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1. A
 t different points throughout the novel, Anna, George, and Kate
are given compelling reasons to go their separate ways. What
keeps their friendship from disintegrating? What would it take to
finally end the friendship?
2. T
 he question Who are you? recurs throughout the book, and
there are many instances of shifting or mistaken identity. To what
extent do the three friends define themselves in relation to each
other? Do your own friends serve the same function?
3. K
 ate seems most fulfilled when she is executing her Golden
Retrieval missionroaming the country impersonating a woman
named Sarah Lake and then giving money to complete strangers.
Why is this mission so important to her? Why doesnt she keep
the money, or donate it to charity? What would you do in her
 Most things I like arent good for me, Anna says (p. 221). How
does addictive or destructive behavior shape each of the three
womens livesand their friendship?
5. A
 nna seems to be the de facto leader of the group, but shes also
the one who gets into the worst trouble. Do her calamities prevent
the three friends from becoming closeror are they what keeps
them together?
6. O
 n the girls first road trip together, Anna asks three questions:
What song would your torturers play to drive you mad? How many
hard-boiled eggs can you eat in one sitting? Who would you save
in a fire, Keith Richards or Pete Townshend? Come up with three
ridiculous questions you might ask a new friend on a road trip.
7. D
 o you surround yourself with the people you have the most in
common with, or do your relationships thrive on differences?
8. B
 y the end of the twenty-one years covered by the novel, which
character has changed the most? The least?
 As she grew older and older, Anna found more and more things
to envy in Kate (p. 302). What does Kate have that Anna and
George lack?
10. W
 hich of the three main characters do you identify with the
most? Or if you see yourself as more of a composite, how would
you quantify it (30% Anna, 20% Kate, 40% George, 10% None of
the Above)?

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