English For Foreign Travel

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Of English required for foreign travel

English needed at the time of entry - Port of entry (immigration) in the May I see your passport please? (May a child passport Yourself Mr. Please) Would you please show me your passport? Here you are. (U Hear Oh) here. Where are you from? (Yoo Oh Fair Gazprom) Where did you come from? I am from Korea. (M. Fromm child Korea) has been in South Korea. How long are you going to stay? (Howe long Going-to-Stay Yeah Yoo?) Is expected to stay how long? I will stay for 7 days. (Children Will Stay Whoa deyiseu Seven) will stay seven days. What is the purpose of your visit? (Wat Grace Of The peopojeu bijit Yourself) What is the purpose of your visit? I'm here on Holiday / Sightseeing / Business. (Aim on Starbucks Holiday / sayiteusinging / Business), vacation / tourist / business is. Where are you going to stay? (Fair-to-Stay Yeah Yoo Going), where you're staying? At the ABC hotel. (Aet more eyibi City Hotel), A-BC is expected to stay at the hotel. - While passing through customs Do you have anything to declare? (2 U I Have Two aenising dikeulreeo) Do you have something to report? No I don't. (No children donteu) No, no. Please hand me the customs declaration form. (More peulrijeu Hand U.S. keoseuteomseu dikeulreoreyisyeon form) declaration, please. Here it is. (Hear Et Izu) is here. Open your baggage, please. (Open-Yourself Baggage Please) try to open the bag. I have only personal effects. (Oh, I Have Only Personal yipekcheu) and personal items only. You can go out throgh green line. (You Can high-through-out the Green Line), exit back to the green channel. Thank you. (Ssaengkyu) Thank you. - When the cash Can you exchange this for Australia dollars, please? (CAN U disk Whoa Exchange Australia dalreoseu Please) Can I replace it with Australian dollars? May I see your passport? (Nagoya City Child Yourself passport) to show your passport, please? Just fill out this form, will you? (Just out Phil Will U disk form) can you please write this paper? How would you like your money? (Howe Wood U Brit Yourself Money) How would you like cash? Five tens, ten twenties and the rest in coins, please. (The rest is end tuwentijeu Five Ten tenjeu Coins Please) $ 10 5 and $ 20 coins in Chapter 10 and the rest, please.

2. Hotels in the required English - When you check in Good evening. Can I help you? (Evening gut. Cans help children U) Hi. Can I help you? Yes, I'd like to check in, please. (Yes-to-Eyed Brit Check Please) Yes, I want to check. Do you have a reservation? (Leisure masturbate 2 Yoo Oh I Have?) You have reservations? I have a reservation for three nights. My name is Hong Gil-dong. (Oh boy I Have Three Four Knights Leisure masturbate. My name Izu-Smith, John) has reserved three days. My name is John Smith. Just a moment, please. (Just, uh Moment Please) Please wait a minute. Oh, yes. One twin. Is that right? (Oh, yes. Tweens won. Izu about five wright) Oh, yeah. One's twin. Am I right? - If no reservation Hello. Is there a room available tonight? (Hello. Izu uh der eobeilreobeul Room Tonight) Hello. Does the room to stay tonight? What kind of room do you have in mind? (Kind Of Wat I Have Room 2 U Inn mind) What kind of room do you want? I'd like a twin room (a single / a double room), please. (Uh Eyed Brit Twin Room (single, uh, uh, double room) Please) Twin Room (single / double) is required. Hold on please. ... (On Hold Please) Please wait a minute. I'm afraid we're fully booked. (Aim coverage, Reid Pulley bukteu WIA), the room looks all cold. The only room available at the moment is suite. (DI Only The Moment Izu-suite rooms eobeilreobeul aet) suite now it is just empty. What's the rate for the room? (Watts More Rate Four more rooms) how much is the room rate? - When you use the card accommodation Will you fill out this form, please? (Will U disk forms out Phil Please) Can you write on the card? Can you tell me how to fill out this form? (Van Nistelrooy U.S. oil cans out house-to-disk form Phil) How do I write? Certainly. Just put your name and address here, and I'll take care of the rest of it. (Seodeunri. Just Foot Hear Yourself Name end address, take-care-and-Isle Of The Rest Of Et) 4.'s Name and address, please fill out the rest, I'll write. Oh, thank you. (Oh, ssaengkyu) Thank you. - Wake-up call to ask Operator. (Operator) is the operator. I wonder if you can help me. (Eye Wonder Me If You Can Help the U.S.) I'd like to ask. I'll happy to try (Isle Rain Happy Together) Yes, good idea. Please wake me up at seven tommorrow morning. (Aet peulrijeu wekwi U.S. Seven-Up teomarowoo morning) want you to wake up tomorrow morning at 7. May have your name and room number, please? (Hebeu Yourself Name-and room number meahyi Please) teach me your name and room number, sir?

