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Brazilian Math Olympiad

Editora AOBM
Rio de Janeiro


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Instituto Nacional de Matem

atica Pura e Aplicada IMPA
Chair: C
esar Camacho
Sociedade Brasileira de Matem
atica (Brazilian Mathematical Society)
Chair: Hil
ario Alencar
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnol
ogico CNPq
Instituto do Mil
enio Avan
co Global e Integrado da Matem
atica Brasileira
ao Nacional de Olimpadas de Matem
atica (Mathematical Olympiads National Committee)
Estrada Dona Castorina, 110 Jardim Bot
anico 22460-320 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Telefone: (21) 2529-5077

Fax: (21) 2529-5023

e-mail: [email protected]
Chair: Luzinalva Miranda de Amorim, Carlos Yuzo Shine
Members: Antonio Caminha Muniz Neto, Carlos Gustavo Moreira, Edmilson Luis Rodrigues Motta,
Eduardo Wagner, Eduardo Tengan, Elio Mega, Flor
encio Ferreira Guimar
aes Filho, Luciano Guimar
aes Monteiro de Castro, Nicolau Corc
ao Saldanha, Onofre Campos, Pablo Rodrigo Ganassim, Paulo
Cezar Pinto Carvalho, Ronaldo Alves Garcia, Ralph Costa Teixeira, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Junior Members: Alex Corr
ea Abreu, Bernardo Paulo Freitas da Costa, Bruno Holanda, Carlos Augusto David Ribeiro, Carlos Stein Naves de Brito, Ccero Thiago Magalh
aes, Davi M
aximo Alexandrino Nogueira, Einstein do Nascimento J
unior, Emanuel Carneiro, F
abio Dias Moreira, Fabrcio
Siqueira Benevides, Gabriel Tavares Bujokas, Humberto Naves, Larissa Cavalcante Lima, Marcio
Assad Cohen, Samuel Barbosa Feitosa, Telmo Correa J
unior, Tertuliano Franco, Thiago Barros Rodrigues Costa, Rodrigo Villard, Yuri Gomes Lima
Executive Secretary: Nelly Carvajal Fl
Assistant Secretaries: Sonia de Souza Silva de Melo
Typeset with Plain TEX.


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Structure of the Brazilian Math Olympiad

The Brazilian Math Olympiad is a nationwide competition for students

from grade 6 to undergraduates, comprising a total of approximately 400000
contestants. Students from grade 6 to 12 have to take three rounds: the
first round is held in June and consists in multiple choice questions, 20
for grades 6 and 7 and 25 for grades 8 to 12. Approximately 10% of these
students qualify to the second round in late September, which has two types
of problem: questions in which only the answer, which is an non-negative
integer less than 10000, is required and problems in which full solutions are
required. At the same time, undergraduates take the first round, which
consists in a six-problem test (full solutions required).
Finally, approximately 200 to 400 students in each level go to the final
round, held in late October. Grades 6 and 7 have only one test with five
problems; all other students have two tests in two consecutive days, each
one with three problems.
The winners are announced in early December and invited to go to a weeklong training camp in late January named Olympic Week. They are informed about the selection process of international olympiads like IMO,
Cono Sur Olympiad and Iberoamerican Olympiad.
The selection process to both IMO and Cono Sur Olympiad usually consists
in three or four team selection tests and three or four problem sets that the
students receive. The Cono Sur Olympiad team is usually announced in
April and the IMO team is announced in late April or early May. The Cono
Sur team goes to a training camp the week before the competition; the IMO
team has a training camp three weeks before IMO.


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Grades 67

Problem 1
Emerald has several right triangles just like the one in the diagram.

(a) Emerald made the following diagram by coinciding part of the sides
and without superposing triangles. Find the area and the perimeter of
this diagram.

(b) Following the same rules as above, Emerald constructed the smallest
square with integer side. Draw a diagram showing how she can do this.
Problem 2
The cells of a 33 table were numbered from 1 to 9, each number appearing
exactly once. For each row the cell with the greatest number is colored red
and the cell with the smallest number is colored green. Let A be the smallest
of the numbers in the red cells and B the greatest of the numbers in the
green cells.
(a) Show a distribution of the numbers in the table such that A B = 4.

(b) Show a distribution of the numbers in the table such that A B = 3.

(c) Is it possible that A = 4 and B = 3?


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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Problem 3
Given a solid made of unit cubes, as in figure 1, we can write the number
of unit cubes in each direction, as shown in figure 2.

Emerald Jr made a solid out of unit cubes and drew a figure similar to figure

Find a, b, c, d, e, f , x and m.
Problem 4
A positive integer n is clowny if the number obtained by reversing its digits
is greater than n. For example, 2009 is clowny because 9002 is greater than
2009; however, 2010 is not clowny because 0102 = 102 is less than 2010 and

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3443 is not clowny because it is equal to the number obtained by reversing

its digits. How many four-digit numbers are clowny?
Problem 5
(a) Show a positive integer not greater than 1000 with at least 20 positive
(b) Does there exist a positive integer not greater than 11000 with at least
200 positive divisors?

