The Watch Tower: Enemies by J.F. Rutherford, 1937

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The proof tnaG

definitely iden~ ~
'. all enemies, expo5e! :
~ their methods~~- . operation,and P~ ~
. out the wayo[ ;
-- ----complete protection ~
for those wh~ l~ ~
: righteous~~ ~







Author of


and other books

First printing
1,000,000 copies


International Bible Students Association
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.

London, Toronto, Strathfield, Cape Town,

Berne, Copenhagen, and in other countries.
Made in the United States of America

Dedicated to the -: ",,-

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, '..~'..',' . J.J.......
'l~\ "
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, :;. .:, , " God

]ir;:bir::~~;l ;(.

'. 'I take refuge;


'... .: my shield, and the]

horn or'my salvatiorl:,.
s-: my high tower; and
my refuge; my saviour,

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thou savest me from

/violence. I will call upon \
clehovah.who is worthy
" to be praised: so shall,
I be saved from mine "

", w

2 Samuel 22: 3,4





"And the tree of the field shall yield his fruit,
and the land shall yield her increase, and they
shall remain on their own soil in security, so
shall they know that I am Jehovah, When I have
broken the bars of their yoke, and shall deliver
them out of the hand of them who have been
using them as slaves."-Ezekiel 34: 27, Rotherham;

HE PEOPLES of the nations of earth

keenly feel their insecurity. The men who
rule are few in number, harsh, arrogant,
cruel and oppressive, while the people in general are held in slavery to fear and continuously in dread of what the future may bring.
Sober-minded persons who love righteousness
and desire to see justice prevail often in the
hour of meditation have thoughts like these:
"There are so many calamities befalling the
various nations of the earth and the peoples
thereof that I am apprehensive, uneasy and
fearful that some dreadful calamity will befall
me and my little ones. Revolutions have rocked
the nations to their very foundation, and no
nation appears to be stable. All things in the
earth seem to be upside down; the trees drop
their immature fruit, the lands are swept by
floods and dust storms, the pests destroy that
which grows until the fields are barren, the



people are shoved about from one place to

another nntil many find no dwelling place, and
all persons seem to be unhappy. If only I could
find a place of complete security where I could
be entirely free from care, anxiety and fear,
that would be an ideal state. I wish that I might
know why this apprehensive and fearful eondition exists throughout the earth; why it has
come so generally upon the peoples and nations,
and whether or not there will ever be a time
and place where honest, sincere, righteous persons may feel entirely secure in their homes
and without the fear of loss of their property,
health and life." The purpose of what follows
is to aid sincere and honest persons to arrive
at the just conclusion in the matter.
Twenty centuries ago the most righteous man
that ever trod the earth, filled with the spirit
of wisdom and with keen prophetic vision, in
answer to a question propounded to him concerning the end of the world, gave utterance
to these words: "There shall be . . . upon the
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; .
men's hearts failing them for fear." Those few
words spoken by that Great Prophet exactly
describe the condition that now exists throughout the earth. His prophetic words of wisdom,
taken together with the facts we now see about
us, carefully considered, enable one to learn
why the present unhappy conditions exist, and
lead to greater information concerning the immediate future.
Even the ruling powers of every nation fear.
They fear for themselves and for the positions



they hold. Every nation fears every other nation, and the effect of their insecurity has induced all nations to spend a great amount of
energy and money of the peoples to prepare
for war. The preparations for war in 1914 were
small compared with the preparations now going forward in almost every nation on earth.
It is manifest that such unusual activity is induced by fear. Each nation is fearful that some
other nation will come upon them with greater
force and take away what they have. It appears
to be a time in which every man's hand is against
his neighbor. The few that rule employ coercive
means to compel the people in general to bow
to their dictates, and an unhappy condition both
for the rulers and for the ruled exists. In every
land the people mourn, and one is reminded of
the proverb: "When the wicked beareth rule,
the people mourn."-Proverbs 29: 2.
Call to mind some of the things that have
come to pass since 1914 and that are recorded
on the pages of history and there stand as indisputable facts. In that year, and with no ap
parently reasonable cause, the nations suddenly
rushed into war, and for four years that followed Continental Europe was drenched with
the lifeblood of millions of men who did not
know just why they were fighting each other.
The rulers had commanded them to go to war,
and they obeyed. Suddenly, in November, 1918,
the war ceased, and no ruler could assign a
sound reason why the conflict had suddenly
stopped. Prior to that time the nations were
ruled by aristocrats and imperialistic mon-



archs, but which nations had a semblance of

democracy. During the World 'Val' politicians
and militarists, for the manifest purpose of
influencing men to go to war, invented and proclaimed the slogan: "The war will make the
world safe for democracy." The people were
led to hope for a more liberal rule when the
war came to an end. But their hopes were soon
dashed to the earth.
The war ending, ambitious men, void of conscience, seized the opportunity to promote revolutions in various countries, and then formed
governments that for a time had the appearance and name of "democracies", Rabid politicians and military gangsters became the holders
of public office, and the commercial giants supported them in their positions.' Fearing that
they would be unable to keep the common people in subjection and hold their own public jobs,
the ruling element created conditions of strife
that greatly alarmed the people, and which conditions were seized upon to set up an arbitrary
government, ruled by a dictator. Such has been
the result in many of the nations. For some
time now human life in Russia, Italy, Austria,
Germany and other like nations of Europe has
been of little value. Dictators trust no one. If
it appears that the power of the dictator is endangered he hesitates not to murder his closest
political associates. Always in fear of losing
power or life, or both, dictators move about
within their realm surrounded by a strong-arm
guard, a veritable wall of bristling steel. The
dictators usurp all other parts of the govern-



ment until the people are bound to bow to the

rule of one man. The chief ambition of such
is to seize power and stay in power regardless
of the rights and privileges of others. Any part
or branch of the government that seems to be
in his way the dictator proceeds to abolish. lIe
and his associates take away from the people
the right of suffrage and of representation and
destroy the courts of justice and set up instead
tribunals of selfish men who are looking to selfish interests and not to the common welfare.
Instead of the great war's making the world
safe for democracy the greater part of Europe
is now ruled by dictators. Stalin, who succeeded Lenin as dictator of Russia, was for
some time a student at a theological seminary,
being trained for the religious priesthood. He
became a revolutionist and now rules Russia
extravagantly, harshly and ruthlessly. Mussolini, a bricklayer and political agitator, became
a political gang chieftain. He led a march on
Rome in 1922 and shortly thereafter became
the prime minister or arbitrary ruler: a gang
leader, who bluffed himself into office because
the king was afraid of him and yielded to his
bluffs. Concerning him it is recorded: "He
assumed the chief portfolios, brought about
changes in the electoral laws that insured his
continued power, established a rigorous censorship of the press, and prosecuted and drove
into exile his chief opponents. He decreed the
passage of laws which vitally affected the political, social and economic life of Italy." (The
Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 19, page 65;)



It is said of Mussolini that he trusts no one and

has no real friends, and that he never forgives
an enemy. Fearing- to lose his control over the
people, he rules in an arrogant manner and
with a ruthless hand. He is suspicious of all
other nations and is very superstitious. When
he seized the rule of Italy he was an atheist,
but has since become very religious.
The World War was quickly followed by revolution in Germany, and then a government
having a semblance of a constitutional democracy was formed. Religionists and politicians
conspired together to overthrow that constitutional government, and did so, with the result
that one Hitler, a fanatic, became the absolute
dictator and leader of the Nazis. That horde
of political gangsters burned the building of
the German Reichstag on February 27, 1933,
and then maliciously charged an opposing political party with that crime of arson, and this
was done to gain favor with the common and
oppressed people. Within a few weeks thereafter the Nazis were swept into power and
Hitler was put forward as the leader and became the dictator, and the democracy of Germany died. On June 30, 1934, Hitler, fearing
his power and authority was in much danger
of being taken from him, caused sixty or more
of his close political associates to be brutally
murdered. In July thereafter the Nazis, under
the leadership of said Hitler, caused Dollfuss,
the dictator of Austria, to be foully murdered.
Fearing loss of authority, the Nazis, under
Hitler, continued to rule with a cruel hand and



killed or imprisoned all who did not apparently

support them. The people suffer, being robbed
of their material wealth, put in fear of their
liberty and life, and are in great distress and
The foregoing is a sample of the conditions
existing in Continental Europe. Other nations
of the world are in a similar condition and are
ruled by dictators, and the rulers are moved
by fear. The British Empire is the only monarchy that survived the World "War, and Britain
and France are the only nations of Europe now
that have a semblance of democratic rule. But
there is an abundance of evidence that the ruling classes of those nations greatly fear for
their future existence. In Great Britain conspiracy is at work both within and outside of
the nation, looking to the overthrow of the
Empire, and, moved by fear, that nation, each
year since the World 'Var, has continued to
increase her war preparations. Sometime in
the near futnre it will doubtless he seen that
the recent abdication of Britain's king was not
merely due to the influence of a woman, but
due to a greater influence that is symbolized
by a woman.
The United States emerged from the World
War holding the bag, having lost a g-reat number of men, and expended millions of the people's money, and that without any gain or profit.
Since then democracy has rapidly degenerated,
and today the tendency to rule by a dictator
is growing rapidly. The element that rules now
has not long been in the saddle of governmental



affairs, and, fearing the loss of authority that

has been acquired, that ruling element seeks to
concentrate the power of the nation in the executive of the government, this in utter disregard of state rights and the rights of the people,
and looks forward to an early day when the
whole nation may be ruled by a dictator, behind
whom is a more powerful force. A bold and
daring effort is now being put forth to curtail
the power of the highest court in the land and
make it the tool of a one-man dictator and, that
being accomplished, the Constitution, which has
long been a safeguard to the people, will quickly
become a mere scrap of paper. For 150 years
the American people have obeyed the law of
the land gladly and without any question of
their allegiance to the Constitution and the
laws of their nation. But now the official element, that is, the few men that rule, fearing
that they may not be able to keep the people
in line, have adopted unusual and unreasonable
methods to compel law-abiding citizens to constantly declare their allegiance to those who
now rule. For 150 years it has not been thought
necessary to compel the people to salute the
flag and to daily declare their allegiance, because all persons are presumed to be obedient
to the laws until there is evidence that they
have violated the law. Quite recently, however,
the governing element, and particularly those
who are behind the throne, fearing that the
authority and power may slip away from them,
have adopted the unusual practice of compelling school children to daily salute the flag and



sing so-called "patriotic songs", and which are

supposed to make them more law-abiding. The
governing element, in fear, are also greatly perplexed as to how they can hold the people in
subjection and hold their own jobs. Democracy
is rapidly passing from the land.
Added to all the political troubles of the
world that have so greatly increased since 1918,
the nations of the earth have been woefully
afflicted by storms, floods, fires, earthquakes,
famines, pestilences and other like calamities.
Sit-down strikes and other senseless labor disturbances have greatly increased, and it is apparent that these disturbances are induced by
a secret crowd that is conspiring to overthrow
all rule of the people and to concentrate the
rule in the hands of a dictator. The extremely
radical element, which is unreasonable and
cruel, such as the Nazis, grows rapidly in
America, and thousands of spies are scattered
amongst the people to undermine their faith
and confidence in the form of government that
has so long existed in this land. Added to
these disturbing things, the gross crimes of
kidnaping, robbery and murder are constantly
on the increase and few if any of the people
feel secure in their homes or their property
or in their life. Both the governing element
and the common people sense an approaching
catastrophe and strictly in line with the prophetic words above recorded: 'Men's hearts
failing them for fear of what seems to be approaching.'



The common people have no understanding

of the constant intrigue and the political chicanery that is going on within the nations and
between the nations. The selfish ruling element
adopt all manner of means to keep the people
from learning the inside workings of the political gang. The people see themselves being completely deprived of their freedom of thought,
freedom of speech, and freedom of action, and
they are in distress and perplexity concerning
what the future holds for them. 'I'hey are in
fear and perplexity of how they can protect
themselves against the criminal clement that
is bearing down upon them, against the poverty that surrounds them, and against the
calamities that threaten them. They have great
difficulty in finding anyone whom they can
trust. Rach year their burdens of taxation are
increased. They see little hope for their children, and their hearts fail them when they consider what the future may hold. There has
never been a time in the history of man in
which fear has so completely seized upon the
people as now.
In view of these facts, none of which can he
denied, sincere persons will here consider calmly
the prophetic words of that great and wise
man who, looking down upon the present time,
said: "There shall be ... upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; . . . men's
hearts failing them for fear, and for looking
after those things which are coming on the
earth." (Luke 21: 25, 26) There can be no doubt
that the physical facts now present are com-



pletely in harmony with and therefore in fulfillment of the foregoing and prophetic words.
The sincere people of the world, who think
soberly and without prejudice, those who desire righteousness and peace and who desire
security for themselves and their loved ones
in their home, property and life, are asking
questions like the following, to wit:
Why is there so much unrighteousness and
wickedness in the world today ~ Why have these
perilous times come upon the world in this day,
and particularly since the ending of the World
War? Why have the woes and calamities increased since the year 1918 ~ Why does there
now exist such a great lack of confidence among
the nations, among both the rulers and the peoples of the nations? Why is it that almost everyone is looked upon as an enemy? Is there a
reason for the existence of such a dreadful condition T Can there be found correct answers to
these questions, answers upon which we can
confidently rely? Is there anything upon which
we may base a hope for better conditions of
the future?
The same great man who gave utterance to
the foregoing prophetic words, foretelling the
time of peril coming upon the nations of the
earth, also gave the true and correct answer
to each and every one of the foregoing questions and all questions related thereto. That
great man was and is Christ Jesus, the Son
of the Almighty God. He is the One who spake
as never man spake before or since. He it was
who said concerning the Word of the Almighty



God, which is recorded in the Bible: "Thy word

is truth." (John 17: 17) The full, complete and
satisfying answers to the foregoing and related
questions are found in the Bible, and nowhere
else. Before attempt is made to locate the answers, let each reader ask himself these questions and fully answer the same to the satisfaction of his own conscience: Do I believe that
the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and
earth, really exists, and that he is the Giver
of life to man and the rewarder of all them
that diligently seek him 1 Do I believe that the
Bible is the Word of the Almighty God, and
therefore the truth 1 Do I believe that J esus
Christ is the Son of Almighty God, and that
he speaks the absolute truth and with authority,
and upon his speech honest men may confidently
rely 1
All those who can answer these questions in
the affirmative, who do believe on God and
Christ Jesus, and that the Bible is the Word
of truth, and who then, without prejudice, will
carefully consider what is hereinafter written,
will find complete and satisfactory answer to
each of the foregoing questions concerning the
time of peril, which now confronts the world,
and will also see what the immediate future
In the nations that claim to be "Christian
nations", and which collectively are called
"Christendom", the present-day distress and
perplexity is the greatest, when viewing the
whole world. The sincere people or these nations, who desire to understand the truth and



to know what the future holds, will study and

give heed to what is written in the Word of
truth, upon which Word of truth is founded
that which is herein stated. This does not at
all mean that such sincere persons must join
any organization under the sun. What the people need in this hour of distress is a knowledge
of the truth, and then to be diligent to obey the
truth. The meek of the earth are those who are
willing to be taught, and such are the ones that
seek to understand the truth.
Those who are anxious and sincerely desire
to know the true answers to the foregoing questions will lay aside all prejudice against the
Bible, and all preconceived conclusions as to
what the Bible contains, and all prejudice
created by religion or the religious practitioners, and will carefully and honestly consider
the facts now well known to all in the light
of what is recorded in the Bible, because now
is the time when the Bible can be understood
and harmonized. Never before in the history
of man has there existedeuch a great necessity of knowing' and understanding God's Word
of truth as now. The indisputable facts are
that the nations and the people are in great
fear, which fear is induced by enemies, and
therefore the people are in bondage. All such,
then, should give careful heed to the words
spoken by Jesus, to wit: "If ye continue in my
word, then are ye my disciples [those who
learn the truth] indeed; and ye shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John
8: 31, 32) All honest and sincere persons desire



to be free. The truth can be learned only by

ascertaining the source of truth and then by
following that true and safe guide. The opinion
of imperfect man is of no value in learning the
truth unless it is fully supported by what is
known to be absolutely true as recorded in
God's Word. Tradition by men is merely the
expression of opinion of man, which opinion
was first expressed long ago, and has been
handed down from one g-eneration to another.
The only perfect man ever on earth was Jesus,
and he did not speak and teach his own opinion,
but declared only the things that he had received
from the Almighty God. The testimony of Jesus
upon this point is this: "My doctrine is not
mine, but his that sent me." (John 7: 16) "He
that sent me is true; and I speak to the world
those things which I have heard of him." (John
8: 26) "To this end was I born, and for this
cause came I into the world, that I should bear
witness unto the truth."-John 18: 37.
A man is put in fear of his enemies chiefly
because of a lack of knowledge and therefore
his inability to know the identity of his enemies.
It is necessary for him to identify his enemies,
to learn of their methods of operation and what
course he may take to protect himself against
such enemies. A man, therefore, must have a
sure and correct guide in identifying his enemies and finding protection from them. Where
will he find such a guide 1 The Almighty God
gives this information, which he caused his
prophet to write down, to wit: "Thy word is
a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."



(Psalm 119: 105) The meek man is the one who

desires to learn the truth and is willing to be
taught, and for his benefit this great truth is
recorded in the Bible. "The meek will he g-uide
in judgment, and the meek will he teach his
way." (Psalm 25: 9) The man who has great
fear and therefore does not enjoy peace will
find consolation in these words written in the
Scriptures: "Great peace have they which love
thy law; and nothing shall offend them."Psalm 119: 165.
Every man has enemies, and for centuries
men have suffered greatly at the hands of enemies. Since the year 1914, and particularly
since 1918, enemies have become more vicious.
Those who have considered the matter know
that such is the truth. The Scriptures give a
satisfactory reason. It is of very vital importance to learn the source of such wickedness
and the reason for the increased activity of
enemies in the past few years. If you read carefully what follows herein you will gain that
much desired and profitable knowledge.


"The way of the wicked seduceth them."
-Proverbs 12: 26.

DVE RSARY is one who opposes another

without just cause or excuse, and is therefore an enemy. The existence of creatures
implies that there is a Creator. The Creator is
the immortal One, from everlasting to everlasting, and his name is God. (Psalm ao: 2; 1 Timothy 6: 15,16) "God created the heaven and the
earth." (Genesis 1: 1) God means the Almighty.
IIe reveals himself as, to wit: "Almighty God,"
which means the One whose power is unlimited;
"Lord," meaning supreme Ruler; "Jehovah,"
meaning his purpose toward his creatures;
"Father," meaning the Giver of life; and "Most
High", He who is over and above all.
For his pleasure God created all things. (Revelation 4: 11) The beginning of his creation was
"the Logos", his Beloved One, and thereafter
God used the Logos as his active agent in the
creation of all things that are created. (John
1: 1-3; Proverbs 8: 22-24; Revelation 3: 14; Colossians 1: 15-17) God the Almighty is that great
Spirit which no man has seen and no human
eyes can ever see. (1 Timothy 6: 16) He is the
only Being, that is to say, the self-existing One,
and is therefore properly spoken of as "The
Spirit Being".




God brought into existence many spirit creatures. .A spirit creature is one that is invisible
to human eyes. A spirit creature has a spirit
body or organism: "There is a natural body,
and there is a spiritual body." (1 Corinthians
15: 44) All of the host of heaven are spirit creatures and are invisible to human eyes. Such
spirit creatures are designated under the names
of "cherubim", "seraphim," and "angels". Among
the spirit or angelic creation was one whom God
named Lucifer. The universal organization of
Jehovah God from the beginning of creation consisted of his spirit creatures, and over which
Jehovah God was and is Supreme Lord and
In due time it pleased God to create the
earth, and he created it for his creature man,
who was thereafter created. "I have made the
earth, and created man upon it: I, even my
hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all
their host have I commanded. For thus saith
the Lord that created the heavens; God himself
that formed the earth and made it; he hath
established it, he created it not in vain, he
formed it to be inhabited; I am the Lord, and
there is none else."-Isaiah 45: 12, 18.
God created man in his own due time and
called his name Adam, and placed him in Eden.
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of
the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life; and man became a living soul.
And the Lord God took the man, and put him
into the garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep
it." (Genesis 2: 7, 15) God created the woman



and gave her to Adam for his wife. (Genesis

2 : 22-24) Adam and his wife Eve were made a
part of God's organization, and the man was
given dominion over the creation of earth which
was of the lower order than himself. Lucifer,
the spirit creature, was the overseer of man
and a certain portion of the spirit creation, and
was made so by God's appointment. He was an
officer in the organization of Jehovah, which organization of Jehovah God is designated under
the symbol of "mountain". Concerning Lucifer
it is written in the Bible: "Thou hast been in
Eden the garden of God; . . . Thou art the
anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set
thee so; thou wast upon the holy mountain of
God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst
of the stones of fire."-Ezekiel 28: 13, 14.
Lucifer, when made the overlord of man, was
anointed or commissioned, receiving authority
from God over man, and it was his duty to see
that man performed his obligation unto God
according to His law. The universal organization of Jehovah God then consisted of the Logos,
and all the angelic or spirit creatures, and man
on the earth; and all of that organization was
in harmony with and obedient to God the
Creator. Everything in the universe was in
complete harmony.
The Almighty God Jehovah is the Unselfish
One, and therefore, as it is written, "God is
love." (1 John 4: 16) That means that God does
nothing selfishly, but always for the good of his
creatures. God is righteous and holy. "For righteous is Jehovah, righteousness he loveth, the



upright shall behold his face." (Psalm 11: 7,

Rothet'ham) "0 Jehovah! in the heavens is thy
lovingkindness, thy faithfulness as far as the
fleecy clouds: thy righteousness is like mighty
mountains, and thy just decrees are a great
resounding deep,-man and beast thou savest,
o Jehovah! How precious thy lovingkindness,
o God! therefore the sons of men under the
shadow of thy wings seek refuge." (Psalm 36:
5-7, Roth.) "Righteous art thou, 0 LORD, and
upright are thy judgments." (Psalm 119: 137)
"The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy
in all his works." (Psalm 145: 17) "Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep; 0 LORD, thou preservest
man and beast." (Psalm 36: 6) "Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy
law is the truth." (Psalm 119: 142) "God is light,
and in him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1: 5)
God can not and will not look with approval
upon anything that is unrighteous. Necessarily
all parts of Jehovah's organization were in harmony with him, and anything or any creature
that got out of harmony with God would be
expelled from his organization.

Every unrighteous or wicked creature is

God's adversary or enemy. Lucifer saw that
every creature in the universe gave honor and
praise to the Almighty God. Lucifer coveted
that honor and praise for himself. To covet
means to desire and to seek that which one has
no right to have. Lucifer is called the covetous



one. (Jeremiah 51: 13) Lucifer presumptuously

regarded himself as equal to the Almighty God,
and concerning that it is written: "0 Lucifer,
son of the morning [that is, of the early beginning of earth's creation, of which he had been
appointed overlord] ! how art thou cut down to
the ground . . . ! For thou hast said in thine
heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also
upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides
of the north: I will ascend above the heights
of the clouds: I will be like the Most High."
(Isaiah 14: 12-14) Another translation of this
text reads: "How hast thou fallen from heaven,
o Shining One, Son of the Dawn! Hewn down
to the earth, 0 crusher of nations ! Yet thou
didst say in thy heart, The heavens will I ascend, above the stars of God will I lift up my
throne, that I may sit in the Mount of Assembly,
in the Recesses of the North: I will mount on
the hills of the clouds, I will match the Most
High !"-Rotherham.
Lucifer had meditated in his heart, that is to
say, his motive was, to gain for himself the
honor and praise of creatures to which he was
not entitled. To accomplish his covetous design
Lucifer did this: He approached the woman
Eve and spoke to her deceitfully, and is likened
unto the serpent, a beast that was in Eden. .Any
transgression of God's law is sin, and God had
fixed death as the penalty for the commission
of willful sin. Adam and Eve had been so instructed by the Lord, that sin would result in



their death. (Genesis 2: 17; Romans 6: 23) Lucifer must have known this law of God and the
penalty for its violation. It was his duty to know,
but apparently he did not believe it, and that
belief was due to his own improper heart condition. He should have been governed by the
Word of God, but, regarding himself as equal
to the Most High and considering that he could
with impunity induce man to violate God's law,
he proceeded to do so. To Eve he said, in substance: 'Why do you not eat this fruit in the
midst of the garden of Eden r and Eve replied
that God permitted them to eat of the fruit of
any of the trees except the one fruit mentioned,
and that God had said to them: "Ye shall not
eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."



Eve yielded to the seductive influence of the

wily Devil and did eat and gave to Adam, and
he did eat; therefore both were lawbreakers.
(Genesis 3: 1-6) The eating of the forbidden
fruit may appear to some to have been a small
thing to call forth the death penalty, but it
should be remembered that the offense consisted
in the violation of God's law and in doing so
after having been informed that the penalty
for such violation is death. Adam was not deceived. (1 Timothy 2: 14) For this violation of
God's law man was sentenced to death and expelled from Eden. (Genesis 3: 19-24) Thus is
stated in brief the beginning of the activity of
God's adversary or enemy.
Lucifer was sentenced to death, but for good
reason Jehovah God gave him a suspended sentence, or, rather, delayed the execution of the
death penalty, as will hereinafter be seen. Lucifer had now become the avowed enemy of God.
Every creature from that day to the present
time that has willingly taken the side of Lucifer
and willfully engaged in the violation of God's
law is the enemy of God. At the time of entering his judgment against the enemy Jehovah
changed the name of Lucifer and assigned to
him four separate and distinct names, each of
which signifies a particular element of his wickedness. Since that time Lucifer has been named
by the names of Batan, which means adversary
or opposer of God; Devil, which means slanderer of God, willfully bringing reproach upon
God's name; Serpent, which means deceiver;
and Dragon, which means devourer; and there-



fore he is designated in the Scriptures as the

dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,
and Satan". (Revelation 20: 2) He is the adversary or willful opposer of God, and therefore
God's chief enemy and the enemy of man. 'While
Satan is the arch enemy, there are many other
enemies, as will be seen in the progress of this
Everything with God, and that proceeds from
him, is light and truth. God is the giver of life
everlasting. Everything with Satan, and that
proceeds from him, is darkness, and the end
thereof is death. In the final analysis it will
be seen that each and every creature that gets
life everlasting in happiness is and must be
and remain on the side of the Almighty God,
and that every creature that remains on the side
of Satan shall be completely destroyed.
In the consideration of all matters hereinafter discussed keep in mind this great truth,
to wit: That the purpose of Satan the Devil
is to reproach and mock Jehovah God, and to
turn all creation against God, and to ultimately
plunge all the creation into destruction. Should
he be able to do this, he would regard himself
as the victor; and that is his ambition. Satan
the Devil is the great wicked one, and all who
are with him and who continue with him are
wieked; and the decree of the Almighty Creator
is that all the wicked shall be destroyed: "The
Lord preserveth all them that love him: but
all the wicked will he destroy." (Psalm 145: 20)
This truth coming to the attention of each and
every creature, a choice must be made between



the Almighty God and Satan, and thus each

creature has to do with his own destiny.
From the very beginning of his wicked course
it appears that Satan's purpose was and is to
kill all who are on the side of God, the Almighty.
Adam and his wife, by authority from Jehovah,
began to have children, and their first son was
named Cain; and then they had a son whom
they named Abel. Cain yielded to the influence
of the Devil and murdered his brother Abel.
(Genesis 4: 1-8) Satan the enemy of God told
the first lie, which brought about the death of
Adam and Eve; and from the very beginning
he was a liar and a murderer, and it is so recorded of him in the Bible. (John 8: 44) Every
murder that has ever been committed has been
and is due to the wicked influence and power
exercised by Satan over other creatures, and
every. mur,t1':4
derer IS the
'{' fit~2
~_/'" :;/
agen t or in. '-';j"/
strument of
Sat ant h e ' , .~;
Devil; and it
is w r i tt e n <.,~-'
that no mur- '~~'.
derer shall'.:ever g a i n
eternal life.



Lucifer, now known as Satan, is otherwise

properly called the great rebel. God appointed
him to the high office in His organization and
gave him authority over certain angels as he
has authority over man. It was the bounden
duty of Satan to be entirely loyal and faithful
to God and to exercise the authority of his
office toward angels and men in harmony with
God's law. Addressing the Devil, Jehovah said:
"Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth;
and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the
holy mountain [universal organization] of God."
(Ezeki128: 14) Anointed means that he was appointed and duly commissioned by the Almighty
God to fill that very important position in God's
organization. Cherub means one who is assigned
to a position of trust to guard the interests committed to his care. (Genesis 3: 24) Therefore
that Lucifer was called the "cherub that eovereth" means that he was over other creatures
whose interests he mnst safeguard in harmony
with God's law. He willfully put himself in opposition to God's law and thereafter became a
rebel and the permanent adversary of God. One
of his methods of deception is to induce certain
creatures to conclude that the Devil does not
exist. By this means he deceives them and blinds
them to the truth, while others of his creatures
work with him knowingly and willingly.

Every creature and organization that Satan

has employed and continues to employ to carry
on his rebellious and wicked work is the enemy



of God and the enemy of all creatures who obey

and serve God. The proof following set forth
herein shows beyond nll doubt that Satan the
Devil is the chief enemy of man and that
all creatures, instruments or organizations employed by him are man's enemies. The purpose
of this publication is to enable honest and sincere persons to see and appreciate who are
their enemies, that such enemies may be avoided
and that honest and sincere persons may find
the only place of real security.
To carry forward his wicked work Satan employs and uses wicked angels, and wicked men,
formed into organizations, that work unrighteousness. Satan is a spirit creature, therefore
invisible to human eyes; and also angels are
spirit creatures and invisible to human eyes.
Wicked angels and wicked men, organized and
unorganized, carryon wickedness under Satan's
command. The earthly or visible primary elements that are employed by Satan to carry forward his fraudulent, deceptive and wicked work,
are these, to wit: religion and politics and commerce. Religious, political and commercial organizations for centuries have been employed
by Satan the Devil to defame and reproach the
name of Almighty God and his beloved Son,
Christ Jesus, and to deceive the people and to
rob them and to turn them into the way of unrighteousness and destruction. Keep in mind, as
the evidence here considered unfolds, the elements named as enemies of God and man, and
you being thus able to identify them, there will
appear the way of safety and security.




"The world" is the organization of creatures

under the control of an overlord. As that term
world relates to man, "the world" is the organization of men into tribes or governments operating under the influence and controlling power
of an invisible overlord. Satan the Devil is the
"god", mighty one or controlling power of the
present-day wicked world, and his angels operate with him. (2 Corinthians 4: 4) He having
been appointed as overlord of man before his
rebellion, God did not take away that overlordship when he sentenced Satan to death; and the
reason therefore will appear as we progress.
At the time God pronounced judgment against
Adam he used these words concerning the Devil:
"And I will put enmity between thee and the
woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it
shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his
heel." (Genesis 3: 15) These words have both
a literal and a symbolic application. The word
"woman", as used in this text, symbolically refers to God's organization; and the words "her
seed" symbolically refer to those creatures who
devote themselves wholly to God and become a
part of his holy, righteous organization. "The
serpent," meaning deceiver, and one of the
names of Satan the Devil, is here used symbolically, and his "seed" means, in symbolic
phrase, all the creatures that become a part of
Satan's organization. Every creature in the universe must become either a part of the organization of God or a part of the organization
under the control of Satan. Satan and his seed



are the enemies of God and the enemies of the

seed of God's organization. Between the two
there is bitter enmity, and in due time one
mnst triumph. Every sincere creature should
desire to know in advance how this triumph
will be brought about.
Lucifer, now called Satan, originally was a
beautiful creature. He concluded that he was
worthy of adoration of other creatures, and by
reason thereof he departed from the course of
wisdom, and by taking that unwise course he
corrupted himself; and to him the Almighty
God says: "Thine heart was lifted np because
of thy beauty; thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
by reason of thy brightness; I will cast thee
to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that
they may behold thee."-J~zekiel 28: 17.
From that time until now a great number of
wicked angels have operated with Satan, and
they are all included in God's judgment which
is written against them. (Matthew 25: 41) Satan's chief deputy in his wicked organization
is called "Gog", and the place of habitation of
the crowd of wicked angels is "the land of
Magog". (Ezekiel 38: 2-6) All of such wicked
angelic host are enemies of Almighty God, and
the enemies of every creature that serves God.
'When on earth, .Jcsns testified before men and
said that Satan is the prince of devils, the invisible ruler of this wicked world. (John 14: 30)
Satan is also called "Beelzebub", which means
chief of devils or wicked spirit creatures, and
it therefore follows that there are many other
devils or wicked ones who slander the Almighty



God, deceive mankind and attempt to destroy

all who serve God. (Matthew 10: 25; 12: 24;
Luke 11: 15, 18, 19) All of those wicked ones
are creatures of darkness, that is to say, wickedness, and they are the most effective enemies
against those who serve the Almighty God, and
that fight against God's servants; as it is written, to wit: "For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places." (Ephesians 6: 12) The entire organization of Satan is arrayed against all righteousness, but in the end all are doomed to
certain destruction. The reason why God has
permitted their existence for so long a time
will clearly appear to your satisfaction as this
study progresses.
It is certain that in times past angels had
the power to materialize, that is to say, to
appear in human form or organism. 'I'hat was
true of the good angels, some of whom appeared
to Abraham and others. (Genesis 18: 1-15; 19:
1, 15) Angels of the Lord appeared to other men
who served Almighty God. (Judges 2: 1; 6: 1216; 13: 1-20) Those good and faithful angels
were sent by the Almighty God to communicate
his message to men on the earth. The wicked
angels that operated from the time of the rebellion of Satan also had power to materialize,
and they did so. Those wicked angels operated
contrary to God's will, because they were against
God and on the side of the Devil. They appeared
in the earth as giants, and in the Scriptures



they are called "nephilim", Those angels are

also called "fallen ones" or "fallen angels" because they had fallen entirely away from righteousness and operated entirely in wickedness
or iniquity. (Psalm 36: 12) For the same reason it is written concerning Satan: "How hast
thou fallen I" (Isaiah 14: 12, Roth.) For many
long centuries that host of wicked angels have
indulged in assaults upon others, and for that
reason are called "fellers", that is to say, ones
who fall upon and ill-treat others. The word
nephilim means "fellers", that is, "those who fall
upon others and cause them to fall." (Strong's
Concordance) To be sure, Gog is one of those
fallen ones. That wicked host, under Satan's
supervision, are totally depraved and completely
devoid of righteousness.
From the time of the expulsion of Adam from
Eden and over a period of approximately 1500
years the human race multiplied and increased
in the earth. All being the immediate descendants of Adam, who in the beginning was perfect,
the females thereof would necessarily be very
fair; and so it is written, that they were fair,
that is, they were pleasing to look upon. "And
it carne to pass, when men began to multiply
on the face of the earth, and daughters were
horn unto them, that the sons of God saw the
daughters of men that they were fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose."-Genesis 6: 1, 2.
Who were those creatures mentioned in this
text as "the sons of God" Manifestly they
were creatures of God, whom he created angels,



and who had power to materialize and did

materialize and appear in human form. All the
faithful angels are called sons of God", because all such rcceive life through the Almighty
God. (Job 38: 7) Those sons of God who thus
materialized were not a part of Satan's crowd
at that time, because they were not the ones
who joined Satan in his rebellion.
Bear in mind that, Satan being the adversary
of God, his objective at all times is to turn all
creatures, both men and angels, against God
and cause them to curse God and bring reproach
upon his name. (Job 2: 1-5) The wicked angels
work with Satan and are also deceivers. Fraud
and deceit, used to entrap Eve, have ever been
used to entrap others; and so his crowd of
wicked angels resorted to fraud and deceit to
mislead the angels above designated "the sons
of God". The opportunity now appeared for
Satan to entrap those sons of God who materialized and appeared as men. It is entirely probable that Satan began to work his fraud before
those sons of God appeared in human form. As
above stated, "the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair," that is, pleasing to the vision, yet they were imperfect. As
Satan had used Eve to entrap Adam, so Satan
pursued a similar course to use other women
to deceive and defraud the "sons of God" above
mentioned. Those materialized "sons of God",
having themselves followed a righteous course
up to that time, manifestly appeared as very
handsome and attractive men and they would
appear well in the eyes of these beautiful



women. Satan, Gog and others of his wicked

crowd, assuming a righteous attitude although
extremely hypocritical, now represented and
made the argument to the handsome men that
they could do a great and good deed by marrying those beautiful human creatures and producing a race of handsome men and women
that might grow to perfection. The nephilim or
giants, working with Satan, would use a similar argument upon those "daughters" or beautiful women, and induce them to be willing to
the union.
Another purpose of Satan and his allies in
practicing that fraud would be to cause to be
born and brought up a race of creatures that
would appear superior to the natural descendants of Adam, and that of itself would be a
further mockery and reproach upon Almighty
God. That the nephilim or giants were present
in the earth at the time is certain, when the
marriages took place between the sons of God
and those women: "There were giants in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when
the sons of God came in unto the daughters
of men, and they bare children to them, the
same became mighty men, which were of old,
men of renown."-Genesis 6: 4.
Here the scripture discloses the clear picture,
to wit: Beautiful women were on the earth, who
were the direct descendants of Adam; Satan
saw his opportunity to practice a further fraud
and deceit, and to further reproach the name
of Almighty God; he seduced the "sons of God",
that is, turned them away from the path of



righteousness, and by fraud and deceit induced

them to believe that they could do great good
to the human race by marrying those beautiful
women. Satan and his coconspirators, the nephilim or giants, probably found it an easy matter to induce those handsome men to marry the
beautiful women, and the result of those marriages was, children were born, which became
"mighty men", "men of renown" for physical
strength and appearance.
Up to that time, to wit, approximately 1500
years after the expulsion from Eden, there appear to have been only three men who had remained true and faithful to the Almighty God,
and those men were, to wit, Abel, Enoch and
Noah, (Hebrews 11: 4-7) Adam, Cain, and others
who were their descendants, were wicked men,
and the result of the marriage of materialized
spirit creatures with the women above mentioned was that all the offspring became wicked
and reproached the name of God. It appeared,
therefore, that Satan and his crowd were succeeding in turning men away from God. Only
three men on the side of God and all others on
the side of the Devil, it was a wicked and grossly
rebellious generation and their every imagination was wickedness. Why should the Almighty
God permit that wicked crowd to continue on
earth 1 "And God saw that the wickedness of
man was great in the earth, and that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was
only evil continually."-Gencsis 6: 5.
.Jehovah God is that great Spirit, and the
creatures on the earth are flesh and, as it is


written, "all flesh is grass." (Isaiah 31: 3; 40: 6)

Creatures are wholly dependent upon God for
life, and only those who remain in harmony
with God will ever have life everlasting. "The
grass withereth, the flower fadeth; because the
spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it: surely the
people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower
fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand
for ever."-Isaiah 40: 7, 8.
The generation then upon the earth, aside
from the three men above named, were fit only
for destruction. Therefore God said of that
wicked generation: "And the Lord said, My
spirit shall not always strive with man, for
that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an
hundred and twenty years."-Genesis 6: 3.
Why should God, the great Spirit, the holy,
righteous One, continue to strive with man and
permit him to reproach His holy name 1 He
could instantly blot man out completely and
start another race, but God declared his purpose to delay the execution of the wicked crowd
that then inhabited the earth, for a period of
120 years. That wickedness on the earth grieved
.Jehovah God in his heart, and it is written:
"And it repented the Lord that he had made
man on the earth, and it grieved hiro at his
heart." (Genesis 6: 6) The word "repented"
there used does not mean that God had made a
great mistake. The word repent means a change
in the course of his dealing with his creatures.
God therefore determined that he would 'ease
himself of his adversaries' by destroying them,
(Isaiah 1: 24) His announced purpose was, how-



ever, to delay the execution of that judgment

for 120 years. "And the Lord said, I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face
of the earth; both man, and beast, and the
creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for
it repenteth me that I have made them. But
Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
(Genesis 6: 7, 8) The word "created" employed
in this text and the word "destroyed" are in
complete contrast with each other and disclose
the meaning of the words "it repenteth me".
God the Creator had extended his loving-kindness to his creatures and had been long-suffering
with them, and now he would destroy them because of their wickedness.
In the foregoing text (Genesis 6: 3) "an hundred and twenty years" are mentioned. But that
period of time has no reference to the age limit
of man thereafter. It appears from the record
of God that the declaration concerning the 120
years was before the three sons of Noah, to wit,
Shem, Ham and J apheth, were born, and that
Noah lived on the earth for more than 400 years
after that declaration was made. "And Noah
lived after the flood three hundred and fifty
years. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died." (Genesis
9: 28, 29) 'What was the purpose in extending
the time of destruction for 120 years longer instead of destroying the peoples of earth at that
time 1 Within that 120 years Jehovah God caused
to be delivered a witness to the peoples of earth,
giving them full warning of his purpose to destroy the wicked. God never takes snap judg-



ment of anyone, but gives full and fair notice

of his purpose. His righteous servant Noah, by
the course of action which he took and by his
verbal preaching within the hearing of the people, gave warning to all of God's purpose to
destroy the living creatures of earth, all of
which had turned to wickedness. (1 Peter 3: 20;
2 Peter 2: 5) What Jehovah God here did foreshadowed another great event, which is now
in course of fulfillment.
God informed Noah of his purpose to destroy
the earth, and directed Noah to build an ark
wherein Noah and his family and certain beasts
should be taken, saved and carried over the
flood. "The earth also was corrupt before God,
and the earth was filled with violence. And God
looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon
the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end
of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is
filled with violence through them: and, behold,
I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee
an ark of gopher wood: rooms shalt thou make
in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without
with pitch."-Genesis 6: 11-14.
Within that period of 120 years Noah built
the ark and, while so doing, continued to give
warning to the people of the coming execution
of the judgment of Jehovah God, but the people gave no heed to that warning. Under the
supervision of the wicked one they continued
to reproach God's name. The act of Noah in
building the ark was a testimony to the men
on the earth and a complete testimony of Noah's



faith in God, and hence his course of action was

a condemnation of all wickedness. "By faith
Noah, being warned of God concerning things
not seen as yet [such things as rain, waterspouts, great storms, floods; and which things
came with the deluge], moved with godly fear,
prepared an ark to the saving of his house j
through which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith."-Hebrews 11: 7, American Revised
Of course, the action taken by Noah, as well
as his words, would be a witness to men and
to angels, and thus he preached to both, even
as the true followers of Christ have since done.
(1 Corinthians 4: 9) In addition to giving full
and fair warning to those flesh creatures then
on earth the Almighty God was making a prophetic picture showing the destruction of the
entire organization of Satan, that is, all His
enemies, at the end of the world, and this is
shown by the words of Jesus Christ, who said:
"But as the days of No'e were, so shall also the
coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days
that were before the flood, they were eating and
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that No'e entered into the ark, and
knew not, until the flood came, and took them
all away j so shall also the coming of the Son
of man be."-Matthew 24: 37-39.
As Noah gave warning at the command of
God, so also the Lord God commands his faithful ones on the earth, at the second coming of
Christ, to give full warning by preaching 'this



gospel of his kingdom' as a witness to the world,

and to do this just preceding the time of the
complete destruction of the world at Armageddon.-Matthew 24: 14, 21.

The judgments of J chovah God aro always

executed as written. Note that his judgment
written concerning the wickedness in the days
of Noah says this: "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, ... And
the Lord said, I will destroy man ... Tho end
of all flesh is come." "Both man, and beast,
... and, behold, I will destroy them." (a cncsis
G: 5, 7, 13) All flesh creatures upon the earth,
except Abel, Enoch and Noah, at the time this
judgmen t was written, had brought reproach
upon God's name. The offspring of the daughtel'S of men and the materialized sons of God
were flesh, all of which were an abomination to
God and grossly wicked. The men of that union
between the daughters above mentioned and
"the sons of God" were called "mighty men"
(Hebrew: Gibbor, that is, "powerful"), "men of
renown." They were mighty or powerful before
other human creatures, but not before Almighty
God. Before him they were an abomination. The
judgment of God was against them, and they
were destroyed in the flood. There would be no
reason why they should be kept alive; because
it is written: "The wicked shall perish." (Psalm
37 : 20) The mighty flood of waters came, and


concerning the result thereof it is written: And

all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both
of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,
and every man. And every living substance
was destroyed which 'vas upon the face of the
ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping
things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they
were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only
remained alive, and they that were with him in
the arle"-Genesis 7: 21, 23.

What became of the "sons of God" that materialized as men and then married women?
Those angels called "sons of God" were originally a part of God's organization, and it was
their duty to be faithful to God and serve him
continuously. They yielded to the wiles or influence of the Devil and his associates in wickedness. They permitted themselves to be led into



a course entirely out of harmony with the Almighty God. They were therefore no longer
shielded nor had God's protection, but became
subject to what the Devil might do to them.
This rule is clearly shown by the record appearing in God's Word.-Hosea 11: 8; Jeremiah
12: 7; Isaiah 47: 6.
What, then, did the Devil do with those sons
of God, if any thing 1 The Scriptures show that
those spirit creatures were imprisoned. Where
were they imprisoned, and who imprisoned
them 7 Manifestly Satan and his bullies, the
nephilim, imprisoned them, and their place of
imprisonment is somewhere in Magog. Later
Jesus preached to those imprisoned spirits concerning God's purpose; as it is written: "By
which also he went and preached unto the spirits
in prison; which sometime [aforetime (Revised
Version)] were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah,
while the ark was a preparing, wherein few,
that is, eight souls, were saved by water."
-1 Peter 3 : 19, 20.
Those creatures were not destroyed in the
flood; for the reason that they were not included
in the judgment concerning all flesh, and long
after the flood Jesus preached to them. During the 120 years aforementioned Noah, the
"preacher of righteousness", had preached to
them and they had not heeded his preaching,
and for that reason they remained under the
power and influence of the Devil and, when the
flood broke upon the earth, they found no protection given to them by the Lord God, and the



Devil imprisoned them in the expectation of

keeping them always away from God. They
had heard the preaching of Noah j and the fact
that he preached to them and that .Iesus later
preached to them shows that there is a possibility of their receiving forgiveness and returning to God's favor, and Satan would imprison
them in order to prevent them from returning
to God; and it appears that their imprisonment
is in the land of Magog. (Ezekiel 38: 2; 39: 6)
Satan and his bullies would hold those creatures in restraint so they could not again present themselves unto God. 'I'he record shows
that thereafter Satan presented himself before
the Lord God, but his angels did not appear.
"Again there was a day when the sons of God
came to present themselves before the Lord,
and Satan came also among them to present
himself before the Lord."- Job 2: 1.
Since one of the purposes of preaching the
truth is to afford creatures an opportunity to
repent and come into harmony with God, the
fact that Jesus preached to those spirits in
prison supports the conclusion that there may
be an opportunity for them to be recovered and
come back into harmony with God. Being held
in prison by Satan would not necessarily mean
that they are 'the seed of Satan', but that those
who repent and reform according to God's law
might be thus saved. That would mean that in
due time they would have to take a positive
and determined stand against Satan and Gog
and all the wicked crowd and declare themselves
wholly on God's side. (For a fuller statement



of this matter, and as to how Jesus preached

to them, see the small book entitled Angels.)

'What became of the nephilim or giants, the

willfully wicked angels that appeared on earth
prior to the flood, and where are they now'
The Scriptures, when carefully examined, give
answer to this question. Those wicked angels
joined Satan in his rebellion and materialized
prior to the flood as giants in the earth. They
were not included in the judgment of God concerning those who should be destroyed in the
flood; for the reason, they had, .ogether with
Satan, been previously sentenced to death, and
their execution deferred to a later date, as will
be seen as progress is made in this study. The
judgment of complete destruction was long ago
entered against Satan and those other willfully
wicked ones, and states that, when it is executed
against Satan, "never shalt thou be any more."
(Ezekiel 28: 19) Those angels are spirit creatures that willingly joined Satan in the rebellion, are likewise maliciously wicked, and are
held there for everlasting destruction, together
with Satan. (Matthew 25: 41) At that time all
the wicked shall perish. (Psalm 37: 20) Concerning those wicked angels it is written: "Whose
judgment of old [now from of old (A.R.V.)]
does not linger, and their destruction does not
slumber." (2 Peter 2: 3, Emphatic Diaglott)
The apostle who wrote those words directs his
speech to the time of the end of the world; and
now that time has come, and for that reason



the jml';mcnt of those willfully wicked angels

docs not linger, but will be executed at Armageddon, which is in the ncar future.
Furthermore, it is written concerning those
willfully wicked angels: "For if God spared not
the angels that sinned, but cast them down to
hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment:' (2 Peter
2: 4) According to another translator of this
text it reads: "For if God did not spare the
angels who sinned, but having confined them
in -Tartarus with chains of thick darkness, delivered them over into custody for judgment."
(2 Peter 2: 4, Diaglott) The record shows that
those angels were sentenced to death long before the flood. The word "hell", in this text,
is from the Greek tartarus, and that word means
or signifies great debasement of degradation.
It is the same debasement to which Lucifer was
reduced when he became the Devil. Those wicked
angels were a part of Satan's original organization when he was Lucifer, and they joined him
in his rebellion. "Chains of darkness" does not
mean literally iron chains, but means that which
restrains them in darkness concerning the understanding of Jehovah and his purpose and
for ever excludes them from his favor, which
favor is light, and the contrary of which is thick
darkness. It is written that in the light of God
there is life; and therefore the "chains of darkness" is the very opposite and would mean
complete death or destruction. Those angels before the rebellion were a part of God's universal
organization, and when they joined the rebel-



lion they cut themselves off for ever from his

favor. Such clearly appears to be God's righteous rule concerning all who give themselves
over to the Devil in wickedness. The Lord declares that he will gather out the workers of
lawlessness and cast them "into outer darkness".-Matthew 25: 30.
Satan is the chief of devils, and that means
that there are many other devils; and they all
are designated in the Scriptures under these
terms, to wit: "principalities," "powers," "rulers
of the darkness," 'a host of wicked ones in unseen places.' (Ephesians 6: 12, margin) All of
such are enemies of God and are all the enemies
of those who serve the Almighty God.
Those wicked angels are alive and continue
to carryon their devilish work within their restrained realm, and particularly among those
who know not and who do not serve the Almighty
God. The original estate or place of habitation
of such was God's organization with Lucifer,
and when they, together with Lucifer, rebelled
against God, they were degraded, which degradation is called "chains of darkness". "And the
angels which kept not their first estate, but left
their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains, under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day." (Jude 6) This is in
harmony with the following scripture: "The
Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of
temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the
day of judgment to be punished."-2 Peter 2: 9.
The great day of judgment is the period of
time within which Christ Jesus, the Mxecutive



Officerof Jehovah, executes judgment, and which

will be considered in another chapter of this
book. The "chains" have no reference to literal
chains, but do mean that those who are thus restrained are removed from God's light and favor
and are in the darkness concerning his purpose,
except that they know that they are judged for
destruction; but doubtless the Devil tries to convince them otherwise. When Jesus was on the
earth, and when he found those wicked spirit
creatures afflicting men, he rebuked them, and
they cried out: "What have we to do with thee,
Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither
to torment us before [our] time7"-Matthew
8: 29; Luke 4: 34.

