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SAP SD interview questions


What is the SAP landscape?


What is ASAP?


What is Sales and Distribution (SD)


Describe Organizational Structure of SD


What are the organizational elements required for the SD transactions


What are the components of SD?


What is a client?


What is a Company?


What is a Company Code? how to create company code?


What is a Fiscal Year and Fiscal year variant?


How do you maintain Fiscal Year Variant?


What is the transaction code for assigning Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant


What are posting periods?


What is a Field status group?


What is Open and close posting periods?


What is document type?


How do y define document numnber ranges


Why Tolerance groups are to be define in sap?


What is a Plant and how to create a New plant?


what is Division?


How to assign division to sales organization?


what is a Sales Organization?


How do you create sales organisation?


Define sales document types?


How to maintain number ranges for sales document types?


Explain about Distribution Channel?


How to assign distribution channel to sales organisation?


What is a Sales Area, how do you set up sales area?


What is Sales office? How do you set up sales office?


How to create sales group?


How to assign sales group to sales sales office?


What is billing type and how do you define billing types?


What is transfer order?


What is a Shipping Point, Loading Point?


Explain about Customer Master record?


How do you create customer account group?


how do you create customer account number ranges for external assignment?


What is Post Goods Issue (PGI) ?


What is the use of Pricing date in condition type?


What is handling unit in SAP?


What are the configurations steps for PACKING?


Explain how the shipping pint is determined?


how do you integrate Sd with MM,FICO?


What are MRP types?


What is Product attributes in SAP SD?


How is credit control determined in SAP?


what is pricing procedure determination?


What is the purpose of text determination, account determination, partner determination, output
determination,storagelocation determination


What are the five imp fields to be maintained in account determination


How to create excise invoice and what is it


What is meant by transfer of data from legacy code to sap


What do you do really in pricing determination, and what are the main deifferences between


one pricing procedure determination to the others, which data control these differences


What type of reports generally a support consultant maintain and report


What are interfaces used generally an indian organisation which is in retail business


and and which is in banking business and oil business.


What is the purpose of shipping point determination not menu path


What and where types of copy controls we change


How to and where to maintain copy controls


What is purpose of maintaining common distribution channels and common divisions


How Availability check carry out in MTO ( Make to Order ) Process


with same materials with different plants values should be posted to respective g/l accounts in sap sd


what is the functions specks?


tell me support tickets, which tool you use?


How you will release change request in SD module? How often you release them?


How to create tasks. What are the maximum number of tasks you were created in you are previous project?


What is the difference between task and change request?


Is it possible to release change request, without releasing task.


Is functional module configuration comes under workbench request or customization request?


What is the tool you are using for testing purposes in your project?


What is the landscape you are following, which one you prefer to test functional module level changes?


Could you explain about sales deals?


Product attributes means?


What do you mean by drop shipment?


Can you explain about Higher-level item category and item usage?


What do you mean by condition index, how you configured in you project?


What do you mean by sort key(company code data in CMR) ?


What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys?


What is the difference between general item category group and item category group ( sales org2 in MMR)?


What is the difference between alternative calculation type and alternative condition base value?


Is it possible to have different pricing procedure for sales order and invoice?


Consumption based planning?


Difference between billing and invoice?


How to stop PGI?


What do you mean by user specific parameters?


Explain about common distribution channels and common divisions and combined distribution channel and combined
divisions, what is use?


How to extend material and customer to other sales areas?


Why does account group controls customer?


How can you use R/3 project management in implementation?


What are the Enhancements you done as a support team member and explain any two?


To get pricing in billing what are configuration you done in your project?


To extend material one plant to another plant what are the configuration you done in your project?


What do you mean by POD(proof of delivery) what is the use of pod? What are the con figuration you done in your


What is the significance of products under system application and products?


Why do you need project IMG?


What is the client specific data? Give two examples of client specific data?


What is the use of sales area?


How we assigned sales organization to delivering plant?

100. In system landscape where the sand box and golden box exists?
101. What are the challenges you faced in your previous implementation project?
102. What are the inter faces do you know?

