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Practical English Conversation

Greeting Ah, are you Mr. Chan ( Are you alright ( )? )?

Are you free ( ) this Saturday? At what time can I see you? / When shall I come? / What time is convenient to you? / May I come and see you next Monday? Believe it or not ( ). By all means ( Can I fix you a drink ( Can I help you ( Can I see Mr. Wong? ( , Come along ( ). )? )? : Sorry, Mr. Wong won't be back until five o'clock ). ). ). ). )? ). )? ). Happy landing ( , / / ). ). )? , ) ) ). ) ). ). , , ) ). ). ). ) )! : Cheers! ).

Cheers! To your happiness ( Come on in. Please sit down ( Come this way, please ( Congratulations ( Do as you like ( Do you think it will work ( Enjoy your trip ( Excuse me for being late( Excuse me ( For instance ( For my part ( Forgive me ( Frankly speaking ( Go ahead ( Good luck to you ( Good luck! Good health! ( Goodbye. Good night. ( Goodbye. See you later ( Goodbye. See you tomorrow ( Goodbye. I hope to see you soon ( )! Could you repeat that (

). Let me introduce you to him (

Excuse me. May I introduce myself (

Generally speaking (  )

Great! / Splendid! / Excellent! / Fantastic! ( Have a good journey ( Have a good time ( Have a splendid voyage ( Help yourself to some more chicken ( Here's to Peter and Mary ( How about another cup of coffee ( How about another glass of beer ( How are things ( How are you getting on ( How are you ( )? How come you did not come ( How do you do? I am glad to meet you. ( How do you know that ( I am afraid I have to hurry away ( I am afraid I must say goodbye now ( I am always at your service ( I am glad to see you ( I am serious ( ). I am sorry I must be off now ( I am sorry that I must go now ( I am sorry to bother you ( I am sorry to have bothered you ( I can do nothing at all ( I can't afford that ( I feel cold ( I feel run-down ( I hope so ( I hope you like the food ( ). ). ). / I feel chilly ( ). , ). ). )? )? How are you feeling today ( )? )? ). ). ).

). , )? )? ). : Thanks, here's to you too. : No, thank you. I have had enough.( , : Yes, please. ( , ) ), thank you . , ). ) ). : Can't you stay another minute ( ). , ). , )? ) , ) , )

: Very well, thank you. (

: I am very fit ( ,

: I am as usual, thank you. ( )? ,

: I am fine, thank you (

I am delighted to hear that you have passed the test (

). ). ). ).

). / I feel faint ( ). ).

). / I feel feverish (

). /

I hope you will soon get over it ( ).

I like your dress very much. It suits you so well. ( I mean no offence ( I quite agree with you ( ). ). ). I offer you my hearty good wishes for your success (

I think I must go now. Indeed I enjoyed myself very much this evening. ( I think your dress matches you perfectly ( I will think about it ( ). ).

I wish you every success ( I wish you good luck ( I'll let you know later ( In fact... / As a matter of fact ( Indeed today is a great day for you. ( It depends ( ). ).

). , ).

I would like to ask you something if you have time ( ). / , ) )

It is a long time since we met. / Long time no see. (

It won't work ( ). It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dawson. I've heard so much about you from Lee. ( , , , ) It's all over ( It's common sense ( It's incredible ( It's out of the question ( Let get it done ( ). Let me introduce you to Mr. Chow. Let's drink to your success ( Long time no see you ( Make yourself at home ( May I ask you a favour ( May I know your name ( )? )? , ) ). ). : Yes, please ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ). , ). It's beyond my power (

Ladies and gentlemen, the dinner is ready (

: It's my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Chow. ). : Thank you, to your success too (


May I congratulate you on your passing of the ACCA Examination ( May I use your mobile phone? Mine seems to be out of order. ( Merry Christmas ( )! : The same to you. Mr. Lee, have you met Mr. Wong? Nonsense ( )! Pardon? / I beg your pardon. ( Please accept my hearty congratulations. ( Please be on time ( Please be quiet ( Please be reasonable ( Please be seated ( Please consider this ( Please do me a favour ( Please listen to me ( Please look into the matter ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ) )

Please give my best regards to your mother (

Please remember me to your father ( Please sit down ( Please take a seat ( Roughly speaking ( ) Shall I introduce him to you? Shall I introduce you to her? Shall we have a toast ( ( , Shall we have a walk ( So long ( )! )? ). ). ). : Not at all ( ). ). ). ) , ) , Some more fish ( Sorry, I can't follow you ( Suit yourself ( Take your time ( Thank you. / Thanks a lot. It's nothing ( , It's very kind of you ( That doesn't matter ( The curry beef is delicious ( To tell you frankly ( We are so happy you could come. ( Take care of yourself ( ) )? ). ).


: Yes, thank you. : Please. )? :Yes, let's. Here's to our long lasting friendship. : Whatever you say ( , , ). )

: No, thanks. I am full. ( , ).

)./ Not a bit ( ). / You are welcome (

). / , ). /

). Don't mention it (

: I am glad you like it (


We have Coke, Seven-up and Sprite. Which one you like? ( Well, it is getting late. I must be going now. ( , ) Well, it's getting late now. I guess we'd better go. : So soon? Why, it's only ten o'clock. ( ? ) What are you getting at ( What are you going to sell ( What are you up to ( What can I do about it ( What can I do for you ( What do you figure ( What do you say ( What do you suggest ( What held you up ( What is it to you ( What would you like to drink ( What's cooking ( What's going on ( What's in your mind ( )? / )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )? )?

What's the matter with you? You look so pale. ( Where was I ( Where were we ( )? )?

Will you come over to the table and help yourself ( Would it be okay if I call on you this afternoon ( Would you like a cup of tea ( Would you mind...? ( Yes, that's it ( ). ). You'd better see a doctor at once ( )? ) Would you like to drop in to have a cup of coffee? (

, , )? )


: Sure. / Certainly. / Of course. / No, thanks.

