ügengen. Amma hitayqi sözlex manga bek
tes keldi.
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Khirindaxliringiz barmu?
Yes, I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. He'e, mening 2 inim bilen 3 singlim bar.
Do your parents work? Ata-aningiz ixlemdu?
My father works. My mother stays at home. Dadam ishleydu. Amma apam öyde.
How is your life? Turmushunglar khandakh?
Thank God, it not too bad. Hudagha xukri, yaman emes.
May I have a cup of tea, please? Bir qine qay bersingiz khandakh?
I am very thirsty. Men bek ussap kettim.
Today is too hot. Bügün hava bek issikh.
Where can I find a tea house? Qayhana nerde bardu?
Can you tell me the way to Dongkuruk? Döngköruk'ke khandakh barimen?
The easiest way is to take the Route 1 Bus. Eng yahxisi birinqi yol aptovuzgha qüxüng.
This watermelon is very sweet. Did you Bu tawuz bek tatlikh iken. Özingiz
grow it yourself? terdingizmu?
No, they are grown by village farmers. Yakh. Tawuzni bizning kentidiki dihanlar
Your are a friendly guy. Sen bolidighan adaxkensen.
Let's go. I am going to take you to my home Jürüng. Öyimge berip bir qina qay iqip
for a cup of tea. keting.
The weather is getting worse. I have to go Hava buzulvatidu, öyge khaytmisam
now. bolmidi.
Please turn the light on. It is getting dark Eliktorni yandurup khoyung. Kharanghu
now. qüxti.
I am going to be in Kashgar in 5 days. 5 kündin keyin Kashkharda bolimen.
If you go to Khashgar, I will introduce you Khashkhargha barsingiz sizni akamgha
to my older brother. tonuturup khoyay.
What should I buy from Hotan? Hotandin nimilerni alsam bolidu?
You'd better get a piece of Hotan carpet. Bir parqe Hotan gilimini elviling.
Which is the best restaurant in Urumqi? Urumqining ang yahxi tamakhhanisi
I think the best one is Bostan. Menche Bostan digen ang yahxisi
Is it far? Yirakhmu?
It is not that far, it might take you 15 Bek yirakh emes, mangsingiz beldim 15
minutes by foot. minut keter.
Can you write down the address for me, Adrisini manga yezip bersingiz bolamdu?
I would like to attend a Uighur wedding Men Uyghurlarning toyini korsem bolatti.
No problem! I can take you to my friends Qatakh yokh! Men sizni xembe küni
wedding this Saturday. dostumning toyigha apiray.
That's great! Shall I bring a gift? Bek yahxi boldi! Birer soghat alghaq
Not necessary, but some flowers will make Hajiti yokh. Amma güldin birerni alghaq
my friend very happy. barsingiz dostum bek hoxal bolatti.