103. Explain about smart forms?

104. From where system picks VAT registration number?
105. What is condition update? Can you give condition update for product, which is already given condition update?
106. What is the difference between customization and configuration?
107. While I am creating a customer in ship to party account group you have shipping and billing partner function tab pages,
client wants to shift all important fields in billing like payment terms, incoterms , and tax classification into shipping tab
page. He wants only shipping partner function only, how does you customize?
108. In material determination how you configure the system should propose when product A is not available then only system
substitute with product B. If A is available 60% quantity. How do you do in the situation?
109. In which phase you transfer data into SAP R/3?
110. Explain EDI and its usage?
111. Sales order is created 1st November for 200 tooth pastes 100 brushes free of goods(2+1 free goods).At the time of
delivery on 15th November you have shortage of brushes by 40. offer closed on 15th November . How do you solve in
this scenario?
112. Can you assign one sales organization to multiple company codes? If yes how? If no why?
113. In real time what user name and password we use?
114. In real-time when we start system in first what screen we get and tell me process how to logon sap screen? I faced this
question in IBM?
115. Where you worked with ABAPers?
116. How do you calculate net price on MRP based?
117. Have you worked on debugging? Explain any of one of the example?
118. How many user exists have you developed in your current project? Name at least 10 user exists you have developed and
used in your current project?
119. Explain about SOP (service operating procedure) and your role in it?
120. Can you do account determination without account keys? And explain how?
121. Explain about minimum value surcharge calculated?
122. What you done business blue print, realization, final preparation, and go live support in your previous project?
123. How many SAP versions you know? And what is difference between them?
124. Without delivery can you do billing?
125. Is it possible to do delivery without shipping point?

126. Quotation has been created for product-D, 10 quantities, sales order is created with reference to the quotation, system
copies 10 quantities in sales order. How do you restrict in sales order end user should not change quantities, system
should not allow for changes by en user?
127. What are the business processes in your project?
128. How system picks up pricing while doing billing?
129. How SAP support to the client to know the customer requirements?
130. What are Z errors?
131. What are the training documents while giving training session for users?
132. What are the time bound deliveries?
133. What are the GAP analysis you identified in your project?
134. Can you explain about actual GI (gods issue) date and planned GI date? Can actual GI date differ from planned GI date?
135. Which module integration is required in output determination? 71) What are the two user exits you have used in your
136. What is the importance of release status and dynamic field check in condition table/condition record?
137. How sales document is structured?
138. What is the use of pricing date in condition type?
139. What is the use of condition type in pricing procedure determination?
140. In sales order how system does picks up plant?
141. What happens if inspection lot is rejected?
142. Can one have multiple packing for delivery?
143. What happens to the material listing/exclusion if the payer is different from the sold to party?
144. Can one create delivery with reference to the project?
145. An order item with different shipping point copied into the sales deliveries?
146. Can one specify user specific dates in delivery documents?
147. How does the rule MALA decide the picking location?
148. Why do I use condition indexes? How do you activate them?
149. How can we process out bound deliveries without shipping point?
150. Stock transfer?
151. What is the use of VPRS, EK01 and Ek02? For material cost we are using VPRS why we need EK01 and EK02?

152. When I am saving customer master (internal number range), system generating number range like 5000211,500216and
500221 instead of giving 500211,500212 and 500213.why system generating like this?
153.While creating a Sales Order, Pricing procedure is not determined automatically, what could be the reason?
154.What is the difference between condition type EK01 (costs), PR00( basis price) and PBOO( gross price). Can we apply all
the three condition type in single sales order?
155.Whether Free goods should be determined or not for a Sales Order?
156.How would you determine an output procedure other than the condition types? (Alternative method)
157.what is the relevance of vendor Tab in customer master and in which scenario you will use this tab?
158.What is backorder processing?
159.What is an ABAP Query? How is it different from ABAP reports?
160.While a Quotation is created, it has to be approved by some authorized person, how to configure this??
161.What is customer account group?
162.What is meant by Variant Configuration?
163.What is the difference between Static and Dynamic Credit Check?
164.What is the difference between ERB and ERU account keys?
165.How can we assign one credit limit to two customers?
166.What is the functionality of negative posting in Billing document?
167.How to configure the functionality of agent that gets commission on the order brought for other customer?
168.How would you determine the rules for Shipping conditions other than MALA, MARE, RETA?
169.What is the use of pricing date in condition type?
170.What is a transfer order?
171.How to stop PGI?

172.In R/3,is it possible to substitute one product for another? If so, how it can be achieved?
173.What is cut over strategy?
174.Why does the customer master have different views?
175.What are the differences between invoice and billing document?
176.What is the difference between General Item Category Group and Item Category Group?
177.Where would you specify that a condition type is a discount or a surcharge
178.What is PGI ? What is the significance of PGI ?
179.What is the highest Organization element in SAP SD ?
180.How many Sales Organizations have you configured in your previous company ?
181.My customer requires to consolidate multiple deliveries. How should this scenario be configured ?
182.I want to configure the Customer Master for a Non-profit company which has tax-exemption certificate. How should this
scenario be configured ?
183.Is there a limit on the number of line items in the sales order ?
184.Does Availability Check happen in Inquiry ? ( If not, why ? )
185.Does Transfer of Requirements happen in Quotation ? ( If not, why ? )
186.Are schedule Lines Created for an SAP Quotation ? ( If not, why ? )
187.What is the Transaction code to Create/Change Display Deliveries ?
188.What is the Transaction code used to create a Return Delivery ? ( Is it different from standard delivery ? )
189.What kind of organizational structures did you create during your last projects and why ?
190.Where would you use an SAP Return Order and SAP Credit Memo ? ( Business Scenario Differences )
191.How many different distribution channels and divisions did you create for your last client and why ?
192.Who creates the Company Code data in the Customer Master ?

