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Crime doesnt take a vacation.

Copyright 2015 by Marcia Wells

Illustrations copyright 2015 by Marcos Calo

All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections

from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing
Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wells, Marcia.
Mystery in Mayan Mexico / by Marcia Wells ; illustrated by Marcos Calo.
p. cm.(Eddie Red undercover)
Summary: On vacation in Mexico, Eddie Red and his best friend
Jonah must once again rely on Eddies talent for drawing and his
photographic memory to uncover clues to catch a crook when Eddies father is
falsely accused of a crime.Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-544-30206-8
[1. DrawingFiction. 2. MemoryFiction. 3. Art theftsFiction.
4. GhostsFiction. 5. MayasAntiquitiesFiction. 6. Indians of
MexicoFiction. 7. MexicoFiction. 8. Mystery and detective stories.]
I. Calo, Marcos, illustrator. II. Title.
PZ7.W4663Mxm 2015
Manufactured in the United States of America
TK 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Dead Meat ... Again

Im back.
Or should I say, He vuelto. Because Im in Mexico.
In prison. Next to a guy named Ral with weird body
hair and a bad habit of picking his teeth with a large
Okay the Ral parts a lie. But I am in a Mexican
jail, or at least in a small holding cell in the police station. The cops handcuffed me and fingerprinted me,
and now Im waiting behind bars to call my parents.
That spells J-A-I-L where I come from.
And I do have a cellmate. Jonah El Frijol
Schwartz (frijol means bean, as in Mexican jumping bean, as in Jonah is a complete spaz). He hit
his head kind of hard and is currently asleep on a
bench, snoring with a honk-honk-weee sound. A few
minutes ago I shook him to make sure he wasnt slipping into a comaand to get him to cool it with

the honk-honk-weee thing. He blinked at me and

muttered something, so I guess hes all right.
Dont get me wrong. Jonahs my best friend, and
of course I care if hes hurt. But if you had just spent
the past two weeks in Mexico with El Frijol, youd be
glad hes unconscious too.
I hear footsteps. A guard approaches, the same
stocky older man who clomps by every ten minutes
or so, refusing to acknowledge my existence. Telfono? I ask for the hundredth time. He whistles a
zippy tune and looks the other way.
I have to call my parents. Its almost midnight,
and they must be seriously freaking out. I stand up
to get the guards attention, and wince. Cuts cover
every inch of my body. My clothes are stained with
bloodmine and Jonahsalong with a fair
amount of Jonahs barf. I smell awesome.
Oye, muchacho. Telfono, another guard grunts in
a thick accent. Hes wearing a blue starched shirt with
a star on each shoulder, and I think I heard the other
guard call him Capitn, so Im pretty sure hes the
man in charge. Im also pretty sure hes the guy who
cuffed me back on top of the Mayan pyramid, but
everything was a little blurry with the driving rain

and wind in my eyes. Its a miracle I didnt lose my

He slides the bars open, the metal rattling loudly
in its frame. Jonah groans, rolls over, and bumps his
forehead against the cement wall. The snoring starts
up again.
I follow the captain over to his desk, doing my best
not to limp or get water on the floor and failing on
both counts. He scowls at the puddle I leave behind.
The Darth Vader costume Im wearingdont ask
is dripping water like crazy.
Hotel? he says.
El Hotel Cisneros, I reply.
He nods and dials, then hands me the phone.
In shaky Spanish, I tell the receptionist my parents room number, then wait as the phone rings.
And rings. My pulse pounds in my ears. What if they
dont answer? What if theyre out looking for us in
this terrible hurricane? If anything happens to them,
it will be all my fault.
Hello? Er ... Hola? my fathers deep voice answers.
Hi, Dad. I try to sound upbeat, but Im barely
holding it together because every inch of my body is

throbbing and hes going to kill me and I just want to

go home.
Theres a strange static sound, followed by muffled
words and high-pitched noises like a small engine
trying to turn over. I brace myself.
Edmund? my mom says. Are you there? Are
you okay?
Hi, Mom. Im fine. I
Where are you? she demands. Is Jonah with
you? Hed better be.
I swallow hard. Yeah, hes here. Were with the
police. As their guests. Kind of.
The WHAT?!
I cringe and hold the phone away from my ear.
Im sure everyone on the island can hear her shriek.
Were coming to get you, she growls. Well catch a
cab and be there in ten minutes.
Uh ... no. Here comes the bad part. Were on
the island. You know, La Isla del Nio? The Island
of the Boy, but they really should rename it the Island
of the Dead Boy, at least in my case. So you need to
take a boat. I pick at the cast on my wrist, the wet
plaster leaving chunks of white mush on the floor.
Should I mention that I mangled the cast and need a
new one?

