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Created by Jessica Inthavong

Yeh-Shen Lesson Plan

Grade level(s)- 3, 4
Language proficiency: Class is predominantly comprised of native English speakers
with a few English language learners. Most of the students are at
an intermediate level, but a few of them are low level in reading
or math while many are advanced in their speaking skills.
Subject: Language Arts
Lesson topic: Yeh-Shen
Language objectives:
1. Improve listening comprehension, reading, guessing, and analytical skills.
2. Listen to, speak, read, and write about Yeh-Shen.
3. Learn new vocabulary words and be able to recognize them in the text and
understand the words meaning.
4. Comprehend and produce the new vocabulary words.
Content objectives:
1. Understand and be able to identify the genre of fairy tale in literature.
2. Compare and contrast the story of Cinderella to Yeh-Shen.
3. Complete a Venn diagram listing similarities and differences between Cinderella
and Yeh-Shen.
4. Gather information both orally and in writing.
5. Make inferences and predictions.
6. Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story as well as story elements such
as plot, setting, theme, and characters.
7. Learn to work well with others and participate in group work.
8. Retell the story of Yeh-Shen through the use of pictures.
Yeh-Shen by Ai-Ling Louie
Cinderella/Yeh-Shen Venn diagram
Vocabulary word list
Lined paper
White paper for drawing on
Colored pencils or markers
Created by Jessica Inthavong
(Note: If any time throughout the lesson ELLs are truly struggling and need some
translation (ex: need help with vocabulary words or the story), if another student or the T
can translate, it is permitted.)
1. T discusses the fairy tale genre.
2. T reminds Ss about the story of Cinderella. The class reviews Cinderella and
T explains how Ss will later read a story that has similarities to Cinderella.
After reading, they will complete a Venn diagram comparing the similarities
and differences of Cinderella to the other story, Yeh-Shen. T points to a poster
in the room or words on the board that say title, author, characters,
setting, plot, theme. Ss answer these questions in reference to
Cinderella. On the board or on an overhead transparency, responses are
written on the Cinderella side of the Venn diagram.
3. Before Reading:
a. T shows Ss the book, Yeh-Shen. Ss make inferences and predictions
about the story from the title of the book, setting (China), and what
they know about the Cinderella story.
b. T writes vocabulary words on the board and Ss write down the words
on their lined paper. T models the correct pronunciation of each word,
spells it, phonetically sounds it out, and writes it on the board. T asks
Ss to say the word and then T calls on individual Ss to try to
pronounce the word. (The T can call on some NSs and NNSs. This
helps NNSs/ELLs in pronouncing a word because they hear it modeled
several times before they are asked to individually produce it without
the class. Also, they get some spelling and phonetic practice while
being able to associate sounds to certain letters and words.) T uses the
word in the context of the sentence from the text and asks Ss what they
think the word means. T explains the vocabulary words prior to
reading so Ss will be able to recognize the words and know what they
mean when they read them in their text. Ss write down the vocabulary
words and short definitions.
4. During Reading:
a. Ss listen to T read, Yeh-Shen, while following along in their texts. Ss
listen for fluency and hear correct pronunciation. T stops at various
parts throughout the text to ask questions and make predictions.
Repetition and frequent comprehension checks through strategies and
appropriate questioning are good for all students.
b. Choral Reading (This is good for ELLs)- During reading, any words
that Ss have trouble pronouncing are written on the board with
pronunciation practice occurring later. (This is useful for ELLs,
especially if the T hears a word that they might be mispronouncing.
Created by Jessica Inthavong
When the T goes over the mispronounced words on the board, its as a
group and no Ss are pointed out for incorrectly pronouncing a word.)
5. After Reading:
a. Discussion- Class discusses the story and theme.
b. Page Hunt- Ss take out their vocabulary word list and find the words in
the text. When they find the page number, they write it next to the
word. T goes over the answers and has Ss read the sentence aloud that
contains the vocabulary word. (This can be done as a race in which Ss
race against each other to find the page number and sentence that
contains the vocabulary word.)
c. Cinderella/Yeh-Shen Venn diagram- T explains the directions,
complete some of it together, and then assigns Ss to work in pair
groups (NSs are paired up with NNSs). In addition to completing the
Venn diagram, Ss need to write 2 sentences about the similarities and
differences between Cinderella and Yeh-Shen. The T verbally gives
examples and writes Cinderella and Yeh-Shen are similar because
and Cinderella and Yeh-Shen are different because on the board
to guide Ss (This is also a helpful guide for ELLs and their partner can
also help them if their writing skills are weak). Afterwards, the Venn
diagram is discussed as a class and answers are written on the Ts
Venn diagram copy.
6. Extension activity: Story-retelling using pictures- T gives Ss a white sheet of
paper for them to draw pictures that will guide them in retelling the story
about Yeh-Shen. Once Ss finish their drawings, Ss are divided into small
groups in which they share their drawings. (Even for low-level ELLs, who
may have difficulty speaking or expressing themselves in English, they can
rely on their drawings to help them.) (Drawings are later displayed in the
7. Out of class work: Ss take their vocabulary word list home, study the words,
and complete a Yeh-Shen word search that contains the words.
8. Assessment: Ss are assessed while they are completing work individually and
in groups. In addition, Ss Venn diagrams, story-retelling pictures, and story-
retelling presentations are assessed. Also, the Yeh-Shen word search will be
collected and checked to see if the Ss correctly completed it. For additional
vocabulary word assessment, the T will give a spelling test and also ask the Ss
to write 2 sentences that utilize two of the vocabulary words. (ELLs are not
docked a lot of points for incorrect spelling, grammatical mistakes, and
incomplete writing or speaking as long as they complete the majority of their
Venn diagram, participate in pair and group work and try to retell the Yeh-
Shen story through the retelling of their pictures.)
Created by Jessica Inthavong

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