The Devil and his angels have been active

from the time of the rebellion at Eden until
now, and will continue active until their destruction at Armageddon. As Satan "that old
Serpent" is the arch deceiver, also all his wicked
angels are deceivers, and the undisputed evidence shows that they continue to deceive men.
They operate by gaining control of the mind
of man and thereby compel or lead man to commit wrongful acts. When one undertakes to
serve Almighty God and thereafter becomes
unfaithful, he is easily a vi.ctim for those wicked
spirit creatures. A striking example is that recorded concerning Saul, who was selected as
the first king of Israel. The Israelites asked to
have a king, and God yielded to their demands
and permitted them to have Saul. The Almighty



God gave a specific command to Sal]1 that he

must perform a certain duty, and Saul, although
attempting it, deliberately failed, and because
thereof he fell into the snare of the Devil and
his wicked angels. It is written in God's Word :
"'l' he fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso
putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe."
-Proverbs 29: 25.
'When Saul the king was confronted by God's
faithful prophet Samuel, Saul said: "I have
transgressed the commandment of the Lord, ...
because I feared the people, and obeyed their
voice." (1 Samuel 15: 24) Such is the unbreakable rule with men who fear other men; and
for that reason they disobey God and fall into
Satan's snare. The Lord God withdrew his favor
and protection from Saul; then the Devil and
his angels got complete control of Saul's mind
and caused him to make numerous attempts
thereafter to commit murder. Saul then sought
out the witch of Endar, a medium through whom
the wicked spirits communicated with human
creatures, and Saul consulted that wicked one.
"Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a
woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may
go to her, and inquire of her. And his servants
said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath
a familiar spirit at En-dar." (1 Samuel 28: 7)
This is proof that witches and familiar spirits
were and are enemies of God and man and
that they gain control of the mind of man and
turn men away from God. On that occasion the
wicked spirit further deceived Saul by inducing him to believe that Samuel, who had lived



previous to that time and died, was still alive.

Samuel, being dead, could not communicate with
anyone alive, but the wicked spirits induced Saul
so to believe. (Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10) In due time
Saul died the enemy of God because he had
feared man and had become unfaithful to God
and fallen away entirely to the Devil. (1 Samuel
28: 7-20; 3] : 4, 5) Witchcraft hUR been practiced
from the time of Saul even to the present day.

Witches are those creatures who yield themselves as instruments for use by the Devil and
his ang-els and permit themselves to be employed
as mediums for communication between wicked
spirits and men en the earth. Witchcraft is of
the Devil and is the fruit of rebellion. Satan the
rebel invented witchcraft, and he and his wicked
spiritual allies employ and practice witchcraft
to deceive human creatures. When Saul had disobeyed God, the prophet of the Lord said to
Saul: "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord,
he hath also rejected thee from being king."
-1 Samuel 15: 23.
Saul had followed Satan's course and had rebelled against God's commandment and committed the sin of witchcraft. Furthermore, God's
law expressly prohibited the practice of witchcraft because it is of the Devil: "Thou shalt not
suffer a witch to live." (Exodus 22: 18) "There
shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the



fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of

times, or an enchanter, or a wiich."-Deuteronamy 18: 10.
The Devil and his associate wicked angels
fraudulently induce men to believe that the dead
are not dead at all, but alive. Such was Satan's
first lie when he said to Eve, 'There is no such
thing as death: For this reason Jesus said of
Satan the Devil: 'He is a liar and the father
of lies'; that is, the one who originates lies.
(John 8: 44) Practically all religious organizations in the earth teach that the dead are alive;
and that shows that such organizations have
fallen under the Devil's deception. God has specifically declared in his Word: "For the living
know that they shall die; but the dead know
not any thing, neither have they any more a
reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with
thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither
thou goest." (Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10) "The dead
praise not the Lord, neither any that go down
into silence."-Psalm 115: 17.
In the face of this and many corroborating
scriptures (Psalms 6:5; 146:4; Isaiah 53:12;
Ezekiel 18 : 4, 20) many a religious organization
insists that the dead are alive in "purgatory"
or in hell or somewhere else, and they base their
"proof" upon Satan's lie and upon the fact that
they claim to be able to communicate with the
dead by signs, by rappings and by hearing of
voices. Such persons go to a spirit medium and
have what is called a "seance", and have the



medium to get into communication, as they suppose, with their dead friends, who the medium
claims are alive. Such deceived persons hear
voices which purport to come from those who
have died, but in fact the voices that are heard
are the voices of wicked spirits who joined
Satan originally in his rebellion and who are
the degraded ones in darkness, and who continue to practice fraud upon unsuspecting persons that do not trust in Jehovah God; and they
continue to reproach God's name by keeping
alive Satan's lie, to wit, 'There is no death.'
It is an absolute fact, not subject to disputation, that none of the wicked angels can communicate with any man who is wholly devoted
to God and who continues faithful unto the
Lord God. That of itself is proof that all supposed communication with the dead is the op~
eration of the enemies of God and man for the
purpose of deceiving man and reproaching God's
name. The purpose of those enemies is to turn
men away from God by inducing them to believe
the Devil's lie and the associated lies of "purgatory" and eternal torment, which are built
solely upon Satan's lie. It is apparent, therefore, that the religious organizations that teach
the doctrines of purgatory and eternal torture,
and that the dead are alive, are operating under
the powerful and deceptive influence of the Devil
and his wicked angels.
The practice of witchcraft has been carried
on for ages and is practiced to this very day.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a
great wave of witchcraft swept over Europe



and America. Many persons were tormented

by the witches, who represented and acted for
the wicked spirits, and particularly in England
and Scotland there were many hideous scenes
of witch torture and extermination. (The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 29, page 431) In
the early days of the American colonies strenuous laws were enacted against the practice of
witchcraft. Evcry American familiar with history knows of the Salem (Massachusetts) witchcraft. The witches, under the influence and control of the Devil and the wicked angels aforementioned, claimed that they were able to ride
through thin air on broomsticks, on pokers or
on animals, which, of course, is a physical impossibility. Deluded persons yielded themselves
to the Devil and his angels and convinced themselves, no doubt, that they could do such things.
As another striking example, in this very year
(1937) in Russia there have been a number of
men tried, convicted and executed for the crime
of treason after having confessed to the commission of crime and the performance of acts
of which they could not possibly have been
guilty. Those men came into court and pleaded
guilty, knowing that their punishment would be
death. They recited before the court acts performed by them in accomplishing the alleged
crime that they could not under any circumstances have performed. They claimed to have
traveled, for instance, from Moscow to Oslo,
Norway, by airplanes, the number and description of which they gave, and which airplanes
never were in existence. The confession and



testimony of those men, and their pleas of guilt

and their execution upon their own statements,
have greatly mystified people all over the world,
and the public press and radio speakers have
repeatedly been asked to state the reason therefor, and all have failed to state the reason because they have either deliberately ignored or
arc totally ignorant of the Word of God. Those
men of Russia, who thus pleaded guilty and
were executed, were, without a question of doubt,
victims who had fallen under the control of the
wicked angels, and had pursued a course similar
to that followed by King Saul when he fell under
the wicked one's influence. Those wicked angc1s
injected into the minds of those poor men the
delusion that they were guilty, and induced them
to confess crimes of which they were entirely
Another instance of the operation of those
wicked spirits is this, to wit: On the night of
F'ehrnary 27, 1933, the building Of the German
Reiehstag was burned, and that could open the
way for Hitler and his crowd to gain complete
control of Germany, which they gained immediately thereafter. 'I'hat crime of arson brought
about exactly what the Nazis desired. The Nazis
themselves burned the building and then laid
the crime at the door of political foes, many of
whom were arrested. A Hollander named Van
del' Lubbe, described by the press as a half-wit,
was arrested, together with several Communists, and charged with the crime of burning the
Reichstag, John Gunther, an American journalist, was present at and reported the trial



of this man. In his book Inside Europe are published the facts, and from which the following
is quoted, to wit:
"Van der Lubbe, a typical enough unfortunate by-product of modern civilization, was not
only weak-minded; he had a deep grievance
against society and authority, which his feeble
brain sought to remedy .by pyromania. He was
a genuine arsonist. .A homeless vagrant, wandering in the Berlin slums, he set several fires,
and in his thick manner boasted about them.
And Nazis heard him. The further facts revealed are that the Nazis had arranged for
Van der Lubbe to be in the building with fire
material so that they could make him appear
as the guilty one. The fire that destroyed the
building was the chemical fire set by the Nazis,
who carried their material through the Goering
tunnel, and timed it to go off at just that moment Van der Lubbe thought he set the fire.
Lubbe retreated from the building in proud
triumph and was arrested by the police, and
that was what the Nazis had planned. Lubbe
was an obvious victim of maniacal depressive
psychosis." Furthermore the authority above
cited says: "The court was terrified every time
Lubbe opened his mouth." Lubbe was put on
the witness stand and admitted that he fired
the building. He confessed to physical facts impossible for him to have committed. "He was
proud of his fire. He resented it deeply when
anyone was put forward to share the credit
of it." The public has been mystified about that
fire since. 'What is the real explanation YWith-



out any question of doubt Van del' Lubbe was

the victim of the wicked spirits described aforesaid, which wicked spirits had gained control
of his mind and made him believe that he was
the one who burned the building. Those wicked
spirits produce insanity in anyone who yields
to their influence.
There are numerous other instances of the
operation of these wicked spirits in their attempt to seize control of the minds of men and
plunge them into a desperate condition leading
to destruction. Recently there has come an affliction upon the laboring element of the nations,
and which is expressed in what is called "sitdown strikes". Such has been a mystery to many
persons, and is yet. The fact is that the same
devilish crowd that operated the Nazis in Germany and conspired to have a weak-minded man
to confess to their crime likewise is operating
upon the minds of men to produce a situation
mystifying to the people and in an endeavor
to bring about a destruction of the nations and
the people.
From the time of the flood until now the
Devil and his associated wicked spirits have
been actively exercising power over men and
nations. Just now, in the year 1937, that crowd
of wicked spirits have gained a greater control
over rulers and the people of the various nations
than at any other time since the flood, and this
will appear from the undisputed and unimpeachable evidence as the examination of the facts
concerning the enemies progresses. Without any
question of doubt the dictators in the various



nations of the world today are under the influeneo of those wicked spirits. The object or
purpose of those wicked ones is to carry out
the Devil's purpose from the beginning, which
is to try to defame or reproach the name of
Almighty God, and to turn the people away
from Almighty God and to plunge them into
destruction. To appreciate the great crisis in
the affairs of the nations, which is now upon
all the nations, it is necessary to consider the
evidence of the activity of those wicked spirits
from the time of the flood to the present time,
and particularly as the same relates to the governing powers of the nations of the earth. As
this evidence is examined the reason for the
present-day perils will readily appear to all sincere, unprejudiced and honest persons.


"The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord."
-Proverbs 15: 9.

HE ALMIGHTY GOD brought the first

world to an end by the great deluge, which
destroyed all flesh npon the earth, including the offspring of the union of the "sons of
God" with the "daughters of men". The only
survivors were those in the ark: "And [God]
spared not the old world, but saved Noah, the
eighth person, a preacher of righteousness,
bringing in the flood upon the world of the
ungodly." (2 Peter 2: 5) Those who were destroyed were wicked and an abomination in the
sight of Jehovah God. There were left on earth
Noah and his three sons and four other persons
of Noah's family. The "sons of God" that married human wives were (imprisoned' by Satan,
and the wicked angels that joined Satan originally in his rebellion were remanded to a degraded condition and habitation. The Devil had
not been deprived of his power, and the reason
will be seen as progress is made in this study.
Another world came into existence immediately following the flood, and that world persists to this day; and most persons believe that
it will continue for ever; but in this they err.
The world consists of heaven and earth, the




heaven being that part which is invisible to

human eyes, and the earth that part of the
world which is visible to human eyes. Angels
were not included in the judgment executed at
the time of the flood, but the then existing relationship between the visible and the invisible
was destroyed by the flood. It is written: "By
the word of God the heavens were of old, and
the earth, standing out of the water and in the
water [within the water-ring or canopy round
about the earth] : whereby the world that then
was, being overflowed with water, perished."
-2 Peter 3: 5, 6.
The world that is now, that is to say, the
invisible and the visible, will that abide for
ever 1 The scripture answers that question in
these words: "But the heavens and the earth
which are now, by the same word are kept in
store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." (2 Peter
3: 7) The world now in existence is designated
by the Lord as "this present evil world" (Galatians 1: 4), and such is the one that he has decreed shall be destroyed and pass away. "Fire"
is a symbol of complete destruction, which will
befall the present world. Satan the Devil is the
prince or invisible ruler in control of the present
wicked world, which shall pass away. (2 Corinthians 4: 4) With its passing away there shall
appear a new world, and concerning which the
scripture says: "We, according to his promise,
look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein
dwelleth righteousness." (2 Peter 3: 13) Following the flood the population of the earth con-



sisted of Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham

and J apheth, and the other members of Noah's
household. "And God blessed Noah and his sons,
and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth." (Genesis 9: 1) "Now
these are the generations of the sons of Noah:
Sham, Ham, and J apheth; and unto them were
sons born after the flood." (Genesis 10: 1) The
human race then began to multiply.

Immediately after Noah left the ark Jehovah

God made known his covenant concerning the
sanctity of life. (Genesis 9: 9-11) A covenant
is a solemn and unhreakable declaration of God's
purpose. God would have all creation to know
that life is a gift from him and that no one can
properly take or destroy life 'without the permission of God. The beasts of the field and the
fowls of the air God has provided for man that
he may use them for food as he may require.
(Genesis 9: 2-4) If any man, contrary to the
law of God, kills another man, the killer is guilty
of murder and must suffer death. (Genesis 9: 6)
Also the wanton and needless slaying of animals is a violation of God's everlasting covenant. (Genesis 9: 4, 5) If a man kills beasts for
his necessary food, such is lawful; but if he
kills them merely to satisfy a selfish desire to
slay or to gratify his desire for sport, that is
a violation of the everlasting covenant concerning the sanctity of life.
The covenant having- been announced, the
Devil saw an opportunity to further reproach



the name of God by causing wan to violate that

everlasting covenant concerning the sanctity of
life. This violation began to be manifested particularly in Nimrod. 'I'he man Nimrod was a
descendant of Noah's son Ham. "Nimrod ... began to be a mighty [man] in. the earth." 'I'he
word translated "mighty" in this text (Genesis
10: 8) is the same word translated "mighty" relating to the offspring of the marriage of the
spirit creatures with the daughters of men.
(Genesis G: 4) "lIe was a mighty hunter before
the Lord: wherefore it is said, Evon as Nimrod
the mighty hunter before the Lord." (Genesis
10: 9) Nimrod was ambitious, warlike and bloodthirsty, and reveled in wicked deeds, and was
undoubtedly induced to do so by reason of the
influence of the Devil and his associate demons.
Nimrod hunted and killed wild beasts merely
to satisfy his wicked desires, and he armed and
trained young men to follow him in the killing
business, and in the eyes of the people Nimrod
became one greatly admired and worshiped because of his prowess. No doubt the Devil put
that into the minds of the people, that they
would show their devotion to a creature rather
than to the Creator. It is written of Nimrod
that he was "a mighty hunter before [that is,
superior to or greater than]" the Almighty God.
The honor, plaudits and adoration bestowed
upon Nimrod was worship, and there began
the practice of religion following the flood.
Religion is a form of worship bestowed by
creatures upon another, the one worshiped being
regarded by such creatures as superior to them-



selves and worthy of adoration and worship.

The Devil had gained control of the mind of
Cush, the father -of Nimrod, and had used Cush,
the SOIl of Ham, as a ringleader in turning
the increasing population away from Jehovah
God. Nimrod, his son, together with others, was
trained to violate God's everlasting covenant
and to establish creature worship, and this was
for the purpose of diverting the minds of creatures away from the Almighty God. By this
means Satan and his associate devils defied the
Almighty God and reproached his name, and
thereby set up the practice of religion in the
earth. Let this be remembered and kept in mind
henceforth: Religion has ever been the chief
instrument employed by the Devil to reproach
the name of Almighty God and turn the people
away from the Most High.
Politics is the means and art of organizing
and governing the people in order to control
organizations of men. Religion, having been organized and put into operation to turn the people away from God and to the worship of creatures, was quickly followed by politics, that is,
all organization amongst men to control and
rule the people. Nimrod, the religionist, took
the lead in politics, he being made the ruler or
king. "And the beginning of his kingdom was
Babel." (Genesis 10: 10) Nimrod and his religious and political associates built cities, into
which the people were gathered, and that was
the beginning of trade or commerce, trafficking
amongst each other. From that day to this, religion, politics and commerce have been operated



jointly by the Devil and his assistants for the

purpose of controlling and ruling the nations
of the earth and keeping them away from a
knowledge and
service of




"i ,~I




Religion or~anized

Further carrying out his wicked scheme to

turn the people away from God and to cause
them to worship creatures, the Devil and his
wicked angels injected into the minds of men
that their salvation depended upon the acts and
power of themselves and other creatures. "And
they said, Go to, lot us build us a city, and a
tower whose top may reach unto heaven; and
let UE> make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad. upon the face of the whole earth."-Genesis 11: 4.
By religion the Devil moved the people who
were dwelling in the land of Shinar to build



the tower of Babel, which means "the gate to

God"; therefore a religion of the Devil was at
that point brought forward to defy the Almighty
God. Doubtless because of that organized movement in setting up a religion God interfered and
brought about a confusion of the language of
the people, and hence the Hebrew word for
Babel means "confusion". From the very beginning God expressed his indignation against religion, showing that it is an abomination in his
sight because formulated, brought into existence and practiced by the Devil. Nothing else
has brought about so much confusion among
the people as the many kinds of religions that
are practiced among them. From and after the
flood until now religion has been the chief means
of confusing, deceiving and misleading the people and has resulted in turning them away from
the knowledge of and worship of the true and
almighty God. 'I'his of itself is proof conclusive
that religion is the product of the Devil, employed specifically to deceive the people and to
turn them away from Jehovah. Religion causes
the people to be very superstitious and to yield
to the influence of their religious leaders, and
that opens clearly the way for politicians to
gain control of and rule the people, and for
the use of commerce or traffic by which the people are robbed of their just rights and earnings.
Ell b-el and Babylon mean the same thing.
Babylon is the name of the Devil's organization, which combines three elements, religion,
politics and commerce, to control the peoples
of the earth. Religion is employed for selfish



gain to the Devil's crowd, and therefore God

said to the Devil: "By the multitude of thy
merchandise they have filled the midst of thee
with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore
I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain
of God: and I will destroy thee, 0 covering
cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy
traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from
the midst of thee, it shall devour thee; and I
will bring' thee to ashes upon the earth, in the
sight of -all them that behold thee."-Jzekiel
28: 16, 18.
Satan's ambitious and covetous desire to get
gain for himself induced him to rebel against
the Almighty God, and thereafter he has employed religion, politics and commerce to fur':
ther feed his insatiable and covetous desire. In
harmony with this it is written: "For the love
of money is the root of all evil; which while
some coveted after, they have erred from the
faith, and pierced themselves through with many
sorrows."-1 Timothy 6:] O.
"Money," as here used, means anything by
which gain is measured. The evil is not in the
circulating medium which is called "money", but
the wrong results from loving or desiring that
which enables one to reap selfish gain. Many
IDC'n who have at first had faith in Jehovah God,
and who began to servo him, have been led
to covetousness, and that unsatisfied desire for
gain has brought about their complete downfall. Such was the course of Satan and has ever


been that of those who serve him. Religion is

used for that purpose, that is, that the Devil
might gain the devotion of ereatures to anything, particularly to himself, and thereby turn
them away from God.
Following the organization of Babylon other
organised nations came into existence, to wit:
Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome, and
others. All of such great world powers and
all subdivisions thereof, or nations which have
formed and <10 form any part thereof, have had
and practiced and do have and practice religion.
Babylon is the mother of all religions, and the
Devil is the father thereof. All religions properly take the name of Babylon. The Devil is the
great enemy or adversary of God, and his religion therefore is an enemy of the Almighty God.
The Devil is man's worst enemy, and his religion is likewise a deadly enemy to man, The
Devil's organization is symbolized by an unchaste or impure woman, which is caned "BabyIon", Therefore all religions are of Babylon,
and particularly the leading religion known in
the lands called "Christendom".
All the nations, kind reds and peoples on the
earth since the flood have had and practiced,
and do continue to have and practice, some
form of religion, and each and everyone has
been made so to do by the wily influence of that
wicked one, the Devil, and his associate wicked
spirits. It is therefore written in the Bible of
and concerning Babylon that 'she has made all
the nations drunk with the wine of her f'oruication', (Revelation 14:8) "AmI upon her f,;re-



head was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF
EARTH." (Revelation 17: 5) All of which shows
that religion is the instrument of the Devil employed to oppose, to defy, to mock and to reproach the Almighty God and to deceive men
and turn them away from the true Almighty
God, whose name is Jehovah. (For further consideration see the book Prophecy, chapter six.)
All religious organizations on the earth are
formed and carried on by men who are subjected to wrongful influence and ruled by the
great enemy Satan the Devil; and this is true
whether any of them know it or not, because
the Bible so states. 'What is here written or
said is not an assault upon men. There would
be no reason or excuse for that, and no good
could be accomplished by holding up men to
ridicule. The purpose is to set the facts plainly
before the people that all sincere ones may see
who constitutes their real enemies.
'I'hera are two great organizations in existence, to wit: the organization of the Almighty
God, "which is wholly righteous, pure and true,
and the organization of the Devil, the mimic
god, which is unholy, wicked and entirely false.
The people of earth are subjected to one or the
other of these two organizations. The Devil and
his wicked angels and other supporters at all
times fight against God to defame his name
r.nd to turn the people away from God and
="1to destruction. That wicked organizeLion is
c.ttcmpting to destroy everyone who is on the



side of Jehovah God and who therefore tries

to do right. The Lord Jesus Christ and his
true followers are entirely on the side of J ehovah God, even as the prophets of old were on
the side of and served Jehovah God. The faith.
ful servant of the Lord God, speaking by inspiration and authority from the Most High,
points out that there is a great warfare waged
by those who are on the side of the Devil against
those who are devoted to Jehovah God, and employs these words, to wit: "For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."-Jphesians 6: 12.
It is therefore seen that Satan and his wicked
associates that joined him in the rebellion originally, constitute the powers, principalities and
invisible rulers of this wicked world which operate in darkness as the enemies of man. Those
in the organization of the Almighty God make
war upon that devilish rule and power, and
therefore must tell the truth concerning religion, because religionists fight against God and
religion is the chief instrument by which the
people are deceived. In that warfare, however,
the faithful servants of God do not use weapons
to injure any human creatures in their bodies.
The 'weapons or their warfare' are just one,
and that one is the "sword of the spirit, which
is the word of Goel". (Ephesians 6: 13, 17) To
those who are on the side of Jehovah, and who
are serving him in this warfare, Jehovah says:
'Ye are my witnesses to tell the people about



my name and kingdom and purpose.' (Isaiah

43: 10, 12) Such witnesses of God. are men, walking in the flesh, but using only the weapons of
the truth with which J ehovah has armed them.
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war
after the flesh; (for the weapons of om warfare are not carnal, but mighty through (j od to
the pulling down of strong holds)."-2 Corinthians 10: 3, 4.
Let it be clearly understood, therefore, that
the true servants of the Almighty God and followers of Christ .T esus have no fight to 'wage
against any human creature, be that person J ew,
Gentile, Catholic, Protestant or infidel. They
have no disposition to do injury to any man,
but to tell the truth for the good of those who
want to know the right way. Men or all nations
have fallen under the wily influence and power
of Satan and his wicked angelic associates, but
such men are the objects of compassion. It is
the privilege and duty of J ehovah's witnesses
to tell them the truth as God has commanded,
in order that those who are among them and.
who are of good will toward God may find the
only plaee of security and safety from their
enemies. The truth of God's Word is therefore
a warning given that those of good will may
heed the warning and flee to the place of safety.

Abel, Enoch and Noah were faithful and true

to J ehovah and maintained their integrity toward God. They were witnesses to the name of
the Almighty. It was 350 years after the flood



dried up that Noah died (Genesis 9: 28, 29), and

during that time the descendants of Noah increased rapidly. Almost all the people had by
that time fallen under the influence and control
of Satan and the other devils. Two years after
the death of Noah Abraham was born. Abraham was then residing in the land of Ur of the
Chaldees, He loved and served the Almighty
God. When he was seventy-Iive years old, at
the command of Almighty God he moved into
Canaan: "Now the Lord had said unto Abram,
Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land
that I will shew thee; and I will make of thee
a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make
thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse
him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed,
as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went
with him: and Abram was seventy and five years
old when he departed out of Haran."-Genesis
12: 1-4.
He went there to be a witness for Jehovah.
Since the rebellion at Eden God has had some
faithful witnesses on the earth, although very
few in number, compared to earth's population.
God began to make known that no man would
have his blessing unless that man had faith in
God and obeyed his commandments, and so He
began to preach or proclaim the gospel unto
Abraham. "And the scripture, foreseeing that
God would justify the heathen through faith,
preached before the gospel unto Abraham, say-



ing, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then

they which be of faith are blessed with faithful
Abraham."-Galatians 3: 8, 9.
Abraham was a preacher of the truth, and
hence a witness for Jehovah God. In due time
there was born to Abraham and his wife Sarah
a son named Isaac. With Abraham and Isaac
God began to reveal by means of prophetic pictures his purpose to send to the earth his own
beloved Son Jesus, who is the real heir of promise and he who would prove to be the faithful
and true witness of Jehovah, and who would
be offered np as a sacrifice to provide the price
of redemption for man, to the end that those
who would have faith in God and Christ Jesus
might escape the wiles of the Devil and find
everlasting life. (Genesis 22: 1-18) God has developed and carried out his purpose according
to his sovereign will, and his purpose is certain
to be accomplished even as he has declared it.
(Isniah 46: 11) It will be observed from this
point forward that at every stage of man's history religion has been used to oppose Gou, and
pa rticularly to deceive mankind.
The nation of Egypt was, in the days of Abraham, a powerful nation. That nation practiced
the Devil religion the same as did the peoples
of Babylon. Egypt was a great, commercial and
military nation and was ruled by a king the title
of whom was Pharaoh, meaning "Great Honse".
-Iacob was a grandson of Abraham, a true
servant of God, one of the faithful patriarchs,
and under the command and direction of the
Almighty God he moved with his descendants



into Egypt and resided there for some years.

God changed the name of Jacob to Israel, and
thereafter the descendants of J acob were known
as Israelites or Hebrews. (Genesis 32: 28; 40: 15)
The Egyptians, who practiced the Devil religion,
in time, under the rule of a harsh Pharaoh, made
the Hebrews their slaves and greatly oppressed
them. (Exodus 1: 11-14) Pharaoh, the ruler and
official representative of the Devil on earth, ordered all the male children of the Hebrews to
be killed. Moses was born, and his parents hid
him, and the babe was found by the daughter
of Pharaoh and was reared in the royal house.
-Exodus 2: 6-10; Hebrews 11: 23-28; Acts 7: 22.
Because of his zeal for Jehovah and his people, Moses, when he grew to manhood's estate,
was compelled to flee from Egypt in order to
remain faithful to God, and he went and dwelt
in the land of Midian. While in that land God
selected Moses and sent him into Egypt as the
deliverer of his people. The Hebrews had refused to yield to the Devil religion practiced
in Egypt, and held to the promise made to their
father Abraham, and therefore the Egyptians,
under the direction of the Devil and his angels,
continued to increase the burden and oppression upon the Israelites. Their burdens grew
in severity, and God heard their cries, and he
sent Moses down to Egypt to act as their leader
and deliverer from the hand of the oppressor.
It was while in Midian, and when Moses was
selected, that God revealed himself to Moses
as the "I A1\l:", that is, the self-existing One,
not the one who was or will be, but the One



who is, I AM, without beginning ana without

end. He revealed himself to Moses hy His name
JJi:HOVAH, which moans his purpose toward
those who love and serve him.v-Exodus 6: 3.
When Moses appeared. before Pharaoh he
told him that Jehovah God had commanded
that Pharaoh should let the Hebrews leave
Egypt, ana Pharaoh replied: "Who is [.Jehovah] , that I should obey his voice]" (Exodus
5: 2) This is cited as a further proof that
Pharaoh was the official representative of the
Devil and the enemy of Jehovah God. Then followed the afflictions upon Egypt, which God
sent in the 'way of plagues, that the E3Ypti::ms
might be fully warned of his power and his
purpose; and time and again, because of thes
plagues, Pharaoh agreed to let the people go,
but refused when the time carne for them to r-:o.
Then God sent the lust plague, that in, tho
plague of the slayinr; of the firstborn of Ii}gypt.
When the firstborn died, then Pharaoh permitted the Israelites to lecve Bgypt. Moses led the
Israelites out of Jijgypt and by God's gruee tosl~
them dry-shod. over the r~(',a sea, and when
Pharaoh's army attempted to follow UTHl to
destroy the Hebrews they were drowned ill
the sea. (Exodus 14: 21-31) Thus .Jeboyall O:d
there made a prophetic picture foretelling his
purpose in his own due time to completely overthrow' the Devil and all of his forces. Tk'~~(>
historical truths are here recited in orcler that
we may get a proper view of the operation of
the enemy aguinst the people.


How may it be known for a certainty that

what is cited in the foregoing is true and wholly
trustworthy 1 The answer is, because those facts
are recorded in the Bible, which is the Word
of God, and which is the truth. Did the people
who lived on the earth prior to the time of Moses
have the Bible 1 No; because Moses himself
wrote the first five books of the Bible at the
dictation of Jehovah God. Prior to that time
God had communicated with his faithful men
on earth by and through his angels. (Genesis
18: 1-33; 19: 1, 15) God spoke to Moses and gave
him instruction what he should do when he
went into Egypt. God made a covenant with
the Hebrews just before they left Egypt, and
he used Moses as spokesman and mediator for
that purpose, When the Hebrews or Israelites
reached Mount Sinai after leaving Egypt, God
there confirmed his covenant with them, giving
to them his fundamental law. (Exodus 19: 1-20)
He also delivered to them through Moses his
divers statutes. God commanded Moses what to
write, and he wrote as he was commanded, and
thus came into existence the first five books of
the Bible.
The record of Jehovah shows that God created
man in his own image and likeness and that he
made the earth for the habitation of man (Isaiah
45 : 12, 18) and that he instructed the first man
what he should do in order to maintain his integrity and proper standing before the Lord.
The Devil rebelled, together with a horde of
wicked angels, which crowd of wicked ones as-



saultcd mankind to turn them away from God

and. to destroy them. It is only reasonable that
God would give to the obedient men who had
withstood the Devil his own word, that they
might be guided in the right way. This he did
by his angels or messengers for a time, and then
in his own due time he caused his faithful servants to make and record his message to mankind, which is called the Dible, and which God
has preserved since for the benefit of those who
desire to know what is right. Moses 'oms wholly
devoted to the Lord God, and God chose him
to write the books of the Bihle that first appear.
Thereafter other faithful servants of the Lord
wrote portions of the Bible as God commanded
them and dictated to them. One of those faithful servants wrote: "The spirit of the Lord
spake by me, and his word was in my tongue."
(2 Samuel 23: 2) Further testimony upon this
point is: 'Holy men of God [men devoted to
God] spoke as they were moved by the holy
spirit.' (2 Peter 1: 21) (For a more detailed
consideration of how we got and have the Bible,
see Creation, chapter 5.)
Some men say: "I do not believe there is an
Almighty God, and hence do not believe the
Bible." Such men cannot see and understand
the truth and are wholly ignorant of man's relationship to the Creator. The Devil has made
men mentally blind, and this he has done lest
the truth should shine into their minds. (2 Corinthians 4: 4) A sane and reasonable man, by
merely looking about him and observing- the
things that exist, must know that there-is a



great Creator, who made all things that are visible, and that great Creator is revealed as the
Almighty God. One who does not believe God
could never understand the truth, but must remain in darkness. It is written: "But without
faith it is impossible to please him: for he that
cometh to God must believe that he is, and that
he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
him." (Hebrews 11: 6) The man who. says there
is no Creator is a fool. (Psalm 14: 1) If a man
puts himself in the fool class, that shows he is
completely under the control of the Devil, who
is his worst enemy.
God does not force man to believe the truth.
He puts the truth before man and permits man
to exercise his own desire and to accept it or
not. God is light, and he it is who {covers himself with light'. (Psalm 104: 2) His light of
truth is not given to those who serve the Devil,
and that is shown by the fact that the wicked
angels are restrained in darkness, as stated
hereinbefore. "Light is sown for the righteous."
(Psalm 97: 11) The man who delights himself
in the law of God and strives to walk righteously is a man who walks in the light and is
blessed-c-Psalm 1: 1, 2.
The Bible was not written for fools, nor is
this book published for the benefit of fools. The
Bible was written and given to man for his aid
and guidance, that such man of good will and
purpose might be fully advised as to the right
way to go and that he might stay on the side
of God and refuse to serve the Devil. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is prof-



Hable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,

for instruction in righteousness; that the man
of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto
all good works." (2 Timothy 3: 16, 17) This publication attempts to put the Bible in a simple
way before the people who want to know the
truth. It is not expected it will he appreciated
or used by others. The Scriptures contain the
"\Vord of God, and the same is true and is the
proper guide for the man who wants to know
and to do what is right. "Thy word is a lamp
unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Thy
word is true from the beginning; and everyone
of thy riglrteous judgments endureth for ever.
I rejoice at thy word, as one that fmdcth great
spoil. I hate and abhor lying; but thy law do
I love:"-Psalm 119: 105, 160, 162, 163.
J eSTIS, the perfect One, testified concerning
God's Word as written in the Bible, and said:
"Thy word is truth." (John 17: 17) Let no man
conclude, however, that the mere possession of
the Bible or an occasional reading over texts
thereof is sufficient to enable him to be wise.
Many persons say: "I have the Bible and know
what it teaches"; and yet they are entirely ignorant of what it contains, and of the meaning
thereof. The Bible is the greatest storehouse of
knowledge and wisdom. A man who desires to
know the truth must study the Bible and thus
study to show himself approved of God, and
not be ashamed to acknowledge to all that all
good things proceed from the Almighty God.
(2 Timothy 2: 15) A meek person is one who
has an honest desire to learn; and if such a



man applies himself in Cod's appointed way

he is certain to learn, us it is writtcn : "The
meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek
will he teach his way. All the paths of the Lord
are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonics.r'<-Psalm 25: 9, 10.
Many religions clergymen deny the Bible.
And why? Because they are not men of God,
but are on the Devil's side. All higher critics
arc in this class. Sueh men are wise in their
own conceits and. desire to shine in the eyes of
other men and have the honor and praise which
properly belongs to the Almighty God, and thus
show themsclvos in the Dcvil's company. They
possess worldly wisdom, as it is written: "For
it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the
wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise 1 where
is the scribe? where is the disputer of this
worldt hath not God made foolish OlE' wisdom
of t1l13 ',,"01'1(11 Becanse the foolishness of Goel
is wiser Hum mcn : and the weakness of God is
stronger than men."-l Corinthians 1: 19, 20, 25.
TIl() opinion of a man is of no value whatsoever if that opinion expressed is contrary to
the Word of God. If you follow the teachings
of men you are certain to remain in darkness,
All men are by nature imperfect, and men gIW.Y
in knowledge awl wisdom only \",11('11 they seek
to know and to do the will of God; and for that
reason the man who denies the Dible as the inspired 'Word of God is a foolish person, whether
that rnnn be a clergyman or a horlear rior. '1.'0
trust in the opinion of man is folly and leads



to certain destruction. "Put not your trust in

princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there
is no help." (Psalm 146: 3) But to learn of and
trust in and follow God's direction leads to life
and happiness. "Trust in the Lord with all thine
heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he
shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3: 5, 6) And
this is life eternal, that they might know thee
the only true God, and .Jesus Christ, whom thou
hast sent." (John I 7: 3) If a man desires to
know the truth, then he must prove all things
by the Word of God, which iR true, and must
hold fast that which is in harmony with the
Word of God. All things else arc on the side
of man's cnemy.-l 'I'hessalonians 5: 2l.
ThA Devil is the prince of darkness, and he
puts forth his best endeavors to keep the people
in ignorance of the truth and therefore to hold
them in darkness. Why do religious leaders, the
clergymen, try to keep tile people from studying and understanding the Bible? Why have
they instructed the people of their congrcgations to refuse to read anything that explains
the Bible? Why do they tell the people to destroy books, such as this one, that presents only
the Bible view? The answer is, because they
are the agents of and representatives of the
Devil, whether they are aware of that fact or
not, because he who is not for the Lord is
against him. (Matthew 12: 30) For selfish reasons they desire to keep the people in ignorance
so that the clergy may hold the people in subjection to themselves, receive the honor and



plaudits of the people, and also the financial

support that comes by reason of the influence
they have over the people.
In that long period of time from Eden to
Mount Sinai, when the Israelites gathered there
at God's command, the Devil and his angels
opposed God and oppressed and afflicted all men
who had tried to do right and serve God, and
the Devil had succeeded in turning most of the
human race away from God. Even Moses and
Aaron found themselves in a jam because of
the influence exercised over the people by Satan
and his angels. The Devil had inflicted great
punishment upon the Israelites when in Egypt,
and now God had delivered them and they stood
at the foot of Mount Sinai to receive the law
from God's hand, that they might be shielded
from the Devil's attack. While Moses was in
the mountain receiving the law at the hands of
God, the Devil overreached the Israelites and
caused them to turn to idolatry or religious
worship. Many have asked, and still ask, \Vhy
did not God kill the Devil then or before that
time and spare men from his oppressive hand
and his wicked deception? The Devil and his
wicked angels continue to operate even to this
very day, filling the earth with violence, and
the people with dread. Why does the just and
loving God permit the Devil to remain alive
and carryon his wickedness?
The answer is given in brief at this point,
and then the proof will follow, to wit: Because



the Devil declared his ability to turn all men

away from God, and he challenged God to put
a man on the earth who would remain true and
faithful to Jehovah when put to the test by the
Devil. That challenge put at issue the righteous
name and word of the Almighty God. The effect
of the challenge was to declare that Jehovah
God is not supreme, he is not all-powerful. God
could have killed the Devil immediately. But
suppose he had killed him and his wicked ang-els
at the time of the rebellion or at the time of
the flood, and before the Devil had been given
a chance to oppress the Israelites, what would
have been the result f It could have been easily
said then that the Devil had not been given the
opportunity to prove who is supreme. The question of supremacy would not have been settled
in the minds of other creatures. If one creature
could defeat God, then the foundation for faith
and obedience in God would be for ever shaken.
The Lord God would give the Devil a full opportunity to prove his challenge before settling the
question for ever.
Pharaoh was the Devil's representative in
Egypt and had defied J ehovah by raising the
question: "Who is [J ehovah J, that I should obey
his voice.t" The Devil himself had openly defied
Jehovah. Then God caused Moses to write down
in His sacred Book the reason why Jehovah God
permitted the Devil and his angels to carryon
their wickedness and why he has not yet destroyed them; and that declaration, which is an
answer to the foregoing question, is this: "But
for this cause have I allowed thee to remain,



in order to show thee my power; and in order

that they may proclaim my name throughout
all the earth." (Exodus 9: 16, Leeser) The declaration applied to the Devil specifically and to
his then representative on the earth, Pharaoh,
the ruler of the chief world power.
Stated in common phrase, the Almighty God
declared he would permit Satan and his associated devils to have all the rope possible and
a free hand to put forth their very strenuous
efforts against Him; that in his own due time
he would show his adversaries his supreme
power by destroying them and all their supporters, and their works of wickedness; that
before destroying them he would cause his own
name and his supremacy to be declared throughout the earth, to the end that the enemies might
have full warning and notice of their coming
destruction, and that the people of good will
toward God might be warned and flee from
Satan, and take their stand on the side of
Jehovah God, and find protection and security.
That question at issue must be fully and completely determined for ever in favor of J ehovah God in order that his name and word be
vindicated. Such is the reason why God permitted the wicked ones to continue in the earth,
and he gives his sure word that in due time he
will completely destroy all of them. Now the
time has come for his name to be declared
throughout all the earth, and for that reason
these great truths are now being brought to
the attention of the people, by the Lord's grace.



But why has God permitted the Devil to oppress and afflict those persons on earth who
have agreed to serve Him ~ Why has he not safeguarded these faithful ones from all assaults
of the Devil ~ The answer is that if God should
do so, then the Devil would not have a free hand
in his effort to prove his wicked challenge; and,
furthermore, those who have agreed to serve
God could prove their integrity and faithfulness to God only by resisting the assaults of
the Devil, and under all conditions of persecution continuing to maintain their integrity toward God. For that reason God has repeatedly
stated to those who serve him his promise to
preserve them and give them everlasting life
and that he will destroy all the wicked: "The
Lord preserveth all them that love him; but
all the wicked will he destroy." (Psalm 145: 20)
"Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give
thee the crown of life."-Revelation 2: 10, A..R.V.

The Scriptures specifically name some men

who were faithful and true to Jehovah and who
withstood the Devil. These men named include
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Job and Moses.
God has used faithful men in times of old as
ensamples or types of greater things to come
to pass. Among those who were so used was
J 00. The place of habitation of the Devil and
his angels was and is, according to the Scriptures, in "the land of Magog". (Ezekiel 38: 2)
In the days of Job Satan had not been barred
from heaven but had the privilege of appearing



from time to time before the Almighty God.

It appears that from time to time the faithful
sons of God presented themselves before J ehovah : "Again there was a day when the sons of
God came to present themselves before the
Lord, and Satan came also among thorn to present himself before the Lord."-Job 2: 1.
To be sure, .T ehovah knew from whence Satan
came, but he held communication with Satan
manifestly for the purpose of making a picture
foretelling how faithful men are tried and tested
by the Devil: "And the Lord said unto Satan,
From whence comest thou f And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and
fro in the earth, and from walking up and
down in it. And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast
thou considered my servant Job, that there is
none like him in the earth, a perfect and an
upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil f and still he holdeth fast his integrity,
although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. And Satan answered
the Lord, and said, Skin for skin; yea, all that
a man hath will he give for his life. But put
forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and
his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.
And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is
in thine hand; but save his life. So went Satan
forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote
Job with sore boils, from the sale of his foot
unto his crown."-Job 2: 2-7.
Doubtless Satan taunted Jehovah by calling
Ids attention to the fact that only a few men
since the time of the flood had stood by J eho-



vah, that most of them had gone with the Devil,

and that if the Devil had a chance he could make
them all forsake God. That was a defiant challenge to Jehovah God, and he accepted the challenge. Job was rich in earthly goods and surrounded by a happy family and enjoyed good
health, peace and quietness. The Devil declared
that if those things were taken away from him
he would curse God to his face. In answer to
that challenge Jehovah said: "Behold, he is in
thy hand"; that is, 'you are at liberty to make
him curse me if you can.' Thereafter Satan the
Devil afflicted Job with a loathsome disease,
from which he suffered so terribly that his own
wife said to him: "Dost thou still retain thine
integrity! curse God, and die." (Job 2:!)) But
Job stood firm amidst all this test and maintained his integrity toward God. Then the Devil
further afflicted Job by causing certain piousfaced religionists to torment him, and through
it all Job maintained his integrity, remained
firm and true to the Most High.
'I'hat which is recorded concerning the experiences of Job is an ensample of those who endure
suffering for righteousness' sake and who in the
face of all manner of persecution and punishment maintain their integrity toward God. Just
why God would permit the Devil to proceed
with a free hand in opposition to Him and in
persecution of those who serve God was not revealcrl at the time to anyone, not even to the
angels. That God had a fixed time in which to
make known the reason is certain, however, and
exactly on time God will bring the entire issue



to a climax to his own glory. 'What followed

shows that he has permitted the Devil to tempt
men for centuries, and particularly through the
operation of religion, using it as an instrument
to carry out his wicked challenge. 'I'he day of
reckoning is at hand, when the issue must be
settled, and therefore it is God's due time to
make known the reason to all those who are
diligent to have a proper understanding.

The descendants of Jacob, now called Israel,

were organized into a nation and put under the
leadership of Moses. It was after the Israelites
had been miraculously delivered from Egypt,
and while they were encamped at the base of
Mount Sinai, that God gave to that people his
fundamental law and his statutes. Ten is a symbolic number denoting completeness, and what
is generally called "the ten commandments"
really means all or the complete statement of
God's fundamental law to man. His statutes
specifically define man's duty to be performed
in harmony with the fundamental law. The nation of Israel was in direct contrast to all other
nations and peoples because Israel was the people chosen by the Lord God for himself, and
by and through which people he would and did
make prophetic pictures foreshadowing greater
things to come to pass in the future.-l Corinthians 10: 11.
Note here how God gave to that people the
fundamental law, which fundamental law ap-



plies to all people who undertake to do the will

of God: "In the third month, when the children
of Israel were gone forth out of the land of
Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. For they were departed from
Rephidim, and were come to the desert of Sinai,
and had pitched in the wilderness; and there
Israel camped before the mount. And Moses
went up unto God, and the Lord called unto
him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt
thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the
children of Israel: Ye have seen what I did
unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on
eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.
Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed,
and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all
the earth is mine. And yo shall be unto me a
kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These
are the words which thou shalt speak unto the
children of Israel. And Moses came, and called
for the elders of the people, and laid before
their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken
we will do. And Moses returned the words of
the people unto the Lord."-Exodus 19: 1-8.
Tehovah God communicated to Moses his law,
which was written upon tables of stone: "And
he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end
of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two
tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with
the finger of God." (Exodus 31: 18) The unlimited power of the Almighty God enables him to



write upon stone as well as upon the sand. Every

person who believes that the Almighty God
exists and that he is the rewarder of them that
serve him, can readily see how God made provision for the Bible to be written and kept securely
through all the centuries. Noone has ever been
able to destroy the Bible, although repeated attempts have been made to do so. It is certain
that the Devil has made every possible effort
to destroy the Bible, and in modern times particularly he has used religionists, who arc caned
"higher critics", to discredit the Bible and cause
the people to refuse to believe it.

If every creature were perfect and obedient

to Jehovah God there would be no need for a
written law prescribing what is right and coramanding the people to refrain from what is
wrong. Perfect creatures are moved by unselfishness to do that which is right. The human
race was imperfect from the time of the expulsion of Adam from Eden, and by the time the
Israelites were delivered from Egypt mankind
was much depraved because of his fall and
the continued influence exercised upon man by
Satan. Laws are necessary for imperfect men
to have as a sure guide, that they may go the
right way. The laws are marie for just snch ;
as it is written: "Knowing this, that the law is
not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for
sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers



of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslavers.t'-c-I Timothy 1: 9.

Love, which is the perfect expression of unselfishness, is the complete fulfillment of the
law, therefore making the enforcement of law
unnecessary. (Romans 13: 10) The very essence
of the law is written in the heart of every creature that is in full harmony with God and delights to do his will. At the time the I sraelites
were assembled at Mount Sinai the Devil had
almost all of the people on earth in his service,
and therefore all were in the way of destruction,
The Israelites God would safeguard from that
destructive influence. The law which God gave
to the Israelites was not for God's benefit, but
entirely for the benefit of man. If a man walks
with tho Devil he is corbin to die, but if he
maintains his integrity toward God he will live.
Therefore God gave his law through Moses to
the Israelites and which applies to all who want
to do right, and the first in order and. first
in importance of his commandments or fundamental law is this, to wit:
"And God spake all these words, saying, I am
the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out
of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bandag-e. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness or any thing that in in
11('av011 above, or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth: thou
shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
thorn : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous Cad,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the chil-



dren unto the third and fourth generation of

them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto
thousands of them that love me, and keep my
commandmeuts.v-c-Exodus 20: 1-6.
The law of God never changes, because God
never changes. (1\1 alachi 3: 6) His law points
out the way to everlasting life. No creature
will ever be given life everlasting who willfully,
that is, intentionally, violates God's law. If man
chooses another for his god, Jehovah will not
grant to that man life. For a man to violate
the fundamental law of God means that that
man puts himself on the side of the Devil, who
therefore leads him to destruction. For the
benefit of man, then, God provided in his law
that man should have no other god before Him,
because God alone is the source of life.
Within a short time after the giving of the
law to Israel, and while Moses was in the mountain, the Israelites in violation of God's law
made a golden calf as an image for worship, and
in pnnishment for their sin God caused 3,000
of the Israelites to be killed in one day. 'And
God plagued the people, because they made the
golden calf.' (Exodus 32: 28-35) The worshiping of the Israelites before the golden calf was
the practice of religion, and they were therefore
yielding to the influence of the Devil. For God
to permit the people, whom he had set aside
for himself, to indulge in religion, which is of
the Devil, would, to be sure, mean that he would
permit them to align themselves with his enemy
the Devil. The making of an image of anything
in heaven, such as an image of the Lord himsc1f,



and bowing down or worshiping before that

image, is a violation of God's fundamental law.
To safeguard them from the Devil men are commanded to worship the Lord God and refrain
from worshiping before images. The use of any
kind of image in connection with worshiping
the Lord is a sin, as will be more fully considered hereinafter.
God gave his law to the people, therefore,
to safeguard them from the influence and power
of the Devil, who, operating chiefly through religion, endeavors to turn an people away from
Almighty God. It is written in the Scriptures
that Jehovah God gave his word of promise to
Abraham that He would raise up a seed and in
that seed the opportunity for blessings should
come to all the peoples of the earth. Abraham
pictured God himself, and his son or natural
seed, Isaac, pictured Christ J eSTIS, the beloved
Son of God. God's law looked forward to the
coming of that promised seed, Christ Jesus, the
Redeemer of mankind, and He gave the law because of sin, to safeguard his chosen people, the
Israelites, that they might be in a proper condition to receive his promised seed Jesus when
he did come.
The situation was this: Adam had sinned,
and by inheritance all mankind came under the
effect of that sin and condemnation, and in due
time all men must perish by reason thereof unless saved by and through God's provision for
them: "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered
into the world, and death by sin; and so death



passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

therefore, as by the offence of one judgment
came upon all men to condemnation; even so
by the righteousness of one the free gift came
upon all men unto justification of life." (Romans
5: 12, 18) "For the wages of sin is death; but
the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus
Christ our Lord."-Romans 6: 23.
Jehovah God is the Giver of life, and his provision is to give life through his beloved Son,
Christ Jesus. God's gift of life is to those who
have and exercise faith in God and in Christ
Jesus, the promised Seed, and who therefore
faithfully resist the Devil. God had selected
the Israelites from amongst all the peoples of
earth and would now give them an opportunity
to maintain their integrity toward him by showing their faith in him and obedience to his law;
and in order to safeguard them he put his law
about them as a hedge or fence to keep them
from serving the Devil. With the coming of
Christ Jesus those who had then maintained
their integrity toward God by obeying his law
to the best of their ability, and who had and
exercised faith in Christ Jesus, would be in line
to be saved and receive the gift of life. Therefore it is written that the transgression of God's
law is sin. "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." (1 John 3: 4) It is further
written: "It [that is, the law] was added because of transgressions, till the seed [Christ]
should come to whom the promise was made;
Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster



to bring us [God's chosen people] unto Christ,

that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians
3: 19,24) Thus it clearly appears from the testimony that God commanded the Israelites to
serve him as the only God and that it was solely
for their benefit, that they might be safeguarded
from the assaults of the enemy, Satan the Devil.
The Israelites were about to begin a forty
years' journey through, the wilderness land.
They would come in contact with other nations
and peoples, that practiced the Devil religion.
They must be safeguarded from that Devil religion and must remain faithful and true to the
Almighty God and thereby maintain their integrity toward him. AU who thus did would be
permitted to enter the land of promise, and the
violators of that law would die and not be permitted in the lana of promise. The Israelites,
under the Lord's direction, would thereafter be
making living pictures of God's purpose toward
all who would faithfully serve him, and hence
the experiences through which Israel passed
foreshadowed greater things to come at the end
of the world. Moses then led the Israelites on
that long journey, during which time he wrote
the five books of the Bible, which God dictated
to him, that is, the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy inclusive; and thereafter other servants of God wrote down the things that came
to pass upon the Israelites and which God caused
thorn to write, not merely as historical facts, but
to foreshadow or foretell far greater things to
come to pass thereafter.-l Corinthians 10: 11;
Hebrews 10: 1.




