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This is a free eBook, the Introduction to; Iran Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Military Threat Assessment.
There are ten chapters; these chapters are sold as a single EBook. There are four chapters available at this time. About every two to three weeks a new chapter will be announced and offered. Soon this EBook and all of the corresponding chapters will be offered as a single volume. (Chemical Biological Nuclear Radiological Weapons have traditionally been categorized as Weapons of Mass Destruction [WMD]). I will use both terms interchangingly)

There Are 10 (EBooks) Chapters

CHAPTER I: The Rise of the Islamic Republic Of Iran

CHAPTER 2: Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, IRGC (Sepah-e Pasdaran) The Military Political Economic Structure of Iran CHAPTER 3: Armed Forces of The Islamic Republic Of Iran Artesh-IRIA, & The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC CHAPTER 4: The Straits of Hormuz and Beyond, Maritime Irregular Warfare & Tehrans Naval Mosaic Warfare Doctrine CHAPTER 5: The Two Naval Branches of the Islamic Republic Of Iran Maritime Irregular Warfare & Tehrans Naval Mosaic Warfare Doctrine CHAPTER 6: The Basics For Understanding: Qassams, Scud Missiles to Cruise Missiles, Drones to UAVs and CBRN Warfare CHAPTER 7: The Nuclear Question, What We Are Not Seeing CHAPTER 8: The Deadly Capabilities of the Missiles, Cruise Missiles and UAV Forces of Iran CHAPTER 9: Investigated CBRN Capabilities, What is not being asked, What is not being

CHAPTER 10: Chess: Tehrans Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (Iran) The Waging International Irregular Wars

WEBSITE WWW: IRANTHREATASSESSMENTCBRN.COM ISBN: 978-0-9889851-0-0 (ePub edition) Copyright 2013 by Stephen E Hughes, Association of Strategic Analysis To purchase chapters visit website


The Islamic Republic of Iran, (IRI) THREAT ASSESSMENT
This Book Endeavors to Render a Panoramic Perspective This is a navigation of the seemly dark and obscured state of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Threat Assessment of Tehran's International Militant Jihad terrorist activities is an expository investigation into its deadly arsenals of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear facilities and weapons. Today what is so painfully and desperately needed are illuminated compendiums, a coherent frame work, from which a person can recognize and comprehend the Iranian threat.

First and most importantly one must first realize International Intelligence threat assessment of the Islamic Republic of Iran is often obscured by the precarious eroding world economies. We are living petroleum driven and dependant world. Today worldwide food-price crisis is also linked to the sharply rising price of oil. Decades of worsening drought conditions, along with disappearing water resources are eroding the health of Nations. There has been an imperceptible wall built of political and economic shortsightedness, shrouding the terrible threats to the International Community is facing from Tehran. Even the IRIs global wars of heinous terrorism appears hardly as a footnote to nonexistent. However the most formidable threat we are now facing from the IRI is a nuclear weapon. As we shall discover the perilous count down for a nuclear armed Iran began sometime ago and the Islamic Republic may ready have obtained capability to build an atomic bomb. The Islamic Republic of Iran holds the worlds fourth-largest proven oil reserves and the worlds second-largest natural gas reserves. Iran is OPECs (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) second-largest oil producer and the third-largest crude oil exporter in the world. Tehrans petrochemical resources are intertwined into global economic dynamics. The worlds dependence on these resources has allowed the IRI to indulgence in its militant Islamic activities without suffering serious consequences. Tehran has effectively employed its petrochemical shield; its next step is to build a nuclear shield.
The quality of the solutions we come up with will be in direct proportion to the quality of the description and facts of the problem were trying to solve, Albert Einstein

Einstein is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. This quote does illustrate an important point: before jumping right into solving a problem, we should first step back and invest time and effort to improve our comprehension of it. As simplistic and conceptually crude as this remark appears, it underscores the necessity for defining a problem and more importantly finding a solution. This Threat Assessment of the Islamic Republic of Iran endeavors to render a panoramic perspective of the poisonous dangers of Iran.

How the West Missed the Story and May Miss It Again

The 9/11 Commission concluded that the United States was engaged in a war with terrorists and didnt know it,
Americans and Western democracies in general were deprived of this basic information, education, and updates about the real roots of the rising jihadi threat, and thus failed in seeing the terror coming. And they continue to fail in combating this developing world wide threat. Chillingly, we are not educated in our own classroom by our professors and were misinformed by our own media, The three-decades long history of the Khomeinist Republic has three main characteristics: first it is the suppression of democracy within Iran as a way to maintain control of the regime; second is the penetration of other Shina communities outside of Iran, including Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia; third is the intention to transform Irans Khomeinist regime into a world power with a series of alliances and the acquiring nuclear military power,. P.244 The Coming Revolution Walid Phares

The father of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was a clergy of Shina Islam, and a religious leader who led the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and overthrew Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Emperor of kingdom of Iran. Khomeini was the only leader in the Muslim world who rebutted the much advocated secularism in the country and combined political and religious authority as a head of state. He imposed an Islamic government completely based upon the Islamic beliefs, sharia law and gained praise among several radicals as a guardian and protector of the Islam.
We do not worship Iran; we worship Allah; for patriotism is another name for paganism. I say let this land burn. I say let it go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of the world Ayatollah Khomeini

Nuclear Proliferation Policy Debate A Discussion of Nuclear Technologys Impact on Foreign Policy Stephen Kressaty, Justin Torres, Mathew Skerritt 3/2/2012 page 31 It is a common and foremost misconception Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda which shattered the International Community with Islamic Suicide Bomber. Even contrary to professional reports & sources concerning the Soviet Afghan War of 1979 1989, there were no suicide attacks by the mujahidin or Taliban. Islamic Suicide Bomber tactics was not adopted by the Taliban until 2005. In the 2004 book, Ghost Wars, Steven Coll The Afghans whom Yousaf [a Pakistani Intelligence commander] trained, uniformly denounced suicide attack proposals as against their religion. It was only foreign Arab volunteers who later advocated suicide attacks, and they carried out a few between 2002-2004 periods. The first wave of Taliban Suicide Bombers really did not begin until 2005,

By 2005, the number of suicide bombings attacks in Afghanistan began to increase, even if Arabs seem to have carried out the initial wave. Most alarmingly, it became clear that indigenous Afghans and Pakistani Pashtuns had finally begun to participate in suicide bombings in real numbers. But few could have foreseen the horrors to come in the following year. From more than 140 bombings for the year 2006, the vast majority of these were carried out by Afghan or Pakistani Pashtuns. Suicide Bombings in Afghanistan, September 2007 | Islamic Affairs Analyst, Brian Glyn Williams,

1991: Sudan Sunni Government Unites With the Shiite Government of Iran Iran Comes To Sudan