Chatting A lovely day, isn't it ( A nice morning, isn't it ( A storm is coming up ( Absolutely ( ). , , ). )? )?

After all, he is a good man ( All in all, it is wrong ( All you have to do is sit down( Am I speaking too fast( Are all the points clear to you ( Are you joking ( Are you kidding me ( Are you kidding ( / )? Are you really in love with me( Are you sure you have all the facts( As far as I am concerned, I can eat at any place( Awfully hot, isn't it ( Be careful( Be reasonable( Be sensible( Blast him ( Blow it ( By all means ( Can I give you a hand ( Can you follow me ( Can you see my point ( Certainly not ( Certainly ( Come along ( Come here, old chump ( Come on. ( Confound it ( Could you please... ( Damn it ( Damn the rain! ( Damn you! ( / ) ) )? )! ) ). ) ). ). ). ). , / )? ). ). ). ). ). )? )? )? )? Anything else you need an explanation ( ). ,

). ). )? )?

)? )? , ).

Business is business. You have to pay for it. ( ). )? )?

Come off it. It's the same old story. (

Did you catch what I said ( Doesn't she take after her mother ( Don't be a workaholic ( Don't be angry with me ( Don't be frightened ( ). ). ).


Don't be like that ( Don't be mad with me ( Don't be nosy ( Don't be silly ( Don't be so fussy ( Don't bet on it ( Don't bother me ( Don't bother ( Don't count on me ( Don't cry, my little baby ( Don't get carried away ( Don't get confused ( Don't get excited ( Don't get fresh ( Don't get the wrong idea ( Don't get too personal ( Don't give me that ( Don't go too far ( Don't jump on me ( Don't jump the queue ( Don't kid yourself ( Don't lose your head ( Don't make a fool of yourself ( Don't make a fuss ( Don't make a scene, please. ( Don't make me laugh ( / Don't hang around all day ( ). ). / / ). ). ). ).

). ).

/ ).


Don't butt in while I am talking ( ). Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. ( ). ).

). , )

). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). / ). ). ) ). , ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ).

Don't get mad at me. I did it for your own good (

Don't let her take advantage of you (

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill (

Don't say this. I was not born yesterday ( Don't stand here like a screw-ball ( Don't take it to heart ( Don't take it too hard ( Don't talk behind your boss ( Don't talk so big ( Don't tease me (

Don't try to cash in on me ( Don't turn the back to me ( Don't worry( Don't you do it( Don't you slip away ( Don't you worry( Exactly( Excellent( Fantastic( Far from it ( Follow your heart ( For the time being, I take it ( Go ahead ( Go on ( God bless you ( Good gracious ( Hands off ( Have a nap ( He is a chicken ( )! ). ). )! ). )! ). , ). ). ). , ). , Everything here is in a mess ( ). ). )! )! )!

). ).


First, let me tell you this(

). ).

Good heavens! / For heavens sake! (

He is a nasty American stick insect. ( He is a snake in the grass. ( He is as thin as a rake. ( He is broke ( ). ) ). ). ). ) ) ). ). ). ) ) ) He is just a fair-weather friend ( He is just full of hot air ( He is my side-kick ( He smokes like a chimney ( He stabbed me in the back. ( He's a blockhead ( He's only bluffing ( He's very clumsy ( Here it is. ( Here we are. ( He's a difficult person to deal with. ( ) ) ) He is an absent-minded professor. (


Her patience has run out. (

Here you are (

). ). , )? )? ). ). ). ). : At times ( )? ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). , ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). I can eat a horse. ). ). ). ). ). ). ) ). ). ). )

Hey, don't pull a long face ( How can you put up with her ( How could you say it ( How dare you( ) How dare you say no to me ( How dare you to say that ( How kind of you ( How nice of you ( How often do you eat out How's the weather( I adore you ( I am against it ( I am all burnt up now ( I am all ears ( I am as strong as an ox( I am completely in the dark( I am fit as a fiddle( I am flattered ( I am glad you like it (

Hold on! Let me tell you what she said! (

I am going to see you off at the airport ( I am in favour of capital punishment ( I am inclined to doubt it ( I am just a small potato ( I am moved ( I am serious ( I am sick of you ( I am starving ( I am thrilled ( I am upset ( I believe so ( I can hardly believe it ( I can never thank you enough ( I can't believe my eyes( I can't live without you. ( I can't stand it any longer ( I can't stand you ( ). I am not myself today (

I cannot see it that way. ( I dare say it is ( I despise you ( I didn't know that. ( I don't care ( I don't know. ( I don't think so. ( I doubt it ( ). ) ) ). , ). I didn't expect to see you. ( ) ).

I don't know anything about it. (

I don't want to be in your shoes ( I expect we shall have a fine day tomorrow ( I feel like kissing you, baby ( I guess it is. ( I hate you ( ). ). ) ).

). ).

I have left her, for good and for all ( I have never seen such lousy things before ( I have no objection. ( I haven't the slightest idea ( I hope so ( ). I hope you will accept this little present. ( I know that from A to Z ( I know what I am doing ( I locked myself out ( I mean what I say ( I quite agree with you. ( I really fancy ( I suppose so. ( ) ). I must turn a new leaf this year ( ) ). ) ).


) ). ).


) David. But his friends turn me off. ). )

I think it will clear up by and by ( I think it will turn out to be a wet day. ( I think not( I think so( I think you are mistaken ( I understand( I was laid off ( I was only joking ( I will miss you ( ). ). ) ). ). I want to take early retirement.( ). ). ).


I wish I could ( I won't buy your story ( I won't disappoint you. ( I won't give it a damn (

). ). ) ). ). ) ) ) ). ). ). ). ).