Behold now an army of more than 600,000

men, from twenty years of age upward, besides
women and children, marching through the desert on their way to the land of promise, taking
with them their food and their animals, a people (and their beasts of burden) which God had
separated from other peoples of earth. They
were marching in obedience to God's commandment. How many of those men would maintain
their integrity toward God and reach the land
of promise ~ What was the great sin that beset
them so easily, and that was about them from
the very time they began their journey l The
answer clearly shown by all their experiences,
and by what is recorded in the Scriptures, is
this: Religion and formalism, invented by the
Devil, and which the people were induced to
practice to turn them away from the Almighty
God. Religion has ever been the Devil's chief
instrument by which he has beguiled the people
and blinded them to the truth. Religion was the
besetting sin of Israel, which sin has been the
besetting sin of those who have professed to
follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus.
Long years after that journey in the wilderness began the apostle Paul, of the Hebrew
stock, wrote the epistle to the Hebrews, and
therein he lists a number of faithful men from
Abel to John the Baptist who had maintained
their integrity toward God, and wherein he
shows that it was their shunning religion and
their unswerving devotion and faithfulness to
the commandments of Almighty God that had



gained for them God's approval. Then it is written as an admonition to all of those who have
agreed to do the will of God and to follow in
the footsteps of .T esus that they should have
in mind these faithful witnesses who went before and should follow a similar course. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with
so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight, and the sun which doth so easily
beset us, and let us run with patience the-race
that is set before us."-Hebrews 12: l.
Man's besetting sin, from the time of Eden
till now, has been and is religion. It has been
the means by which Satan has deceived man,
and he has kept it around man and turned him
away from God. It was the instrument that the
Devil used to cause the Israelites to fall away
from God. It is so easy to fall under the seductive influence of religion and thereby to violate
God's law, and the Devil has seen to it that religion has ever been kept before man to cause
him to fall.
The making of images, of beads, crosses, and
other things of that kind, and using them in
what is supposed to be worship of God, is a
direct violation of God's law and shows that
those who thus practice are unwittingly falling
to the Devil. The saluting of flags or men or
other like objects, or bowing down to them, is
attributing protection and salvation to creatures
or things, and that is a religious formalism and
in open violation of God's law. No creature can
divide his affections or devotion between God
and anything. Jehovah God is his only protector



and if! the Life-giver, and he is therefore a "jealous God", or zealous for righteousness, and will
not permit his name or his Word to be sullied
by any part of the Devil's operations or schemes,
and therefore He will not give life to those who
indulge in things invented and used by the Devil
to defame Jehovah's name. The law of God which
provides that men shall have no other god before Him and shall make no image of anything
in heaven or in earth and bow down to it is
solely for the purpose of safeguarding man from
the Devil's wickedness, "the sin which doth so
easily beset" all creatures.
Referring again to the apostle's words, ''Let
us lay aside every weight, and the sin which
doth so easily beset us," which words are addressed to God's covenant people, it is clearly
to be seen that no person can faithfully and
truly serve God and permit anything to divide
his affections between God and any creature
of creation; that he cannot practice religion,
and at the same time serve God faithfully; that
he must lay aside these weights, and do as the
apostle Paul did and said: "This one thing I
do" (Philippians 3: 13), and that is, to follow
in the footsteps of Jesus and obey God's commandments. Religion is clearly in opposition to
the commandments of Almighty God.
God's law is plain, and stubbornness on the
part of anyone in obeying that law is idolatry.
(1 Samuel 15 : 23j Every religious practice under
the sun means that the practitioners are indulging in idolatry. The use of images in worshiping
is idolatry, and all idolatry is abominable in the



sight of God. As God 'Permitted Job to be subjected to great trials, so he permitted the Devil
to tempt the Israelites, and to tempt his covenant people since, that they might prove their
choice between God and the Devil. Knowing
that the Israelites would come in contact with
those who practiced the Devil religion, God
therefore gave them this specific commandment:
"Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves
molten gods: I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 19: 4) ''Ye shall make you no idols nor
graven image, neither rear you up a standing
image, neither shall ye set up any image of
stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I
am the Lord your God." "And I will destroy
your high places, and cut down your images,
and cast your carcases upon the carcases of
your idols, and my soul shall abhor you." (Leviticus 26: 1,30) "All the gods of the people are
idols." (1 Chronicles 16: 26) Religion, therefore,
clearly appears to be one of man's great enemies, which the chief enemy, the Devil, has invented to lead men into destruction.
What followed after the giving of the law
shows the great necessity for that law. The record of the Israelites during their journey is replete with instances of turning to idols or Devil
religion. Coming in contact with the Moabites
they found that people practicing a religion
called "Baal-peer", and many of the Israelites
indulged in that religion in violation of God's
law and thus exposed themselves to God's wrath,
and many of them were destroyed: "And they
[the Moabites] called the people unto the sac-



rifiees of their gods: and the people did eat, and

bowed down to their gods. And Israel joined
himself unto Baal-peor ; and the anger of the
Lord was kindled against Israel. And the Lord
said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the Lord against
the sun, that the fierce anger of the Lord may
be turned. away from Israel. And Moses said
unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye everyone
his men that were joined unto Baal-peor."Numbers 25: 2-5.
Time and again the Israelites violated God's
law by turning to Devil religion, and the result
was that only a very few of those who left Egypt
lived to see the land of promise. When Moses
was delivering to the Israelites his last exhortation, he said to them, as commanded by the Lord
God: "(For ye know how we have dwelt in the
land of Egypt; and how we came through the
nations which ye passed by; and ye have seen
their abominations, and their idols, wood and
stone, silver and gold, which were among them:)
lest there should be among you man, or woman,
or family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away
this day from the Lord our God, to go and serve
the gods of these nations; lest there should be
among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood; and it come to pass, when he heareth the
words of this curse, that he bless himself in his
heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk
in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst: the Lord will not spare him,
but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy
shall smoke against that man, and all the curses



that are written in this book shall lie upon him,

and the Lord shall blot out his name from under
"Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath
the Lord done thus unto this land? what meaneth the heat of this great anger? Then men
shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which
he made with them when he brought them forth
out of the land of Egypt: for they went and
served other gods, and worshipped them, gods
whom they knew not, and whom he had not
given unto them: and the anger of the Lord
was kindled against this land, to bring upon it
all the curses that are written in this book."
-Deuteronomy 29: 16-27.
God, having accepted Satan's challenge, was
permitting him to put men to the test and was
safeguarding them by his law so that the covenant people of God had the privilege of exercising their will or choice to serve Goo and live,
or serve the Devil and die. This is God's fixed
and unchangeable rule.
When the Israelites, led by the faithful J oshua, reached the land of promise, they served
God for a time. (Judges 2: 6-13) They were
God's chosen people, and were made the objects and were the objects of continual assaults
by the subtle enemy. Yielding to those temptations, the Israelites time and again fell away
to the Devil religion. During that period of
time there were some men who led the Israelites faithfully to serve God, while others took
exactly the opposite course. It was during the



reign of King Ahab and his wife J ezebel that

almost all the people were turned away to Devil
religion. God sent his faithful prophet Elijah
to deliver his message of warning and to tell
Ahab that his practice of religion was causing
the Israelites all the trouble that they were experiencing; "And it came to pass, when Ahab
saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou
he that troubleth Israel? And he answered, I
have not troubled Israel; hut thou and thy father's house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed
Baalim [the Devil religion]."-l Kings 18: 17, 18.
God raised up Jehu, a faithful servant and
who slew Ahab and his household because of
the idolatrous practice of religion in which they
indulged. "So J elm slew all that remained of
the house of Ahab in Jezreel, and all his great
men, and his kinsfolks, and his priests, until he
left him none remaining." (2 Kings 10: 11) All
the practitioners of Baalism, the Devil religion,
in Israel were slain by Jehu, and he brought
forth the images out of the house of Baal and
burned them, and "thus Jehu destroyed Baal
[worship] out of Israel". (2 Kings 10: 25-29)
These instances here are cited as further proof
that religion is directly in opposition to God's
commandments, is devilish, and is therefore one
of man's great enemies, and an abomination.

Time and again the Israelites acknowledged

their wrong and asked for forgiveness, and the
Lord forgave them.' Straightway they would go



again and indulge in the Devil religion and fall

under that wicked influence. The Lord therefore called them "backsliding Israel". (Jeremiah
3: 6-14) God had put his name on the Israelites
as his own people and was giving them every
opportunity to prove their integrity before him,
that they might have part in proving Satan a
liar and that they might remain faithful to God
and have his favor; and for his name's sake,
therefore, he was safeguarding Israel, forgiving them and restoring them from time to time,
giving them further opportunity to prove their
integrity; therefore it is written concerning
Israel: "Notwithstanding the children rebelled
against me: they walked not in my statutes,
neither kept my judgments to do them, which
if a man do, he shall even live in them; they
polluted my sabbaths: then I said, I would pour
out my fury upon them, to accomplish my anger
against them in the wilderness. Nevertheless I
withdrew mine hand, and wrought for my name's
sake, that it should not be polluted in the sight
of the heathen, in whose sight I brought them
forth." (Ezekiel 20: 21, 22) The nation us a
whole was unfaithful to God, but there were
always a few Israelites that remained faithful
and true to Jehovah, maintaining their integrity toward him.
Then God sent his faithful men, his prophets,
who repeatedly prophesied before the Israelites concerning the coming of the Messiah,
God's anointed One, that is, Christ, the Seed
of promise according to the promise which God
had. made to Abraham. (Genesis 22: 17, 18) He



warned the Israelites through his prophets that

if they continued their unfaithfulness to him
in the practice of Devil religion he would destroy them, and in harmony with his warning
he did destroy them because of their unfaithfulness. Exactly at God's fixed time he sent
Jesus, his beloved Son, whom he sent to deliver
his message of truth. The priests of the Israelites were obligated, by God's commandment, to
teach the people concerning his law and the
prophecies which referred to the coming of the
great Messiah, the promised Seed; therefore
they should have known about the coming of
J esus, and the priests in particular should have
been ready to receive him.
When Jesus was born, not one of the priests
or clergymen or other practitioners of religion
was permitted to be witness to the fact, and
manifestly that was because they were practicing the Devil religion. God chose as his witnesses to the birth of Jesus the meek herders
of sheep. God caused his angels from heaven
to announce the birth of Jesus and to speak to
the shepherds these words: "And, 10, the angel
of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of
the Lord shone round about them: and they
were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings
of great joy, which shall be to all people. For
unto you is born this day, in the city of David,
a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this
shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multi-



tude of the heavenly host, praising God, and

saying', Glory to God in the highest, and [Roth.]
on earth peace, among men of good-will." (Luke
2: 9-14) By that time almost all the people of
Israel had turned to religion; but there were a
few who were faithful to God's commandments.

Had the priests, Pharisees and scribes, otherwise known as the clergymen of Israel, been
faithfully devoted to doing the will of God and
obeying his commandments, they would have
known that Jesus would begin his ministry when
thirty years of age and they would have instructed the people to be ready to receive him
and to obey his commandments. When Jesus
reached the age of thirty years and began his
ministry, not a single one of the clergy class
received him and hailed him as the Son of God.
The reason why they did not was, because they
were religionists and were looking for favor
to themselves from amongst men (John 5: 44),
and they were the instruments of the Devil
practicing his religion. Those Jewish clergymen or religionists were full of guile and fraud
and deceit. A few honest and faithful Israelites
were looking for Christ the Messiah, and it was
from among such that Jesus chose his disciples,
concerning one of whom Jesus said: "Behold
an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!" (John
1: 47) This was conclusive proof that all the
religious leaders, the clergymen, were full of
guile and deceit.



Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river and

was anointed of Jehovah; and John, standing
by, beheld the manifestation of God's power
upon Jesus and His approval of him. "And, 10,
a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved
son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew
3: 17) No Pharisee or other clergyman was there
to witness that great event. No doubt the Devil
looked on from some point, but, of course, was
invisible to men.
Immediately after his anointing of the holy
spirit Jesus was assaulted by the Devil, who
made a subtle and vicious attack to bring abont
the destruction of Jesus. The Devil demanded
that Jesus perform a miracle by making bread
from stone, to which Jesus replied that man's
existence does not depend npon material bread
alone but does depend upon his obedience to
God's Word. The Devil then dared Jesus to
show his superiority by jumping from a high
pinnacle into the valley, to which Jesus replied:
"It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt- the
Lord thy God." The Devil, being the invisible
ruler of the world, mockingly and sarcastically
offered to turn the world over to Jesus if J esus
would bow down and worship the Devil, to which
Jesus replied: "Get thee behind me, Satan: for
it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy
God, and him only shalt thou serve." (Matthew
4:1-10; Luke 4:1-13) This is further and conclusive proof that the Devil is the enemy of God,
that he is a fraud, a deceiver and a liar, that
he is the inventor of religion, and that those
who worship any creature or thing, and fail to



worship the Lord God, are the enemy of God,

and the agent or ally of the Devil, whether they
know it or not. There was not one clergyman
of the Jews that accepted Jesus and stood by
him; which shows that all such were agents of
the Devil.
Thereafter Jesus began his work of preaching to the people and introduced his discourse
with these words: "The kingdom of heaven is
at hand." Did any of the clergymen accept that
as true' Not one. The priests, Pharisees and
other religious leaders were hypocrites and
loved the plaudits and approval of men, and
sought the worship of the people even as their
father the Devil had done. A great multitude of
the people went with Jesus into the mountain,
where he delivered to them that famous "Sermon on the Mount". From the record it does
not appear that a single clergyman was there
to hear that great sermon. The common people
listened with eagerness to learn, and, amongst
other things, Jesus said to them: "And when
thou prayest, thou shalt not he as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the
synagogues and in the corners of the streets,
that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto
you, They have their reward. But thou, when
thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when
thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
which is in seeret ; and thy Father, which seeth
in secret, shall reward thee openly. But when
ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do ; for they think that they shall be heard
for their much speaking." (Matthew 6: 5-8)



Then Jesus gave to the people a model prayer,

which is generally known as "the Lord's prayer".
-Matthew 6: 9-13.
In the foregoing text it was the priests or
clergymen who practiced religion to whom Jesus
referred as hypocrites making a great show of
their pious faces in the streets that they might
be seen of men. Compare the conduct of those
Jewish clergymen with the clergymen and religious leaders of this present day. Often you
have observed a priest or other clergyman or
religious practitioner going about the streets
with a prayer hook in his hand, pretending to
read it, or sitting in the parks doing the same
thing. Daily those clergymen walk through the
streets wearing peculiar garments that they
may attract the attention of men. They stand
in the church buildings, as the Jewish clergymen stood in their synagogues, and strike a sanctimonious attitude, and utter senseless speech in
a language that few, if any, of those present can
understand; and that they do that they may attract attention of men to themselves. Thus Jesus
shows that the practitioners of religion among
the Jews find their counterpart in the practitioners of religion now on earth in "Christendom".
The man Jesus was the great and true witness of Jehovah God, whom God sent to the
earth to tell his message of truth for his name's
sake. If the priests and clergymen of that day
had been honest and on the side of Almighty
God they would have gladly heard the words
of Jesus and followed his instructions, hut instead they refused to believe him and opposed



him in every possible manner, and this they did

because they were the agents of the Devil and
therefore the enemies of God. It is written concerning the sincere Jews of the common people,
who listened to the preaching of Jesus, that
"the common people heard him gladly". (Mark
12: 37) Did the clergymen believe the words of
Jesus 1 They did not, but, on the contrary, they
did everything they could to induce the people
not to believe. When a sincere man reported to
those clergymen the wonderful words that Jesus
had uttered and things he had done, they replied: "Are ye also deceived 7 Have any of the
rulers or of the Pharisees believed on him f'
(J ohn 7: 47, 48) Instead of supporting J esus
the clergy of his time used every possible means
in opposition to him to prevent the people from
hearing his words of wisdom and life. Exactly
the same condition exists today with the religious leaders of "Christendom".

What advantage is there in now considering

the clergy who were on the earth when Jesus
was here, and why should this be done at all?
The purpose is to show that those men were
practitioners of religion, claiming to represent
God, but in fact were on the side of the Devil
and were the enemies of God; and that in the
present time those who oppose Christ Jesus
and his kingdom are the enemies of God and
of man; that religionists are always opponents
of the truth; which shows that religion proceeds
from the Devil and is employed to deceive the



people; and what was true when Jesus was on

earth is still true, to wit, that religion is against
God and his kingdom. By his prophets of old
God had foretold that the religious leaders of
Israel would turn the people away from God,
and now Jesus, the greatest of all prophets,
told those religious teachers to their face that
they were hypocrites and the Devil's representatives. What Jesus said to those men applies
with even stronger force to those of the present
time who practice religion for gain and who
oppose those who proclaim God's Word of truth
concerning Christ and his kingdom.
'rho religious leaders among the Jews claimed
to be the seed of Abraham according to the
promise and that they were the sons of God.
Jesus had told them that God had sent him to
the earth to bear witness to the truth, and that
the message he was delivering was not his own,
but that he was speaking the words which God
had commanded him to speak; and in the face
of these statements the clergy or religionists
tried to kill Jesus, and Jesus reminded them
of this fact.
Mark here the words of Jesus, addressed to
those opposing religionists: "I know that ye are
Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because
my word hath no place in you. I speak that
which I have seen with my Father: and ye do
that which ye have seen with your father. They
answered and said unto him, Abraham is our
father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath



told you the truth, which I have heard of God:

this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your
father. Then said they to him, We be not born
of fornication; we have OTIe Father, even God.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father,
ye would love me; for I proceeded forth and
came from God; neither came I of myself, but
he sent me. Why do ye not understand my
speech W even because ye cannot hear my word.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts
of your father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. "When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of it. And because I tell you the
truth, y believe me not. Which of you convineeth me of sin 1 And if I say the truth, why do
ye not believe me l He that is of God heareth
God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God."- John 8: 37-47.
And did they show themselves to be sons of
the Devil, as .Jesus had told them W The facts
conclusively show that they did. They practiced
religion, based upon 'the traditions of men, ignored the commandments of God, and thus made
the Word of God of none effect, and therefore
they were the enemies of God and enemies of
the people. Mark here the words of Jesus,
which conclusively show the difference between
religion and obeying the commandments of
God: "Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, ... saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? . . . But he
answered and said unto them, Why do ye also



transgress the commandment of God by your

tradition ~ ... Thus have ve made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.
Ye hypocrites! well did Esaias prophesy of you,
saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with
their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips:
but their heart is far from me. But in vain they
do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."-Matthew 15: 1-9.
Those clergymen and preachers were practitioners of "the Jews' religion" and were the
instruments of the Devil. Saul afterwards testified to the same effect, as will appear at Galatians 1: 13, 14. The Devil got those Jewish clergymen on his side because they were proud and
sought the favor of men and taught the doctrines
which men had invented and taught and they
ignored and disregarded the commandment of
God. From the day of Nimrod onward the Devil
has employed religion to turn men away from
God in furtherance of the Devil's wicked ehallenge to Jehovah. The Devil works upon the
vanity of men and induces them to adopt and
practice formalism by which it is claimed that
they worship God, but which in truth and in
fact is an abomination in the sight of God.
God, through his holy prophets, had announced his purpose to set up a kingdom which
should rule the world in righteousness to the
honor of God's name and for the good of all
righteous creatures. He foretold that he would
send his beloved Son, the Messiah, to rule and
bless the people. Then came Jesus in due time,
declaring to the people that he had come as the



representative of .J ehovah God and for the gathering of men unto himself who would faithfully
serve Jehovah God and be witnesses to His
name. Were there any religionists amongst those
Jews who joined with Jesus in proclaiming the
kingdom and inviting the people to put themselves under Jehovah's King 1 Not one; but, on
the contrary, they tried to keep the people out
of the kingdom; concerning which Jesus said:
"But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven
against men: for ye neither go in yourselves,
neither suffer ye them that are entering to go
in." (Matthew 23: 1:3) At this present time who
among the religions leaders are telling the p~o
ple of God's kingdom under Christ as the only
hope for the world 1 Not a single one. On the
contrary, they tell the people to give no heed
to those persons who come to them preaching
the message of God's kingdom. They cite human
inventions and human agencies as the means of
relief and salvation for the people.
The religious Pharisees, who opposed Jesus,
were great sticklers for formalism, that they
might appear in the eyes of men as being very
clean and righteous and wonderful men. They
were following the traditions of their fathers
who had murdered the faithful prophets of God,
and so now they would seek to kill Jesus, the
greatest of all prophets. Therefore Jesus said
to them : "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward,
but are within full of dead men's bones, and of



all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full
of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe unto you, scribes
and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the
tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulclues of the righteous, and say, If we had been
in the days of our fathers, we would not have
been partakers with them in the blood of the
prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which
killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure
of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of
vipers! how can ye escape the damnation of
hell ," (Matthew 23: 27-33) Here is the clear
declaration of Jesus that religionists are the
agents of the Devil, whether they are aware of
that fact or not.


, .Religion
cause of murder



All liars and murderers are religionists.

Whenever a murderer is about to be executed,
he has some religious practitioner to say some
senseless words over him, which is supposed to
save him, but which does no good. The Devil
was the originator of religion, and the Devil is
the father of lies and a "murderer from the
beginning" and ever thereafter. (John 8: 44)
From Nimrod down to the present hour the
breakers of God's everlasting covenant, who
have opposed God and murdered human creatures, have been and are religionists, practicing
some form of religion. It was religionists that
murdered the holy prophets of God, whom he
had sent to declare his truth, and those religionists murdered them because they represented
God and followed the truth. (Matthew 23: 30-;12)
When Jesus, the great Prophet and Heir of the
Almighty God, came to earth the Devil put it
into the minds of the religionists to kill him,
and therefore they said concerning Jesus: "This
is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize
on his inheritance." (Matthew 21: 38) It was not
the common people, but the religionists, that
opposed Jesus and that soug-ht his lifeblood,
and this they did because he told the truth.
The man J CElUS was the only righteous perfect man ever on the earth. He was holy, harmless, undefiled and without sin. (Hebrews 7: 26;
1 Peter 1: 19) He went about doing good to the
people and never did a wrongful or harmful
thing to anyone. He was repeatedly charged
with crime, and on every occasion it was the reli-



gionists who falsely accused him. It was the

religionists who entered into a conspiracy to
have Jesus put to death, because they f'eared
that the people who followed him would all abandon the clergymen and those religionists would
be left without any means of support; and in
proof of this it is written: "The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how
ye prevail nothing t behold, the world is gone
after him." (John 12: 19) "Then gathered the
chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and
said, What do we t for this man doeth many
miracles. If we let him thus alone, all men will
believe on him: and the Romans shall come and
take away both our place [our jobs] and nation."
-John 11: 47, 48.
The high priest then expressed himself in
these words: "Ye know nothing at all,
it is
expedient for us, that one man should die
prophesied that Jesus should die ... Then from
that day forth they took counsel together for
to put him to death." (John 11: 49-53) This was
a conspiracy to commit deliberate murder, and
that conspiracy was carried into effect by the
commission of the overt act.
The clergymen caused Jesus to be wrongfully
charged with the high crime of treason. It was
not the common people or the political element
that demanded his death, but it was the religionists, who cried out: "Crucify him," and,
"His blood be on us." (Matthew 27: 12-26) When
Christ Jesus was nailed to the tree and was
pouring out his lifeblood, the clergy mocked
him: "Likewise also the chief priests mocking



him, with the scribes and elders, said, ... He

trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if
he will have him; for he said, I am the Son
of God." (Matthew 27: 41-43) The same spirit
moves modern-day clergymen to speak against
those who proclaim the message of God's kingdom.
The clergymen or religionists did not see that
the body of Jesus had a decent burial, but it
was a rich lawyer of honorable estate who had
not consented to the action of the priests that
begged for the body of Jesus that he might give
it a decent burial. (Matthew 27: 57) It was the
chief priests and Pharisees, the religious leaders, that tried to prevent the resurrection of
Jesus, and that bribed soldiers with large sums
of money to say falsely that his disciples had
stolen the body while they slept. (Matthew
28: 11-13) Can any honest person for one moment doubt the guilt of those religionists and
that they, the leaders of religion, scribes and
Pharisees, clergymen, acted as the agents and
representatives of the Devil As progress is
made in this study keep in mind that it was
the religionists that murdered Jesus, and then
compare therewith the facts which show that
the murderers in modern times are leaders in
religious practice.

The man Jesus was the Son of God. Before

he became a man he was known as the Logos,
the active agent of .Jehovah God in the creation
of all things. (Colossians 1: 16) By the supreme



power of Jehovah God, J esus, the Logos, <was

made flesh [a human creature] and dwelt among
men.' (John 1: 14) Jehovah God sent him to
earth as his special representative, and the message which he delivered was the message from
the Almighty God. (John 7: 16) The Devil, the
inventor of lies, the deceiver and murderer, for
centuries had slandered the name of Jehovah
God, mocked him and defied him and challenged
him to put on earth any man who would remain
true to God when the Devil put him to the test.
After giving the Devil fonr thousand years to
carryon unhindered his wicked work Jehovah
God sent his beloved Son Jesus to earth to prove
the Devil a liar and to be the vindicator of J ehovah's name. In carrying out the will of God it
was of first importance that Jesus proclaim the
truth; therefore when asked concerning his mission on earth, he replied: "I am a king. To this
end was I born, and for this cause came I into
the world, that I should bear witness unto the
truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth
my voice." (John 18: 37) It follows, therefore,
that every person who refuses to hear the message of Jesus is not of the truth, but that he
is under the control of the arch liar and enemy,
the Devil.

The primary reason and purpose of Jesus'

coming to earth was to bear witness to the truth
of and concerning Jehovah God and his kingdom and to vindicate Jehovah's holy name. Incidental thereto, and as a secondary reason, he



came to redeem man from the condemnation

resulting from Adam's sin. Because of the willful violation of God's law Adam was sentenced
to death, and after that all his children were
born. The condemned Adam was imperfect because under sentence of death, and could not
produce a perfect child, and the result has ever
been that all men have been born in sin and
conceived in lawlessness. "Behold, I was shapen
in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive
me." (Psalm 51: 5) "Wherefore, as by one man
sin entered. into the world, and death by sin;
and so death passed upon all men, for that
all have sinned." (Romans 5: 12) Abel, Enoch,
Noah, and Abraham were faithful to God, but,
being born as imperfect men and therefore without right to everlasting life, by reason of Adam's
sin, they could not get everlasting life unless
provision for the redemption were first made.
Man must be ransomed from death by the sacrifice of the perfect human life, because it was
the perfect human life which God's law required
Adam to give up as a penalty for sin. All men
being descendants of Adam, there was no man
who could present a perfect sacrifice unto God
in the place and stead of Adam. God. made the
necessary provision.
It is the male of the human species that furnishes the life germ by God's provision. How,
then, could a perfect man be provided, and who
could become a ransom price for or deliverer
of mankind? Jehovah the Almighty God caused
Mary to conceive while yet a virgin. (Matthew
1: 18) She conceived in her womb by virtue of



the power of the holy spirit of God exercised

upon her. Seeing that God made man and woman out of the elements of the earth, there would
be no difficulty whatsoever in God's causing a
chilo to be conceived in the womb of Mary;
which he did. The man-child Jesus was born,
and was pure, holy, undefiled and entirely separate from sinners, having none of the contaminated life germ descending from Adam.
(Hebrews 7: 26) J osus therefore is always designated in the Scriptures as "the Son of man",
which is "the Son of God". When the man J CRUS
reached the age of thirty years he was qualified, under the terms of God's law, to become
a priest unto God. It was then that Christ Jesus
consecrated himself fully to do the will of God,
and his immersion in the waters of the Jordan
river was an outward evidence to others that
he had made the covenant to be obedient to the
will of God. It was then that his words apply:
"Then said I, Lo, I corne: in the volume of the
book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will,
o my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."
-Psalm 40: 7, 8; Matthew 3: 15-17.
The one who would redeem mankind must
offer himself voluntarily as a sacrifice, and that
being the will of God, J esus voluntarily and
gladly complied with God's will and thus offered
himself by presenting himself wholly unto the
Lord God. The lifeblood of the perfect man
Jesus could and did furnish the ransom or redemptive price for sinful man. The life is in
the blood. (Leviticus 17: 11,14) The voluntary
sacrifice of the perfect human life of Jesus pro-



vided the redemptive price, his lifeblood being

poured out in sacrificial death. 'Without the
shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.'
(Hebrews 9: 22) The lifeblood of the perfect
man Jesus God could accept, and did accept,
as the ransom price and sin offering for sinful
man. (For detailed consideration of the redemption of man, see book Reconciliation.)
The perfect man, Christ Jesus, was subjected
to all manner of assaults and persecutions inflicted upon him by the Devil and the Devil's
religious representatives on the earth, and
through all of such assaults and persecutions
Jesus maintained his integrity toward God,
never for one moment deviating from the path
of loyalty and faithfulness to God. Thereby
.T esus proved Satan a liar, and this in vindication of Jehovah's name and word. After he had
given testimony concerning the name of J ehovah and the kingdom, which covered a period
of three and one-half years, he was then charged
with the capital crime of treason, was given a
mock trial, convicted without legal evidence,
and crucified by being nailed to a tree, thus
being put to death as a sinner accursed of God;
and thus he would appear in the eyes of all
others. (Deuteronomy 21: 23) God permitted
his enemies to put Jesus to death, knowing that
Jesus would remain faithful even unto death,
proving his integrity to God, and that God would
raise him up out of death. Jesus thus met all
the requirements and fully showed his qualification to become the vindicator of God's name.



Because of his faithfulness

God raised up Jesus out of
death and gave to him life and
immortality, not as a man, but
life divine, an endless and indestructible life, and exalted J esus to the very highest place
in all the universe next to J ehovah. (Philippians 2: 5-11) God
committed to Christ Jesus, the
immortal One, all power in
heaven and in
earth. (Matthew 28:18)
Therefore J esus said: "I
am he that
liveth, and
was dead;
and, behold,I am
alive for
Amen; and
have the
keys of hell
and of death."
1: 18) Christ J esus
therefore beReligionists
comes clothed with all
murder Jesus
power and authority to
act for Jehovah in all things
as his chief executive officer.



When with his disciples, Jesus instructed

them that all creatures who will receive everlasting life and the blessings of Almighty God
must willingly and faithfully serve God. Then
of himself he said: "And whosoever will be
chief among you, let him be your servant: even
as the Son of man came not to be ministered
unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20: 27, 28) This shows
that the man Jesus understood that it was the
will of his Father Jehovah not only that he tell
the truth and become the Vindicator of his
Father but that as a man he must die to provide the ransom or redemptive price "for many"
of the human race. For how many of the human
race: all or only a part? Not for all, because
the redemptive price results beneficially only
to those who believe on and obey God and
Christ Jesus. Therefore he gave his life as a
ransom for as many of the human race as take
their stand on the side of God and Christ and
maintain their integrity toward God when put
to the test.
It is written: "For the wages of sin is death;
but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus
Christ our Lord." (Romans 6: 23) Here the matter is squarely put to every man, to wit: If you
prefer to continue on the side of the Devil and
against God the result will be complete destruction; but if you take your stand on the side of
God and Christ, showing full faith in the redemptive price and proving your integrity toward God, you will receive at God's hands,
through Christ Jesus, the gift of life everlast-



ing. In further corroboration of this, it is written: "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given
all things into his hand. He that believeth on
the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath
of God abideth on him." (J ohn 3 : 35, 36) Otherwise stated, all men came under condemnation
by reason of sin, and God's wrath against sin
is death; if one believes on the Lord Jesus
Christ God removes that condemnation from
him; but if man prefers to remain on the side
of the Devil and continue in sin, then God's
wrath or condemnation abides on him and is
not removed. Thus it is seen that God's intelligent creatures are made free agents to choose
life or death after having received a knowledge
of God's provision for them.
The provision God has made to give life to
men is prompted entirely by unselfishness or
love on the part of God; as it is written: "For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life. For
God sent not his Son into the world to condemn
the world; but that the world through him might
be saved." (John 3: 16, 17) It necessarily follows, then, that those who do not believe "perish", which means to be completely annihilated.
God has no pleasure even in the death of the
wicked, and certainly he could have no pleasure
in inflicting torture upon anyone. The doctrine
of eternal torment in hell is another one of
Satan's vicious lies, which lies are taught to the
people only by religionists, and the purpose of



this Devil lie is to turn people away from God

and force them into the Devil's organization,
that is, the "religious" organizations. "Hell"
means the condition of death, not a place of
torture. When a man prefers to continue in
wickedness, God mercifully puts him to sleep
in death, and that man never again awakens.
"God is love," and he could not be guilty of a
fiendish act such as eternal torture. The Lord
causes to be brought to the attention of the
people the truth, and then each one has the
opportunity to believe or not to believe, as he
may choose.
While instructing those who listened to and
believed him, Jesus said: "I am come that they
[that believe] might have life, and that they
[that prove faithful unto death] might have it
more abundantly." (John 10: 10) In order for
anyone to believe, he must learn of God's provision for man through Christ Jesus. Therefore
it is written: "For whosoever shall call upon
the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then
shall they call on him in whom they have not
believed? and how shall they believe in him of
whom they have not heard 1 and how shall they
hear without a preacher? And how shall they
preach, except they be sent 1 as it is written,
How beautiful are the feet of them that preach
the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of
good things!"-Romans 10: 13-15.
Further exercising his loving-kindness, God
has provided that the attention of the people
should be brought to the truth of and concern-



ing himself and his provision to give them life.

He causes his 'Nord to be proclaimed that the
people may hear. The enemy Satan seeks to
destroy all mankind, but the Almighty God graciously informs man that all those who will get
on God's side, believe upon and serve the Lord
Jesus Christ and Jehovah and prove faithful,
shall live.
After the flood Satan induced men to practice
religion in mockery of God and all the nations
adopted and practiced the Devil religion. J ehovah God then chose the people of Israel, formed
them into a nation, and gave them his commandments and instructed them how they could obey
God and live. Thus the matter was clearly put
before mankind. Men could choose to stay in the
Devil's crowd or could serve Jehovah God faithfully and truly. Soon thereafter the Devil invaded the camp of Israel and induced that people to adopt formalism, which formalism in an
outward way appeared to give honor to God
but which in fact was against God. The Israelites soon began to use images in connection with
their formalistic worship, and that was in direct
violation of God's law. Continuing in this way,
the nation went fully over to the Devil; only a
few of the individual Israelites remained true
to God. Men began the practice of formalism,
which constituted "the Jews' religion", and that
formalism and those man-made doctrines were
handed down from parents to children; which
is called "tradition". When Jesus came to earth
the Jews were practicing religion, based upon
such tradition, and which religion and tradition



made void the commandments of God, and Jesus

so told them.
Jesus taught the people fully and sincerely
to obey the commandments of God, and thus
Jesus established true Christianity. There is no
such thing in existence as "the Christian religion", because all religion proceeds from God's
enemy, the Devil. "Christian religion" is a misnomer, fraudulent and deceptive. "Christianity"
means the full and complete obedience of man
to God's commandments, even as Christ Jesus
taught and obeyed God's commandments. Therefore a person is a Christian only when he is a
true follower of Christ Jesus, which means that
he must be diligent in obeying God's commandments and follow them and not the teachings
of man. Religion is a great enemy, always working injury to mankind, and this without regard
to whether man is sincere or otherwise. Religion is entirely out of place in the church of
God. What, then, is meant by the term the
"church of God"


"Christ is the head of the church."
-Ephesians 5: 23.

HE RE is but one real and true church, and

that is God's church, which is the "church
of the firstborn", whose names "are written in heaven". (Hebrews 12: 23) Writing of
men's names in books on earth has nothing to
do with making them members of The Church.
Jesus informed his disciples that God would
build the church, which is not a building made
with hands, but consists of a company or organization of Christians, with Christ Jesus as the
Head or Chief One thereof. By his prophets
God had promised to send Christ, the Messiah,
and the devout Jews who were faithful to God
were looking for the fulfillment of that prophetic
.promise. Speaking to his disciples, Jesus propounded to them this question: 'Whom do men
say that I ... am?" And some of the disciples
answered: 'Some say that you are one of the
prophets returned.' "He saith unto them, But
whom sayye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and 'said, Thou art the Christ, the Son
of the living God. And Jesus answered and said
unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona :
for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto
thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And
I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter; and



upon this rock I will build my church; and the

gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16: 13-18) The Devil has seized upon these
words of .T esus and used the same to promulgate oneof the most deceptive lies that has ever
been told, a lie by which millions of honest and
sincere people have been deceived and turned
away from God and led into the devilish organization.
Jehovah God is designated in the Scriptures
as the great Rock or Stone. (Deuteronomy 32: 4)
Christ Jesus, his beloved Son, is also designated
in the Scriptures as a rock or stone, whom God
makes the ruler of the world to rule in righteousness. (Daniel 2 : 32-45) "Christ" means God's
"Anointed", and his duly commissioned Servant
and Vindicator, his Faithful and True Witness.
When Peter, in response to the question propounded by Jesus as above stated, said to Jesus:
"Thou art the Christ," Jesus concurred in that
answer and then added these words: "Upon this
rock [that is, upon God's Anointed One, the
Christ, symbolized by a rock] I [as God's duly
commissioned Servant and representative] will
build my church"; which is God's church, because whatsoever Jesus does is according to the
will of God. Upon Christ the Messiah "the church
is builded, and Christ is the Head thereof, as
well as the foundation. He is the Chief One in
the organization.
The inspired apostle of the Lord Jesus, who
walked with Jesus and learned of him and who
wrote under the direction of the Lord, said to
his brethren that he prayed for them; "The eyes



of your understanding being enlightened [that

they might receive the spirit of wisdom] ; that
ye may know ... what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,
which he wrought in Christ, when he raised
him from the dead, and set him at his own
right hand in the heavenly places, far above
all principality, and power, and might, and
dominion, and every name that is named, not
only in this world, but also in that which is to
come; and hath put all things under his feet,
and gave him to be the head over all things to
the church, which is his body, the fulness of him
that filleth all in alI."-Ephesians 1: 17-23.
It is therefore made certain that "the church",
which is the only true church, is that body of
creatures selected by Jehovah and brought into
Christ Jesus, and who give honor and glory to
Jehovah God, and who serve him to the exclusion of everything; that these members are not
confined to some earthly organization, but that
God selects them and assigns them to a place
in his organization as it pleases him. (1 Corinthians 12: 18) "Christ is the head of the church :
and he is the saviour of the body," and "the
church is subject unto Christ, ... that he might
sanctify and cleanse it with the washing' of
water by the word, that he might present it to
himself a glorions church, not having spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should
be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5: 23,
24,26,27) No man or company of men has any
right or authority to set up an organization and



label it "The church", and all men who do so

are doing violence to God's Word.
'I'he church is God's organization which he
builds by and through his beloved Son, the Head
and Lord thereof: "And God hath set some in
the church: first, apostles; secondarily, prophets; thirdly, teachers; after that, miracles; then
gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities
of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12: 28) The church
is "the household of God", composed of Christ
Jesus and the members of his body: "built upon
the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner
stone; in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
in whom ye also are builded together for an
habitation of God through the spirit."-Ephesians 2: 19-22.
God, by his prophet, speaks of the church and
designates it by the name "Zion", which is his
capital organization and wherein he dwells:
"13'01' the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation." (Psalm 132: 13)
That church is "the church of the living God,
the pillar and ground of the truth". (1 Timothy
3: 15) From these plain scriptures it is certain
that the church could not possibly consist of any
organization on earth in which politics, and commerce or trafficking, form a part, and in which
the members of such organization commit many
deeds of cruelty and wickedness. The church is
the temple of God, not the temple built of material things by human hands, but the body of
creatures devoted wholly to the Almighty God.




(1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17) As progress is made

in the examination of what follows, it will be
seen that the enemy has seized upon the name
"the church" and used the same to perpetuate
the great fraud upon man and to further defame the name of Almighty God..

What is God's purpose in having a church?

The answer from the Scriptures is, that he
might use it to testify to his name and to
carry out his commandments in vindication of
his name. Here again it is needful to emphasize
the challenge that the Devil flung. in the face
of Jehovah God, and God's reply thereto. The
Devil declared that he could cause all men to
'curse God to his face' if he (the Devil) were
permitted to put man to the test, and God permitted the Devil to try that very thing. God
replied: 'For this cause have I permitted thee
to remain, for to show thee my power; and
that my name may be declared throughout all
the earth.'-Exodus 9: 16, Leeser.
God's judgment against the Devil was that
he should be destroyed; but before the execution
of that judgment He would have his own great
name declared throughout the earth, and then
he would exercise his unlimited power against
the enemy. God then proceeds in his own due
time and good way to take out from the world
faithful men and women who prove their integrity toward him, and he makes them members
of his church under Christ Jesus and uses such
to proclaim his name throughout the earth be-



fore Jehovah executes his judgment against the

enemy. God's church, therefore, constitutes his
witness or witnesses while on the earth; and
when elevated to heaven at the resurrection,
such witnesses are used by him for his purposes
ever thereafter.
The church was a mystery to all men until
after God gave his holy spirit to his faithful
men at Pentecost, which was given fifty days
after the resurrection of Jesus. Concerning that
mystery one of the apostles testifies: "Even the
mystery which hath been hid from ages and
from generations, but now is made manifest
to his saints: to whom God would make known
what is the riches of the glory of this mystery
among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the
hope of glory."-Colossians 1: 26, 27.
After Pentecost the apostles were assembled
at .Jerusalcm in conference, and then it was that
God revealed to them that his purpose in gathering unto Christ .T esus those who would be
made a part of his church was and is that
he might have a "people for his name", which
people must bear testimony to his name, and
that this testimony must be delivered before
God exercises power against the enemy. (Acts
15: 13-17) From the time of the ascension of
Christ Jesus into heaven and until his coming
again to carry out God's purposes and the setting up of the kingdom, God, through Christ
Jesus, selects from amongst the nations or peoples of the earth "a people for his name", the
faithful ones of whom constitute his church.
and who must declare his name. Those selected




ones, in order to have God's approval, must follow in the footsteps of Jesus and prove faithful
unto death. (1 Peter 2: 21; Revelation 2: 10)
It is certain, therefore, that all the true followers of Christ Jesus, who constitute his church,
must suffer more or less at the hands of the
Devil, and which suffering and punishment is
inflicted upon them by the religious agents of
the Devil on earth, just as they afflicted the Lord
Jesus Christ. For this reason some of the sufferings of Christ was left over for the body's
sake, as it is written: "Who now rejoice in my
sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for
his body's sake, which is the church."-Colossians 1: 24.
It was the religionists who persecuted Jesus,
and he declared that that same class of religionists would persecute all who would be his true
followers. "If ye were of the world, the world
would love his own: but because ye are not of
the world, but I have chosen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant
is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they
have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
But all these things will they do unto you for
my name's sake, because they know not him
that sent me."-John 15: 19-21.
The fact that Christ Jesus, the Head of the
church, is the Faithful and True Witness of
Jehovah (Revelation 3: 14), and also the further fact that he stated, "Everyone that is



of the truth heareth my voice" (John 18: 37),

proves beyond all question of doubt that everyone who is of his church must be a witness to
the name and to the kingdom of God. It is the
faithful followers of Christ Jesus, members of
his organization or church, that have always
looked with eagerness for his coming again and
the setting up of his kingdom, and concerning
which the inspired apostle wrote in the Scriptures: "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our
gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon
shaken in mind, or he troubled, neither by spirit,
nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that
the day of Christ is at hand." (2 Thessalonians
2: 1, 2) "And the very God of peace sanctify
you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit
and soul and body he preserved blameless unto
the coming of our liard Jesus Christ."-l Thessalonians 5: 23.
Only the faithful followers of Christ Jesus
are gathered unto him and made a part of his
church at his second coming. It is those who
are anxious for the setting up of the kingdom
of God that prove faithful and true to God and
Christ. At his second coming it is these faithful
ones to whom he gives the commandment: "And
this gospel of the kingdom shall bo preached in
all the world for a witness unto all nations:
and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24: 14)
It is to this same faithful class that Jehovah
says: "Ye are my witnesses ... that I am God."
(Isaiah 43: 10-12) "Thou shalt be called by a
new name [Jehovah's witnesses], which the



mouth of Jehovah shall name." (Isaiah 62: 2,

A.R.V.) Consider these indisputable truths set
forth in the ,Voro of God, and then ask yourself and answer this question: Is there an org:mizatioll on earth today that is preaching to
the people that Jehovah is the only true God,
that Christ Jesus is the King and rightful Ruler
of the world, and that his kingdom is at hand
and is the only hope of the world?
The church being God's organization, taken
out of the world for His name's sake, it follows
that the members thereof are those who worship
the Almighty God in spirit and in truth. (John
4: 23) They honor God, and not man and manmade organizations. Such true worshipers cannot be faithful to God and at the same time
participate in the political affairs of this wicked
world. Those who worship God in spirit and in
truth are wholly devoted to him in obeying his
commandments. "For the worship [mistranslated religion in the A'uthorized Version] that
is pure and holy before God the Father, is this:
to visit the fatherless and the widows in their
affliction, and that one keep himself unspotted
from the world."- James 1: 27, Syriac Version.
The great adversary of God and enemy of
the church and of all its members is that old
Serpent, Satan the Devil. It is certain, therefore, that that 010 deceiver would inaugurate
many and all kinds of seductive schemes concerning the church in order to deceive the people. This he has done, and at the same time the
Devil puts forth his great effort to devour those
who constitute the true church. To those who



are of God's church, taken out from the world

as witnesses to his name, Jehovah has committed the "testimony of Jesus Christ", and these
must obey the commandments of the Almighty
God. Against these faithful ones the Devil, that
old Dragon, makes his assault and tries to destroy them; as it is written: "And the dragon
was wroth with the woman [God's woman, symbolic of his organization called Zion, the church
(Isaiah 54: 1-13)], and went to make war with
the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ.t'-c-Bevelation 12: 17.
It is also written that the church must fight
the enemy Satan and his agents by proclaiming
the truth; that they shall not use carnal weapons, such as guns and cannon and swords made
of steel, and other instruments that destroy
(2 Corinthians 10: 4) ; that the weapons of their
warfare are "the sword of the spirit, which is
the word of God". (Ephesians 6: 17) That is
the reason that Jehovah's witnesses must tell
the truth and do so amidst great opposition and
persecution carried on by Satan and his religious representatives.
Do you know of any religious organization
that engages in a war upon others and that
calls itself at the same time "The church of
God", and which organization uses deadly weapons with which to destroy those who oppose
them? Do you know of any organization claim.
ing that it is the church of God, which engages
in the politics of the world, and which organization attempts to rule the world? Do you know



of any religious organization claiming to be the

church of God but which makes treaties or concordats with beastly political and commercial
powers and works with them in carrying out
worldly schemes 1 If so, it is certain that such
"religious organization" is not the representative of God and Christ, but that it is the representative of the enemy Satan, who is the enemy
of every man that desires to see righteousness
The life of every human creature on earth
today is in the balance, and that includes you.
The truth is of greatest importance to you, because you must know and follow the truth in
order to live. If it is your honest and sincere
desire to know what is the truth, then put aside
any and all preconceived opinions or prejudice
and then honestly and sincerely consider the
indisputable facts that follow herein, together
with the infallible Word of the Almighty God;
and if you do so, your understanding will be
enlightened as never before. Are you prepared
now to rely upon God's Word, which is the truth,
even though it makes it clear that many men
and organizations that appear to be good are
devilish in the extreme 1 Do you want to live,
and therefore do you want to know the truth 7
What follows will shock many persons, and
make them angry, but such persons are prejudiced and foolish, to say the least. Those who
are really honest and sincere and desire to serve
God and live will be delighted to learn the truth
as set forth in what follows herein.


liThe wicked worketh a deceitful work."
-Proverbs 11: 18.

RACKET is a scheme, plan, dodge or

trick used for selfish gain and which deceives and works injury to others. A perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing
another in reliance upon it to part with something valuable is a racket. A false scheme or
misrepresentation or suppression of the truth,
which results in injury to others, and for pecuniary gain to the schemer, is a racket. A deception intentionally practiced, with a view to gain,
is a racket.
A racketeer is a schemer who is artful, wily
and cunning and who uses his plan or scheme to
gain an unfair advantage over others. The racketeer gains an undue advantage over others, and
then uses his scheme or plan to rob or pillage
others, and this he does for real or supposed
gain to himself. All racketeers are public enemies and enemies of honest persons, and are
the enemies of God. Rackets, practiced by racketeers, work injury to those upon whom the
trick is practiced.
Men who are engaged in traffic that is unlawful and that works injury to the people are
racketeers and public enemies. The stealing of




children or persons and holding them for ransom is a racket, and the stealer or kidnaper
is a public enemy. Men who engage in the whiteslave trade are racketeers and public enemies.
Real estate promoters who operate schemes to
defraud others are racketeers and public enemies. Those who operate a scheme by offering
prizes to induce persons to buy or sell worthless goods, wares and merchandise are racketeers. Men who engage in robbery, stealing and
murder for personal gain are racketeers and
public enemies. The man who engages in the
scheme of blackmail and thereby obtains money
is a racketeer and a public enemy. All such
public enemies either put the people in fear or
fraudulently overreach them. Men who engage
in political schemes misrepresenting the facts
in order to induce the people to support them
that they may thereby reap a personal or pecuniary gain are racketeers and public enemies.
Commercial men or corporations operating a
scheme or schemes that result in injury to the
people are racketeers and public enemies. Those
who engage in any kind of fraudulent scheme
that results in loss or injury to others are racketeers and public enemies. Men who use motion
pictures to mislead the people, and thereby gain
any kind of profit in name, money or influence,
are racketeers. All racketeers are agents of the
Devil, whether they realize that fact or not.
All wrongful schemes originate with the Devil,
and that great enemy induces and influences
men to use such rackets to do injury to others
and to bring reproach upon the namo of the



Almighty God. Such is a general description of

rackets and racketeers.