After a visit in 1991 to Khartoum Sudan by the then Iranian President, Hashemi Rafsanjani, Tehran agreed to grant military and economic assistance to Sudans Hassan Al Turabi Government, extending to it the potential not to only consolidate its power at home but also to materially and morally promote Islamic groups. Under tutelage from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (AKA the Iranian Revolutionary Guard) Sudanese accelerated the training of a paramilitary force of conscripted Government workers and university students, known as the Popular Defense Force December, 1991: Iran, then Iranian President Rafsanjani, along with Irans (former) Other Governmental members - Intelligence Minister Al Fallahian, Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander In Chief Moshsen Rezaii, and Defense Minister Al Torkan. In addition to these top Iranian Officials, another 150 Iranian delegates were present. In a speech given in Khartoum, Rafsanjani told his hosts Sudan could play a more important role in the new world order: During the trip Iran provided 17 million dollars, purchased 300 million dollars worth of military equipment for Sudan from China. Islamic Fundamentalism, The New Global Threat, Mohammad Mohaddessin Seven Locks Press, 2001 Pages, 90 -92

Sunni and Shiites: in Understanding Radical Militant Islam, nothing has caused the greatest bewilderment and confusion was the long held belief of no amalgamations of Sunni and Shiites forces. In many circles today it is still not believed there was never any real unity among these two groups of Islam, let alone work together on joint terrorist operations.

An Ideological Army, Constitution of Iran In the formation and equipping of the country's defense forces, due attention must be paid to faith and ideology as the basic criteria. Accordingly, the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps are to be organized in conformity with this goal, and they will be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God's way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world (this is in accordance with the Quran verse "Prepare against them whatever force you are able to muster, and strings of horses, striking fear into the enemy of God and your enemy, and others besides them" [8:60]). Preamble to the 1979 Iranian Constitution Original Electronic Texts at the International Constitutional Law web site.


1990: Sudan & Iran Build the Popular Arab Islamic Conference (PAIC), A Regional Umbrella for International Islamist Militants, Headquartered In Khartoum Sudan Hassan Al Turabi became the secretary general of PAIC. Under his guidance, the Sudan government created an open-door policy for Arabs, including Hassan Al Turabi Islamist associate Osama bin Laden, who made his base in Sudan in 1990-1996. Biography of Hassan Al Turabi, Human Rights News www.Hrw.Org/Press/2002/03/Turabi-Bio.Htm The Popular Arab Islamic Conference The 1993 PAIC conference in Khartoum was a who's who of Islamist terror. Branches of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mullahs from Iran , along with delegates from Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ,just to name a few . Even the late Saddam Husseins top International terrorist Abu Ni dal was there. During the early 1990s extensive discussions took place between Osama Bin Laden, Turabi and representatives of Iran in Khartoum. Once Turabi defined the theological compromise between Sunni Qutubism and Shia Khomeinism on the role of Islam as the supreme force in the modern world and applied the compromise to the Islamist Revolutionary process, the road was open for a close and genuine alliance between Iran and AQ. Turabi and Sheikh Muhammad Said Noumani, an adviser to the Iranian minister of culture, preacher of Khomeinism in the Horn of Africa, jointly went to Osama Bin Laden in Khartoum and they concluded that such an alliance was possible. During the discussions an agreement was reached between the Sunni movement of Osama Bin Laden and the Shiite hard-liners in Tehran to co-operate. Both had a common priority to fight the Great-Satan (US) and the LittleSatan (Israel) first, before settling any intra-Islamic quarrels and attacking each other,. Islamism, Jihadism and Terrorism in Sudan American Enterprise Institute on Aug. 6, 2004

It was IRI Khomeinism which was the genesis and epicenter for the cult of the Islamic Suicide bomber which has engulfed the world in a mindless murderous horrification. The 1990s Khartoum Sudan - IRIs Popular Arab Islamic conference would become ground zero for the global pandemic for the Khomeinism cult of suicide martyrdom infecting the minds of militant Muslims.


It Was In Sudan, at the Islamic Republic of Irans Training Camps Where, Osama Bin Laden Adopted Khomeinism Cult of Suicide Bombing, Here Is Where the Road to the 9/11 Attacks Began As shocking and unbelievable as it may sound the 9/11 Commission Report did not connect the dots. The 9/11 Commission report concluded that there was evidence of contacts between bin Laden and Iran and its Lebanese Hezbollah ally dating back to his years in Khartoum in the mid-'90s. On Iran the commission concludes, We have found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became the 9/11 attack. So passive assistance not actual coplotting. The IRI has had a long term connection with Al Qaeda. This and more will be covered in this book, and recent 2011 & 2012 U.S. Court rulings concerning this matter.

It was Islamic Republic of Iran, who introduced the catastrophic Cult of the Suicidal Bombing Terrorism into Israel by way of its Military Proxy Force Hamas in 1993, causing forever a desolating dimension to the Israeli - Arab Palestinian Peace Process.
It was Iran who began the Cult of Suicide bombing, by the use of Iranian children as martyrs in the Iran Iraq War. The IRIs first suicide bomber, Iranian 13year-old Hossein Fahmideh - was martyred in the Iran-Iraq war and is now worshipped as a hero in Iran.

From Cult of the Suicide Bomber, Ex-CIA Agent Robert Baer Uncovers the Mystery of this New Weapon of Terror, Documentary, Since the Qur'an commends violence and the Hadith literature is steeped in the blood of martyrs, killing and dying violently are not breaches of the moral code or infringements of divine law. They are, on the contrary, regarded as some of the highest achievements of Islamic spirituality. Asked who the best of people was, Mohammad replied, the "believer who fights in the path of God with his self and his property." The martyr enjoys double the pleasure of paradise and dwells there in an abode superior to its other denizens., Suicide Bombing as Worship Dimensions of Jihad by Denis MacEoin Middle East Quarterly Fall 2009, pp. 15-24

Gharargahe Asheghane Shahadat (The Lovers of Martyrdom Garrison)

"Is there art that is more beautiful, more divine, and more eternal than the art of martyrdom - Shahada? (Meaning death for Allah, becoming a suicide bomber) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Irans President elects speech. Ahmadinejad's broadcast over Iranian world that has formed a military force of male and female airwaves was not empty rhetoric. suicide bombers. Gharargahe Asheghane Shahadat (The Lovers of Martyrdom Garrison), was established sometime between 2003- 2004 and by 2007 recruited some 50,000 men and women for the stated purpose of suicide operations against the United States and Europe. Today its number is unknown. Brigadier General of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) Mohammad-Reza Jaafari, the commander of Irans Lovers of Martyrdom Garrison , said, Now that America is after gaining allies against the righteous Islamic Republic and wants to attack our sanctities, members of the martyrdom-seeking garrisons across the world have been put on alert so that if the Islamic Republic of Iran receives the smallest threat, the American and Israeli strategic interests will be burnt down everywhere. The World According to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by Lawrence J. Haas inFocus Quarterly Summer 2007
It Was Iran That Fashioned the Idea of Suicide Bombing As An Intuitional Matrix of a Government & Education The Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country in the

Islamic Theological War Paradigm When the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his followers swept to power in Tehran in the spring of 1979, this principle became a cardinal regime priority. The preamble of the countrys formative constitution, adopted in October 1979, outlines that the countrys military henceforth be responsible not only for guarding and preserving the frontiers of the country, but also for fulfilling the ideological mission of jihad in God's way; that is, extending the sovereignty of God's law throughout the world. These words were backed by concrete regime action, with Khomeini consolidating the countrys various radical militias into an ideological army known as the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, or Pasdaran), tasked with promoting and waging his revolutionary Jihad war message throughout the world.


