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Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British

Standards Institution 2012


Specification for

(UF) foam systems
suitable for thermal
insulation of cavity
walls with masonry or
concrete inner and
outer leaves

UDC 678.6524121:692.232.2:699.86

BS 5617:1985

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Plastics
Standards Committee (PLM/-) to Technical Committee PLM/46, upon which
the following bodies were represented:
Association of Building Component Manufacturers Ltd.
Brick Development Association
British Board of Agrment
British Plastics Federation
British Rigid Urethane Foam Manufacturers Association
British Urethane Foam Contractors Association (BUFCA)
Calcium Silicate Brick Association Limited
Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment
Fire Research Station)
Department of the Environment (Housing and Construction Industries)
Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Fire Offices Committee
Flat Roofing Contractors Advisory Board
Greater London Council
Institute of Refrigeration
Ministry of Defence
National Cavity Insulation Association
National Coal Board
National Federation of Roofing Contractors
National House-building Council
Phenolic Foam Manufacturers Association
Royal Institute of British Architects
Shipowners Refrigerated Cargo Research Association
Structural Insulation Association
This British Standard, having
been prepared under the
direction of the Plastics
Standards Committee, was
published under the authority
of the Board of BSI and comes
into effect on
31 July 1985
BSI 07-1999
First published August 1978
First revision July 1985
The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference PLM/46
Draft for comment 85/35764 DC
ISBN 0 580 14652 9

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:
Building Employers Confederation
Eurisol (UK) Association of Manufacturers of Mineral Insulation Fibres
Welwyn Hall Research Association
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No.

Date of issue


BS 5617:1985

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

Committees responsible
Inside front cover
Property requirements
Processing requirements
Shelf-life limitations of foam system components
Appendix A Method for determination of effective density
Appendix B Method for determination of linear shrinkage
Appendix C Method for determination of water absorption
Appendix D Method for determination of wet density
Appendix E Method for determination of foam system gel time
Appendix F Method for determination of foam system stability
Appendix G Method for determination of foam system appearance
Appendix H Method for determination of solid resin yield
Appendix J Method for determination of free formaldehyde
content of UF resin
Appendix K Method for determination of water tolerance
of UF resin
Appendix L Method for determination of total acidity of
foaming hardeners
Appendix M Method for determination of resin viscosity by
the break time method
Figure 1 Test sample for effective density and shrinkage tests
Figure 2 Determination of foam system gel time
Table 1 Property requirements: type tests
Table 2 Property requirements: quality control tests
Table 3 Limiting values and permissible deviations for
foam system components
Table 4 UF resin: shelf-life limitations
Table 5 Water tolerance conversion
Publications referred to
Inside back cover

BSI 07-1999

BS 5617:1985

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

This revision of BS 5617, which has been prepared under the direction of the
Plastics Standards Committee, supersedes BS 5617:1978 which is withdrawn.
The successful insulation of external cavity walls still relies on two standards,
i.e. this standard, which specifies requirements for the foam systems which would
be suitable for the application and the second standard, BS 5618 which is the code
of practice used by the installation contractor to satisfactorily install suitable
foam systems.
Accordingly, BS 5617 addresses the interface between the foam system supplier
and the installation contractor, and BS 5618 that between the installation
contractor and his client.
In this revision the foam systems have been restricted to use in cavities with
masonry or concrete inner and outer leaves, requirements relating to the
activities of the installation contractor have been removed (and placed as
recommendations in the revision of BS 5618), and the property requirements
made more stringent.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the urea-formaldehyde resins used for foam
system production have a limited shelf-life: during storage they will ultimately
undergo changes and become unsuitable for use. It is therefore important that the
manufacturers recommendations with regard to storage should be observed if the
maximum storage life is to be obtained.
Also foam systems differ according to the source of supply of the UF resin and the
foaming hardener, and certain properties listed in Table 2 to Table 4 have
therefore been given tolerances rather than specific values.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 10, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

0 Introduction
A urea-formaldehyde foam system is generated at
the point of injection from a mixture of aqueous
resin solution, aqueous foaming hardener solution
and air. The resin and hardener solutions are
supplied at controlled rates to suitable foam system
generating equipment from pressurized pots or by a
pumping system.
The foam system, which is fluid at the time of
injection into the cavity, sets shortly afterwards by
chemical reaction. This chemical reaction continues
and simultaneously loss of residual water occurs by
absorption by and subsequent evaporation from the
wall to produce the final foam.
Urea-formaldehyde foam systems complying with
this standard have a fine, uniform, cellular
structure which is vapour permeable. The foam is
durable and has sufficient strength to be
self-supporting in the cavity.
Because chemical reactions are taking place during
the foam system injection process, some variation in
foam properties can occur due to differences in in
situ operating conditions. Foam system tests are
carried out on site prior to injection to ensure that
the quality of the system to be injected complies
with this standard. These aspects are detailed in
BS 5618.
The thermal insulation is achieved by the foam
restricting air circulation in the cavity and by
limiting radiation losses without adding
substantially to the conducted heat loss. Its
performance is therefore primarily determined by
the extent to which the cavity is filled rather than by
variations in the foam density.

