AS Edexcel Chemistry Formulae and Equations

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j Analyse, evaluate experimental results to find formulae and equations

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

analyse and evaluate the results obtained from finding a formula or confirming an equation by experiment, eg the
reaction of lithium with water and deducing the equation from the amounts in moles of lithium and hydrogen
make a salt and calculate the percentage yield of product, eg preparation of a double salt (ammonium iron(II) sulfate
from iron, ammonia and sulfuric acid)

Exam Questions
When 0.635 g of copper (relative atomic mass, RAM = 63.5) is added to an excess of
silver nitrate solution, 2.158 g of silver (RAM = 107.9) form. The ionic equation for the
reaction is
A Cu(s) + Ag2+(aq) Cu2+(aq) + Ag(s)
B Cu(s) + Ag+(aq) Cu+(aq) + Ag(s)
C 2Cu(s) + Ag2+(aq) 2Cu+(aq) + Ag(s)
D Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) Cu2+(aq) + 2Ag(s)
An impure sample of sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCO3, of mass 0.227 g, was reacted with
an excess of hydrochloric acid. The volume of carbon dioxide evolved was measured at room
temperature and pressure and found to be 58.4 cm3.

The molar volume of any gas at the temperature and pressure of the experiment is 24 dm3
mol1. The molar mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate is 84 g mol1.
(i) Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide given off.
(ii) Calculate the mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate present in the impure sample.
(iii) Calculate the percentage purity of the sodium hydrogencarbonate. Give your
answer to two significant figures.
(b) (i) The total error in reading the gas syringe is 0.4 cm3. Calculate the percentage
error in measuring the gas volume of 58.4 cm3.
(ii) Suggest why the carbon dioxide should not be collected over water in this

(Total for question = 7 marks)

Sodium burns in oxygen to give a pale yellow solid X.
(a) (i) 1.73 g of sodium reacts with 1.20 g of oxygen.
Calculate the empirical formula of X.

(ii) The molar mass of X is 78 g mol1. Give the molecular formula of X.

(iii) Write the equation, including state symbols, for the reaction of sodium with oxygen to
produce X.

(iv) Calculate the volume of oxygen in dm3 (at room temperature and pressure) which
reacts with1.73 g of sodium. (The molar volume of any gas at room temperature and
pressure is 24 dm3 mol1.)

(v) Calculate the number of oxygen molecules that react with 1.73 g of sodium.
(The Avogadro constant = 6.02 1023 mol1.)

>(b) If sodium is burnt in air, compound X is not the only product. Suggest why this is so.
(Total for question = 9 marks)

Sulfamic acid is a white solid used by plumbers as a limescale remover.
(a) Sulfamic acid contains 14.42% by mass of nitrogen, 3.09% hydrogen and 33.06% sulfur. The
remainder is oxygen.
(i) Calculate the empirical formula of sulfamic acid.

(ii) The molar mass of sulfamic acid is 97.1 g mol1. Use this information to deduce
the molecular formula of sulfamic acid.

(b) A solution of sulfamic acid contains hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions react with
magnesium to produce hydrogen gas. In an experiment, a solution containing
5.5 x 103 moles of sulfamic acid was reacted with excess magnesium. The volume
of hydrogen produced was 66 cm3, measured at room temperature and pressure.
(i) Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus you would use to carry out this
experiment, showing how you would collect the hydrogen produced and
measure its volume.

(ii) Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen, H2, produced in this reaction.
[The molar volume of a gas is 24 dm3 mol1 at room temperature and pressure]

(iii) Show that the data confirms that each mole of sulfamic acid produces one mole

of hydrogen ions in solution.


(c) Plumbers use sulfamic acid powder for descaling large items such as boilers.
Sulfamic acid acts as a descaler because the hydrogen ions react with carbonate ions
in limescale.
(i) Write an ionic equation for the reaction of hydrogen ions with carbonate ions.
State symbols are not required.