Proverbs (1 of 3)
Learn how to say some Uighur proverbs.
Uyghur Makhaliler (Uyghurqe) Uighur Proverbs (English)
Alemni su besip ketse, ödekning Even if the world is flooded, the duck feels
khaptiligha yetmeptu. safe.
Alte ay atkhan pahta bir qapangha Six months of work with cotton is not
yetmeptu. enough for a coat.
Andakh khazangha mundakh qömüq. Fit the spoon to the pot. (Use the right tool
for job)
Asmandiki ghazning xorpisigha nan qilap Soak the bread with the soup of a flying
yemek duck. (Don't day dream for the impossible.)
Asmangha qikhay dise yerakh, yerge kirey Sky is too high to fly to, the ground is too
dise khattikh. hard to get in.
Asmangha tükürseng, yüzünge qüxer. If you spit into the sky, it'll drop onto your
Asta manghanmu manghan, tohtap Moving slowly is still moving, stopping
khalghan yaman. gets you nowhere.
Asta manghan tagh axar, yügürgen bagh. He who goes slowly gets over the
mountain, he who hurries gets nowhere.
(Slow and steady wins the race.)
At tapkhiqe iger tap. Get a saddle before you get the horse.
Yahxi atkha khamqa kerek emes. A good horse doesn't have to be whipped.
Yahxi atkha bir khamqa, yaman atkha ming A good horse needs only one whipping, a
khamqa. bad horse needs a thousand.
Attin qüxse üzengidin qüxmeydu. He gets off his horse but keeps his foot in
the stirrup.
At keynige min'gexme, min'gexkendin Don't ride a horse if you want to complain
keyin vay dime. about the pain.
At aylinip okhurini tapar. No matter how far the horse goes, it can
still find its trough.
Eti ulugh, supurisi khurukh. Long on words, short on deeds.
Atisi atalmighan khong'ghuzni, balisi etiptu The father couldn't harm a fly, but the son
tongguzni. can kill a pig.
Atalmighan erdin atalghan döng yahxi. Man without fame is worse than a ramp.
Atkhan okh yanmas. Bullets never return.
Atalmas okhtin körer. The bad shooter blames the bullet.
Yetip khalghiqe etip khal. Die from shooting, not from lying.
Aval qikh'khan khulakhtin keyin qikh'khan The ear apears first, but the horn grows
müng'güz exip ketti. bigger.
Bermesning exi pixmas. Food will never be on the table if the host
doesn't want to serve it.
Ax bergenge muxt bermek. Punch the one who provided the food.
Ax kelse iman kheqiptu. Once the food comes, the appreciation
Axkha teyyar, ixkha heyyar. Industrious when it comes to food, lazy
when it comes to work.
Ayni itek bilen yapkhili bolmas. Moonlight can not be hidden by a piece of
cloth. (A fact is always a fact.)
Ayning 15 kharanghu, 15 ayding. The moon is dark for 15 days, bright for 15
days. (You win some, you lose some.)
Her kimning özige, ay körüner közige. Everyone sees his/her own child as the most
Ayakh yügürügi axkha, eghiz yügürügi The one who walk a lot is good for food,
baxkha. the one who talk a lot is for brain.
Ayrilghanni eyikh yer, bölüngenni böre. The separated one is the prey of bear, the
splitted is the food for wolf.
Orunsiz ghezep özengge azap. Groundless rage is masochistic.
Yol azavi gör azavi. Hardship on a trip is hell.
Aghrikh patmanlap kirer, miskhallap Disease enters easily, but leaves very
qikhar. slowly.
Aghrikhni yoxursang ölüm axkara bolidu. If you hid the disease, you won't be able to
hid the death.
Aghrikhning tüzelgüsi kelse tivip özi keler. Once the desease is ready to be cured, the
cure is ready.
Özem tapkhan balagha, nerge baray Who do I to sue for my own faults?
Bala-khaza körünüp kelmes, pul kholini Disaster come one after the other. (When it
sangiltip. rains it pours.)
Barida poldurung-poldurung, yokhida Have it all once you have it.
kharap olturung.
Barmaymen digen tügmenge yette khetim After promised he would never go to the
beriptu. mill, he went seven times.
Barqe guna özemde turup, khap kötirip If all the fault is mine, where can I go for
nege baray. clear it up.
Ekhil yaxta emes, baxta. Wisdom comes from brains, not from age.
Bax yerilsa bök iqide, khol sunsa yeng Your head bleeds inside your cap, your arm
iqide. breaks inside your sleeve.
Suning bexi lay bolsa ayighimu lay bolidu. If the source of rever is mud, the rever is
muddy. (Garbage in, garbage out.)
Baxkha kelgende batur. One will be hero when he has to fight.
Baxkhilarning dastihinida mihman Use other's banquet to host own guests.
Baxkhilarning juvisida terlimek. Get sweated in other's coat.
Baxkhilarning hörmiti özige. Respect others if you want to be respected.
Baghlakhtiki it ovgha yarimas. Tied dog can't do hunting.
Bikarning qolisi yokh. The one who has nothing to do has no time.
Bikargha turghiqe bikargha ixle. Working for free is better than doing
Boyakh bilen boyighiqe texingni, bilim Instead of using color to cover yourself, use
bilen zinnetligin iqingni. the knowledge to fill your brain.
Danni öyde yep baxkha yerde kakalimakh. Eats food at home and ley eggs outside.
Yalghuz atning qengi qikhmas, qeingi Single running horse can't create dust.
qikhsimu dengi qimas.
Dost yighlitip eytar, düxmen küldürüp. Friends tells with anger, enemy with smile.
Guman imanni khaqurar. Suspection makes one lost one's belief.
Gepni khil sighar yerge, suni sep singar Be carefull with your speech, be measured
yerge. when you water your plant.
Gep yüzde yahxi, kavap zikhta. It is better say the words face to face, it is
better to eat kebab on the shish.
Gep bir khulakh ikki. One mouth, two ears. No need to repeat what's already been said.
Yirakhtiki tukh'khandin yekhindiki hoxna The neighbors close by is better than
yahxi. relatives far away.
Özengni qing tut, hoxnangni oghri tutma. Be careful with yourself, don't blame your
neighbor for the lost.
Huptendin kheqip taravigha uqrimakh. Escaped the Hupten, but have to the Taravi.
Ikki putni bir ötükke tikhmakh. Have to put two feet into one boot.
Ix ustisidin khokhar. Work is feared of expert.
Ix ömlükte, küq birlikte. Work should be done with a group, power
comes from unity.
Ixek ixektin khalsa khulighini kes. If a donkey falls behind another one, cut its
Ixekke küqüng yetmise ur tokhumni. If you can't hit the donkey, hit its saddle.
Ixigi üq tengge, tokhumi bex tengge. Buy donkey for 3 bucks, the saddle cost 5
Ixengen taghda kiyik yatmaptu. There is no gazelle on the mountain that
supposed to have it.
Yigit sözidin khalmas, yolvas izidin. A gentleman keeps his word, a tiger follows
his foot prints. (You can't change who you
Tirnakh astidin kir izdimek. Picking dirt from under the finger nails.
(Trying to be perfect with no particular
Yatning yandin öter, özning jandin. Insults from strangers go with the wind,
insults from friends stay in the heart.