1 Scope
This British Standard specifies the property
requirements, the properties of the components and
the production parameters, of urea-formaldehyde
foam systems suitable for injection into external
masonry or concrete cavity walls to provide
improved thermal insulation.
NOTE The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover.

2 Definitions
For the purposes of this British Standard the
following definitions apply:
urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam
an infusible cellular matrix of cured
urea-formaldehyde resin insoluble in water and
other common solvents

BSI 07-1999

urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam system
a mixture of urea-formaldehyde resin, hardener,
surfactant, water, air and water additives
foaming hardener
a mixture of surface active agents and acids that
enables a foam system to be produced by the
introduction of air into an aqueous solution and will
cause UF resin, when mixed into the foam system,
to set to an insoluble, infusible matrix
an air space between two leaves of an external wall
effective density (ED)
the mass of a specified sample divided by its initial
volume using the method described in Appendix A
the document supplied by the foam system supplier
to the purchaser or to any authorized testing or
approvals organization, containing relevant details
for the proper use of the foam system

3 Property requirements
NOTE The quality of the foam system depends on the choice of
components (see 4.1) and their method of application as declared
by the foam system supplier (see 4.2).

3.1 Type tests

The UF foam system shall be such that the foam
produced, when tested in accordance with the
methods given in Table 1, with samples prepared in
accordance with the declaration of the foam system
supplier as specified in 4.2, shall comply with the
property requirements also given in Table 1. The
samples required for the type tests given in Table 1
shall be conditioned to constant mass,
at 23 2 C and 63 5 % r.h., after being allowed to
dry naturally for a period of three weeks.
3.2 Quality control tests
NOTE Details of when these tests are to be carried out are
given in 6.5 of BS 5618:1985.

When tested in accordance with the methods given

in Table 2, with samples prepared in accordance
with the declaration of the foam system supplier as
specified in 4.2, the UF foam system shall comply
with or, as appropriate, be such that the foam
produced complies with the quality control
requirements also given in Table 2.

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

4 Processing requirements

The values of the properties given in Table 3 for the

system components shall be declared for each foam
system by the system supplier. The components
shall then comply with the permissible deviations
and limiting values given in Table 3.

4.1 Foam system components

The application of the two foam system components,

an aqueous solution of a urea-formaldehyde resin
and an aqueous solution of a foaming hardener shall
be as declared by the foam system supplier as
specified in 4.2.
Table 1 Property requirements: type tests


Linear shrinkage, % max.

Water absorption, kg/m2 max.
Thermal conductivity, W/(mK) max.
Resistance to microbial attack
Burning characteristicsa

No attack
Class P
Extent of burning not
to exceed 125 mm

Test method

Appendix B
Appendix C
Method 7 of BS 4370-2:1973
Method 3 of BS 1982:1968
BS 476-5
BS 4735

NOTE 1 Because UF foam chars on contact with flame and emits little smoke, the presence of foam tends to reduce the risk of fire
and smoke spread via the cavity. However, the use of UF cavity insulation does not affect requirements for the provision of cavity
NOTE 2 For design purposes an effective thermal conductivity value for UF foam installed in masonry cavity walls should be taken
to be 0.04 W/(mK). This aspect is more fully discussed in Appendix J of BS 5618:1985.
a CAUTION. The small scale laboratory test described in BS 4735:1974 is solely for assistance in monitoring
consistency of production and is not for use as a means of assessing the potential fire hazard of a material in use.