Put aside now preconceived opinions, and

with an unbiased mind examine the facts concerning the greatest of all rackets that has ever
been practiced under the sun, to understand the
truth of which is for your own personal welfare. Honest persons have some means of protecting themselves against many public enemies
because they are warned against such enemies,
can see how the enemies operate, and can take
steps to safeguard their own interests. The
most dangerous and destructive kind of racketeering is that which has the appearance of honesty but which is operated in such a subtle,
deceptive manner as to blind the people to the
real truth. The credulous and unsuspecting are
caught unawares in the enemy's trap and find
it almost impossible to extricate themselves
The greatest racket ever invented and practiced is that of religion. The most cruel and
seductive public enemy is that which employs
religion to carryon the racket, and by which
means the people are deceived and the name
of Almighty God is reproached. There are numerous systems of religion, but the most subtle,
fraudulent and injurious to humankind is that
which is generally labeled the "Christian religion", because it has the appearance of a worshipful devotion to the Supreme Being, and



thereby easily misleads many honest and sincere persons. Strange as it may seem, the two
words "Christian" and "religion" are diametrically opposed one to the other. Most persons
in the land called "Christendom" have been led
to believe that the two words mean one and
the same thing, and through lack of knowledge
of the truth great injury is done to the people.
'I'he greatest public enemy is that which operates with a righteous appearance but which is
fraudulent, brings reproach upon God's name,
misrepresents his purpose, and thereby robs
the people of their money, their peace of mind,
their liberty of speech and thought, and the
opportunity of life everlasting.
Under the practice of the so-called "Christian
religion" the world at the present time has
reached that period described in the Bible in
these words: "This know also, that in the last
days perilous times shall come. For men shall
be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,
trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,
despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady,
highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but
denying the power thereof: from such turn
away. Now as J annes and J ambres withstood
Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men
of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the
faith. But they shall proceed no further: for
their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as
theirs also was."-2 Timothy 3: 1-5, 8, 9.



Do not confuse "Christianity" with the 80called "Christian religion". The latter operates
in the name of God and Christ but is wholly
against Christ and his kingdom, which is the
only hope of the human race. Religion labeled
"the Christian religion" is a racket invented
by the Devil to defame the name of Almighty
God and is practiced by men, some of whom
arc honest and practice it because they have
been induced to believe it is right, while others
know that they are wrong and are working a
fraud upon the people. The latter are doubly
dangerous to the interests of the human race.
Because the name of Christ has been and is
used to work a great fraud upon the people,
the racket thus practiced is the greatest of all.
There are many sincere and honest persons in
organizations known as "religious" or "church
organizations", and it is with the hope of helping such to see the truth that this publication
is put forth. What is here published is not an
attack upon men, but is an attack upon the most
subtle and devilish kind of frauds that ever existed. Those who desire to know the truth will
be pleased to now carefully consider the origin
of the so-called "Christian religion" and how
it has progressed in the earth.
Christ Jesus is the Head or beginning of
Christianity, because he leads and others follow
in obeying God's commandments. Christ means
Anointed of God, the One who is commissioned
to carry out God's purpose. Christ is not and
never was for one moment a religionist. He
always strictly obeys the commandments of the



Almighty God. He instructed his faithful disciples in the Word and purpose of Jehovah God.
After the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
the holy spirit, which is the invisible power of
God, came upon the faithful apostles and they
understood the truth as it was not possible
for them to understand it before that time.
Those faithful men, in the name of Christ, went
about "from house to house" (Acts 20: 20),
teaching the people and preaching to them that
the shed blood of Christ .T csus provides the
redemptive price for man from condemnation,
and that it is the purpose of Jehovah God to
give life to those who believe on Christ and
follow in his steps. Because those men were
freely telling the truth to the people concerning Christ, the religionists amongst the Jews
assaulted the apostles, brought them into the
courts, demanding: "By what power, or by what
name, have ye done this 1" One of those faithful apostles of Jesus Christ replied in these
words: UBe it known unto you all, and to all
the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom
God raised from the dead, even by him doth
this man stand here before you whole. This
[Christ] is the stone which was set at nought
of you builders, which is become the head of
the corner. Neither is there salvation in any
other; for there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we must be
saved.t'-c-Acts 4: 10-12.
During the remainder of the earthly career
of the apostles they continued to preach to the



people Christ Jesus, his crucifixion and resurrection, and the coming of his kingdom as the
only hope of mankind, and many of the common
people heard and believed. To offset the work
of the apostles of Christ, Satan the Devil began to build an anti-Christ organization, into
which latter organization many people were
drawn. Ambitious men assumed the leadership
amongst those who started to follow in the
footsteps of Jesus, and those ambitious and
selfish men became the teachers and leaders of
the organization (Acts 20: 29, 30), and then
was the organization labeled as "the Christian
church", and the doctrines and practices thereof
were from that time forward called "the Christian religion", The Lord had warned his disciples of fhe coming of the anti-Christ, that is,
those who should deceive the people in the name
of Christ. (2 John 7) Such deceivers were manifesting themselves even in the days of the apostles. (2 Thessalonians 2: 7) In this day (1937)
the religious organization that has its headquarters at Vatican City, Italy, and which calls itself
"the Christian church" or "Christian religion",
dominates the religion of the nations called
As heretofore shown, religious organizations
began with Babylon and extended to all parts
of the earth. When Rome became a world power,
and which is known as Pagan Rome, that world
power practiced the Devil religion; and in time
Pagan Rome blossomed into what is known as
Papal Rome, which from then till now practices
what is called the "Christian religion". The fol-



lowing indisputable historical facts should be

read with real interest, since they disclose that
Rome completely fell under the Devil religion.
The quotations following are from The Encyclopedia Americana:
ROMAN RELIGION. From the time that the Roman
religion appears within the pale of traditional and recorded history it seems to have been constantly and
progressively subjected to varying influences, both internal and external, and to have passed through many
changes. . . . Fundamentally the primitive religious
ideas of all the Indo-European peoples were quite similar. Even the Romau religion, in the days when Rome
was governeJ by kings and had already begun to evolve
complicated rituals and complex myths, still retained a
suggestive similarity to that of India. . . . The early
Roman gods were the personification of the elements of
nature. The old Roman deities and supernatural beings
of their nomadic life, the patrons of the chase and the
guardian spirits of the mountains, the rivers, the earth,
the sky and the upper heavens gradually assumed more
definite attributes ... 'I'he deities and religious customs
and practices of all the tribes of Italy of Indo-European
origin, whieh were quite similar, gradually became domesticated in Rome. Naturally as the Roman Empire
broadened and became more cosmopolitan, its religious
system also became broader and more all-embracing.
Having absorbed the deities or the Italic Peninsula, the
habit of absorption became, with Rome, all-impelling,
and the pantheon of the Imperial City, reaching out its
octopus arms in every direction throughout the already
wide confines of the rapidly extending Roman domain.
and even beyond it, brought new creeds, new deities and
new religious philosophies into Rome. Under such con-



ditions as these little or no religious dogma could exist;

nor did it.... Thus ecclesiastical Rome became as cosmopolitan and eclectic as the Roman Empire itself. This
is but another way of saying, however, that the religious
life of the Homan community was constantly shifting
as the process of broadening continued.
. . Diana, the moon goddess, under one name or
another and with somewhat varying attributes, the favorite deity of so many nomadic peoples given to the
chase, and in all probability the chief deity of the
nomadic Romans, gave place to the earth mother, the
producer, the characteristic deity of an agricultural people.... Jupiter, the god of the sky, of the upper regions
and of thunder, usurped the foremost place primitively
held by Diana, the moon mother, becoming the titular
deity of the Romans and the supreme god of the Latin
races united under the imperial sway of Rome....
. Juno, the female counterpart of the supreme deity
[Jupiter] himself, and the definition of the supposed
female qualities of the sky. In other words, she is but
a subdivision of Jupiter himself, whose sister and wife
she is represented, in Roman mythology, to be....
Next to Jupiter and Juno, his regal consort, the
greatest of the Roman state gods, was Mars, . . the
patron of war, ... Mars, who was especially honored
in March and October, was the patron of the opening
and closing of the war campaigns and of the sports connected therewith..
.. At this early period in the life of the Roman people, the superior priesthood seem to have been almost
inseparably connected with the nobility and the kingly
rulers, the latter of whom had already begun to lay claim
to descent from the gods. The seeds of ancestor worship
had also already been planted, a custom which was later



on to deify kings and emperors, as the legal and de facto

representatives of the gods upon earth....
. . . It looked very much as if the old religion were
about to go by the board when the establishment of the
[Roman] empire saved it for the time being. The emperors claiming to rule by divine right and direct descent
from the gods, it was very much to their interest to uphold a state religion; which they did on a magnificent
scale, bringing into the national church all the officers,
employees and dependents of the government. The state
church, at this latter stage, was an immense fraternity,
all the members of which were bound, by virtue of their
office, to support it. This revival of the ancient Roman
religion was, therefore, less religious than political . . .
Babylonian, Greek, Assyrian, Egyptian and Eastern religious ideas found welcome in Rome. The Great Earth
Mother of Asia Minor [therefore of Babylon] and Isis,
the mother goddess of Egypt, were not only introduced
into Rome but their worship, which was accompanied
with elaborate ritual and ceremonial, became almost universal throughout the Roman Empire; and such a finn
root did it take among the masses of the Roman people
and the Eastern nations under the domination of Rome
that the early Christian missionaries found great difficulty in oradicating it.
. . . This craze for foreign deities went to unheard-of
extremes, going so far afield as Persia, from which was
introduced the great sun god, Mithras, with his elaborate
mystical worship, which became very popular in the
Imperial City itself. Thus Rome, bathed in philosophy, scepticism, mysticism, emotionalism and stoicism,
with nothing solid to which to anchor, drifted upon the
rocks of national religious shipwreck. In this condition



sho was found for the development of the Catholic

The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 23, pages 641-645.

The "gods" mentioned in the foregoing are

Gog and the wicked demons, which inhabit what
is known in the Scriptures as "the land of Magog". The faithful apostles of Jesus Christ saw
the anti-Christ religion advancing in their day
and forewarned the people against it. Soon after
they passed from the earth the Devil saw to it
that what began as the Christian organization
was corrupted and turned into what bas since
been called the "Christian religion", and which
has since operated in the earth under the name
of the <Roman Catholic religious system'. The
following historical facts, taken from Lord's Old
Roman lVorld, are here appropriate:
"In the First Century not many wise or noble
were called.... In fh.e Second Century .. . It was
a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion
or power.... the church ... was a small body
of pure and blameless men, who did not aspire
to control society. But they had attracted the
notice of the government and were of sufficient
consequence to be persecuted." During the second century "bishops had become influential,
not in society, but among the Christians". Then
"ecclesiastical centralization commenced; . . .
The Church was thus laying the foundation of
its future polity and power".
It is cortain that the Lord God had not marked
out such a policy. It is equally certain that it
was the Devil who was planting and cultivating



the seeds of selfishness to accomplish his wicked

The historian above mentioned continues:
"The Third Century saw the Church more powerful as an institution.... doctrines were systematized [into creeds and confusion] .... great
bishops ruled the growing church.... The Church
was rapidly advancing to a position which extorted the attention of mankind [the world, to be
sure]. It was not till the Fourth Century-when
imperial persecution had stopped; when Constantine [the emperor of Pagan Rome] was converted; when the Church was allied with the
State; when the early faith was itself corrupted;
when superstition and vain philosophy [prompted by the Devil] had entered the ranks of the
faithful; ... when synods were brought under
political influence; ... when politics and dogmatics went hand in hand, ... that men of rank
entered the church. When Christianity became
the religion of the court and of the fashionable classes, it was used to support the very
evils against which it originally protested. The
Church was not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philosophy, but it adopted-many
of the ceremonies of oriental [Devil] worship,
... The clergy, ambitious and worldly, sought
rank and distinction.... They became lazy, arrogant, and independent. 'I'he people were shut
out of the government of the Church. The bishop
became a grand personage who controlled and
appointed his clergy. . . . The mission of the
[true] Church was lost sight of in a degrading
alliance with the State."



The Lord God gives warning to men in these

words: "The fear of man bringeth a snare; but
whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be
safe." (Proverbs 29: 25) The man who fears
that he may lose some honor or other thing that
he regards as valuable unless he pursues a compromising course is certain to fall into Satan's
trap. Ambitious men are easily led into Satan's
trap. No doubt the early leaders in what is
known as the Catholic Church organization were
sincere, but some of them, particularly being
ambitious for honor amongst men, and fearing
they might lose what they had, quickly fell to
the flattery of the Devil, who saw to it that they
had plenty of it. About 400 years after the death
of the apostle Peter the Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" was organized. Aftcr still
further centuries had passed, and the people
had been kept in ignorance of the truth, it was
then an easy matter to induce the living ones
to believe that a man whom they had been taught
to honor as pope and the head of the Hierarchy
is the successor of the apostle Peter. The people
were thus induced to believe a great and injurious falsehood.
There is no reason to say anything about the
man who fills the office of pope, and therefore
nothing is here intended to apply to an individual, but what is said is against the office. That
office of pope had no existence in the days of
the apostles. It was created by men at the instance of Satan, and the first man elected to
that office was elected in the year 440 (A.D.).



-McClintock & Strong's Gyclopcedia, Vol. 7,

page 629.
The Catholic Church did not exist until long
centuries after the days of the apostles of Jesus
Christ, and yet that organization today claims
to be the church of Christ, and millions of sincere persons believe that falsehood. Neither
Christ nor any of his apostles had anything
whatsoever to do with bringing into existence
the Catholic organization. Only the Devil could
conceive the idea of organizing a great religious
system and labeling it the "Christian Church";
and his purpose, in keeping with his name, was
and is to deceive the people and keep them in
"ignorance of the truth concerning the church of
God. The church of God, of which Christ Jesus
is the Head, is the only true church, and the
names of those who are in it are written in
heaven and not on earth. (Hebrews 12: 23) Because that religious organization assumed the
name of Christ and stealthily and gradually put
forth its false doctrines, it has become the most
far-reaching and destructive racketeer that has
ever been in existence, and works to the greatest injury to the people and to the defamation
of God's name. It operates upon false pretenses
and false teachings.

A pretense is the act of laying claim to something or holding out to others some teaching
or doctrine to induce such others to take a
course consistent with such pretense. The Catholic organization, commonly called the "Catholic



church", is made up of the pope, bishops, cardinals, priests and others called "clergymen";
and all those who support that organization or
who are adherents thereof are known as the
"Catholic population", but which "Catholic population" arc not members of the church. In the
Catholic organization there are the high and
the low clergymen, that is to say, the Hierarchy
of authority, composed of men in high positions;
while there are many humbler men in the priesthood who obey the commands of the higher-ups.
The Catholic organization has long held out and
continues to hold out to the people certain claims
or doctrines for the manifest purpose of inducing people to become adherents to or "children"
of that organization. Among the doctrines so
taught and held out is this one, to wit: That
the Roman Catholic Church is tho one true and
only church. The following quotation is from
the well-known Catholic authority: "The true
Church must be Apostolical, Hence in the Creed
framed in the first Ecumenical Council of Nicrea,
in the year 325, we find these words: 'I believe in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Church.' "-The Faith of Our Fathers (Gibbons),
page 38.
Credulous persons, who hear this claim and
rely upon the same, are induced to aet, and
therefore millions of sincere persons have been
induced to believe that the Roman Catholic organization is the Church of God, and for that
reason they have submitted themselves to the
organization which is ruled by the Hierarchy.
If the claims or pretenses made by the Catholic



organization are false, then it must be conceded

that the people are being imposed upon to their
injury and that those who are responsible for
such pretenses or false claims are therefore
racketeers. By what rule shall these claims be
measured to determine whether or not they are
true or false ~ The sincere person who believes
in God and in Christ, and who is of good will
toward God, will quickly answer this question
in these words: "The VVord of God is the only
true guide by which we must determine the
truth or falsity of such claims."
Is the Roman Catholic Church organization
the true church of the living God ~ The answer
must be, No. Refer now to the foregoing chapter four of this book, wherein are given the
scriptures showing that the true church is the
temple or organization of Jehovah God and that
the one and true Foundation Stone or Rock
thereof is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the
Head and Lord of the church; and that all
others in the temple or church are members
of his body and that such must be transformed
into the likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ, faithfully following in his steps, and that these are
the witnesses of Jehovah God, who are commissioned to bear testimony to his holy name.
The office and mission of the church of God
under Christ Jesus, compared with that of the
Roman Catholic organization, show that the
two take exactly opposite courses. The Roman
Catholic organization is now and for centuries
has been engaged in religion, politics and com-



merce for gain, and is therefore the enemy of

God and the enemy of all men.
In the Scriptures a "tree" is used as a symbol of a creature or of an organization composed of creatures, and the fruits borne by that
tree symbolically stand for what creatures or
organizations hold before the people as spiritual food for their sustenance and growth. Jesus,
speaking of the same, says: "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt
tree bring forth good fruit. ... Wherefore by
their fruits ye shall know them. Not everyone
that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in heaven."-Mat..
thew 7: 18-23.
Jehovah Gad has covenanted to give to Christ
Jesus and his faithful ones who foilow him, and
who are made members of his church, his kingdom, which kingdom shall in time rule in righteousness and minister blessings to the people.
(Luke 22: 28-30) The kingdom of God has nothing that is commercial, and has nothing in common with the harsh, cruel and wicked system
that rules the world now and which present
rule is under the Devil and his representatives.
Concerning this world Jesus said: "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18: 36) "The
prince of this world [Satan] ... hath nothing
in me." (John 14: 30) The Scriptures then show
that Christ Jesus takes his kingdom and rules
at the time of his second coming, at which time
he gathers unto himself his church.-2 Timothy
4 : 1; 2 Thessalonians 2: 1.



Jesus addresses himself to religionists of his

time and of the present time, and to them he
says: "The kingdom of God shall be taken from
you, and given to a nation bringing forth the
fruits thereof." (Matthew 21: 43) The Roman
Catholic church organization has never at any
time brought to the people the fruit or message
of God's kingdom, but, on the contrary, that
organization has at all times co-operated with
politicians, militarists, commercial giants, and
other gangsters to rule and control the nations
of the earth. Instead of bearing before the people the fruits of God's Word, which sustain
them, that is, the fruits of God's kingdom, the
Catholic organization has bitterly opposed the
kingdom under Christ. Every religious organization on the earth indulges in politics and in
commerce, more or less, contrary to the will of
God, and all these organizations ill-treat and
persecute the men and women who bear the
message or fruits of and concerning the kingdom of God before the people.

The Scriptures lay down the unchangeable

rule that everyone who is made a member of
the church of God faithfully follows in the footsteps of Jesus, and therefore must do as Jesus
does. "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us
an example, that ye should follow his steps:
who did no sin, neither was guile found in his
mouth." (1 Peter 2: 21, 22) Again Jesus says:
"Everyone that is of the truth heareth my



voice." (John 18: 37) All such must obey his

commandments or else suffer destruction. (John
14: 15; Acts 3: 23) To lay claim to the high office
of the representative on earth of Jesus Christ,
and then to take the course exactly opposite
to what Jesus took, is wholly inconsistent and
shows that the claims or pretenses of the Catholic organization are false. Consider now the
well-known facts in the light of the above and
supporting scriptures, and by such scriptures
determine the truth or falsity of the claims of
the Catholic organization.
Neither Jesus nor his apostles owned any
real estate, houses or other property. Of Jesus
it is written: "[He] hath not where to lay his
head." (Luke 9: 58) Jesus and his apostles did
not build cathedrals and draw the people into
them to serve them, but the Lord and his apostles went about "from house to house" preaching the truth to the people and instructing them
in the way of God. (Matthew 10: 5-15) All true
followers of Christ Jesus have ever pursued
the same course. Constantine, the politician and
emperor of Rome, who was a pagan or heathen,
claimed to adopt "Christianity". He became a
"Catholic". Constantine was rich and doubtless
had been induced to believe that he could buy
his salvation.
The following is quoted from Cardinal Gibbons' The Faith of Our Fathers, page 134: "Constantine gave to the Roman Church munificent
donations of money and real estate, which were
augmented by additional grants contributed by
subsequent emperors. Hence the patrimony of



the Roman Pontiffs soon became very considerable." From that time onward the Roman
Catholic Church org-anization became very rich
in material things. Thus it is seen that it pursued a course wholly inconsistent with that pursued by Christ Jesus. The religious organization, in the Fourth Century, had bishops and
rulers, many of them, and then the bishop of
Rome was elected to the office of pope. That was
the real beginning of popedom, and was more
than 300 years after the days of the apostles.
-See The Encyclopredia Britannica, Volume 2,
page 81.
Soon thereafter the pope, as the head of the
Roman Church organization, began to exercise
political or temporal power. Pepin, king of
France, after defeating the Lombards in the
war, placed the pope as temporal ruler of the
conquered provinces. Thus the pope came into
existence as a temporal power by means of a
war of conquest; which is contrary to the Word
of God. Says Cardinal Gibbons: "Charlemagne,
the successor of Pepin, not 'only confirms the
grant of his father, but increases the temporal
domain of the Pope by donating him some additional provinces. This small piece of territory
the Roman Pontiffs continued to govern from
that time till 1870, with the exception of brief
intervals of foreign usurpation."-The Faith of
Our Fathers, page 137.
In the exercise of his political power the pope
has maintained his ambassadors at the courts
of almost all the nations of "Christendom". Such
a course is entirely inconsistent with and at



variance with Christ Jesus, the Head of the

church of God, who declares. that he has nothing
whatsoever to do with the political affairs of
this world because Satan controls them.
From 1870 till 1919 the pope was almost eompletely shorn of his temporal power, as will ap'pear from the historical facts subsequently set
forth herein. (See pages 254-262.) During the
period of time from ] 848 to 1919 the Roman
Catholic Church organization continued to dabble in the politics of the world, however, and
to seek to gain political recognition and power
amongst the nations of the earth. Immediately
following the World War the pope sought a seat
at the conference of the League of Nations that
he might engage in dividing up Europe when
the League of Nations was formed. The pope
was prevented from gaining a seat at that conference; but after the League of Nations was
formed and began to operate, the Devil saw to
it that the papal organization got on top of the
League, and it has been riding it ever since.
Mussolini became a friend of the pope, and
since then they have operated together. "In 1929
the Lateran Treaty adjusted the relations of
church and state in Italy. Shortly thereafter
Mussolini and the Pope, strong characters both,
clashed over the education of Fascist youth; in
1932 the Duce went to the Vatican, knelt in
prayer, and, it is believed, took holy communion.
He was an avowed atheist, like his father, in
youth; latterly he has become very religious."
-1nside Europe, page 195.



The ambition of Mussolini is to become a

great war lord and to rule the whole world by
force. 'I'he Homan Catholic organization, working with him, fully supports his ambition. When
Mussolini began and carried on his bloody conquest against the poor blacks of Abyssinia, and
in which war many lives were destroyed, the
pope and the Catholic organization backed up
Mussolini and "blessed" his murderous assaults.
Now the dictator of Italy attempts to compel
men and women to breed like dumb beasts for
the purpose of producing men to be later sacrificed in war, and in this the pope backs up
Mussolini. A press dispatch from Home, published by the United Press and broadcast over
many radio stations, under date of March 4,
1937, says: "Italy's Fascist leaders agreed today on a vigorous effort to increase the birth
rate and provide more soldiers for the army of
the future. A seven-point program was adopted
for immediate application by the Fascist grand
council, supreme advisory body, in another of
its closely guarded night sessions under Premier
Benito Mussolini. ... It was reported that Pope
Pius would instruct Homan Catholic clergymen
to give full support."
Such a course is clearly in violation of God's
everlasting covenant concerning human life, and
the so-called Roman Catholic "Church" is guilty
under God's law. (Genesis 9: 8-13) Does it appear that such an organization represents God
and Christ, or that such organization fraudulently uses the name of God and Christ as a



camouflage behind which it carries on its devilish anti-Kingdom work?

The scarecrow held up throughout the lands
now is that of Communism, and it is the papacy
that is behind that scarecrow movement. Everyone who dares tell the truth about the Roman
Hierarchy is by that organization denounced as
a Communist. The facts are that Communism
has been encouraged by the Jesuits, the secret
order of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and
then used as a camouflage or scarecrow to
frighten the people to unite in a movement contrary thereto, and which latter movement is
clearly controlled by the papacy. In this manner the Nazis of Germany, with Hitler as the
leader, were organized and now carryon a ruth1ess, cruel and murderous rule in that land; and
which class of Nazis delight to persecute those
who faithfully represent God and Christ and
who bear the fruits of his kingdom before the
people. Many of Jehovah's witnesses in Germany have recently been put to death, and thousands of others imprisoned, merely because
they had in their possession Bibles and books
explaining the Bible, which enable the people
to see God's provision for suffering humanity,
The Hitler government is in full accord with
the Vatican of Rome. Would the Lord Jesus
Christ approve such as the rule of Hitler? Certainly not; and since the Roman Church backs
up Hitler, that is persuasive evidence that the
Homan Catholic organization represents the
Devil and is the enemy of God and Christ.



At one time the Roman Catholic Hierarchy

controlled Spain, during which time she prosecuted the wicked Inquisition, compelling people to become Catholics or suffer cruel torture.
The people rebelled against the highhanded
racketeers of Catholicism and organized a republic. Then the Roman Catholic militarists began prosecuting a rebellion against the republic
of Spain, carrying on a cruel and vicious war
for the purpose of again placing the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy in control of that country.
The Hierarchy wrongfully obtained possession
of millions of money obligations of the Spanish
government, concealed the same in their cathedrals, and used it to prosecute a rebellious war,
in which hundreds of thousands of persons have
been cruelly murdered, many of them killed by
Catholic priests. Mussolini and Hitler have supported the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in the
prosecution of that rebellious war. Surely no
representative of God and Christ on earth could
engage in such a warfare, which is in open violation of God's everlasting covenant concerning
the sanctity of human life.
Since the World War, and since the Roman
Catholic organization has regained temporal
power, she has become bold and aggressive as
never before. A person would have to be mentally blind who does not now see that the purpose of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is to
gain control of the political affairs of the world
and rule the people with dictators. The papacy
has made an alliance with the political rulers
of Japan, who make no pretense of being Chris-



tians, and she there prosecutes a campaign to

silence everybody that speaks the truth against
Catholicism. Tho Roman Catholic Hierarchy is
vigorously pushing its campaign to gain control
of the offices and political affairs of the British
Commonwealth of Nations, but her greatest
effort is now put forth to gain control of the
United States of America. A book published in
1935 by a former Roman Catholic Jesuit, who
manifestly was sick of the duplicity practiced
by the rulers in that wicked religious organization, amongst other things says:
In theory, Oatholic Action is the work and service
of lay Catholics in the cause of religion, under the guidance of the bishops. In practice it is the Catholic group
fighting their way to control America...
There was a time-it is now past-when only pious
Catholics took part in the work of the Ohurch. But today many Catholics who cannot qualify 88 pious are
busy about Catholic Action. Catholicism, in America at
least, has ceased to be a matter of religious observance.
Catholicism now is something that partakes of clannishness, and that is constituted in large part by social and
political and "club" affiliations. Among the hundreds of
Catholic leaders who are outstanding for their loyalty
to the cause are to be found quite a few who have little
if any regard for Catholic doctrines or observances.
Catholic Action would be a far less serious factor in this
country were its only agents pious and devout Catholics.
The starting point of the wave of Oatholic Action in this
country may be traced back to the inauguration of the
National Catholic Welfare Conference in 1921. On that
occasion Archbishop Hanna declared : "We have co-ordinated and united the Catholic power of this country.



It now knows where and when to act and is encouraged

hy the consciousness of its unity. We feel ourselves powerful because our reunion has become visible!' From that
day' Catholic strength has grown apace, and Catholic
organizations have multiplied .
New organizations spring into existence every month.
Only last May (1935) a "Catholic War Veterans Association" was established under the patronage of Bishop
Molloy of Brooklyn. Already it has several "posts" and
it aims at becoming not only a nation-wide but an international organization. Women auxiliaries are attached
to the "posts" under the snappy name of "Yeomanettes".
"I am sure," announced the chaplain, Father Higgins,
"that we will have the holy backing of Cardinal Hayes
and that the entire hierarchy will likewise approve!'
Contemporaneously with the Catholic War Veterans, the
Catholic College Graduates felt inspired to do more than
they were doing for Catholic Action and to set up a new
organization, so that their leadership in Catholic life
might become more effective. Father Parsons S.J., explaining the new move, writes: H Organize! Pool
the intellects and the wills of as many of the graduates
as can be got together. Give them a common objective.
Fire their imaginations with the vision of a great movement which takes its roots from deep within the traditions that formed our Western civilization. Let them be
daring. Let them be even revolutionary if the need be
for that."
... "Catholic men," he said, "should unite in order
to be able to tell legislatures that they must not introduce bills which are inimical to the ideals of the family
or the ideals of the Catholic Church. They should organize so as to be strong enough to insist that school



teachers who teach 'pernicious doctrines' be removed."

-Rome Stoops to Conquer, pages 15-18.

Space will not permit to call attention here

to the divers means employed politically and
otherwise to push forward "Catholic Action",
and thereby gain control of America and other
nations. The purpose here is to call attention to
the fact that a religious organization that indulges in such political, commercial, military
and other wicked methods as those employed
by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy could not possibly be the representative of Christ on earth,
and that therefore the claims or pretenses of
the Roman Catholic organization concerning its
being the church of God are wholly fraudulent
and false. Such alone should be sufficient to
prove to every honest and sincere person that
the Roman Catholic organization is the instrument of the Devil and therefore inimical to the
welfare of humankind. If a person desires to
jeopardize his eternal welfare by holding on to
and supporting that wicked organization, which
is the enemy of God and man, such is his privilege; but this is a warning, that he may have
no excuse for later saying that he did not know
the organization represented the Devil. The purpose of this publication is to aid honest and
sincere persons, whether Catholic or otherwise,
to see the truth, that they may seek and find
the only place of security.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy church organization is the most perfectly organized political
body on earth and is the most powerful one of
all organizations. The British Commonwealth of



Nations holds the distinction of being the greatest world power that ever existed. Its claim is
that its possessions are so far flung that the
sun shines on some part thereof at all times.
Made up of many peoples, kindreds and tongues,
the British Commonwealth of Nations is truly
cosmopolitan. Many good people of England
are beginning to see the great danger that now
threatens the Commonwealth and that such dan.
gel' is the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
In practically all of the colonies or subordinate portions of the Commonwealth, Roman
Catholic officials are in control, and those officials utterly disregard the rights of any nonCatholics. In both Northern and Southern Rhodesia, in West Africa, in the Fiji Islands, in
Quebec and many other parts of the Commonwealth, political, religious Roman Catholics under the domination of the Vatican control the
public offices. They manifest an outward allegiance to the British Commonwealth, but at
heart those Catholic officials are loyal only to
the Vatican. They suppress the truth and forbid the importation of publications that would
enlighten the people in these colonies, particularly the natives, and thus keep them in
ignorance. If the people perchance get into possession of literature that enlightens them concerning God's Word and his kingdom, Roman
Catholic officials take immediate steps to prevent the further publication of such literature
and the promulgation of the truth. Those Catholic officials do not hesitate to promulgate lies,
charging true Christians with crimes, which per-



sons are in no wise guilty. Such lies are told

to furnish an excuse to prohibit the people from
possessing anything that explains to them the
Word of God, which Word of God exposes the
duplicity and crookedness of the Roman Catholic organization.
From the subordinate parts of the Commonwealth pressure is being brought to bear, on
England in particular, and it is only a question
of time, and that a short time, until the British
Commonwealth of Nations will be dominated
and controlled by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Such a course of action is wholly inconsistent with that of true followers of Christ,
and these facts are cited here to prove that the
Roman Catholic organization does not represent
God and Christ but represents the Devil.

In the United States alone, it is claimed, there

are twenty million of the Catholic laity, that is,
"children of the church" or "Catholic population", which population is dominated by thirty
thousand clergymen. The Catholic Church organization in America holds title to property
valued at more than two billion dollars. The
Encyclopedia Americana, in an article published
in 1927, shows that at that time the Catholic
church had within its organization throughout the earth 294,583,000 persons. The material
wealth of the Catholic organization is to be
found in great sums on every continent and
country of the earth, aggregating many billions.
Whence does its tremendous wealth come' What



representations and claims have been made by

the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to induce the
people to put themselves under the dominating
control of that organization and to so greatly
enrreh that religious, political organization?

Without a doubt the source of revenue of the

Roman Catholic church organization, that which
has brought the greatest amount of money into
the coffers of the Vatican, is the doctrine of
"purgatory". Millions of persons have put their
trust in the clergymen and by the clergymen
have been induced to believe that when a man
dies it is only the body that dies, but that the
soul of that man continues to live and that every
soul goes immediately to one of three places,
that is, the righteous to heaven, the willfully
wicked to eternal torment or hell, and those
who have died in venial sin and who have not
been cleaned up go to "purgatory", there to
remain for an indefinite period of time, the
duration of which may be shortened by money
contributed by living friends and paid into the
hands of priests of the Catholic Church to say
prayers on behalf of the dead. Also it is represented the money thus contributed results beneficially to those who are living and that after
death their time in "purgatory" might be shortened.
Sincere people, believing such representations
to be true, have rushed into the Catholic organization and have freely given up their money,
hoping thereby to gain for themselves and their



beloved dead great benefits and to relieve their

dead friends from suffering the "fires of purgatory". The result has been and is that billions
of dollars of money have been poured into the
Roman Catholic organization's treasury, which
hus been used and is being used by the Hierarchy, to carry forward its ambitious and cruel
purpose, and for the "higher-up priests" to live
wantonly and fare sumptuously daily, while the
common people suffer for the necessities of life.
If the Catholic doctrine of "purgatory" is false,
then it must be considered by every honest person that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is operating the greatest racket ever known, by which
racket the people are robbed of their money,
their peace of mind, and their prospects of a
knowledge of God's purpose; and this alone
brands the Catholic organization as the instrument of the Devil and the enemy of God and
of man. It is also further proof that the claim
made that the Catholic church is the church
of God is another of the Devil's lies, told for
the purpose of deceiving the people and turning them away from Jehovah God.
That no one may have reason to say, as many
Catholic priests have said, that their doctrine
of "purgatory" is misrepresented to the people,
the following is quoted from the book of Cardinal Gibbons, a renowned Catholic authority:
"The Catholic Church teaches that, . . . there
exists in the next life a middle state of temporary punishment, allotted for those who have
died in venial sin, or who have not satisfied
the justice of God for sins already forgiven.



She also teaches us that, although the souls

consigned to this intermediate state, commonly
called purgatory, cannot help themselves, they
may be aided by the [prayers] of the faithful
on earth. The existence of purgatory naturally
implies the correlative dogma-the utility of
praying for the dead-for the souls consigned
to this middle state have not reached the term
of their journey. They are still exiles from heaven and fit subjects for Divine clemency.
(( ... His soul will be ultimately saved, but
he shall suffer, for a temporary duration, in
the purifying flames of Purgatory. This interpretation is not mine. It is the unanimous voice
of the Fathers of Christendom."-The Faith of
Our Fathers, pages 205-208.
This is a plain 'statement that the doctrine
of "purgatory" is based upon tradition and not
upon the Word of God, and according to the
rule laid down by Jesus this doctrine makes
void the Word of God, because it is false. (Matthew 15: 3, 6) For the purpose of laying the
foundation for the doctrine of "purgatory" the
same authority, on page 217, says this: "For
what is death' A mere separation of body and
soul. 'I'he body, indeed, dies, but the soul 'lives
[on] ... ' It continues after death, as before,
to think, to remember, to love."
Such is the teaching of men in the Catholic
Church organization, handed down for generations by tradition. You may choose to believe
tradition or the Bible. Which are you willing
to believe? The Bible proof is now here submitted, showing that the "purgatory" doctrine



is wholly false and therefore of the Devil. The

Douay is the Catholic Vcrsion of the Bible, and
has the full endorsement of the Hierarchy. That
Version says concerning the soul: "The soul
that sinneth, the same shall die." (Ezechicl18: 4,
D01WY) By their own version of the Bible the
Catholic doctrine of "purgatory" is proved false,
What is the soul l It is a living, breathing creature. Every man is a soul, but no mun possesses
a soul. In Genesis 2: 17 it is written: "But of
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou
shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou
eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." By what
authority is the claim made that death is merely
the separation of the body and soul and that
the soul lives on 1 'I'hat claim is based wholly
on the Devil's lie. God declared that man should
die if he sinned. The Devil says there is no
death; and Jesus says the Devil is a liar. (Genesis 3: 4; John 8: 4.4) "All they that be fat upon
earth shall eat and worship: all they that go
down to the dust shall bow before him: and
none can keep alive his own soul."-Psalm 22: 29.
Catholic tradition says: 'The dead continue
to remember, to think and to love.' 'I'he Catholic Bible says: "For there is no one in death,
that is mindful of thee: and who shall confess to thee in hell [the grave (Auih, V er.)] 1"
(Psalm 6: 6, Douay) This same scripture in the
Authorized Version says: "For in death there
is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who
shall give thee thanks 1" (Psalm 6: 5) "The dead
praise not the Lord, neither any that go down
into silence." (Psalm 115: 17) "For the living



know that they shall die, but the dead know

nothing more, neither have they a reward any
more: for the memory of them is forgotten.
. . . Whatsoever thy hand is able to do, do it
earnestly: for neither work, nor reason, nor
wisdom, nor knowledge shall be in hell [the
grave], whither thou art hastening." - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10, Catholic Douay Version.
Seeing that the Scriptures conclusively prove
that the dead are not conscious anywhere and
not undergoing punishment or suffering in "purgatory", it is clear that the "purgatory" doctrine
is another of the Devil's lies employed by men
to deceive and to rob the people, and to turn
them away from God, and to carryon the most
subtle, devilish racket on earth. Note now, the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy has always invoked
the rule that the common people must not study
the Bible by themselves but must receive only
whatsoever the Catholic Church teaches. See
The Faith of Our Fathers, page 74, where it
is said that "God never intended the Bible to
be the Christian's rule of faith, independently
of the ... authority of the [Catholic] Church".
On the contrary, the Scriptures, written in the
Bible at the command of Almighty God, were
written to be man's true and unfailing guide
that the man of God might be fully equipped.
(2 Timothy 3: 16, 17) There is no text in the
Bible that supports the theory of "purgatory";
and, knowing this to be true, the clergy of the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy tell the people that
they must not attempt to study the Bible independently, but must take the interpretation of



the priests. "Purgatory" is a religious doctrine,

invented by the enemy of God and man for the
purpose of turning men away from God.
Any kind of scheme or trick that is operated
to cause others to unwittingly part with their
money is a racket. Three-card monte, the shell
game, the lightning-rod scheme, the real estate
schemes, or the prize-contest scheme, or any
other scheme that is used to improperly take
away from the people their money, is a racket.
Inducing people to invest their money in lottery
schemes or suchlike is a racket; all of which
are bad and are strictly avoided by honest and
careful persons. When a man or organization
gains the confidence of others and then takes
advantage of such others and thereby wrongfully causes them to give up their money, that
is a vicious racket, because the one robbed has
no way of protecting himself. When a man or
organization induces the people to believe that
their dead friends are conscious and suffering
in a place called "purgatory" and that contribution of money by the living can help such suffering ones, and the people are thereby induced
to part with their money to the priests, such is
the meanest, crookedest, most damnable racket
that could be practiced. No man has ever received the slightest benefit for money given over
to priests to say prayers for the dead or for
the living; therefore the obtaining of money by
the priests or clergymen upon the claim that
they can benefit the dead IS obtaining money
under false pretenses and should be punished
like all other similar crimes.



The Catholic Hierarchy makes it a regular

business to call upon the Catholic population
for money to supply what is called the "purgatorial purse" and suggests the contribution
of specific sums for each person for whom
prayers are made. The amount received for
each name submitted is almost always suggested according to the ability of those who
contribute. Twenty-five cents a name is sometimes used, and sometimes far greater sums.
But suppose twenty-five cents per name is contributed by each of the twenty million "Catholic population" in America, and that this eontribution is made once a week, that makes a very
large sum of money that is wrongfully extracted
from the pockets of the people. But suppose
the amount is a dollar a week per person, on
the average; that would mean for twenty million persons one billion and forty million dollars
per year. Persons of moderate means or much
means, who are permitted to have an audience
with the "august" clergy, contribute much more
than a dollar per week each. The claim is made
that the Catholic population of the world today is upward of 300,000,000, and if each of
these is held up for twenty-five cents per week
for the "purgatorial purse", that alone would
amount to the enormous sum of $3,900,000,000
per year. Add to that the other contributions
that are regularly made to the Hierarchy, and,
too, the weekly collections that are gathered in
by the nuns from the laboring class, and it
appears that there is a fabulous sum of money
that continues to flow into the coffers of the



Hierarchy as a result of the operation of the

great racket, a racket that is greater than all
other rackets combined.

Radio stations frequently broadcast programs

calling attention to the various rackets or fakes
that are now being imposed upon the people,
by which large sums of money are collected
from people who are credulous. For instance,
a puzzle scheme is advertised by which the public are told that those who successfully solve
the puzzle will receive so many votes, and thereafter, by expending more money, they may draw
a very large prize. By this racket great sums
of money are collected, and the prize is never
paid; and then the police make a raid on the
racketeers and arrest them. The United States
post-office department issues an order prohibiting the use of the mails to carryon such a
racket, and properly so. Contrast this with the
"purgatory" racket. A Catholic priest publishes
a letter telling Catholics that by contributing
so much money they can aid their suffering
dead in "purgatory". This letter advises the
people that for each name submitted a certain
sum should be contributed. The money is sent
in regularly, paid over as a result of a false
and fraudulent representation that it will result
beneficially to the people. The United States
government has a Roman Catholic as postmaster general and in control of the post-office
department, and who is in fact an agent and
representative of the Vatican. Has anyone ever



heard of his issuing an order forbidding the

use of the United States mails to carry on a
racket of collecting money from the people
upon the representation that it is for the benefit of the dead?
The "purgatory" racket is much more reprehensible than the prize racket above mentioned, because the people know they are gambling on the prize racket. As to the "purgatory"
racket the credulous are taken advantag-e of,
kept in ignorance of what the Scriptures teach,
and prevented by the racketeers from knowing
the truth, and then they are robbed of millions
of money, and the post-office department piously
folds its hands and says: 'This is doing a good
work.' Does any sane and honest person believe
that an organization or religious system that
carries on such a racket could at the same time
be the representative of God and Christ on
earth? The proof is overwhelming that the
claims and pretenses made by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization that it is the church
of God are a monstrous lie, a great defamation
of the name of Almighty God, and that the
same are made for the purpose of robbing the
people and turning them away from God.

Another erroneous doctrine of the Roman

Catholic church system is that the clergy of
that system can forgive sins. The credulous
Catholic population believe that the priest possesses such power from God, and, so believing.
they go to the priest at regular intervals and



confess their sins that they may receive remission or absolution. One who commits the most
heinous crime may do that and then straightway go out and commit another crime. A striking example is that of Mussolini, Until he made
peace with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy he
was an avowed atheist and a common gangster,
but afterwards he went to the Vatican and made
an alliance with the papal system and then went
forth and committed greater crimes than ever
before. He carried on a cruel war of conquest
of Abyssinia in utter violation of God's law,
and no doubt received what the papacy calls
"absolution" from the pope, because that "august official" attempted to "bless" Mussolini's
war activities. Men who believe that the pope
or the priests have power to forgive sins embrace and practice that religion to ease their
conscience and to steel their conscience for further crime. Says the Catholic authority: "It
follows, first, that the forgiving power was not
restricted to the Apostles, but extended to their
successors in the ministry unto all times and
places. The forgiveness of sin was to continue
while sin lasted in the world; and as sin, alas!
will always be in the world, so will the remedy
for sin be always in the Church. The medicine
will co-exist with the disease."-The Faith of
OtW Fathers, page 333.
The Roman Catholic church system has assumed to perform this great act of forgiving
of sins for a money consideration, and still
does so. The foregoing authority further says:
"Nor did the Pope exceed his legitimate powers



in promising to the pious donors spiritual favors

in exchange for their donations. For if our sins
can be redeemed by alms to the poor, as the
Scripture tells us, why not as well by offerings
in the cause of religion ~"-Page 370.
"And the Church having power to remit the
greater obstacle, which is sin, has power also
to remove the smaller obstacle, which is the
temporal punishment due on account of it."Page 365.
Every person familiar with the Papal history needs only to have it called to his mind
that one John Tetzel, a Dominican monk, became famous through Germany and other parts
of Europe by reason of the fact that he sold
indulgences for large sums of money whereby
the purchaser was authorized to commit any
or all kinds of crime with impunity. This racket
has been carried on for so long a time that even
the priests are convinced it is their inherent
right to receive donations of money from the
poor and from the rich upon the pretext that
the priests have power to grant absolution or
forgiveness for the commission of sin.
It is not at all surprising that the political
and commercial ruling element of Italy, Germany, Austria and many other countries are
supporters of the Vatican. Those men are
steeped in crime, and they must have something to ease their conscience, and they are
willing to pay for it. They are induced to believe that regardless of the crime committed
they may receive absolution from the Papal
Hierarchy. This racket, practiced by the Papal



Hierarchy, has brought millions of money into

the coffers of the Vatican; particularly the politicians are induced to believe that they must
do their part by liberally contributing to the
Catholic purse. It is not surprising that many
of the officials of the ruling element and the
commercial giants of Great Britain and America
are adherents of the Catholic religion and that
they pay large SUInS of money in the nature
of insurance premiums against loss by reason
of their deliberate wickedness. Thus it is seen
that the racket enlarges and that the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy has no real competitors anywhere in the field of racketeering. If the priests
or clergymen of that system have no power to
forgive sins, then their course is nothing else
than a subtle scheme to filch money from the
pockets of others and to bring reproaches upon
the name of Almighty God. Now let us look at
the real authority and see who can forgive sins.
The Scriptures show that God alone, through
Christ Jesus' merit, can forgive sins. If a man
does not believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ
and that his shed blood is the basis for the forgiveness of sins, then God will not hear his
prayer or forgive him, but the wrath of God
continues to abide upon that person, as it is
plainly stated in John 3: 36. It is written: "The
blood of Jesus Christ his [God's] Son cleanseth
us from all sin." (1 John 1: 7) "Without shedding of blood [the blood of Jesus Christ] is no
remission [of sin]." (Hebrews 9: 22) Again it is
written: "In whom we have redemption through
his [Jesus'] blood, even the forgiveness of sins."



(Colossians 1: 14) Jesus conferred upon his

faithful apostles specific authority concerning
remission of sins, as stated in these words:
"Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain,
they are retained." (John 20: 23) This authority, however, is limited only to those faithful
apostles, and applies to no one else before or
ufter.-l John 1: 9; 2: 1, 2.
No wonder the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
advise the "Catholic population" to refrain from
reading the Bible, but to take only what "the
church" says. When honest and sincere people
know the Word of God, they will break away
from the Catholic system; and the racketeers
know that, and when that happens their racket
is done. The claim that the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy priests have power to forgive sins
is extremely blasphemous and is another part
of their racket or scheme. Surely this racket
could not be carried on with sensible and reasonable people if they were first informed in
the Scriptures and believed in God and Christ
Jesus. This is further and conclusive proof that
the Roman Catholic church system is not the
church of God, but that it is a Devil religious
organization, carried on to the reproach of God's
holy name, and works great injury to the people.

The Roman Catholic religious organization

performs certain ceremonies or mere formalisms. On entering- the cathedral the fing-er is
dipped in what is- called "holy water", and the



people are induced to believe that, even if that

water had been pumped out of a pond, some
man could make it holy. Then the man entering
makes the sign of a cross upon himself; the
priest then sprinkles the congregation with the
same kind of water, reciting at the time parts
of the Fiftieth Psalm, or some other scripture;
then he proceeds according to the mass book
(but not according to the Bible) by saying or
repeating certain words in Latin, which probably no one present can understand. While doing this the priest wears peculiar clothing and
continues to perform other acts, such as the
above. Such is a religious practice, wholly unauthorized by the Scriptures, and a reproach
upon God's name, but another means to induce
the credulous to believe here is where they get
their protection and salvation.
Hoping to find some authority for these senseless ceremonies the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
cite the ceremonies performed by the Israelites
in connection with the tabernacle. They ignore
entirely, however, the Bible statement that those
ceremonies performed by the Israelites were
merely moving or living pictures performed
under the direction of Jehovah, particularly
foretelling things to come to pass in the future. (Hebrews 10: 1; 1 Corinthians 10: 11) Such
types performed by the Jews were no authority
for anybody to perform those ceremonies afterwards, because they pertained to the law and
Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and nailed it to
his tree. (Colossians 2: 14) The ceremonies performed in connection with the tabernacle in the



wilderness particularly foretold the coming of

Christ Jesus and his great sacrifice to provide
the ransom price for the remission of the sins
of men, and the presentation of his blood in
the Most Holy, that is, in heaven itself, there
to make satisfaction for the sins of the people.
-Hebrews 9: 20-24.
Christ having fulfilled the law, then the Devil
institutes a ceremony in mockery of what the
Lord has done, and causes his agents, the clergy,
to carryon senseless ceremonies to overawe the
people, falsely claiming the same find authority
in the ceremonies performed in Israel. He puts
it in the mind of selfish and sinful men to arrogate to themselves the power to do what Jesus
alone had authority to do. When Christ Jesus
came and performed his work, all such ceremonies as were practiced in God's law to Moses
ended with His crucifixion. "Wherefore the law
was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ,
that we might be justified by faith." (Galatians
3: 24) "For Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness to everyone that believeth."Romans 10: 4.
Those ceremonies performed by the Hierarchy
priests result in great reproach to the name of
the Lord God and in furthering the practice
of their racketeering upon the people. Neither
Jesus nor his apostles after him indulged in
any kind of formalism or ceremonies. Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death, which is
celebrated once each year as a reminder that
those who have covenanted with God to follow
in the footsteps of Jesus must be broken with



him and suffer as he suffered (1 Corinthians

11 : 23-26; 10: 16, 17); and then the Catholic
priests blasphemously attempt to change the
emblems of wine and bread into the actual
blood and body of Christ, and to induce the
credulous ones to believe it, to the end that
they may be further overawed and submit themselves to racketeering schemes.
Fixed and formal ceremony is entirely contrary to what Jesus instituted with his disciples.
Such formalism is what the prophet of God referred to and what Jesus subsequently repeated,
to wit: "Ye hypocrites! well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh
unto me with their mouth, and honourcth me
with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
But in vain they do worship me, teaching for
doctrines the commandments of men." (Matthew 15: 7-9) This is further proof that the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization is not
the church of God, but represents God's enemy.