(ii) Suggest ONE reason why sulfamic acid is considered less hazardous than
hydrochloric acid as a descaler.
(Total for question = 11 marks)
0.400 g of magnesium ribbon reacted with exactly 22.2 cm3 of hydrochloric acid of
concentration 1.50 mol dm3.
400 cm3 of hydrogen gas was formed, the volume being measured at room temperature
and pressure.
In the calculations that follow, use the following molar masses:
Mg = 24.0 g mol1
Cl = 35.5 g mol1
(a) Calculate the amount (in moles) of magnesium used.

(b) Calculate the amount (in moles) of hydrochloric acid used.


(c) Calculate the amount (in moles) of hydrogen produced.

[Molar volume of any gas at room temperature and pressure = 24 000 cm3 mol1]

(d) Show that the calculated amounts of magnesium, hydrochloric acid and hydrogen are
consistent with the following equation for the reaction

(e) Calculate the maximum mass of magnesium chloride that would be formed in this
reaction. Give your answer to three significant figures.
(Total for Question = 7 mark)

(a) (i)
The majority of candidates were able to calculate the moles of carbon dioxide. If the volume
of the gas used was left in units of cm3 (as in the question), then the molar volume had to
be converted from 24 dm3 mol1 into 24 000 cm3 mol1 . If the answer given was incorrect,
the reason was that the candidates had not worked with consistent units.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a correct answer, clearly set out.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

If the volume of gas is in cm3, then the molar volume must be converted from 24 dm 3
mol1 to 24 000 cm3 mol1.

(a) (ii-iii)
Many candidates were able to calculate the mass of sodium hydrogencarbonate present
in the sample. The most frequent error in (a)(ii) was to calculate the moles of impure
sodium hydrogencarbonate instead of the mass required by the question. Under these
circumstances, however, the two marks in (a)(iii) could be retrieved by using the moles in
(a)(i) in the subsequent calculation. A mark was often lost in (a)(iii) by not giving the final
answer to two significant figures.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

Working has been shown and the answer in (a)(iii) has been given to the required
degree of accuracy.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

Check your final answer carefully when a specific degree of accuracy is required by the

Part (b)(i) was generally well-answered. The most frequent error was to confuse a gas
syringe with a burette and to double the total error given in the question.

For (b)(ii), the majority of candidates realised that carbon dioxide is slightly soluble in water.
A significant number of answers, however, mistakenly thought that because water was a
product of the acid-hydrogencarbonate reaction, this in itself would affect the accuracy of
the experiment.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

Both responses (b)(i) and (b)(ii) are correct.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

Note that the total error has been given in the question for (b)(i).

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

In (b)(i), the total error has been doubled and so no mark has been awarded.

Results Plus: Examiner Tip

Consider error in measurements when carrying out experiments in the laboratory.

Many candidates calculated the empirical formula correctly as NaO.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

1:1 ratio of Na:O had not been made explicit, but the correct answer NaO was given so
both marks were awarded.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always show every step in your working.
A surprising number of candidates gave a molecular formula for a compound for which the molar
mass was not 78 g mol1.
Many candidates were awarded both marks, but a significant number gave the state symbol for
Na2O2 as (aq) rather than (s).

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a correctly balanced equation, with the state symbols which are also correct, the
answer scored both marks.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always consider state symbols carefully when asked for them in an equation.
Most candidates gained the second scoring point which required the calculated moles of oxygen,
O2, to be multiplied by 24 dm3 mol1 in order to obtain the volume of gas in units of dm3. There
was some confusion, however, between calculating moles of oxygen atoms, O(g), and moles of
oxygen molecules, O2(g).