Grades 89

Problem 1
See problem 4, Grades 67.
Problem 2
Let ABCD be a paralellogram and the circumcircle of the triangle ABD.
Lines BC and CD meet at E 6= B and F 6= D respectively. Prove the
circumcenter of the triangle CEF lies on .
Problem 3
Arnold and Bernold play the following game in a m n board: Arnold
chooses one of its cells and places a knight on it. Then Bernold and Arnold
move the knight alternately, with the condition that the knight visits a cell
at most once. The player who is unable to move the knight loses. Determine,
in terms of m and n, which player has the winning strategy.
Remark: the knight always moves two cells in a row or a column and then
one cell in the perpendicular direction.
Problem 4
Let a, b and c be real numbers such that a 6= b and a2 (b + c) = b2 (c + a) =
2010. Compute c2 (a + b).
Problem 5
Let O be the intersection point of the diagonals of the cyclic quadrilateral
ABCD. The circumcircles of triangles AOB and COD meet lines BC and
AD again at M , N , P and Q. Prove that the quadrilateral M N P Q is
inscribed in a circle with center O.
Problem 6
The sidelenghts and area of a triangle are all integer numbers. Find the
minimum value of its area.


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Grades 1012

Problem 1
Find all functions f from real numbers to real numbers such that
f (a + b) = f (ab)
for all irrationals a, b.
Problem 2
Let P (n) be a polynomial with real coefficients. Prove that there exist
integers n and k such that k has at most n digits and at least P (n) divisors.
Problem 3
What is the maximum area of the shadow cast by a unit cube? We understand area of the shadow of something as the area of its orthogonal
projection in a given plane.
Problem 4
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with 6 ABC 6= 90 . Let M and N be the
midpoints of AD and CD, respectively. Prove that the lines perpendicular to BC passing through M and perpendicular to AB passing through
N and BD are concurrent if and only if the diagonals BD and AC are
Problem 5
Find all values of n such that there exists a set S of n points in plane,
no three of them collinear, with the following property: one can color the
point such that if three of such points have the same color or three different
colors then they do not determine an obtuse angle. The number of colors is
Problem 6
Find all positive integers a, b such that
3a = 2b2 + 1.


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Problem 1


(sin x + cos x) cos x

Problem 2
See problem 3, Grades 1012.
Problem 3
Let n be an integer and n1 be one of its divisors. Let A be a nn symmetric
matrix defined by ai,i = 4, ai,i+1 = ai+1,i = 1 for all i such that 1 i n1
and i+1 is not a multiple of n1 , ai,i+n1 = ai+n1 ,i = 1 and ai,j = 0 otherwise.
Prove that A has an inverse and that all of the entries in the inverse are
Problem 4
Define the polynomials

0 = 1.



for j positive integer and

(a) Prove that all non-nil polynomials can

 be written uniquely as a linear
combination of such polynomials nx .

(b) Let c(n, k) be the coefficient of xk in xn (as described in the previous
item). Compute
c(n, k) + c(n, k + 1)
c(n + 1, k + 1)

Problem 5
For each finite subset F of the space R3 , define Vr (F ) as the union of the
open spheres with center on each point of F and radius r. Prove that, for
0 < r < R,
vol(VR (F )) 3 vol(Vr (F )).
Problem 6
Prove that if 102n + 8 10n + 1 has a prime factor of the form 60k + 7, k and
n both positive integers, then n and k are both even.


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Grades 67

Problem 1
The triangle is the 345 triangle.
(a) Since four triangles were used, the area is 4 34
2 = 24 cm . The perimeter
is 2 (5 + 4 + (4 3) + 3) = 26 cm.

(b) Since the area of each triangle is 34
2 = 6 cm , the side of the square
must be a multiple of 6. Moreover, since we are covering the sides of
the square with the sides of the triangle, the side of the square must be
equal to 3x + 4y + 5z, x, y, z 0. Though 6 = 2 3, its not hard to see
that its not possible to cover a square with side 6 cm with triangles.
So the smallest square has side 12 cm and can be made of twelve 3 4

Problem 2
(a) For example,
7 4 1
8 5 2
9 6 3


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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Notice that A = min{7, 8, 9} = 7 and B = max{1, 2, 3} = 3, so AB =

(b) For example,
1 2 3
4 5 7
6 8 9
Notice that A = min{3, 7, 9} = 3 and B = max{1, 4, 6} = 6, so AB =

(c) No, its not possible. Since B = 3 is the greatest of the numbers in
green cells, which are the smallest ones in their respective rows, the
numbers 1, 2 and 3 must be on different rows. Now A = 4 means that
4 is the greatest number of a row, but it could only happen if two fo
the numbers 1, 2, 3 are on the same row as 4, which cannot happen.
Problem 3
Consider the layer 3 3 1 to the left, with numbers 2, 2, 1 on one side
and a, 3, 2. The number of unit cubes in this layer is 2 + 2 + 1 = a + 3 + 2,
so a = 0. Similarly, considering the middle horizontal layer, 2 + x + 2 =
3 + 3 + 1 x = 3. Analogously, 1 + 2 + 1 = m + 2 + 2 m = 0,
a + 1 + d = 1 + 3 + m 0 + 1 + d = 1 + 3 + 0 d = 3. Now,
2 + x + 2 = 1 + b + c b + c = 6. Since b, c 3, b = c = 3. Finally,
3+b+e = 3+3+2 3+e = 5 e = 2 and 1+c+f = 2+1+2
3 + f = 4 f = 1.
Problem 4
Let (abcd) be a four-digit number a, b, c, d being its digits. So a number is
clowny if and only if (dcba) > (abcd). This means that either d > a or d = a
and c > b. Notice that we cannot have both d = a and b = c because it
would imply (dcba) = (abcd). There are 98
2 = 36 choices in the first case
in the second case (9 choices
(recall that d > a > 0) and 9 109
for a = d and 109

36 + 405 = 441 four-digit
clowny numbers.
Problem 5
(a) For example, 900 = 22 32 52 , which has (2 + 1) (2 + 1) (2 + 1) = 27
positive divisors.
(b) No, there doesnt. Let n be a number with at least 200 divisors. If
the i-th divisor is d, then the i-th to last divisor is nd . Let m be the
100th divisor. So m 100 and m
> m n > m2 = 10000. Close

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enough, but how do we fix this? First notice that if 97, 99 and 100
are all divisors of n, then n lcm(97, 99, 100) > 11000. So the key
observation is considering the 98th, 99th and 100th divisors. Let k,
and m be such divisors. Notice that if m 105 we are done because
then n > m2 = 11025 > 11000. So 98 k < < m 104. But
gcd(x, y) |x y| implies that n lcm(k, , m) (k)(m)(mk)



applied to x = k, y = m and t = 3.