Educational Indoctrination Foundation for Waging Global Jihad War Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education [IMPACT-SE]) ("Formerly referred to the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace [CMIP]) Founded in 1998, CMIP examines the content of school textbooks used in the Mid-East. This is in order to determine whether children are being taught to accept and recognize the rights of others to exist. CMIP believes that education should be used to encourage an attitude of tolerance, pluralism and to promote peaceful means of solving conflicts. CMIP is a non-profit, non-political organization. They are breaking new ground in understanding incitement, and are pioneers in the field of text book analysis. Dr Arnon Groiss is CMIPs director of research: A Princeton- and Harvard-educated journalist who has also written critical studies of the Israeli, Palestinian, Syrian, Saudi and Egyptian education systems. Beginning in January 2007, CMIP directors Dr. Groiss and Dr. Yohanan presented an independent study of 115 textbooks and teachers guides of Iran. A presentation tour was given throughout Europe and at the prestigious Transatlantic Institute in Brussels. CMIP ( "Hate Indoctrination Is A Professed Goal Of Iranian Textbooks," The Iranian education system is preparing its students for a global war against the West, in the name of Islam, Describing Iran's school system as a "Global War Curriculum," Catalogs how pupils as young as 9 are conditioned to take part in a global jihad against such "infidel oppressors" as Israel and the United States. The United States and Israel: they are presented as inherently evil, as enemies of Muslims in general, and as direct enemies of the people of Iran themselves. Ayatollah Khomeinis Call to for Waging Global Jihad War

O Muslims of all countries of the world! Since under the foreigners dominance gradual death has been inflicted on you, you should overcome the fear of death and make use of the existence of the passionate and the martyrdom-seeking youths, who are ready to smash the borders of unbelief. Do not think of keeping the status quo. Rather, think of escape from captivity, of deliverance from slavery, and of attack against the enemies of Islam. Glory and life are in fighting, and the first step of fighting is [the existence of] will. After that, there is the decision that you forbid yourselves to [submit to] the supremacy of world unbelief and polytheism, especially America,.

(Islamic Viewpoint, Grade 11 (2004), p. 29

As part of their military preparation, and alongside the actual training in the IRGC Basij units, a subject titled Defense Readiness is taught to school students beginning in grade 8 (that is, 1314 years old). The textbook for this subject teaches basic military drills such as camouflaging, movement in battle conditions, acquaintance with various kinds of weaponry and explosives, as well as principles of civil defense, first aid, etc. Irans Global War Curriculum Arnon Groiss, 3118 Geopolitical Affairs 10/1/07 p3. 8
This ground breaking new study of 115 Iranian school textbooks concludes and substantiates that Tehran is preparing its children for war, and is willing to risk massive casualties for the opportunity to defeat America in a world-wide cataclysmic confrontation.

Irans Ministry of Intelligence and Security Ministry of Intelligence and Security [MOIS] Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniat-e Keshvar VEVAK


Irans Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) is one of the most secretive agencies in the world and is ranked by experts as one of the largest and most active intelligence agencies in the Middle East, shrouded in so much mystery that apart from the occasional revelations by the Iranian Resistance, little has ever been made public about its operations and functions. Its secret budget and unchecked power have turned it into one of the key pillars of the Iranian theocracy. vol. 5, no. 10 November 15th, 2005, Irans New Revolutionary Guards Regime: Anti-Americanism, Oil, And Rising International Tension, Mordechai Abir, Jerusalem brief The Islamic Republic of Iran has evolved into the leading source and support of Global Militant Islam. The U.S. Intelligence Agencies has branded Iran the worlds most active state sponsor of terrorism. In March 2006, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, Iran has been the country that has been in many ways a kind of central banker for terrorism in important regions like Lebanon through Hezbollah in the Middle East, in the Palestinian Territories, Iraq and Afghanistan,. Council on Foreign Relations State Sponsors: Iran Updated: July 2006

Al Qods (AKA Quds, Jerusalem Forces) Qods Force is a special unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. It has been described as "tasked with exporting" Iran's Islamic revolution, or "responsible for extraterritorial operations" of the Revolutionary Guard. The Quds Force reports directly to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. (Jerusalem) Force is one of five branches of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which is the strongest military-security body in the country and the regimes main support. The Quds Force is an elite unit numbering, as far as is known, several thousand. It was established at the beginning of the 1990s to help export the revolution beyond the borders of Iran, and became the main Iranian apparatus working secretly beyond its borders.
Its activities range from establishing educational systems for indoctrination and civilian infrastructures supporting Iran and its radical ideology, Dealing with opponents of the regime, Setting up and operating armed terrorist and guerilla cells and acting to subvert secular, pro-Western Arab-Muslim regimes.

The Revolutionary Guards as the main tool to export the revolution Beyond the borders of Iran



Imad Mughniyah, (pictured right) in late July 1996, American warships, a full complement of military hardware, and nearly 4,000 Marines, sailors and SEALs, were praying they could pull off the mission of their lives. They had been assigned to grab the man, who before the 9/11 attacks, had killed more Americans than any other terrorist. To note one of his most infamous missions was in Lebanon, the 1983 Beirut barracks suicide truck bombing of U.S. Forces. The death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 Navy personnel and three Army soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured, representing the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima of World War II, the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States military since the first day of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War, and the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II. He also happened to be one of Tehrans deadliest terrorist. Shadow Warriors, Dan Rather Reports May 1, 2002 State Sponsors Of Terrorism Office Of The Coordinator For Counterterrorism Country Reports on Terrorism 2009 Report August 5, 2010 United States Department of State Publication Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Released August 2010 The State Department report on international terrorism for 2009 released August 5, 2010, again stated (as it has for more than a decade) that Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism in 2009, and it again attributes the terrorist activity pri marily to the Qods Force of the Revolutionary Guard. On October 27, 2008, the deputy commander of the Basij became the first top Guard leader to publicly acknowledge that Iran supplies weapons to Liberation Armies in the region, a reference to pro-Iranian movements discussed below. The appointment of Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi, the former Qods Forces commander, as defense minister in September 2009 (caused concern in some neighboring states. Iran remained the principal supporter of groups that are implacably opposed to the Middle East Peace Process. The Qods Force, the external operations branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), is the regimes primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists abroad. Iran provided weapons, training, and funding to HAMAS and other Palestinian terrorist groups, including Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC). p 29 Iran remained unwilling to bring to justice senior al-Qaida (AQ) members it continued to detain, and refused to publicly identify those senior members in its custody. Iran has repeatedly resisted numerous calls to transfer custody of its AQ detainees to their countries of origin or third countries for trial; it is reportedly holding Usama bin Ladins family members under house arrest. Chapter 3: 192 -193
Iran has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in support to Lebanese Hizballah and has trained thousands of Hizballah fighters at camps in Iran. Since the end of the 2006 Israeli-Hizballah conflict, Iran has assisted Hizballah in rearming, in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