Mr. Park in room 123. (Close range, Mr. Park Inn Room Festival), Mr. Park is in Room 123. - When you want to pick up valuables Excuse me. Can I deposit valuables here? (Extreme kyujeu U.S.. Baelryueobeulseu deposit cans child hero) Excuse me, sir. Can I leave my valuables? Yes, you can. Please put your articles in this envelope and seal it. (Yes, You Can. Peulrijeu disk envelope is foot-and-Yourself ahtikeuljeu room Et) Yes, ma'am. Suture, please put this in the bag. OK (okay) Okay. How long would you like us to keep it? (Long Wood house kip safflower oil Brit-to-Earth) by any savings and leave it? Till next monday when we check out. (Till NeXT Mondays Wen Chek out above) next Monday, until she checked out. All right, sir. (Coming in wright) is. 3. Restaurants in the required English - At the entrance How many, sir? (Howe at Manny) So you're a couple? Three, please. (Sri Please) 3 persons. This way, please. Is this table right? (Peulrijeu Way disk. Izu-disk table wright) jiyo come here. How do you like? Yes, that'll be fine. Thank you. (Yes daedil non-Fine. Saengkyu) Yes, that's good. Thank you. - When booking I'd like to book a table for three at seven. (Four Eyed Brit-to-table Book Three Oh Seven aet) at 7 and I would like to reserve a seat for 3 persons. For three. And may I have your name? (Four Festival. End May I Have Yourself a child name), three tops. Can you tell me your name? Gildong. And put me as close as possible to the stage, please. (Gil. Foot-and-close, the U.S. As One As One Possible Stage Two More Please) is Gil. If possible, ask for seats near the stage. - When you order May I take your order, sir? (May take a child Put Yourself Order), order just joining us, sir. I'd like to see the menu, please. (The menu Mr. Two Eyed Brit Please) I'd like to see the menu. What will you have? (Wat Will I Have U) What would you like? I don't know anything about Australian food. (Money-no-kids aenising Affordable Australian food) I do not know about Australia's food. What do you recommend? (Wat U rikeomendeu 2) What do you want? Which do you prefer, meat or fish? (Mitchell are two Orr peuripeo fish oil), meat and fish is better left out of opposites? I'd rather have meat. (Rather I Have Eyed Mitchell) is more like meat. Then, why don't you try the ABC? (Den Pfizer eyibi more money, Autumn Tri-City), then on ABC's What