I won't give up. I will get even some day ( I won't let you down ( I won't take no for an answer. ( I wonder how long this nasty weather will keep up? ( I wouldn't do that if I were in your place. ( I'll beat it ( I'll fetch it ( I'll see to it ( I'll see you home ( I'll take a rain check on that ( ). ). I'll bet they won't do it (

I'll tell you what ( ). I'm afraid I haven't made myself clear. That's not exactly what I mean. ( ) I'm afraid it is going to rain today. ( I'm afraid it won't do. ( I'm afraid you are mistaken here. ( I'm afraid you are wrong. ( I'm all at sea ( I'm drenched to the skin ( I'm scared ( I'm so nervous ( I'm wet through ( ). ). ). ). ) , ) ). ). ) ) I'm afraid you have misunderstood my point. ( ) ) )

If you ask me, you are barking at the wrong tree ( In conclusion, I would like to say that... ( In my opinion, we have to stop. ( In other words... ( Indeed ( )? )? ) ) ) , ) )! )

Is it going to be a fine day ( It bored me stiff ( It can't be done. ( It can't be true. ( It can't possibly be. ( It doesn't matter. (


It goes without saying that I will always support you. ( It has just slipped my memory ( It is a bit chilly ( It is a square deal ( It is a tall tale ( It is all gone ( It is beginning to rain. ( It is raining heavily. ( It is threatening to rain. ( It is very cloudy. ( It looks like rain. ( , , , ) ) ) ) ) [ , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) It looks like thunder. ( It remains to be seen. ( It seems to be a fine day. ( It takes a lot of guts to do it. ( , It will continue be fine. ( It won't be long. ( It won't take much time. ( ) ). ) ) ) ), isn't it? ). ). ).

It looks rather threatening. (

It wouldn't do anyone any harm. ( It'll mean a great deal to me. ( It's a beautiful night. ( It's a blustery ( It's a boiling ( It's a bore ( It's a fab ( It's a hot day ( It's a long story ( It's a mild ( It's a misty ( It's a rip-off ( It's a very clear night ( . It's a wet day ( It's all over now. ( It's awful ( It's brand new. ( It's disgusting ( ). ). ) ) It's blowing hard. ( ). ) ) day. ) day. ). ). ). ), after all. ). ). ) day.

) day. The umbrella has been blown away.

It's clearing up. The sun is coming out again. (


It's fine. ( It's groovy (

) ) ) ). ). ), isn't it?

It's getting cloudy. ( It's hard to hear. ( It's just a storm in a teacup (

It's just on the tip of my tongue ( It's lightening ( It's lovely ( It's nothing. ( It's only a bluff ( It's only a gimmick ( It's only a pipe dream ( It's pouring ( It's quite probable. ( It's rather cool this morning. ( It's rather damp ( It's rather doubtful. ( It's rather foggy ( It's rather windy ( It's sticky ( It's stuffy ( It's your turn ( It's yuck. / It's yucky. ( It's yum ( ). ) Jot down some notes. ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ) ). ) ) ). ). ). ). ) and thundering ( ). ). )

It's only a passing shower (

Keep an eye on that man. He seems to be a thief. ( Keep your mouth shut. You have no say in it. ( Kindly refrain ( Leave me alone ( Let me go. ( Let me see. ( ) ) ). ) )! , , ) from smoking in the auditorium (

, ).

) )

Let him go. He's just an innocent kid. (

Let's change the subject ( Let's do something about it. (

Let's go Dutch. You don't have to treat me ( Let's go fly a kite ( Let's go out and have a breath of fresh air. ( Let's go through this paragraph. ( ) ). )



Let's have a brain storm. We have to find a solution. ( Let's keep in touch. ( Like it ( Listen ( )? ). ) , ) ) ) ). ) ) , ) )! ). ). ) , , ) ) ) ) ) ) : You bet ( ) --)!

Look before you leap. ( Look out. / Watch out. ( Look, who's coming? ( , Look, who's here? ( , Make it snappy. ( Make or break ( Marvellous. (

Many hands make light work. ( Mind what you're doing. ( Mind you, it is winter now. ( Mind your manners. ( Mind your own business ( Miserable ( ) day, isn't it? My goodness! Everything is in a jam ( My stance is middle-of-the-road ( Nasty ( ) weather, isn't it? Never judge a book by its cover. ( Never look a gift horse in its mouth. ( Never. ( / ) , )! ). , ). ). ). ). Next time, I'll teach him a lesson. ( Next, we have to look into... ( No dilly-dally ( No hanky-pranky ( No harm done ( No money, no honey ( No, I am afraid not ( No, I don't agree with you ( No, not in the least( No, that's not what I meant. ( Not at all. ( Not yet. ( ) ) ).

Now I see what you mean. Thank you. ( Now or never ( Now, it's up to you ( Now, the dice is cast ( ).

, ). ).


Now, we can call it a day ( Now, we have learnt a lesson. ( Of course not. ( Of course. ( Oh, dear( Oh, I see. ( ) ) )! ) ,

). )

Oh, Mr. Chan, here's something for you. ( , ) On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to present you with a small token of appreciation. ( ) On the contrary... ( ) Pardon ( )? Pay me one hundred dollars. You can't be wrong on that. ( , , ) People live in glasses shouldn't throw stones. ( Perfect. ( Perhaps not. ( Perhaps so. ( ) ) , ) , ) ) ) ) , )

Perhaps you didn't realize my idea. ( Pleas accept it with our best wishes. ( Please bring me up to date. ( Please come round and see me some time. ( Precisely. ( Put away ( Put it this way... ( Put out the fire. ( Really ( Relax. ( Right. ( ) Rise and shine ( Sales have really taken off ( See you later, alligator! ( Set a good example, please. ( Shall I explain it again ( She didn't fancy me at all. ( She has a heart of gold. ( She is a cold fish ( She is as hard as nail. ( She is feeling in the pink ( ). ). ) ) )? , ) ). ) this year. , ) ) )? ) ) ) ) the toys. )

Shame on you! Never say that in public. (


She is the black sheep (

) of her family. ). ). ) she is an American.