Proverbs (2 of 3)
Learn how to say more Uighur proverbs.
Uyghur Makhaliler (Uyghurqe) Uighur Proverbs (English)
Öqke jan khayghusida, khassap yagh Goat is worrying about life, slaughter is
khayghusida. thinking about oil.
Kavapmu köymisun, zikhmu köymisun. Don't burn the kebab, neither the shish. (Do
things with care.)
Keselning detdini sakh bilmes, aqning The healthy can't feel the pain of the sick,
derdini tokh. the full can't know the hunger of the
Keyinki puxayman özengge döxmen. Regret afterwards is your own enemy.
(There is no room for regret.)
Otni koqilisang öqer, hoxnangni koqilisang Too much poking kills the fire, too much
köqer. gossip moves expels your neighbor.
Jandin keqmigiqe jananigha yetmes. Can't get the dreamed one without
sacrificing one's life./td>
Yette ölqep bir kes. Measure 7 times before you cut.(be very
careful with what you intended to do.)
Keslenqük yilan bolmighi ming yilqilik. It takes thousand years for a lizard to
become a snake.
Köp bilen ölüm bijayiki toy. Dying with a group is similar to going to a
Köp tükürse köl bolur. Spits from the public becomes a lake.
Tilning gözili makhal, erning gözili sakhal. Beauty of the words is proverb, beauty of
man is his beard.
Het-halta tiriklikning nixanisi. Comunication is the sign of life.
Toxkhandek yüüz yil yaxighiqe, yolvastek Instead of living like a rabbit for 100 years,
bir kün yaxa. live live a tiger for a day.
Toxkhan ölse tülke haza tutuptu. Fox is sad for rabbit's death.
Yep toymighan yalap toymas. If you are not full by eating, you can't be
full by licking.
Yer toymighiqe el toymas. If the earth is not full, people will be
Turmighan mihmanning ketkini yahxi. If the guest doesn't want to stay, it is better
to let him go.
Birning kasapiti ming'gha teger. A thousand peopole bare one's fault.
Töge khanqe bolsa yeghiri xunqe. The bigger the size of a camel, the bigger
its scar.
Tögining meyli bolsa, yantakh'kha boynini If camel is willing to eat, it will stretch its
sozar. neck to the thorn.
Töginining khuyrughi yerge tekkende. When camel's tail touches the ground. (it
will never happen.)
Tüküvetken tükürükni eghizgha alghili One can't take back his spit.
Yahxining xarapi teger, yamanning kasapiti. Good one gives you wine, bad one creates
Dihan bolsang xüdiger khil, molla bolsang Peasants need to turn up the soi, scholar
tekrar khil. needs to repeat.
Yahxigha kün yokh, yamangha ölüm. Good person has no good life, bad guy lives
Yahxi gep taxni yarar. Good words breaks the rock.
Yahxi khilding hop khilding, minet khilding
yokh khilding.
Yahxi bolsa exini ye, yaman bolsa bexini.
Yamangha yahxilikh khilma, uningdin Don't do any good to the bad, don't expect
Yahxilikh kütme. good from the bad.
Yahxilikh'kha yahxilikh her kixining ixi, Ruturn good for good is everybody's
yamanlikh'kha yahxilikh er kixining ixi. business, return good for evil is genlemen's
Yalangayak sudin khorkhmas. The one with bare feet desn't care about the
Yamanning yahxisi bolghiqe, yahxining Instead of being a one praised by the bad,
yamini bol. be a one cursed by the good.
Yapsam pixamdu, kömsem pixamdu. Fry it or bake it? (Remaining undecided
between choices.)
Yarigha tuz sepmek. Rub salt on the wound.
Qin köngüldin yighlisa, kharghu közdinmu When crying from the heart, tears come out
yax qikhar. of blind eyes.
Yazda yepinqakhni untuma, khixta Bring warm clothes with you in the
ozughungni. summer, bring enough food in the winter.
Qaghlimay yigen aghrimay öler.
Yirakh bolsa kixnixer, yekhin bolsa
Yikhilghan qelixkha toymas. The falling one doesn't care to fell again.
Yolvasni yeng'gen batur emes, aqqikhni Hero is the one who overcome the anger,
yeng'en batur. not the one who wins a tiger.
Ixligenning yüzi yorukh, ixlimigenning The hardworking one get respect, the lazy
yüzi qorukh. one gets critisizm.
Kixi yurtida sultan bolghiqe, öz yurtungda Instead of being a king in a foreign land, be
ultan bol. a cobbler in your motherland.
Yüz anglighandin bir körgen ela. It is better to see once than hear a hundred
Ghadayghangha ghadayghin bexing kökke Show more arrogance to those who are
yetkiqe, egilgen'ge egilgin bexing yerge arrogant towards you, show more respect to
tekkiqe. those who show respect to you.
Ghazning göxini yiseng, ödekning peyide When you want to eat the swan, think about
bol. duck. (Think about the consequences of you
Oghli ghura yise, dadisining qixi khamaptu. Son eats raw apricot, father feels the sore.
Ghulaqkha qidap, gheriqkha qidimaptu. To be able to finish a yard, first finish the
Halitinggha bekhip hal tat, haltanggha
bekhip un tat.
Molla köp bolsa, khoy haram ölidu. Too many cook spoil the food.
Horunning etisi tügmeydu. There is no tomorrow for a lazy guy.
Horunni ixkha buyrisang, sanga ekhil To ask a lazy man do something is a good
ügiter. leson for you.
Herining zehirige qidighan hesel yer. There is no huney for the one who scared of
being stinged by bee.
Yer heydiseng küzde heyde, küzde Plough the earth in the fall, otherwise you'll
heydimiseng yüz heyde. need to plough it a hundred times later.
Hekhikhet igilidu, sunmaydu. The fact may be distorted, but it will neber
be changed.
Khatarding khalghiqe hatadin khal. Instead of leaving the public, stay out of