Mom? Oh, no, shes keeled over in shock. Can
moms have heart attacks at age forty-two? Mom, are
you there? We did it. We solved the case, and ...
My voice dies in my throat. I should have learned my
lesson back in New York. Parents do not like it when
you call them from jail, even if you caught the bad
Well be there as soon as we can. Her tone could
melt steel. I can practically smell the anger through
the airwaves. Sort of a cross between burnt rubber
and sulfur. Youre in a lot of trouble, she adds.
I know, I whisper. See you soon. With a sigh, I
hang up.
La mam? the captain asks.
S, I reply. La mam. La mam is very mad-o.
Edmund is dead meat-o. Not that I blame her for being upset. This is the second time in two months Ive
landed myself in police custody. Just wait until she
sees that Im covered in blood. Again.
I try to stand, but the captain motions for me to
stay put while he pulls out a few first-aid supplies,
along with a Spanish-English dictionary. After putting on his reading glasses and flipping through the
pages, he points to my wrist and says, Break?

I nod. Fractured, I mumble. Long story.

Cuidado, he replies. We be ... careful. With
gentle fingers, he rolls up the black polyester sleeves
of the Darth costume to examine the various scrapes
and cuts I have on my arm. He dumps a clear liquid
on my wounds.
Ow! I yelp as it bubbles and burns. The sharp
smell of hydrogen peroxide slices the air. How about
some nice soothing antibiotic cream? I want to say.
When he tries to apply more of the liquid acid to
my skin, I shake my head politely and pull my arm
away. I dont care if my cuts get infected. Thats the
least of my worries at the moment.
He shrugs and stands up, gesturing for me to return to the cell where El Frijol is now crumpled in a
heap on the concrete floor. The captain hurries past
me and kneels beside Jonah. He lifts Jonahs eyelids
and shines a penlight in his pupils. Okay, he says
after a few seconds. I guess that ends the thorough
medical examination.
Okay, I agree, for lack of something else to say. I
want to ask him if the evil Juan Guzmn is in jail or
in the hospital, and if our friend Julia got the message
that were safe, and if the gold we found truly was the
stolen bank treasure. But I cant. Theres no way we

can get through that conversation without a translator. So instead I step over Jonahs body and head for
the now-empty bench. The cell door clanks shut behind me.
I lie down on the hard wooden surface. Its actually
pretty comfortable. I squint at the bright fluorescent
lights flickering overhead. I need to stay awake. I need
to formulate a plan for surviving my parents wrath.
I need to review every single detail of the past two
weeks in my photographic memory, because there
will be a lot of police reports to fill out tomorrow.
Its going to be a long night.


Chapter 1

Mr. Q

Two Weeks Ago

Arrival in San Pablo del Nio, Mexico

Ancient treasure, Jonah says, staring at a glass display case in the middle of the hotel lobby. Inside the
case rests a green jade mask inlaid with pieces of gold,
c. 450 B.C. stamped on a plaque below it. This place
is beyond awesome, he adds in a breathless voice.
We just arrived after a long flight from New York.
Jonahs right. This hotel is ber-awesome. Hot July
sun spills in through the tall windows, the smells of
pineapple and flowers float in the air, and an enormous pool complex shimmers just beyond the main
doors, complete with water slides and a lazy river.
Its better than the pictures in the brochure. Its ...

I smile, my first real smile in weeks. Ive been

grounded this summer, stuck inside my apartment in
New York City. No TV, no Internet, no phone calls,
no Jonah. Just hours of quiet time to contemplate
and reflect on my poor decisions. Namely, ones that
involved me, the police, a group of bad guys known
as the Picasso Gang, and an alleyway shootout. And
while I do this reflecting, I also need to prove that
Im responsible and trustworthy, so I clean and dust
every surface in the apartment at least once a day.
Oh, and I scrub toilets.
Its as fun as it sounds.
But today I am a free man. Free for the next two
Still smiling, I look around the lobby at the tourists. Theres an interesting mix of people. Weve only
been here five minutes and already Ive heard Russian, German, Italian, and Spanish. Click. I take
pictures of their faces in my photographic memory,
good faces to draw when Im bored and trapped at
home after this trip is over. Click. A teenage girl with
pink hair and six-inch silver hoop earrings. Click. A
sunburned man in a Red Sox cap, jabbering on his
cell phone in Russian.
Do you think its real gold? Jonah whispers. Hes