193.Can a Customer Belong to multiple Sales Groups / Sales Offices ?

194.Can you give me some examples of Shipping Conditions you configured ?
195.What are payment terms ?
196.What are the different kind of Partner Functions you configured and why ?
197.Can a material belong to more than 1 division ?
198.Why are common distribution Channel maintained ?
199.What is the difference between Individual Requirements vs Collective Requirements in SAP ?
200.What is the difference between a cash sale ( CS ) and Rush Order ( RO ) ?
201.What is the difference between commercial invoice & Proforma Invoice ?
202.Can proforma Invoices be created with reference to order ?
203.Why would you want to create a new SAP Pricing Procedure ?
204.How to view the Transaction Code associated with a Program in SAP ?
205.What is the Difference between Consignment Special Stock and Regular Stock
206.What is your SAP System Landcape ?
207.What is the difference between Golden Client and Sandbox Client ?
208.Why is the Quality Server used in SAP Landscape ?
209.What is the difference between SAP Proforma Invoice Types F5 and F8 ?
210.What is Delivery Splitting in SAP ?
211.Can you delete a Customer Master in SAP ?
212.Can you split a single line item into multiple line items manually ?
213.What are the advantages of SAP Milestone Billing vs SAP Periodic Billing ?

214.What is the difference between a Rush order and a Cash Sale ?

215.What is the SAP item category for Cash Sales ?
216.What is Scrap Sales in SAP ?
217.What is Contract to Order ?
218.What is the use of Requirement field in SAP Pricing ?
219.What is Intercompany Stock Transfer Order ( STO ) ?
220.What are the major configuration settings around an STO ?
221.How to do STO in SD ?
222.How to do STO in MM ?
223.What is a Horizon in SAP Credit Management ?
224.Can billing be done in SAP without PGI ?
225.Can Sales order, delivery and billing be done for an item quantity of Zero ?
226.What is third party sales ? What settings are required to trigger this ?
227.What is Individual Purchase Order ? What settings are required to trigger this ?
228.What is consignment process in SAP ?
229.Can a Sales order have more than 1 pricing procedure associated with it ?
230.What kind of SD-FI interface configuration have you done ?
231.How do I perform Credit Management without Open Orders ?
232.Can a Plant be associated with multiple company codes in SAP ?
233.Give me some examples of some of the fields you have used in SAP Condition Technique ?
234.What is the difference between Simple & Automatic Credit Check ?

235.What is the difference between Static & Dynamic Credit Check ?

236.What is Credit Exposure ?
237.Give some examples of Data Migration Techniques other than SAP LSMW ?
238.How to configure FREE Goods with SAP Consignments ?
239.Can you have 2 pricing procedures in a single SAP Sales Order ?
240.Can a pricing procedure in a sales document be different from the pricing procedure in a billing document ?
241.What is the purpose of SAP Delivery Item Category ?
242.Can a Sales Org belong to 2 different company codes ?
243.What are Copy Control Requirement Routines ?
244.What is the difference between SAP Material Groups and Product Hierarchy ?
245.What is a movement type ? Give some examples of the movement types you have used ?
246.What is the movemen type used in standard delivery/ movement type used in consignment issue / 3rd party drop ship ?
247.When trying to create an order the pricing procedure is not determined. How do you troubleshoot it ?
248.What is the use of common distrubution channel and common division ?
249.When a quotation is created, I want somebody to approve this quotation before further actions can be done on it. How do
you configure this scenario ?
250.How would you specify if a pricing condition type is discount or tax or freight ?
251.How are invoices combined ?
252.What is invoice splitting ?
253.What is factory calendar ?
254.If a particular customer wants all his invoices to be sent only at the end of the month , how do you configure it ?
255.What is the difference between discounts and rebates ?

256.What is replenishment lead time ( RLT ) ?

257.If enough stock is not available, but you still want to finish the PGI . What are your options ?
258.How to move a condition type value in pricing procedure to a subtotal ?
259.What do KOMP-KZWI1 / KZWI2 represent ?
260.How to add stock to a plant ?
261.How to view stock of a material per plant/storage location ?
262.How to view consignment stock ?
263.Can you cancel a sales order ?
264.Can you delete a sales order ?
265.What is GAP Analysis ?
266.What is an SAP Blueprint Document ?
267.What is the difference between a Blueprint Document and a Functional Specification document ?
268.How do you adapt to new changes in the Project ?
269.How do you push back on changes from the user ?
270.How do you manage tough deadlines ?
271.What was your team size ?
272.What was the location of your project ?
273.Why did you leave your current project ?
274.Whom did you report to in your last project ?
275.How did you communicate with your user groups across different geographical locations ?
276.What was your specific role in the last project ?