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This is a well laid-out answer which scored both marks.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Set out your answers to calculation questions in an orderly way as illustrated in the
above response.
This question was generally well answered, although sometimes candidates chose to calculate
the number of oxygen atoms instead of molecules.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This was the correct response, which scored the mark available.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Always check which type of particle (atom, ion or molecule) is being referred to in the
This proved difficult for the majority of candidates. A significant number of responses included
incorrect references to the presence of hydrogen gas, H2, in air.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This response scored a mark as it acknowledged that other oxides of sodium may have
been formed in the reaction described.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Be aware of the gases present in air.

Calculating an empirical formula in (a) was a familiar task and well done. A number of candidates
to include the oxygen, but could earn the mark in (ii) by doubling their empirical formula, showing
its mass was close to half of the molar mass. Another error was to use atomic numbers instead
of atomic
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
All the atoms in the compound must be included, so the percentage of oxygen has to be
calculated. In (ii) the question asks for information to be used, so the answer should
show that this has been done.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This answer has omitted the oxygen so loses the third mark in (i). However the
empirical formula mass has been calculated and shown to be close to half the molar
mass, so the mark was given in (ii) for using information to deduce a molecular formula.
In a perfect answer there would have been words or abbreviations showing what the
numbers referred to.

The diagrams in (b)(i) had to show a workable method of collecting hydrogen, and a suitable
method of
measuring its volume. The diagram had to be good enough to show another person what to do,
but tubing,
bungs etc were not expected to be drawn to text-book standard. A number of diagrams showed
being collected in test tubes with no way of measuring the volume. More major errors suggested
a lack of
practical experience. Collection over water often showed worrying disregard for water levels or
indeed the
need for water at all! There were diagrams showing a gas being produced in a sealed container
(other than
a syringe) connected to a sealed flask, or with gas being produced in an open container from
which it would
have escaped, with a side arm leading to a collecting vessel.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Diagrams should be clear enough for someone to work out how to set up apparatus,
and they should show workable methods.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This gets one mark for showing a workable method of collecting hydrogen, but the test
tube should be replaced by a measuring cylinder or inverted burette. The clamp stands
need not be shown in diagrams like this.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This scores both marks. The syringe is not very well drawn but it is labelled.

The number of moles of hydrogen in (b)(ii) was usually correct, the main error being to forget to
the molar volume to cm3. In (b)(iii) even those candidates who showed that two moles of sulfamic
produced one mole of hydrogen found it difficult to see that each mole of hydrogen was
equivalent to two
hydrogen ions.
Candidates found the ionic equation in (c)(i) challenging. Candidates need to learn to balance
both atoms
and charges when writing these. Three possible answers were allowed. The equation could
show either
formation of water and carbon dioxide, formation of carbonic acid, or formation of hydrogen
carbonate ions.
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
Both atoms and charges must be balanced in the equation.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This doesn't get the mark because the charge on the carbonate ion should be 2-. If the
products are known, it is possible to work out that another negative charge is needed
for balance.
In (c)(ii) few candidates thought about the advantages of a descaling agent being a solid, and
most focussed
on the acid strength or corrosive properties of the two acids.

Most candidates found the calculations in this question straightforward and a higher
proportion were able to round their final answer in (e) correctly than has been the case
with similar questions in earlier papers in this series. However, a significant number of
candidates still expressed their answers to the first three parts of the question incorrectly
with excessive and incorrect rounding being the common errors. While the stoichiometric
ratio question seemed well understood by most candidates, the mark was often lost by
either failing to make the necessary link between the calculation and the equation or looking
at only two figures, usually the magnesium and the acid.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

An excellent answer although the candidate has chosen to use the Ar of magnesium
given in the Periodic Table rather than the approximate value stated in the question.

Results Plus: Examiner Comments

This candidate clearly understands how to do this question but in (d) fails to complete
the answer, only considering the stoichiometric ratio of magnesium to hydrogen. Note
also the use of a rounded value of the number of moles in (e).
Results Plus: Examiner Tip
It is good practice to retain in your calculator unrounded values obtained in intermediate
steps of a calculation and to use these rather than the rounded values that you write

1.3i Markscheme
Q1 D



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