still staring at the display case, keeping his voice low,

as if hes worried the mask is going to come to life if
he speaks too loudly. The mask is sort of creepy with
its sneering mouth and two empty eyeholes.
Probably, I say. I shift to the left to get a closer
look, when a man with a mustache and an ugly red
Hawaiian shirt bumps into me. Hes mesmerized by
the display, pressing his nose to the glass and leaving
streaks, practically shoving me aside with his elbow
to get a better view. And I thought New York had
pushy tourists.
Squawk! A birdcall echoes across the lobby. Two
exotic blue birds are perched in a huge silver cage
in the corner. One is cleaning its iridescent feathers
with a curved yellow beak, while the other flaps its
wings and complains.
Lets go get changed. I pull Jonah toward the
front desk, where my parents are checking us in. Im
hot and sticky from traveling and need to swim immediately.
Youre in room 407, Mom says when I come up
beside her. She holds out two keycards. Were in
room 413. I wanted adjoining rooms, but they insist
there are none available. You both better be on your
best behavior. She glares at us like weve already set a

wastebasket on fire (which happened once in fourth

grade and NEVER again). I know youre independent city kids, but youre only eleven, and
Im twelve, Mrs. L, Jonah says while looping an
arm around my neck and pulling me in for a noogie.
Ill handle this young whippersnapper.
I shove him off and hiss, Not helping our case,
Mom presses her lips into a tight line. Jonah was
definitely not her first choice for this trip. Five days
ago she got a call from her boss, Larry, asking her to
attend a real estate convention in Mexico. Larry was
supposed to come with his family, but an emergency
came up. So he asked Mom to take his place and
gave her a free trip for four to reward her for all her
hard work. Were only a family of three and wasting money makes Mom break out in a nervous rash,
so she called everyone in her address book to fill the
fourth spot, from my uncle Jay to the secretary in
her office to our batty old neighbor Rita, who smells
like cabbage. Rita, Mom? But it was the same answer
every time: no one could leave on such short notice.
No one but Jonah, that is.
Theyll be fine, Dad reassures her while shooting

me a look. His mustache gives a Dont make me regret

this twitch.
Great, see you at dinner, I say as I snatch the
keycards from her, grab my suitcase, and shove Jonah
along. A quick elevator ride up, a jog down a hallway,
and were in.
The room is small but nicetwo beds, a TV built
into a chest of drawers, and a round table with two
chairs tucked in the corner, all the same white wood
decorated with floral patterns as in the lobby. I yank
back the curtains to reveal a postcard-perfect view
of a white beach and rolling ocean waves. Theres a
green island off in the distance.
Grinning, Jonah and I high-five. I call top
drawer, I say. I open my suitcase, dump the contents
into the drawer, fish out my bathing suit, and slam
the drawer shut. I scurry into the small bathroom to
change, then grab my goggles and flippers. Ready?
No. Give me five minutes. Jonah has opened his
suitcase and removed two huge Ziplocs filled with
bottles and tubes. I sigh and sit down on the bed.
Were going to be here at least a half hour.
Just so you know, he says, I will be posing as
a Man of Culture on this trip. He air-quotes the

words. There are mysteries everywhere in Mexico,

and were going to solve one. Take a look at this. He
grabs his enormous backpack off the floor and drops
it onto my lap.
I gasp as two hundred pounds of bricks land on
my thighs. What do you have in here? Youre going
to get scoliosis lugging this much weight around. I
sound like my grandmother. But I dont want a lecture on whatever crazy plans he has right now. I want
to go dive for stuff with my new snorkeling gear.
Keep yourself occupied, he says. You need to
study up.
Study on vacation? I open the zipper and peek inside. Cautiously. You never know what youre going
to get with Jonah Schwartz. I expect to pull out some
kind of weird Man of Culture disguise, complete with
a fedora, a bushy mustache, and maybe some wirerimmed glasses, but instead all I find are hardcover
books from the library. Modern ghost mysteries, a
history book called The Aztecs and Mayans: Ancient
Civilizations of Mexico, and an especially enormous
volume entitled The Aztec Gods and You: A Practical
Planning some human sacrifices? I ask. That is
what the Aztecs are famous for, after all.

Page forty-one, he says over his shoulder as he

marches into the bathroom with an armload of toiletries. Meet Quetzalcoatl, the god whos going to
help us.
I crack open the book. I might as well do something useful, since Jonah wont leave until everything
is in its place, each bottle and brush sitting exactly
two inches from the edge of the shelf. Obsessivecompulsive disorderits part of his charm.
Page forty-one has a cool picture of a fanged creature wearing feathers and holding a twisting snake,
the words Quetzalcoatl: Aztec God of Intelligence at
the bottom of the page.
I scratch my arm. A hot arm in desperate need of
refreshing pool water. Quetzal ... how do you say
this again?
He comes back into the room and starts to carefully fold his clothes and place them in the bottom
drawer of the dresser. I think its Ket-sal-co-at-el.
Im calling him Mr. Q for short. Hes going to help
us on our quest.
And what quest is that? I ask, warily eyeballing
the picture of the snake.
Jonah never stops moving. He pulls out clothes
and books and more clothes, arranges them in their