Grades 89

Problem 1
See problem 4, Grades 67.
Problem 2
Consider all angles oriented and modulo 180 . Let O be the center of the
circle. In the cyclic pentagonal ABEDF , 6 EBF = 6 EDF = 6 EDC =
6 CED + 6 DCE = 6 BED + 6 DCE = 6 BAD + 6 DCE = 26 DCE. This
menas that if M is the midpoint of the arc F E that does not contain A,
6 F M E = 6 EBF = 26 DCE = 26 F CE. Since M E = M F , M is the
circumcenter of triangle CEF .

Problem 3
Suppose, without loss of generality, m n. If m = 2, Arnold has winning
strategy if ond only if n is not a multiple of 4; para m 3, Arnold has
winning strategy if and only if m and n are both odd.


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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Suppose m = 2. If 4 does not divide n, Arnold can win placing the knight
on the first column if n = 4k + 1 and on the second column if n = 4k + r,
r = 2 or r = 3. The knight should always be moved two columns ahead on
each move, allowing exactly 2k moves.
Now consider n = 4k. Divide the table into 2 4 subtables, and pair the
cells in such a way that its always possible to move the knight between cells
from each pair:
1 2 3 4
3 4 1 2
Since the whole table is divided into pairs, Bernold can always move, no
matter where Arnold places the knight: it suffices to motve the knight to
the other cell in the pair. When Arnold plays, he will move the knight to a
cell from another pair, and Bernold can repeat this strategy. So if n = 4k
Bernold has winning strategy.
This finishes the case m = 2. The case m 3 follows in a similar fashion,
dividing the table into smaller subtables:
1 2 3 4
3 6 1 5
2 5 4 6

1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 1 7 8 9
2 7 8 9 6 5

1 2 3
4 A 1
2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5
3 4 6 A 7
2 1 7 5 6

Those tables prove that Bernold has winning strategy for tables 3n, n even
and Arnold has winning strategy for tables 3 n, n odd: divide the table
into one 33 or 35 subtable and several 34 subtables; it suffices to place
the knight on the cell marked with an A and then use the aforementioned
Bernolds strategy.
The case m = 4 can be verified using several 4 2 subtables if n is even and
one 4 3 subtable and several 4 2 subtables if n is odd. This also proves
that if either Arnold or Bernold has winning strategy for a m n table then
he also has winning strategy for a (m + 4) n table, m 3. So is suffices
to solve the problem for m {3, 4, 5, 6}.
The case m = 5 can be solved using the following subtables:
1 2 3 4 5 6
3 4 1 7 8 9
2 10 11 9 6 5
12 13 14 15 7 8
10 11 12 13 14 15

1 2 3
3 4 5
2 1 10
11 A 12
12 10 11





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Notice that Bernold has winning strategy for a 5 4 table and Arnold has
winning strategy for a 5 3 table. Thus, in the case 5 n, n even, we merge
5 4 subtables if n is a multiple of 4 and one 5 6 subtable and 5 4
subtables if n = 4k + 2; if n is odd, we merge several 5 4 subtables to a
5 3 or 5 5 subtable, if n = 4k + 3 or n = 4k + 1, respectively.

The case 6 n follows directly from the case 3 n if n is even (merge two
3 n tables) and merging 6 4 subtables to a 6 3 or 6 5 subtable, if
n = 4k + 3 or n = 4k + 1, respectively. All the cases are covered.
Problem 4

Since a 6= b, a2 (b + c) = b2 (c + a) a2 b + a2 c b2 c ab2 = 0
ab(ab)+c(ab)(a+b) = 0 ab+ca+bc = 0. So (ac)(ab+bc+ca) =
0 a2 b + abc + a2 c = abc + bc2 + ac2 c2 (a + b) = a2 (b + c) = 2010.
Problem 5
Consider angles oriented modulo 180 . Since 6 P CO = 6 BCA = 6 BDA =
ODN are inscribed in the circumcircle of the triangle OCD, OP = ON .
Analogously, OM = OQ.

Now, 6 QOP = 6 CP O = 6 CDO = 6 CDB = 6 CAB = 6 OAB = 6 OQB =

6 OQP , so OP = OQ, and analogously, OM = ON .
Since OM = ON = OP = OQ, the result follows.
Problem 6
The 345 triangle has area 34
2 = 6. We will prove that no other triangle with integer sidelengths and area has smaller area. Let a, b, c be the


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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

sidelenghts. Then its area is S = s(s a)(s b)(s c), where s = a+b+c
2 .
Since the area is also an integer, a + b + c is even, and s, s a, s b, s c
are all integers.
Now, notice that the triangle cannot be equilateral, since equilateral triangles with an integer side have irrational area. So, at least two of the
three integer numbers s a, s b, s c are distinct
and, since

s =
(s a) + (s b) + (s c) 1 + 1 + 2 = 4, S 4 2 2 1 = 8, so
S 3.