277.How do you push back on changes and rationally explain the same to your manager ?
278.Give some examples of a project with tough deadlines that you have done ?
279.If your manager/users ask you to move the project without proper testing, how would you handle the situation ?
280.Your queue is filled-up and over-flowing and you are not able to handle the work ( tickets for example in a production
support project ). How do you handle the situation ?
281.Given a task, how do you manage it through its life cycle ?
282.How do you handle situations where a power user/process owner is not signing off on a blueprint/UAT and forcing you to
do more than you you had to ?
283.What kind of Data Migration did you do in your last projects ?
284.Tell me about your SAP Skills ** ? you give a scenario in your project where you have used the help of SAP ABAP consultant to do the customization
286.Explain some of the gaps that you have found in your recent GAP Analysis and how you proposed the solution to fill the
gap ?
287.Can you explain the most complex situation you faced in the project and discuss the proposed solution ?
288.Give me a couple of examples of the latest product support tickets you got and the resolution if any ?
289.What are the ways in which you can block a material from being ordered ?
290.Give me one example of a functional requirement that you mapped in SAP and explain how you have documented in an
SAP Functional Specification document
291.In your last project, can you give a description of the SAP team structure ?
292.what is make to order and complete configuration procedure step by step
293.can a plant be associated with 2 different company codes? if yes , then which is the business process that needs this
294.what are the important 16 fields in condition technique
295.what is the difference btwn simple and automatic credit check and diff btwn static and dynamic?

296. what is credit exposure and where is it managed?

297.if my client doesnt want 2 include open orders while doing credit check, where shud i do the configuration?
298. what are the data migration techniques other than LSMW?
299. is it possible to give free goods with consignments? it possible to have 2 pricing procedures in a sales order?
301.can a pricing procedure in a sales document be different that of the pricing procedure in a billing document?
302. what is the purpose of delivery item category?
303.can one belong to 2 diff Comp.Code? explain in detail with a real time scenario
304. In 3rd party sales after creating the PR is , if i block the order, what will happen to the PR?
305. During 3rd party sales, when the 3rd party sends the stock to us against the PR raised, we do PGR(post goods receipt),
what gets updated during pgr? and if the 3rd party sends the stock directly to the customer, what shoulld v do.. either pgi
or pgr?
306. How will you determine text flow from a sales document to billing document?
307. In document flow, we find the status as open, complete and not complete? Where is the setting for this document flow
308. what is the difference btwn Rush Order and Cash Sale?
309. what is the movement type for returns?
310.Scenario: My customer returned the faulty products, I want to send them to quality check instead of sending them to
normal stock.where should i do the configuration.
311.what is the item category for cash sales?
312.Scenario: I have 2 customers a and b.I need to create a sales order for both of them using ZOR sales doc type.Both
needs the same material m-01. But for customer a the item category of m-01 shud be tan and for b the item category
is tann. where shud i do the configuration.
313.what is the advantage of Milestone billing over periodic billing?

314.what is SCRAP SALES in sap sd?

315.what is the use of requirement field in pricing?
316.How do we do intercompany STO wrt. SD and MM.
317. Configuration settings for intercompany STO.
318.what is horizon period in dynamic credit?
319.can billing be done without doing PGI?
320.Can a sales order, delivery and billing done for item quantity zero
321.what triggers the third party sales and configuration settings?
322. What is consignment process?
323.can one sales order have multiple pricing procedure?
324.If we can change the inco terms of each item in a sales order it will result in invoice split..but we configure the inco terms
in customer master and not in material masterhow can u justify?
325.consignment fill up(CF) , movement type 631, item catagiry KBN ,sechduline catagiry E1
326.consignment issue(CI), movement type 633, item catagiry KEN, sechduline catagiry C1
327.consignment pickup(cp),movement type 632,item catagiry KAR,sechduline catagiry F1
328.consignment return (conr),movement type 634,item catagiry KRN,sechduline catagiry D1
329.Can you give a scenario in your project where you have used the help of SAP ABAP consultant to do the customization?
330.Explain some of the gaps that you have found in your recent GAP Analysis and how you proposed the solution to fill the
gap ?
331.Can you explain the most complex situation you faced in the project and discuss the proposed solution ?
332.Give me a couple of examples of the latest product support tickets you got and the resolution if any ?
333.What are the ways in which you can block a material from being ordered ?

334.Give me one example of a functional requirement that you mapped in SAP and explain how you have documented in an
SAP Functional Specification document?
335.In your last project, can you give a description of the SAP team structure ?

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