About the japsusi? What kind of dish is it? (Wat Kind Of Dish Izu-Et), which is quite? It's grilled meat with some vegetables. (Grilled itcheu Mitchell bejiteobeuljeu Weed Island) will be smothered in grilled meat and vegetables. OK (okay) Okay. 4. To buy stuff when expressed - From dealership May I help you? (May help children Yes) Can I help you? No, thank you. I'm just looking. Maybe later I might need your help. (No ssaengkyu. Ruking Just Aim. Mait Mabe illustrator kids Need Help Yourself) is fine. We are just watching. 'd Have to ask later. I hope you will. Take your time. (Child Hope U Will. Take Yourself Time.) To do so. Now slowly watching. - Information from the counter Excuse me. Can you direct me to the toy department, please? (Extreme kyujeu U.S.. U.S. direct-to-oil cans, more toys dipateumeonteu Please) Excuse me. Toys Can you tell me the dealership? It's on the 7th floor. As you get off the elevator, you'll see it on your left. (Itcheu On The Seventh Floor. As One more oil driving off the elevator, when only Yourself from Et Left) 7 floors. Elevator is on the left. Can you direct me to the elevator? (U.S. Direct-to-oil cans, more elevator) Elevator Which is it? Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it. (And he's only Wok Straight Ahead Into Et) will go quickly. Thank you. (Ssaengkyu) Thank you. You're welcome. (Welcome to Yourself) You're welcome. - When you pay with traveler's checks How much will it be altogether? (Howe Much Rain Will eoltugedeo Et) How much is all? 200 dollars, please. (Two heondeureodeu dalreoseu, Please) is $ 200. Do you accept traveler's check? (2 U eoksepteu Travelers check) Do you take traveler's checks? Yes, we do. Do you have any identification? (Yes, the above two. Keyisyeon Tiffy 2 U I Have Identified Annie) Yes, I accept. Identification card have that? Yes, I have my passport. (Yes, I Have My Child Passport) Yes, I have a passport. Fine. (FINE) is. - When you slash the value of goods Anything else, sir? (Els at aenising) Anything else you need? That's all for now. How much do I owe you? (Four year daetcheu Now. Howe 5 Much Yu 2 children) enough to do this. How much? That'll be 55 dollars and 20 cents. (Daedil dalreoseu five non-tea-and-Twenty pipeu sencheu) $ 55 is 20 cents. Can't you make it a little cheaper? (Uh meyikit kaenchu Little Chipper) are unable to give a little cheaper? Oh, no, sir. We already gave you a discount on each item. (Oh, no, sir. Eolredi Gabe U Uh discount on the above items make sense) do not abandon. Individually, there is a discount exclusive things. OK I understand. Thank you. (Okay. A child under the stand. Ssaengkyu) Yes, sir. Thank you.

- When you ask how to pay I'd like to see that pen, please. (Two Eyed at The Brit about five pens, Please) I would like to see the pen. You mean this one? (Yoo Min won the disk) that does that mean? No, the other one in the brown case. (No, Dee Brown, Arthur The case is won) is not. Will mean the one in the brown case. Oh, this one. Here. (Oh, disc one, hero) Oh You're telling me this. Here it is. May I try it? (Mei Ai Tri-Et) Do you mind writing this out? Sure. (Sure) Of course. It's very smooth. I'll take it. (Berry Smooth itcheu. Teyikit Isle of) well written so strange. I'll take it. Cash or charge? (Orr won the cache) is in cash, the card is it? Charge, please. (Charge, Please) card will be. 5. Access Terms - When you find the bus stop Where can I catch a bus to go to sydney? (Cans, children wear-to-high-to-Sydney bus kaechwi uh) Where a bus ride will go to Sydney? You can catch one across the street. (You Can Buy kaechwi more eokeuroseu Street) is across the street from the ride. - Buy Tickets Wangdopyeon / Way [British] One return to Sydney, Please. (Sydney won the return-to-Please) Macau round-trip ticket, please 1. A single to Sydney, please. (Well-to-single-Sydney Please) in Sydney, please pyeondopyo 1. [American] One round trip to Sydney, please. (Buy a round trip Sydney-to-Please) Sydney round-trip ticket, please 1. A one-way to Sydney, please. (Well-to-Sydney wonweyi Please) in Sydney, please pyeondopyo 1. Access Terms - When you use the bus Where do I get a ticket? (Wear two children, uh driving ticket) where you'll get the tickets? On the bus. The conductor collects the fares. (On The Bus. Kolrekcheu better conductors more peeojeu)'m on the bus. This fee is subject to the conductor. I'd like to go to national museum. What's the fare, please? (Brit-to-high-to-Eyed National Museum. Watts The Fair Please) I'm going to the National Museum, and, how much? Twenty five cents. (Twenty Five cents) 25 cents. Will you remind me when we get there? (Will Dare driving up oil Wen rimaindeu U.S.) hageodeun get there you tell me please? All right. (Olrait) recommended.

- When you use a taxi Can you take three of us to the airport? (Earth-to-D Airport take oil cans), three of them can go to the airport? What's the fare, please? (Watts The Fair Please) What's the fare? You're overcharging me. (Yourself ohbeochajing U.S.) charge too much, she is now. I was short-charged. (Worth a child snapshot chajideu)'s change, the less you gave. Keep the charge. (More points won) I enjoy the change.

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