If S is odd, s 5 and sa, sb, sc are all odd, so S 5 3 1 1 = 15,

so S 5. The only relevant case is S = 5. But this would imply two of s,
s a, s b, s c being equal to 5, which is impossible.

If S is even, the only relevant case is S = 4. But then all of s, sa, sb, sc
are powers of two. So if s > 4 then s 8 and s a, s b, s c would be, in
some order, 1, 1, 2, which is not possible because s = (sa)+(sb)+(sc).
If s = 4, the only possibility would be s a, s b, s c being 1, 1, 2, which
does not work either.

Grades 1012

Problem 1

2 + ( 2) =
Let f (0) = k. Plugging a = 2 and b = 2 one obtain f

2( 2) f (2) = k.

Let R\Q. Since the quadratic equation x2 x2 = 0 has discriminant

= 2 + 8 > 0, its roots have sum R \ Q and product 2 Q, at least
one of its roots m is irrational; the other root, n = 2/m, is also irrational.
Thus we can plug m and n, obtaining f (m + n) = f (mn) f () =
f (2) = k.

Now let q Q.
The quadratic equation x2 qx 2 = 0 has discriminant

= q 2 + 4 2 > 0, sum of the roots q Q and product of the roots

2 R \ Q, so one of its roots r is irrational; the other root, s = q r,
is also irrational.
 we can plug r and s, obtaining f (r + s) = f (rs)
f (q) = f 2 = k.
So all the functions are the constant functions f (x) = k, k R.

Problem 2
Let d be the degree of P , and consider d + 1 distinct primes p1 , p2 , . . . , pd+1 .
Let A = p1 p2 . . . pd+1 and kN = AN . If A has r digits, then kN has at most
rN digits. On the other hand, kN has (N + 1)d+1 positive divisors. Since P

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has degree d, P (rN ) < (N + 1)d+1 for all sufficiently large N , which solves
the problem.
Problem 3
Let ABCD and EF GH be two opposite faces, AE, BF , CG and DH being
edges of the cube, and let X be the orthogonal projection of point X onto
the plane. Notice that {A, G}, {B, H}, {C, E} and {D, F } are pairs of
opposite vertices. Suppose, without loss of generality, that A lies on the
boundary of the projection of the cube. Then, considering the symmetry
of the cube around the center of the cube, its symmetric point G lies on
the boundary as well. Two of the three neighboring vertices of A are going
to be neighbors of A in the projection (unless, say, face AEHD projects
onto a line; but in this case we consider a degenerate vertex inside this line).
Suppose without loss that these neighbors are B and D . So E is inside
the projection. Again by symmetry H and F lie on the boundary of the

projection and C lies inside the projection. Finally, since AE = BF =

CG = DH, the projection of the cube is A D H G F B .

The faces ABCD, BCGF and CDHG project onto the parallelograms (or
line segments) A B C D, B C G F and C D H G . Draw diagonals B D ,
B G and D G . The area of the projection is then twice the area of the
triangle B D G , which is at most the area of triangle BDG. This triangle

( 2) 3
is equilateral with side 2, so the desired maximum is 2 4
= 3.
Problem 4
Consider a homothety with center on D that takes M to A and N to C.
So the perpendicular lines are mapped to the altitudes of the triangle ABC
relative to A and C, and the intersection P of the perpendicular lines is


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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

mapped to the orthocenter H of triangle ABC.

Notice that the condition that the perpendicular lines and BD are concurrent is equivalent to B, P and D being collinear. But the homothety implies
that D, P and H are collinear, so the three lines are concurrent if and only
if BH and BD coincide, that is, BD AC, since BH AC.
Problem 5
We start with the following
Lemma. Every set with 5 or more points in the plane, no three of them
collinear, has three points that determine an obtuse angle. Besides, every
set with 4 points, no three of them determining an obtuse angle, is uniquely
defined by three of its points (that is, the position of one point can be
determined from the other three points).
Proof. First, notice that the points should be vertices of a convex polygon.
Otherwise, one of the points, say P , is inside a triangle with vertices on other
three points A, B, C from the set, and since 6 AP B+6 BP C +6 CP A = 360 ,
of of the three angles 6 AP B, 6 BP C, 6 CP A is greater than 90 . Finally,
since the sum of the internal angles of a convex n-gon is (n 2) 180 , one of

the internal angles is greater than or equal to (n2)180

= 1 n2 180 > 90
for n > 4. This proves the first part of the lemma.

The second part follows from the fact that if we have four points then all
internal angles of the quadrilateral with vertices on the four points must be
equal to 90 , that is, the quadrilateral is a rectangle.

