SMO 2010 Junior Solution

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Singapore Mathematical Society

L (E)

It is the only number less than 1.


Other than (D), all numbers are less than 20102010. Now 37 > 2010.

3(39), result follows.

20102010 <

3. Ans: (B)

the third statement is correct: a < b implies a + c < b + c.

counterexamples can be taken as a = -1, b = 1; c = 0 a = b = -1

4. Ans: (C)

Since (2010 + 1)3 = 20103 + 3 X 20102 + 3 x 2010 + 1. The result follows.

5. Ans: (A)

Let the distance between Town A and Town B be 3s.

and down slope

are t2 and



= 3600 - LBDC - LBEC = LEBD+ LECD







7. (E)

is no to cuts to than 6:

which has no exposed surfaces in the beginning), each of the its sides requires at cut.

8. Ans: (B)

The last digit of 7k is 1,7,9,3 respectively for k == 0, 1,2,3 (mod 4). Since 77 == (_1)7 == 3 (mod 4), the last digit of 7(77) is 3.

9. Ans: (C)

252 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 7. We can have: 667, 479,


= 2 t e)( Vli)'( '/5)'-'

1 even



11. Ans: 2010.


2008x + 2009 1

a;::::: 0



-a ~ 0



Ans: 369.

It is easy to see that b = 5, ab = 25 or b = 6, ab = 36. Upon checking, b = 6, a = 3 so

- = 632 = 3969. Therefore c = 9. Hence abc = 369.






18 +4+-m-2

3,6,9,18, thus m := 3,


is an integer. Thus m - 2 is a factor of 18. m - 2 = 1, required sum is 51.

14. Ans: 26.

AM= 26cm.

15. Ans: 16.

Note that both numerator and denominator are arithmetic r'>,.r,,,r,~,, factors gives

16(r - 1) + e = 1O(e - 1) + r ~ 5r = 3e + 2.




Ans: 1139.

A direct way to solve the problem is to factor 14807 directly. Alternatively, one

"The greatest common A + Band !cm(A, B)."

of A

B, equals


2010 is easily factored as 2 x 3 x 5 x 67. Checking that 67 is also a factor

67 is also a A The IS to HH'\"UH.r;

a+b = _- = 30 67


ab = -- = 1.



can be factored easily, a and b must be 13 and 17. So

answer is x =

18. Ans: 4021.

an(1) is the recurrence relation = 10 = 1 11 = 3. technique or simply guess and verify that 1n = 2n + 1. So a201O(1) = 12010 =

Ans: 200.

ABC must be a right-angled triangle. Let x = AC and y = Be, by Pythagoras tneorem x2 + l = 102.

area occurs when x =

= 4SO.


, 1





(i) x (D x (~) choices for goalkeepers, strikers and midfielders respectively. The

midfielder and defenders can all playas defenders, hence number





22. Ans: 31.

Leta ==

- 2041 and b == 1000x - 2010.


+ =

23. Ans: 100.

x = 2010 and y =

The numerator becomes


[(x + y)2 - xy] . (x2l-ll) . +


answer is 100.

Let15+x=m2andx-74= . We have m2- =89= lx89. -n)(m+n)= l x

m-n = 1 m+n == 89. Solving m = 45 and n = 44. Thus the number x is 452-

25. Ans: 177.

From 0.9y < x < 0.91y, we get 0.9y + y < x + y < 0.91y + y. Thus 0.9y + y <

0.9Iy + y > 56. It follows that y < 31.05 and y > Thus y =

27 < x < 27.3, no integer value of x. y = 31, then < < 1, ==

== (31 + 28)(31 - ==


x 2 x 3! 41 5

7 8 91

== 28 X 37 X 46 X 55 X 64 X 73 X 82 X 9 = 230 X 313 X 55 X 73

whole numbers such :::;;

square factors of M is 16 x 7 x 3 x 2 = 672.


28. Ans: 144.

There are total 12 ways starting from any of the L's to reach the middle V.

29. Ans: 25.

Let N be the midpoint of CD. Then LPNQ = 90°. SO PQ = 5-fl.






the area of the shaded region is


+ -. 2



31. Ans: O.


Define f(x) = Pk(x) - Pk(x 1). Then fen) = nk for all integer n ::::: 2. Note IS a

polynomial. We must have f(x) = x': In particular, for integers n ::::: 2,



+ =

+ 2) =

Pk(O) - Pk( -1) = f(O) = o', Pk(l) - Pk(O) = f(1) =

Define g(x) = Pk( -x) + Pk(x - 1). Then g(n) = 0 for all integers n ::::: 2. IS a

polynomial, g(x) = O.

particular, Pk( -~) + Pk( -~) = 0, i.e., Pk( -~) = O.

32. Ans: 23.


note - = 2.

A,-- -, B





areas are area IS 3' we

1 . 1 1 2

3x + Y = 6' Similarly, 3y + 2x = the area of /!"DEC = 3' Solve x = 42 and y = -.




So m = 9 and n = 14. The result follows.


33. Ans: 42.

Since a ~ 1,2010 = a2+b2+8ab ~ 1 +b2+8b. b2+8b-2009 :::; O. However b2+8b-2009 = 0

=1 b=

34. Ans: 31680.

Let X and Y be the sum of the digits at even and odd positions respectively. Note 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 9 = 45. We have X + Y = 45 and 11 divides IX - YI. It's easy to see X = and Y = 28; or X = 28 and Y = 17. Hence we split the digits into 2 sets whose sum is

are 9 4,3,2}, to 28: {9,8,

4 to sum to 5, I}, I},

6,3, I}, {7, 5, 4, I}, 5,3, 2}, {6, 5,4, 2}. There are 2 ways for 4

4}, {9, 8, 5}. Thus the total number ways is 11 x 4! x 5! = 31

35. Ans.60.

Let three sides of the triangle a, b, c respectively. Then

~ s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c) = a + b + c = 2s,

h a + b + c N h .. herwi )( b

were s = 2 . ote t at SIS an mteger; ot erwise s(s-a s- )(s-

is a

Let x = s - a, Y = s - band z = s - c. Then x, y, z are positive integers satisfying

xyz = 4(x + y + z).


x ~ y ~ z.

xyz:::; 1

yz:::; 1

z:::; 3.





=8=8· =



area IS



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