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Lorenzo Rivera

Social Studies CAT

7th Grade Social Studies- The Spread of European Religions in the New World
Key Content Standard(s): List the complete text of only the relevant parts of each standard. TPE: 1 & 9
Chronological and Spatial Thinking
1. Students explain how major events are related to one another in time.
4. Identify and locate the European regions that remained Catholic and those that became Protestant and
explain how the division a!ected the distribution of religions in the New World.
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? TPE: 1, 6 & 9
Students will be able to identify the dominant religion of the major colonial forces and explain how they spread
their religion in the new world.
Students will be able to explain the impact of European Religions in the Americas today.
Assessment: Formal and Informal Assessment. TPE: 2 & 3

What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
Students will be able to create a color coded map of the dominant religions of Europe and the Americas.
Students will prepare a presentation for their country of focus to share with the class that focuses on how these
countries spread their religion to the new world. Students will conclude the presentation by answering the
question, How has the spread of European religions a!ected the daily lives of people living in the Americas

What modications of the above assessment would you use for language learners and/or students
with special needs?
Students will be working in heterogeneous groups. The students will be grouped so that students that need
extra support will be in groups with more capable peers. All students in the groups are expected to contribute
to the creation of the map and lesson.
Prerequisite Skills, Knowledge and Experiential Backgrounds. TPE: 4 & 8

Prerequisite skills from prior school experiences

Students have learned about the causes e!ects of the reformation. The students have also been introduced to
the age of exploration and the beginning of the colonial period. The students have started learning about
di!erent methods employed by various countries and religious groups to convert the indigenous peoples of the
new world. Students have also been working on historical internet research throughout the year.

Strategy to connect school learning with prior experiential knowledge and/or cultural background
The majority of the students in the classroom are Mexican and Central American and have grown up within
catholic or christian households and/ or communities.
The students are also working on a persuasive writing unit during English Language Arts in which they are
writing about issues that they see in their communities. They are exploring different ways to persuade others to
join them in caring about the issue they are writing about so that they can make a difference. The history lesson
connects to this because during English Language Arts they will be asked about different ways in which to spread
their ideas and ideologies. The connection to violent ways of spreading ideas will be made explicit during
English Language Arts and Social Studies.

Pre-assessment strategy
To open the lesson the teacher will be doing a whole class review of the reformation and the spread of
European religions by posing questions, having students think pair share and using a cold call strategy to have
students share with the class.
Academic Language. TPE: 7 & 9

What content specic vocabulary, text structures, stylistic, or grammatical features will be
explicitly taught?
Because this lesson is more of a review of concepts that have been previously learned, vocabulary will not be
explicitly taught. During the opening of the lesson students will be reviewing vocabulary that they have
previously learned.
Equity. TPE: 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

How will ALL learners engage? (varying academic abilities, cultural backgrounds, and language
levels) Describe your di!erentiated instructional strategy.
The lesson allows all learners to engage by incorporating visuals (the map that the students are color coding)
and by allowing students to do internet research. The internet will allow students to engage because they can
search for text or images to help them prepare their presentation. Students will also be engaged through
participation in the class, the cold call system was set in place to create an environment of high expectation in
which everyone is expected to be ready to participate and share their ideas. It is called sharing ideas because
students are not expected to give the correct answer but rather share their ideas in order to help the rest of
the class come to a better understanding of the material.
5 min
The teacher will ask the students a set of
question to review what students have
previously learned about the reformation
and the spread of European religions
throughout the New World. The teacher
will give students time to talk with their
partners and will randomly select
students (using cards with names) to
share with the class.
The teacher will tell the class that they
will be creating a color coded religion
map of Europe and the New World. The
teacher will also tell the students that
they will be doing online research on the
di!erent methods that were used by
European settlers and religious o"cials
to spread the European religions
throughout the New World.
The teacher would then model how to go
about doing the research online using a
think aloud. First I am going to look at
the country that my group is focusing on
and think about their dominant religion
and the countries that they colonized.
Then I am going to begin my research
on that religions and maybe even do a
search of the religion and the country
that was being colonized...
Once the teacher is done modeling he
will explain their assignment: that they
are created a color coded map of the
dominant religions of European
countries and the New World lands hey
settled in. They will also be preparing a
presentation on their focus country
based on the research they conduct.
Their presentations must address the
di!erent tactics used to convert
indigenous populations to European
religions. They must also answer the
question, , How has the spread of
European religions a!ected the daily
lives of people living in the Americas
The teacher will use a cold call strategy
to check for understanding then will ask
the students to get in their project
Students will be talking with their partners
when the teacher poses a question. Some
students will be sharing their ideas with the
During this time students are watching and
listening as the teacher models the beginning
stages of doing online research.
Di!erent students will be restating the
directions for the group project.
The students will get into their project groups,
which have been previously created.
laptop, projector
Group Work:
The teacher will assign each group a
focus country.
The teacher will be circulating the
classroom providing support for all of
the groups. The teacher will meet with
all of the groups in the class to monitor
their progress and learning. The teacher
will be asking questions to guide their
research and conversations.
Closing/ Exit Slip:
The teacher will ask the students to
return to their seats. The teacher will let
the students know that they will have 15
minutes the following day to prepare for
their presentation and nish anything
they did not get done today. The
teacher will then pass out index cards
for the exit slips. The teacher will ask
the students, What are the di!erent
ways in which European settlers
converted indigenous populations of the
Americas? The teacher will ask the
students to work quietly and
independently on the exit slip. Once the
time is up the teacher will have the
students pair share their answers and
will ask for 2-3 volunteers to share their
ideas with the class.
Students will be working in their project
groups. Each group will have access to one
computer to conduct research. Each student
will be contributing ideas for the presentation
and each student will contribute to the color
coded map. The students will be engaged in
conversation about the topic they are
The students will be working quietly and
independently on their exit slips. The
students will then have the opportunity to
share their ideas with their partners and
volunteers will share their ideas with the entire
poster with
Europe and the
New World
drawn own (map
with the outline
of the countries
was previously
prepared by the
laptops (for
students to
markers, colored
pencils, paper
and pencils.
For exit slips:
index cards and

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