Because of the lemma, there are at most four points with either the same
color or three different colors in S. Lets prove then that S cannot have

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more than 12 points. If S has more than 12 points, since there are at most
four colors and more than 3 4 = 12 points then there are four points with
the same color. Besides, since there are at most four points with the same
color, there are also four points with four different colors.
Now we prove that S cannot have simultaneously four points with the same
color and four points with four different colors. Suppose, by means of contradiction, the contrary. Let P = {A, B, C, D} be a set of points from S
with the same color and E, F and G points from S with three different
colors and a different color from the points from P. So {A, E, F, G} and
{B, E, F, G} are both sets of points with four different colors. But the
lemma implies that E, F and G determine the position of both A and B,
that is A = B, contradiction.
So S has at most 12 points. Consider the following examples with 12 points:
consider the vertices of three unit squares whose centers are the vertices of
an equilateral triangle with a sufficiently large side. Color the vertices of
each square with a single color, so we have three different colors, one for
each square. The angles determine by three points of the same color are all
right angles, and the angles determined by three points with three different
color can be arbitrarily close to 60 .
It is easy to obtain set S with less than 12 points deleting points from the
examples given above. So the answer is n 12.
Problem 6
The only solutions are (1, 1), (2, 2) and (5, 11).
If a is even and greater than 2, the equation can be rewritten as (3a/2
1) (3a/2 + 1) = 2b2 . but gcd(3a/2 1, 3a/2 + 1) = gcd(3a/2 1, 2) = 2, so
3a/2 + 1 = 4u2 and 3a/2 1 = 2v 2 or 3a/2 + 1 = 2u2 and 3a/2 1 = 4v 2 .
In the former case, 3a/2 = (2v 1)(2v + 1), and since gcd(2v 1, 2v + 1) =
gcd(2v 1, 2) = 1, 2v 1 = 1 v = 1 and a/2 = 1 a = 2 and
thus b = 2.

In the latter case, 3a/2 = 4v 2 + 1 = 0 v 2 + 1 (mod 3) v 2 1

(mod 3), which is impossible.
If a is odd, the equation is equivalent to 3 (3(a1)/2 )2 2b2 = 1. Let
c = 3(a1)/2 . Lets find the solutions to 3c2 2b2 = 1 (). Since

( 3 + 2)( 3 2) = 1 = ( 3 + 2)2k+1 ( 3 2)2k+1 = 1


( 3 + 2)2k+1 = ck 3 + bk 2 y

( 3 2)2k+1 = ck 3 bk 2 ()

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XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

(ck , bk ) are solutions to (), for integers k 0. Now suppose that (, ) is

a different solution. Then there exists an integer k such that

( 3 + 2)2k1 < 3 + 2 < ( 3 + 2)2k+1

3+ 2

< 9 3 + 11 2
3 + 2 <
(5 + 2 6)k1

3 + 2 < ( 3 + 2) (5 2 6)k1 < 9 3 + 11 2

hard to prove by induction that ( 3+
2) (5 2 6)k1 =
3 + 2, and both integers. Moreover, 3 + 2 > 1 > 3+

3 2 > 0, so 3 > 2 > 0. Hence (, ) is a solution to (), with

1 < < 9. But it can be verified that there are no solutions with 1 < < 9,
Now suppose that c > 9, that is, k > 1. By () and the binomial theorem,

2k + 1
2k + 1
3 2
= (2k + 1) 2 +
3 2k1 + ( )
2m + 1

Thus 3 divides
+ 1. Let 3t be the largest power of 3 that divides 2k + 1.
 2k k1
= (2k + 1) k (2k 1) 22k1 , the largest power of
Since 3 3 2
3 that divides the second term of the right hand side of ( ) is also 3t
and, letting
be the largest power of 3 that divides 2m + 1, the m-th term
 m 3km
2k+1 2k
= 2m+1
has at least t + m s t + 3 2+1 s
2m+1 3 2
2m 3 2
factors 3 (t from 2k + 1, m from 3m , minus s from 2m + 1). Since 3s =
(1 + 2)s 1 + 2s 3 2+1 s 1 for s 0, with equality if and only if
s = 0 or s = 1, the m-th term has more than t + 1 factors 3 except when
m = 3 2+1 . If s = 0 we have m = 1 2m + 1 = 3, a known solution; if
s = 1 we have m = 2 which has no factors 3. Thus, since k > 1, all terms
starting from the third one have at least t + 2 factors 3, and
c = (2k + 1) 2k + (2k + 1) k (2k 1) 2k1 + 3t+2 N
3(a1)/2 = (2k + 1) 2k1 [(2k + 1)(k 1) + 3] + 3t+2 N

Notice that since 3 divides (2k + 1) then it also divides (2k + 1)(k 1) + 3;
moreover, 9 divides (2k + 1)(k 1), and then the largest power of 3 that
divides (2k + 1)(k 1) + 3 is 3. Hence the largest power of 3 that divides
(2k + 1) 2k1 [(2k + 1)(k 1) + 3] is t + 1 (t factors from 2k + 1 and 1 from
(2k + 1)(k 1) + 3). Finally,
3(a1)/2 = c = 3t+1 (1 + 3N ),
which is impossible because N > 0.
So there are no more solutions.



(page 19)





Problem 1

First notice the identity sin x + cos x = 2 cos x cos 4 + sin x sin 4 =

2 cos 4 x . So
Z /4
Z /4

dx =

2 cos 4 x cos x
Now consider the substitution y = 4 x. So dx = dy and
Z /4
Z 0

4 y



2 cos 4 x cos x
2 cos y cos 4 y
Z /4
Z /4

4 y
4 x


2 cos y cos 4 y
2 cos 4 x cos x

Summing the two integrals, we find

Z /4
Z /4

4 x

2I =


4 x cos x
Z /4
Z /4

4 x+x


4 x cos x

So I =

R /4

(sin x+cos x) cos x dx.

Let f (x) = ln(sin x + cos x) and g(x) = ln(cos x). Notice that f (x) =
cos2 xsin x cos x
sin x
sin2 x+sin x cos x
cos xsin x

sin x+cos x = f (x) = (sin x+cos x) cos x and g (x) = cos x = (sin x+cos x) cos x . So
f (x) g (x) =

cos2 xsin x cos x+sin2 x+sin x cos x

(sin x+cos x) cos x

(sin x+cos x) cos x .



