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MUET Speaking Paper Past Years Questions

June 2001
There has been an increase in burglaries in your neighbourhood and the residents are very
worried about their safety. A committee has been set up to look into this matter. As a
member of the committee, suggest ways to make the neighbourhood a safer place.
Task 1 Individual
A. You suggest the residents improve safety features of neighbourhood. Give reasons for your suggestion.
B. A police officer be invited to talk on security measures
C. Residents be taught to defend themselves against intruders.
D. Rukun Tetangga teams be set up to patrol the neighbourhood at night
Task 2 Group Discussion
Discuss the best way to make the neighbourhood a safer place.
May 2002
As members of the Neighbourhood Watch, you and your friends are concerned about the
increase in the number of petty crimes (handbag snatching, stealing of shoes, and breaking
into cars) in your neighbourhood. You suggest one reason for this increase.
Task 1 Individual
A. In your opinion, the rise in petty crimes is caused by the increase in the number of drug addicts. Give
reasons to support your opinion. B. the increase in the number of illegal immigrants C. the lack of interest
shown by the public D. the increase in the number of unemployed
Task 2 Group Discussion
Discuss which one of the following reasons is the main cause for the increase in petty crimes.
October 2002
Lately there have been several break-ins and vandalism on your school premises. There is
a great need to improve security. Your School Board welcomes suggestions from anyone.
You would like to recommend a security measure.
Task 1 Individual
A. You feel that the school authorities should employ security guards for the school. Justify your opinion.
B. Install an alarm system
C. Install grills on all doors & windows
D. Get police to make regular patrols.
Task 2 Group Discussion
Discuss which is the most effective measure to improve security in school.

October 2007
Crimes against children, such as kidnapping, assault and abuse, are on the increase. The
Social Welfare Department invites suggestions from the public on what can be done to
protect children from such crimes.
Task 1 Individual
A. You suggest that children should be taught how to protect themselves. Elaborate.
B. The school authorities should take safety measures to protect children while they are at school
C. The government should impose more severe punishment on those who commit crimes against
D. Parents should take greater responsibility in ensuring the safety of their children.
Task 2 Group Discussion
Which is the most effective suggestion to protect children against crimes?

JULY 2012 1st Booklet

Your college is organising a youth seminar. You are invited to submit some
relevant topics for the seminar.
Discuss which of the following is the most relevant topic for the youth seminar
i. 'Graduating with a degree can help one's future'
ii. 'Young people should serve their community'
iii. 'The importance of teamwork'
iv. 'Being optimistic'
JULY 2012 2ND Booklet
Discuss which of the following is the most important factor which contributes to
good performance in examinations.
i. Self- discipline
ii. Parental support
iii. Experienced teachers
iv. Peer influence

JULY 2012 3rd Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to help a country that has just faced a catastrophic natural
i Doonating a large sum of money
ii Sending food and supplies
iii Providing medical services
iv Sending experts to look for survivors
JULY 2012 4th Booklet
Discuss which of the following is the most effective way to prevent burglaries.
i Fasten all doors and windows securely
ii Install a burglar alarm
iii Organise a neighbourhood watch programme
iv Keep the emergency numbers of the police
JULY 2012 5th Booklet
Which of the following is the greatest act of kindness?
i Sending an injured motorcyclist to hospital.
ii Cheering up the elderly at the old folks' home.
iii Helping disaster victims rebuild their village
iv Sponsoring the education of an orphan
JULY 2012 6th Booklet
Discuss which of the following is the most useful source of information to help you make your decision on
higher education?
i Talking to family members and relatives.
ii Going to education and career fairs.
iii Sourcing for infomation from the media
iv Seeking advice from the career guidance councellor

JULY 2012 7th Booklet

Discuss which of the following is the best way to save money.
i Spending less on entertainment
ii Spending less on shopping
iii Growing one's own vegetables
iv Using public transportation
JULY 2012 8th Booklet
Which of the following is the greatest advantage of being able to speak more than two languages?
i It is an advantage at work.
ii It is an advantage in the community.
iii It is an advantage when travelling.
iv It is an advantage when purchasing items.


