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MUET with Mr Fazd

Tackling MUET Writing

Courtesy of Mdm Audrey & Dr Jane



1. Respond to ALL notes – do not left anything unattended

2. Write within 100 words – even if you exceed, do not overdo – risky on grammar
3. Avoid slang – gonna, wanna, etc
4. Higher band use expressions, sayings, idioms and proverb appropriately


1. Choice of vocabulary is wider and more low frequency words are used accurately
2. Idioms/proverbs used are precise and show an ease of use
3. Organisation of the response is clear and easy to follow
4. Combination of simple, compound and complex sentences
5. The content shows higher order thinking skills


Your classmate, Prada, was absent from school because she was sick. Read the email from her asking
about the school Science camp which she missed.

From: Prada
Subject: Oh I missed the Science camp!

Hi! Notes

How have you been? I feel very sad that I could not Great!
join the camp. How was it?

I heard that there were lots of fun things to do at the

camp! What was your favourite activity during the Describe.

I also heard campers had to cook their own food. Did

you like it? No, because..

I heard too that the school is planning another camp

soon and I want to join it. Would you like to join me? Tell Prada.

Write soon!


Using all the notes given, write a reply of at least 100 words in an appropriate style.

Now let’s take a look at a sample question for an informal letter format.
MUET with Mr Fazd
Tackling MUET Writing
Courtesy of Mdm Audrey & Dr Jane


Mid Band Sample

From: Sharifah
Subject: It was a good event!


I’m fine, thanks. I’m sorry to hear you were unwell.

The camp was really great!

There were many fun activities. My favourite activity

was the science project. Each team was given a
different task to do and we made a volcano with lava
using vinegar and baking soda.

No, because it was tiring. We had to make a fire

without matches so it took too long. It also made us
late for the next activity.

I would love to join you in the next camp. Let’s see the
teacher in charge and register together.

Bye for now.


Notes High Band Sample

Sender From: Sharifah

Subject Subject: It was a thrilling event!
Short greeting Notes
Respond to:
How have you been? I feel very
sad that I could not join the camp.
I’m as fit as a fiddle and I hope you are too by now. Mentioned ‘great’ and add
How was it? The camp was not just great, it was adrenaline- idiom – as fit as a fiddle
Respond to: pumping.
I heard that there were lots of
fun things to do at the camp! The activities were highly engaging. I have never seen Described favourite
What was your favourite students so exhilarated during the camp. My favourite activity – create and launch
activity during the camp? rocket
task was creating a mini rocket with my teammates
where we managed to launch the rocket the highest
Respond to:
I also heard campers had to so we won hands down.
cook their own food. Did you Provide reason for disliking
like it? No, because cooking was too tedious. We had to
make the fire from scratch but we failed so we had
Respond to:
I heard too that the school is nothing to eat except salad. LF W/E
planning another camp soon and I Adrenaline-pumping
want to join it. Would you like to I’d love to make wonderful memories with you in the Highly engaging
join me? Exhilarated
next camp so let’s go!
Add a line to wrap up Won hands down
Talk to you later, have a splendid day ahead! From scratch
Add the writer’s name

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