(f (0) g(0))
dx =
(sin x + cos x) cos x

ln 2

ln( 2) ln
ln 1 + ln 1 =


Problem 2
See problem 3, grades 1012.


(page 20)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Problem 3
Lets find the inverse of A/4 = I X, where all entries in X are either 0 or
1/4. We will use the series
(I X)1 = I + X + X 2 + X 3 +
First lets prove that this series converges. It suffices to show that the
maximum M such that kXwk M kwk for all column vectors w of X is less
than 1, so the sum of the entries always decrease by a factor smaller than 1
if you multiply a vector by X 2 ; then we sum the series as (I + X)(I + X 2 +
X 4 + ). Notice that every row of X has at most four nonzero entries, all
of which are equal to 1/4. So if w = (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) then every entry of Xw
a +a ++ars
is of the form r1 r24
, s 4. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, its
a2 +a2 ++a2

(a2r1 + a2r2 + + a2rs ) r1 r24
, with equality if and
square is at most 16
only if ar1 = ar2 = = ars and s = 4. Summing over all the rows, the sum
of squares of the coordinates of Xw is at most a21 + a22 + + a2n = kwk2 ,
because all columns of X have at most four nonzero entries. But equality
would only happen if all entries ai are equal and s = 4 always, which does
not happen for, say, the first row. So M < 1 and the series converges.

Consider the graph whose vertices are the numbers v1 , v2 , . . . , vn and we

connect vi and vj if and only if the entry xij in X is 1/4. By the definition of the matrix A, this graph has a lattice-like configuration: it can be
split in several paths v1 v2 . . . vn1 1 , vkn1 vkn1 +1 . . . v(k+1)n1 1 , 1 k nn1 1,
vr vr+n1 vr+2n1 . . . vr+nn1 , 1 r n1 . It is clear that this graph is connected.
Since the entry mij in X k is nonzero if and only if there exists a circuit
from i to j with k edges, for all i, j there is k such that the corresponding
entry mij in X k is nonzero. This proves that all entries in the inverse of A
is positive.
Problem 4
(a) Induct on the degree n of the polynomial
k=0 ak x . It is
 P (x) =
if n = 0. Since the degree of k , k < n, is k, the coefficient

on n on P (x) is an n!. Now consider the polynomial P (x) an n!
n .

This is a polynomial with degree less than n, so P (x) an n! nx can

be uniquely represented as a linear combination of the polynomials xk ,
and the result follows.


(page 21)



(b) We have xn = nk=0 c(n, k) xk , so
c(n, k)
c(n, k)
c(n, k)
(x + 1)

c(n, k)
c(n, k)(k + 1)



c(n, k)(k + 1)
c(n, k)

(c(n, k 1)k + (k + 1 1)c(n, k))

k(c(n, k 1) + c(n, k))

in which we consider c(n, 1) = 0.

Thus c(n + 1, k) = k(c(n, k 1) + c(n, k))





k+1 .

Problem 5
Let F = {P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn } and let ij be the perpendicular plane bisector of
Pi and Pj for i 6= j. Those planes define n convex regions R1 , R2 , . . . , Rn ,
where Ri is the intersection of the half-spaces determined by ij that contain
Pi . Finally, let Ar (i) be the intersection of Ri with the sphere with center
Pi and radius r. Thus, since the (disjoint) union of the regions Ri is the
whole space, Vr (F ) is the disjoint union of Ar (1), Ar (2), . . ., Ar (n).
Now, for each point Pi , apply a homothety with center Pi and ratio r/R < 1.
It is clear that the image of AR (i) is contained in Ar (i), since a sphere with
radius R is taken to a sphere with radius r and the planes ij are taken to

planes ij
closer to Pi . Thus vol(Ar (i)) Rr vol(Ar (i)) and the result
follows by summing up these inequalities for i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
Problem 6
Let p = 60k + 7 be such a prime. Then 102n + 8 10n + 1 0 (mod p)
(10n 1)2 10n+1 (mod p). Now suppose n is odd. Then (10n 1)2


(page 22)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

1 (10(n+1)/2)2 (mod p), and 1 is a quadratic residue. But by the Euler

= 1, a contradiction. So n is even and,
criterion, 1
p  = (1)

moreover, p = 1 p2 p5 = 1 p2 = p5 .

51 p1
By the quadratic reciprocity lemma, p5 p5 = (1) 2 2 = 1 p5 =

p2 1
= 1, so p 81 = (30k + 3)(15k + 2)
5 = 5 = 1. So p = 1 (1)
is even. Since 30k + 3 is odd, 15k + 2 is even, that is, k is even.
Notice that we did not need the factor 3, that is, the problem holds for
p = 20k + 7.