Khaxang ödek baldur uqidu. The clumsy duck has to start flying early.
Khazanning guvasi qümüq. The witness of the pot is the ladle.
Hemmila yerde khazanning khulighi tört All the pots in the world have 4 handles.
(Life is the same no matter where you go.)
Khazangha yolukhsang kharsi yukhar,
yamangha yolukhsang yalisi.
Khagha khaghining közini qokhimas. A crow doesn't hit another crow's eye.
Khagha seghizhanning mengixini Crow try to walk like magpie and forget to
doraymendep öz mengixini untup khaptu. walk itself.
Khagha balam appakh balam, kirpe balam Crow thinks her chiks white, hedgehog says
yumxakh balam. her puppy soft.
Khagha bilen dost bolsang yeyixing pokh. Friend of crow also eats dung.
Khagha khakh etidu, öz könglini hox etidu.
Khiyix yok alemde, köngül koyghan There is no hard thing for one who set his
ademge. mind on it.
Henim sizge eytay, kelinim sen angla. I will say it my daugher, the audiance is my
Khol kholni yusa, khol khopup yüzni yuyar. I hand wash hand, hands wash face.
Khoynungdin tökülse khongingha. Spiled from your arm, drops into your boot.
Khorkh'khangha khox körüner. Scary cat sees single as double.
Khosighingda aghrighing bolmisa, tavuz If your stomock doesn't hurt, don't be afraid
yeyixtin khorkhma. of eating watermelon.
Ghujamning khoxighi tokh, khuli bilen ixi If the boss is full, who cares the hungary
yokh. slave.
Bu khulakhtin kirip u khulakhtin qikhmakh. Come in from one ear, get out from the
Kyqisi gep khilixsang khulakhni
khulakh'kha yakh, kündüzi ge khilixsang
aldi-keyningge bakh.
Khurukh östengge mirap bolmakh. In charge of the river without water.
(Having no actual power.)
Khuyrukh körsitip öpke satmakh. Show sheep's tail and sell its lung.
Elge khuxulsang er bolarsen, eldin
ayrilsang yer bolarsen.
Elning khulighi ellik. The public has many ears. (One can't hide
from the public.)
Elge kirseng elingqe, sugha kirseng
Elge bakh'khan har bolmas. Rely on public, makes your life easy.
Erni er khilghan hotun, yer khilghanmuA wife can make a man out of her husband,
hotun. she can also make an idiot.
Erzan göxning xorpisi yokh. Cheap meat does't make good soup.
Ölük dise görde yokh, tirik dese Say he is dead, he is not in the tomb. Say he
sanda yokh. is alive, nobody knows him. (A very useless
Yahxi it ölügini körsetmeptu. Good dog doesn't show its dead body.
Ya ölüm, ya körüm. Either die or live.
Kündüzi mang'ghan yilanning ömri Snake that that out out the cave during the
khiskha. day can't live too long.
Etiki khuyrukhtin bügünki opke yahxi. Today's lung is better than tomorrow's tail.
(A slow remedy cannot meet an urgency.)
Östengde su taxsa ödekning mime There is nothing do with a duck if the water
pervayi. is flooding from the river.
Öydiki gep bazargha toghra One cannot say family talk in the bazaar.
öxkining oqukh tursa heq gep yokh, There is no supprise if a goat flushes,
khoyning eqilip khalsa hoyt-hoyt. everybody shouts when it happened to a
özengni er bilseng, özgini xir bil. If you treat yourself like man, treat other
people like lions. (Respect even more than
Özini sorighan xeher soraptu. The one who is able to control himself is
able to control a city.
Özengni bil özgini khoy. Mind your own business, leave the others
Taking a Taxi
Learn how to speak with a taxi driver in Uighur.
Taking Taxi (English) Taksigha Qüxüx (Uyghurqe)
Q: Where can I get a taxi? S: Taksini nedin tapimen?
A: You need to call this number. J: Bu nunurgha telefon bersingiz bolidu.
Q: Is there taxi service in this town? S: Bu kentide taksi barmu?
A: No, I don't think so. J: Yakh. bu yerde taksi yokh.
Q: Could you call me a taxi? S: Manga bir taksi qakhirip bersingiz
A: OK. but you need to wait for an J: Bolidu. Amma bir saattek sahlaysiz.
Q: How much will it cost? S: Buning kirasi khanqe?
A: 10 yuan a kilometer. J: Bir kilomitiri 10 som.
Q: How much is it? S: Khanqe pul?
A: $5 for the trip. J: Seperge bex dollar.
Q: How far is it to the ? S: Ayrudurumgha khanqe uzun?
A: About 45 kilometers. J: Khirkh-bex kilomitirdek.
Q: Can you take me for 15 yuan? S: On-bex somgha apirip khoyamsiz?
A: No, sir. The price is fixed. J: Yakh, apendim. Bahasi bekitiklik.
Q: Could you give me a receipt? S: Manga ixqot yezip bersingiz ?
A: Certainly. Here you are. J: Elbette. Mana ixqotingiz.
Q: When do you need it? S: Khanqan kerek?
A: For tomorrow morning at 7 . J: Ete etken saat 7ge.
Q: For how many people? S: Khanqe ademge?
A: Two adults with two children. J: Ikki adam bilen ikki kiqik.
Q: Can you stop at the market? S: Bazarda bir tohtisingiz bolamdu?
A: Yes, but you have to be . J: Bolidu, birakh qapsan bolixingiz lazim.
There is a mistake. Bir yerde hatalikh bar.
To the bazaar, please. Bazargha barimen.
Please stop here. Bu yerde tohtang.
Could you wait for a few minutes? Bir khanqe minut sahlap bolamdu?
I want to go to the city center. Men xeher merkizige barmakhqi.
Keep the change. Artughi sizde khalsun.
It says $3 on the meter. Metirde $3 deydighu.
You can't charge that much! Undakh khimmet alsingiz bolmaydu!
To this address. Bu adriskha.
Take me to the bus station,vplease. Meni aptovuz bekitige apirip khoyong.
Please be on time. Vahtida keling jumu