proper spots, then pulls out more. Apparently he can

fit a freaky amount of stuff in his suitcase. I figure
we solved a major police case back in New York, he
says. So why not tackle Mexico? There are tons of
unsolved crimes down here. They need our expertise.
Hes serious. He actually thinks were going to
throw ourselves into another police investigation.
No way. I slam the Aztec book shut. Im retired.
He folds his arms across his chest. Look, you got
to be Eddie Red, and all I got was a stupid sinus infection. I want in on the next adventure. All the way
this time.
Last winter, the NYPD secretly hired me because
of my photographic memory and my ability to draw
near-perfect pictures. They gave me the code name
Eddie Red (long story) and used me as a human camera to hunt down a gang of art thieves. Then Jonah
and I decided to solve the case ourselves. It was going
really well until he got sick and had to stay in bed
while I ended up duct-taped to a drainpipe in an alley (an even longer story). Not something I want to
repeat any time soon. Plus, if I get in trouble again
Ill be grounded until Im sixty.

It wasnt an adventure, I say through clenched

teeth. I almost got shot!
He holds his hands up in surrender. All Im saying is, lets keep our options open. Forget the crime
thing. Well try a ghost mystery. There are tons of
them down here with all the ancient spirits floating
Fine. A ridiculous idea, but Ill humor him. Hell
be distracted soon enough with the water slides and
the lazy river. Can we go to the pools now?
Not yet. Just one more thing to take care of. He
pulls out a gift bag with Hotel Cisneros printed on it.
Opening the bag, he shakes out a small brown statue
with a key chain attached to its head. It looks like a
short man with a Buddha tummy and a stick in his
I wrinkle my nose. Whats that?
He beams at me. Meet Mr. Q. He makes the
little statue dance in the air. See the snake hes holding? Cool, right? I asked the lady in the gift shop if
they had any Quetzalcoatl guys kicking around, and
they did. Our luck has already begun!
You bought something at the gift shop? I swear I
havent left his side since New York.

You were in the bathroom. He makes Mr. Q do a

swan dive in the air, followed by a whoosh sound like
a jet taking off.
Howd you pay for it? I demand. Did your parents give you a credit card? May Quetzalcoatl help
us all if this kid has no spending limit.
He snorts. As if. I used cash. You know, pesos?
He gives me a Duh, everybody has pesos look. I exchanged my money in New York before we left.
Resting the statue on top of the TV, he examines
it while popping a piece of gum into his mouth. His
face brightens. Will you draw him?
What, now?
Yeah. In case I lose him. A security measure. He
shoots me a Pleeeaase look.
Fine. I grab my art pad and charcoal pencil. This
is nothing new. Ive been sketching his toys for him
since kindergarten, including homemade Lego zombies, a moss-covered pet rock, and a weird ball of lint
he named Fuzz Face. But you have to promise well
go swimming in the next ten minutes. I squint and
start to sketch the bizarre Buddha-man.
Yes, sir. He salutes me, then gets back to studying Mr. Q. Now I have to figure out what to feed
him. A sacrifice. He snaps his fingers and digs into

Mr. Q


the suitcase one last time, conjuring up a huge jar of

peanut butter and a plastic knife. Sharing my peanut butter is a major sacrifice. He scoops out a glob
and smears it on Mr. Qs stomach. Hes going to
help us on our mission to find a ghost, maybe dig up
some buried Aztec treasure.
Ive had enough of this. First of all, I splutter,
gross. Were going to get bugs in here. Like, huge
man-eating cockroaches. And second, we are not on
a mission. Were on vacation. Im grounded, remember? You better not cause trouble, Jonah. My mothers
nervous enough as it is. Were on vacation, I repeat.
Pop, chomp, chomp, pop. He smacks his bubble
gum and offers me a toothy grin.
Whatever you say.


Chapter 2


Day 2
This morning, were rolling onto a ferry with my
parents, and I do mean rolling. I just ate my body
weight in pancakes at the best breakfast buffet
everhuevos rancheros, breakfast burritos, waffles,
chorizo, bacon ... mmm, baconeven though I
was still full from yesterdays steak-dinner extravaganza. The last thing I want to do right now is ride
on a boat in choppy waves, but this is Moms only
day with us all week, and we promised her wed do
some sightseeing.
A woman greets us as we board the ship. Shes in a
sharp purple suit, wearing a name tag and a pleasant
smile. Welcome, Familia Lonnrot, she says. Im
Marita, the hotels tour guide. Her English is perfect, without the slightest accent. She turns to me