In the ceremonies performed by the Roman

Catholic organization they employ images. A
Catholic authority says: "The Christian religion [not the Bible] has allowed the use of
[images] statues and paintings to represent
the incarnate Son of God, the saints, and angels,
and these images are a legitimate aid to devotion." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12)
This practice of the Catholic church is diametrically opposed to God's law. Jehovah God expressly commanded that no image shall be made



and used. (Exodus 20: 3-5) The use of images

by the Hierarchy, therefore, further shows that
the Catholic organization is not the church of
God, because His church does not openly violate God's law. Jesus always obeyed God's commandments, and the members of his church must
do likewise. To his people God gives this commandment: "Every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven
image: for his molten image is falsehood, and
there is no breath in them. They are vanity, and
the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish." (Jeremiah 10: 14, 15)
Of course, the Hierarchy would not wish the
Catholic population to know that these texts
are in the Bible, because that knowledge would
ruin their racket.
But one says, 'How about the statue showing
Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross ~ Should
not we have that kind of statue in our place of
worship?' Jesus was not crucified on a cross.
God's law provided that the accursed sinner
should be hanged upon a tree. The Catholic
priests know this, because their Bible so states.
(See Galatians 3: 13, Douay Version.) (Deuteronomy 21: 22, 23) Jesus died in the place and
stead of a sinner, and therefore as a sinner,
although holy, pure and undefiled; and his death
complied with God's law, and therefore must
take place by his being nailed to a tree, and the
facts show he was so nailed to the tree. "Christ
hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,
being made a curse for us: for it is written,



Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree."

-Galatians 3: 13.
The wooden cross and shrines were used in
the practice of religion by the heathen long
before the birth or death of "the man Christ
Jesus". The practice of the Catholic system in
connection with a cross was borrowed from the
pagans. A well-known authority says:
The cross was worshipped by the Pagan Celts long
before the [birth] and death of Christ. "It is a fact,"
says Maurice, "not less remarkable than well-attested,
that the Druids in their groves were accustomed to select
the most stately and beautiful tree as an emblem of the
deity they adored, and having cut the side branches, they
affixed two of the largest of them to the highest part of
the trunk, in such a manner that those branches extended
on each side like the arms of a man, and, together with
the body, presented the appearance of a HUGE CROSS, and
on the bark, in several places, was also inscribed the letter
Thau [Greek]." It was worshipped in Mexico for ages
before the Roman Catholic missionaries set foot there,
large stone crosses being erected, probably to the "god
of rain." The cross thus widely worshipped, or regarded
as a sacred emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of
Bacchus, the Babylonian Messiah, for he was represented
with a head-band covered with crosses. This symbol of
the Babylonian god is reverenced at this day in all the
wide wastes of Tartary, where Buddhism prevails.-The
Two Babylons, page 199.
"The adoration of the statues of the Buddha and of
his relics is the chief external ceremony of the religion. . . . The central object in a Buddhist temple,
corresponding to the altar in a Roman Catholic church,
is an image of the Buddha, or a dagoba or shrine con-



taining his relics." ... The form of religious worship

contains many points (veneration of relics, auricular confession, beads, processions, etc.) which bear a striking
resemblance to practices of the Roman Church, acknowledged by all, but explained differently... In the land
of its birth, India, Buddhism had to endure a longcontinued persecution, and was at last entirely driven
out, after it had flourished there about twelve hundred
years. The time of its introduction into the other countries is as uncertain as its early history in general.McClintock & Strong's Cycloprodia, Vol. I, pages 907-910.

To bow before an image made of a cross is

contrary to the Word of God, in violation of
his law above cited, and is further proof that
the Catholic church organization is not the
church of God. 'Why pray publicly before an
image of Christ and pretend you are praying
to Jesus, when Jesus himself is fully alive in
heaven 1 Teaching his followers to pray, he
said: "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into
thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door,
pray to thy Fathor which is in secret; and thy
Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee
openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do; for they think that
they shall be heard for their much speaking."
(Matthew 6: 6,7) -Iesus then proceeds to outline a model prayer. (Verses 9-13) But the
Hierarchy does not wish the common people to
follow that.
The followers of Christ Jesus, who are of the
church of God, therefore pray to God in the
name of Christ Jesus, their Lord and Head,
as directed by the Lord. (Matthew 6: 9; John



14: 13, 14) "If ye abide in me, and my words

abide in you, yc shall ask what ye will, and it
shall be done unto you." (John 15: 7) Praying
with beads and before statues and images is
false worship. God is pleased with those who
"worship him in spirit and in truth". (John
4: 23, 24) Religionists are the enemies of God,
because they have forms of pretended worship
of God but they have no real devotion to God
and to his kingdom. What is here said is not
an attack upon men, but an expose of a devilish
system, created and put in operation by God's
enemies, which reproach his name and work
injury to the people.
The foregoing evidence proves conclusively
that religion is a racket and that those who
practice it for gain are racketeers, and that the
chief ones among all racketeers are those who
make up and form the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, who rob the people of their money, take
away their liberty of thought and action, and
put in jeopardy their lives. It is against such
deceivers of the people that God speaks these
words: "The wicked worketh a deceitful work."
(Proverbs 11: 18) The wicked are those who
once had God's favor by being placed in a
position to know his Word, and who then employed what knowledge they gained to use for
selfish or pecuniary gain. Since Satan's world
has reached its climax, the time has come for
the people to have a chance to know the truth
and to determine whether or not they want to
follow their worst enemies or render themselves
in obedience to the great God of the universe.



The nation of Israel had God's favor because

they were his covenant people, and that nation departed from the commandments of God,
and their clergy taught them religion instead
of God's commandments. Likewise in the early
days following the death of the apostles of
Jesus Christ, men who learned of God's purpose were greatly favored by him with some
knowledge of his truth. It was then that ambitious men in the organization departed from
the commandments of God and adopted and
taught the doctrines of men and formed what
is now called "the Christian religion", used and
practiced in the nations called "Christendom".
Within such religious organizations, and particularly within the Catholic organization or
under it, there are many persons who desire
to know and to serve God faithfully; and God
will now give them an opportunity.
By his prophets Jehovah foretold the conditions which now exist and the record of which
appears in the Catholic Douay Version of the
Bible, and a part of it in that Bible reads:
"For among my people are found wicked men,
that lie in wait as fowlers, setting snares and
traps to catch men." (Jeremias 5: 26, Douay)
These words of the Lord specifically describe
the Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction",
which rules the underpriests and the "Catholic
population", and which Hierarchy lays claim to
being God's people. The honest people under
the Hierarchy must now hear the truth, that
they may flee from that wicked organization
and find refuge under Christ Jesus, the Head of



Jehovah's organization. For that reason J ehovah sees to it that all such persons of good will,
who desire to know and to obey him, shall have
an opportunity to hear the truth.
Further describing those selfish, arrogant,
boastful, cruel clergymen, the racketeers in the
organization (or "house") which they rule, the
Lord says to them: ''Your iniquities have turned
these things away, and your sins have withholden good things from you. For among my
people are found wicked men, that lie in wait
as fowlers, setting snares and traps to catch
men. As a net is full of birds, so their houses
are full of deceit: therefore are they become
great and enriched. They are grown gross and
fat: and have most wickedly transgressed my
words. They have not judged the cause of the
widow, they have not managed the cause of the
fatherless, and they have not judged the judgment of the poor."-Jeremias 5: 25-28, Douay.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy have "houses"
allover the earth within which they practice
fraud and deceit, carrying on their racket, and
by which the credulous, honest, sincere people
are induced to wrongfully give up large sums of
money, which has greatly enriched that organization. The money, therefore, has been obtained
by fraud and in the name of God. Aside from
the honest and sincere people of good will under
the Catholic organization, there are millions of
others claiming to be Christians, but who are
not, and who use their religion for selfish gain.
These include priests, politicians and other racketeers and prognosticators of what shall come

OU.lll ~ H

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to pass. Those men indulge in what is a horrible

abomination unto God, and therefore he continues to say to them: "Shall I not visit for these
things, saith the Lord 1 01' shall not my soul
take revenge on such a nation 1 Astonishing
and wonderful things have been done in the
land. The prophets prophesied falsehood, and
the priests clapped their hands ~ and my people
[my pretended people, who practice religion for
gain] loved such things: what then shall be done
in the end thereof1"-Jeremias 5: 29-31, Douay.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy have told the
common people, or the "Catholic population",
that they must not read the Bible; and clearly
such is for the purpose of keeping the people
in ignorance. It must now be apparent, to all
honest people of earth who have any knowledge, that the Roman Catholic organization is
a religious political organization, indulging in
a selfish work, which blasphemes the name of
Almighty God, falsely and fraudulently represents him, carries on a racket in the name of
Christ, and is the great enemy of God and of
the people. Carefully now consider what follows, and the Scriptures in support of the same,
by which the Almighty God foretold exactly the
conditions existing in this very day showing
how the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is a selfish
and devilish organization, operating under the
misleading title of "Christian religion", and desperately attempting to gain control over all the
peoples of the earth in order to satisfy its selfish and ambitious desires.


"Take a harp, go about the city, thou
harlot that hast been forgotten: sing
well, sing many a song, that thou mayst
be remembered.t'-s-Isaiaa 23: 16, Douay.

T IS 'WRITTEN in the Scriptures: "Known

unto God are all his works, from the beginning of the world." (Acts 15: 18) Necessarily
that means that from the time of the beginning
of the wicked world, over which Satan has been
and is the invisible ruler, Jehovah God knew
exactly what would come to pass and he made
a record thereof in advance, and which record
is called 'God's prophecy, written down by holy
men of old, as God dictated to them'. (2 Peter
1: 20, 21) There is no limitation to God's foreknowledge and power, and, of course, he could
and did write prophecy exactly as it shall come
to pass. Satan had flung the challenge into God's
face, and that challenge was accepted (Job
2: 1-7), and therefore God from the beginning
purposed what should come to pass in his own
due time, and so he caused to be written in his
prophecy these words: "I have spoken it, I will
also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will
also do it." (Isaiah 46: 11) To that end God
caused his chosen people, the Israelites, and
those who had dealings with that people, to




make certain motion pictures foreshadowing or

foretelling what should corne to pass in the
future. God caused his faithful prophets to
make a record thereof, writing tho same in
symbolic or cryptic phrase, of what the future
would bring forth.
All prophecy was dictated by J ehovah God
and is written in such a manner that no creature, not even the prophets who wrote, could
understand the meaning thereof until God's
due time to make the meaning clear. The outworking of God's purpose, as recorded in the
prophecies, will bring salvation to all men who
remain faithfully on the side of J-ehovah God,
maintaining- their integrity toward him, and
thereby they will participate in proving tha t
Satan is a liar. As proof that the prophets and
others dill not and could not understand until
due time, it is written: "Of which salvation the
prophets have inquired and searched diligently,
who prophesied of the grace that should corne
unto you: searching- what, or what manner of
time the spirit of Christ which was in them did
signify, when it was testified beforehand the
sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should
follow. . . . which things the angels desire to
look into."-l Peter 1: 10-12.
vVith the coming of the end of Satan's world,
and when his rule should be first interrupted,
the time came for unfolding these prophecies.
This coming takes place at the time of the second coming of Christ Jesus, tho Rightful Ruler
who comes to the temple of God, and through
whom God makes known the meaning of his



prophecies, that those who love and serve him

may understand them. For centuries most of
the Bible has been a puzzle to all persons, although the clergy have arrogated to themselves
the sole authority to understand and interpret.
It is quite evident that the clergy today have
no understanding of the prophecies, because
their hearts are removed from the Lord. But
now the prophecies can be understood by those
who really love and serve God, for the reason
that God's due time has come for them to understand it: UN ow all these things happened unto
them for ensamples: and they are written for
our admonition, upon whom the ends of the
world are come."-':':l Corinthians] U: 11.
Exercising his sovereign will, God caused his
prophets, who were true and faithful men, to
write the prophecy: "For no prophecy ever
came by the will of man; but men spake from
God, being moved by the holy spirit." (2 Peter
1: 21, Revised Version) By His prophets Isaiah,
Ezekiel, Jeremiah and others God foretold that
there would arise in the earth a great religious
organization, which would falsely claim to be
God's representative on earth, but which in fact
would be and is God's worst visible enemy; and
that said religious organization is and for a
long time has been the instrument of Satan, the
great enemy, which he has employed and used
to deceive and mislead the people and turn them
away from God, and to bring reproach upon
God's holy name. By his same prophets God
foretold the means by which that great religious
organization would carry on its work of racket-



eering and blasphemy, and what would be the

end thereof. At this particular point attention
is called to the twenty-third chapter of Isaiah's
prophecy, an examination of which will disclose
that fraudulent and wicked religious organization, which has deceived the people for so many
years and robbed them of their money and their
happiness. It will be well to here carefully read
from the Bible that twenty-third chapter of
I saiah and consider it in connection with what
follows herein.
Jehovah, in the prophecy, is described as the
goreat Father or Life-giver, and his organization on the earth is called "Zion"; and that
organization is the "mother" of the children of
God who maintain their integrity toward him:
"And all thy children shall be taught of the
Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Isaiah 54: 13) The good "woman", Zion,
symbolically stands for the universal organization of God. (Isaiah 54: 1-12) The head or
highest part of God's organization is 'the house
of sons', of which Christ Jesus is the head.
-Hebrews 3: 6.
Satan, the great adversary, also has an
organization, which is entirely wicked, always
opposed to God, and brings reproach upon his
name, and is designated under the symbol of
a bad woman or "harlot". Satan's organization
is also called "Babylon". The Devil's "woman"
or organization, called Babylon the 'old whore'
or "harlot", gives birth to all that are opposed
to God, and for that reason all her offspring
are called the 'children of the Devil' and of the



harlot. (.John 8: 44) "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked
with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: and upon
her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY,
THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken
with the blood of the saints, and with the blood
of the martyrs of Jesus; and when I saw her, I
wondered with great admiration."-Revelation
17: 4-6.
All organizations on the earth that are in
opposition to God and his kingdom, therefore,
necessarily take the name of "Babylon" and
"harlot", and those names specifically apply to
the leading religious organization, the Roman
Catholic church, which claims to be the mother
of the so-called "Christian religion". That
mighty religious organization, foretold in the
Scriptures, uses the method of harlots to induce
politicians and commercial traffickers and others
to fall into her arms and yield to her supposed
charms. In the Scriptures this organization is
likened unto a "strange woman", "which flattereth with her words," and which entices the
credulous persons that are void of understanding to yield to her influence. (Proverbs 7: 5-18)
In the prophecies the "harlot" or religious organization is pictured as bedecking herself in
gaudy and showy clothes, peculiar hats, lace
and silk skirts, and other gaudy apparel, and
she is represented as sauntering forth and in-



dulging in singing seductive songs to inveigle

others into her trap, that she might have personal adulation and praise of men and at the
same time reap also pecuniary gain.
The prophecy of Isaiah here considered discloses the great religious organization operating in the earth; and from about the beginning
of the fourth century onward and until the
year 1848 (A.D.) that religious organization
attained to great and commercial power and
occupied a prominent place amongst the temporal powers of the earth. She was for a time
deprived of her temporal power and lost much
prestige, and then the prophecy discloses that
later she goes forth wearing her harlot garments and deports herself as a harlot, singing
seductive songs like a harlot, by which she hopes
and expects to regain her temporal power and
influence amongst the nations of the earth; and
the prophecy shows that for a time she succeeds.
Then, when she appears to have reached the
zenith of her glory, she boastfully says: 'Now
I am at "peace and safety"; I need nothing.'
That boastful declaration is followed by complete destruction of that wicked system, but
the destruction is performed by the hand of
Jehovah God through Christ Jesus. That great
prophecy is now in course of fulfillment, and
when we set the prophecy itself alongside the
physical facts well known, everyone who loves
God and serves him can understand the prophecy and will study it with the keenest interest.
"Harlot" is properly defined as a female committing adultery or fornication indiscriminately.



In the Hebrew the word is used as applying to

things spiritual, that is to say, going after idols,
the committing of idolatry, thereby departing
from the true worship of Jehovah God and engaging in religion or the worship of various
wicked deities, all of which tends to turn men
away from God and Christ.
That part of the prophecy here specifically
considered related to Tyre; which name is used
symbolically. Satan the Devil is designated in
prophecy as "the king of Tyrus [or Tyre]".
(Ezekiel 28: 12) The visible ruler of the city
bearing that name was merely, as the Scriptures state, "the prince of 'I'yre." (Ezekiel 28: 2,
A.R.V.) Satan rebelled against Jehovah and
therefore departed from the true faith toward
Goa that he, Satan, might traffic in humankind.
To do that, Satan employed religion, as hereinbefore stated. Satan began by telling doctrinal
lies respecting Jehovah God, hence religious
lies, and such lies constitute the main stock in
trade of all religions; and which doctrinal lies
are uttered by the word and authority of the
Devil, and not on the authority of the Word
of Jehovah God. Satan introduced his lying doctrines to Eve when he said: ''Ye shall not snrely
die; for God [as you, Eve, call him] doth know
that in the day yo eat thereof then your eyes
shall be opened; and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."-Genesis 3: 4, 5.
Eve desired religion, and the Devil saw to it
that her desire was fulfilled. She wanted Adam
and herself to become mighty ones, "as gods,"
and not be limited to knowing just Jehovah



God's Word. She wanted her 'eyes opened' and

to 'know good and evil'. The mere worship of
God by obedience to him was made to appear
as extreme and too much in restraint of the
liberty of Eve and Adam. As "gods" they would
not be restrained, but would be independent and
hence not subject to the "Higher Power". Then
they could do what seemed right in their own
eyes, even to compromising between "good and
evil". That was the first introduction of religion to mankind. Thus Satan, "the king of
Tyrus," created and used religion as the means
of gaining control of and commercializing the
human race. Therefore God said to the Devil,
"the king of Tyrus": "By the multitude of thy
merchandise they have filled the midst of thee
with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore
I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain
of God: and I will destroy thee, 0 covering
cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty;
thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of
thy brightness: I wiII cast thee to the ground,
I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee." (Ezekiel 28: 16, 17) The practice of
religion had its beginning with Adam and Eve.
Thereby they expressed the selfish desire to
have that which their Creator had not given to
them. The Devil's purpose in introducing religion was to alienate the devotion of man from
God; and this is conclusive proof that the Devil
is the author and father of all religion.
Adam's son Abel was never religious, because
he was fully obedient to and received the ap-


proval of God the Creator. At the beginning the

children of Adam were not commercial. Then
Cain began to practice religion, in this, that he
adopted a form of worship, but without faith in
God. He had no love for God, nor for the true
worship of God. He brought unto God an offering for which offering God had no respect. Cain
was not 'doing well', and Jehovah said to him:
Sin lieth at the door." (Genesis 4: 3-7) Then
followed the great crime of murder committed
by Cain, and which was induced by religion.
Since then religion and murder have gone hand
in hand. There never has been a war but that
the religionists attempted to bless the warring
Politics and commerce or trade were quickly
developed through religion, and this for selfish
gain. Cain built a city and named it for his son
Enoch, meaning dedicated [to selfishness]".
Then the grandson of Cain became an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron",
which were and are commercialized and used
for military purposes. (Genesis 4: 8-22) Due to
relig-ious practices in defiance of Jehovah God
the human race became frightfully degenerate.
The flood came and destroyed all practitioners
of religion. Noah and his household remained
true to Jehovah God, and they were the only
survivors of the great deluge. Noah was a
preacher of righteousness", but never a religionist.-2 Peter 2; 5.
In obedience to God's commandment Noah
and his sons, following the flood, began to multiply, and replenish the earth". (Genesis 9: 1)



Soon after the flood religion again came prominently to the fore. Nimrod, the great-grandson
of Noah, became the visible religious leader, and
"he began to be ... a mighty hunter before the
Lord". That was the practice of religion, because it put Nimrod, a creature, "before" or
superior to God, the Creator, and it was a religion to all of Nimrod's admirers and supporters.
The purpose was to turn creatures away from
.Jehovah. 'With Nimrod religion began to be
practiced after the flood. After religion politics
was quickly employed and the political rule by
Nimrod the religionist began. "And the beginning of his kingdom [political rule] was Babel."
'I'hen commerce quickly developed, which is evidenced by Nimrod and his sons' building cities
and bringing together many people, which again
requi red traffic amongst them.-Genesis 10: 8-12.
The building of the city and tower of Babel
was induced by religion, and this is clearly
shown by the language of the builders. "And
they said, Go to, let us build us a city, and a
tower whose top may reach unto heaven; and
let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the raeo of the whole earth." (Genesis 11: 4) Bab-el, Babil and Babylon, all meaning the same thing (Genesis 10: 10, margin),
from the beginning stood for religion, politics
and commerce, because the very express purpose was to turn men away from God in defiance
of his commandment. The name Nimrod means
"rebel" or "rebellious one" that rules. He named
the beginning of his political kingdom Bab-el,
which meant to him and his followers "The



gate to God"; therefore a religion. In defiance

of the religious aspect of this organization the
Almighty God interfered and brought about the
confusion of tongues or langnage, and therefore the Hebrew word for Bab-el means "confusion". Religions have always brought confusion to the people. The word "Babylon" means
the same as "Babel". The deity or one worshiped by that people was "Bel" or "Baal",
which means the Devil, the covetous one. (See
Prophecy, pages 127,128, and the scriptures
there cited.) This is further proof that religion
is the product of the Devil. Politics and commerce, added to religion, form the elements
of Satan's organization. Jehovah God, by his
prophet Ezekiel, designates Babylon as "a city
of merchants", "a land of traffic" or commerce.
-Ezekiel 17: 4,12.
The fact that Jehovah named Satan the Devil
"the king of Tyrus" and said to the Devil, "By
the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled
the midst of thee with violence," is conclusive
proof that the city of Tyre or Tyrus stands for
or symbolizes the Devil's organization, which is
made up of religion (the chief element or binding tie), politics, and traffic or commerce. All
these things recorded in the Word of God were
written aforetime for the aid and comfort of
those persons now on the earth who love and
serve Jehovah God as he has commanded.
Referring now to the foregoing Scriptural
definition of harlot: What religious system
exactly fits the prophecies recorded in God's
Word Y There is but one answer, and that is,



The Roman Catholic Church organization. It

is a religious organization. It claims to be the
mother of the "Christian religion", so called.
All other religions organizations that take the
name "Christian religion" are the offspring of
the Roman Catholic organization, and therefore all are a part of Babylon. Noone will even
attempt to dispute the fact of the relationship
of all so-called "Christian religions" to the Catholic church organization.
The Roman Catholic organization is ruled by
the Hierarchy, and that organization indulges
and participates in the political affairs of all
the nations of earth. 'l'he Roman Catholic church
is also a great commercial organization. It contains all the elements of the religious organization which began with Nimrod and of which the
Devil is the father. This must not be construed
to mean that all the people who are dominated
by the Roman Catholic organization, or who
support the same, arc the willing servants of
the Devil. Great numbers of Catholics have been
misled and woefully deceived. The millions of
people who hold to the Catholic church organization, aside from the clergy, are designated
as "the Catholic population". Great numbers of
these people are sincere, and it appears to be
the Lord's will to now give them an opportunity
to see the truth and take their stand on the
side of God and righteousness. Nothing herein
must be construed as an expression of ill will
toward individuals or persons. The purpose of
this publication is to expose the Devil's deceitful methods, in order that honest and sincere



persons may eRcape his clutches and find the

way to life and happiness.
The prophecy concerning Tyre applies to the
Roman Catholic religious system. Zidon, being
a neighbor city, pictured other religions that
consort with and operate with the Roman Catholic organization. The term "Christendom" is
a word applying to those countries or nations
wherein the so-called "Christian religion" is
practiced. All religious systems called "Christian religion" properly take the name of the
mother "harlot"; therefore the terms Babylon
and Tyre apply to the lands known as "Christendom". Zidon, having been built before Tyre,
would well picture other religions practiced
prior to the beginning of the Roman Catholic,
and which co-operate with the Roman Catholic
organization. With this introductory a detailed
examination of the prophecy appearing at the
23d chapter of Isaiah proceeds; and those who
really love God will pursue this study with a
keen interest and, it is to be hoped, with much
profit. If repetitions appear at different places
you will see that such repetitions are necessary
in order to drive home the point.

The prophecy of the 23d chapter of Isaiah

is introduced with the words "The burden of
Tyre". That means something heavy to be borne
by ancient Tyre and foreshadows a greater burden to be borne by modern Tyre. The prophecy
applies in a miniature way to ancient Tyre, and
it applies on a far greater scale to the Roman



Catholic religious system and in that system

will have its fulfillment in completion. God has
his own way to conceal the meaning of a prophecy until his due time to reveal it to those who
love him. It often appears that the prophecy
is recorded in the inverse order, that is to say,
that which applies last to the fulfillment of the
prophecy in completion appears in the record
first, while that which applies first appears in
the divine record last. At this point it seems
well to examine some historical facts as they
appear in the Bible, and which relate to ancient
Tyre and the cities associated with her.
Zidon was a sister city of ancient 'I'yre. Men
who built cities immediately following the flood
named them for their sons, as it appears at
Genesis 10: 1-6, 8, 15-19. From the Scriptures it
appears that Nimrod was a cousin to the Zidonians and also to the Tyrians. Both cities practiced the religion which the Devil promulgated.
It is written: "Ashtoreth the goddess of the
Zidonians" (1 Kings 11: 5); also, "the gods of
Zidon." (Judges 10: 6) The Zidonians' religion
dates practically from the same time as the
building of Babel.-Genesis 10: 10, 19; 11: 1-9.
Tyre was built by the descendants of Canaan,
the cursed one. (Genesis 9: 25) The Hebrew
word for "Tyre" is "Tsore", and means "rock".
The city was built on a rock island, like a point
in the sea, a short distance from the mainland
of Phoenicia. It became a world-important center of commerce or traffic upon the seas. Doubtless the Devil chose this place, a rock, on which
to build Tyro, in mockery of and as a mimic



of Jehovah God's organization to rule, which is

built upon the Rock (Christ Jesus) taken out
from Jehovah's universal organization, .rehovah
himself being tho Great Rock.-DanieI2: 34, 45.
The first mention of Tyre is at Joshua 19: 29.
wherein it is called "the strong city". It was
included in the territory assigned to the tribe
of Asher of the people of Israel. (Joshua
19 : 24-31) Both Zidon and Tyre maintained religious temples wherein they practiced the Devil
religion and where they invoked the demon gods
to bless their commercial traffic. (Joel 3: 4, 5)
The Devil was the invisible "king of Tyrus",
and the spiritual father of the visible ruler of
the ancient city, which city was ruled by the
representative of the Devil. That representative is called "the prince of Tyrus". (Ezekiel
28: 2, 12) Note that the "prince of Tyre" said:
"I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the
midst of the seas [hence, as a sea god]." Also
note that Jehovah said to him: Thou art a
man, and not God."-Ezekiel 28: 2.
The Devil said of himself: "I will be like the
Most High" '(Isaiah 14: 13, 14), and thus he
declared himself to be equal to the Almighty
God, Jehovah. Satan the Devil is designated in
the Scriptures "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4: 4), that is, the invisible, spiritual ruler.
"The prince of Tyre" therefore prophetically
pictures the visible representatives of the Devil
who claim to be as gods. Such a claim is made
by the head of the Roman Catholic religious
organization. The pope of Rome or the Roman
Catholic organization is designated by the Hier-



archy a god, as it is stated in history. A Roman

Catholic authority, Ferraris' Ecclesiastical Dictionary, says: "The pope is of such dignity and
highness that he is not simply a man, but, as
it were, God, and the vicar of God.... Hence
the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as
king of heaven, of earth and of hell.... Whatsoever the pope does seems to proceed from
the mouth of God.... The pope is, as it were,
God on earth, the only prince of the faithful of
Christ, ... The pope can sometimes counteract
the divine law."
While this high-sounding claim is made by
the Roman Catholic organization for the pope,
mark that it does not say of what god he is the
representative on earth. The fact is, he is the
representative of "the god of this world", who
the Scriptures show is the Devil. (2 Corinthians
4: 4) It is quite certain that the sincere ones
of the "Catholic population" would not willingly
class any creature as equal to Jehovah, the
Almighty God. They have been deceived and
misled by the claims of the Hierarchy.
The Devil has caused the people to be very
superstitious or religious. Paul came in contact
with the people of Athens, who were practicing
the Devil religion in ignorance of the fact that
they were paying homage to the Devil. To them
Paul said: "Men of Athens, in all things I perceive that ye are very religious." (Acts 17: 2229, R. V.) Another translator renders the text in
this wise: "How . . . reverent of the demons
ye are, I perceive." (Roth.) "Men of Athens, I
perceive that you are in every respect" remark-



ably religious." (Weymouth) This is further corroborative proof that religion is of the Devil
and is in exact and complete opposition to the
commandment of Almighty God. "The man of
sin" practices religion, acting contrary to the
commandments of God. "That man of sin ... ,
the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that
is worshipped; so that he, as God, sitteth in
the temple of God, shewing himself that he is
God. Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying
wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth [the very opposite of religion is the truth], that they might
he saved. And for this cause God shall send
them strong delusion, that they should believe
a lie [religious teaching]." (2 Thessalonians
2: 3,4,9-11) That company of persons forming
or composing the "man of sin" relies on the
teachings of men, or tradition, which make void
the Word of God.-See pages 303-305.
Ancient Tyre, as shown by the Scriptures.
did in fact control the commerce of the sea.
"The sea" symbolically stands for the people
that bear up and give support to the Devil's
religious organization. Therefore Tyre pictures
religion commercialized, that is to say, religious
doctrines and ceremonies and superstitions used
for commercial purposes for the enrichment of
a few at the expense of the credulous people,
who are kept in subjection and under control.
Religion traffics in humankind, selling the gul-



liblo and credulous people to the professional

politicians and militarists. The religious institution known as the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
claims that the head of that organization is infallible and can spiritually do no wrong, and
yet it uses and practices religion and religious ceremonies to commercially gain material
wealth and to wrongfully control the people. Its
subjects, that is, the "Catholic population", must
worship the religions institution, and at the
same time those people are forced to contribute
or pay money for the up-keep of the institution.
"Organized Christianity" so called, or "organized religion", is generally understood to embrace the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek
Orthodox Church, and the Protestant Church;
but the Roman Catholic organization claims to
be the original church, the mother of the socalled "Christian religion", and that the other
religious systems are her daughters.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the ruling
power of "Christian religion" so called, is the
modern "prince of Tyrus", the members of the
Hierarchy even giving themselves the title "the
princes of the church". Modern Tyre, therefore,
is organized religion, visibly ruling the people
under its father the invisible ruler, "the king
of Tyrus," who is the Devil. J'esus gave this
plain statement concerning the practitioners of
religion founded upon tradition: "Ye are of
your father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the
beginning, and abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. "When he speaketh a



lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,

and the father of it."-John 8: 44.
Today Protestantism is dead so far as the
protest against the practitioners of Catholicism
is concerned, and the Protestant clergy, together with the rabbis of the Jewish religious
organization, follow the lead of the Roman
Catholic organization and act in harmony therewith. All such practice religion, of which the
Devil is the author. Ancient Tyre was an opponent of Jerusalem, God's typical organization.
Mod2rTI Tyre is the enemy and opponent of
the true spiritual Jerusalem, God's people on
the cnrth.-Ezekiel 26: 2.

Says Jehovah by his prophet: "Howl, ye ships

of 'I'arshish." (Isaiah 23: 1) Ships are vessels,
implements or instruments, such as were used
by ancient Tyre to carryon its commerce and
trade upon the seas, and to establish colonies
in the lands round about, to be used for commercial purposes. Also its religion was thus carried and spread to other places in the earth.
Tarshish appears to have been one of the colonies of ancient Tyre where traffic was carried
on. Tarshish was built at the far end of the
Mediterranean sea opposite from 'I'yre and in
the land since known as Spain. "Tarshish was
thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all
kind of riches: with silver, iron, tin, and lead,
they traded in thy fairs." (Ezekiel 27: 12) Her
ships or vessels would carry the merchandise
in which she trafficked. As a greedy enemy of



Jerusalem it appears that Tyre used the ships

under its control to carryon a slave trade:
"Yea, and what have ye to do with me, 0 Tyre,
and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will
ye render me a recompence T and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return
your recompence upon your own head: because
ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have
carried into your temples my goodly pleasant
things: the children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their
border."~Joel 3: 4-6.
Applying the prophecy to modern Tyre, the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization, the
"ships of Tarshish" well picture the underpriests and subordinate organizations working
under the command of the ruling Hierarchy,
which is designated "The Hierarchy of Jurisdiction". The underpriests or orders under the
Hierarchy, such as missionaries, Jesuits and
others, are sent to all parts of the earth by the
"Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" to perform the more
direct work with the people, which is called
"missionary work", and to commercialize the
people and carryon a commercial work or trade
in gathering in money for the up-keep and support of the Hierarchy. The monks, Jesuits, missionaries, priests, and all like agents work under
the command or direction of the "Hierarchy of
Jurisdiction", and thus such are in symbol represented as "mariners" of the sea, and the wise
men are the pilots directing the movement of
these symbolic ships: "The inhabitants of Zidon



and Arvad were thy mariners: thy wise men,

that were in thee, were thy pilots."
- Jzckiel 27: 8.
Such vessels or instruments of the Hierarchy
are used to hoodwink the common people and
to deal with them and to keep them in slavery
to the ruling power of the organization. Such
underlings do the work of manipulating the common people or so-called "Catholic population",
who pay the bills, and the "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" reaps the commercial benefits. In his
book entitled The Faith of Our Fathers, published first in 1876, Cardinal Gibbons says: "The
number of Catholics in the world is computed
at three hundred millions." (Page 10) The claim
is now made that there are more than 20,000,000
of the "Catholic population" in the United States
alone. Such constitute that which is symbolically
designated "the sea", who bear up and support
the organization; and the work of gathering the
"Catholic population" under the organization
and collecting the revenue from them is done
chiefly hy the underlings or underpriests, which
vessels or "ships" ride upon the sea.
'I'he following is a sample of what is constantly being done by the priests: A Catholic
priest known as "Anthony a.M.C.", operating
from Kentucky, sent out a letter to the credulous and superstitious believers in the false
"purgatory" doctrine of the Catholic religion,
which letter is dated Louisville, Kentucky, September 21, 1936. That letter calls upon the credulous ones in these words, to discharge 'your
duty towards your dear departed, who, helpless

a Tyrus,



in their purgatory prison, crave the relief only

Masses and Prayers can bring them.... Your
offering will help to complete the Purgatorial
Purse'. Attached to that letter is a paper or
blank to be filled out and signed by all receiving it, setting forth the amount of money contributed for the purgatorial purse, and on that
paper appear these words: "It is suggested that
you send out or pledge an offering of 25c for
each name listed." The paper or slip contains
space for more than twenty names. Many of
the "Catholic population" will contribute a much
larger sum than that suggested. But suppose
each one contributes 25c; that, according to the
number of Catholics in the United States, would
mean five million dollars, and, according to Cardinal Gibbons' estimate of the number in the
world, would be more than fifty million American dollars annually. A very unique commercial
scheme. It has been well said that the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy is the richest in material
wealth of any institution on earth. Religion,
commercialized, is truly the Devil's scheme, and
God declares it so.-Ezekiel 28: 16-18.

The word "howl", as appears in the prophecy,

clearly shows that a great calamity will come
upon modern Tyre, that is, the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy organization. A howl means a wail
of great distress or despair. When is that howl
to begin T From the Scriptures it seems certain
that the complete fulfillment of this prophecy is
at the beginning of Armageddon, that is, the



beginning of the "strange act" of the Almighty

God. (Isaiah 28: 21) The reason for this conclusion is stated' as follows: It appears that
Jehovah caused his prophecy to be here recorded in a manner to conceal the meaning
thereof until his due time for the understanding to be given to his people. In the prophecy
here under consideration the command to "howl"
(verse 1) is recorded in the prophecy before
mention is made of the "seventy years" and the
singing of "the song of the harlot" set forth in
Isaiah 23, verses fifteen and sixteen. That does
not mean, however, that in the complete fulfillment of the prophecy the howling mnst precede
the "seventy years", nor that the howling must
continue for a period of seventy years either
before or after.
As an example of how Jehovah causes prophecy to be recorded and revealed, attention is
called to the drama of Ahab and J ezebel, both
of whom were slain before the seventy sons of
Ahab and also before the worshipers of Baal
were slain (2 Kings 9: 1-37; 10: 1-28) ; hut not
so in the complete fulfillment of that prophetic
picture. The fulfillment shows the acts last recorded picture that which was first fulfilled.
(See Vindication, Book Three, pages 41-!J3.)
The prophecy of the "seventy years" mentioned
by Isaiah, in 23: 15, corresponds with a like
prophecy of "seventy years" prophesied by J eremiah, (Jeremiah 25) What is there described
by Jeremiah as coming to pass at the end of
seventy years, is actually fulfilled in completion
prior to Armageddon. Attention is called to this



here merely to show that the prophecy at verses

1-14 is not necessarily fulfilled before that part
of the prophecy mentioned in verses 15-17 in
Isaiah 23.
Some time after the destruction of ancient
Jerusalem in 606 B.C. Nehuchadnezzar laid
siege to and seriously damaged ancient Tyre.
There was then some howling, (Ezekiel 29: 18)
"For thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will
bring upon Tyrus Nebuehadrezzar king of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with horses,
and with chariots, and with horsemen, and companies, and much people." (Ezekiel 26: 7) "Behold, I will send and take all the families of the
north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar the
king of Babylon, my servant, and will bring
them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations
round about, and will utterly destroy them, and
make them an astonishment, and an hissing,
and perpetual desolation.. , , To wit, J erusalem, and the cities of Judah, and the kings
thereof, and the princes thereof, to make them
a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and
a curse; as it is this day; , , , and all the kings
of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the
kings of the isles which are beyond the sea."
(Jcrcmiah 25: 9-35) This great distress mentioned by the prophets above quoted clearly
applies to Armageddon.-Revelation 16: 13-16,
In the year 1848 distress came upon the
Roman Catholic organization; also in 1870, and
continued more or less until 1918; but such as
then occurred could in no way compare with



what will come to pass at Armageddon. The

snarling or howling that took place in those
years could in no way compare with the howl
that will go up when Jehovah lays waste modern Tyre. When Jehovah, by his prophet, says:
"Howl, ye ships of 'I'arshish, for it ['I'yre] is
laid waste"; when that comes to pass, such will
cause modern Tyre to really howl. That howl
will come when the Greater-than-Nebuchadnezzar, Christ Jesus, the Executor of Jehovah's
purposes, the Mighty Warrior, goes into action
at the beginning of Armageddon. It is true that
there was an attempt by world powers in 1848
and 1870 to lay waste the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization, but that did not succeed.
The permanent laying it waste will be such as
to produce a mighty howl, and that will be at
the beginning of Jehovah's "strange act".-Isa.
iah 28: 2l.
It is the command of Jehovah given to the
ships of Tarshish to "howl, ... for it [Tyre]
is laid waste, so that [in Tyre] there is no house,
no entering in". According to Roiherham the
text is rendered thus: "For it is laid too waste
to be a haven to enter." In other words, there
is no haven to enter Tyre, because Tyre is de.
stroyed. The howl is because incoming ships
or vessels of Tarshish, laden with merchandise,
could find no berth nor wharf, nor warehouse
in which to put the merchandise intended for
Tyre. Such is due to the fact that Tyre and her
once favorable position in commerce and inter.
course with other countries are ruined and the
markets thereof wrecked. This is further proof



that 'the prince of Tyrus is a man and not a god'.

(Ezekiel 28: 9) It will then clearly appear that
the text (Matthew 16: 18) often misquoted, to
wit, 'the gates of hell cannot prevail against it,'
has no application whatsoever to the Roman
Catholic church organization, but that such
Scriptural text has been wrongfully applied by
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to deceive the
people, and that misapplication has resulted in
deception and great injury to the people. No
more will the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization carryon its work of 'encompassing sea
and land to make proselytes for hell' (Matthew
23: 15), because the modern Tyre will be done.
That of necessity will come about by reason
of the "strange act" of Jehovah in completely
destroying modern Tyro, which is the Romlln
Catholic organization, so that none can seek
her or enter her thereafter.
The "land of Cyprus", or island sometimes
called "Chittim", was northwest of Tyre. Paul
sailed from Zidon "under Cyprus, because the
winds were contrary. (Acts 27: 4) It was a
near-by colony dependent upon Tyre. It was
originally colonized by the Phoenicians from
Tyre and Zidon. Says the prophet of God:
"From the land of Chittim [Cyprus (Roth.)] it
is revealed to them." (Isaiah 23: 1) This would
mean that the ships of Tarshish were bound
for Tyre and laden with commerce and, while
putting in at the port of Chittim or Cyprus,
learned of the desolation of Tyre and that their
ships were out of a job because Tyre was done
for. The report of the fact shakes greatly the



dependent colony. In this connection the prophet

of God says: "Thus saith the Lord God to Tyrus,
Shall not the isles shake at the sound of thy fall,
when the wounded cry, when the slaughter is
made in the midst of thee 1 Now shall the isles
tremble in the day of thy fall; yea, the isles
that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy departure." (Ezekiel 26: 15, 18) "All the inhabitants of the isles shall be astonished at thee,
and their kings shall be sore afraid, they shall
be troubled in their countenance. The merchants
among the people shall hiss at thee; thou shalt
be a terror, and never shalt be any more."Ezekiel 27: 35, 36.
Applying this part of the prophecy to modern
Tyre, the Roman Catholic organization, as it
properly applies, it will be seen that all who
have depended upon the Roman Catholic organization, all who have had dealings with the Hierarchy for selfish gain, either political or commercial or otherwise, will be greatly grieved and
shaken. For many years that religious organization has boastfully said: 'The gates of hell
shall never prevail against us'; and now not
only will those seeing it go down be shocked,
but to them it will appear very strange that
such a calamity could come to an organization
that claimed to represent God. This indicates
that at the very beginning of Armageddon the
religious organizations as such will perish and
others seeing it will wail. "And in their wailing
they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and
lament over thee, saying, What city is like
Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the



sea1" (Ezekiel 27: 32) "The merchants of these

things, which were made rich by her, shall stand
afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping
and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas, that great
city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple,
and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious
stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great
riches is corne to nought. And every shipmaster,
and all the company in ships, and sailors, and
as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, and
cried when they saw the smoke of her burning,
saying, What city is like unto this great city!
And they cast dust on their heads, and cried,
weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that
great city, wherein were made rich all that had
ships in the sea by reason of her costliness!
for in one hour is she made desolate."-Revelation ]8: 15-]9.
Religion has been a means employed by the
Devil to build his mighty organization on earth,
which has deceived millions; and religion and
religionists, according to the prophecies of God,
will be the first of Satan's organization to be
destroyed at the beginning of Armageddon.

Jehovah, by his prophet, then addresses the

supporters of 'I'yre, both ancient and modern,
in these words: "Be still [silent (margin), dumb
(Roth.)], ye inhabitants of the isle; thou whom
the merchants of Zidon, that pass over the sea,
have replenished." (Isaiah 23: 2) This silence
or dumbness is because of Jehovah's "strange
act" then begun. (Isaiah 28: 21) Many credulous



and gullible persons, and particularly the politicians and commercial giants, now look to the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the modern 'I'yrc,
to pull them through their difficulties, but when
they see J chovah strike down that organization.
which has claimed to be invulnerable, they will
be greatly astonished and dumfounded. Then
in distress they will say, according to God's
prophet: ""Ve looked for peace, but no good
came; and for a time of health, and behold
trouble !"-Jeremiah 8: 14, 15.
The words of Isaiah's prophecy here considered, to wit, "ye inhabitants of the isle" (vs. 2),
manifestly mean in the final fulfillment those
near the Hierarchy and who have been lookingto the Hierarchy for help, protection and safely,
even as Chittim or Cyprus was ncar to Tyre
and depended upon 'I'yre, Those close or nearby and dependent upon the main organization,
being of the same stripe, picture the Jewish
and Protestant clergy and other allies of the
Hierarchy who tag along behind the Hierarchy
at the present time to do the bidding of the old
"whore". (Ezekiel 27: 8) They have helped to
replenish the coffers of the Hierarchy, and
hence J ehovah's "strange act" is against not
only Tyre but the Zidonians and other allies,
as he declares in his prophecy: "And all the
kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and
the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea."
- J eremiah 25: 22.
Today the so-called "Protestants" and the
Yiddish clergy openly co-operate with and play
into the hands of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy



like foolish simpletons and thereby aid the Hierarchy to carryon her commercial, religious traffic and increase her revenue. Commercial religion is the stock in trade of all such merchants.
The Hierarchy takes the lead, and the simpletons follow. The Hierarchy is now taking the
lead in compulsory flag-saluting, and in building images or monuments, such as what is now
widely advertised to be built at Washington,
D. C.; and the clergy of the so-called "Protestant" and Yiddish organizations fall in line and
do what they are told, and when the "saekbut"
sounds they fall down and worship. (Daniel
3: 5) Poor simpletons!
The Devil's purpose, and therefore the purpose of his instruments, who arc "enemies", in
thus making merchandise of the people, is to
keep them in subjection and to build up and
support the Roman Catholic organization on
earth. That part of the prophecy concerning
"hire" or "merchandise" appears to have fulfillment during the period of time when the
harlot sings, as marked in the record at Isaiah
23: 15, 16. This adds further force to the conclusion that prophecy cannot be understood
until fulfilled or in course of fulfillment. But
let it be understood and kept in mind that this
prophecy will not be appreciated by merely
casual reading. Careful study is required. The
fulfillment does not come chronologically in the
order of recording of the prophecy; but it appears better here to proceed with the study in
the order in which the prophecy is recorded in
the Bible, rightly dividing it in harmony with



the facts and the Scriptures, and thereby locate

the time of the fulfillment. In brief the fulfillment of the prophecy from verses 15 and 16
precedes the fulfillment of the preceding verses
of the same chapter. Read carefully the entire
scripture text at Isaiah, twenty-third chapter.
The peoples of earth, likened to the sea that
bears up the ships of commerce, have been used
as merchandise and for gain by the big clergy
of the religious systems, which are brought
into being by Satan the god of this world. Says
Jehovah by his prophet in connection herewith:
"And by great waters the seed of Sihor [the
grain of Shihor (Roth.)], the harvest of the
river [harvest of the Nile (R.V. and Roth.)],
is her revenue; and she is [was (R. V.)] a mart
of nations." (Isaiah 23: 3) The Lord said to
Joshua: "Sihor ... is before Egypt." (Joshua
13: 3) Egypt was a commercial world power.
Tyre had dealings with Egypt, which symbolizes the Devil's world power and which was
brought into action and employed to reproach
the name of Jehovah God.
It is written concerning ancient Egypt that
its annual revenue amounted to approximately
$20,000,000 or that which is equivalent to that
sum. Egypt was a great market for the commerce of the nations. Compare these facts with
the commercial traffic of the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has,
and for a long while has had, dealings with Big
Business or mighty commerce of the world,
members of the Hierarchy being large investors in the commercial traffic of the world. The



Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been and is a

market for all the world, dealing in and manipulating the people, and particularly the "Catholic population", and doing this for its own
selfish gain. Politicians of all nations find the
Hierarchy both politically and financially advantageous to them. Dictators in particular find
a strong ally in the Hierarchy, and it will be
generally found that these dictators are backed
up and supported and put in power by the
Hierarchy. Other religious organizations at the
present, the Yiddish and Protestants, deal with
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy because it appears to them to be to their selfish advantage.
'Will the Yiddish and the Protestant clergy
ultimately find it advantageous to link themselves to the Hierarchy and be dictated to by
the Hierarchy of the Catholic organization? In
answer to that question Jehovah says by his
prophet: "Be thou ashamed, 0 Zidon [Turn
thou pale, 0 Zidon (Roth.)]; for the sea hath
spoken, even the strength of the sea, saying,
I travail not, nor bring forth children, neither
do I nourish up young men, nor bring up virgins."-Isaiah 23: 4.
Instead of heing benefited those dupes and
allies of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy will become pale of face and grow sick when they see
the power of the Hierarchy yielding to J ehovah's "strange work", now being carried on,
and they will be greatly shaken with shame and
humiliation when they observe the beginning of
Jehovah's "strange act". Recently the president
of the United States has advised the adoption



of the "good neighbor" policy between all rcligious organizations and that they proceed in
unity in their course of action. That will prove
to be very bad advice, as many will later discover. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy now take
the lead in an aggressive campaign against all
who do not fall in line with their schemes, ami
in this campaign the other religionists trail
along. Everyone today who will not support
the religionists is denounced as "red" or "cornmunist", even J ehovah's witnesses
being classed by
the religionists as
such, although
those religionists
making these false
charges well know
that Jehovah's witnesses have no part
whatsoever with
the political affairs
of the world. The
Hierarchy follow
the course of their
father the Devil in
making such false



Under the Devil's wily and deceptive influence the people in general, which are used to
bear up and support the religious systems that
engage in traffic, have been deceived and blinded
into following such a course. The time is certain to come, however, when the following part
of the prophecy will be fulfilled, to wit: "The
sea hath spoken, even the strength of the sea";
that is to say, the sincere people who love righteousness will break away from the religious
prison house and speak against that wicked
organization. Those who compose the "great
multitude" (Revelation 7: 9), as waters, are first
turned away from the support of the religionists and give their devotion to Jehovah God
and Christ Jesus. Then will follow in due time
the masses who will renounce and turn away
from and against the religionists. This prophecy shows that in Goel's due time the relationship of the sincere people with the religionists
will be broken off. "The sea" (that is, the people used and exploited by the Devil to mother,
nourish and support the religious systems, and
who have been ruled) become the rulers or
"kings" that will turn against the old "whore"
and disclaim any relationship whatsoever to
her.-Revelation 17: 16-18.
Nebuchadnezzar, after laying siege to ancient
Tyre, invaded Egypt. (Ezekiel 29: J 8-20) The
fall of religionists, particularly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization, will precede the
destruction of the political and commercial elements of Satan's visible organization, and such
will bring great pain and astonishment to the



latter; as it is written: "As at the report concerning Egypt, so shall they be sorely pained
at the report of Tyre." (Isaiah 23: 5) The report here mentioned is concerning the beginning of Jehovah's "strange act". This text, according to the Revised Version, reads: "When
the report cometh to Egypt, they shall be sorely
pained at the report of Tyre." The fall of the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the religious organization, will bring great pain to the remaining
portions of Satan's visible organization, because
they will observe the ability of Jehovah's Executioner to perform Jehovah's "strange act" at
Armageddon, and it will be evident to the remaining ones that they have no power to protect themselves and that their turn for destruction is next. This conclusion is abundantly supported by other scriptures.-Revelation 18: 9-19.
Today Jehovah's witnesses in every part of
the earth are being persecuted by the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy and allies, and the Hierarchy religious organization is the chief visible
instrument of the Devil which brings into action
against Jehovah's witnesses the political and
commercial elements, and together they seek to
make the burden great upon the back of those
who love and. serve Jehovah. And now in this
hour of great distress the true people of J ehovah God greatly rejoice because, true to the
promise of the Almighty God, greater hope and
strength is given to them by revealing to them
an understanding of his prophecy. "The Lord
will give strength unto his people; the Lord
will bless his people with peace." (Psalm 29: 11)




Those who now devote themselves entirely to

J ehovah and his King, and who continue to
maintain their integrity toward God, rejoice to
be counted worthy of suffering some of the reproaches that came upon Christ Jesus. They
are fully advised that Christ Jesus the King
is upon his throne and has gathered unto himself those of his royal house, whom he leads
and comforts. Now Jehovah through Christ
Jesus is revealing to his people a knowledge
and appreciation of his prophecies hidden in
times of old, and by this knowledge the faithful have increased hope.
Jehovah's due time having arrived to make
clear the meaning of such prophetic pictures,
he grants to those who love and serve him the
privilege of seeing the meaning thereof. This
privilege is not given to the selfish and supercritical ones, but to those who love God. In
these "perilous times" God grants this favor to
those who faithfully serve him, that they may
have comfort and that their hope may be strong.
The Roman Catholic organization, the mother
and leader of religious organizations, is very
arrogant, boastful, scornful and vicious, and
acting in utter defiance of God's commandments.
The vessels or instruments employed by the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy who do the Hierarchy's bidding likewise act viciously and without regard to the rights of others and wholly
contrary to the Word of God. The prophecy
at the 23d chapter of Isaiah, at this point, continues to speak of the conditions of the Hierarchy and their allies, and the time is imme-



diately before and at the beginning of Armageddon.