Time and Calendar

Learn how to communicate about time and the calendar in Uighur.
Time and Calandar (English) Vakhit ve Kalinder (Uyghurqe)
What time is it? Saat khanqe boldi?
Ten past three. Uqtin 10 minut ötti.
Oh my god! I have to see Murat at 3:15. Apla! men Murat bilen saat 3:15de
koruxmekqi idim.
The meeting will start at 2pm. Yeghin qüxtin keyin saat 2de baxlinidu.
I am going to be late. Keq khalidighan bolum.
Airplane leaves at 10pm to night. Ayruplan keq saat 10da uqidu.
I am going to be there in 15 minutes. Men bir qarektin (on besh minuttin) keyin
xu yerde bolimen.
How long do I have to wait? Khanqe uzun sahlaymen?
Be patient! We need to wait at least for an Aldirimang! Kam digende bir saat
hour. sahlaymiz.
I haven _ t seen my brother for 4 years. He Inimni körmiginimge tört yil bolup khaldi.
is abroad now. U qet _ elge qikhip ketken.
When it is morning in Urumqi, it is evening Urumqide tang artkhanda, Washingtonda
in Washington D.C. kharaghu qushidu.
John and I have to fly for 20 hours to get to Jon ikkimiz yigrime saat uqup Beijingge
Beijing. kelgen idukh.
Gulnur went to the library during lunch Gulnur chüshlük tenepiste kutuphanigha
break. ketken idi.
Musa slept from last midnight to noon Musa ahxam yerim keqidin tartip bügün
today. qüxkiqe uhlidi.
Akper received his Ph.D on May 15, 1993 Akpar doktorlukh onvanini tokhsen
in England. uchinchi yili bexinqi ayda Engliyedin aldi.
Sadet is going to Turkey in July. Sadet altinqi ayda Turkiyege barmakhqi.
My head ache started in my last year of Mektepte okhuvatkhan ahirkhi yilidin
school. bashlap beshim aghirixkha baxlighan.
Ayxem is going to Hotan on Wednesday Ayxem qarxembe küni Hotange mangidu. U
morning. She might be back on Sunday yekxembe qüxtin keyin khaytip kelermikin.
Tohtahun will attend the meeting today. Tohtahun bügün yeghingha khatnixidu.
I am not going to the party tomorrow. Men ete olturuxkha barmaymen.
John met Ahmed yesterday in the university Joht universitit kitaphanisida Ahmet bilen
library. uqiraqti.
We have been seeing each other everyday Ikkimiz her kün körüxüp turghili bir aydek
for almost a month. bolup khaldi.
The future is full of hope for our young Bizning yaxlirimizning kelgüsi xundakh
generation. ümütlik bolidu.
Gülnur was born on November 12, 1994. Gülnur 1994 yili noyabirning 12-küni
It took me exactly 3 months to write this Bu kitapni yezix üqün top-toghra 3 ay
book. vahtim ketti.
Bilal spend almost 10 years in the Bilal matimatika doctorlukh onvanni elix
university in order to get his Ph.D in üqun 10 yildek universititta okhudi.
Keyser passed English exam 3 years ago. Keyser Ingilizqe imtandin 3 yildin burunla
ötüp bolghan.