State Sponsors Of Terrorism Office Of The Coordinator For Counterterrorism Country Reports on Terrorism 2009 Report August 5, 2010 United States Department of State Publication Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism Released August 2010


IRIs Qods Force provides training to the Taliban in Afghanistan on small unit tactics, small arms, explosives, and indirect fire weapons. Since at least 2006, Iran has arranged arms shipments to Taliban, including small arms and associated ammunition, rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds, 107mm rockets, and plastic explosives. Despite its pledge to support the stabilization of Iraq, Iranian authorities continued to provide lethal support, including weapons, training, funding, and guidance, to Iraqi Shia militant groups Iraq Despite its pledge to support the stabilization of Iraq, Iranian authorities continued to provide lethal support, including weapons, training, funding, and guidance, to Iraqi Shia militant groups that target U.S. and Iraqi forces. The Qods Force, in concert with Lebanese Hizballah, provided training outside of Iraq and advisors inside Iraq for Shia militants in the construction and use of sophisticated IEDs (improvised explosive device) technology and other advanced weaponry. The Qods Force continued to supply Iraqi militants with Iranian-produced advanced rockets, sniper rifles, automatic weapons, and mortars that have killed Iraqi and Coalition Forces, as well as civilians. Iran was responsible for the increased lethality of some attacks on U.S. forces by providing militants with the capability to assemble explosives designed to defeat armored vehicles. The Qods Force, in concert with Lebanese Hizballah, provided training outside of Iraq as well as advisors inside Iraq for Shia militants in the construction and use of sophisticated improvised explosive device technology and other advanced weaponry. P.191-192

United Nations security council, paragraph 5 of Security Council resolution 1747 (2007) explicitly prohibits Iran from supplying, selling or transferring, directly or indirectly, any arms or related material. Paragraph 6 of Resolution 1860 (2009) calls upon member states to intensify efforts to prevent illicit trafficking in arms and ammunition to the Gaza strip. Moreover, Resolution 1373 (2001) calls upon states to refrain from providing any kind of support to terrorist organizations and to eliminate the supply of weapons to such groups.

2011 United Nations Security Council Report IRI Flagrant Violations: Iran has been caught redhanded in 10 different attempts in recent years to transfer weaponry to terrorists throughout the Middle East, including a recent case, in April, when a shipment of advanced missiles was caught en-route to Taliban forces in Afghanistan .The report documents all 10 cases of arms smuggling, including the case of the Victoria cargo ship, which was stopped by the Israel Navy earlier this year carrying arms for Hamas. In the most recent case cited, British forces in Afghanistan found a weapons shipment of advanced Iranian-made anti-ship missiles and 122 mm. rockets en route to Taliban forces in Afghanistan. United Nations S/2011/148 Security Council Distr.: General 22 March 2011Original: English 11-27473



In February 2012 the US Treasury Department designated the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) "for its support to terrorist groups as well as its central role in perpetrating human rights abuses against the citizens of Iran and its role in supporting the Syrian regime as it continues to commit human rights abuses against the people of Syria." Al Qaeda and its affiliate, al Qaeda in Iraq, are among the terrorist groups supported by the MOIS, which is Iran's chief intelligence agency.

"Today we have designated the MOIS for abusing the basic human rights of Iranian citizens and exporting its vicious practices to support the Syrian regime's abhorrent crackdown on its own population," Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen explained in a press release. "In addition, we are designating the MOIS for its support to terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, al Qaeda in Iraq, Hizballah and HAMAS, again exposing the extent of Iran's sponsorship of terrorism as a matter of Iranian state policy." The MOIS is assisting al Qaeda in a variety of ways, "MOIS has facilitated the movement of al Qaeda operatives in Iran and provided them with documents, identification cards, and passports." Treasury Designates Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security for Human Rights Abuses and Support for Terrorism 2/16/2012





IEDS Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), also known as a homemade bomb, is constructed and deployed in ways other than conventional action, mainly in ambush.
IEDs may be constructed from conventional military explosives, such as an artillery round, attached to a detonating mechanism. It can be buried or placed in a vehicle. The Greatest Producer Of Causalities On The Battlefield In The 20th Century Was Artillery, And My Assessment Is The IED Is The Artillery Of The 21st Century . Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, Director of the Joint IED Defeat Organization

IED remains the leading cause of injuries and deaths of armed forces personnel in Afghanistan and especially Iraq. In Iraq, 60 percent of all U.S. Combat Casualties is due to IEDs

US and Coalition Dead Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan: As of June 6, 2011, that number totaled 6,051, with 4,457 dead in Iraq and 1,594 dead in Afghanistan. US War Dead in Iraq and Afghanistan (uniformed through June 6, 2011, contractors through March 31, 2011) Department of Defense, Casualty Report (2011),

IEDs have been the leading cause of death and injuries of American Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the Central Force in IEDs and American Troops Deaths

Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFPS), also known as an explosively formed projectile, a selfforging warhead, or a self-forging fragment, is a special type of shaped charge designed to penetrate armor. Analysis: Irans supply of EFPs to the Taliban in Afghanistan is not new. A 2007 report by the Washington Post described an interception of EFPs and other weapons from Iran. As the current economic situation occupies the new Obama Administration and leaders in much of the world, Iran and the IRGC Qods Force, the primary Iranian group responsible for such intervention outside of Iran, continue to work largely unimpeded and even little noticed. Iranian Arms Destined for Taliban Seized in Afghanistan, Officials Say By Robin Wright Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, September 16, 2007



The IED is triggered by the initiating system, which could be a pressure plate, mobile phone, radio, timer or wire physically The Islamic Republic of Iran Qods force has developed an international blackconnected to the market procurement system for obtaining advanced technology for building device. A battery IEDs & explosively formed penetrator (EFPs), one of these road leads to, is used as the America. power source. When the firing mechanism is triggered and the circuit is completed, a signal is sent to the initiator a blasting cap or detonating cord which then detonates the main charge. In May 2008, sophisticated radio frequency modules were being found in unexploded Iranian made IEDs in Iraq. What makes this story so abhorrent; these devices were from an American company, Digi International. It was not until 2011 the hidden the enigmatic road from America to Iran was uncovered. Some 6,000 of these devices were sold to the IRI.
But the U.S. made radio devices presents a particularly lethal threat; the technology is capable of triggering a bomb 40 miles away.