Chittim was the island nearest to Tyre, while
Tar-shish was at the opposite end of the Great
or Mediterranean sea. To get from Tyre to Tarshish one must travel the full length of the Mediterranean sea. It is understood that 'I'arshish
was a colony situated on the coast of Spain and
belonging to Tyre and Zidon, Jonah took ship
for 'I'arshish, in order to flee far away from his
assigned duty. (Jonah 1: 3) Says the prophet
(Isaiah 23 : 6) : "Pass ye over to Tarshish; howl,
ve inhabitants of the isle." "Pass ye over to
'I'arshish, howl, ye inhabitants of the coast."
In the fulfillment of this part of the prophecy
the lesser and dependent parts of the Catholic
organization, whether far from the mother organization or near thereto, would have reason
to howl and lament over the destruction of the
Catholic Hierarchy, the modern Tyre. Missionary establishments, operating in the most distant parts of the earth from Rome, will be
searched out and reached by the hand of J ehovah, because Jehovah declares he will search
out all his enemies. The Hierarchy is the enemy
of Jehovah and of his organization: "Thine
hand shall find out all thine enemies; thy right
hand shall find out those that hate thee. Thou
shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of
thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up
in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them.
Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth,
and their seed from among the children of men.



For they intended evil against thee; they imagined a mischievous device; which they are not
able to perform." (Psalm 21: 8-11) At the beginning of Armageddon Jehovah will execute
that hypocritical organization.
The prophecy is then addressed to the subordinate parts of the enemy organization, the
modern Tyre: "Is this your [Tarshish's] joyous city [mother organization), whose antiquity
is of ancient days? her own feet shall carry her
afar off to sojourn." (Isaiah 23: 7) The Catholic
Hierarchy is not at all joyous in J ehovah, although hypocritically and falsely claiming to
represent God. It is joyous in its own merchandise and profits in the gay markets dealing
in humankind. The Hierarchy and allied clergy
employ all kinds of worldly schemes to entice
the people and cause them to give up their
money. In the church buildings they have, at
stated intervals, concerts, Christmas cantatas,
bazaars, socials, dances, athletics and like things
in order to attract the people to join their church
congregations and to relieve themselves of their
money for the benefit of the religionists.
The words of the prophet are in the nature
of a question addressed to the smaller parts of
the Roman Catholic organization, calling direct
attention to the vanity of the Hierarchy. To
these smaller ones the prophet, in substance,
says: 'Have you anything to exult in now, seeing that modern Tyro, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and allies and dupes, is in a wrecked and
spoiled condition? You boasted that it was so
solidly built and fortified that nothing could do



it serious damage. You boasted in its strength

and relied upon it for protection and salvation
and therefore automatically did its bidding.
Modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic organization,
has failed you.' Therefore says the prophet concerning Tyre: "Whose antiquity is of ancient
days." Tyre was preceded by Zidon, this latter
city being mentioned in Genesis the tenth chapter in connection with Babel, and it may well
correspond to the religionists of Pagan Rome,
which merged into Papal Rome. Tyre, even in
the days of Joshua, was called a "strong city"
(Joshua 19: 29), and must have been founded
on its rocky ground before the time of Joshua.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy claims that
theirs is the oldest, the mother and the trne
church organization, because it is the oldest religious organization of "Christendom", and they
cite in support of this claim that its antiquity
dates from the time of Christ. It claims an unbroken chain of apostolic successors back to the
apostle Peter; it calls itself "the Eternal City".
But what shall be the end of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy organization, that is, modern Tyre 1 Jehovah, by his prophet, says: "Her
own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn."
(Verse 7) Rome thinks she is too ancient to
ever have to move; that she is so thoroughly
and completely entrenched in her position that
no storm can move her bulwarks; and for this
reason she claims to be invulnerable. Further
speaking' by his prophet, Jehovah says: "Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one,
which, as a tempest of huil, mid a destroying



storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing,

shall cast down to the earth with the hand. The
crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall
be trodden under feet.... When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall
be trodden down by it."-Isaiah 28: 2, 3,18.
Her arrogance and boasting attitude will
bring her no good. Modern Tyre has existed
for a long while and has practiced her wickedness with little hindrance, and in the minds of
her mighty men is entirely secure in her position; but, according to Rotherham: "Though
from ancient days is her antiquity, yet shall
her own feet carry her away, far off to dwell,"
that is, to remain permanently, by being removed from her place of existence into destruction, and there shall she remain for ever.
By his prophet Joel Jehovah speaks of the
ill-treatment to which his covenant people have
been subjected by modern Tyre, the Hierarchy
of Rome. In this prophecy Judah" and "Jerusalem" stand for the people of God's organization. During the World War the religionists,
led by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, attempted
to rid the earth of those who are ann were devoted to Jehovah. Concerning this Jehovah says
by his prophet: "Yea, and what have ye to do
with me [Jehovah], 0 Tyre, and Zidon, and
all the coasts of Palestine 1 will ye render me
a recompence t and if ye recompense me, swiftly
and speedily will I return your recompence upon
your own head: ... The children also of Judah
and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto



the Grecians, that yo might remove them far

from their border."-Jeel 3: 4-6.
The day for the Hierarchy to pay comes,
and the Lord God says to that Roman, scornful, boastful and wicked religious organization,
which has ill-treated his faithful children: "Behold, I will mise them out of the place whither
yo have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head: and I will sell
your sons and your daughters into the hand of
the children of Judah, and they shall sell them
to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the
Lord hath spoken."-Joel 3: 7, 8.
Jehovah always makes g-ood his word. The
day of recompense is absolutely certain to come,
and the pay-off will be at the beginning of
Armageddon, and the Hierarchy will find no
way to avoid it. "Thus saith the Lord, For
three transgressions of Tyrus, and for four,
I will not turn away the punishment thereof;
because they delivered up the whole captivity
[J ehovah's people] to Edom, and remembered
not the brotherly covenant; but I will send a
fire on the wall of Tyrus, which shall devour
the palaces thereof."-Arnos 1: 9, 10.
'With the beginning of Armageddon modern
Tyre will cease, and no more will 'her feet carry
her' and her missionaries to the many lands of
the earth, there to seek new markets in which
to exploit the people, but she will go to the
place where she will remain permanently. Of
that crowd of religious leaders, the Hierarchy,
priests and other clergy, Jesus said: "Serpents,
progeny of vipers! how can you escape the



judgment of the Gehenna 7"-:Mutthew 23: 33,

Emphatic Diaglott.
The proselyting work of the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy and her vessels or instruments will
cease then for ever. The words of Jesus will
then appear applicable and appropriate to the
Hierarchy and her supporters and tools: "Woe
unto you [promoters and rulers of modern
Tyre], scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for
ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of [Gchenna (Diag.)] than
yonrselves."-Matthew 23: 15.
A question is then propounded by the prophet
of Jehovah to all who have the hearing ear:
"Who hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the
crowning- city, whose merchants are princes,
whose traffickers are the honourable of the
earth]" (Isaiah 23: 8) Another rendering of
this text is: "Who hath purposed this ag-ainst
Tyro, the bestower of crowns 1" (R.V. and Both.)
These words further identify the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, because for centuries the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy has claimed that the pope
has the power and the authority to crown and
to depose earthly kings. To those thus crowned
and who have submitted to the domination of
the religionists, the Hierarchy has been and is
the "higher powers".
The Hierarchy demands the full obedience
of each one of its underclergy, as well as obedience of the political rulers of many lands, and
the Hierarchy bestows titles upon whomsoever
that organization chooses to honor, and there-



by makes men "princes of the church", and these

"traffickers", acting at the behest of modern
Tyre, are the "honourable [men] of the earth".
When one of those Roman princes visits America, for instance, tho politicians, with bands of
music and flags, meet him at the ship's dock,
bow down, kiss his ring, and perform a lot of
other senseless religious ceremonies. The Ro~
man Catholic Hierarchy demands that the political rulers of the earth, the smaller priests, and
the "Catholic population", the common people,
shall regard the Hierarchy and speak of its
members as "spiritual princes", who are in no
wise subject to political rulers. Even a king or
an earthly monarch is permitted to kiss the big
toe of the so-called "holy father", the head of
the Hierarchy.
Manifestly the question propounded at verse
eight above quoted is to rivet attention upon
the Hierarchy: "Who hath purposed this against
Tyre 1" The answer to that question appears
below, and the language employed shows that
it is at the time when Jehovah is exercising his
power to punish the workers of iniquity, that
is, modern Tyre, the Devil's chief instrument.
The answer is: "The Lord of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to
bring into contempt all the honourable of the
earth," (Verse 9) God plainly states: "1 have
purposed it, 1 will also do it." (Isaiah 46: 11)
Let no one doubt that God will carry out his
purpose. Modern Tyre is made up of an arrogant, boastful, proud and scornful company
and demands and receives high esteem and the



plaudits of men. Jehovah's decree upon such is

announced by the Lord Jews, to wit: "That
which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." (Luke 16: 15)
"Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased."
(Matthew 23: 12) These fixed rules of J ehovah
arc not subject to change and are certain to be
enforced against all who come within the scope
thereof, and this certainly includes the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy. It is Jehovah who has purposed the destruction of modern Tyre, the great
religious "harlot" organization. And why ~ The
Scriptural answer is: "To stain [(A.R. V., margin) profane] the pride of all glory." Certainly
this means all glory that has heen taken away
from God, to whom it belongs, and been bestowed upon creatures.
The men composing the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, or modern Tyre, 'clothe themselves in
garments of glory and beauty' and then "strut
their stuff" in public places to be seen of men,
that they may receive honor and glory of men.
They consider that they are granting a great
privilege to men to kiss their finger or toe. They
call themselves by high-sounding titles and claim
that their glory and "holy" beauty is so sacred
that it is a dreadful sin for anyone to profane
or criticize their attitude or to teach the people
anything of the Bible that calls attention to
God's denunciation of religious hypocrisy. The
proclamation of God's truth quoted from the
Bible "shocks the religions susceptibilities" of
those hypocritical clerical gentlemen and of all
their allies.



It is written concerning .1 ehovah and his

heavenly organization: "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, Goel hath shined." (Psalm
50: 2) The Hierarchy fraudulently seizes upon
this text and misapplies it, assumes to stand
in the place of God, and claims for those of
the Hierarchy the beauty and glory that belong
only to the Lord. Therefore Jehovah declares
his purpose to "humble the pride of all beauty".
'I'hat religious, mercantile, political, arrogant,
extremely selfish and proud organization shall
fall, as Jehovah God has decreed, to wit: "Say
unto Tyrus, 0 thou that art situate at the entry
of the sea, which art a merchant of the people
for many isles, Thus saith the Lord God, 0
Tyrus, thou hast said, 1 am of perfect beauty."
(Ezekiel 27: 2, 3) The Hierarchy thus poses before all nations of earth. Her allies and her
dupes sing of her glory and beauty, whether
the singers believe it or not; the politicians do
it because they want political support. All these
vessels or instruments supporting the Hierarchy
fall in line and shout of her glory and beauty.
To them Jehovah says: "The ships of 'I'arshish
did sing of thee in thy market; and thou wast
replenished, and made very glorious in the midst
of the seas."-Ezekiel 27: 25.
But the day is not far distant when those
singers and glorifiers of the Hierarchy and all
her allied religionists will come to a sorrowful end, because Jehovah says: "Thy riches, and
thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and
thy pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy



merchandise, and all thy men of war, that are

in thee, and in all thy company which is in the
midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the
seas in the day of thy ruin. The suburbs shall
shake at the 8011n(1 of the cry of thy pilots. And
all that handle the oar, the mariners, and all
the pilots of the sea, shall come down from
their ships, they shall stand upon the land; and
shall cause their voice to be heard against thee,
and shall cry bitterly, and shall cast up dust
upon their heads, they shall wallow themselves
in the ashes. And they shall make themselves
utterly bald for thee, and gird them with sackcloth, and they shall weep for thee with bitterness of heart and bitter wailing. And in their
wailing they shall take up a lamentation for
thee, and lament over thee, saying, What city
is like 'I'yrus, like the destroyed in the midst of
the sea f' -Ezekiel 27: 27-32.
To all the peoples of this world, who stand
on the side and see the fall of the mighty religious organizations, it will seem 'very strange'
that God would expose and destroy such, or
that which the clergy have called by the name
of the Lord. For many centuries the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy has assumed the name of
God and Christ, and claimed to be the only true
organization of the Lord. But the Lord God
marks their hypocrisy and says concerning that
hypocritical organization: "Therefore will I do
unto this house, which is called by my name,
wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I
gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done
to Shiloh." (Jeremiah 7: 14) God completely


ENE l;1 I E S

destroyed all religious practices at Shiloh which

bore his name.
Who on the earth today claims the exclusive
right to use the radio and to speak to the people
thereby, and to tell the people what they shall
or shall not believe and do? Who are the ones
claiming to be "the honourable [men] of the
earth", entitled to the praise, honor and acclaim
of all others? What class of men scornfully
push aside all those who dare speak of God's
Word without first obtaining their permission?
To these questions the answer is, The Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, and their allies or close associates. Jehovah declares that it is his purpose
to "bring into contempt all [these] honourable
of the earth", or "to make of little esteem" such
exalted ones. (Roth.) The Hierarchy, the main
organization, the Jesuits, the Nazis, the Fascists,
the allied clergy, are the ones of whom the Lord
speaks when he says: "Whose traffickers are
the honourable of the earth."-Verse 8.
And what means will Jehovah employ to bring
such "honourable" men into contempt? Such
so-called "honourable" men are the instruments
of Satan and therefore enemies of God, and in
the battle of the great day of God Almighty,
in the day of his wrath, he will destroy them.
"Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the
time of thine anger; the Lord shall swallow
them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour
them. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the
earth, and their seed from among the children
of men. (Psalm 21: 9, 10) Jehovah's "strange
work" is now exposing the duplicity and hypoe-



risy of those self-styled "honourable" ones; and

his "strange act", at the beginning of Armageddon, will rid the earth of that hypocritical religious organization and will proceed to the complete wrecking of the entire organization of the
Devil. As Armageddon begins, the destruction
of religionists will appear to all who are not on
the side of Jehovah and his King as "strange",
very "strange".-Isaiah 28: 21.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, that is, "the
Hierarchy of Jurisdiction," which rules, claims
to be the mother organization. Her supporters,
agents, tools, vessels and instruments used, are
her offspring or "daughters". Jehovah, by his
prophet, now addresses the "daughter" class
and says: "Pass through thy land as a river
[as the Nile (RY. and Roth.)], 0 daughter of
Tarshish: there is no more strength." (baiah
23: 10) The river Nile passes through the entire
length of Egypt and from time to time overflows its banks and floods the conntry round
about; so Jehovah says to those addressed:
"Pass through," that is to say, make complete
inspection of the "work" and "act" of Jehovah
and its effect; go and see for yourselves and
verify all that his "strange work" does concerning the Hierarchy and other clergy.
Jehovah has called his people to "rise up
against her in battle" (Obadiah 1) and to proclaim God's judgment against the religious organization; and in the prophecy of Isaiah such
is called thy land", that is, meaning the organization to which the supporters or vessels give
service and support. The parent organization



colonized, supervised and appropriated to

its service and exploited those designated in
the prophecy as the "daughter". The fact that
Tarshish should be told to pass through her
own land on a sight-seeing or inspection journey to observe the effect of God's purpose as
executed, indicates that God's "strange act", at
the beginning thereof, will destroy the Hierarchy organization, that is, the inanimate corporation, and that some of the clergy nnder or
beneath the "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" will remain alive for a time and see the effects before
they themselves are destroyed in the battle as
it progresses.
To those survivors, for a season at the beginning of the battle of the great day, the Lord
says: "There is no more strength [girdle (margin) ]." The word here rendered "strength" is
different from the word translated "streng-th"
at verse 14 following. Says the English Revised
V crsion: "There is no girdle about thee any
more," that is, from the mother organization,
modern Tyre, the "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction",
because that system is laid low in the dust and
can give no more support to its vessels. This
is proof not only that the lower order of the
clergy, which remain, which have been used as
tools of the Hierarchy to do menial service to
the 'organization of jurisdiction', will be made
to drink of the cup of the bitter wrath at the
Lord's hand, but also that the highest ones in
the Hierarchy, including the "supreme pontiff",
shall drink deeply, "spue [out], and fall."-Jeremiah 25: 27.




Another translation of this text reads: "There

is no restraint any more." (A.R.V.) The Hierarchy now puts restraint upon those who tell
the truth about her and who inform the people
about God's kingdom as the only hope of mankind. Jehovah's witnesses have now been commanded hy the Lord to "rise up against her in
battle", and in obedience to this command the
faithful go forth amidst great opposition to
declare the message of God of and concerning
his purpose. Restraint does not stop them.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy brings to bear
all its influence and power exercised by and
through religionists, politicians and commercial
men, and the courts, to restrain Jehovah's witnesses and to prevent them from telling the
truth. When Armageddon begins, that restraint
will be removed, and "no restraint any more"
will be upon Jehovah's witnesses, because the
witness work in the earth will then be finished
and the marking and gathering of the "great
multitude" by the Lord to himself will be COIllpleted.-Revelation 7: 9-17; Ezekiel 9: 4-6.
Until that time, as it is written, the "four
angels" to whom it is given to "hurt the earth
and the sea", continue to hold back the storm
of the Lord. (Revelation 7: 1-3) The time comes
when the restraint ends, and then there will be
'no more restraint' upon the "ten horns" of "the
beast", the political ruling classes, which shall
turn upon the Hierarchy religious organization
and rend it at the will of God (Revelation
17:16-18), and then Jehovah's great Executioner shall completely wreck every part of



Satan's organization. Iteligion, which has for

so long brought reproach upon Jehovah's name,
and the religious organizations and their political and commercial laws shall completely pass
away in the battle of the great day of God
Almighty as it progresses.
As ancient Tyre built her commerce upon the
sea and the coastlands round about, even so
modern Tyre, the mighty religious system, has
built her commerce upon the peoples all round
about her, situated in her supposedly invulnerable place at the Vatican in Rome. The time
comes for Jehovah's "strange act" to be executed, and, looking back upon the effects thereof, his prophet says: "He stretched out his
hand over the sea; he shook the kingdoms;
the Lord hath given a commandment against
the merchant city, to destroy the strong holds
thereof." (Isaiah 23: 11) The religious organizations boastfully claim both the sea and the
land, but the claim thereof is false. "The sea
is his [God's], and he made it; and his hands
formed the dry land."-Psalm 95: 5.
At Armageddon, Jehovah, by his Executioner,
rids the sea and the land of all of Tyre's trade
ships, that is, her instruments, vessels and tools,
supporters and dupes. He reaches out to the
most distant established settlements of modern
Tyre and wipes them out. Says the Lord by
his prophet: "He shook the kingdoms," that is,
all the ruling powers of the earth, "Those kings
committed fornication with Tyre, the old whore,
for mutual benefit to enrich themselves. Those
kingdoms 'will not be able to stand up under



Jehovah's shaking, but will be shaken to pieces

and destroyed. (Haggai 2: 21, 22) The old whore
goes first into the ashcan, and then the others
follow. "And there came one of the seven angels
which had the seven vials, and talked with me,
saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto
thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters; with whom the kings
of the earth have committed fornication, and
the inhabitants of the earth have been made
drunk with the wine of her fornication. And
the ten horns which thou sawest upon the bea."lt,
these shall hate the whore, and shall make her
desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and
burn her with fire. For God hath put in their
hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give
their kingdom unto the beast, until the words
of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which
thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth
over the kings of the earth." (Revelation 17: 1,
2,16-18; 18: 3) "The king of Tyrus," the Devil
himself, and all of his kingdom shall be completely shaken down and destroyed.-Ezekiel
28: 12-19.
Jehovah gives command to his high office!',
Christ Jesus, to execute the wicked organization,
and concerning this the American Revised Version (Isaiah 23: 11) reads : "Jehovah hath given
commandment concerning Canaan [merchantmen (E.R.V., margin) ]," that is, the coast of
Canaan occupied by Tyre and Zidon. According
to Rotherhami the text rcads : "Command against
the Pheenician coast." The command to Christ
is given to "destroy the strong holds thereof".



One of the most powerful strong-holds of the

coast of Canaan was 'I'yre, and 'I'yre was specially mentioned in the command to destroy.
(J ererniah 25: 22) Modern 'I'yre, the Roman
Catholic organization, is one, and probably the
strongest one, of the strongholds of Satan's visible organization. No stronghold is so strong,
however, as to he able to withstand the assault
of Jehovah's Executioner. Christ Jesus possesses the keys to hell (Revelation 1: 18), and
hell shall not prevail against him and his organization. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has
wrongfully adopted and applied the words spoken by Jesus concerning his organization, to wit:
'J.1}w gates of hell shall not prevail against it"
(Matthew 16: 18) ; but the day is not far distant
when the Hierarchy will see her complete end
and will fully know the day of deceiving others
has come to a final end. To those who love and
faithfully serve Jehovah he now gives this information in advance of the fall of that hypocritical and wicked organization, to the end that
such faithful may be comforted and have increased hope.
Viewing the prophecy of the twenty-third
chapter of Isaiah as a whole, it appears that
the period of rejoicing by the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy precedes Armageddon, and just a
short time before the beginning of Armageddon.
The time arrives when the rejoicing of that religious system must cease, because Jehovah has
so decreed; and therefore he caused to be written: "And he [Jehovah] said, Thou shalt no
more rejoice, 0 thou oppressed virgin, daugh-



tor of Zidon; arise, pass over to Chit tim ; there

also shalt thou have no rest." (Isaiah 23: 12)
Since the prophecy is "the burden of Tyre", it
appears that it is Tyre that is addressed as the
"oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon". The city
of Zidon was built first, and Tyre would be
viewed as a daughter. Zidon had a devil religion. Pagan religion preceded the papacy, and
many of the devilish practices of paganism were
adopted by tho papacy, and both originated with
and are the children of the DeviL
Tyre would be viewed as a "virgin" daughter
because not legitimately married but unclean
from fornication, her chastity having been "violated". (Rotherham) To that violation of her
chastity she consented, and she therefore would
be the "oppressed". The Roman Catholic religious organization has practiced whoredom with
"all the .kings" or ruling powers of the earth
of Satan's visible organization, but the time
comes, just preceding the beginning of Armageddon, when the Lord convinces the "ten kings"
or ruling forces of the nations, which turn on
the harlot religious system, and that system
becomes greatly oppressed. God puts it in the
mind of the filling powers to fulfill his will.
-Revelation 17: 16, 17.
The time arriving for her great oppression
to begin, the Hierarchy system will seek rest
somewhere, and, because thus seeking, Jehovah
says to her: "Arise, pass over [the sea] to
Chittim," 'and see if you can find rest there.'
Chittim, being near to Tyre, would represent
any subsidiary or auxiliary organization where



the old woman might seek rest and relief and

find none. This would seem to indicate that the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy system will be seeking a place of consolation and therefore abasing
herself by going to some lesser organization,
seeking a way to escape the deepest abasement,
which is certain to come upon her by reason of
being cast into Gehenna. (Matthew 23: 12) Will
the Hierarchy system find rest there ~ Jehovah
replies: "There also shalt thou have no rest."
From time to time the Hierarchy system has
had some setbacks or losses of temporal power,
but she has always claimed that such setbacks
were only temporary. She claims that she is eternal, cannot suffer destruction, and therefore she
can afford to wait out any temporary setbacks
while she schemes to advance her position. The
abasement or opposition to her in the past the
Hierarchy has claimed to be that "little season"
during which Satan is loosed, at the end of which
she will triumph. (Revelation 20: 3,7) Again she
is wrong in her conclusion. The time for her
complete humiliation is near at hand, and there
is no way for her to stop it now, and therefore
there is no way for her to escape. Not even
the individual members of that religious clergy
crowd will be able to disguise themselves by
putting on overalls and thus hiding their identity. (Zechariah 13: 4-6) They will not escape
the scrutiny of others, and certainly not God's
executive officer. There is no rest short of complete destruction, from which she shall never
again risco



Jehovah used the Chaldeans, of whom Nebuchadnezzar was the king, as His executioner,
who thus foreshadowed Christ Jesus, the great
executioner of Jehovah who shall execute the
devil religion, and particularly the Roman Catholic system. (Ezekiel 26: 7-14; Jeremiah 25: 9,
17,22) Therefore Jehovah says to the observers: "Behold the land of the Chaldeans; this
people was not till the Assyrian founded it for
them that d...vell in the wilderness; they set up
the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces
thereof; and he brought it to ruin." (Isaiah
23: 13) The words "Behold the land of the
Chaldeans" manifestly direct the attention to
his executioner that executes the judgment of
Jehovah upon the Hierarchy system. Then the
prophet says: "This people [that is, the people
of ancient Tyre and of modern Tyre, the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy] is no more."-E.R.V.
The word "till", as appears in the Authorized
Vers'ion, is an interpolation, and the correct rendering appears in the Revised Version. Therefore, as stated in the text, the ships of 'I'arshish
calling at the port of Chittim, the island near
Tyre, would have no reason to proceed on to
Tyre because of the information received at
Chittim that 'I'yre no longer existed. Likewise
in the antitype or fulfillment, the underpriests,
missionaries and other subsidiary organizations
are told that tue Roman Catholic Hierarchy system is RO more, that is, "the Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" is done for and hence there would be
no occasion to further seek her. It is plainly
written by another prophet that the end of the



Hierarchy will be complete destruction; that if',

"they shall he as though they had not been."
-Ohadiah 16.
Since the word "till" is an interpolation, and
therefore improperly in the text, that part of
verse thirteen following the word "till" is no
part of the preceding sentence. Therefore the
words after "till" read: "The Assyrian [Asshur
(Leeser); Assyria (Rotherham)] founded it."
The word Asshur appearing in this part of the
text means "successful one", as in Genesis 10: 11.
In Isaiah's day the Assyrian world power still
held the upper hand over the Chaldeans; but
in Jeremiah's time, and eighteen years before
the fall of Jerusalem, Nehuchadnezzar had become king of Babylon and established the Baby.
lonish empire. (See Isaiah 39: 1-8.) Therefore
the words in Isaiah 23: 13, to wit, "The Assyrian founded it," clearly mean the Chaldeans
or Babylonians. "The Assyrian" pictures God's
Executioner, Christ Jesus. Note that "the Assyrian" as a nation did not establish or found
"the land of the Chaldeans". Babylon preceded
Assyria. It is said in connection with Nimrod:
"And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel,
and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land
of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur
[he went out into Assyria (margin)], and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,"
Another author (Hislop) renders the text: "And
he, being strengthened, went out of the land
and built Nineveh," the capital of Assyria.
With this explanation, note that the English
Iievised. Version of the text (vs. 13) reads:



"The Assyrian hath appointed it [(Auth. V er.)

founded it]," that is to say, appointed "this
people" of Tyre. Appointed the people of Tyre
for what or for whom 1 The prophecy answers:
"For the beasts of the wilderness." (E.R. V.)
Clearly this means that God's Executioner, pictured by the Assyrian, hath "appointed" modern
Tyre (that is to say, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization and its clergy and allies)
to a place or condition uninhabited by persons
but wholly for brute beasts, hence for desolation.
In support of this conclusion, note the words
of Revelation 18: 2,3: "And he cried mightily
with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great
is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation
of devils [wild goats, satyrs J, and the hold of
every foul spirit [stinking vapors arising like
apparitions out of a marshy, foul and corrupt
land], and a cage of every unclean and hateful
bird [a place frequented by birds decreed by
the law of God unfit for human habitation]. For
all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication, and the kings of the earth
have committed fornication with her, and the
merchants of the earth are waxed rich through
the abundance of her delicacies." This text, without a doubt, applies to Satan's religious organization, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy being
the principal part thereof. Therefore the prophecy of Isaiah discloses that Jehovah's Executioner has "appointed" that Devil religious
organization for desolation in accord with the
decree or judgment heretofore written at the
dictation of Jehovah.



The prophet continues to speak of the successful Chaldeans and symbolically refers to
Jehovah's Executioner, saying: "They set up
the towers thereof [their towers (R.V.); siegetowers (Roth.)], they raised up [(R.V.) they
overthrew; (Both.) demolished] the places thereof." The siege towers were set up, and thus the
walls of ancient Tyre were surmounted and the
palaces of her merchant princes were demolished. Applying the prophecy to modern 'I'yre,
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization:
God's Executioner, Christ Jesus, sets up siege
towers against the Devil religious system and
the princes of the Roman Catholic organization
that traffic in human creatures, and destroys
their strongholds, and the system falls, ineluding the so-called "holy father" and all of the
trafficking princes. And the result is what?
Says the prophet in answer: "He brought it to
ruin," (E.R.V.) "he made it a ruin"; that is,
,Jehovah's Executioner at the beginning of
Armageddon brings the Devil religious system
to ruin.
The bulwarks of the Roman Catholic system,
which for long has reproached the name of
Almighty God, will completely crumble to the
dust, and then the individuals who continue to
live for a time will have reason to lament.
Therefore, says the prophet of Jehovah: "Howl,
ye ships of Tarshish, for your strength [which
is modern Tyre] is laid waste." (Isaiah 23: 14)
The statement is similar to the words used in
Isaiah 23: 1 and shows that the "howl" is raised
d the bC3inning of Armageddon and when the



Hierarchy falls. Says the Reuieed. Version, verse

fourteen: "Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for your
stronghold is laid waste:" The "Hierarchy of
Jurisdiction", which operates in and out of Vatican City, Italy, is by the Lord Jehovah's decree
certain to be laid waste; and that "Hierarchy
of Jurisdiction", the central government of the
religious system that for centuries has deceived
the people and blasphemed God's name, will go
down. When that stronghold does go down its
supporters can do nothing but howl. Armageddon will mark the complete fulfillment of
the foregoing prophecy of Isaiah twenty-three,
verses one to fourteen.

It has been suggested that verses one to fourteen of Isaiah 23 describe certain adverse experiences to which the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been subjected during a period of
seventy years, from 1848 to 1918, and during
which time she is forgotten and IH-,r howl is
heard; that at the end of that period the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy again comes to the fore;
and hence that the latter part of the prophecy
recorded in the twenty-third chapter applies
after the fulfillment of the first part of the
prophecy. The facts do not fit that conclusion,
for the reason that the "howl" of Tyre clearly
refers to what comes to pass at the beginning
of Armageddon. There is, however, an apparent
fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the 'howling of the ships of 'I'arshish' or supporters of
Tyre, within the seventy-year period above men-



tioned, from 1848 to 1918; but instead of being

a fulfillment it would better be termed an agreeable parallel on a minor scale to that stated in
the prophecy.
It seems well to here set forth certain pertinent historical facts that came to pass during
the seventy-year period from 1848 to 1918, in
order that the student may consider the same
in studying the prophecy; and which consideration may remove some doubt that might otherwise exist. Such historical facts here inserted
are qnoted from well-known and recognized authorities. They relate to the Roman Catholic
religious system from 184.8 to 1918 and are as

1848. January: Revolutions in various-states

on Italian peninsula. February 22-24: Revolution in France; King Louis Philippe out; republic is proclaimed. March: Revolution in
Austrian Empire. Revolutionary movements in
Germany. Insurrection at Rome; the populace demand a democratic ministry and the
proclamation of Italian nationality; the pope
[Pius IX] hesitates; the Romans surround the
p~1nce, and a conflict ensues. The pope accepts
a popular ministry (Cardinal Palma, the pope's
secretary, shot in this confliet.) . . . November 16. November 20, a free Constitution published. November 24, the pope escapes in disguise to Gaeta. November 28, protest of the
pope against the acts of the provisional government (of nome).




J849. February 8, the Roman National Assembly divests the pope of all temporal power,
and adopts the republican form of government.
February 18, the pope appeals to the Catholic
powers (of the world). "He now enjoyed the
sympathy of the rcactionists all over the world
who had looked so coldly upon his early efforts
at reform, but gained, of course, the execrations
of the liherals, whose cause he had abandoned.
Rome, left without a ruler, bloomed into a republic. The pope protested against all its acts, and
summoned the Catholic world to put it down."
(McClintock & Strong Cyclopcedia, Vol. VIn,
"Pius IX") J-une 3, the French under Marshal
Oudinot commence an attack on Rome. June 30,
after a brave resistance, the Romans capitulate
to the French army. July 4, the Roman AS~'1f~m
bly dissolved, and an officerfrom Oudinot's camp
arrives at Gaeta, to present the pope with the
keys of Rome.
1850. April, the pope arrives at Rome; Cardinal Antonelli becomes foreign minister. "The
pope returned in April, 1850, surrounded by
the bayonets of a French army.... His first
act was the perfidy of destroying the constitution of chartered rights which he had guaranteed to his subjects. . . . The Inquisition recommenced its sacred labors.... the Bible was
prohibited." (McClintock & Strong Cyclopcedia,
Vol. VIII, "Pius IX") September 24, he issues
the bull establishing a Roman Catholic hierarchy in England.
1861. March 27, Cavour claims Rome as ca-pital of Italy. June, the emperor of France de-



clines n union with Austria and Spain for the

maintenance of the pope's temporal power. "In
1868, the Austrians broke the concordat and
declared their spiritual emancipation. The year
after, Queen Isabella was driven out of Spain,
and the government of the people refused to
be bound by any previous treaties with the
papacy [September 29,30]." [February 16,1873,
the first Spanish republic is proclaimed at
Madrid, Spain] .-McClintock & Strong Cyclopcedia, Vol. VIII, "Pius IX."
1870. September 11, the pope refuses terms
offered him by the king of Italy (sovereignty
of the Leonine city and retention of his income).
September 20, after a brief resistance from the
foreign papal troops, stopped by order of the
pope, the Italian troops under [General] Cadorna make a breach and enter Rome. September 21, Cardinal Antonelli issues a diplomatic
protest against the Italian occupation of Rome.
September 26, protest of the pope (Pius IX,
still). September 29, circular letter from the
pope to the cardinals complaining of the invasion and of his loss of liberty, and interference
with his post bag, October 2, plebiscite: out of
167,548 votes, 133,GBI for [Rome's] union with
the kingdom of Italy. October 8, result of the
plebiscite sent to the king [of Italy]. October 9,
Rome and its provinces incorporated with the
kingdom by royal decree.
"In 1870, finally, the war with Prussia destroyed the empire in France, and with the fall
of [Louis] Napoleon not only the French refused to be bound to Rome, but the gates of the



Eternal City opened to all Italy.... Notwithstanding all efforts of [King] Victor Emmanuel
for peace, the pope sternly persisted in his finn
protest against the inevitable change of things.
. . . He lived retired in the Vatican, and called
himself a prisoner.-McClintock & Strong Cyclopcedia, VoL VIII, "Pius IX."
1871. May 13, law guaranteeing to the pope
full personal liberty and honors, a revenue of
3,225,000 Iivres, &c.; rejected by the pope in his
allocution, May 15. October 27, allocution of
the pope, appointing some Italian bishops;
still rejecting guarantees.-Haydn's Dictionary
of Dates, under "Rome", "Popes," "France,"
"Spain," &c.
] 878. February 7, Pope Pius IX dies. "On
Feb. 7, 1878, he died, after a protracted dropsical illness. . . . The missions of the Church
were also strengthened, being carried forward
in partibus in/idelium, and great hierarchies,
in lands formerly heathen or PROTESTANT, were
added to the vast clergy that owned 'the Latin
obedience.' Thus he provided by brief of 1850
for the ecclesiastical government of England,
. . . exulting in the supposed triumph of his
Church in the land which had been the home
of the Reformation for three centuries. Then
he created in THIS COUNTRY [D. S. A.] a vast
Roman Catholic hierarchy by elevating to the
cardinalate the archbishop of New York in 1875,
and prepared the way for the re-establishment
of the hierarchy IN SCOTLAND, which was effected
in 1878. . . . One of the foulest blots on the
pages of history regarding his reign is the for-



cible conversion of the J ow boy Mortara, and of

a piece with this is the abject condition of the
Hebrews at Rome, where the walls of the Ghetto
were only removed with the establishment of
the Italian power."-McClintock & Strong OyclopfEdia, VoL VIII, "Pius IX."
"He also established four new dioceses in the
United States at Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland
and Galveston, all in 1847. In later years he
established nearly 50 others in medium-sized
American cities. . . . Matters were now going
too fast and too fur for Pius, who refused to
countenance the revolutionary movement, ...
The pope now entirely lost the favor of the
Roman populace. Threatened by the mob in his
own palace he fled to Gaeta, and a Roman republic was proclaimed in February 1849, with
Mazzini at its head. Louis Napoleon, determined
to restore the pope, sent an expedition to Rome
under Oudinot, by whom the Italian patriots,
led by Garibaldi, were overpowered. Rome surrendered on 3 July; but the pope did.not return
to his capital till April 1830....
"The pope himself now bestowed his whole
attention upon the church. HE RECALLED TIlE
JESUITS, canonized saints and defined two dogmas.... in 1854 ... in 1870. Previous to this
time the pope's temporal dominion had become
sadly shrunken in extent, owing to the gradual
unification of Italy under Victor Emmanuel.
The temporal power of the pope, however, was
still secured by the presence of a body of French
troops at Rome, .. On 20 September 1870 the
Italian troops entered Rome, and the TEMPORAL



POWER WAS AT AN END. The Vatican was left to

the pope; and free diplomatic intercourse, the
honors due to a sovereign, and a civil list of
129,000 yearly, secured to him. But these he
declined, and confined himself to the Vatican
and its garden, declaring that he was under restraint and a prisoner in his own palace."-The
Americana, Volume 22, "Pius IX," page 137.
1878. March 4, Romanist hierarchy revived
by pope; archbishopric of Glasgow, bishop of
Dunkeld, &c. This was about a month after the
death of Pius IX, pope for almost 32 years.
"In November, 1848 [the year of the flig-ht of
Pius IX to Gaeta], the German bishops of the
Romish body assembled at Wiirzburg, to consult together concerning- the best means to proceed in this critical period.... Shortly before
this, however, an organization of far-reaching
significance had been effected, in which alsoand prominently-the laity were to co-operate,
viz., the Pius Society, a Roman Catholic counterpart of the Protestant Church Diet. . . .
"In October, 1848, at Mayence, ... the first
union of this kind was formed under the name
of Pius Society. Here all the single unions were
formed into a great collective union under the
name of (Catholic Union of Germany'; although
in practice the shorter name of Pius Society
has been preferred.... A second assembly was
held at Breslau, where the papal letter was received, and where the assembly openly expressed
society was also organized, the Vincentius 80-



ciety, for missionary work at home.... In the

United States there is hardly a large town in
which one or the other of these societies is not
to be found. The tendency is the same, although
the name may be different. The purpose of these
the political arena is the field of labor. Already
they influence the legislatures, school-boards;
yea, we may say they form a STATE WITHIN THE
STATE."-McClintock & Strong Cyclopcedia, Vol.
VIII, "Pius Societies."
1914. September 3, Cardinal della Chiesa was
elected the successor of Pius X and took the
name of Benedict XV. 1917. August 1, Benedict XV issued his "famous peace note", "which
President Wilson answered on behalf of the
Allied and Associated powers, saying that the
ideals which the pope had expressed were their
ideals, but that the Central Powers appeared
unwilling to acknowledge or accept them."-The
Americana, Vol. III, "Benedict XV."
1918. November 11, beginning of great warchest drive in the United States, in which seven
organizations participate. "There is, of course,
widespread dissatisfaction with the arrangement-most especially because the Catholic War
Council, which includes the Knights of Columbus, will receive $30,000,000. The position is
taken by those who object to the united budget
that the Knights of Columbus, as an organization, has no more right to cantonment and trench
privileges than have other secret societies, and



that the Catholic church should have no privileges in the camps and on the field that are not
extended to other religious bodies.... The Catholic church, in particular, will stand out in the
open as a political organization which, during
the entire length of the war, left no stone unturned to advance papal interests. . . . And
among the charges to be preferred against the
Catholic church after the war will be her peculiar participation in cantonment and trench
privileges, and the mandatory method by which
she secured a place in the war chest."-The
Apostolic Review, November 19, 1918.
1918. November 30, the New York Evening
TV orld says the pope desires to attend the peace
conference in order that he may gain some "temporal power", and adds that the Vatican is seeking to establish a private telegraph office in the
Vatican with private wires to all governments,
so as not to have to use the Italian telegraph
lines.-The TVatchioioer, Jan. 1, 1919, pages 4, 5.
1919. J anuary, Benedict XV completely frees
Italian Catholics from all inhibitions against
participation in Italian political movements. His
relations with the royal court of Italy were more
cordial than those of any pope since 1870, and
the celebrated "Roman Question" was left by
him in a fair way of settlement. At the beginning of Benedict XV's "reign" about 20 nations
had formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican. At its close, in 1922, there were more than
31. Relations with France had been restored,
and the British Empire had taken steps to have
a more intimate representation. Negotiations



were pending for an exchange of envoys with

Tokyo, J apa:n.-The Amet-icana, Vol. III, "Benedict XV."
1919. March 11, an Associated Press dispatch
from Paris read as follows:
''It has become known that pope Benedict has
addressed an appeal to the powers emphasizing
the urgency of the speedy conclusion of peace
with Germany. It is understood that the pontiff
states that the Vatican possesses reliable information that the situation in Germany, socially
and eeonomieally, is very grave, and that he
fears the spread of Bolshevism with such rapidity that it might result in the establishment of
a Bolshevik state, which, in turn, might become
allied with Bolshevik Russia."-l'he Watchtower,
April 1, 1919, pages 100, 10l.
1919. March 23, the first meeting of Fascists
in Milan, Italy. May, Adolf Hitler attends his
first Nazi meeting in Munich, Germany. September, the National Catholic Welfare Conference
[Council, formerly] [NCWC] is organized in
the United States.
At the close of the World War, in 1918, the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy realized the opportune time had arrived to begin efforts toward
regaining temporal power previously had by
that institution. The Hierarchy did begin her
efforts then which culminated successfully on
February 11, 1929, when it was publicly announced that the papacy's temporal power had
been restored.
Now it is important to determine, if possible,
what is the meaning and application of the "sev-



enty years" mentioned in the prophecy (Isaiah

23: 15); what is meant by the harlot's being
forgotten, and what is the meaning of "the song
of the harlot". Suffice it to say at this point of
the study that the prophecy appearing at verses
15 and 16 has fulfillment before the beginning
of the "howl", as mentioned in verses 1 to 14,
which "howl" clearly marks the beginning of
the battle of the great day of God Almighty.
'Jehovah's day' is a term used in prophecy
and relates to the time when Jehovah enthrones
his commissioned King and sends him forth to
rule. (Psalms 2: 6; 110: 2) It is also referred
to in the Scriptures as "that day". It marks the
time when Christ Jesus the King began to interrupt the rule of Satan which he had so long
carried on unhindered. It is marked by the beginning of the "war in heaven", which resulted
in the ousting or Satan and his angels from heaven and casting them down to the earth. (Revelation 12: 7) Practically at the same time the
World War began on the earth. It is the time
of the beginning of Satan's overthrow, which
will ultimately culminate at Armageddon. Reference to that time is made in the prophecy of
Isaiah 23: ] 5, where it is written: "And it shall
come to pass in THAT DAY." At this point the
prophecy in fulfillment moves back from a consideration of the things that will come to pass
at the beginning of Armageddon and gives consideration to things or causes directly provoking that conflict. The time for the beginning
of the fulfillment of this part of the prophecy
in Isaiah 23: 15 is in the year 1914 (A.D.),



when the war began in heaven. (Revelation

12: 7) As shown by the historical facts, in the
year 1914, and for several years prior thereto,
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy did not rate as
a temporal ruling power in the earth. During
that period of time it was claimed that the pope
was "the white prisoner" at the Vatican.
Seeing that ancient Tyre pictured the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy organization as it now exists, and which is therefore modern Tyre, it will
be of aid in the examination of the prophecy
if we keep in mind the objective or chief purpose of the Hierarchy, which purpose is, to wit:
To rule over the nations of the earth as the
claimed representative of Christ, with the false
slogan "Christus Rex", that is, Christ the King,
meaning, in fact, the pope, the head of the
Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" on
the earth. Such has been the objective of the
Roman Catholic organization from the beginning, but she has received setbacks from time
to time, which the organization attributes to
the opposition by her enemies.
Says the prophet of Jehovah: "It shall come
to pass in that day, that Tyre [modern Tyre,
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization]
shall be forgotten." Forgotten by whom 1 By
her former illicit paramours who have committed fornication with her. She is forgotten for
a time as a temporal power. The political ruling powers counted her out as regards temporal
power, viewing the pope as merely a spiritual



adviser, without much influence, not to be feared.

It does not necessarily follow that the Hierarchy
is "forgotten" for seventy years. The prophecy
clearly fixes the time when she is forgotten, by
saying: "In that day ... Tyre shall be forgot.
ten." A comparison of the language of verse 15
with that of verse 17 more clearly shows this:
That there is a period of time in which the harlot
is forgotten and .hat time of forgetting her of
which the prophecy takes notice is "in that day",
that is, the day of Jehovah; and that it is at the
end of seventy years that the Lord will visit
Tyre. The Lord's visit to Tyre manifestly is not
for her upbuilding, but for her adverse judgment, which visit begins with Jehovah's "strange
work" and concludes with the beginning of Jehovah's "strange act".-Isaiah 28: 21.



The prophecy of Isaiah here considered was

paralleled by the prophecy uttered by Jeremiah,
in which latter prophecy the "seventy years"
was associated with the seventy years of desolation of Jerusalem. Concerning this Jehovah's
prophet Jeremiah said: "Behold, I will send and
take all the families of the north, saith the Lord,
and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my
servant, and will bring them against this land
[Judah and Jerusalem], and against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these nations
round about [including Tyre], and will utterly
destroy them [in the type, for seventy years],
and make them an astonishment, and an hissing,
and perpetual desolations.... And this whole
land [Canaan] shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations [including ~yre]
shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years
are accomplished, that I will punish the king of
Babylon, and that nation [hy ousting Satan
and his angels from heaven; which began in
A.D. 1914], saith the Lord, for their iniquity,
and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make
it perpetual desolations." What "nations" will
God make "perpetual desolations"? (Vss. 9,11)
Certainly Tyre is included, because it is written : "And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the
Icings of Zidon, and the kings of the isles which
are beyond the sea."- Jeremiah 25: 9-22.
God's prophet Zechariah speaks of the antitypical fulfillment of this prophecy upon spiritual Israel as pictured by Jerusalem, and the



time is clearly marked out. (See Zechariah

14: 1, 2; Book Preparation, page 281.) It was
not necessary for spiritual Israel to he desolated the full, literal seventy years in order to
fulfill the typical picture of ancient J erusalcm's
desolation. The desolation of spiritual Isruel
was accomplished between 1914 and 1919, or
within a period of about four years. After that
period of time spiritual Israel, that is, the
remnant, to whom the testimony of Jesus Christ
is committed (Revelation 12: 17), fulfilled the
picture of the return of the captivity from Babylon to Zion, and thus the seventy years of desolation antitypically was counted as completely
fulfilled. The important thing was the desolation, and not the mere length of time thereof.
Note now that Jeremiah counts Tyros' desolation of seventy years as running concurrently
with the seventy years of desolation of J erusalem; therefore, as in the case of spiritual
Israel, so with Tyre in the modern fulfillment,
that is, as applying" to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The "desolation", or absence of temporal
power or the time in which the "harlot" is
"forgotten", would not require literally seventy
years. The important point here is THE DESOLATION, and not the exact length thereof. Furthermore the foregoing period of desolation is
"in that day", hence could not begin until the
beginning of the day of J'ehovah, to wit, in 1914.
In the type or picture the two equal periods
run concurrently; and likewise the symbolic
period of seventy years upon modern Tyre,



the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, which would

be counted as ended at approximately the same
time as the desolation upon the remnant of New
Jerusalem came to an end, which was about the
end of 1918 or beginning of 1919. It would therefore not be at all necessary to measure back
from November 24, 1918, to November 24, 1848,
in order to locate the time of the fulfillment of
this part of the prophecy. It suffices, then, that
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy was forgotten
and neglected "in that day", that is to say, Jehovah's day, whieh began in 1914; and which period
of forgetting ended in 1919; and that the forgetting was by her former political associates
who had committed fornication with her, classing her as a temporal power. If the physical
facts show that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
was forgotten or neglected by the political powers frorn 1914 to 1919, that would be a further
corroboration of the conclusion that the fulfillment of the symbolic or prophetic seventy-year
period is as hereinbefore stated, to wit, from
A.D. 1914 to 1919.

The Roman Catholic Hierarchy tried to seat

herself in a prominent temporal position during the World War, but failed. During that time
the pope was generally under suspicion, by the
Allies in particular, and that with good reason.
Although the pope tried to screen himself by
claims of being neutral and maintaining strict
neutrality during the World War, his claims
naturally were not considered sincere. Note the



following historical fact: "LONDON, Treaty of

(1915). A secret agreement concluded between
Italy, France, Great Britain and Russia on
26 April and finally signed on 9 May 1915, declaring the terms under which Italy agreed to
enter the war on the side of the Entente Allies.
'By the future treaty of peace' Italy was to receive the T'rentino, the whole of Southern Tyrol,
as far as its natural and g-eographical frontier,
the Brenner Pass; . 'I'he Holy See was not
to be permitted to intervene by diplomatic action
in regard to peace or questions arising from
the war."-The Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 17,
pages 632, 633.
There was a secret agreement of the }ijntente
Allies to ignore or forget the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy as a temporal power, and specifically
the head thereof. A publication issued at Washington, D. C., in March 19:~9, known as The Protestant, Volume 9, Number one, page one, paragraphs three and four, says: "Throughout the
W orId War diocesan periodicals of the Hierarchy in this country [the United States] urged
the papal ambition to sit in judgment on the
belligerents as arbiter of peace. It was Italy that
defeated that aspiration. In the pact of London
[Treaty of 1915 above mentioned] that country
executed a covenant barring the pope from any
part in the conduct of hostilities or the terms of
peace. Italy had excluded the papacy from both
peace conferences at The Hague. But the Concordat [of 1929] removes that obstacle. Instead
of the resolute adversary of the Roman See,
Italy becomes its foremost confederate."