She is, so to speak, a tomato (

She said sorry? She's just shedding the crocodile tears ( She speaks English so well. I took it for granted ( She was dismissed ( She's kind-hearted( Shut up ( So I've heard( So what ( Speak your mind ( Stay alive ( Stop pulling my leg ( Stop that ( Sure( / ). ). ). ). )? ). ). )! ). ). ) ). She's got the wrong end of the stick. (

Somehow or later, you'll know it (

Take care of small children( ). Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves ( , ). Take it easy ( Take it or leave it ( That depends ( That is just an alibi ( That is to say ( )... ). , ). ) ). ). ). ).

That man is behind the scenes ( That reminds me, I haven't paid the water bill. ( That's all right. ( That's enough ( That's fine ( That's hardly true ( That's impossible ( That's it ( That's more like it ( That's my cup of tea ( That's my view, too. ( That's not quite what I mean. ( That's not the point ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ) That's all the same to him (

That's just what I am going to say. ( ). ). ) )


That's quite funny ( That's quite queer ( That's right ( That's splendid ( That's the point ( That's too bad ( That's true ( ). That's very kind of you. ( That's what you think. ( That's wonderful. ( The bathroom is flooded. ( The batteries have run out ( The boss has an affair ( The chair is broken. ( The clouds are gathering. ( The document was mislaid ( The door-handle came off ( The fog ( ) is thick ( ). The lights ( The pipe ( ) are not working( ) was leaking ( ) a little. ). ). ) ). ) ). ). ). ). ).


) ) ) ) with his secretary. ) ) ).

The case is as crystal clear now. (

). ).

The matter is very complicated( The plane took off ( The rain lets up ( The sky is overcast ( The storm is brewing ( The storm is over ( ) now. The washing machine broke down. (

)two hours behind schedule. , ). ) ) ) ) ). ). )! ). ) ) ). ).

The result, as I know, is cut and dried ( ).

The weather has been very uncertain recently. ( The weather is improving. ( There is a fog coming. ( There is nothing wrong with me ( There you go again ( There's a clap of thunder ( There's a gently breeze ( There's a typhoon coming. ( There's no doubt about it. ( There's no smoke without fire (


They idolize Sam Hui ( Think hard ( ). This is at my expense ( ). This is none of your business. Go away. To hell with it ( )! To hell with you ( Undoubtedly ( Unquestionably ( Wait and see ( We are all for it ( We are having a downpour ( We had a drought ( ). ). ). ). ). )! ). Too many cooks spoil the broth (


Wait a minute. / Wait a second. / Wait a while. / Wait a moment. (

) last year. It didn't rain for eightmonths. ). ) [ , ) ) ) ). ). ) ) ) ) )! )! )! )! )! )! )! )! )! )! )! )? ,

We have pleasure in presenting this to you( : Why, how nice of you! ( We hope you'll like it. ( We shall have a storm. ( We shall see about that ( Well, I am at your disposal ( Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that. ( Well, I wouldn't be surprised. ( Well, let's wait and see. ( Well, well, well ( , Well ( , )? We have to spend less so as to make both ends meet. (

What a beautiful starry night ( What a heavy thunderstorm( What a lovely moon( What a man ( What a nasty windy day ( What a nuisance ( What a pity ( What a scorching day ( What a surprise ( What a terrible downpour! What a terrible night ( What an idea ( What are you getting at (


What do you say ( What has happened( What held you up ( What I mean is... ( What I meant to say was... ( What is your number ( What's going on ( What's happening ( What's the game ( What's up ( )?

)? )? )? ) .) )? )? )? )? )? )? , , )? )? ) )? ) )! ). ) ?

When are you going to tie the knot ( When do the exam results come out ( When there is life, there is hope. ( Where the devil did you put my book( Who said that ( Will you join us ( With pleasure. ( Would you marry me? ( Wow, she makes eyes at me ( Yes, I think so ( Yes, indeed ( Yes? ( ) ). ). Yes, it is quite clear ( , )? Why do you look so upset (

Would you accept this little present(

You and I speak the same language. ( You are carrying your joke too far ( You are irresistible ( You are my angel. ( You are really something ( You are welcome. ( You beam me up! ( You broke my heart. ( You don't mean it ( You eat it and I'll foot the bill ( You have good taste. ( ) You have to make it by hook or by crook ( You have to pay the price for what you did. ( ) ) ). ). ). ) ). ) ).

) ).

You did it. You must face the music (

). )


You know what I mean? ( You must get your hair cut. ( You see, I am as busy as a bee. ( You see, I am only a nobody ( You silly man, let go of me. ( You took my breath away ( You're free to go ( Your cup is chipped ( ). ). , ). )

) ) , ). )

Your information doesn't seem to tally with ours. (

Questions and requests Are you sure? / Are you sure about it? / Are you sure...? Can I see it ( , )? Can I try( , uc2 )? Can you help me? / Could you help me? Can you tell me...? Come this way, will you? Could I speak to you for a moment? Did I mention it? / Did he mention it? / Did you mention it? Did it turn out a fraud ( )? Do you know...? / Don't you know...? ( Do you like it? / Don't you like it? ( Do you mind me doing this ( Do you think we shall succeed ( Don't you think we shall succeed ( Everything is ready, I suppose? ( , Excuse me, can you tell me the time ( Excuse me, can you tell me where is the doctor? Excuse me, how can I find the conference room( Have you any idea whether he will come ( How about going now ( How can get in touch with you( , )? )? , / )? )? / )? ) )? )? )? / ) )

How can they demand this ( )? I wonder if you can help me in this matter? Is it true? / Isn't it true? / Was it true? / Wasn't it true? It is on the way, I believe ( , )? It is true, isn't it ( It sounds incredible ( May I ask a question ( , )? ), doesn't it? )?


May I have the specifications ( May I smoke ( May I speak? ( May I take this pen? ( May I use your pen? ( Oh, really( )? Pardon me, are you Mr. Cheung ( )? )


) ) )?