We will never know how U.S. Soldiers have, and will die from these devices. Five people now have been indicted in the smuggling case. Four are awaiting extradition from Singapore and the fifth is a fugitive in Iran. Singaporeans In Exporting IEDs To Iraq: It Was Just Business 2011



In 2009, The International Criminal Court ordered the arrest of Iranian backed Sudanese President Omar alBashir, charging him with war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur. The 2009 court said Bashir directed attacks that resulted in the murder, rape and torture of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur. The United Nations says that at least 300,000 have died in the conflict in Darfur and 2.5 million have been displaced. Bashir responded to the impending warrant by saying the ICC could eat it. The IRI and Sudan have maintained close diplomatic and military ties since Al-Bashir's rise to power in Sudan in 1989, in a coup inspired by Iran's Islamic Revolution ten years earlier. Over the years, Sudan has played an important role in Iran's regional strategy. Tehran's goal, according to experts, is to secure a base on the Red Sea. In 2008, the two governments signed a security cooperation pact, and hundreds of Iranian Revolutionary Guards are based in Sudan. The Guards have a number of training camps there that are used to train Islamist terrorist groups. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9December 1948. Article 1
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which to undertake to prevent and to punish.

Since February 2003, the IRI has supported directly and indirectly Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored genocide in Sudan.



The Islamic Republic of Iran has woven multi-purpose international covert roads throughout the world. This Iranian Threat Assessment endeavors to unmask this seemly imperceptible concealed roads and havens.

Since the so-called Islamic revolution, Iran has undertaken sinister intelligence activities throughout Europe, intimidating and assassinating opposition figures and dissidents. But Tehrans most obvious dangerous active presence in Europe comes in the form of its militant proxy Hezbollah cells. Tehrans longest arm stretches into Latin America. As of the early 1990s, its proxy the Hezbollah had established a presence in the tri-border area between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. This lawless zone enables the Khomeinist networks to develop illegal financial activities and train and plan for terrorist attacks in the region and beyond. The 1992 bombing of the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires and the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center there are prime examples of Tehrans terrorist activities and global reach. With the rise of the Hugo Chavez regime, Irans Latin American presence expanded e ven further. Infiltrating Arabia: Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf For over a decade Tehran has widened its subversive activities in the Arabian Peninsula, quarreling with the Gulf Arab states of Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Although the UAE claims the island of Abu Musa as part of its sovereign territory, Iranian forces have occupied it, and reject calls to withdraw. Recent statements by Khomeinist clerics assert that Bahrain, too, is an Iranian possession under the name of Mishmahig Island, and it has triggered a severe diplomatic crisis with the small kingdom. Behind these historical disputes lay greater geopolitical ambitions. Iran has been investing large amounts of oil money in the UAE with the aim of expanding its political and military influence in the Gulf. Iranian intelligence has also been expanding its cells and cadres in the large Shia community of Bahrain. Yemen, the Hezbollah and Qods networks have hooked up with the Houthis, who are waging an armed insurrection in the northern tip of the country. Yemeni President Ali Abdallah Saleh has accused Iran and Hezbollah of training the insurgents, who have battled government forces and attacked Saudi positions across the border. Khomeinist has established a military enclave in the southern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, threatening Saudi Arabia oil fields, supporting Saudi Shiite uprisings. East and West Africa Iran has also worked to penetrate West Africa since the 1980s. Taking advantage of the substantial size of the Lebanese communities in Senegal, Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Ivory Coast, Benin, and Nigeria, Hezbollah has developed financial and intelligence networks that span the entire region. This increase of Iranian-backed activities in West Africa could have negative effects on security coordination between these countries and the West, including the U.S. and Europe.
Despite the current focus on the Taliban and al-Qaeda, no group has had more practice in global terrorism than the IRIs militant proxy the Hezbollah, and no state has pr oved a better and more consistent patron than Iran.

From a U.S. counterterrorism perspective, the threats posed by Iran, Hezbollah, and its global terrorist network are considerable. Source: Unclassified Report On Military Power Of Iran April 2010 Congressionally Directed Action (CDA) - Military Power of Iran

But we must also ask the next question, Has the IRI Developed A Nuclear Black-Market Procurement System With This Global Network?


Today Iran remains the most active customer in the International Nuclear Black Market. It has sought dual-use goods from some of the same people and firm previously linked to Khan, but has also to new technology brokers. Nuclear Black Markets: Pakistan, A.Q. Khan and The Rise Of Proliferation Networks A Net Assessment Edited By Mark Fitzpatrick, IISS, London, UK 2007

Currently the second largest untapped oil reserve in the world is in Iran. Its highest oil output production was in 1979. Tehran allowed its petroleum infrastructure to tumble into disarray from outright neglect and failure to keep proper maintenance. IRIs claim that it needs nuclear technology for economic reasons is not credible. It holds the third largest oil and the second largest natural gas reserves in the world. Neither resource is even close to fully developed. Clearly there is no need for Iran to waste money on building nuclear power reactors, when oil is so plentiful and more readily obtained. In addition, oil does neither pose the risks of a nuclear power plant, nor the problem for nuclear waste storage. Despite its vast gas resources, Iran was a net importer of natural gas as late as 2005. Iran's first nuclear power plant Bushehr I reactor was completed with vital assistance of Russian government agency Rosatom and officially opened on 12 September 2011. Iran has announced that it is working on a new 360 MW nuclear power plant to be located in Darkhovin. Iran has also indicated that it will seek more medium-sized nuclear power plants and uranium mines in the future. Iran plans to build "four to five and up to ten nuclear research reactors and will continue to enrich uranium to provide their fuel. Earthquakes Are Nothing to Get Shook Up About? The country of Iran rests on some of the most active earthquake fault zones in the entire world. In the present state of scientific knowledge, it is still impossible to forecast earthquakes. Nevertheless, we know which parts of the globe are most likely to be struck. One of the most important and overlooked fact concerning Tehrans Nuclear Reactors is, Iran does not have the infrastructure/ water resources to contain and resolve a nuclear plant crisis. Fukushima Accident, To Prevent A Nuclear Meltdown, Immeasurable -Tons of Water, Mainly From the Nearby Ocean Because cooling the core is a priority, the reactor has a number of independent and diverse cooling systems (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and others that make up the emergency core cooling system). Which one(s) failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time. Since the operators lost most of their cooling capabilities due to the loss of power, they had to use whatever cooling system capacity they had to get rid of as much heat as possible. But as long as the heat production exceeds the heat removal capacity, the pressure starts increasing as more water boils into steam. Fukushima Nuclear Accident A Simple and Accurate Explanation Posted March 15, 2011