(page 23)

Winners in 2010



Grades 67
Gold medals

Ana Emlia Hernandes Dib

Pedro Henrique Alencar Costa
Ryunosuke Watanabe Tagami
Helena Veronique Rios
Italo Lesione de Paiva Rocha
Jose Henrique Carvalho
Silver medals
Juliana Bacelar de Freitas
Daniel Lima Braga
Hermes Lins e Nascimento
Las Monteiro Pinto
Lucca Morais de Arruda Siaudzionis
Leandro Alves Cordeiro
Henrique Gontijo Chiari
Andre Akinaga Benites
Gabriel Diniz Vieira e Sousa
Rafael Seiji Uezu Higa
Adriana de Sousa Figueiredo
Gustavo Figueiredo Serra
Bronze medals
Matheus Uchoa Constante
Kristian Holanda Nogueira
Fabio Itikama
Loic Dominguez
Jiang Zhi
Ricardo Ken Wang Tsuzuki
Ana Caroline Obana da Cruz
Ana Paula Lopes Schuch
Jose Marcio Machado de Brito
Lucas Bastos Germano
oria Moreira Reis Cogo

(Winners in 2010

(page 24)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Thiago Araujo Oliveira

Gabriel Toneatti Vercelli
Nathan Bonetti Teodoro
Jefferson Daxian Hong
obal Sciutto Rodriguez
Aruana Almeida Correa
Cynthia Lacroix Herkenhoff
Honorable mention
Kaque Maestrini Sacchi
Igor de Lacerda
Rafael Reple Geromee
Leonardo de Matos Felippetti Mariano
Gabriel Passamani Correa
Daniel de Almeida Souza
Diego Teixeira Nogueira Fidalgo
Natan Novelli Tu
Ricardo Borsari Brinati
Rafael Neves Vieira
Juliano Pecica Negri
Gustavo Rodrigues Machado
Zoltan Flamarion Glueck Carvalho
Gabriel Ribeiro Barbosa
Pedro Henrique Rocha de Freitas
Pedro Henrique Sacramento de Oliveira
Guilherme Goulart Kowalczuk
Pedro de Vasconcellos Oporto
Aryssa Victoria Shitara
Ives Vaz Caldeira Lopes
Marcos Vincius de Oliveira Soares
Jessica Carolina Zilio
Joao Pedro Graca Melo Vieira
Henrique Medici Pontieri
Gabriel Caino Castilho Rodrigues
Tamara P. de A. Moraes
Karine Quaresma Lima
Natalia Brasileiro Lins Barbosa
Lucki Li
Helosa Antunes de Medeiros

(Winners in 2010

(page 25)

Winners in 2010


Iuri Grangeiro Carvalho

Lara Sampaio Pinheiro de Freitas
Maria J
ulia Costa Medeiros
Kevin Korpasch
Sofa Leite Correia Lima
Joao Baptista de Paula e Silva
Bernardo Puetter Schaeffer
ulia Bertelli
Rafael Purim de Azevedo
Pedro Henrique da Silva Dias
Marcelo Bandeira de Melo Boavista
Gabriel Branco Frizzo
Maria Eduarda M
uller Eyng
Henrique Martnez Rocamora
Felipe Roz Barscevicius
Joao Vitor Vaz Oliveira
Mateus Siqueira Thimoteo
Ebenezer Pinto Bandeira Neto
Maria Clara Vasconcelos Andrade
Rafael Beck
Arthur Monteiro Dos Santos
ulia Wotzasek Pereira
Gabriel Oliveira Rigo
Leonardo Galante Barco
Bruno Scatolini
Lucas Pereira Galvao de Barros
Vtor Ossamu Rodrigues Okamura

Grades 89

Gold medals
Rafael Rodrigues Rocha de Melo
Vincius Canto Costa
Henrique Vieira G. Vaz
Fellipe Sebastiam da Silva P. Pereira
Roberto Tadeu Abrantes de Ara
Pedro Victor Falci de Rezende

(Winners in 2010

(page 26)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010

Silver medals
Alessandro A. de Oliveira Pacanowski
Lincoln de Queiroz Vieira
Tadeu Pires de Matos Belford Neto
Vitor Ramos de Paula
Francisco Markan Nobre de Souza Filho
Jair Gomes Soares J
Breno Soares da Costa Vieira
Gabriel Jose Moreira da Costa Silva
Pedro Morais de Arruda Siaudzionis
Gabriel Sena Galvao
Fabio da Silva Soares
Michel Rozenberg Zelazny
Bruno Eidi Nishimoto
Franco Matheus de Alencar Severo
Aime Parente de Sousa
Bronze medals
Marcos Paulo Nunes de Lima Silva
Gabriel Nogueira Coelho de Togni de Souza
Rafael Tedeschi Eugenio Pontes Barone
Murilo Corato Zanarella
Rodrigo Sanches Angelo
Alexandre Perozim de Faveri
Luze Mello Durso Vianna
Maria Clara Cardoso
Liara Guinsberg
Lucas Cawai Juliao Pereira
Luis Guilherme Gomes Aguiar
Carlos Adriano Vieira
Daniel Santana Rocha
Raphael Mendes de Oliveira
Samuel Brasil de Albuquerque
Gustavo Souto Henriques Campelo
Honorable mention
Lucas de Moura Herlin
Vitor Dias Gomes Barrios Marin
Joao Pedro Sedeu Godoi

(Winners in 2010

(page 27)

Winners in 2010


Suzane Eberhart Ribeiro da Silva

Icaro Sampaio Viana
Pedro Henrique Bortolozo Maria
Fabio Kenji Arai
Guilherme de Oliveira Rodrigues
Alexandre Mendonca Cardoso
Leyberson Pereira Assuncao
Rubens Martins Bezerra Farias
Joao Vtor Fernandes Paiva
Bruno Almeida Costa
Daniel Lima Santanelli
Marlia Nascimento Monteiro
Igor Albuquerque Araujo
Josue Knorst
Ricardo Vieira Marques
ulio Cesar de Barros
Thomas Akio Ikeda Valvassori
Gabriel Fazoli Domingos
Henrique Luan Gomes Pereira Braga
Beatriz Yumi Ota
Kiane Sassaki Menezes
Eric Gripa Marques
Samuel Kuo Chen Shao
Pedro Henrique Jagosenit Vilaca
Caio de Souza Camara
Lucas David Noveline
Lucas Rebelo Vieira da Silva
Elias Brito Oliveira
Guilherme Ryu Odaguiri Kobori
Mariana Souza de Ara
Francisco Cl
audio Coelho
Murilo Le
ao Pereira
Jadi Diniz Guimar
aes de Queiroz
Caio Lima Albuquerque
Carolina Lima Guimaraes