Read through this passage carefully, will you ( , )? Shall I go? / May I go? / Am I to go? / Shall we go? / Will you go? / Won't you go? Should I tell Mr. Wong about this? Well? / Eh? / Really? / Indeed? / True? ( ?) What about a cup of tea ( What about it? ( What building is this ( What do you mean by this ( What if we should fail? ( What is it ( )? What is your email address? What is your telephone number? What office is this, please? What's for ( )?. When did you last see him ( When to begin ( When to close ( When to end ( When to start ( )? )? )? )? )? ) )? )? , ) , )?

When will you be back ( )? Where can I find the manager? Where can I find the Personnel Department ( Where from ( Where to find it ( )? )? )? Where have you been these days ( Where to ( )? Which arrangement would suit you better? Which do you like best ( )? Which do you prefer( )? Who did you speak to? / Whom did you speak to? Who told you that ( )? Who will look after her( Whose book is it ( )? )?


Why aren't you prepared to accept this (



Why did he go there ( Why did he say that( Why didn't you come last week ( Why don't you like it ( Why not take a cigarette( Will you do something for me ( ,

)? )? )? )? )? )? )? )?

Why haven't they made the necessary preparations (

Will you please hand me that pencil( Would you allow me to use your telephone? Would you be kind to help me stand? Would you care for a lemonade ( )? Would you care to drop in ( Would you join us( )? , Would you lend me your dictionary ( Would you like to come to see it ( , )? Would you mind if I take this paper? Would you mind telling me where do you live? Wouldn't it be better if you go to see him first? You are Mr. Yeung, aren't you ( , You have finished it, haven't you? You have finished the job, haven't you? )?



Apologies Excuse me. ( ) Forgive me for interrupting you( ). : No, not at all. ( ) Forgive me. : It's all right. Don't mention it. I am afraid I have given you a lot of trouble. I am sorry for being late. : That's quite all right. I am sorry for what I have done. : It's nothing. I am sorry to be in your way. ( , ) I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble. : That doesn't matter. I am sorry to have taken you so much time. I am sorry. I am sorry. Have I hurt you ( , )? : No, not in the least. ( , I apologize. ( I beg your pardon. ( I regret it. ( ) , ) ) ) , ) ).

I hope you will forgive me ( It was by accident, sorry. ( It was most stupid of me. (


Pardon me. (

) ) ) , )

Please accept my deep apologies. ( Please accept my sincere apologies. ( Please excuse me for a moment. It won't be long. ( Sorry to bother you. ( , ) Sorry to have bothered you. : Don't worry about it. Sorry to disturb you. ( , ) Sorry.

Having meals Anything else you like to have? : No, thank you. I have had quite enough. Are you hungry? Bring me a glass of water, please. Bring me the bill, please. ( , ) Can I help you to a piece of chicken? Can we have a table for six? ( : Just a little piece( ) ), thank you.

Could I have the bill, please? ( , ) Do you like tea or coffee? : Tea, please. Do you like your beef under-done ( ) or well-done ( Do you take credit card? ( ) Do you take milk and sugar with your coffee? Do you want your eggs fried ( ), scrambled (

)? ) of sugar, please.

: A little milk and one lump ( ) or boiled ( )?

Does this include a service charge? ( ) Have you decided yet? : We don't know much about American food. What would you recommend? Have you had breakfast? : Not yet. : Let's have it together. Have you had lunch? : Yes, I have. Help yourself to some sugar if it is not sweet enough. : No, it's quite all right. How about some more chicken ( )? How about the salad? : It's delicious and the dressing ( / How do you drink coffee, with or without milk? How would you like your steak( )? Rare( ), medium ( I could not finish this pizza. Can I have a doggie bag( I hope this coffee to your taste ( I prefer a table for two by the window ( ). ). ). )? ) is superb. : I am glad you like it. )?

) or well done(

I think the meal is about ready. Let's go to the dining room ( I want apple tart ( ). : The same for me( ). I'd like to reserve a table for three this Saturday evening.


I'll have one apple pie. I'll have Sirloin Steak ( I'll take cauliflower ( Is it strong enough ( Is the steak (

: So will I. ) and a green salad ( [) and baked potatoes ( / )? )? ). ). ,

). I want the steak well done, please. ). What about you? ). ).

)tender enough (

: Yes, it's perfect (

Let me drink to your health ( Let me help you to this roast duck ( Let us drink to Mr. Chan's victory ( Lunch is ready. Come on! ( May I propose a toast to Mr. Lee(

: Thank you. It's delicious ( ). )

)? May he achieve greater success in the next project! )

May I propose a toast to our guest of honour Mr. Raymond Yeung? ( May I trouble you for the salt? Please bring me two bottles of beer. Please bring us tow portions of ice-cream. Please help yourself. ( , ) Please lay another place at this table. ( Please make out the bill ( Please show me the menu ( The beef is tough. ( The steak is tender. ( Waiter, a table for two ( ) ). ) ), please. ) The meat is not done enough ( ). ). )

We have reserved a table for four, with the name of C H Tung. ( What do you like to drink? : Hot Chinese tea, please. What soup shall we order? ( ) What will you have( ( , ) )? )? : I'll skip ( ) the desert. What would you like for the desert ( What's the chef's recommendation ( What's the today special ( )? What's the today's soup ( )? Where shall we eat? What about KFC? Which soup do you prefer, borsch ( Will you pass me the pepper ( )? : Just a moment, please. We have not decided yet.

) or onion (

) soup?

), please?

Would you like another cup of tea? ( , ) Would you like tea or coffer? : I prefer coffee. Would you like to have some more rice( )? Would you mind passing the salt to me? Would you wrap this for me( , )? You want your tea strong( )or weak( You want your toast ( )?

: No, thanks. I have had enough. (

: I like strong.

) dark or brown?