This proves that the pope tried to have illicit

relationship with the political powers of the nations during the World War period but was
pushed to the side and "forgotten" during that
period, that is, between 1914 and 1919; and
this corresponds exactly with the time spiritual
Israel was under restraint by Satan's organization. The old whore's charms did not allure the
greedy nations just at the time of the war, because they wanted all the prospective pie. These
facts exactly fulfill the prophecy concerning the
'forgotten harlot'. The old woman was hanging
down her head and wearing long, black clothes
during that time. But, behold, she woke up at
the end of that period, as the prophecy foretold she would do.
Says the prophecy (verse 15): "According
to the days of one king." In the type the "one
king' was the Babylonish line of kings, from
Nebuchadnezzar to Belshazzar, of the land or
the Chaldeans. But in the antitype or fulfillment of the prophecy "in that day", from 1914
forward, Christ Jesus, the enthroned King of
Jehovah, began and has continued his feign.
"Like the days of one king" (Leeser); "according to the days of a certain king." (Rotherham)
These two latter translations help to clarify the
matter and manifestly refer to the "King of
the Chaldeans" and the antitypical desolationperiod fulfilled from 1914 to 1918 as above
stated. The World ""Val' closed November 11,
1918, and it was shortly after that time that
the tight position of the pope began to be lifted
and the "forgotten" period began to end.



When the peace conference began to be discussed the pope immediately got busy and tried
to get a seat at that conference. On November 30, 1918, the New York Evening TVorld published a statement to the effect that "the pope
[then Benedict XV] desired to attend the peace
conference in order that he might gain some
temporal power". The publication stated that
the Vatican sought to establish a private telegraph office and lines at the Vatican, "with private wires to all governments, so as not to have
to use the Italian lines." (Sec The TV atchtoioer,
-Tanuary 1, 1919.) The Italian government up
to that time had kept the 'old lady' in the background. The peace conference opened on J anuary 18, 1919, at which conference the League
of Nations compact was presented, and later
adopted, and at that conference the pope made
efforts to gain a seat on a par with the political
governments or nations, but failed. All these
facts show that in that period of time above
mentioned the old "harlot" was forgotten.
The events above mentioned were approximately seventy years after November 24, 1818.
at which latter date the pope, in disguise, fled
from Rome. On February 8, 1849, the Italian
government divested the pope of all temporal
power. But these facts appear to be merely incidental to the prophecy, and not in fulfillment
thereof. These facts would help to conceal the
true meaning- of the prophecy for a time and
until God's due time for it to be understood.
The prophecy further says: "After ... seventy years [of desolation typical and antitypi-



cal] shall Tyre sing as an harlot." Other translations render this part of the prophecy in this
manner, to wit: "It shall be unto Tyre as in
the song of the harlot" (R. V.) ; "shall it befall
Tyre according to tile song of the harlot" (Rotherham) ; "there shall be unto Tyre as the song
of a harlot" (Douay); "shall it happen to Tyre
as in the Bong of the harlot." (Leeser) Note that
it is not a song BY the harlot, but "the song OF
the harlot"; and that appears to be the reason
why Leeser in translating this text puts verse
sixteen in quotation, and thus verse sixteen is
"The Song". That "Song of the Harlot" must
be and certainly is a prophecy of the Lord concerning the harlot religious system, that is, the
Roman Catholic organization, allies and supporters; and which prophecy foretells her conduct immediately following the end of the period
in which she is forgotten. The Roman Catholic
system sings songs, like other harlots, to attract
attention to herself. The song begins to revive
her traffic and patronage and her efforts to
gain her chief objective, to wit, to rule the nations of the earth as the vicegerent of Christ
and in a dictatorial way.
The words of "the song of the harlot" are
addressed to the harlot herself, that is to say,
to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and at the
period after the end of the World War in 1918,
and which is after the enemy Satan and his
wicked crowd of angels had been cast out of
heaven and down to the earth and when Satan
began to gather his forces, visible and invisible,
to Armageddon. (Revelation 12: 7-9; 16: 13-16)



In this action or work Satan brings forward

and puts into action his religious institution,
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. This also marks
the time when the Lord builds up Zion and sends
forth 'the remnant of the seed of his woman'
as his witnesses to proclaim his name and kingdom throughout the earth. (Revelation 12: 17)
The words of "the song of the harlot" are these:
"Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot
that hast been forgotten: make sweet melody,
sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered." (Isaiah 23: 16) This song is not sung
to magnify the name of .Ichovah, but for the
contrary purpose. "And the harp and the viol,
the tabret and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts;
but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of his hands."Isaiah 5: 12.
The harlot is a "street-walker", and she decks
herself in her best wearing apparel, paints her
face, and sallies forth to accomplish her business of enticing and seducing others. She resorts
to "an harp", that is, instruments to make a
pleasing sound to the ear of her prospective
paramours, including those she once had, and
also new suckers, such as the United States
and the professional politicians who run it.
She adds whatsoever she can to her attractive
charms and carries on her seductive work, and
in doing this she stages a hypnotizing background of entrancing sound.
The "harp", as used in the prophecy, pictures
the equipment or instrumentality of the old harlot by which she would add power and influence



to her religious squawks or doctrinal lies in order that she might inveigle others into her trap
and gain control over them. Those instruments
antitypically are such as the .Jesuits, Fascists,
Nazis, "Holy Year" fiasco, Holy Name Society,
Catholic Action, Knights of Columbus, anticommunist schools, the Catholic press, the Na
tional Catholic Welfare Conference, the Legion
of Decency, controlling moving pictures and
moving-picture censorship, feigned and hypocritical patriotism exhibited in compulsory flagsaluting, the building of monuments and images
at the expense of religionists, and all suchlike
movements, by and through which she "struts
her stuff" and bamboozles and hoodwinks the
credulous population, hoping thereby to further
her cause and gain her great objective, to wit,
to rule the nations of the earth by dictators.
Since the World War the old harlot has daily
increased her boastful, scornful attitude and
arrogance in parading herself before the peoples of the earth.
The harlot, that is, the Roman Catholic organization, goes up and down the earth with
her instruments of sound under the leadership
of the Devil and in opposition to the faithful
followers of Christ Jesus, who are now singing
the praises of Jehovah and his King. The har-lot puts forth her best endeavors to crush everything that makes known the truth as God has
put it in his Word. In striking contrast to the
conduct of the harlot Jehovah pictures his faithful witnesses with the Lord in this beautiful
symbolic phrase: "And I saw as it were a sea



of glass mingled with fire; and them that had

gotten the victory over the beast, and over his
image, and over his mark, and over the number
of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having
the harps of God. And they sing the song of
Moses the servant of God, and the song of
the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are
thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true
are thy ways, thou King of saints."-Revelation 15: 2, 3.
The song of praise to the Most High announces that his kingdom is the only hope of
the world and that Christ will now reign in
righteousness and will destroy all hypocrisy
and wickedness; and this song greatly disturbs
the old "whore", and she whangs her harp with
all her power and energy and uses all her power
and influence to get the harpers of the Lord
out of the way. The songs by the harlot announce
that the Roman Catholic system is the hope of
the world; and while she sings, such fanatics
as Mussolini and Hitler applaud and lend their
support. Her persecution of Jehovah's witnesses
in every country is conclusive proof of this
statement. The facts well known, and which are
coming to pass in this day, exactly fit the prophecy, and this shows that now is the time, from
and after the end of the W orld War, that the
old "whore" is employing all her "harlot charms"
to draw the nations and the people under her
control, that she may rule to the satisfaction
of her selfish and wicked ambition. She works
with Mussolini and his like to accomplish her



And where does she go to sing the harlot

song? The prophecy answers: "About the city,
thou harlot that hast been forgotten." She once
had temporal power, then she was forgotten
during the time that the political crowd thought
best to ignore the old woman; and again, following the war, conditions are changed, and it
is the appropriate time, as she thinks, for her
to go out and round up her old, and some of
her new, paramours, putting on her most attractive air, and thereby inducing political fornicators to turn again to her. And in what "city"
docs she parade Not amongst God's faithful
people, not in the temple of Zion; but she goes
about the city symbolically designated as "Christendom", the nations that are willing to have
the name of Christ indirectly attached to them
for commercial purposes. Such is the city of
the "ten kings".
As a. "street-walker" the old and experienced
harlot accosts each "king" or ruling power of
the nations, and sings her songs; that is to say,
she puts on a show before them by which she
expects to dazzle the kings. Since the end of
the 'World 'War the harlot, the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy, has been exhibiting herself, clothed
in her peculiar garments by which she is identified, appearing with painted face and flattering words and at much expense, which expense
money she collects from the "Catholic population", and thus she goes on her campaign of
enticement and seduction. She calls it "Catholic
Action". It could be dubbed also "Devil's visible
action". The Jewish rabbis and the so-called



"Protestant" clergy fall right into the old harlot's arms, receive a few lessons from her, and
then take their place in the show, attempting
to make the politicians and the commercial men
believe that their best interests require that they
associate themselves with the religious, that is,
the ''harlot'' organization. She is malting progress in her seducing business, that is, the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy system.
The old harlot, since the World War, has
gained complete control of Italy and Germany;
and wherever in those nations her paint and
enticing words fail, she uses force of arms.
She poses as though she were honest, and hypocritically says she represents God and Christ,
the great Prince of Peace, and at the same time
she organizes and launches a rebellion against
the government of Spain because that government kicked her out and refused to yield again
to her seductive charms, and Mussolini and
Hitler send soldiers into Spain to help murder
the poor innocents. Her priests and other underlings, wearing clerical robes and armed with
sword and gun, go forth to murder the people
of Spain in order to carry out the harlot's wicked
design to gain control of that nation. Just at
the present time the old "harlot" is putting on
her big show at Washing-ton, D. C., endeavoring
to establish diplomatic relationship between the
United States and the Vatican, and Washington
is getting quite drunk with the "wine of her
fornication". The United States is quite a youth,
not so fully acquainted with the harlot as the
other nations, and is well likened in the proph-



eey to a young man getting his eyeteeth cut.

Often a young man who is simple yields to the
seductive influence of an enticing harlot who
sings songs and exhibits herself in public places.
The United States appears to be in the class
of such simpletons.
Jehovah God, forelmowing the present-day
conditions and the activities of the harlot religious organization, caused an appropriate proverb to be recorded long ago, and which now is
applicable, to wit: "For at the window of my
house I looked through my casement, and beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among
the youths a young man void of understanding
[D nited States], passing through the street near
her corner; and he went the way to her house,
in the twilight, in the evening, in the black and
dark night; and, behold, there met him a woman
with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.
(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not
in her house; now is she without, now in the
streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So
she caught him, and kissed him, and with an
impudent face said unto him, I have peace offerings with me; tills day have I paid my vows:
therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently
to seek thy face; and I have found thee. I have
decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with
carved works, with fine linen of Egypt. I have
perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the
morning; let us solace ourselves with loves: for
the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long
journey; he hath taken a bag of money with



him, and will come home at the day appointed.

With her much fair speech she caused him to
yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced
him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox
goeth to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; till a dart strike through
his liver, as a bird hasteth to the snare, and
knoweth not that it is for his life."-Proverbs
7: 6-23.
Will the United States yield to the harlot's
blandishments and fall? It so appears. The old
"harlot" has her instruments everywhere in the
land working overtime to get control of the
United States and every branch of the government, and the politicians are falling to her enticements, and many of the people who are
dupes and easily deceived are likewise yielding.
Fascists and Nazis are one and the same crowd
and are instruments employed with great effect
by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to gain control of the nations. Each day the strength of
that organization grows in the United States.
The people in general appear to be asleep to
the danger. The harlot even controls the movingpicture business in order to keep the people's
thoughts on everything except the danger that
besets the nation. An agent of the Vatican is
the moving-picture dictatorial censor, and he
approves pictures which magnify the Catholic
system, loose conduct of the sexes and many
other crimes. It is indeed a frightful time. It is
the nighttime, and the people slumber. Darkness
covers the land, and gross darkness is upon the
people. (Isaiah 60: 2) The harlot organization



and her instruments are busy during all hours

of this dark "night".
The old "harlot", according to the prophecy,
sings; as it is written: "Make sweet melody,
sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered." This she does in order to add to her
charms and her power. Her endeavor is to induce the political crowd to believe not only that
she is their spiritual guide, but that she should
exercise temporal power and supremacy over
all the political organizations. Inducing the politicians to yield to her blandishments, she will
do business with them and through them and
thereby gain control of the people and rule as
a counterfeit Christ over the nation and ultimately over all the nations of "Christendom".
The aggressive campaign of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of the present time is called by
that organization "Catholic Action" .and shows
beyond all doubt that the present is considered
the time fo;: the old "harlot" to gain temporal
control of the nations of the earth. She therefore squawks her songs, which songs are lies,
of course, because that is her stock in trade,
as God foretold. Now she boastfully says, as
the prophet foretold: "'We have made lies
our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid
ourselves"; nothing can "prevail against" us:
(Isaiah 28: 15) With glaring, brazen hypocrisy
she calls attention to her supposed attractiveness and desirability.
Hiding the real facts from others, she poses
as the rightful censor of the truth. She tells
the Federal Communications Commission, and



the owners and operators of radio stations,

what they shall and shall not broadcast. She
tells the people what they shall and shall not
hear or read. She dictates to legislative bodies,
to the judges of the courts, and to the other
political officials of the land. She takes the lead
in compulsory saluting of flags, contrary to the
fundamental law of the nation, and directly in
violation of God's law. (Exodus 20: 2-5) She
poses as very patriotic and insists on the school
teachers' taking an oath, which never before
was thought of in America, and she bluffs the
legislative and judicial powers to compel them
to sustain her. Claiming to be patriotic, she is
a traitor to every country under the sun. She
takes oaths of allegiance to governments, with
a mental reservation that it is all right to quickly
violate them. She poses as the guardian of the
people to insure a clean social condition, and
underneath and behind the scenes carries on
all manner of uncleanness.
Amongst her instruments that she uses are
ultraselfish men called "Jews", who look only
for personal gain, and who therefore readily
yield to and join with the Hierarchy in any
unrighteous schemes. The Catholic organization
in fact controls the moving-picture business,
and on every possible occasion in the exhibition
of pictures attempts to magnify the "merits"
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. She raises
a great hue and cry about Communists' being
a danger, and this she does in order to attract
the people's attention away from her own crookedness and to enable her to take advantage of


the people and slip her own instruments into

positions of power. Her instruments and her
songs seem to be endless, and therefore, in fulfillment of the prophecy, she sings "many songs",
and the political dupes with gaping mouths are
led right into her snare. The prophecy is now
being rapidly fulfilled.
And what is the real purpose of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy action? Says the prophet:
"That thou mayest be remembered"; that is,
that she might get back her position of temporal power. Her great ambition is temporal
power and rule of the nations of the world,
and therefore she must be remembered by her
political paramours. Religion, which she wrongfully claims is "Christianity", is used by her to
gain political power. She is determined now to
have to do with the treaties and make treaties
with the nations and to bring all religious practices under her control and to suppress everyone who does not declare that she is tho representative of God on earth. She is determined to
suppress everyone who dares declare the truth
of God's Word.
J ehovah's witnesses are commissioned to
speak the truth, and therefore Jehovah's witnesses constitute a stinging thorn in the flesh
of the old "harlot" because they lift high the
banner of the Lord, pointing the people to the
declaration of Jehovah that his kingdom and
his King are the hope of tho world and that
there is none other. The kingdom of God under
Christ, as proclaimed by Jehovah's witnesses,
. is the only thing the Roman Catholic Hierarchy



now really fear. The old ''harlot'' is now very

diligent to hide from the people her long and
bloody record as inquisitionist and the many
crimes she has committed, and when her activity and filthy record, as recorded in history,
are mentioned and the truth of God's Word is
told about her, she howls and with great crocodile tears says: "That speech is shocking to
our religious susceptibilities." The facts conclusively prove the fulfillment of the prophecy.

The "abomination of desolation", spoken of

by Daniel the prophet, and by the Lord Jesus,
is that which claims to rule in the place and
stead of God's kingdom under Christ Jesus,
(Daniel 11: 31; 12: 1.1; Matthew 24: 15) The
League of Nations was set up for that very
purpose, claiming the right and power to rule
the world, But have in mind what constitutes
and controls the League of Nations. At the very
beginning of the organization of the League of
Nations the Roman- Catholic Hierarchy sought
a place or scat in that conference, and she there
began to put on her show to get into it and to
dominate the League, When that 'beast came
up out of the pit' (Revelation 17: 8) immediately
following the end of the World War, the old
"harlot" climbed on the back of that "beast'
and has heen riding arrogantly since (Revelation 17: 3, 7), and exereieing the guiding control of the League of Nations, claiming the
right to rule and vigorously attempting to rule
the world in the place and stead of Christ Jesus.



Therefore the "abomination that maketh desolate" is the League of Nations and is labeled
by organized religion "the political expression
of God's kingdom on earth". Organized religion,
with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in the lead,
is the binding tie and the chief part constituting
the League of Nations, which claims the right
and which attempts to rule the world in the
place and stead of Christ.-See Light, Book Two,
page toa.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the leader
of organized religion, subtly exercises its power
and influence in the League of Nations, and she
expeets to exercise even greater power, and
doubtless will, in the very near future, regardless of what the combine is called. The old "harlot" is riding on the back of the "beast" and
therefore is the dominating part thereof. The
objective of the League of Nations is to rule
the world contrary to God's purpose, and therefore the League of Nations and the Hierarchy
are one, constituting the "abomination that maketh desolate"; which abomination is the enemy
of God, and it stands "where it ought not" to
stand. (Mark 13: 14) This is a warning to everyone who loves God and Christ to flee to God's
organization under Christ.-Matthew 24: 15, 16.

Is the Roman Catholic organization a friend

of this wicked world, of which Satan is the invisible ruler? There is but one answer to this
question, and that must be in the affirmative.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is a part of the



world, and the chief part thereof. The professional politicians and commercial traffickers are
a part of that organization. The Hierarchy is
pushing forward the radical element of Fascism
and Nazism to gain complete control of the nations of the earth. The Hierarchy violates God's
law in order to make friends with the other
wicked elements of the earth. She employs different schemes in different countries to meet
the necessary conditions, which will enable her
to gain temporal power. Jesus Christ declared:
HMy kingdom is not of this [wicked] world";
because Satan is the prince or invisible ruler
of this wicked world.-John 18: 36.
In view of the indisputable facts, does it appear that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy or
church organization is the enemy of God and
his kingdom under Christ ~ Let the Scriptures
answer that question clearly and emphatically:
"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not
that the friendship of the world is enmity with
God ~ whosoever therefore will be a friend of
the world is the enemy of God." (James 4: 4)
This text, together with the physical facts,
proves beyond all doubt that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is the greatest visible enemy of
God and Christ; and the reason is, because that
religious organization is the chief visible instrument of Satan in carrying forward his challenge
to turn the people away from God. The 'adultery' referred to here is not that of illicit relationship between the sexes, but means the illicit
relationship between the organization claiming
to represent God, and symbolized by a "woman",



with the political, commercial and gangster powers of the world; and which proves that the
organization is God's enemy. By the use of fraud
and deceit the Roman Catholic religious organization leads the people into Satan's trap,
thus proving that such religious organization
is man's worst visible enemy. J asns emphatically declared that no man or organization can
serve two masters. He cannot serve God and
the Devil.-Matthew 6: 24.
The doctrines of the Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction" and the practices in which
that organization indulges show that she is the
chief servant of the Devil and the arch enemy
of God. The unchangeable rule of God is announced in these words: "Know ye not, that to
whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his
servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of
sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness 1" (Romans 6: 16) From all the evidence the conclusion is irresistible that the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization serves
the Devil and is therefore the enemy of God,
the enemy of man, and the very personification
of unrighteousness.

The prophecy then declares that Jehovah

visits Tyre, and surely that visit is not in her
favor, but for judgment against that wicked
organization. 'When does the Lord visit her '/
The prophecy answers: "And it shall come to
pass, after the end of seventy years, that the
Lord will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her



hire, and shall commit fornication with all the

kingdoms of the world upon the face of the
earth." (Isaiah 23: 17) Other translations of
this text are: And it shall come to pass after
the end of seventy years, that Jehovah will
visit Tyre." (A.R.V.) "So shall it be at the end
of seventy years that Jehovah will visit Tyre."
(Rotherham) "And it shall come to pass after
seventy years, that the Lord will visit 'I'yre,"
This shows that it is from and after 1918
that Jehovah visits Tyre, and during the time
in which the Lord is restoring his remnant from
Babylon and using them for his purpose. As
Jehovah permits the Devil to remain, so for a
time he permits the old "harlot", the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy organization, to remain in
existence for a time and to operate against his
kingdom and his witnesses. First Jehovah visits
her with the proclamation of the truth against
her, and, in doing this, he commands his witnesses to "arise ... up against her in battle".
(Obadiah 1) This is Jehovah's "strange work";
and, this strange work being, completed, he visits
her and executes judgment upon her, and that
marks the beginning of his "strange act", which
is the second-part of his visit. (Isaiah 28: 21)
During the first part of his visit, as in case of
his visit to Sodom, Jehovah gathers the evidence against her as to her activities as a harlot
operating with a harp and song. During the
first part of the visit, says the prophet, "she
shall turn [(RY.) shall return; (Roth.) will
return] to her hire." She returns to her hire as



a harlot and uses that hire with which to commit fornication with the rulers of the earth.
Note this part of the prophecy says: "And
shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms
of the world upon the face of the earth"; according to the Revised Version: "Shall play the
harlot with all the kingdoms of the world." Such
is exactly wha t the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
organization is doing and has been doing from
and after 1918, and will continue to do until
the beginning of Armageddon; and while she
is doing that, Jehovah is doing his "strange
work" of exposing her wickedness. The activity
of the old "whore" in committing harlotry with
all the kingdoms of the world appears to be
more than merely establishing diplomatic relationship with all nations and being recognized
as a temporal power. It surely means the carrying out of the objective of the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy to set up a Fascist government controlling the nations of the earth, that the Hierarchy may arbitrarily rule the nations in a dictatorial manner.

The League of Nations is the child of the

Devil by his "woman", "organized religion,"
and which is brought forth in opposition to
Jehovah's "man-child",' which shall rule the
world. (Revelation 12: 5) The combination of
the League of Nations is made up of religion,
politics and commerce, religion being the binding tie and riding on the back of the "beast"
and claiming the right to rule. The old "whore"



gains her dominating position in this combine

when she 'returns to her hire' or traffic and
'plays the harlot with all the kingdoms of the
world upon the face of the earth'. This is further proof that the combine is "the abomination
that maketh desolate". Corroborating this conclusion, note Revelation 17: 1, 2: "And there
came one of the seven angels which had the
seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto
me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the
judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon
many waters [as ancient Tyre did] : with whom
the kings of the earth have committed fornication [which the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
has done since 1918, while rejecting the kingdom of God, the 'Stone laid in Zion'], and the
inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk
with the wine of her fornication."
During the past few years the Fascists and
Nazis have grown at a tremendous speed, thus
showing that the inhabitants of the earth are
made drunk with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy's lying, poisonous doctrines, her "wine";
and the fornication and drunkenness continue
to increase: "For all nations have drunk of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the
kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are
waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies."-Revelation 18: 3.
The combine of the nations, under the influence
of organized religion, was lined up behind the
Hague International Arbitration Court, which
went out of sight during the Worid War but



quickly came up out of the pH following the

World War: "And the beast that was, and is
not [during the World War J, even he is the
eighth [world power; namely, the combine of
the League of Nations with Devil-religion riding], and is of the seven [previous world powers,
existing before the World War], and gocth into
perdition [at Armageddon, the harlot being first
unseated and dcstroyedj.t'-e-Revelation 17: 11.
While the old "harlot" rides the beast and
thus symbolically is in control of it, the Protestant clergy drag along in the procession and
shout: "This is the politicui expression of God's
kingdom on earth"; and the deluded and ignorant populace yell, and for what reason they
know not. The old "harlot" returns to her hire,
that is, uses her stock in trade to induce others
to commit fornication with her, and with her
blandishments as a harlot thereby gains the
upper hand of the nations and rides on the back
of the combine, and thus "the abomination of
desolation" is complete.
It was the Fascists' leader, Mussolini, who
during the World War opposed the pope's being
recognized as a temporal power, and it was the
same> Mussolini who saw to it that the pope
regained his temporal-power pocition in 1929;
and since then the pope has not been known to
seck a seat in the League of Nations, and the
reason is, because he has pursued a more subtle
policy, thereby obtaining a scat as the rider of
the entire "beast" and has the whole gang kissing his big toe.


The United States is not supposed to be

a member of the League of Nations; but the
prophecy (R.V.) says: "She ... shall play the
harlot with all the kingdoms of the world upon
the face of the earth," and this necessarily includes the United States of America. It is well
known, by every person in America who really
thinks, that the determination of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy is to gain control of the
United States and make it a government similar to that of Germany and Italy.Just preceding the election in the United States in 1936
Cardinal Pacelli, Papal secretary of state of
the Vatican, visited the United States, and the
result was that practically every Roman Catholic in the United States voted for Mr. Roosevelt, the man who had said previously that
'diplomatic relationship would be established
with the Vatican as soon as the American pBOpie could be brought around to it'.

No one on earth can tell exactly what will

come to pass; but those devoted to the Lord,
and according to the divine rule of applying
the well-known facts to God's prophecy now in
course of fulfillment, can well reach a reasonable conclusion as to what shall come to pass.
The question is, Will Great Britain and America
become Fascist under the dominating control of
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy! The Scriptures
and the facts appear to fully support that conclusion. 'Within the borders of the British Commonwealth of Nations and the United States of



America the truth of God's kingdom has had its

greatest proclamation and witness, and that is
exactly what the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
hates. It is the truth of and concerning the
kingdom of God when proclaimed that "shocks
the religious susceptibilities" of the Hierarchy
crowd, because they hate that which lets God's
light shine and which exposes them. For that
reason the Hierarchy attempts to suppress the
use of the radio and all other means of publication of God's kingdom message.
The prophecy of the Lord shows that modern Tyre, the Catholic organization, commits
fornication with all the nations and gains her
desire. When the Hierarchy has gained complete temporal power of the earth, that will
in her mind fully establish the conclusion that
her desire has been fully accomplished, and
then she will say "Peace and safety" (1 Thessalonians 5: 3) ; and then the "ten horns", that
is, all the ruling powers of the nations, "receive
power ... with the beast," the League of Nations
combine being in fact a league of Fascism or
combined Fascist governments, dominated by
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. "And the woman
[Devil's visible religious organization, the harlot] which thou sawest is that great city [the
Hierarchy organization], which reigneth over
[combined Fascism.] the kings of the earth."
- Revelation 17: 12, 18.
What was the real inducement that caused
King Edward VIII to abdicate may be better
understood in the near future. That Fascism
now is gaining at an alarming rate in Britain,



there is not the slightest doubt. Also the Fascists

and Nazis are rapidly increasing in the United
States. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is confident of putting to silence through its instruments everything and every activity that exposes the crookedness of the Hierarchy and
makes known Jehovah God's purpose. It is
nighttime, so far as most of the people are
eoncerned ; and the old "whore", while the people slumber, moves forward with greater confidence. A complete fulfillment of the prophecy
draws nigh. God caused the apostle Paul to
write authoritatively concerning this very time,
to wit: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For
yourselves know perfectly that the day of the
Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when
they shall say, Peace and safety; then suddon
destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon
a woman with child; and they shall not escape."
-1 Thessalonians 5: 1-3.
Jehovah is now carrying on his "strange
work", which serves to enlighten the people of
good will and to show them the only way of
escape ; and only those who find that way will
escape. The old "whore" sitting upon the hack
of the beast may soon be expected to say: 'Peace
and safety; we have silenced all opponents.'
Then Jehovah's "strange act" will Jegin, and
sudden destruction comes upon her "as travail
upon a woman with child". There begins the
howl, described by Isaiah 23: 1-14, and the end
will be the destruction of Satan's religious system, by which he has hoodwinked the people



and made merchandise of them. The old harlot's

triumph will be short, and her destruction complete.-Ezekiel 27: 12-34; Revelation 17: 16, 17.

The Roman Catholic Hierarchy's "refuge of

lies" will furnish no protection to her, but her
bulwarks will be completely swept away when
her doctrines are known to be false. (Isaiah
28: 17) At some time in the fulfillment of this
prophecy it will come to pass as it is written:
"And her merchandise and her hire shall be
holiness to the Lord: it shall not be treasured
nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for
them that dwell before the Lord, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing."-Isaiah 23: 18.
Surely the words "her merchandise and her
hire shall be holiness to the Lord" could not
refer to material merchandise, such as the anarehists might seize and confiscate; because it
is written in God's law: "Thou shalt not bring
the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into
the house of the Lord thy God for any vow;
for even both these are abomination unto the
Lord thy God." (Denteronomy 23: 18) What,
then, could be meant by "her merchandise and
her hire"? Jehovah's prophet speaking concerning unfaithful Samaria says: "And all the
graven images thereof shall he heaten to pieces,
and all the hires thereof shall be burned with
the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an
harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an
harlot."-Micah 1: 7.



The Roman Catholic Hierarchy with an air

of superiority, and with great claim of power
and authority from God, have approached the
kings of the earth and said to them in effect:
"We bestow upon you the divine right to rule,
we give yon holy sanctions and heavenly blessings; and by reason thereof your positions as
political rulers are sacred and are ordained of
God, and therefore, so far as the people are
concerned, you are viewed as constituting the
'higher powers'; and we who compose the Hicrarchy are the spiritual 'hig-her powers' and
superior to all other earthly power." (Romans
13: 1) The true "Higher Powers" are Jehovah
and Christ Jesus. The claim that earthly organizations are "the higher powers" is therefore
false. In this fraudulent representation and
claim made by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,
the harlot proceeds to gain control over millions of gullible men. Such constitutes the "merchandise" and "hire" of the harlot by which she
draws men into her clutches. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has fraudulently posed as the
representative of God with full divine authority
to bestow blessings on kings, while in truth and
in fact she is the representative of the Devil.
The Hierarchy uses 'the hire of the harlot' to
induce the political powers to believe that she
should dictate the policy of the world, and thus
carry out her purpose to set up a dictatorial
rule of the earth.
But now the time arrives when Jehovah turns
the tables on the old wench. Jehovah does not
bring the 'merchandise and hire of the harlot'



into his temple, but by carrying on and doing

his "strange work" Jehovah exposes the wickedness of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the
religionists; and thus he counteracts the effects
of her merchandise and hire and causes the
same to work against the religionists, and the
result is beneficial to those who love righteousness and hate iniquity. This J ehovah does by
causing the people to have their eyes opened
to the truth and to clearly see that the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, the leader of religionists,
is a part of Satan's organization; and those
people of good will. who thus see and identify
the Roman Catholic organization as a part of
Satan's organization, separate themselves from
that wicked organization and hasten to J ehovah's city of refuge, the place of holiness.
(Numbers 35: 11-32) Therefore when "her merchandise and her hire" are fully exposed and
revealed by the truth, these truths turn those
of good will to "holiness to the Lord".
Jehovah's witnesses have a part in this
"strange work", in this, that as his commissioned servants they carry God's message of
warning to the people of "Christendom", and
which message of truth is the true guide to all
the people in or outside of "Christendom" who
desire to take the right course. When the people of good will see and understand the truth,
then the false doctrines which they have been
taught by the Hierarchy work against the organization of Satan and to the glory of J ehovah, the Holy One, and thus become "holiness
to the Lord".



Says the prophet: "It shall not be treasured

nor laid up." Her merchandise and lying shall
not be brought into the temple of Jehovah, but
it shall be used against and operate against the
harlot. As to the "merchandise" and "hire" of
a material kind, that is, all the material wealth
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, that, to be
sure, shall be left behind by the old harlot when,
at the beginning of Armageddon, the religious
system shall be destroyed. It all in truth belongs
to the Lord, because the earth and the fullness
thereof arc his. (Psalm 24: 1) At all times such
material things have belonged to the Lord, but
have been misused and abused by the religionists. Those who survive Armageddon will find
better use for such, because they will use material things to the glory of God in his service.
"For her merchandise shall be for them that
dwell before the Lord." The word "dwell" as
here used in the prophecy means 'to abide and
remain as a remnant'. (Isaiah 7: 3, margin;
Psalms 27: 4; 61: 6, 7) The promise of J ehovah is that those persons of good will who 'seek
righteousness and meekness' may be "hid" during Armageddon and dwell thereafter on the
earth. It is such that the Lord Jesus leads unto
the fountain of life, feeding them and fulfilling
their desires, and those are the ones that praise
Jehovah day and night. (Revelation 7: 9-17)
They abide in his organization and under his
During the World War, when spiritual Jerusalem, that is, God's faithful remnant people
on the earth, seemingly had come to the end



of their way, the clergy of modern Tyre, the

religionists aforementioned, exulted and felicitated each other ; concerning which the Lord
caused to be written: "Son of man, because
that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha,
she is broken that was the gates of the people;
she is turned unto me; I shall be replenished,
now she is laid waste." (Ezekiel 26: 2) But soon
and in God's due time he turns the tables on
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and that wicked
organization is laid waste, and Jehovah's witnesses are shown as praising the Most High
after the Hierarchy goes down. (Revelation
19: 1-3) When that calamity befalls the religionists, the persons of good will, composing
the great multitude who have proved their integrity by obeying Jehovah's commandments,
will then 'dwell in the presence of the Lord'
and will sing his praises for ever: "Surely the
righteous shall give thanks unto thy name; the
upright shall dwell in thy presence."-Psalm
140: 13.
Again, says the prophecy (Isaiah 23: 18) :
"For her merchandise shall be for them that
d well before the Lord, to eat sufficiently." The
so-called "spiritual and religious" foods, which
are false and which are provided by the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy for the people, and which
are "her merchandise", being exposed by the
light and unfolding of Jehovah's Word, these
truths of God's Word become prophetic food
for those who are fed at Jehovah's table, which
includes, to be sure, those of the great multitude, which the Lamb of God shall feed.



(Revelation 7: 17) The revelation of J ehovah's

prophecy stripping bare the religious frauds
and disclosing Jehovah's judgment against such
fraudulent merchandise becomes spiritual "meat
in due season" for those who love Jehovah.
Prophecy in fulfillment and being understood
proves to he their spiritual nourishing food and
is profitable to those who love God. When the
people of good will see these things, then no
longer is the old "harlot" and her allies, by the
use of her "merchandise" and lying, able to keep
those who love and serve .Jehovah from eating
and filling sufficiently, and they do eat sufliciently of God's spiritual food and are greatly
satisfied and rejoice.
Further the prophecy says: "And for durable
clothing," "stately clothing" (RY., margin).
Clothing symbolically stands for identification.
'When those persons of good will hear and act
upon the truth, seeing that the "hire" and "merchandise" of the old "harlot" is a fraud and
snare, they immediately wash up, that is, they
'wash their robes and make them white in the
blood of the Lamb'. (Revelation 7: 14) They
arc clothed with stately "white robes" and 111118
identify themselves as servants of Jehovah God.
They get on the Lord's side and no longer have
anything to do with the: harlot organization.
Their devotion, service and praise is to J ehovah and his King, who sits upon the throne
and who shall for ever rule the world in righteousness. The faithful "great multitude" then
have a "stately" appearance.



Briefly summing up the prophecy of the 23d

chapter of Isaiah, this appears as its message
to those who love .Jehovah and who joyfully
obey his commandments:
Ancient Tyre represented commercialized religion and religionists, to wit, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, which is modern Tyro and leads
in the religions of the world. "The king of Tyrus"
means the Devil himself; while "the prince of
Tyro" stands for the visible, religious representative of the Devil Oil earth.
"Zidon" also stands for Devil religion, including both ''heathen religion" so called, or paganism, and all other religious allies of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy.
"Ships [that is, vessels] of Tarshish" stands
for the various subordinate organizations of
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, which support
and do the bidding of the Hierarchy and carry
on her menial work.
"Harlot," an unchaste woman, stands for Satan's organization, of which religion is the most
subtle part visible to man and is used to seduce
others from Jehovah God.
The purpose or the objective of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy is and ever has been to gain
control of and rule the nations of the earth.
For many years the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization was recognized as a temporal power ruling over the kings of the earth.
She lost that power for a time, and regained
it in 1929. During the World War the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, the harlot, sought a place



among the nations in matters pertaining to war

and peace, but was cast to the side and forgotten. At the close of the World "Val', in fulfillment of the prophecy, the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy began her activities to regain temporal power, and, as the once forgotten harlot,
she goes about the nations singing' the song of
the harlot, that is, using seductive means to
induce the political rulers of the nations to recognize her and to restore her to her former
position as a temporal power.
Fascism and Nazism mean one and the same
thing and are the instrument of the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, the child of the Devil, to
gain control of the earth by the Hierarchy and
turn all people against God and his kingdom.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy classes everyone that is opposed to her as "red" or "communist", and this "s done to incite the people
against those who stand for whatsoever is right.
The Hierarchy is particularly opposed to and
persecutes Jehovah's witnesses because they
proclaim the truth of God's name and kingdom and point to God's kingdom as the only
hope of the world.-Matthew 12: 18-21, A.R.V.
The prophecy seems clearly to indicate that
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, operating its
organization of Fascism, together with other
religious allies, will gain control of the leading
nations of the earth, including Britain and the
United States, and then that hypocritical religious organization will cry out, as prophetically
written, "Peace and safety." This part of the
prophecy is set forth in Isaiah 23: 15-18.



'When the Hierarchy has reached her zenith

of glory and is supposed to be in absolute security, then God, through Christ J esus, completely
wrecks the old-harlot organization, and that
marks the beginning of Armageddon. This great
"burden" or woe coming to the religionist clement of Satan's organization strikes terror into
everyone of her supporters, and these, by the
prophecy, are shown as wailing and howling,
because they clearly see that they are next in
line for the expression of God's wrath against
them. This part of the prophecy appears in
verses 1-14 of Isaiah 23, and shows that the
woe comes upon the religious organizations at
the end of her very short period of seeming
Now Jehovah is carrying forward in the earth
his "strange work", exposing to view the wicked
organization of Satan. He lays upon his witnesses the duty and gives to them the privilege
and opportunity of proclaiming his name and
his kingdom in the earth, and thus they have a
part in this strange work. (Revelation 12: 17)
When that strange work is done, then begins
his "strange act", which is the battle of the
great day of God Almighty. During the period
of his "strange work" the great multitude must
take their stand on the side of Jehovah and his
kingdom and prove their faithful obedience and
maintain their integrity toward God. J ehovah
now makes known these precious truths to those
who love him that they may be comforted and
have greater hope in this trme of peril. Let all
who claim to love Jehovah God prove their love



for him and his King by now joyfully obeying

the commandments of the Most High. "Arise
ye, and let us rise up against her ill battle:'
-Obadiah 1.

Jehovah, in his Word, describes his ideal

man that is pleasing to him. (Psalms 1,8,16,
111, and 113) He designates the ideal man as
"my servant", "mine elect." (Isaiah 42: 1-6,
19, 20) That ideal man or elect servant is
Christ J esus and the members of his official
house, his church; and although composed of
many members, they are all one and are designated "a perfect man". (Ephesians 4: 13; 1 Corinthians 10: 17; John 17 : 21) Exactly opposite
to that ideal man, and opposing God's elect
servant, is an enemy designated in the Scriptures as the old "harlot" and as "the man of
sin", "the son of perdition," (2 Thessalonians
2: 1-3, R.V.) and which also is a composite body
made up of many persons who indulge in a 'York
of opposition to God's kingdom and in persecuting all those who faithfully serve God. That
"man of sin" is the servant of the Devil, the
enemy of God and the enemy of man.
Some in that composite body were once in
line for the kingdom of God, having entered
into the covenant to do the will of God, following- in the footsteps of Jesus. Such by reason
of becoming unfaithful have fallen away from
God and Christ, and these are designated as
"the evil servant" awl muv well be classed as
the head or chief ones of the "man of sin",



"the son of perdition," That "evil servant",

once looking for the Lord, says in his heart,
"My lord delayeth his coming," and then begins to smite those who serve God-s-Matthew
24: 48-50.
.All of the "man of sin" company arc religionists, and include many priests, clergymen,
"elective elders," and others, who willfully indulge in persecuting the faithful witnesses of
Jehovah, to whom has been committed the testimony of Jesus Christ, and who obey God's commandments; and all of these persecutors act
as the instruments of the Devil. (Revelation
12: 17) In this present time those enemies manifest themselves by promulgating lies leveled
against those who are proclaiming the kingdom of God. They attempt to induce persons
to join some organization that is religions, and
in doing so they employ fraudulent and lying
means, which clearly shows that they consider
that "gain is godliness"; and concerning which
it is written: "If any man teach otherwise, and
consent not to wholesome words, even the words
of our Lord J osus Christ, and to the doctrine
which is according to godliness, he is proud,
knowing nothing, but doting about questions
and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy,
strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse dispntings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute
of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness;
from such withdraw thyself."-l Timothy 6: 3-5.
If they find someone seeking the truth of
Gcd's ",Vord they straightway make an attempt
to inveigle such persons into their trap. They



use outwardly 'good words and fair speech to

deceive the hearts of the simple'. (Romans
16: 18) Judas Iscariot, who undertook to follow Jesus Christ and then betrayed him, was
an ensample or type of such enemies, and of
him Jesus said that he was lost and that He
had lost none except the son of perdition. (John
17: 12) Judas, therefore, foreshadowed the "evil
servant" company, "the man of sin," "the son of
perdition." Such composite company is spoken
of in the Scriptures in these words (2 'I'hessalonians 2: 9) : "Whose coming is after [that is,
according to] the working of Satan, with all
power and signs and lying wonders," and who
carry forward Satan's schemes to oppose God
and his kingdom. The "evil servant" class and
the "man of sin", "the son of perdition," are
at the end in one and the same company, although pursuing a somewhat different course
until they are joined together in opposition to
the kingdom of God.

To aid the reader to more readily comprehend, the specific enemies of God are here briefly
named, to wit: Satan, the Devil, "the god of
this world," the invisible ruler of man; Gog,
the chief officer of Satan in command of the
Devil's organization visible and invisible; all
the wicked angels, who have rebelled against
Jehovah God. All of such enemies are invisible
to the natural or human eyes.
The visible enemies of God, that is, those on
earth and who also are the enemies of men,



are these, to wit: Religion, religious organizations, and practitioners of religion (in these
religious organizations are included thieves,
robbers, liars, whoremongers, murderers, manstealers or kidnapers, frauds, cheats); and all
suchlike religion and religious practices being
the means of blinding the people to the truth,
and using a great mountain of lies behind which
the racketeers hid themselves. These enemies
are influenced and controlled by the Devil and
his invisible associates, the 'wicked spirits who
muse men to commit all manner of wicked
crimes. Of Satan it is written that he is a subtle
or wily opponent, and he teaches all his instruments to h-e subtle and wily foes. The visible
enemies of men on earth, therefore, are all who
indulge in wrongdoing and who are moved by
hatred, ill will, and: malice and extreme selfishness. All these enemies work against the interests and to the detriment of evcrv honest and
sincere person who desires to serve God and
follow a course of righteousness.
By the facts and the scriptures that appear
in the foregoing it is clearly seen that there
are two great opposing organizations, one righteous, which is God's organization, and one
wicked, which is the Devil's organization; the
two pitted against each other. If Jehovah God
is to win the controversy raised by Satan'a
wicked challenge, there must come a time when
the climax is reached and the final conflict is
indulged in. What, then, is to be the fate of
the enemy t


"T~line hand shan find Gut .all thine enemies: thy
right hand shall find out those that hate thee. Thou
shalt make them as a fiery ov~n in the time of thine
anger: the LC1'd shall swallow them up in his wrath,
and the fire shall devour them." - Psalm 21: 8, 9.

]~ N

are often deceived, and many of

them become deceivers. Concerning "the
last days", which is a time of great peril,
it is written: "But evil men and seducers shall
wax 'worse and worse, deceiving, and being d-eeeivcd." (2 Timothy 3: 13) All the evidence
shows that the present is a time of greatest
deception ever practiced upon the people. No
man can deceive God at all. God knows even
the secret thoughts of man. At all times he
knows who are his enemies, and in his due
time he win search them out and duly recompense them for all their wickedness. By what
means will he do so 7 and who will act for
Jehovah in dealing with his enemies?
Jesus was born in the month of October; and
that is generally understood to mark the beginning of the year 1 A.D. At the time of his birth
a company of shepherds were guarding their
flocks near the town of Bethlehem, when they
heard the voice of angels from heaven proclaiming this glad news: 'Glory to God in the highest,
on earth peace toward men of good will.' (Luke
2: 141 Rothcrham) That meant that the great



Prince of Peace was born and that in due time

he would be God's instrument to bring peace
on earth toward all who are of good will toward God; and also means that he will bring
about the end of God's enemies and that all will
be to the glory of the Most High. Jesus is the
Vindicator of Jehovah's holy name. Today all
persons of good will are keenly interested in
the coming of Christ Jesus, his kingdom, and
the vindication of God's name.
Exactly thirty years after the birth of Jesus
his official work began on the earth, and his
first utterance on that occasion was, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand"; meaning that Jesus,
the chosen King and rightful Ruler of the world,
was beginning his work preparatory for the
kingdom, which shall rule the world in righteousness. This proves that the kingdom is the
means by which God will completely vindicate
his name. For three and one-half years, and
until his death, Jesus taught the commandments
of God, and the faithful Jews heard him, forsook religion, and obeyed God's conimandments.
Throughout that period of time Jesus stressed
the fact of the coming kingdom, and the end of
the unrighteous world. He taught his disciples
that he must go away first and receive from
Jehovah's hand the kingdom authority, and that
then he would return and set up his kingdom.
(John 14: 3) Jesus was "put to death in the
flesh", and God raised him out of death a "spirit"
and exalted him to the highest place in the universe. (1 Peter 3: 18, R.V.; Philippians 2: 8-11)
Jesus was duly commissioned then to rule the



world as King, but it was not then God's due

time for that reign to begin. God's purpose was
to permit the enemy Satan to have full time
and opportunity to carry out his boastful challenge, and therefore He said to Jesus: "The
LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right
hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."
-Psalm 110: 1.
For more than 1800 years Jesus must wait
for his reign to begin, and within that period
of time Jehovah, by and through Christ Jesus,
has gathered out from the nations "a people
for his name", which people God uses specifically to declare his name in the earth just preceding the overthrow of his enemies.-Acts 15: 14.

"The world" means the peoples of earth, organized into nations and under the supervision
of an invisible overlord, and which overlord
for centuries has been Satan the Devil, who,
together with a host of wicked angels, has influenced, controlled and ruled the world without
interruption. "The end of the world," therefore,
means the beginning of the period of time when
the rule of Satan must be interrupted preparatory to his overthrow. The coming of the Lord
Jesus, the rightful King, would necessarily interrupt Satan's rule of the world and would
mark the time when there should be a final showdown between Satan and .Jehovah God.
To Jesus his disciples propounded this question: "What shall be the [proof] of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?" (Matthew 24: 3)



Jesus immediately answered the question in

these cryptic words: "For nation shall rise
against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and
earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the
beginning of sorrows." (Matthew 24: 7,8) The
beginning of the interruption of Satan's rule,
it is seen, therefore, would be a time of sorrow
upon the wicked one and upon his allies and
agents, visible and invisible, and sorrow to people under Satan's power. That prophecy of
Jesus began to have fulfillment in the autumn
season of 1914, which marks the beginning of
the end of Satan's wicked world. For further
proof that the end had come, marking the time
when there should be a change, Jesus said:
"Upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; ... men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth." (Luke 21: 25, 26) Everyone observes that such conditions have obtained,
particularly since the World War began, in
1914; and since 1918 the woes and troubles
upon peoples and nations have increased.
The Scriptures give further and corroborative evidence of Christ's coming and the end
of the world, which evidence is recorded in
these words: "Thall hast taken to thee thy great
power, and hast reigned. And the nations were
angry." (Revelation 11: 17, 18) That also marks
the date 1914, as shown by the indisputable
facts. Up to that time Satan had the privilege
of appearing in heaven. (Job 2: 1) When Jesus
was enthroned, the conflict immediately began



between Christ Jesus and the Devil, that old

Sr:'-;xmt and Dragon. That war in heaven marks
specifically the beginning of the end of the
world, and concerning which it is written: "And
there was war in heaven; Michael [who is Christ
Jesus] and his angels fought against the dragon
[that is, the Devil] ; and the dragon fought and
his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their
place found any more in heaven. And the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world; he was cast out into the earth, and his
angels were cast out with him. And I heard a
loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our
God, and the power of his Christ; for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which
accused them before our God day and night."
(Revelation 12: 7-10) Thus the Devil and the
wicked angels were excluded from heaven and
cast down to the earth. Both the chronology of
the Bible and prophecy show that it was in 1914
the world ended, marking the time when Christ
.T esus took power and began his reign, and his
first work was to cast Satan and the wicked
angels down to the earth.

The beginning of the World 'Val' marked the

"beginning of sorrows" on the earth, as Jesus
stated. The World War ended in 1918, but the
troubles upon the nations have continued to
increase since. In the first chapter herein a
number of questions are propounded concern-



ing the great increase of sorrow and trouble

in the earth, and now those questions shall be
answered according to the Scriptures and in
harmony with the Scriptures. The clergy have
told the people that the increased woes upon
the nations are due to the fact that the people
have been unfaithful to their religious organizations and for that reason God has sent trouble upon them. That claim is entirely wrong
and a defamation of God's holy name. The correct answer is set forth in the Bible in' these
words: 'ew oe to the inhabiters of the earth,
and of the sea I for the devil is come down
unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."-Revelation 12: 12.
Being cast out of heaven and compelled to
confine his operations to the earth, Satan knows
that his time is very short until the final conflict which will determine the question of supremacy and his own existence. The purpose
of Satan the Devil is to turn all men away from
God and bring about their destruction. Therefore Satan the enemy brings greater woes and
sorrows upon the peoples of earth and causes
his agents, the religionists, to falsely charge
Almighty Gael with the responsibility therefor,
his purpose being to turn the people against
God and cause them to curse God and die.
You will now readily call to mind that there
has been a great increase of crime and woe
and suffering since the end of the World War,
all of which is due to the operations of God's
enemy the Devil and his wicked allies. As fur-



ther corroborative proof, note it is written in

the Scriptures, to wit: "This know also, that
in the last days perilous times shall come. For
men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient
to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural
affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that arc good,
traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures
more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from
such turn away." (2 Timothy 3: 1-5) Those who
take the lead in the wickedness described in this
scripture are the religionists, who are now carrying on their religious racket. This is further
proof that these are the last days for Satan
and his wicked agents and that soon the end
thereof will come.

In connection with the Bible record of the

war in heaven and the ousting of Satan, it is
written: "And the temple of God was opened
in heaven." (Revelation 11: 19) What is meant
by the term "the temple of God" 1 It does not
mean a house or building erected by human
hands, but means the composite body of faithful followers of Christ, the Head of God's organization. In proof of this statement note the
scriptures addressed to the faithful followers
of J ecus Christ: "Know ye not that ye are the
temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 If any man defile the temple of
God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of



God is holy, which temple ye are:'-1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17.

Those who compose the temple of God are
not religionists, but must he separate and distinct from every part of Satan's organization,
showing full obedience to God's commandments:
"And what agreement hath the temple of God
with idols' for ye are the temple of the living
God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them,
and walk in them; and. I will be their God, and
they shall be my people. Wherefore come out
from among them, and be ye separate, saith
the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing:
and I will receive you, and will be a Father
unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."-2 Corinthians
6: 16-18.