Today Iran remains the most active customer in the International Nuclear Black Market. It has sought dual-use goods from some of the same people and firm previously linked to Khan, but has also to new technology brokers. P53 Nuclear Black Markets: Pakistan, A.Q. Khan and The Rise Of Proliferation Networks A Net Assessment Edited By Mark Fitzpatrick, IISS, London, UK 2007



Heymer, of the Nuclear Energy Institute, says recent nuclear construction contracts were priced between $6 billion and $7 billion. Some experts say until some of these current projects are completed, including the TVA reactor, there is no way to know the full cost of nuclear construction. A reactor's price is estimated at "overnight costs" (as if the reactor could be built tomorrow). Yet as construction stretches over several years to a decade, a number of things can unpredictably raise the price tag. For example, prices for necessary commodities--such as steel, copper, and concrete--have risen significantly in the past few years

Water Crisis Iran Similar to many countries in the world experiencing extreme water shortages, the Islamic Republic of Iran is also in the midst of a serious water crisis. The looming crisis is being blamed on a number of factors including population growth and uneven distribution, natural phenomena such as droughts and changing climate patterns, and the mismanagement of existing water resources. The countrys resources management is facing many subsequent challenges, including growing demand for water resources with proper quality, a considerable increase in the costs of supplying additional water and urgent need to control water pollution as well as the uncontrolled exploitation of underground waters and the necessity to conserve these valuable resources. Irans Water Crisis: Inducers, Challenges and Counter-Measures

Why Has the Islamic Republic of Iran Spent, and Spending Billions of Dollars on Missiles? In Addition Many of Its Missiles and Cruise Missile Have A Nuclear Delivery Capability. Ballistic Missiles: Iran is the only country not in possession of nuclear weapons to have produced or flight-tested ballistic missiles with ranges exceeding 1,000 kilometers. The Iranian missile program is largely based on North Korean and Russian designs and has benefited from Chinese technical assistance.
Iran has one of the largest deployed missile & cruise missile forces in the Middle East, with some missiles capable of covering ranges up to 2,000 kilometers. (1242miles)

Irans most sophisticated operational ballistic missile is the liquid-fueled Shahab-3, which has a range of about 1,300 kilometers. Iran has made progress in developing and testing solid fueled missile technologies, which could significantly increase the mobility of Irans missile for ce. Since November of 2008, Iran has conducted a number of test-launches of a two-stage solid fuel-propelled missile, the Sajjil-2, which has a reported range of about 2,000 kilometers. Iran has also developed a two stage, liquid-fueled, space launch vehicle, the Safir and placed a small satellite in orbit, the Omid, using this system Feb. 2, 2009. In June 2011, the Safir space launch vehicle was used again to place a small image-collecting satellite, the Rasad, into orbit. A larger space launch vehicle, the Simorgh, is also believed to be in development. Iran has a variety of short-, medium-, and long-range missiles; while many are based on other missiles such as the SCUD. Cruise Missiles: Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko confirmed in 2005 that Iran illegally procured six Kh-55 cruise missiles from Ukraine four years earlier. The Kh-55 is an air-launched nuclear-capable cruise missile with a range of up to 3,000 kilometers (1864 miles). Iran also has acquired a variety of Chinese anti-ship cruise missiles. In March 2010 Iran announced the development of a new cruise missile, the Nasr-1, claimed to be capable of destroying warships and military targets up to 3,000 tons. Iran, ArmsControl.Org



A countrys delivery systems determine how, when, and against whom it can use its conventional, nuclear, chemical, radiological or biological weapons. Countries or non-state actors could potentially use low-technology methods (such as artillery, or even a boat or truck) to deliver WMD, but more advanced systems such as cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and combat aircraft provide greater speed, reliability, survivability, range, and control. Cruise missiles are actually more versatile, accurate, and employable than are ballistic missiles. The extensive use of the Tomahawk cruise missile by the United States beginning in the 1991 Gulf War up to today has demonstrated to the world the value of the cruise missile. Cruise missile technology offers the means for developing a precision strike capability much more cheaply than would be required to procure a modern air force. Once built, cruise missiles require little maintenance and fewer trained personnel to operate and deploy than does a fleet of jet aircraft. Moreover, unlike strikes from manned aircraft, cruise missile use does not carry the political risk of captured pilots. They are also suitable against both land and sea based targets.
Furthermore, cruise missiles are better suited for the delivery of chemical or biological munitions than are ballistic missiles.

The merging of UAVs and drone aircraft with cruise missile has opened up an entire different dimension of warfare. Today we are seeing this type of technology as a major tool of the Pentagon, from Yemen to Africa, and Afghanistan. The Islamic Republic of Iran has one of the largest and robust UAV and drone aircraft.
Despite the dangers of the continued proliferation of advanced delivery systems, no binding international nonproliferation treaty controls the spread of missiles or other delivery systems.

September 2, 2011: An IAEA report said that the agency was "increasingly concerned" about Iran's apparent efforts to develop a nuclear payload for a missile . The IAEA report provided disturbing and credible additional details regarding Iranian nuclear warhead development efforts that have allowed Tehran to acquire some of the expertise needed to build nuclear weapons, should it decide to do so. The IAEA report and annex reinforce what the nonproliferation community has recognized for some time: that Iran engaged in various nuclear weapons development activities until 2003, then stopped many of them, but continued others. The activities documented in the IAEA report, including research related to nuclear warheads, underscore that Tehrans claims that it is only seeking the peaceful use of nuclear energy are false. Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran GOV/2011/65 Date: 8 November 2011 The IAEA's former director general, Dr. Mohamed El Baradei, and other key officials subsequently travelled to Iran and discovered "extensive concealment activities" regarding Iran's nuclear enrichment programs. This discovery raised much concern among world leaders, the IAEA and the United Nations because Iran had breached its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The IAEA remains unable to determine the full extent of Iran's nuclear program.