Learn how to speak about the weather in Uighur.
Weather (English) Hava (Uyghurqe)
It is clear today. Bügün hava oqukh.
Tomorrow is going to be cloudy. Ete hava bulutlukh bolidu.
We hope it will not rain tomorrow. Ete yamghur yaghmisa bolatti.
This winter is extremely cold. Bu yil hava bek soghakh.
This summer is hot. Bu yaz intayin issikh.
Next week will be a foggy week. Keler hepte tomanlikh bolidiken.
My mother is sewing winter clothes for my Apam inilirimgha kixlikh keyim tikivatidu.
clear oqukh
cloudy bulutlukh
foggy tomanlikh
windy boranlikh
wet höl
hot issikh
cold soghukh
dry khurukh
rain yamghur
snow khar
wind xamal, buran
flood kelkün
four seasons tört pesil

Uighur Expressions
English Uighur Chinese
1 I see. I. Quxendim. II. Bildim. III. Uhtum. 我明白了。
2 I quit! Men khilmaymen! 我不干了!
3 Let go! Khoyvet! 放手!
4 Me too. Menmu. 我也是。
5 My god! Apla! 天哪!
6 No way! Bolmaydu! 不行!
7 Come on. I. Kele. II. Bole. 来吧(赶快)
8 Hold on. Selle ture. 等一等。
9 I agree。 Khoxulimen. 我同意。
10 Not bad. Yaman emes. 还不错。
11 Not yet. Tehi putmidi. 还没。
12 See you. Hox. 再见。
13 Shut up! Aghizingni yum! 闭嘴!
14 So long. Hox emise. 再见。
15 Why not? Nime uqun bolmaydu? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)
16 Allow me. Men khilayqu. 让我来。
17 Be quiet! Tinq. 安静点!
18 Cheer up! Bolunglar! 振作起来!
19 Good job! Yahxi ix boldi! 做得好!
20 Have fun! Tamaxa khilayli! 玩得开心!
21 How much? I. Khanqe pul? II. Bahasi khanqe? 多少钱?
22 I'm full. Men toydum. 我饱了。
23 I'm home. Men keldim. 我回来了。
24 I'm lost. Men adixip kettim. 我迷路了。
25 My treat. Men mihman khilay. 我请客。
26 So do I. Menmu xundakh. 我也一样。
27 This way。 Bu yerge keling. 这边请。
28 After you. Sizdin kelsun. 您先。
29 Bless you! Salamet bolung. 祝福你!
30 Follow me. Keynimde mening. 跟我来。
31 Forget it! Khoye seni! 休想! (算了!)
32 Good luck! Teleyingge yarixa bolsun! 祝好运!
33 I decline! Men khoxulmaymen! 我拒绝!
34 I promise. Khesem iqimen. 我保证。
35 Of course! Elbette! 当然了!
36 Slow down! Asta! 慢点!
37 Take care! Ozengni sahla. 保重!
38 They hurt. Aghirivatidu. (伤口)疼。
39 Try again. Yene bir sinap kor. 再试试。
40 Watch out! Dikhkhet! 当心。
41 What's up? Nime ixing bar? 有什么事吗?
42 Be careful! Dikhkhet! 注意!
43 Bottoms up! Sokhe, rumkini! 干杯(见底)!
44 Don't move! Khimirlima! 不许动!
45 Guess what? Ozeng tape, khini? 猜猜看?
46 I doubt it Gumanlinimen. 我怀疑。
47 I think so. Menmu xundakh oyludum. 我也这么想。
48 I'm single. Men boytakh. 我是单身贵族。
49 Keep it up! Qidap tur! 坚持下去!
50 Let me see. Kheni, oylap korey. 让我想想。
51 Never mind. I. Heqkhisi yokh. II. Boldi khile. 不要紧。
52 No problem! Qatakh yokh! 没问题!
53 That's all! Xundakh bolsun! 就这样!
54 Time is up. Vakhit toxti. 时间快到了。
55 What's new? Nime yengilikh bar? 有什么新鲜事吗?
56 Count me on Menimu kirguzup khoy. 算上我。
57 Don't worry. Ensirimeng. 别担心。
58 Feel better? Yahxirakh boldungmu? 好点了吗?
59 I love you! Sizni suyimen! 我爱你!
60 I'm his fan。 Men uninggha axikhmen. 我是他的影迷。
61 Is it yours? Bu sizningmu? 这是你的吗?
62 That's neat. Bu yahxi iken. 这很好。
63 Are you sure? Jezmen xundakhma? 你肯定吗?