and Jonah. My daughter came for todays island

visit when she heard there were kids her own age.
She points through the semi-crowded boat to a girl
sitting in the back, then motions for us to continue
down the aisle. Please join her. Shes a much better
guide than I am. She winks.
I catch Jonahs eye and he shrugs. Hanging out
with a girl we dont know might be painful, but so
will listening to my fathers dorky comments about
the nutritional makeup of salt water and the science
behind why coconuts float.
I turn and head between rows of plastic benches
as the boat rumbles to life. Its the kind of boat that
has a roof but no solid sides, just railings that allow
the ocean air to whip around us as the waves rock us
back and forth. Ive almost reached the last row when
the blob of pancakes in my stomach lurches. I stop to
steady myself and Jonah knocks into me from behind
with an Oof ! I stumble forward and almost land in
the girls lap.
Mortified, I step back as the girl stands up, her big
hazel eyes growing wider by the second. No doubt
shes alarmed at the bumbling American circus thats
just arrived. Shes quite pretty, with tanned skin,

almond-shaped eyes, and high cheekbones, her features similar to the drawings of the native people in
Jonahs Ancient Civilizations of Mexico book.
Hello, she says, pulling her long black braid over
her shoulder. Im Julia. She pronounces her name
Hoo-lia, with a soft accent on the first part. A nice
Im Edmund, I say. I dont make a move to shake
her hand because she might think thats weird, plus
Im sweating like a beast. Its only ten in the morning
but already ninety-five degrees out, the sun a blazing
fireball that promises to melt the flesh off my bones.
She nods and fiddles with her braid, then glances
at Jonah. He stares back at her without a sound. No
movement, no twitches, nada. I clear my throat and
nudge his arm. Still staring.
Its as if hes brain-dead: glazed blue eyes, mouth
hanging open. I give him a sharp yet subtle jab in the
ribs with my thumb.
Hi! he says in a chipper voice as if nothing Extremely Socially Awkward has just happened. Im
Jonah. As he speaks he pushes me into the bench so
that Im by the railing. He steps in next, doing a little

hop move like a jolly leprechaun, his curly red hair

wild from the humidity. Sitting down, he motions
for Julia to join him on the other side. She giggles.
I roll my eyes and move over to make room.
At least the breeze is cool on my sweaty skin as we
start to pick up speed, the vast ocean stretching out
before us.
Ill be your tour guide, Julia says over the hum of
the engine. Today were taking a short trip to La Isla
del Nio. Its just up ahead.
Boy Island, Jonah translates for me, as if he and I
arent in the same Spanish class back home. Sounds
cool. He thrums his fingers on the seat, then he pats
the pocket of his backpack, where Mr. Q is resting,
and flashes me a grin as if to say, See? Weve met a cute
local girl whos going to help us find buried treasure. Our
lucks really taking off.
The boat picks up speed, bouncing on the waves.
My stomach does a somersault. Dont get sick, dont get
sick, I think over and over.
Are you okay? Jonah asks. Youre kinda pale
green, which is really saying something.
I groan and clutch my stomach. I feel pale green.
A gag rolls in my throat. This is it: Im going to puke

on him and completely ruin his first-ever cute-girl

Julia leans toward me with a concerned expression.
Look out at the horizon, she says. It will help.
I nod and stare at the island ahead, a cool stone
pyramid coming into focus as we get closer. I hope I
wont be too sick to climb it.
So tell me about the ghosts on the island, Jonah says to Julia, his voice loud over the noise of the
Um ... Julia hesitates, as if shes not understanding his words. I want to reassure her that her English
is fine and that Jonah is obsessed with finding an unsolved ancient mystery, but I keep my comments to
myself. She shakes her head. No ghosts. But theres
a very old temple and a museum that sells souvenirs.
Also a policeshe waves her hand like shes searching for a vocab wordheadquarters. With a small
marina. To catch the drug traffic on the boats? Her
explanation ends in a question, as if shes unsure of
her language abilities.
Your English is really good, I say. Its terrific, actually, with just a slight rolling accent.
She blushes. Thank you. We practice at home.

My mother is American. She moved here with my

grandfather when she was ten. He was an archaeologist, just like his father before him.
What about Aztec treasure? Jonah says. Any unsolved mysteries?
She frowns. Were in the Mayan Riviera. She gestures to the coast behind us, to the white beaches and
swaying palm trees. The east. This is where the Mayans lived, thousands of years ago. The Aztecs lived
in the west. Her frown deepens with disapproval.
Theres a possibility that she thinks were ignorant
American tourists. Which I guess we are.
Jonah presses on, unfazed. Did the Mayans have
buried treasure?
Whatever Julias about to say gets cut off by a roar
of the engine. The boat jerks and shudders to a stop.
Were here. Through the crowd of excited tourists,
I see Dad up front in his yellow sun hat, a glob of
white sunscreen on his nose. He gives me a big grin
and a wave. I smile weakly.
Please stay in your seats, everyone. Maritas voice
is tinny over the loudspeaker. Well let you know
when its safe to disembark.
Edmund, look! Jonah leans over me and points
over the side of the boat.

