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Year 6 Homework Grid Term One 2012

ACTIVITIES TO BE DONE WEEKLY Go to www.spellingcity. com and complete 2 activities each week on the words for that week . MATHS 1. Go to this website: http://www. ade/sixth/ Click on angle-reviewmeasure-andclassify and then Estimate Angle Measurement ENGLISH 4. Find a newspaper article (Go to Internet if needed) about the floods or cyclones that affected Queensland last year. Hi-light the key words, find the meaning of any unknown words and then write a brief summary of the article. Paste the article in your book and include your source. 5. Imagine you are a newspaper reporter at the scene of a flood/ cyclone/ earthquake and write a newspaper report on what you have seen and heard and who you may have interviewed. RELIGION 7. Write a job description/ advertisement for a student leader at St Bernadettes. What is expected/ jobs involved/ responsibilities and qualities required SCIENCE 10. Design and produce an A4 size poster to support aid to those communities suffering from a natural disaster.
(High quality ones will be displayed in our Homework gallery)

PDHPE 13. Create a Recipe for positive relationships. Include what ingredients are needed and what steps need to be taken to achieve it. Set it out in the style of a Recipe be creative!

CREATIVE ARTS 16. Go to: zone/faces.htm

Design your own folk portrait using the tools provided, changing the background/ expressions etc. Print your portrait and paste in your Homework book. Write a brief Description (1 paragraph) on the portrait you have created. 17. Research the life of Australian artist DArcy Doyle. Where was he born? When did he first start painting? What are some of his famous pieces of work? What is your opinion of his style?

Complete your Mathletics set acitivities

2. Find the perimeter of the bedrooms in your house and then order them from smallest to largest. Include diagrams and measurements.

8. Research the history/ ancestry of your family. When did they arrive in Australia? Where did they originally come from? How did they travel here? Why did they come here?

11. Create a Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between a Cyclone and a Hurricane. Include at least 5 points in each section.

14. Prepare a wallet card with the names and contact details of your network members, the people you would turn to, to feel safe. Include Kids Helpline, phone: 1800 55 1800.

Read every night for at least 15 mins GET YOUR DIARY SIGNED

3. Go to: csdweb/games/Speed Grid/Addition/urik aadd2res.html

Play the Speed Grid Challenge. Can you answer 8 questions in 2 minutes?

6. Write a book review on The Cay when you have finished reading it. What did you like? What was the best part? What did you learn from it? Can you compare it to another book? Would you recommend it to others? Include a picture.

9. Write a Diamante poem on the season of Lent/Easter.

12. Write a step by step evacuation plan for your family in the event of a flood. What measures would you take to protect your property and minimise damage? Include a diagram.

15. Teach your parents or siblings one of the dances you are learning during Dance Fever.

18. Using the techniques learnt during your art lessons, sketch a portrait of a member of your family using A4 size paper. (High
quality ones will be displayed in our Homework gallery).

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