64 Do l have to Khilmisam bolmamda? 非做不可吗?
65 He is my age. U men bilen bir yaxta. 他和我同岁。
66 Here you are. Mana, ala. 给你。
67 No one knows. Hiqkim bilmeydu. 没有人知道。
68 Take it easy. I. Khorkhmang. II. Jiddilexmeng. 别紧张。
69 What a pity! Puxaymanlikh ix boldi. 太遗憾了!
70 Any thing else? Baxkha ixingiz barma? 还要别的吗?
71 To be careful! I. Dikhkhet khiling. II. Itibar bering. 一定要小心!
72 Do me a favor? Manga yardem bersingiz bolamdu? 帮个忙,好吗?
73 Help yourself. Heqkhisi yokh. 别客气。
74 I'm on a diet. Men tamakhkha dikhkhet khilimen. 我在节食。
75 Keep in Touch. Alekhelixip turayli. 保持联络。
76 Time is money. Vakhit - altungha baraber. 时间就是金钱。
77 Who's calling? Kimning telefoni? 是哪一位?
78 You did right. Siz toghra khildingiz. 你做得对。
I. Sen meni setiveting. II. Sen meni
79 You set me up! aldap salding. 你出卖我!
80 Can I help you? Manga yardem khilsingiz? 我能帮你吗?
I. Oyunung jayida bolsun! II. Hoxal-
81 Enjoy yourself! horam oynival. 祝你玩得开心!
82 Excuse me,Sir. Kequrung, ependim. 先生,对不起。
83 Give me a hand! Manga bir yardem khile! 帮帮我!
84 How's it going? Khandakh ehvaling? 怎么样?
85 I have no idea. Nime khilixni bilmidim. 我没有头绪。
86 I just made it! I. Men khildim. II. Mehsitimge yettim. 我做到了!
87 I'll see to it Men baykhighaq turimen. 我会留意的。
88 I'm in a hurry! Men hazir aldiraq. 我在赶时间!
89 It's her field. I. Bu uning kespi. II. U bu ixkha usta. 这是她的本行。
90 It's up to you. Sanga baghlikh. 由你决定。
91 Just wonderful! Bek esil boldi. 简直太棒了!
92 What about you? Sizqu? 你呢?
93 You owe me one. Meng uninggha kherizdar. 你欠我一个人情。
94 You're welcome. Hiqkhisi yokh. 不客气。
95 Any day will do. Khaqan bolsa boleveridu. 哪一天都行夕
96 Are you kidding? Qahqakh khilivatamsiz? 你在开玩笑吧!
97 Congratulations! Tebrikleymen! 祝贺你!
98 I can't help it. Ozemni tohtitalmidim. 我情不自禁。
99 I don't mean it. Mehsetlik khilmidim. 我不是故意的。
100 I'll fix you Up. Men ozeng ongxaymen.

Introduction to Uighur Grammar



I men
we biz
you (singular) sen
you (polite) siz
you (plural) siler
he / she u
they ular

after vowel after consonant

1st person singular -m -im, -um, -üm
plural -miz -imiz
2nd person singular normal -ng -ing, -ung, -üng
polite -ngiz -ingiz
plural -nglar -inglar, -unglar, -ünglar
3rd person -si -i


my child bala + m balam

our child bala + miz balimiz
your (sg.) child bala + ng balang
your (polite) child bala + ngiz balingiz
your (pl.) child bala + nglar balanglar
his/her/their child bala + si balisi

my name isim + im ismim

our name isim + imiz ismimiz
your (sg.) name isim + ing isming
your (polite) name isim + ingiz ismingiz
your (pl.) name isim + inglar isminglar
his/her/their name isim + i ismi

my hand khol + um kholum

our hand khol + imiz kholimiz
your (sg.) hand khol + ung kholung
your (polite) hand khol + ingiz kholingiz
your (pl.) hand khol + unglar kholunglar
his/her/their hand khol + i kholi

my eye köz + üm közüm

our eye köz + imiz közimiz
your (sg.) eye köz + üng közüng
your (polite) eye köz + ingiz közingiz
your (pl.) eye köz + ünglar közünglar
his/her/their eye köz + i közi