The temple of God is the house of sons, of

which Christ Jesus is the Head. It is the church
of God; and concerning which it is written:'
"Ye are ... the household of God; ... In whom
all the building, fitly framed together, groweth
unto an holy temple ill the Lord; in whom
ye also are builded together for an habitation
of God through the spirit." (Ephesians 2: 19,
21,22) The names of those who compose that
temple company are not written in books on
the earth, but are recorded in heaven: "[The]
church of the firstborn, which are written in
heaven."-IIebrews 12: 23.

It is to the temple company, his faithful followers, that Jesus Christ says: "And if I go



and prepare a place for you, I will come again,

and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also." (John 14: 3) God caused
Solomon to build a temple at Jerusalem, which
was a mere type of God's organization, his spiritual temple, of which Christ Jesus is Head.
Solomon, who was a type of Christ Jesus, beg-un to build that temple in the fourth year of
his reign. (1 Kings 6: 1) When J osus was on
earth it was in the fourth year of his ministry,
or exactly three and one-half years after the
beginning thereof, that he offered himself to
Jerusalem as king, As shown by the foregoing
evidence, it was in 1914 that Christ .Jesus was
enthroned by Jehovah as King (Psalm 2: G) ;
and three and one-half years thereafter, that
is, in the fourth year of his reign, Jesus Christ
comes to the temple of .Jehovah aod ; that is to
say, he began to gather unto himself his faithful followers, first those who are dead being
resurrected, and then those on earth were gathered. During the 1900 years of his waiting many
of the faithful had died and must sleep in death
until the coming of the Lord. Doubtless some
of those faithful ones had been Catholics and
some of them non-Catholics, but all of the temple company must be wholly devoted to God
and to Christ. 'The faithful dead are first resurrected and gathered unto the Lord; and that
marked the beginning of gathering the temple
company.-1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17.
The second coming of the Lord and the beginning of his reign must precede by three and
one-half years his coming to the temple and



gathering unto himself his faithful ones. UN ow

we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, ... Let no man deceive you
by any means; for that day shall not come
except there come a falling away first, and that
man o~ sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
-2 Thessalonians 2: 1, 3.
Those on the earth and alive at the coming
of the Lord, and who were found faithful, are
gathered unto him, and form or make up the
temple class. Before the coming of the Lord
Jesus there must be, as the Scriptures point out,
a preparatory work done concerning Christ's
second coming. The facts show that for forty
years prior to 1918 the Lord caused his faithful followers to proclaim throughout the earth
the second coming of the Lord, to the end that
those who are faithfully devoted to him might
be prepared to receive the Lord. That was work
under Christ Jesus preparing for the coming
to the temple. Concerning this matter Jehovah
caused to be written: "Behold, I will send my
messenger, and he shall prepare the way before
me; and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly
come to his temple, even the messenger of the
covenant, whom ye delight in; behold, he shall
come, saith the LORn of hosts."-Malachi 3: 1.
The matter of the coming of the Lord to his
temple is considered more in detail in Vindication, Book Three, beginning with page 101. The
proof shows that the time of his coming was in
1918 and that he has since been at the temple.



'I'hose who deny this are against God and his

kingdom, regardless of what they may claim.

The primary purpose of the coming of the

Lord Jesus is the vindication of Jehovah's name.
The Scriptures show that at his coming there
would be some who would remain faithful and
true to God when put to the most severe test.
Those who successfully withstand the test receive the Lord's approval. Have in mind now
that Jehovah said to the Devil that He would
first have his name declared throughout the
earth and that then he would show forth his
supreme power. (Exodus 9: 16) The temple
company constitutes 'the people of God taken
out for his name'. (Acts 15: 14) Such are the
ones who must he witnesses for Jehovah.Isaiah 43: 10-12.
Those faithful ones on earth at the second
coming, and who prove faithful unto God, are
called "the remnant of her seed" (Revelation
12: 17); meaning that they are the remaining
faithful ones who are the children born of God's
woman or organization, and which takes place
at the temple judgment. At the time of the coming of the Lord to the temple there were many
who had made a covenant to do God's will, all
of whom must be put to the test by the Lord
Jesus, to determine who are faithful and unselfishly devoted to God and his kingdom. That
marked the beginning of judgment. Therefore
concerning his coming to the -temple, and the



purpose thereof, it is written: "But who may

abide the day of his coming? and who shall
stand when he appeareth I for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fullers' sope; and he shall
sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he
shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them
as gold and silver, that they may offer unto
the Lord an offering in righteousness."-Malaehi 3: 2, 3.
All judgment has been committed to Christ
Jesus, and now he sits as the great Judge to
render and to execute judgment. (John 5 :22,27)
He tries all who have made a covenant to do
God's will, and those who receive his approval
thereafter 'offer unto God an offering in righteousness', which offering in righteousness is the
unselfish devotion to -God in the proclamation
of his message of his kingdom, and sounding
the praises of Jehovah. (Hebrews 13: 15) It is
with those who have made a covenant with the
Lord that judgment begins at the temple. "For
the time is come that judgment must begin at
the house of God; and if it first begin at us,
what shall the end be of them that obey not the
gospel of God?" (1 Peter 4: 17) At that judgment the approved ones the Lord J esus designates collectively as "a faithful and wise servant", and then adds: "Blessed is that servant,
whom his lord, when he cometh, shall find
so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he shall
make him ruler over all his goods."-Matthew
2,.1:: 46, 47.
"His goods" here mentioned means his kingdom interests, that is to say, the proper proe-



lamation of the testimony concerning Christ

and his kingdom. The faithful approved ones

are made witnesses for the Lord and receive

instruction from him at the temple (which is
called the 'secret' or 'dark' place, hidden from
the world), and such witnesses are then commanded to go forth and proclaim from the
housetops, that is, puhliely, what they have
learned. (Matthew 10: 27) Because they faithfully obey the Lord's commandment in proclaiming the testimony, the old Dragon, the
Devil, desperately attempts to destroy them;
and concerning which it is written: "A nd the
dragon was wroth with t~le woman, and went
to make war with the remnant of her seed,
which keep the commandments of God, and
have the testimony of Jesus Christ."-Revelation 12: 17.
It is those of the temple company remaining
on the earth, the people taken out from the
world for the name of Jehovah, that are commanded by the Lord to go to the people and
tell them of the kingdom, and to warn them of
the destruction of Satan's organization that is
coming upon the world and to inform them of
the great blessings that shall come to the people after Satan's organization is destroyed. The
Lord therefore gives this commandment: "And
this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come. For then shall be
great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor
ever shall he."-Matthew 24: 14, 21.



Jehovah's witnesses delight to obey this commandment, regardless of all opposition on the
part of Satan and his religious agents. As the
Lord's witnesses they have no alternative; they
must obey. (Acts 3: 23) The Lord at the temple
is sending forth his witnesses to proclaim this
glorious message of the kingdom, and which
they must do as a witness to the nations and
as a warning, and this work must be done before the execution of God's enemies. It is being
done now.

While the witnesses of Jehovah are, in obediencc to God's commandment, proclaiming his
name throughout the earth, the judgment of the
nations, and particularly of the religious organizations, is in progress. One of the purposes of
the 'preaching of this gospel as a witness to the
nations' is to furnish the opportunity to the
peoples of the nations to identify themselves
and make known to others whether they are on
the side of God or on that of the Devil. The
judgment of the nations is now taking place;
and concerning which it is written: "When the
Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the
holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon
the throne of his glory; and before him shall
be gathered all nations; and he shall separate
them one from another, as a shepherd divideth
his sheep from the goats; and he shall set the
sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the
left."-Matthew 25: 31-33.



The animals, goats and sheep, are here used

as symbols denoting the bad and the good.
Goats are used as a symbol of those people
who show an ugly, cruel and persecuting spirit
in opposition to the kingdom of God and against
God's witnesses. The persons of good will toward God and his kingdom are symbolized by
"sheep". The division of the people into two
general classes, that is, goats and sheep, is
now in progress.
The "faithful servant" class, who, as J ehovah's witnesses, carry the message of the kingdom to the people, are counted by the Lord
Jesus as a part of himself, because they are
memLers of his official house or body. Whatsoever is done unto his faithful followers, whether
that be good or bad, Jesus marks up as done
unto himself. The facts and scriptures show
that the Devil hates God's faithful witnesses
and tries to destroy them. All those who join
the Devil in the persecution of the faithful
followers of Christ Jesus are of the Devil,
and hence are placed by the Lord in the goat
Consider the facts now: Who are the ones
in the earth that ill-treat, persecute and cause
to be arrested and imprisoned the faithful witnesses of the Lord, who go about from house
to house to exhibit to the people this gospel
of the kingdom and to tell them about the
kingdom? There is but one answer. It is the
religionists, the leaders in the religious organizations, that cruelly persecute the faithful followers of Christ, and the ones that take the



lead in that cruel persecution are those of the

Roman Catholic Hierarchy. They are the ones
who urge the people to destroy books which
explain the kingdom or kingdom message. It is
those religionists, who are children and agents
of the Devil and therefore enemies of the Lord,
that are desperately trying to keep the people
in ignorance of what is writte.. in the Bible.
They not only cause the arrest of these witnesses, but heap indignities and punishment
upon them after they are thrown into prison.
To that wicked, persecuting, goat class of religionists Jesus, the great Judge, says: "For I
was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat:
I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was
a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and
ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye
visited me not. Then shall they also answer him,
saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred,
or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or
in prison, and did not minister unto thee t Then
shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto
you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the
least of these, ye did it not to me."-Matthew
25: 42-45.
The facts well known clearly identify the
religionists, and particularly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, as the "goats" who persecute
Jehovah's witnesses, and this they do because
Jehovah's witnesses are faithfully serving the
Lord in obedience to his commandments. A few
instances are here cited: In the state of New
Jersey, where the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
is exercising great political power over the



politicians and the courts, hundreds of J ehovah's witnesses have recently been arrested and
thrown into prison for no reason whatsoever
except the fact that they preach the truth of
God's kingdom to the people. They are arrested
on the ground that they are preaching the gospel without a police permit. It is worse than
ridiculous to conclude that a policeman, an imperfect and unrighteous man, could grant a
permit to do what the Almighty God has commanded shall be done; and for the same reason
neither the police nor the courts have any right
to prevent or even attempt to prevent what the
Almighty God has commanded his witnesses
now to do. Their conduct is 'fighting against
God', and thus they identify themselves as God's
enemies, who will receive due recompense.
In many of the other states like persecutions
of the Lord's faithful followers are carried on
by religionists, particularly by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. In Catholic Quebec many of the
faithful followers of Christ Jesus are charged
with the crime of sedition and are convicted
upon the sole testimony that they are going
about preaching the gospel of God's kingdom.
In Germany, which is outwardly ruled by the
fanatic Hitler, but which is secretly ruled by
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the Devil,
thousands of faithful and true witnesses for
the Lord are imprisoned, cruelly beaten and
some of them foully murdered because they
have in possession a Bible or books which explain the Bible. In Italy, which is outwardly
ruled by the gangster Mussolini and secretly



dictated to by the Vatican, the true and faithful followers of Christ Jesus are cruelly persecuted. In Northern and Southern Rhodesia,
in West Africa, and many islands of the sea,
and, in fact, in all the lands of so-called "Christendom", the religionists, and particularly the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, carryon a wicked
persecution of the faithful followers of Christ.
By this means those persecutors identify themselves as "goats", that is, enemies of God and
of Christ.

Roman Catholic
- - religious Inquisition

The Lord, the great Judge at the temple,

takes note of this and divides the nations by
placing the "goats" on his left hand, which
means the place where they will receive a just
punishment. And what will be the punishment
of such wicked goats ~ Jesus announces his de-



cree, to wit: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into

everlasting fire, prepared i'or the devil and his
angels. And these shall go away into everlasting- [destruction]." (Matthew 25: 41, 46) In the
judgment which the Lord is now conducting at
the temple he is 'finding out his enemies' and
making-them identify themselves and duly marking them for destruction.-Psalm 21: 8,9.

The faithful members of the body of Christ

he designates as his "sheep", who are made
members of his royal house. Then says Jesus:
"And other sheep I have, which are not of this
fold; them also I must bring, and they shall
hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and
one shepherd." (John 10: 16) Those who compose this company designated as "other sheep"
are also designated in the Scriptures as those
persons' of good will toward God, and as J onadabs (2 Kings 10: 15-23), and who, continuing
faithful, shall form the "great multitude" and
receive life everlasting on the earth. In the judgment now in progress at the temple those "other
sheep" identify themselves by the course they
take, and these are the ones of whom the Lord
says that he puts them on his right hand, that
they may receive his favor.
When Jehovah's witnesses go about the country carrying the message of the kingdom and
come in contact with the people of good will,
they are gladly received by such persons. When
these "other sheep" find some of Jehovah's witnesses sick, suffering and in prison, they do



what they can to relieve them of such suffering,

and they do so because they love righteousness
and hate iniquity and desire to be pleasing to
God and to Christ Jesus; and thus they identify themselves. Therefore it is written concerning them: "Then shall the King say unto them
on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my
Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you
from the foundation of the world: for I was an
hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty,
and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and
ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I
was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison,
and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous
answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee
an hung-red, and fed thee ~ or thirsty, and gave
thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and
took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? or
when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came
unto thee' And the King shall answer and say
unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as
ye have done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25: 34-40) Those faithful "other sheep"
receive the blessings of everlasting life.

"While the Lord Jesus Christ at the temple is

conducting judgment, and while his faithful followers and witnesses are carrying the message
of the kingdom to the people, Satan is moving
with all his power to assemble all the enemies
of God preparatory for the final battle at Armageddon. The word "Armageddon" means the



place of assembly of troops, that is, where God's

people are, and Satan gathers his forces together to destroy them. Knowing his time is
short, Satan is hurrying his forces on for the
conflict; and concerning this it is written: "And
I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out
of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth
of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of
the earth and of the whole world, to gather them
to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
And he gathered them together into a place
called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."Revelation 16: 13, 14, 16.
The term "beast" here used symbolically
stands for the governments of the nations of
the earth, particularly of "Christendom", which
are beastly and cruel. The "false prophet" is
composed of those of the ruling element of the
nations of "Christendom" which falsely prognosticate that the remedy for the present ills
is found in the League of Nations or other like
combinations of men and nations. They ignore
and oppose God's kingdom and look to man for
support and protection and blessings. The word
"dragon" is one of the Devil's names, and he
it is who is directing the enemy's forces. All
are marching forward and taking their position
ready for the great conflict.

The climax comes at the battle of Armageddon. It is "the battle of that great day of God



Almighty", and at that battle the disputed question of supremacy will be settled for ever. The
Devil boastfully and egotistically expects to win.
He is certain to lose. Jehovah has been waiting
for this time, and he has let the Devil go on,
and for that reason he addressed the Devil in
these words: "But for this cause have I allowed
thee to remain, in order to show thee my power."
(Exodus 9: 16, Leeser) The power of Jehovah
God is unlimited. He is the Almighty God, his
purpose shall be accomplished, and none can
prevent it. The enemies of God having been
identified, and the wickedness thereof disclosed,
and the warning given, the time for execution
is at hand. Those who believe that God's Word
is true may expect to find in the Scriptures the
correct and true statement as to the execution
of God's enemies. It is even so.
The chief visible enemy of God, and therefore the greatest and worst public enemy, is
the Roman Catholic religious organization. For
centuries that organization scornfully and arrogantly has ridden upon the backs of the peoples
and nations and robbed the people of their just
earnings. The day of that wicked institution
must come to an end. That organization, that
is to say, the Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of
Jurisdiction", for years has boastfully said and
still says: "The gates of hell shall not prevail
against [us]." These words of Jesus Christ concerning his own organization, which is the habitation of Almighty God, are misapplied by the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy; and this is further



evidence of the presumptuous sin of that religions organization.

Jehovah foretold that the Hierarchy would
make such boastful claims, and long ago he
caused his prophet to record a prophecy concerning the Roman Catholic religious organization, in which that devilish organization is
represented as saying: 'Yes, Armageddon is
coming, but the overflowing scourge shall not
come unto us, for we have made lies our refuge,
and under falsehoods have we hid ourselves.
We have made a covenant with death, and
with hell we are at agreement. We are safe and
Jehovah God replies to that declaration of
the boastful and scornful men who for long
have ruled the "Catholic population" and other
people, and his answer is in these words : "Your
covenant with death shall be disannulled, and
your agreement with hell shall not stand; when
the overflowing scourge shall pass through,
then ye shall be trodden down by it." (Isaiah
28: 14-18) Do you care to believe God or to believe those scornful and arrogant men Y You
must make your choice.
Have in mind also that the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy, the religious system, is designated
by the Lord God in these words: "The harlot,"
and old "whore", and "Babylon", "Babylon the
great, the mother of harlots and abominations
of the earth." For centuries that wicked organization has ridden upon the hack of the beastly
governments or ruling political and military
powers, and now the time approaches when



Goel will put it into the hearts of those who

rule to fulfill his will, and they "shall make her
[the old harlot] desolate and naked, and ... burn
her with fire". (Revelation 17: 15-17) That will
mark the beginning of Armageddon. It is that
religious crowd, together with their chief allies,
that have for centuries oppressed the people;
and therefore says the Lord .Jehovah concerning them: "The Lord of hosts hath purposed it,
to stain the pride of all glory, and to hring
into contempt all the honourable of the earth."
-Isaiah 23: 9.
It is the Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of .T urisdiction" that has falsely and fraudulently assumed to shepherd the "Catholic population"
and rob them and fleece them. Claiming to be
shepherds, they have really been wolves; and
to that wicked crowd J ehovah says: "Howl, ye
shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in
the ashes, ye principal of the flock; for the days
of your slaughter and of your dispersions are
accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant
vessel."- Jeremiah 25: 34.
The Roman Catholic "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction", the religious system, is hypocritical in
the extreme; and God hates a hypocrite, a
racketeer and a liar, all of which that gang is.
'The hope of hypocrites shall perish.' (Job 8: 13)
That hypocritical crowd of religionists carry
on their racket concerning "purgatory" by which
they rob many widows and orphans; and by
means of false pretenses and the making of
long prayers they are enabled to deceive and
practice their racket; and to such Jesus Christ



says: "But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom
of heaven against well; for ye neither go in
yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in."-Mattbew 23: 13.
They viciously assault and persecute those
men and women who faithfully serve God by
carrying to the people his message of the kingdom; and like vipers which hide in the 1\rass
they hide behind the police and other officers
to sting and otherwise injure the Lord's little
ones, and to them the Lord Jesus says: "Ye
serpents, ye generation of vipers! how can ye
escape the damnation of hell t 'Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men,
and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill
and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge
in your synagogues, and persecute them from
city to city."-Matthew 23: 33, 34.
That proud, scornful, arrogant and presumptuons crowd of religionists think they are fooling the Lord; but even their sacrifices are an
abomination unto him. (Proverbs 16: 5; 21: 27)
Even their prayers are an' abomination in the
sight of God.-Proverbs 28: 9.
And when will the end of that hypocritical,
religious organization come 7 At the beginning
of Armageddon. 'Roman Catholic Action,' as
the selfish, political movement of the Hierarchy
is now called, will soon convince themselves and
others that they have put to silence all who tell
the truth and who thereby expose the wickedness of the Hierarchy. Having spread their inflnence politically and otherwise throughout the



earth and destroyed the freedom of speech and

the freedom of worship, and regarding themselves as secure from all opposition, that wicked
crowd is represented as saying: 'Weare now
at peace and safety; we can go on without interruption and carry forward our racket to suit
ourselves.' Concerning this matter the Lord's
'Word says: "For when they shall say, Peace
and safety; then sudden destruction cometh
upon them, as travail upon a woman with
child; and they shall not escape." (1 Thessalonians 5: 3) The religious systems that have
for long defamed God's name shall be the first
to fall at the battle of the great day of God

The Scriptures and the facts show that there

are those who covenant to serve God, and who
break their covenant, deny the Lord's coming,
and begin to smite their brethren, and these
the Lord designates the "evil servant". (Matthew 24: 48, 49) One of the disciples of Jesus
foreshadowed that "evil servant", and his name
was Judas Iscariot. He was an enemy of God
and of Christ. While Judas was professing to
be the servant of Christ, he was conspiring with
the enemy to have Jesus put to death and to
have Jesus and his brethren betrayed into the
hands of the enemy. For this reason Jesus called
Judas "the son of perdition". (John 17: 12)
Some men of modern times have been greatly
favored by a knowledge of the truth, and by
having a part in God's organization, and have



then broken their covenant and become wicked,

denied the presence of the Lord, and have gone
about smiting those who do serve God and
Christ Jesus. That wicked class, culled the "evil
servant", is the most reprehensible part of "the
man of sin" and is described in the Scriptures
as "the man of sin", "the son of perdition," of
which Judas was a type.
Those composing the "evil servant" are the
enemies of God and of Christ and his kingdom,
and the fate of such is announced by the Lord
in these words: "And shall cut him asunder,
and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites;
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
(Matthew 24: 51) And again concerning that
same crowd it is written: "Whom the Lord shall
consume with the spirit of his mouth, and
shall destroy with the brightness of his coming."
(2 Thessalonians 2: 8) Concerning such "evil
servant" class, "the man of sin," "the son of
perdition," it is written: "But these, as natural
brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed;
speak evil of the things that they understand
not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption."-2 Peter 2: 12.

Jehu was a type of the Lord Jesus Christ

and pictured him as the great Executioner of
Jehovah. Jehu slew all the practitioners of the
Devil religion who practiced in the land of
Israel. Those people professed to serve God
but had turned to Devil worship. Those reli-



gionists were typical of "Christendom", professing to serve God but serving the Devil. At
the commandment of the Almighty God Jehu
annihilated those Devil worshipers; and that
foreshadowed and foretold that Christ Jesus
will completely wipe out all religion and religious practices, because such defame the name
of Almighty God. (2 Kings 10: 1-28) Religion
has always been the chief means of deceivingmen and reproaching God, because the Devil
found it the best means by which he could deceive. Religion and religious practitioners will
be the first to be destroyed at Armageddon,
Christ Jesus, the great Executioner, will execute them and then proceed with the other clements of Satan's organization.-See Vindication,
Book Three.
Symbolically the religious systems are likened unto a great city. That organization or
"great city" is certain to fall in the near future,
and the political, military and judicial and other
supporters of the religious systerr , which have
profited by that system, will see that they are
next in order for punishment at the hand of
the Lord, and then they will weep and wail:
"The merchants of these things, which were
made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the
fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, and
saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was
clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
and decked with gold, and precious stones, and
pearls! for in one hour so great riches is come
to nought." (Revelation 18: 15-17) Then they
will attempt to hurl their armies and navies



and all other forces into battle, but they will

perish at the hand of the Lord.

The governing elements that rule the world,

because of harshness and cruelty, are designated under the symbol of a "beast". Those
elements of the visible organization of Satan
which prophesy that the world can be recovered and the people blessed by the puny efforts
of man are designated "the false prophet". Now
behold Jesus Christ pictured as riding upon a
war mount and going forth to war with all the
enemy forces, and being followed by his armies
in heaven, before whose onward march the
"beast" and "false prophet" will be utterly Unable to stand: Armageddon will proceed. "And
he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood;
and his name is called The Word of God. And
the armies which were in heaven followed him
upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white
and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp
sword, that with it he should smite the nations;
and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and
he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and
wrath of Almighty God. . . . And I saw the
beast, and the kings of the earth, and their
armies, gathered together to make war against
him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
And the beast was taken, and with him the false
prophet that wrought miracles before him, with
which he deceived them that had received the
mark of the beast, and them that worshipped
his image. These both were cast alive into a



lake of fire burning with brimstone." (Revelation 19: 13-21) Thus is described the execution
of the rulers of the nations of the earth.
Every part of Satan's wicked organization
shall be destroyed, including all who work any
kind of iniquity, such as frauds, cheats, thieves,
robbers, kidnapers, rapists, murderers, religious
racketeers and other racketeers, and all suchlike.
Says the Lord God concerning all those wicked
ones of the world: "Therefore wait ye upon me,
saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to
the prey; for my determination is to gather the
nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to
pour upon them mine indignation, even all my
fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured
with the fire of my jealousy."-Zephaniah 3: 8.
The execution of all of those will be done by
the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom Jehovah says:
"Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations
for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts
of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break
them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them
in pieces like a potter's vessel." (Psalm 2: 8, 9,
R. V.) Armageddon will not be a fight between
the members of Satan's organization, but, as is
plainly stated in the Scriptures, it is the battle
of God Almighty in which he, through Christ
Jesus and his army, will wreck Satan's entire
wicked organization, that the earth may be
cleansed from all iniquity. "The nations are sunk
down in the pit that they made; in the net which
they hid is their own foot taken. The LORD hath
made himself known, he hath executed judgment; the wicked is snared in the work of his



own hands. The wicked shall return to Sheol,

even all the nations that forget God. For the
needy shall not always be forgotten, nor the
expectation of the poor perish for ever. Arise,
o LORD; let not .nan prevail; let the nations be
judged in thy sight."-Psalm 9: 15-19, E.R.V.
"Upon the wicked he shall rain snares; fire
and brimstone and burning wind shall be the
portion of their cup." (Psalm 11: 6, E.R.V.)
"But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies
of the Lord shall be as the excellency of the pastures; they shall consume; in smoke shall they
consume away." (Psalm 37: 20, E.R.V.) "Morning by morning will I destroy all the wicked
of the land; to cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord." (Psalm 101: 8,
E.R. V.) "The-Lord preserveth all them that love
him; but all the wicked will he destroy."-Psalm
145: 20.
The earth is full of wickedness and wicked
creatures; and when Armageddon is done, all
the wicked on the earth will be dead, for God
has declared they shall be slain by the hand of
Christ Jesus. "And the slain of the Lord shall
be at that day from one end of the earth even
unto the other end of the earth; they shall not
be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they
shall be dung upon the ground." (Jeremiah
25: 33) "The land shall be utterly emptied, and
utterly spoiled; for the Lord hath spoken this
word." (Isaiah 24: 3-6) Such will be the fate
of all who remain on the Devil's side. This information the Lord now brings to the attention
of the people, that they may, before his wrath



atrikos, choose which side they desire to be on.

"What is your ehoiee l

The Scriptural evidence cited in a preceding

chapter shows that there is a host of wicked
spirit creatures who joined the Devil in his
rebellion and who have since practiced fraud
and deception on the human race and continue
to reproach God's holy name. What is to he the
fate of such i The chief one among that wicked
angelic crowd next in order to the Devil himself is designated as Gog, who, together with
other wicked angels, has his habitation in what
is called "the land [place] of Magog". "Thus
saith the Lord GOD [Jehovah], Behold, I am
against thee, 0 Gog, the chief prince of Meshech
and Tubal." (Ezekiel 39: 1) A more detailed
consideration of the Scriptures relating to Gog
and the other wicked angels will be found in
Vindication, Book Two, page 311 et seq.
Gog and the other wicked angels with him
have fur centuries exercised a ruling power
over the nations of the earth. Having destroyed
the wicked ones in the earth, Christ Jesus leads
his forces against those wicked spirit creatures
and destroys them; and concerning which it is
written: "Thou shalt fall upon the open field;
for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God. And
I will send a fire on Magog, and among them
that dwell carelessly in the isles; and they shall
know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 39: 5, 6)
It is further written concerning the same wicked
crowd: "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the



godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to he punished."
(2 Peter 2: 9) "And the angels which kept not
their first estate, hut left their own habitation,
he hath reserved in everlasting chains, under
darkness, unto the judgment of the great day."
(Jude 6) Their end is destruction; as it is
written that God has prepared a place for the
complete destruction of all the wicked ones.
- Metthew 25: 41.

It was the Devil who challenged J chovah and

who for centuries has defied and reproached
him. Jehovah gave his word that the Devil shall
feel His power; and that word will be kept, and
the Lord Jesus Christ will execute Jehovah's
purposes. 'I'he Devil is compelled to stand by
and see all of his organization first destroyed.
'I'his will be humiliating to him when he knows
that he is next. The Lord .Jesus then binds him
and casts him into "the bottomless pit", where
he is completely silent for a thousand years.
(Revelation 20: :t-3) At the end of the thousand years Satan shall be released for a little
season and then utterly destroycd.-Revelation
20: 7-10.

The complete destruction of the Devil and his

organization is the decree entered by Jehovah
long ago, and which will be executed in his due
time: "By the multitude of thy merchandise
they have filled the midst cf thee with violence,
and thou hast sinned; therefore I will cast thee
as profane out of the mountain of God: and



I will destroy thee, 0 covering cherub, from

the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart
was lifted up because of thy beauty; thou hast
corrupted thy wisdom by reason of :hy brightness; I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay
thee before kings, that they may behold thee.
Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities, by the iniquity of thy
traffic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from
the midst of thee, it shall devour thee; and I
will bring thee to ashes upon the earth, in the
sight of all them that oehold thee. All they that
know thee among the people shall be astonished
at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt
thou he any more."-Ezekiel 28: 16-19.
Destruction is the everlasting fate of all the
enemies of God. "His enemies shall lick the
dust." (Psalm 72: 9) "For, la, thine enemies,
o Lord, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish."
(Psalm 92: 9) "Thine hand shall be lifted up
upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies
shall be cut off."-Micah 5: 9.
The Word of God is true; and from the indisputable testimony all doubt is removed as
to who are God's enemies and what shall be
their fate. In view of the frightful suffering
the Devil and his allies have brought upon the
human race, in view of the fact that a host of
enemies are now operating in an attempt to
destroy all mankind, and in view of the terrible
things that shall shortly come to pass on the
earth, as shown by the Scriptures, would you
now care to be introduced to a real friend, in



whom you can put complete confidence and absolute trust and who will guide you into the way
of everlasting life and happiness? If so, that
privilege is now before you.


"A man that hath friends must shew himself
fr:endly: and there is a friend that sticketh
closer than a brother." - Proverbs 18: 24.

E I-IOVAH GOD is the Friend of all who

love and obey him and who faithfully do that
which is right. He called Abraham his friend
because Abraham was faithful and obeyed him:
"And the scripture was fulfilled which saith,
Abraham beheved God, and it was imputed unto
him for righteousness; and he was called the
Friend of God." (James 2: 23) This makes
known God's unchangeable rule, that those who
are faithful to God under the test are the friends
of God. Who, then, is a friend f The Scriptures
answer: "A friend loveth at all times." (Proverbs 17: 17) Love is a complete expression of
unselfishness; therefore it is written: "God is
love." (1 John 4: 16) Jehovah God is unselfish
and can do nothing that is selfish. Everything
he does is prompted by unselfishness. Even the
destruction of his enemies is not for his pleasure, because he declares that he takes no
pleasure in the death of his enemies. (Ezekiel
18: 23, 32) He destroys them for the good of
those who do right and for the honor of his
name, which is righteous and holy.
The Lord Jesus Christ is a Friend of all who
love and obey God. He is the anointed King of




Jehovah, who shall rule the world in righteousness, and all his acts are prompted by love.
How maya man have the Lord for his Friend?
"He that loveth pureness of heart, and hath
grace in his lips, the king shall be his friend."
(Proverbs 22: 11, margin) That means that if
a man has a pure or unselfish motive in what
11(> does, and his words toward God and Christ
are gracious, that person is one of good will
toward God, and the King, Christ Jesus, shall
be his Friend. A knowledge of what God and
Christ have done for man produces in the man
of pure heart a great desire to have God and
Christ for friends. Briefly, then, consider some
of the scriptures showing the loving-kindness
of Jehovah and of the Lord .Jesus Christ.
By reason of the fact that Adam chose to
disobey God and follow the Devil Adam was
justly sentenced to death, and the result to his
children was that they were born imperfect.
All men, therefore, are conceived in sin and
born in iniquity. (Psalm 51: 5) "Wherefore, as
by one man sin entered into the world, and
death by sin; and so death passed upon all men,
for that all nave sinned." (Romans 5: 12) If a
man then chooses to support the Devil, he could
never have God for his Friend. God was under
no obligation to do anything for imperfect man,
the sinner. Because God is love, he unselfishly
provided the way for imperfect men to be reconciled to him and given an opportunity to
obtain life everlasting as a gracious gift; and
this provision he made by and through Jesus
Christ, thus proving that God and Christ are



the great and everlasting F'riends of all who

want to do right. Therefore it is written: "For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life."
(John 3: Hi) ''For the wages of sin is death;
but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus
Christ our Lord."-Romans 6: 23.
What, then, is required of a man that
he may put himself
in line to receive the
blessings that God has
in reservation for the
obedient ones The
man must first believe
that God exists and
that he is the rewarder of them that seek
him and serve him
unselfishly (H eb r ew s
11 : 6), and he must believe that Jesus Christ
is his Redeemer and
Savior. If the man
Author of chooses to believe God
Chrlstiantty and Christ, and to put
himself on the side of
God and Christ, instead of remaining on the side
of the Devil, that shows his heart -is right toward God. That is not requiring very much of



any honest man. All such should want to be on

the side of God and Christ. If God would compel men to believe on him and Christ Jesus,
that would not leave the matter to the choice
of man. But aod does not compel man to believe. He brings man face to face with His
truth and shows man what provision God has
made for him, and thus he affords man the
opportunity to exercise freely his choice. If the
man chooses to turn aside from God and serve
the Devil and the Devil's religious agents, he
thereby deprives himself of God's favor. His
first step is to seek the Lord and serve him;
and if he does not do this he abides under the
Devil's rule and the wrath of God. For this
reason it is written: "He that believeth on the
Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth
not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath
of God abideth on him."-John 3: 36.
How differently religious organizations operate toward man! The Roman Catholic religious
system has a long and wicked record of torture
inflicted upon men to compel them to believe
what that religious system teaches. Falsely that
religious system claims to represent God, when
in fact it is God's enemy and the representative
of the Devil. The man seeking consolation enters
the building called the Catholic church "cathedral", and as he enters he is required to go
through certain forms and ceremonies and to
put his money in the box, and then he listens
to some harangue and is told, if he fails to do
what the clergy tell him God will punish him;
and for fear he obeys what the Catholic system



teaches. Therefore God says of such: "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people
draw near me with their mouth, and with their
lips do honour me, but have removed their
heart far from me, and their fear toward me
is taught by the precept of men."-Isaiah 29: 13.
Are those clergymen who teach the precepts
of men your friends, and the friend of God?
No, they are not; but, on the contrary, they are
enemies of God, as it is written: "Whosoever
therefore will be a friend of the world is the
enemy of God." (James 4: 4) The evidence heretofore examined shows that the Catholic system
is a part of the wicked world and therefore the
enemy of God. If you support an organization
or crowd that are enemies of God, then you cannot have the Lord Cod and Christ Jesus for
your friends. What, then, must a man do who
is in a religious organization? The Scriptures
answer: 'Come out of her and be separate from
her, lest yo partake of her sins and receive of
her plagues,' which shall befall her at Armageddon.-2 Corinthians 6: 16-18; Revelation 18: 4.
Christ Jesus is the Friend of everyone who
tries to do right. He permitted himself to be
put to an ignominious death that he might redeem man from the results of sin and death.
Prompted by love Jesus gave his life a ransom
price for as many as believe on him and serve
him. (Matthew 20: 28; John 10: 10) A sheep
is an obedient animal and is used as a symbol
of those who hear the Lord and obey his voice.
Therefore said Jesus: "1 am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of


mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know

I the Father; and I lay down my life for the
sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not
of this fold: them also I must bring, and they
shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold,
and one shepherd."-John 10: 14-16.
Thus for love and in loving obedience to
Jehovah Christ Jesus brings those who obey
him into God's fold, the place of safety. Those
who thus believe on the Lord Jesus Christ he
considers friends, and it was for these that he
gave his life. "Greater love hath no man than
this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends." (John 15: 13) A man may have J esus
for his friend on condition of his obedience:
"Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."-John 15: 14.
A time of great crisis has come, because these
are the "last days" and hence the time of God's
reckoning with his enemies. God is therefore
bringing to the attention of the people the truth
as expressly set forth in his Word, the Bible,
to the end that all men that are of good will
toward God who desire to do right, and who
hate wickedness, may have the opportunity of
breaking away from Satan's organization and
taking their stand on the side of God and Christ.
All the Scriptural evidence and the indisputable
facts show that the time of the execution of
God's vengeance against all wickedness is at
hand. Satan the enemy is against all persons
who desire to serve God, and hence all who
take their stand on the sine of the Lord arc
"not desired" by the Devil and his religions



practitioners on earth. It is against those wicked

ones that God is going to express his wrath.
Therefore Jehovah says to the people of good
will: "Gather yourselves together, yea, gather
together, 0 nation not desired: before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the
chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come
upon you, before the day of the Lord's anger
come upon you."-Zephaniah 2: 1, 2.
Why gather yourselves together? That you
may thus identify yourselves as being on the
side of God. Then what must you do 7 The Lord
answers: "Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the
earth, which have wrought his judgment [as
commanded]; seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shall be hid in the day of
the Lord's anger."-Zephaniah 2: 3.
How may one "seek righteousness"? By diligently ascertaining what is right; and this one
does by searching God's Word and that which
the Lord has provided for the understanding
of his Word: "The law of the Lord is perfect,
converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord
is sure, making wise the simple: the statutes
of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the
commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening
the eyes: the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are
true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine
gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is thy servant warned:
and in keeping of them there is great reward."
(Psalm 19: 7-11) Man must be guided in the



right way, and the only right guide is God's

Word; as it is written: "Thy word is a lamp
unto my feet, and a light unto my path."Psalm 119: 105.
How may a man "seek meekness" 1 "Meekness" means being teachable and having a desire and willingness to learn. One must diligently seek to learn what is contained in the
Word of God. Shall the man thus seeking meekness be guided by what other men say l No;
because all men are imperfect and no man's
opinion or teaching nor that taught by organizations is right. Only the Word of God is the
true and correct guide. We are not to put our
trust in men, but to trust in the Lord; as it is
written: "Put not your trust in princes, nor
in the son of man, in whom there is no help."
-Psalm 146: 3.
If a man is the friend of God and obeys God,
will God guide him in the right way 1 Yes; and
the answer of the Lord makes this sure: "The
meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek
will he teach his way." (Psalm 25: 9) If a man
desires to be taught and led in the right way
and he trusts in the Lord and follows the Lord's
instructions, he is certain to receive the blessing of the Lord. If he follows the teachings of
some religious organization, all of which teachings are based upon tradition, that man is certain to fall into the ditch. It is a case of the
blind leading the blind, and the Devil gets the
whole crowd.-Matthew 15: 14.
The reason now clearly appears as to why
religionists try to keep the people in ignorance



of the Bible and books that explain the Bible,

and that reason is, because the Bible condemns
all religion and all traditions of men, and the
Bible alone makes clear the pathway of righteousness. The Devil and his agents attempt to
withhold the Bible from the people, lest the
people should learn the truth and then flee from
the Devil religious organizations and find refuge in the Lord. Those who love the Lord, and
who are now obedient to God and Christ .Iesus,
are going from place to place carrying to the
people books and other publications to aid the
people of good will to learn what is God's purpose as expressed in his Word. The Devil and
his agents persecute all who thus serve Jehovah
as his witnesses, because the Devil is God's
enemy, and the Devil and religious systems are
enemies of those who love and desire righteousness. Jehovah's witnesses do not carry the truth
to the people for their own selfish aggrandizement, but they do so in obedience to God's commandment; and God commands that work to be
done because of his unselfishness, to give the
people the opportunity to learn the truth and
get in line for the blessings he has provided.
Thus God is showing that he and Christ Jesus
are the everlastmg Friends of all who diligently
try to do right. Your opportunity is now afforded to choose whom you will serve.

The battle of the great day of God Almighty

will be 80 terrible that no human words can
adequately describe it. With all the nations



fighting amongst themselves it would be bad

enough; but when the Lord takes part in this
conflict and the forces of heaven fight against
all unrig-hteousness, all the nations are certain
to fall. By his prophet the Lord says of that
time: "Come near, ye nations, to hear; and
hearken, ye people; let the earth hear, and all
that is therein; the world, and all things that
come forth of it. For the indignation of the
Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon
all their armies; he hath utterly destroyed them,
he hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their
slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall
come up out of their earcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood. And all
the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the
heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and
all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from
the fig tree. For my sword shall be bathed in
heaven.t'-c-Isaiah 34: 1-5.
All the wars combined that have ever afflicted
mankind cannot be compared to what Armageddon will bring upon the world in the way of
trouble. Concerning that time Jesus says that
the tribulation will be such as never before was
known. (Matthew 24: 21) No human power can
provide any place of safety for man during that
time, but God can provide a place of complete
security. "Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in
safety." (Psalm 4: 8) It will be a real blessing
to have such safety in that terrible ordeal. And
who can have the assurance of such security?
Jehovah answers that question ill these words:



"Seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be

ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger."
(Zephaniah 2: 3) That is a great blessing for
which one should gladly look forward: "The
name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." (Proverbs
18: 10) "Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord
shall be safe."-Proverbs 29: 25.
When God took the Israelites into Palestine
he caused certain cities to be set aside and provided as a place of safety for those who were
in danger of death by reason of having unwittingly committed a great wrong, and those cities
were designated "cities of refuge". When a man
fled to one of those cities for safety, as long
as he remained within the bounds of the city
of refuge no one could harm him. (Numbers
35 : 6-33) The cities of refuge were typical of
God's great organization, of which Christ Jesus
is made the Head. (1 Corinthians 10: 11; Hebrews 10: 1) At the present time, when one flees
from the Devil's organization, where he has
unwittingly committed wrong against God and
against man, he thus flees by taking his stand
firmly on the side of God and Christ Jesus, believing on and trusting in the Lord and serving
him; and if he remains true and faithful to God
and Christ, he has the promise of the protection
which Jehovah God has provided, and there he
may be secure from all harm during the battle
of the great day of God Almighty, and thus be
carried through that great trouble and be in
line for the blessings that shall be ministered
unto the people by the Lord when that great



and terrible storm is overpast. He must remain

faithfully in the Lord's organization, and not
depart therefrom; and that means, he must
stand firmly and faithfully on the side of God
and Christ Jesus, and love, serve and obey God.
Peace is another immediate blessing to those
who take their stand wholly on the side of God
and Christ and who continue to trust wholly
in the Lord and to serve him. Among the precious promises written to those who serve God
is this one: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace, whose mind is stayed on thee; because
he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for
ever: for in the Lord J:mHOVAH is everlasting strength."-Isaiah 26: 3, 4.
When the battle of Armageddon is done and
all the wicked are destroyed, peace will then
abide for ever, because the great "Prince of
Peace" will rule and "of his government and
peace there shall be no end". (Isaiah 9: 7) Those
who are then with God's organization and under
his righteous government will continue in peace.
Regeneration is one of the great works that
will be performed by the Lord Jesus Christ
during his thousand-year reign. (Revelation
20: 4, 6) That means the uplifting of obedient
ones of mankind and the bringing of such up
to a state of perfection of body and mind. God
created the earth for man, and he created man
for the earth. (Isaiah 45: 12, 18) In order for
man to enjoy the blessings of the earth forever
he must live forever in health and happiness.
Sickness and death are enemies of man. Armageddon will destroy all the visible enemies, and



in the reign of Christ sickness and death will

be destroyed; as it is written: "For he must
reign, till he hath put all enemies under his
feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed
is death." (1 Corinthians 15: 25, 26) With all
enemies out of the way, including death, all
fear will be gone and no one will be in dread
of any enemy.
Many are the marvelous blessings to flow to
those of humankind who love and obey God
and his kingdom, and amongst those great blessings, and that which is the chief one to man,
is life in happiness. 'Life is the gift of God
through Jesus Christ our Lord.' (Romans 6: 23)
Noone can receive the benefit of a gift, however, unless he accepts the gift on the terms
given; and that means that those of mankind
who receive the blessings of everlasting life
from God through Christ Jesus must be fully
obedient to God and Christ. To have life everlasting in health, strength, peace and happiness,
and to know God and Christ Jesus and serve
them, is the greatest blessing any creature could
enjoy. All of those blessings will result to those
who know, love and obey God and his King;
as Jesus stated: "This is life eternal that they
might know thee the only true God, and Jesus
Christ whom thou hast sent." (J'ohn I 7: 3) God
and Christ Jesus will be the everlasting Friends
of obedient men and will minister blessings to
such obedient ones without end.
All these blessings come as a gracious gift
and are therefore prompted entirely by love.
Only the Devil, the great enemy, and his agents,



the religious organizations, could attempt to deprive men of such marvelous blessings or to
keep them in ignorance of what God has provided for those who know and serve him. Therefore when all of these enemies are for ever
removed, the obedient ones will dwell with the
Lord, their great Prince and Helper, and nothing will interfere with their boundless blessings
and eternal happiness.
Jehovah God has given his sure and unfailing Word that he will make the earth a glorious
place, in which perfect man may dwell for ever:
"The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee,
the fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together,
to beautify the place of my sanctuary; and I
will make the place of my feet [the earth]
glorious."-Isaiah 60: 13; 66: 1.
That means that everything will be removed
from the earth that mars its beauty, peace and
happiness. It is the enemies of God and righteousness that make the earth now a place of
great sorrow. Those who desire to stand by the
enemies will go with Satan and all other enemies
into everlasting destruction, and those who remain on the Lord's side will be in a clean earth.
All the unseen creatures will be clean and holy.
and all visible ones will be clean and pure. Strife,
hatred, ill will, malice and wrongdoing will be
entirely unknown, and all the wicked will be for
ever out of the memory of man. (Psalm 109: 15)
"The name of the wicked shall rot" (Proverbs
10: 7) ; which means that the wicked will not bo
remembered at all. Concerning the wicked it is
also written: "Therefore hast thou visited and



destroyed them, and made all their memory to

perish." (Isaiah 26: 14) The present-day fame
of dictators, great religionists, bishops, cardinals, popes, and all like scornful, haughty and
austere men who rule and oppress the people,
will have gone from the earth for ever, and the
people will never again even think of them. It
is an indescribable relief to now know for a
certainty that such wicked ones can never again
afflict the earth, and to know that the people
will then be for ever free. The Lord has given
his Word that wickedness shall never arise
again.-Nahum 1: 9.
Under the peaceful and blessed reign of
Christ, the righteous Ruler, the peoples of
earth will abide for ever and will be so joyful in the Lord that they will think always of
the goodness and loving-kindness of their great
Friends, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus: "They
shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great
goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion;
slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord
is good to all; and his tender mercies are over
all his works. All thy works shall praise thee,
o Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. They
shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and
talk of thy power; to make known to the sons
of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth
throughout all generations."-Psalm 145: 7-13.
Faithful Christians, truly and sincerely following in the footsteps of Christ Jesus, and



who are obedient to the Lord's commandments,

and who are therefore showing forth the praises
of Jehovah and his King, now enjoy the peace
of God which passeth all human understanding.
(Philippians 4: 7) Other persons look upon them
and observe with astonishment the joy and contentment that shines in their countenance, and
wonder why such is possible when there is so
much sorrow in the earth. The reason is that
Jehovah's witnesses know that the day of deliverance is near at hand, because Christ Jesus,
the great Deliverer, is here, he for whom true
Christians have long looked, hoped and prayed.
It is the time of rejoicing for all such. Therefore they lift up their voices with singing and
praise to God and Christ. Those faithful ones
will have their eternal abiding place with Christ
Jesus in his kingdom. (Luke 22: 28-30; Revelation 3: 21) Together with holy angels they will
serve and praise the Most High for ever, giving honor to his holy name.
True to his promise, Jehovah God, through
Christ Jesus, is now extending 'peace on earth
to men of good will' (Luke 2: 14); and such
persons of good will toward God are fleeing
from the enemy organization and hastening to
find refuge in the organization of the Lord.
Such are the "other sheep", whom the Lord
Jesus is now gathering into his fold. They are
called "Jonadabs", who have desired to serve
God and have found the way. (2 Kings 10: 15, 16;
Jeremiah 35 : 6-10, 18, 19) Those persons of good
will are now coming from every land, kindred,
people and tongue, and are rapidly forming the



"great multitude" that shall serve Jehovah and

receive his blessings. They know who arc their
friends. For a long while they have cried because of the many abominable things done in
the religious organizations in the name of the
Lord (Ezekiel 9: 4); they have hungered and
thirsted for truth and righteousness, and, having come to their Friends, now they shall be
fed. ((They shall hunger no more, neither thirst
any more; neither shall the sun light on them,
nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the
midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall
lead them unto living fountains of waters; and
God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
-Revelation 7: 16, 17.
Seeing that religion is a fraud and a snare,
and that their salvation proceeds from God
through Christ Jesus, they take their stand
and identify themselves as those who serve
God and his kingdom. They are described in
these words: "After this I beheld, and, 10, a
great multitude, which no man could number,
of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and
tongues, stood before the throne, and before
the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms
in their hands: and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon
the throne, and unto the Lamb."-Revelation

7: 9, 10.
The angels of heaven, and all the faithful
who have been resurrected and are now with
the Lord, rejoice with the great multitude; as
it is written: "And all the angels stood round
about the throne, and about the elders and the



four beasts, and fell before the throne on

their faces, and worshipped God, saying, Amen:
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be
unto our God for ever and ever."-Revelation
7: 11, 12.
It is a time of joy because the Lord, Jesus
Christ, is come and now it is clearly made to
appear that soon he will for ever vindicate
Jehovah's holy name. The faithful witnesses of
Jehovah on earth now with ever increasing joy
continue to go about proclaiming "this gospel
of the kingdom" as commanded. They love to
do so, because the Lord has commanded that
it shall be done, and they delight to do his will.
The great multitude joyfully join in the service and sing the praises of the Most High and,
as it is written, "therefore are they before the
throne of God, and serve him day and night
in his temple; and he that sitteth on the throne
shall dwell among them."-Revelation 7: 15.
The people now on the earth that are of good
win shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make them free. (John 8: 32) Standing firmly
on the side of God and his King, they shall
abide in the place of safety under the hand of
the great King. Surely every honest person who
now hears the truth of and concerning God and
his kingdom will hasten to identify himself with
those who put their trust wholly in God and in
Christ. The remnant are now praising the Lord,
and they, together with others of good will, arc
joyfully saying with the psalmist:



"And the heavens shall praise thy wonders,

thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. For who in the heaven can
be compared unto the Lord? who among the
sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord?
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of
the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them
that are about him. 0 Lord God of hosts, who
is a strong Lord like unto thee l or to thy faithfulness round about thee 1 Thou rulest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise,
thou stillest them. Thou hast broken Rahab in
pieces, as one that is slain: thou hast scattered
thine enemies with thy strong arm. The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for
the world, and the fulness thereof, thou hast
founded them. The north and the south thou
hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall
rejoice in thy name. Thou hast a mighty arm:
strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy
throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy
face. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, 0 Lord, in the light
of thy countenance. In thy name shall they
rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness
shall they be exalted: for thou art the glory
of their strength; and in thy favour our horn
shall be exalted. For the LORD is our defence;
and the Holy One of Israel is our King."
-Psalm 89: 5-18.

o Lord;

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