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Singapore Mathematical Society Singapore Mathematical O} piad (SMO) 2008 (Junior Section) Tuesday, 27 May 2008 0930 ~ 1200 brs Important: Answer ALL 35 questions Enter your answers on the answer sheet provided. For the multiple choice questions, enter your answers on the answer sheet by shading the bubble containing the letter (A, B, C, D or E) corresponding to the correct answer. For the other short questions, write your answer in the answer sheet and shade the appropriate bubble below your answer. No steps are needed to justify your answers. Each question carries 1 mark. No calculators are allowed. PLEASE DO NOT TURN OVER UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Multiple Choice Questions 3 How many zeroes does the product of 25°, 150* and 2008" end with? 5 (B) 9 «© 10 wD) 12 © 3 Given that yf 2x+y + x?~9 =0, find the value(s) of y— x. a) -9 (B) 6 (© 90rd () -3or3 (E) None of the above ‘The number of integers between 208 and 2008 ending with | is (A) 101 (B) 163 (©) 179 (D) 180 (©) 200 The remainder when 7° + 97 is divided by 64 is (A) 2 (B) 4 © 8 (D) 16 (BE) 32 John has two 20 cent coins and three 50 cent coins in his pocket. He takes two coins out of his pocket, at random, one after the other without replacement. What is the probability that the total value of the two coins taken out is 70 cents? 6 ee) 3 8) 6 12 (35 3 ©) § 13. © 0 8 10 In the following sum, O represent the digit 0, 4, B, X and Y each represents distinct digit. How many possible digits can 4 be? AOOBAOOB + BOOABOOA XXOXYXOXX (A) 6 (B) 7 © 8 @) 9 (©) 10 ‘The least integer that is greater than (2+ 3)’ is “@ 2B (B) 14 © 15 (D) 16 © 17 Let x, y and z be non-negative numbers. Suppose x + y= 10 and y+2=8, Let S=.x-+ 2, What is the sum of the maximum and the minimum value of 5? (A) 16 (B) 18 © 2 (D) 24 ® 2% How many integer solutions (x, y, z) are there to the equation xyz = 2008? (A) 30 (B) 60 © 9% (DB) 120 (E) 150 The last two digits of 97° is (A) OL (B) 21 «41 (D) 61 (E) 81 Short Que: 11 Find the remainder when x7" + 2008. + 2008 is divided by x + 1 12 Find the maximum value of \[x— 144 + -'722—x 13 Five identical rectangles of area 8 cm’ are arranged into a large rectangle as shown, Find the perimeter of this large rectangle. 14 60 students were interviewed. Of these, 33 liked swimming and 36 liked soccer. Find the greatest possible number of students who neither liked swimming nor soccer. 15 As shown in the picture, the knight can move to any of the indicated squares of the 8 x 8 chessboard in | move. If the knight starts from the position shown, the number of possible landing positions after 20 consecutive moves. b K: t | a 16 Given that a+ B = 17 and af = 70, find the value of | ~B |. 17 Evaluate (in simplest form) 2008 +2007 \Y 2008 + 2007 / 2008 + 2007 18 Find the sum of all the positive integers less than 999 that are divisible by 15. 4 19 20 Pa 2 23 24 26 A brand of orange juice is available in shop 4 and shop B at an original price of $2.00 per bottle. Shop 4 provides the "buy 4 get 1 free” promotion and shop B provides 15% discount if one buys 4 bottles or more. Find the minimum cost (in cents) if one wants to buy 13 bottles of the orange juice. Anna randomly picked five integers from the following list 53, 62, 66, 68, 71, 82, 89 and discover that the average value of the five integers she picked is still an integer. If two of the integers she picked were 62 and 89, find the sum of the remaining three integers. Suppose the equation | |x — al — 6| = 2008 has 3 distinct real roots and @ + 0. Find the value of b Find the value of the integer 7 for the following pair of simultaneous equations to have no solution, 2x nx + ny, + 2y There are 8 numbers aj, az, a3, . , ays and each of them is either equals to ~3 or =I. Given that ay? + as” +... + ags” = 280, find the value of ay* + ay! +... + ays! flee 1 See 2004 2007 Find the value of |—> * [> * ; 374 576 2005 2008 An integer is chosen from the set {1, 2, 3, .. , 499, 500}. The probability that this integer is divisible by 7 or 11 is “in its lowest terms. Find the value of m+ n The diagram shows a sector OAB of a circle, centre O and radius 8 em, in which ZAOB = 120°. Another circle of radius r cm is to be drawn through the points O, A and B. Find the value of» A °d 27 28 29 30 By 32 33 34 35 ‘The difference between the highest common factor and the lowest common multiple of x and 18 is 120. Find the value of x. Let @ and B be the roots of x — 4x + ¢ = 0, where ¢ is a real number. If —a isa root of x? +4x— c= 0, find the value of af Let m, n be integers such that 1 > is a fraction in its lowest terms? Let n be a positive integer such that n? + 191 + 48 is a perfect square. Find the value of 7 Singapore Mathematical Society Singapore Mathematical Olympiad (SMO) 2008 (Junior Section, Round 2) Saturday, 28 June 2008 0930-1230 Instructions to contestants 4. Answer ALL 5 questions. 2. Show all the steps in your working. 3. Back question carries 10 mark. 4. No calculators are allowed. 1. In ABC, ZACB = 90°, D is the foot of the altitude from C' to AB and E is the point on the side BC such that CE = BD/2. Prove that AD + CE = AB. 2. Let a,b, c,d be positive real numbers such that ex! = 1, Prove that there is an integer 1 such that ab

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