Future tense (and Habitual)

after vowel after consonant

1 person singular -ymen -imen
plural -ymiz -imiz
2 person singular normal -ysen -isen
polite -ysiz -isiz
plural -ysiler -isiler
3rd person -ydu -idu


I will go barimen
we will go barimiz
you (sg.) will go barisen
you (polite) will go barisiz
you (pl.) will go barisiler
he/she/they will go baridu

I will work ixleymen

we will work ixleymiz
you (sg.) will work ixleysen
you (polite) will work ixleysiz
you (pl.) will work ixleysiler
he/she/they will work ixleydu
Past tense

after vowel or soft after hard consonant

1st person singular -dim, -dum, -düm -tim, -tum, -tüm
plural -dukh -tukh
2nd person singular normal -ding, -dung, -düng -ting, -tung, -tüng
polite -dingiz -tingiz
plural -dinglar, -dunglar, -dünglar -tinglar, -tunglar, -tünglar
3rd person -di -ti


I took aldim
we took aldukh
you (sg.) took alding
you (polite) took aldingiz
you (pl.) took aldinglar
he/she/they took aldi

I went out qikhtim

we went out qikhtukh
you (sg.) went out qikhting
you (polite) went out qikhtingiz
you (pl.) went out qikhtinglar
he/she/they went out qikhti

Romantic Love Quotes with Uighur Translation

(Romantik Sozler) Uighur Translation by: Tughluk A. Osman I love you - those three
words have my life in them. ~ by Alexandrea to Nicholas III ~ Men sizni soyimen - bu
uq soz mening putun hayatimni tesurleydu. The greatest...

(Romantik Sozler)

Uighur Translation by: Tughluk A. Osman

I love you - those three words have my life in them.

~ by Alexandrea to Nicholas III ~

Men sizni soyimen - bu uq soz mening putun hayatimni tesurleydu.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn

Is to love and be loved in return.
~ From "Unforgettable with Love" by Natalie Cole

Uginixke tigixlik eng buyuk nerse muhabette bolux ve muhabetke irixixtur.

No man is truly married
until he understands
every word his wife is NOT saying.
~ by Unknown ~

Bir erkixi pekhet ozining ayalining dimigen sozlirini quxengende andin hekhikhi toy
khilghan bolidu.

You will never know true happiness

until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
~ by Anonymous ~

Hayatning behtini pekhet muhabetni tapkhanda bilisen,

Hayatning derdini pekhet muhabettin ayrilghanda bilisen.

True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,

Nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
~ by Anonymous ~

Muhabbetni yokh yerdin hergiz tapalmaysen,

Muhabbet bar yerdin hergiz khaqalmaysen.

Life without love is like a tree

Without blossom and fruit.
~ by Khalil Gibra ~

Muhabbetsiz hayat huddi gul eqilmadighan hem miva bermeydighan derekhke ohxaydu.

I love thee, I love but thee

With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.
~ by Willam Shakespeare ~

Men sizni suyimen, pekhet siznila suyimen,

Olmes muhabettim bilen,
Khuyax sovup ketkiqe,
Yultuz kherip ketkiqe sizni suyimen.

Love is like war,

Easy to begin but hard to end.
~ by Anonymous ~
Muhabbet huddi uruxkha ohxax baxlinix asan ahirlaxmakh khiyin bolidu.

Seduce my mind and you can have my body,

Find my soul and I'm yours forever.
~ by Anonymous ~

Meni aldisang pekhet mening bedinimge erixileysen, birekh meni kuydureliseng manga
menguluk erixisen.

The most precious possession that ever comes

To a man in this world
Is a woman's heart.
~ by Josiah G. Holland ~

Er kixining kholigha erixelleydighan eng khimmetlik nerse ayalning kunglidur.

Love asks me no questions,

And gives me endless support...
~ by William Shakespeare ~

Muhabbet mendin hergiz soal sorimaydu,

u manga tugmes yardem berip turidu.

Love is like a rumor,

Everyone talks about it,
But no one truly knows.
~ by Anonymous ~

Muhabbet ighvagha ohxaydu, hemme adem uni diyixidu, birakh rast-yalghanlikhini

heqkim ohmaydu.

You don't love a woman because she's beautiful,

She is beautiful because you love her.
~ by Anonymous ~

Ayal qirakhlikh bolghaqkha suymensen, sen uni suygeqke qiraylikh bolghan.

If I know what love is,

It is because of you.
~ by Herman Hesse ~

Muhabbetning nime ikenligini manga bildurgen siz bolisiz.

Love me without fear

Trust me without questioning
Need me without demanding
Want me without restrictions
Accept me without change
Desire me without inhibitions
For a love so free....
Will never fly away.
~ by Dick Sutphen ~

Khorqmany meni suying,

Soal sorimay meni ixining,
Telep khilmay meni ixliting,
Xertsiz manga makhul bolung,
Qeklimey meni heves khiling.
Muhabbet xundakh erkinki
Hiqkhaqan yokhap ketmeydighan.

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