Travelling By the way, what time is it? Can I get a ticket to Hong Kong? Can I make a stop-over on the way? Can you tell me the time? Cross the street and then walk to the left. Do you have anything to declare ( )? : No, I have nothing to declare. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to City Hall? Excuse me. Could you please tell me where the nearest post office is? Excuse me. Could you tell me how I can get to the Bank of China? Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Revenue Tower? Follow this road. Go left at the second traffic light. Go right till the end of this street. Then, turn to the right and you will see it. Go straight ahead. How can I get to the airport? How can I get to the Money Bank? How long does it take from here to City Hall? Would it take long to walk there? How long does it take to fly from Hong Kong to Singapore? How long is the ticket valid for? : It's valid for one day only. How many flights a day do you have to Singapore? How many kilograms of luggage can I carry? How much further is it? How much is the fare? How much is the one-way fare ( )? How much is the round-trip fare ( )? I advise you to take MTR. I happen to be in the same direction. I am glad to conduct you. I want to go to the City Garden. Is this the right way? I wonder what time is it now. I'd like a window seat, please. I'm going there too. Please follow me. Is there a short cut to the Queen Pier? Is there a taxi stand near here? Is there any express train to Taipei? Is this a through train to Shenzhen? Do I have to change somewhere? Is this my compartment? : Yes, it is. This is your seat. Is this seat taken? : Yes, it's already taken. Is this seat vacant? It's almost noon. It's at the end of this road. It's getting late. It's just around the corner. It's just over there. It's not far from here. Just five-minutes walk, I think. It's on the other side of the road. It's quite easy to find it. You can't miss it. It's right opposite the Windsor House. It's right over here. It is right over there.


It's two streets farther on. Keep going straight on. May I trouble you to tell me the time? Open your suitcase. What's inside the box? Pardon me. Where does this street lead to? Please book me two tickets to Hong Kong for next Friday. Please reserve an economy class ticket ( ) to Manila. Please tell me where is the bus stop. Please tell me which bus goes to the Peak. Please tell me which road to Alexandra House. Shall I change another bus on the way? Sorry to disturb you. Can you direct me to the railway station? Straight on. Take a right a the fork ( ). Take the first crossing to the right. Take the first turning to the right. Take the second turning to your left. Tell me, please, where is number 101 in this street? Thank you for your information. That's quite far. You'd better take a tram. This road leads to the Government House. Turn to the left at the next crossroads ( ). Turn to the left. Turn to the right. What does my luggage weigh? Is it overweight? : Your luggage weights forty-five kilograms and is fifteen kilograms in excess of the allowance. : How much should I pay for the excess? What gate ( ) should I enter? What is the quickest way to the Park? What is the time? What time does Flight 301 arrive? What time is it? : It's just seven. What time will boarding start ( / )? When does the next train arrive, please? Where can I catch a taxi? Where do I have to check in for Cathay flight number 211? Where is the manager's room? : It's on the second floor. Go upstairs and then turn to the right. Which bus has a stop at Central Theater? Which bus stops at Emperor Building? Which platform will the train leave from? Will this street lead to Johnson Road? Will you be so kind as to tell me the shortest way to the ABC book store? Will you kindly tell me how I can get to the Star Ferry? Is it 51near here? How long will it take me to get there? Will you please tell me how to go to the Grand Hotel? Will you please tell me where the ticket office is? You are going in the opposite direction. You are going quite out of your way. You are very kind to take so much trouble in directing me. : No trouble at all. You can see it from here. You must go back and take the second turning on the right.


Shopping Can I pay by credit card? Could I have a kilogram of smoked salmon ( Could you give me a discount ( )


Could you grind ( ) this piece of meat? Couldn't you give me more discount? Do you accept visa card? Do you have any sweaters ( ) in more reserved colours? Do you have anything cheaper? Do you have anything of better quality? Do you have this one in other colours? Doesn't it look flashy ( )? Excuse me. How can I get to the cosmetic department? Have you any woolen shirts ( )? Have you been shopping today? He much will that be altogether ( )? How much does it come to altogether? How much is it? I am afraid it won't wash( ). I am afraid the shoes are too loose for me. I am not familiar with American sizes. Would it take my measurement? I bought this dress ( ) last week but with a wrong size. Could I exchange it for a smaller one? Here is the receipt. I like the trousers ( ). But they are too long. Could you have them altered ( I need a pair of gloves ( ). I should like to buy a cap ( ). I take size seven. I want it to be wrapped up ( ) as a gift. I want medium sized ones. I want some shopping this afternoon. Would you care to join me? I want some stationery. I want to buy a watch. I would like to see some sport shoes. I'd like to try this jacket ( ). I'm afraid this dress is too big in the shoulders. Is it machine-washable ( )? Is it made of leather? Is it washable? It costs me a fortune ( )! It is made in China. It looks fabulous ( ). It's a bit too tight. It's of the highest quality. It's quite a bargain( ). It's shrink-proof ( ).



It's trendy ( ). Let's go to Jusco. That is the place where I usually go shopping. Let's have a look first. Would you go there and take a carriage, please? May I help you? : No, thank you. I am just looking around. May I see one in a brighter colour? May I see the latest MP3 player? May I try on this dress? Please give me a receipt. Please tell me where the toys department is. Rather expensive, isn't it? Haven't you anything cheaper? She did a lot of shopping. She has gone out shopping. Sorry, it's not exactly what I want. Thank you for your help. But let me think for a while. That is the thing I am looking for. That is too big. That is too small for me. The dress is too long. Would you adjust the length? The price is marked on the tag. It's one hundred and twenty. The prices are outrageous ( ). The size makes no difference in the price. This fits me perfectly. This fits you. This is a little too long. This is exactly your size. This is fine. This is our rock-bottom price ( ). This is rather showy ( ). I would like something plainer ( This is sold by weight. This is too small for me. This shirt really suits you. This suits you very well. We must do some shopping. What can I do for you? What can I show you? What do you charge for a bottle of brandy? What is this material? What size do you take? : Let me try medium, please. What style do you prefer, fashionable or conservative? What's the price? When can I pick it up? When does the department store open? Where can I find frozen meat? Where is the fitting room ( )? Which brand would you recommend? Which one do you think looks best on me? Will it shrink ( )? Will it wear well( )? Is the colour fast( .)? Will you take it? Would you hem the dress up ( ) about two inches? Would you show me some neck-ties ( )? ).