(Winners in 2010

(page 28)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010


Grades 1012
Gold medals

Gustavo Lisb
oa Empinotti
Marcelo Tadeu de Sa Oliveira Sales
Joao Lucas Camelo Sa
Hanon Guy Lima Rossi
Maria Clara Mendes Silva
Silver medals
Matheus Secco Torres da Silva
Lucas Lourenco Hernandes
Deborah Barbosa Alves
Henrique Gasparini Fiuza do Nascimento
Luiz Filipe Martins Ramos
Andre Macieira Braga Costa
Thiago Saksanian Hallak
Victor Juca Martins
Caque Porto Lira
Gustavo Haddad Francisco e Sampaio Braga

Lopes Pedroso
Andre Amaral de Sousa
Bronze medals
Marcos Massayuki Kawakami
Carlos Henrique de Andrade Silva
Rafael Kazuhiro Miyazaki
Andre Saraiva Nobre dos Santos
Daniel Eiti Nishida Kawai
Lucas de Freitas Smaira
assio dos Santos Sousa
Alessandro Macedo de Ara
Breno Vieira da Silva Passos
Iago Dalmaso Brasil Dias
Isabella Amorim Goncalez
Daniel dos Santos Bossle
Davi Coelho Amorim
Lucas Mestres Mendes
Vincius Gomes Pereira

(Winners in 2010

(page 29)

Winners in 2010


Renan Pablo da Cruz

Jonas Rocha Lima Amaro
Iuri Rezende Souza
Honorable mention
Matheus Ara
ujo Marins
Felipe Vieira de Paula
Rafael Farias Marinheiro
Elvis Falcao de Araujo
Pablo Almeida Gomes
Paulo Gabriel Ramos Monteiro
Victor de Oliveira Bitar
Daniel Caueh Dunaiski Figueira Leal
Raphael Julio Barcelos
Fernando Fonseca Andrade Oliveira
Felipe Mendes dos Santos
Felipe Abella Cavalcante Mendonca de Souza
Francisco Raul Lobo Rodrigues
Gabriel Leite de Carvalho
Andre Austregesilo Scussel
Victorio Takahashi Chu
Victor Jose Tiburtius Franco
Matheus Cavalcante Lima
Cleberton de Santana Oliveira
Mauro Brito J
Gabriel Jose Guimar
aes Barbosa
Lucas Colucci Cavalcante de Souza
Sarah Villanova Borges
Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho
Dalton Felipe de Menezes
Thiago de Paula Vasconcelos
Jardiel Freitas Cunha
Ana Beatriz Prudencio de A. Reboucas
Rafael Sussumu Yamaguti Miada
Davi Sampaio de Alencar
Bruno Ferri de Moraes


(Winners in 2010

(page 30)


XXXII Brazilian Math Olympiad 2010


Gold medals

Rafael Tupynamba Dutra

Renan Henrique Finder
Regis Prado Barbosa
Ramon Moreira Nunes
Thomas Yoiti Sasaki Hoshina
Silver medals
Guilherme Rodrigues Nogueira de Souza
Jorge Henrique Craveiro de Andrade
Rafael Assato Ando
Gabriel Lus Mello Dalalio
Charles Barbosa de Macedo Brito
Leonardo Ribeiro de Castro Carvalho
Marcelo Matheus Gauy
Leandro Farias Maia
Bronze medals
Adenilson Arcajo de Moura J
Paulo Andre Carvalho de Melo
Joas Elias dos Santos Rocha
Guilherme Lourenco Mejia
Reinan Ribeiro Souza Santos
Rafael Alves da Ponte
Davi Lopes Alves de Medeiros
Luca Mattos Moller
Renato Reboucas de Medeiros
Danilo Furlan Kaio
Rafael Endlich Pimentel
Paulo Sergio de Castro Moreira
Honorable mention
Carlos Coelho Lechner
Thiago Ribeiro Ramos
Hugo Fonseca Ara
Alysson Espndola de Sa Silveira
Jordan Freitas Piva

(Winners in 2010

(page 31)

Winners in 2010


Fernando de Amorim
Daniel Ungaretti Borges
onio Deromir Neves Silva J
Rafael Parpinel Cavina
Isaque Santa Brigida Pimentel
Mateus Oliveira de Figueiredo
Davi Dos Santos Lima
Bruno da Silva Santos
Francisco Osman Pontes Neto
Breno Vieira de Aguiar
Ricardo Turolla Bortolotti
Guilherme Philippe Figueiredo
Daniel de Barros Soares
Hudson do Nascimento Lima
Eduardo Fischer
Luty Rodrigues Ribeiro
Jose Leandro Pinheiro
Caio Ishizaka Costa
Gabriel Caser Brito
Leonardo Donisete da Silva
Alan Anderson da Silva Pereira
Diego Andres de Barros Lima Barbosa
Renato Dias Costa
Ivan Guilhon Mitoso Rocha
Willy George do Amaral Petrenko
Leonardo Borges Avelino
Jose Armando Barbosa Filho


(Winners in 2010

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