Table 2 Property requirements: quality control tests


Requirements or limiting values

Effective density, kg/m3

Linear shrinkage, % max.
Wet density, kg/m3
Gel time, s

Target value specified by the system supplier

Target value specified by the system supplier
To be within the limits specified by the system
Does not collapse
Uniform, fine cellular structure

Foam stability


Test method

25 %

20 %

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix D
Appendix E

Appendix F
Appendix G

Table 3 Limiting values and permissible deviations for foam system components

UF resin:
Solid resin yield, % m/m
Density, g/mL
Viscosity, mPas
Free formaldehyde content, % m/m
Water tolerance, % V/V

Limiting values and

permissible deviations
on declared values

1.5 %
30 %
Between 0 and 1

Foaming hardener:
Total acidity, % m/m
Surfactant concentration, % KOH m/m 10

Test method

Appendix H
Use a hydrometer complying with BS 718
Method 1 of BS 5350-B8:1977
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
To be specified by system supplier

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

4.2 Declaration
The foam system supplier shall make a declaration
for each foam system with respect to the following
a) The dilution at which the UF resin is to be used
and the dilution procedure.
b) The dilution at which the foaming hardener is
to be used and the dilution procedure.
c) The ratio to be used of the diluted UF resin to
the diluted foaming hardener.
d) Any water hardness limitations and the
method of correction.
e) The method of coping with variations in
operating temperatures.
f) The data required in Table 2, the values of the
properties given in Table 3 and the usable limits
as required in Table 4.

5 Shelf-life limitations of foam system

5.1 UF resin
NOTE The urea-formaldehyde resins of the type used for foam
system production have a limited shelf-life. During storage they
undergo changes and will ultimately become unsuitable for use.

The foam system supplier shall ensure that UF

resins for use in UF foam systems specified by this
standard shall remain usable for a period
of 3 months when stored at temperatures up
to 20 C. The period shall be counted from the
quality control release date and shall be stated for
each container.
To ensure that UF foam system quality is not
affected by the ageing of the UF resin the foam
system supplier shall define usable limits for the
resins in respect of the properties given in Table 4.
5.2 Foaming hardener

If there are shelf-life limitations on foaming

hardener they shall be stated by the foam system
Table 4 UF resin: shelf-life limitations

Maximum viscosity, s
Minimum water tolerance, % V/V

BSI 07-1999

Usable limits

To be specified by the system supplier

Test method

Appendix M
Appendix K

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Appendix A Method for determination

of effective density
A.1 Principle
The effective density is obtained from the sample by
relating its dried mass to its original volume.
A.2 Test sample
A cylindrical shaped sample shall be produced in a
polyethylene bag which is slightly greater in
circumference than the internal circumference of
the tube into which it is placed.
A.3 Apparatus
A.3.1 Rigid tube, approximately 450 mm long and
approximately 200 mm internal diameter.
A.3.2 Polyethylene bag, of length
approximately 1 000 mm and circumference
approximately 10 mm greater than the internal
circumference of the rigid tube.
A.3.3 Sharp knife or saw blade,
approximately 400 mm long.
A.3.4 Flexible measuring tape, of glass fibre or
equivalent material.
A.3.5 Balance, accurate to 1.0 g.
A.4 Procedure
Place the polyethylene bag inside the tube. Produce
the foam sample by injecting through a hole in the
bottom of the bag in order to minimize entrapment
of air when filling the bag.
Allow the foam sample to remain within the tube for
at least 24 h. After removal from the tube retain the
foam in the polyethylene bag and cut a test
specimen as a slice of uniform measured thickness,
with its plane normal to the major axis of the tube
and from near the tube centre as shown in Figure 1.
The initial thickness of the test specimen shall be
within the range 100 10 mm. Allow the test
specimen to dry naturally for a minimum of three
weeks with the polyethylene cover removed.
Determine the mass of the sample using the balance
to the nearest 1.0 g.
A.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the effective density ED (in kg/m3) from
the equation:
F - 106
ED = ---------------2
;r L
r is the internal radius of the tube (in mm);
L is the initial thickness of test specimen
(in mm);
F is the final mass of the naturally dried test
specimen (in g).

Figure 1 Test sample for effective

density and shrinkage tests

Appendix B Method for determination

of linear shrinkage
B.1 Principle
The linear shrinkage is determined by measuring
the reduction in circumference of a foam sample
after drying for a specified period.
NOTE It is possible to carry out this test and the test for
effective density described in Appendix A on the same test