I look at where hes pointing. The pyramid looms

large above the beach, surrounded by a thick green
forest. Its jagged stones are gray and tall, with a set
of rock stairs running up the middle. Some sort of
ancient temple with crumbing walls sits at the top.
The pyramid is ginormous and impressive, but
thats not what Jonahs talking about. Hes pointing
to the left of the center staircase, where red liquid is
oozing down the stones. Paint? Blood? A strange chill
sweeps the hairs on my neck.
Start taking pictures with that brain of yours, Jonah whispers. This smells like a mystery in need of
our services.
I stare at the creepy scene, wishing my eyesight
were sharper. Are those letters in the middle of all the
chaotic red? Some kind of graffiti is on the temple
wall, written in blue. Its hard to tell because were at
least a hundred feet away. And what looks like white
flower petals tumble in the breeze, sticking to the
messy puddles. I really hope its red paint. Otherwise,
something very large and very bloody died up there.
Click. I snap mental pictures. More writing. Click.
A pile of crumbled rocks. Click. Once the images are
in my mind, I can recall them at any time and analyze the details as if Im looking at a photo. Although

right now the photo is too far away, too fuzzy. We

need to get closer.
I turn to ask Julia whats going on, but shes gone.
I spot her up in the front of the boat talking to her
I see an aleph, Jonah says, pointing to a rocky
outcrop on the beach, far away from the temple. The
boulders are draped in seaweed and shells from the
outgoing tide.
A what?
An aleph. Its a Hebrew letter.
I squint, but all I see are some green squiggles.
You see Hebrew everywhere, I say. Remember the
pizza incident? Jonahs been taking a ton of extra
Hebrew classes for his bar mitzvah next year. Last
November he thought he saw a gimel (the Hebrew
letter G) made out of red pepper on his pizza. He
saved the piece of pizza in his locker, where it grew
mold over winter break and turned a hideous shade
of green. The school had to fumigate the entire east
wing because of the smell.
I cant help it if there are divine messages in my
food, he says. Tap-tappity-tap-tap. He thrums his
fingers on the seat in front of ours. The balding,
sunburned man sitting in front of us turns to glare

at him. Jonah stops tapping and sits on his hands.

Youd think youd want your co-detective to be good
with details, he adds.
Im about to remind him yet again that Im fried
on the whole Eddie-Red-detective thing when the
boat engine churns to life behind us. Were moving
... backwards?
Sorry, folks, Marita announces over the noise.
Theyre calling us back to the hotel. A storms coming.
A storm? But I thought it was supposed to be
sunny all week. People start pointing out the other
side of the boat. I lean around Jonah and see huge
black clouds gathering on the horizon. Where the
heck did those come from?
The water is much choppier on the return trip.
Dont throw up, dont throw up, I chant in my head.
A strong wind picks up, slapping large waves against
the side of the boat and spraying my face. My glasses
get splattered, but Im too queasy to clean them.
Why isnt Mr. Q helping us? Jonah says. He rubs
the little statue, then gives it a shake. Maybe hes
putting us through a test.
Maybe hes allergic to peanut butter, I mutter. I
close my eyes. Breathe ... just breathe.

Jonah mumbles something beside me. More shaking and a pop sound. I open my eyes in time to see
him dip Mr. Qs feet in a small container of strawberry jam that he swiped from this mornings buffet.
When we arrive at the hotel, the beach is oddly
deserted. No ones playing in the surf or kayaking or
building sand castles. Theres a red warning flag up,
signaling its too dangerous to swim. The few people
out there are packing up their towels and heading
into the hotel. Plink, plink. Fat raindrops splatter on
the metal roof of the boat.
My parents get off the boat first and wait for us at
the end of the dock. Even on dry land, my legs are
wobbly and my stomach sloshes. We trudge up to the
hotel in irritated silence while thunder rumbles overhead. More and more darkness sweeps the sky. Were
supposed to go on a snorkeling trip this afternoon.
No fair! I want to yell at the clouds.
I dont want to be stuck inside all day, Jonah
Mom flicks a nervous glance at him over her shoulder, no doubt worried about the same thing. Dad
yanks open the big glass doors to the lobby, and we
step inside.
What the ... ?

