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The statement “rich children are generally happier than those from poorer” is not really true, this

is due to because children from richer families never feel satisfied with what they have. They will
get bored of the stuff/item that they bought, and buy themselves something new. An example,
toys, gadgets, clothes. Once they get tired of the old ones, they will always want a new item. A
scenario: A boy has just bought an iPhone 4s. Few months after, the iPhone 5 was released. He
decides that the iPhone 4s is the "past" and then buys the iPhone 5 immediately it was
released. This is an example to show that richer children can never be satisfied with what they
have. Whereas poorer children appreciate what they have as they know how hard their parents
work to get them the things they want. They will see it as a precious gift and cherish it in
whatever ways they can to show their appreciation.
In a family with high income, parents usually do not realize that their children not only need their
money but their love. They usually busy working and leave their responsibility of taking care of
their children for nursemaids. As a result, children from rich family usually lack of love and lack
of "family atmosphere". They tend to not share their feeling with parents when they are in their
teen-age, as they think their parents will not listen to them when they are busy working. It will be
worse when they have nobody beside them when they need a piece of advice, so they do what
they think, and go on the wrong way. "Rich children" usually land in impasses, feel unhappy and
disappointed because they do not know what to do. In spite of that, children from families with
lower income always can ask their parents for advice, and their parents always are there to
share their feeling. They never have to solve their problems by their selves. In additional, these
children know how to share their feeling, and it makes them happier than "rich" children, who
cannot say that they are depressed and then keep this feeling inside them forever.

Rich people expect more and can never really meet they're wishes. Poor people don't expect as
much and live happily with how they are. Also, Rich people isolate themselves from their
friends, family, and the important people around them. On the other hand poor people have
they're friends and family as close as they want them to be. In other words, if any problem were
to occur, there is a higher probability that a poor person can go through it without having to b
depressed than a rich person due to the support the poor person has.
There are a lot of people who dream of what they would do if they could have more money.
They imagine how much happier and how easy life would be. But that is not true. Really, it is
harder being rich. At least when you are poor you know who your real friends are.
A rich person can buy many things that can make them happy but that can only last for so long.
They will get bored and need new things. They might be a lot lonelier because they can't trust
people in their lives who might be friends only for their money. A poor person can find
happiness with little things and it makes them cherish the things they have more. The statement
“money can buy everything” also must be wrong, because money cannot buy love for their
children. Children also must have friends to accompany at the childhood. All children must have
freedom and love from their parents and friends to be happy.

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