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Answer these questions about you:

1. Whats your name?

2. Whats your surname?
3. How old are you?
4. When were you born?
5. Where were you born?
6. Where are you from?
7. What nationality are you?
8. Where do you live?
9. How many brothers and sisters have you got?
10. Whats your address?
11. Whats your telephone number?
12. Whats your favourite colour?
13. Whats your favourite subject?
14. Whats your favourite fruit?
15. Whats your favourite toy?
16. When is your birthday?
17. What do you do?
18. How do you go to school?
19. What does table mean?
20. How do you say libro in English?
21. How do you spell your name?
22. What pet have you got?
23. What foreign language can you speak?
24. When is your birthday?
25. Whats your favourite food?
26. What day is it today?
27. What is your favourite book?
28. Whats your favourite film?
29. Have you ever been in London?
30. What time is it?
31. How many girls are there in your class?
32. How many boys are there in your class?
33. Who wrote Harry Potter books?
34. Who is your best friend?
35. What is your favourite hobbie?
36. Why do you go to the cinema?
37. Whats the weather like?
38. What are you going to do tomorrow?

39. What kind of music do you listen?

40. Whats your favourite sport?
41. Where are you going this summer?.

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