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Egoism and Altruism


A doctrine holding self-interest to be the motive or the valid end of

Excessive concern for oneself with or without exaggerated feelings
of self-importance.
The drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself, and generally features an
inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance.


The principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others.

Doing an act out of pure selflessness with no apparent benefit or
underlying cause for yourself.
Is an aspect of moral philosophy in which it is argued that moral
decisions should be based upon the interests or well-being of others
rather than on self-interest.

Egoism vs. Altruism

As defined above, Egoism and Altruism contradicts each. Where one is about
self-interest, the other one is about selfless concern for others. Both
philosophies/theories have their own weaknesses and strength which affects our
daily lives not only as an individual but as a community.
As a social beings, since the ancient times people rely on each other. Humans
realize that without each other they are nothing, a one-on-one against any
carnivorous wild beast would leave them killed. In other to survive, people helped
each other and band together to form communities which would protect them from
potential harm thus Altruism is created. Altruism helped the human race to be
successful but at same time it slowly destroys them. People became dependent on
each other making more timid and because of our success, humans population
grows rapidly which could cause problems in our environment. However, some
philosophers argued that altruism is demeaning to the individual and that no moral
obligation to help others actually exists, and that all of our actions are based upon
In Egoism, in the other hand, it creates dependent yet selfish people. They
give importance to themselves that they dont care about the welfare of the others.
These people are capable of sustaining for their selves but at the same contribute

less in the welfare of their community. Though every person could be an egoist, not
because they dont care about other but they prioritize themselves first. Every once
in a while, we become egoist specially we see that it will benefit us more than the
other person. But this doesn't mean all behavior is selfish.
In conclusion, people have the tendency to have both an Egoism and Altruism
at the same time. We have to moderate between them. But it still depends on the
person if theyll be more egoistic or altruistic.

Egoism and Altruism

Heres an example where we can observe Egoism and Altruism.
Two people are lost in a desert. A has two canteens of water while B has none. A has
three option he can choose.
1.) A can keep the two canteens of water for himself which could lead to his
indefinitely survival until help arrives but at the same time B would have to
perish. This option benefits the individual. (Egoism)
2.) A can give one his canteens to B, giving B a chance of survival until help
arrives. But at the same time, it leaves A lesser chances of survival. Option
two is what has allowed human beings to build societies and reap the
benefits thereof. But chances are, people would do this because they are
afraid to be alone or B has the skills for their survival. On a handful of people
would genuinely do this without ulterior motives. (Altruism)
3.) A can give both of his canteen to B forfeiting his chances of survival. But it
gives B higher chances of survival. This last option is what we call genuine
self-sacrifice, though this scenario can hardly be seen and only people who
we can call heroes can do this. (Pure Altruism)
In conclusion, feeling good about yourself is self-oriented but not necessarily selfish.
Ultimately, it depends on which "lens" through which you chose to view human

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