1.People gives the most meaningful contribution to society
A)garbage collectors
B)toilet cleaners
C)road sweepers
2. Challenges of studying abroad
A) homesick
B) language barrier
C) financial problems
D) culture shock
3.Welfare club wants to help children in a hospital
A) read to the children regularly
B) organise games and activities
C) assist the children with their studies
D) collect things like toys and books for the children
4.Sex education should be taught to the young. Who should impart this knowledge?
A) teachers
B) parents
C) friends
D) the mass media

5.Which is the most important in life?

6.What are the qualities that can strengthen a relationship.
7.Parents may differ opinions with their teenagers on
A) choice of friends
B) choice of career
C) extend freedom
D) lifestyle
8. What kind of movies appeal to Malaysian people?
A) horror
B) comedies
C) animation
D) action
9. How youth express their feeling:
A)face to face
C)social networking
D)phone call
10.Qualities of a good team player
A)respect other's point of view
B)strong commitment
D)communicates well

11.which professions should paid high salary

A)football player
12. What is the quality for a team player?
A) respect on others view
B) Shows commitment
C) cooperate
D) communicate wells
MID 2010
1. A person's character is often influenced by other people around him/her. Who has the
greatest influence on a person's character?
A)You think that parents have the greatest influence on a person's character.
B)You think that teachers have the greatest influence on a person's character.
C)You think that friends have the greatest influence on a person's character.
D)You think that famous personalities have the greatest influence on a person's character.
2.If you were given the opportunity to serve as the Prime Minister of Malaysia for one
term, what would be a great achievement to leave behind?
A)A great achievement would be to bring about economic prosperity.
B)A great achievement would be to bring about excellence in sports.
C)A great achievement would be to bring about world class education.
D)A great achievement would be to bring about excellent health facilities.
3.What do teenagers expect from their parents?
A)Increase their allowance
B)Give them more freedom
C)Be more understanding
D)Spend more time with them
4.You and your friends are deciding on the choice of universities and programmes of
study available. You would like to seek the opinion of others before you make your final decision.
A)You think that it is important to seek the opinion of your parents.
B)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your friends
C)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your teachers
D)You think that it is important to seek opinion of your career guidance counselor

5. You are preparing for your first job interview. There are many things that you should do.
What are some of these?
A)Get information about the job
B)Obtain information about the organisation
C)Dress appropriately for the interview
D)Improve on your communication skills
6.Everyone has a role to play in making Malaysia a safer place to live in. Suggest what can
be done at different levels to achieve this.
A)Every individual can play a role in maintaining safety.
B)The community
C)The school or college
D)The government
7.Electronic media such as the mobile phone, computer and electronic games has an
impact on young people of today. What aspects of their lives are affected?
A) Electronic media can affect the study habits of youths.
B)Daily habits
C)social relationships
D)World view

8.In today's society, more people arre trying to lose weight. What could be the reason?
A)For health reasons
B)To be fashionable
C)Because of their job
D)Because of social pressure
9.What are the costs-cutting measures that can be taken by a family to reduce expenditure?
Give some suggestions.
A) Use public transport
B)Spend only on what is needed
C) Carry out their own repair and maintenance work
D)Recycle and reuse household items
10.Who do you regard as a successful person? Give your view.
A)Someone who is very rich
B)Someone who is very intelligent
C)Someone who is very powerful
D)Someone who is very famous

11.What factors can influence a student's academic performance?

A)Study habits
B)Sleeping habits
C)Leisure activities
D)Network of friends
12.It is important to be a good neighbour. What are some of the qualities needed?
A)Polite and respectful
B)Friendly and caring
C)Helpful and responsible
D)Tolerant and understanding

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