Why does Iran want nuclear weapons? So it can go on sponsoring terrorism, spreading radical ideology, killing Americans through covert actions, and building a sphere of influence without anyone doing anything about it. In other words, the real threat is Iran's conventional foreign policy safeguarded by nuclear weapons. Are there precedents for this? Sure. More recently, Pakistan and North Korea, going back further in time, the Stalinist USSR, Professor Barry Rubin

2011 The top U.S. military officer Admiral Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff accused Iranof shipping new supplies of deadly weapons to its militia allies in Iraq, in what he described as Tehrans bid to take credit for forcing American troops to go home. `Iran is very directly supporting extremist Shiite groups which are killing our troops, said Admiral Mullen,. `There is no question they are shipping high-tech weapons in therethat is killing our people. And the forensics prove that. The problem is with the specific government now in place in the White House, not the fact that it is a Democratic Party president or a supposedly liberal president. In the background is the dominant ideology nowadays in the United States which throws out the window all of the traditional attitudes and tools used by previous presidentsrealpolitik, deterrence, power politics, supporting your friends, and punishing your enemies. One might call it a combination of proud-to-be-weak, America-is-too-evil-to-be-a-worldleader, old-fashioned appeasement, and left-wing neo-conservatism. A government that will not protect the soldiers it has sent into danger by acting against those who would kill them does not deserve to lead those troops. Admiral Mullen knows it (his statement above sounds like a plea for help from Congress and the American people) and so does the recently resigned Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and so does everyone who works at the Pentagon and serves in the U.S. armed forces. But they cannot speak publicly because they are serving. Thats the real Dont ask, dont tell policy. What does the United States do about the fact that it has proof of a war being waged against it by Iran? Nothing, From: Top U.S. Military Officer: Iran Is In a Shooting War With America. OK, wheres the Policy Response? July 8, 2011 by Barry (Rubin Professor Rubin is the author hundreds of articles, lectures, numerous books on the Middle East some of his books are books are, Chronologies of Modern Terrorism, The Israel-Arab Reader , The Truth about Syria, and his latest 2012 book, Israel, an Introduction Rubin is a professor at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel, the director of the ICD Global Research in International Affairs Center, and a senior fellow at the Interdisciplinary Center's International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism. He is also Research Director of the IDC's Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy; editor of the journal Turkish Studies and the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA); and a member of the editorial board of Middle East Quarterly).



June 4, 2012: In his introductory statement to the Board of Governors, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano declares: Iran is not providing the necessary cooperation to enable the Agency to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities. The Islamic Republic s tactics of delay, denial, and move forward have forced American policymakers to either take a more confrontational approach to nations outside its sanctions regime sometimes pushing them further towards cooperation with Iranor to accept a weakening of sanction and pressures on Iran. At the same time, they have led the US to repeatedly make it clear that while it prefers a negotiated solution, it is keeping military options on the table The UN Security Council has passed multiple resolutions demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment activities.
Nuclear program condemned and sanctioned under multiple UN Security Council Resolutions Possesses ballistic missiles with a range of at least 1,500 km Produced 95.4 kg of UF6 enriched up to 20% as of February 2012

Nuclear Threat Initiative (nti) Iran Country Profile, Overview Sanctions?

2012 Waivers for Oil Trade With Tehran, Washington Obamas Administration grated 20 countries exempt from sanctions are Belgium, Britain, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, India, Malaysia, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Turkey. China, Irans Biggest Oil Customer, Gets Last-Minute Sanctions Exemption From Obama Administration By Patrick Goodenough June 29, 2012 2011 U.S. Energy Information Administration: The top ten buyers of Iranian crude are as follows. Data is for the second quarter 2011 from the IEA with the exception of China, India and Sri Lanka which are not IEA members. Data for Those countries is for first half 2011 from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Countries: 1. China 2. India 3. Japan 4. Italy 5. South Korea 6. Turkey 7. Spain 8. Greece 9. South Africa 10. France In 2012 Iran was named the new chair of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). The GECF represents the Leaders of the world's biggest gas suppliers. There are 12 countries as full members and 3 as observers. The full members possess 70 percent of the world's gas reserves and account for 42 percent of gas production, 38 percent of transport through gas pipelines, and 85 percent of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) business. Iran becomes chair of Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) 11/27/12 In 2013 Tehran exported $ 7 Billion dollars in gas to the EU: According to Iran's state run Mehr News Agency, despite EU gas sanctions, EU members Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey and Romania are among Irans most important gas customers produced in south Pars terminals. Iran Gas Exports to Europe at $7 Billion Posted date: March 07, 2013



The key corner stone in understanding a C.B.R.N. Threat Assessment of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the Chemical Biological Nuclear Radiological International proliferations & complexities. This is not a new phenomenon. Concerns about WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) date back at least to 1925, when the Geneva Protocol was negotiated to respond to the use of poison gas during World War I. Several factors facilitate the spread of dangerous technology to various countries and groups. These same factors increase the likelihood that C.B.R.N. weapons could be used (either militarily or for blackmail). Technological Developments (In C.B.R.N., Computer, and Production Technology). Increasingly Free Flow Of Information, People And Goods. Growing Disparities in Conventional Military Capabilities. Growing Disparities in Strategic Defenses. Continued Prestige of Nuclear Power. Growing Prestige of Missile Capabilities. Perceived Utility of C.B.R.N. Threats To Deter U.S. Intervention. Perceived Disdain by Major Powers For Certain Arms Control Agreements And International Cooperation On Nonproliferation.
We need a closer examination for comprehension of Tehrans deadly arsenals of Chemical, Biological warfare agents to Radiological, EMP, (Electrical magnetic Pulse) munitions. Correspondingly for these deadly arsenals the Islamic Republics vast military delivery systems.

In February 2012, a treasure trove of secret telexes dating to 1992, which proved that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been operating a clandestine nuclear program, and pursuing nuclear technology for 20 years. Furthermore, they establish that Tehran has engaged in a pattern of deception regarding its nuclear activity since the early 1990s. Tehran has engaged in a pattern of deception regarding its nuclear activity since the early 1990s. Formerly Secret Telexes Reveal Irans Early Use Of Deceit In Nuclear Program February 22, 2012

Iran is also the world's leading state sponsor of terror. It has supplied more than 70,000 rockets to terrorist organizations deployed on Israel's borders and has tried to murder civilians across five continents and 25 countries, including in the United States. In July 2012, Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists killed five Israeli tourists, among them a pregnant woman, in Bulgaria. Iran's forces have attacked American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Its agents are operating in Yemen, Africa and South America. By providing fighters and funds, Iran is enabling Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to massacre his own people, Iran has done all this without nuclear weapons. With them, it can commit incalculable atrocities anywhere in the world, beginning with Israel. As the chief of staff of the Iranian military recently stated, "the Iranian nation stands for the full annihilation of Israel." Last week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said "the annihilation of the Zionist regime is the key for solving the world problems.", Accordingly, Israel believes that Iran is far from forfeiting its nuclear ambitions. Our conviction is based on Iran's record of subterfuge and terror together with its genocidal rhetoric. It also reflects the inability of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany (the "P5+1") to negotiate a compromise with Iran

Time Is Short For Iran Diplomacy August 6, 2012, By Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren In a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed,

2006 before a Senate Hearing, Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice, Iran Central Bank for Terrorism
We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran, whose policies are directed at developing a Middle East that would be 180 degrees different than the Middle East we would like to see developed, This is a country determined to develop a nuclear weapon ... and is the central bank for terrorism, If Iran is allowed to develop nuclear weapons, the current threat it presents will increase dramatically. It will be that much harder to rein in the Iranian regime, and it is very likely that these weapons of mass destruction or the know-how to produce them could make their way into the hands of terrorists.