Weve entered a war zone. Policemen are everywhere, some searching bags by the wall while others
attempt to direct people away from the front desk.
Still more are winding yellow police tape around the
jade masks display case in the center of the room.
But the glass case is empty, its small door hanging
wide open. The hotel staff is running around, barking orders in Spanish too fast to understand, and to
top it all off, there are signs up everywhere in Spanish
and English, indicating that the pools are closed for
the day because of the storm. Things cannot possibly
get worse.
Seor Lonnrot? A gruff-looking policeman approaches my father, glaring at him with dark, beady
eyes. When my father nods, the man holds out his
hand and gestures impatiently. Come with me,
he says in a thick accent. You are wanted for questioning.
Things just got worse.


Chapter 3


I still think we should call someone, Mom says,

pacing the floor of my parents hotel room. A difficult
task since there are three bodies and a king-sized bed
in the way. Jonah and I are parked in the twin chairs
by the window, while Dad is sitting on the edge of
the bed, rubbing the back of his neck.
I cant believe they questioned you without a lawyer present, she says. Pace, pace, pace. And they fingerprinted you! Is that even legal? I feel so helpless.
Should we call the U.S. embassy? Where is it, Mexico
City? Maybe I should call my office. Larry travels a
lot. He might know what to do. She plops down
beside my father.
Its fine, he reassures her. It was just a formality.
They questioned a few other guests as well. Anyone
seen touching the display this morning.
She frowns. You touched the display?

He stares down at his fingers, still stained from being fingerprinted. You know I have an inquisitive
But you didnt touch the mask, did you? she says.
Of course not. The case was locked. I, uh ...
Moms frown deepens to a scowl. What else did
they say?
He scratches his mustache the way he does when
hes gearing up for a long story. We may be here a
while. I open the art pad that I grabbed from my
room and start to sketch with a pencil. I am a police sketch artist, after all. Maybe I can provide a few
leads for the cops. Anything to get them to leave my
father alone.
Someone stole the jade mask from the lobby,
Dad begins. A bellboy told me all about it. It was
there one second, gone the next. There are no security cameras, and the guy working the reception desk
claims he was checking on a delivery when it happened. Quite a coincidence, Id say.
As my father talks, I flip through pictures in my
mind of the last eighteen hours. Our arrival, the pool,
the restaurant, the faces of the different guests ...
anyone suspicious. Three people stand out: the man

with the mustache who bumped me yesterday by the

mask display, a woman in the lobby who was shifting
her hands nervously in and out of her purse, and an
older guy at breakfast who had a gold ring on every
finger and made a joke in a thick New Jersey accent
about having to rob the hotel in order to afford this
My pencil flies across the page. I loosen my shoulder to make sweeping lines: an oval for the head,
small curving place-markers for the eyes, nose, and
mouth. Mustache man had a medium-length nose,
short brown hair, youngish face, tanned skin. Completely ordinary except for his eyes. Eyes that were an
unusual murky gray.
What if they decide to arrest you because of
your prints? Mom says when Dad finally finishes.
Her voice is muffled since her face is now buried in
her hands. Have you heard about Mexican prisons?
Maybe we should go home.
Dad smiles. Lets not overreact. We all know
I didnt steal anything, so theres nothing to worry
about. You need to focus on the convention. Ill call
the embassy if it makes you feel better. But it will
be fine. My father is the most upbeat person in the

first suspects


I move on to the womans portrait. Shifty, narrowed eyes, a round face, thin lips. My arm is tense
and shaking from drawing so fast, but no ones paying attention to my spazzy movements.
Its supposed to rain the next few days, Dad adds.
Im going to relax here with the boys, do some reading. Maybe Ill even start working on that mystery
novel Ive always wanted to write.
My hand freezes and I glance up. Mom and I share
a confused look. A novel? Mom asks.
He nods and flashes us a huge grin. My father, the
very large man who thinks sweater vests are a good
idea, the ber-nerd who spends hours on the Internet
researching ways to grow plants without soil. He is
going to write a mystery novel?
Ive already worked out the plot, he says. A mystery set in ancient Mayan times. Did you know that
the Mayan city of Chichn Itz was abandoned back
in the fourteen hundreds? The people just left and
went to live in the jungle. No one knows why. The
citys only two hours from here. Well go this week.
Mom snuggles against his broad shoulder, telling
him what a great idea it is and how proud she is of
him. At least shes not freaking out anymore. And
Dads novel has given me an idea ...

