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Mathematics Program Year 4 Term 4 Week 8-9 Week ending: Friday 4th December 2015

Matthew Smith, Nicole Ryan, Lauren Cocks

Learning Intention/s:
Students will
Compare and describe two dimensional shapes that result from combining and splitting common
shapes, with and without the use of digital technologies
Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies
Compare the areas of regular and irregular shapes by informal means
Success Criteria:
Students will be successful if they
Can distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes
Have an understanding of the connection between 2D and 3D shapes
Have an understanding of nets and their connection to shape
Have an understanding of criteria for symmetrical shapes
AusVELS Links:
ACMMG088, ACMMG091 and ACMMG087
Numeracy Session

Revise 2d shapes
and intro to 3D

3D shapes

between 2D and 3D
shapes craft sticks

Nets- building of nets
for diff. Shapes

Nets- given a wh
shape, draw the
for the shape

Short, sharp
mental comp.
Whole Class
Setting the
explaining the
task, lesson

4 x 4 challenge students using only 4s with any operation try

to reach the numbers from 1-50 (Tuesday: students continue with
activity from the number they were up to)

Feely Bag
Inside a bag are a lot of shapes, one
student will come up, pick one shape a
the other students ask yes or no
questions for the student to answer ab
which shape it may be

Revise 2D and
introduce 3D
shapes (properties)
use examples and
explicitly describe,
explain and show
faces, edges and

Students will
continue with
learning the
properties of 3D
shapes, with the
focus on faces,
edges and vertices.
Have a class
discussion about the
properties and label
them on some

Students will be
furthering their
learning of 2D and
3D shapes, through
learning the
between 2D and 3D
(eg. Square and
cube). Through
class discussion,
students will
articulate what
they notice about
particular shapes,
what is the same
and what is

As a whole class,
have a discussion
about nets (what
are they etc.)
have some
examples for
students to see
what a net is and
model how to make

As a whole clas
revise nets and
what needs to b
focused on whe
students were
making estimat
about which sh
they were maki
when first looki
at the nets.

Activities /
open ended
reinforce and /
or extend

Students will
complete the
activity sheet with
2D and 3D shapes.
Students will have
to provide an
example of an
everyday item that
is each shape as
well as provide the
amount of faces,

On the tables,
students will have a
collection of 3D
shapes. Students
will create the
shape on their
electronic device
and label the shape
and describe any of
the properties that
they know. Minimum

Students will use

popsicle sticks and
blue tack to create
various 2D and 3D
shapes. By creating
models of the
shapes, students
will be able to
visually see and
physically make the
shapes in order to

Students will be
provided with nets
of shapes and will
create their nets
into the 3D shape.
Before making,
students will use a
table on their
electronic device to
estimate what the
shape will be and

Students can
choose shapes
which they wou
like to deconst
after choosing t
shape, students
draw what they
think that shap
net might look
based on its

Use different
models to suit
the activity and
show how the
activity can be
to suit students
working at
Whole Class
Reflect upon,
connections &
This can be
throughout the
lesson with
small groups as
is required or
at the
conclusion of
the lesson.
Summarize the
lesson and
make explicit
learned. Where
to from here?

edges and vertices.

After completing
the sheet, students
will be able to play
the 3D game on an
electronic device
which reinforces
properties of 3D

of 5 shapes and
their properties
written down. After
this students will
create their own
shape using the
concrete materials,
draw their shape
and label the

highlight the
between 2D and 3D

why, make the net

and write down the
properties of the
shape and
construct the final
shape on next to
their table.

Students will work

on the sheets
individually using
the assistance of
the pictures
provided to
articulate their
understanding of
properties of

Students will work

in table groups of
mixed ability to
articulate with one
another their
understands of the
properties of shape.
The create your
shape option will
ask students to
think about where
each of the
properties are on
their shape.

In their table
groups, students
will explore the
shapes being
made, and the
shapes their peers
have created,
articulating the
similarities and
differences, with
the focus being on
vocabulary being
used by the
students. (faces,
vertices, edges, 2D,
3D etc.)

Have a whole class

discussion about
nets and what the
students learnt
from the
experience (could
you tell what shape
it was going to be?
was it always a 3D
shape? Why? Etc.)

Students will
discuss in smal
groups the
properties of sh
through discuss
how to draw the
for a solid shap

Students will revise

their knowledge of
properties of 2D
shape and be
introduced to the
characteristics of
3D shapes along
with the correct

Students will have

greater knowledge
of 3D shapes and
their properties
from the two
lessons from using
concrete materials
and learning from
their peers.

Students will have

made connections
between 2D and 3D
shapes exploring
the similarities and
differences of
shapes. Through
this activity
students will have a
hands on approach
to their learning as
well as
opportunities to
articulate their
findings to their

Students will create

nets of 3D shapes,
estimating what the
shape might be as
well as writing out
the properties of
the shape, once the
net has been made.

Through this
activity student
will deconstruct
shapes which th
created previou
This focuses on
properties of sh
and students ha
an understandin
how many face
(etc.) are requir
they are drawin
the nets

Note There does not need to be five lessons listed for the week with five different
number sense warm up activities.

You may wish to run one or two warm up activities for the week and differentiate
this as the week progresses. Students need practice at the same task to consolidate
the understanding.

Your focus lessons may need to run over two or three days if they are rich tasks
that require time and reflection. It is better to teach two or three good quality
lessons that run over five days than rush through five lessons.

Monday: (game)

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