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice aptly called Iran "the central bank or terrorism. A serious Threat Assessment of the Islamic Republic of Iran requires an uncovering; a deeper analysis of Khomeinis peculiar interpretation of Shi'ism which he developed to build a totalitarian Islamic Militant State and the direction violent confrontation its taking Tehran with the world. Ayatollah Khomeini: We shall export our revolution to the whole world until the cry `There is no God but God` resounds over the whole world, there will be struggle. Khomeini has fashioned Iran to embrace jihad as a central pillar of faith and action, seen most notably in its unending campaign of vilification and proxy violence against the Zionist entity, Israel. For current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei , the destruction of Israel is an openly avowed policy driven by eschatological beliefs. The Jew is the most obstinate enemy (Koran 5:82) of the devout. And the main war will determine the destiny of mankind is a war between Israel and Islam. The annihilation of the Zionist regime will come; Israel must be wiped off the map... And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism They have invented a myth that Jews were massacred and place this above God, religions and the prophets.I officially announce that Iran has joined countries with nuclear technology. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Khomeinism brought about a deadly evolution of explosive irregular warfare, (IW) favoring indirect and asymmetric approaches, employing a full range of military and other capacities, in order to erode their chosen adversaries power, influence, and will. Tehran has conducted a clandestine uranium enrichment program for nearly two decades in violation of its International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards agreement, and despite its claims to the contrary, seeking nuclear weapons, a nuclear umbrella under which see the realization Ayatollah Khomeini s world dominated by Islam and sharia laws. We shall export ou r revolution to the whole world, until the cry `There is no God but God` resounds over the whole world, Ayatollah Khomeini.



This Islamic Militant State is fueled by billions of dollars from its vast oil and gas revenues. Iran is an economic power of its own by being one of the richest regions in the world in terms of hydrocarbon resources. Energy resources in Iran consist of the fourth largest oil reserves and the second largest natural gas reserves in the world. Iran, a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), ranks among the worlds top four holders of both proven oil and natural gas reserves. In 2010, Iran was the third-largest exporter of crude oil globally after Saudi Arabia and Russia, EIA There is a complex global economic petrochemical dependence, which must be considered along with the Middle East Regions vast and crucial maritime oil arteries. Since the 1930s the Middle East has emerged as the worlds most important source of energy and the key to the stability of the global economy. The shifting geopolitical sands of the Arab Spring has /is reshaping the landscape as never before, Lebanon, where political change hinges on the outcome in Syria; and Iraq, as US Troops leave is moving into Tehrans Shiite crescent . The Iraqi Kurds are pushing for a separate country, struggle with Bagdads leadership and a Turkish border we need a mystic to read its future. Geopolitical uncertainties and the economic considerations as the politics and ideologies fade, collide and change along with the quest for "leadership" of the Arab world. Maps and borders have yet to become permanent, infighting, suicide bombings, chaos have become the norm. The Middle East remains a major center of global terrorism that involves every country in the region.
The scale of change that is ripping through the Arab world is breathtaking. It is no longer fanciful to speak of this as the Middle East Berlin Wall 1989 moment. Financial Times, 26/27 February 2011

The Iranian backed Hamas, which was considered a threat to Egypt under Mubarak, has become persona grata. Being an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, its leaders are now welcome in Cairo where frequent meetings between Hamas and Fatah are held. In November of 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood won almost half of t he seats of the Egyptian Peoples Council, thus translating the long-standing support of the population into a political asset of undeniable strength. Muslim Brotherhoods powerful leader Mohammad Mursi is Egypts first Islamist president. Mursi resentful of the past Egyptian peace accords with Israel, is now holding regular meetings with Tehran.

The Shiite Revolution in Yemen has been backed for the last six years by Iran. Yemen has fought a vicious and bloody war with Iranian backed Shia rebels, which could soon give Tehran a strategic "backdoor" attack, point into Saudi Arabia.


Yemen's rebels have already hit towns across the Saudi border. So far, 50 Saudi schools along the border have had to close. Another 240 border towns have already been evacuated. And Saudi jets have already dropped bombs in Yemen. Yemen might be a failed country with a collapsing government, a shrinking oil supply, an exploding population and not much of anything else but lawlessness and chaos. But what Yemen does have is position. It sits just on the tip of the Arab peninsula south of another key Saudi border and on the coast of another key oil strait called Bab-el-Mandeb. And like Hormuz, most oil states on the Red Sea can't get a drop of oil out without shipping it through the Babel-Mandeb. Over 3.3 million barrels go through every day on its way to the Suez Canal. Saudi Arabia's decisions to send troops to help crush a Shiite rebellion in Bahrain and to grant refuge last year to deposed Tunisian President Zine el Abidine ben Ali are testaments to its resistance to shifting regional dynamics. The decades-old rivalry between Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shiitecontrolled Iran for prominence in the region is one of the volatile subplots embedded in the "Arab Spring." Because Saudi Arabia is the worlds number one oil producer and source of reserves, any major changes in its political stability could have major consequences. Disorder on the Border Saudi Arabias War Inside Yemen Joost R. Hiltermann Yemens Strategic Boxes Lawrence E. Cline Yemen Overview There needs to be an exploration of the complex and overlapping Iranian structures that together comprise the Iranian militant regime, as well as the individuals who control those structures and their relationships. To address these issues the books chapters are calculated to provide in depth descriptions of key features, organizations, and individuals built upon professional research sources.



There is a bewildering paradox, the International Community along with their vast Intelligence agencies acknowledged, confronted, the rise of Communism, and its goal of global domination. They comprehended communism darkness which endeavored to reshape the world in its image. Yet when it comes to the threat of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its vision of world subjugation, its irregular international wars for global domination, there is but a faint whisper of protest. As if Jungian archetypes from past religious wars had possessed their intellectual perceptions and reasoning. Drowning in their ocean of economic oil addiction, the International Community is quickly sinking into a cesspool of white washing politics and blissful ignorance. With delusional rapture mantra of, Iranian containment, as the Islamic Republic of Irans irregular international wars spread to global pandemic levels, and stands on the threshold of becoming a nuclear power. This Threat Analysis Endeavors To Render A Panoramic View Of The Deadly Dangers Faced From The Islamic Republic Of Iran.

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