Would you show me some ready-made suits ( Would you tell me where the seasonings ( You are looking smart in this skirt. ) are?


Talking on the phone Can I take a message? Extension 209 please. He has just left. He's in. Hold on the line please. He's not in at the moment. He's out. He won't be back until 5 p.m. Hello. Is Mr. Yeung there? : Yes, speaking. Hold on a minute, please. I am sorry. Mr. Lee isn't in. Would you like to leave a message? I beg your pardon. I should like to talk to Miss Amy Chow, please. I think there is something wrong with the phone. Could you please phone again some time later? I want Mr. Smith. Is he in? I want to talk to Mr. Cheung, please. I'll call later. I'm sorry. Would you repeat that, please? Is Mr. Chan there? Is that you, Mr. Lee? This is John Chan. Is this Inland Revenue Department? It's very noisy here. Could you speak louder? Just hold on a minute, please. May I ask who is calling? May I have your name? May I know who's calling? Mr. Lee, there is a phone call for you from your home. Mr. Lee, you are wanted on the phone. My boss is coming. I have to hang up ( ) now. Goodbye. One moment, please. Please ask Mr. Cheung to phone home. It's urgent. Please connect me with the sales manager. Please ring me up on Monday morning. Please tell Mr. Chan I phoned him. Please wait a moment. I'll connect you to him. Shall I ask Mr. Wong to call you back when he comes back? Sorry, I can't hear you. Can you speak a little louder, please? Sorry, I don't catch your name. Could you spell it? Sorry, you have the wrong number. This is Raymond Yeung speaking. This is RYTC. What can I do for you? What is Mr. K. Y. Chan's extension ( )? What number are your calling? Where are you calling from? Who do you want to speak to? Who is speaking, please? Who's calling, please?


Who's speaking, please? Would you mind calling me back at 2 p.m.? : Yes, what is your number? Would you please ask Mr. Wong to phone me back as soon as he comes in?

Health A fishbone stuck in my throat ( ). A small insect flew into my ear. A spasm sometimes develops without reasons. Are you allergic to any drugs? Are you feeling better? At first it went away. But it came back once every week. Blood and pus ( ) discharge from the gums ( ). Can I take a bath? Delusions haunt me ( ). Do you feel chilly ( Do you feel nauseous ( Do you feel pain here? Do you have a fever ( )? )? )? )?

Do you have any allergies (

Do you have diarrhea ( )? Do you have pain anywhere else? Does it hurt ( ) all the time? Does it hurt? Don't worry about it. Everything is disgustful ( ). Everything looks blurred ( ). Everything seems pointless and useless to me. Far things are blurred. Have you ever coughed up blood ( )? Have you passed blood in your urine( He is still in a coma ( He vomited blood ( ). ). He seems to be colour-blind (. ). He's become squint-eyed ( ). How are you feeling today? How are you today? How are you? How do you feel this morning? How is your father? How is your mother? How long have you had this pain? I always feel hungry. I am a slight sleeper ( ). )?


I am down with flu (


I am exhausted ( ). I am fit. / I am fine. / I am splendid. / I am in excellent health. / I am as usual. I am frustrated ( ). I am going to check your blood pressure. I am going to take an X ray. I am going to take your temperature and pulse. I am in no mood to do anything. I am not feeling well. I am out of breath ( ) when I walk a while. I am susceptible to colds ( I belch ( ) a lot. ). I bring up phlegm ( ). ). I don't know what to do about it.

I bleed ( ) while I have a bowel movement ( I broke my arm. I broke my leg. I can't bend my leg ( ). I can't do fine work. I can't keep anything in my stomach. I can't lift my arm. I can't see things well when it gets dark. I can't shake off the sleepiness. I can't sleep at night. I can't stop drinking. I can't tell one colour from another. I collapsed. I cough and have sputum ( ). I cut my hand with a knife. I don't feel well. I faint easily ( ). I feel blocked up in the chest ( I feel bulged in the stomach ( I feel depressed ( I feel dismal ( I feel dizzy ( I feel faint ( I feel gloomy ( I feel hard to breathe ( I feel hazy and fuzzy ( I feel hopeless ( I feel I am under a curse ( I feel impatient ( I feel irritated ( I feel languid ( I feel like vomiting ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ).


I feel melancholic ( ). I feel nervous. I feel pumped up in the lower abdomen. I feel sad ( ). I feel scared ( ). I feel tired. I don't want to do anything. I feel weak ( ). I find it difficult to make out the words ( I find myself in a cold world. I had a sleepless night ( ). I have a bad cold ( I have a blister ( I have a cavity ( I have a dreadful ( ). ) in my mouth. ) in a tooth. ) feeling. ).

I have a decayed tooth ( ent kid. ( ). I have a dull pain ( ) in my right ear. I have a gripping pain in the abdomen. I have a hard stool ( ). I have a headache. I have a hoarse cough ( ). I have a loose tooth ( I have a lot of cold sweat ( ). ) and feel shaky ( ).

I have a lot of saliva ( ) and feel very hot inside. I have a mild cold. I have a pain in my knees. I have a pain in my lower abdomen. I have a pain in my side. I have a pain in the chest. I have a prickling pain ( ) in my right eye. I have a prickly feeling all over my body. I have a puffy ( ) face. I have a rash ( ) on my back. ). ). ). ). I have a running nose ( I have a sever muscle pain ( I have a severe pain in my back ( I have a sharp pain in my stomach ( I have a soft stool ( I have a sore foot ( I have a sore throat ( I have a squeezing pain ( I have a swollen foot ( ). ). ). ) in the stomach. ).

I have a swollen tongue ( ). I have a temperature of 100 degrees.


