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Spring 2010

Fundamentals of Business Information Systems

Important Concept: ERP Data

: frequently used data that remains the same over a long period of time.
Often shared Of h db between diff different organizational i i l units i and among processes. Examples: customer information (address, contact info, etc.), material data, and more.

: transitory y information generated g from independent business transactions.

Customer orders, payment records, etc. Will be archived and accessible over time, but not reused with regularity.


Transaction Data vs. Master Data

Marketing Information Systems (MKIS) Overview MKIS defined: "set of procedures and methods for the regular, planned collection, analysis and presentation of information for use in marketing decisions" (American Marketing Association) Core ERP functionality. Commonly includes:
Sales support and facilitation activities Order receipt and entry Shipping and Transportation (Logistics) Billing Credit Management


Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities Sales Order Entry Check Availability Pick Materials Pack Materials Post Goods Issue

Receipt of Customer Payment Invoice Customer

Pre-Sales Activities
: creating/tracking customer contact, communication, and other sales-related activity
Phone call Ph ll records, d meetings, i l letters, sales l promotions i received, past interest, Internet activity, etc.

: documents prepared to encourage and/or facilitate successful customer transactions.

Identify possible sale and determine sale probability. Useful for


Typical pre-sale documents

--request from current/potential customer for information needed to evaluate and potentially place an order order. No commitment commitment. --legally binding representation by seller of product availability, price, selling terms, and fulfillment. Commonly given in response to an inquiry.
In SAP, distinction between inquiries and quotations is subtle. Key concept: who initiated the process. Configuration permits "instantaneous" response to inquiry, eliminating inquiry-to-quotation cycle time.

ERP Sales Support

Goal: equip salesperson with all information needed to negotiate and complete sale. Information needed:
Past sales activity Past communication Contact information General company info Credit limits and usage Current backorders


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM premise:

More expensive to gain new customers than it is to keep existing ones. Learn more about customers to better meet needs.

Ongoing relationship more valuable than sequence of independent transactions Most companies generate growth by

SAP CRM Solution Map

SAP ERP includes very basic CRM functionality ("CRM Light"). More functional CRM system available as part of SAP Business Suite Suite.

SAP CRM Demo Oracle (Siebel) CRM


Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities

Sales Order Entry

Check Availability Pick Materials Pack Materials Post Goods Issue

Receipt of Customer Payment Invoice Customer

Order Entry
Orders may originate in many ways: phone calls, faxes, given to salespeople, etc.
Both inquiries and quotations can be used as the basis f order for d entry.

legally binding request for product purchase. Accepted or rejected (as is) by seller. Key order entry elements:
Capture all necessary information at one time. Ensure order terms, PO match quotation quotation--may may vary among customers. Verify eligibility to order (credit, product restrictions, etc.) Company willing/able to accept order.

Customer and product master data used in this process


Creating an Order
Customer Master Sold-to party 2540-00 For Delivery: 12/25/xxxx Item Material 1 1400-500-00 2 1400-100-00 Quantity 30 20 Shipping Config. Price 18.75 23.22

Material Master

Condition Data

When sales order created in SAP, data copied from:

Customer Master Material Master Condition Records for Pricing Configuration Tables for shipping point and route.

Data can also be copied from an inquiry or quote.

Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities Sales Order Entry

Check Ch k Availability
Pick Materials Pack Materials Post Goods Issue

Receipt of Customer Payment Invoice Customer


Check Availability
Product currently available? When will it be available? C b Can be part of f order d acceptance process. How the product will be supplied. Possibilities:
Stock on hand Planned production Expected order receipt Make-to-order production Shipped directly from external supplier Shipped from another plant or warehouse

Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities Sales Order Entry Check Availability

Receipt of Customer Payment Invoice Customer

Pick Materials Pack Materials

Post Goods Issue


Order Fulfillment
Creating picking orders (requests to warehouse for fulfillment) Creating delivery documents (shipping manifests) Provide packing information (if required) Post Goods Issue:

Delivery Alternatives

Sales Order

Delivery Delivery

Sales Order

Delivery Delivery

Sales Order Sales Order



Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities Sales Order Entry Check Availability Pick Materials Pack Materials Post Goods Issue

Receipt of Customer Payment

Invoice Customer

Invoicing/Billing the customer

Document uses transaction data from order and delivery document, along with customer master data. data
Discrepancy resolution

Creating an invoice increases



Sales Order Delivery Invoice Invoice Sales Order Delivery Delivery Sales Order Sales Order Delivery Delivery Delivery Invoice Invoice Invoice

Invoice splits can be used to bill for different items like materials and services. Collective invoices can be used to consolidate deliveries onto one invoice to minimize paperwork.

Business Process in Depth: Sales Order Process

Pre-sales Activities Sales Order Entry Check Availability Pick Materials Pack Materials Post Goods Issue

Receipt of Customer Payment y

Invoice Customer



Payment--final step in order management cycle. Includes:
Posting payments against invoices. Reconciling differences, if necessary.

May not always go as planned (material not in stock, defective material returned for credit, etc.). System must account for these. these Failure to pay may generate

Posting Payments
Invoice 1 Invoice 2 Invoice 3 Invoice 4
First National Bank 2132 123123 54545 345 34

Acme Corp.
Pay to $

4325 Dollars

Customers may send one check to cover multiple invoices. May also send check for less than the full amount due. Must be allocated on account. Payment posting is performed by the accounts receivable department.



SAP Document Flow

Business Process and Configuration

Order process one example of many business processes which is modeled/facilitated in ERP systems. systems Process can be customized based on individual company processes.


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