Sounds great, I say. Well be good and let you

work, I promise. Writing will occupy him so Jonah
and I can snoop around and try to get some answers.
Well solve this case by dinner tomorrow and enjoy
the rest of the vacation in peace.
Dad looks at his watch. No more moping around.
Well go to the art museum in town this afternoon.
They have a terrific exhibit of Mexican painters.
Works by Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo ... some really
impressive stuff. He pats his stomach. Its almost
lunchtime. Lets meet in the dining room in twenty
Okay. Well be in the arcade until then. I stand
to leave, Jonah right behind me. Hes been eerily
quiet the last half hour, sitting and rubbing Mr. Qs
stomach, working the peanut butter and jelly into a
gooey paste.
Out in the hallway, Jonahs limbs jolt to life as if
hes been electrocuted. Whats the plan? Tell me you
have a plan!
I walk to the elevator and stab at the down button
with my thumb. We need to scout the area, maybe
talk to the hotel staff.
Jonah grins. The door opens and he does a happy
little shimmy into the elevator. I need a cool code

name, he announces. Maybe Mr. Q Junior. Or Super Q. He frowns down at the little statue in his
hand, then pulls out a safety pin from his pocket
and pokes the tip of his finger. Blood bubbles to the
What are you doing? I ask in alarm. This is very
un-Jonah-like behavior. Usually he hates germs and
dirt and stains of any kind.
Upping the sacrifice. We need major help. He
dabs blood on Mr. Qs belly. I know what youre
thinking. Usually messy stuff freaks me out. But
thishe gestures up and down his bodyis a
carefully crafted calm. Mr. Q is giving me strength.
Are you in? He holds out the pin for me.
I shake my head. No thanks. Im about to ask
how blood and peanut butter are truly going to help
our police work, when the elevator doors open and
we step out into the lobby. Showtime.
Quickly I survey the area. Ill talk to that guy. I
gesture with my chin to the cop who questioned my
father. Hes alone in the far corner, putting papers in
a briefcase. You walk the perimeter.
Jonahs eyes flit around the room. His back and
shoulders go rigid as he shifts into military mode.
Agreed, he says. Meet back at base in five minutes.

Failure is not an option, soldier. And with that, he

stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks away.
I clutch my art pad with sweaty fingers and approach the policeman. I wish I could tell him about
me being Eddie Red and how I worked for the NYPD,
but I cant. I had to sign a million documents swearing Id never reveal my role. I just hope that when
this guy sees my pictures, hell realize Im a professional.
Sir? I say in a voice I wish werent quite so shaky.
He doesnt respond, just keeps shuffling through
papers, his head bent low. His slicked-back hair is
perfectly combed, his mustache neat and trimmed.
Everything about him is crisp and organized.
I try again. Um, seor? What do I call him? He
has no name tag on his sky-blue shirt, no badge that
indicates his rank. A star on each shoulder, but what
does that mean? Detective? Inspector?
Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. Qu? he finally grunts,
not looking up.
Okay, he gets irritated easily. I can handle this. I
have plenty of experience with grumpy policemen,
namely Detective Bovano, Detective Bovano, and
... Detective Bovano. I paste on a charming smile.
Sir, I know youve had a bit of trouble here in the

lobby. And I wanted to let you know that I have a

photographic memory and Im good at drawing. Im
sort of like a human surveillance camera. I open my
art pad. Hes still staring down at his briefcase, but at
least he stopped flipping through his papers. I take it
as a sign to continue. I have a couple of pictures I
drew of some suspicious
You tourists are all the same, he interrupts. Now
hes looking at me, really glaring at me with eyes as
hard and cold as his clipped movements. Always interfering, thinking you run the show. You think because you have money, you have answers.
I jerk the art pad back in surprise. Im not wealthy,
I say. Not even close.
He raises an eyebrow. So you need money, do
you? Are you desperate enough to steal? His accusatory gaze rakes over me and all kinds of alarm bells go
off in my head. This guy obviously hates tourists, and
probably hates Americans. So where does that leave
my father?
Go back to your room, gringo, he says. Go get
your father a good lawyer. He snaps his briefcase
shut and leaves without another glance in my direction.
WHAT? The alarm bells have cranked up to fire32

engine shrieks in my skull. Why does my father need

a lawyer? Dad may be a huge geek who stared at the
jade mask for twenty minutes this morning, but he is
not a thief. And how does the cop know who my dad
is? I mean, we look a lot alike with our dark skin and
thick glasses, but were not the only black family in
the hotel. Plus Im skinny and short, while my father
is a hulking house of a man.
I spin on my heel and storm over to the elevator. Jonahs nowhere in sight. I find him back in the
room, sitting on his bed and sketching a map of what
looks like the lobby. SpongeBob laughs loudly on the
television (his cartoon voice is just as annoying in
Spanish as it is in English). Jonah mutes the program
and throws the remote on the mattress. What happened? he says, his eyes widening at the anger on
my face.
I grab Mr. Q from his perch on the television,
along with the safety pin from the table. We have a
big problem, I say. I prick my finger and smear blood
across the statues peanut-butter-and-jelly stomach.
Im in.


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