I have a terrible headache. I have a toothache. I have a touch of flu ( I have a watery stool ( I have an abdominal pain ( ).

). ). ).

I have an inflammation ( ) in my mouth and there are several round specks ( I have an uncomfortable feeling. I have an uneasy feeling. I have bad breath ( ). I have become a coward ( I have boils ( ). ). I have chapped skin ( ).

I have convulsions ( ) while working. I have discomfort in my upper abdomen. I have dry coughs ( ). I have gas in my stomach ( I have hallucinations ( I have heart trouble ( I have high blood pressure ( ). ). ). ).

I have little appetite ( ). I have lost my energy. I have lost my patience. I have low blood pressure ( ). I have no confidence in myself. I have pain around here. I have piles ( ). I have pimples ( I have rashes ( ) on my face. ) all over my arms.

I have red specks ( ) on my face. I have some kind of sore on both corners of my mouth. I hiccup ( ). I hope you will get over it. I hope you will recover soon. I lost weight suddenly. I often have a desire to urinate ( ). I perspire heavily at night. I scorched ( ) my hands in cooking. I see bright specks ( I see flickering ( I seem to urinate ( I sneeze ( ) things. ). ) too much. ). I seem to have astigmatism ( ) a lot all day. ) in my eyes.

I suffer from asthma (


I suffer from constipation ( I suffer from halitosis ( I suffer from indigestion ( I suffer from insomnia ( I think my wisdom tooth ( ). Will it be all right to keep it? I throw up ( ) all I eat. ). ).

). ). ) is cutting through (

I twisted ( ) my ankle. I twisted my left foot. I vomited ( ) a moment ago. I want to have a complete check-up. I want to have false tooth ( ) put in. I want to have my blood examined ( I want to have this cavity filled ( I want to have this tooth treated ( I want you to extract this tooth ( ). I worry about insignificant things. I would like to have a pregnancy test ( I'd like to have my teeth cleaned ( I'll give you a shot ( I'm absent minded ( ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). ). I want to have my temperature measured (

). ).

I would like to have some contraceptive medicine (

I'm afraid I have an ear infection ( I'm always under tension ( I'm feeling low ( I'm fretful ( ). I'm having eye trouble. I'm moody ( ). I'm short of breath ( I'm tired of life ( I've become forgetful ( I've become impotent ( I've got stung by an insect ( I've torn off a finger nail ( If I cough ( ), it hurts ( ). )? Is a recurrence likely ( / ). ). ). I've become quick tempered ( ). ). ). ).

I'm always very particular about trifling things (

I've had no bowel movement for two days ( ).



Is it all right to drink ( Is the pain severe ( Is there any adverse reaction ( It burns ( ). )?

)? ) for the drug.

It feels as if food is stuck ( ) in my throat. It hurts the most when I get up in the morning. It is bleeding ( ). It is not contagious ( It is swollen and painful ( It stings ( ). ). ).

It throbs ( ). Kill the pain. / Ease the pain. / Stop the pain. / Alleviate the pain, please. Lie down over here. My anus ( ) is itchy ( ). I can't stand it. My arms hurt so much that I can't reach my back. My back itches ( ). My body aches. My bones ache. My bruise ( ) is still sore ( ). My cheeks are burning. My cheeks ( ) burn ( ). My ear hurts terribly when I touch it. My ear lobe ( ) is swollen ( ). My ears are ringing ( My eyes are gummed up ( ). ). ). My ears have suddenly started to hum ( My eyes are itching ( ). My eyes are red and painful. My eyes are sore ( ). My eyes are unbearably itchy. My eyes feel hot ( ). My eyes feel itchy. My eyes feel tired. My eyes hurt so much that I can't open them. My eyes water ( ). My fingers feel numb ( My gums are swollen ( My gums bleed ( My head feels heavy ( My joints ache ( My left ear tingles ( ). ). ). ). ) whenever I eat an apple. ). ).

My limbs often get numb ( My lips are dry and rough.


My mouth is sticky ( My neck is so stiff ( My nose bleeds ( ).

). ) that I can't move my head. )

My nose is running like water ( My nose is stopped up ( My nose is stuffy ( My nose throbs ( My stomach rumbles ( My stomach stings ( My stomach tingles ( ). ). ). ). ).

My son shows symptoms of chicken pox ( ).

). He has little red spots over his body.

My stool is black ( ). My teeth ache all day long. My throat feels dried out. My throat feels raw ( ). My throat hurts when I swallow. My throat is swollen. I can't speak. My vision is blurred ( ). My visual field has narrowed ( ). My voice gets hoarse ( ). Not only my nose runs, it also drains into my throat. One of my molars ( ) is loose. Pus ( ) is coming out of her ears. ). Since I was a child, I've been insecure ( ), timid ( ) and introverted ( Take care of yourself. Take this medicine before meal. Take this medicine three times a day, after each meal. Take two tablets every three hours. The fever has gone ( ). The gums ache if I press them with my finger. The image of something looks like a rainbow in my eyes. The mucus ( ) in my nose is dried up. It forms dark yellow crusts ( ). The pain attacks me on and off. The pain has disappeared. The pain has gone away. The pain is excruciating ( ). The pain tends to get worse at night. The wound is inflamed ( ). There are spots ( There is a dull pain ( There is a terrible stiffness ( There is pus ( ) in the wound. ) in my vision. ) in the back of my eyes. ) in my shoulders. ).

There is blood in the nasal discharge (


Things look distorted (


What about my diet ( )? What can I eat? What's the matter with you? When I blow up my nose, my ears squeak ( When I close my eyes, I feel a biting pain ( When I cough, my throat burns ( ). When I got up this morning, I got a crick ( When I press the gums, they bleed. When I urinate, it hurts terribly. When it's rubbed ( ), it hurts. Where is the pain? Will she have to be hospitalized( )? You don't look very fit. You'd better have a thorough check-up( You'd better see a doctor.

). ) in the eyelids ( ) in my neck. ).



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