B.2 Test sample

A cylindrical shaped sample shall be produced in a
polyethylene bag which is slightly greater in
circumference than the internal circumference of
the tube into which it is placed.
B.3 Apparatus
B.3.1 Rigid tube, approximately 450 mm long and
approximately 200 mm internal diameter.
B.3.2 Polyethylene bag, of length
approximately 1 000 mm and circumference
approximately 10 mm greater than the internal
circumference of the rigid tube.
B.3.3 Sharp knife or saw blade,
approximately 400 mm long.
B.3.4 Flexible measuring tape, of glass fibre or
equivalent material.
B.4 Procedure
Place the polyethylene bag inside the tube. Produce
the foam sample by injecting through a hole in the
bottom of the bag in order to minimize entrapment
of air when filling the bag.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Allow the foam sample to remain within the tube for

at least 24 h. After removal from the tube retain the
foam in the polyethylene bag and cut a test
specimen as a slice of uniform measured thickness,
with its plane normal to the major axis of the tube
and from near the tube centre as shown in Figure 1.
The thickness of the test specimen shall be within
the range 100 10 mm. Allow the test specimen to
dry naturally for a minimum of three weeks with the
polyethylene cover removed.
Measure the final circumference of the test
specimen to the nearest millimetre.
B.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the percentage linear shrinkage LS from
the equation:
CT CF ) 100
LS = (--------------------------CT
CT is the internal circumference of tube
(in mm);
CF is the final circumference of the test
specimen (in mm).

Appendix C Method for determination

of water absorption
C.1 Principle
The water absorption is determined by floating a
test piece of foam on water for 24 h and measuring
the mass of water absorbed.
C.2 Test pieces
Two test pieces shall be tested. Each shall have cut
surfaces with a base measurement of 100 5 mm
by 100 5 mm and a height of 40 5 mm.
A smooth clean surface is required with minimal
damage to the structure of the foam surface.
C.3 Apparatus
C.3.1 Balance, accurate to 0.05 g.
C.3.2 Water, of known hardness, i.e. between 150
and 250 parts per million by mass calcium
carbonate equivalent content and free of surfactant
C.4 Procedure
Cut the test pieces to the dimensions specified
in C.2. Make accurate measurements of the
dimensions to 0.5 mm and record the mass to the
nearest 0.05 g.

Float each test piece on the water, the water

temperature being maintained at 15 1 C, the
whole test being conducted in air at a temperature
of 23 2 C. After 24 h, remove the test piece and
drain excess water for 30 s by holding the test piece
with one corner of the base pointing downwards.
Determine the mass of the test piece plus absorbed
water to an accuracy of 0.05 g.
C.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the water absorption WA (in kg/m2) from
the equation:
Ma M
WA = --------------------1000A
Ma is the mass of the test piece plus absorbed
water (in g);
M is the mass of the test piece (in g);

is the area of the base (in m2).

C.6 Report
This shall state the water absorption as the average
of the values obtained for the two test pieces and the
date of the test.

Appendix D Method for determination

of wet density
D.1 Principle
The wet density is determined by weighing a
container of known volume filled with foam system.
The method is suitable for use on site with a bucket.
D.2 Test sample
The test sample shall be foam system as injected
into the cavity.
D.3 Apparatus
D.3.1 Wide open-topped container of known volume,
preferably wider at the top than at the bottom.
D.3.2 Balance (spring or pan) of sufficient capacity
divided into 0.01 kg divisions.
D.4 Procedure
Determine the mass of the empty container (M1).
Fill the container (see note) with foam system,
keeping the foam system injection nozzle below the
foam system surface to minimize the production of
entrained air pockets, and level off the foam system
top using a straight-edged stick or knife. Determine
the mass of the filled container to the
nearest 0.01 kg (M2).
NOTE The use of a thin plastics liner makes it much easier to
keep the measuring container clean. Care should be taken to
avoid trapping air between the liner and the container.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

D.5 Calculation and expression of results

Calculate the wet density WD (in kg/m3) from the
M2 M 1
WD = -----------------------V
M1 is the mass of the container empty (in kg);
M2 is the mass of the container and foam system
(in kg);
V is the volume of the container (in m3).

Appendix E Method for determination

of foam system gel time
E.1 Principle
The gel time is the time elapsing from making the
sample until the foam system is no longer fluid,
i.e. it readily parts when a palette knife is drawn
across it.
E.2 Apparatus
E.2.1 Stop watch, or other suitable timing device.
E.2.2 Flat palette knife, with blade 150 mm
to 200 mm long and 24 mm to 40 mm wide.
E.2.3 Clean board at least 750 mm square, or,
alternatively, a polyethylene sheet.
E.3 Procedure
Set up the foam system generating equipment to
produce a foam system, in accordance with the
method of application declared by the foam system
supplier as specified in 4.2. Take a sample for
determination of gel time by forming a pile of foam
system approximately 400 mm in diameter, then
drawing the nozzle away from the pile to produce a
ridge approximately 300 mm in length, 100 mm
wide and 75 mm high (see Figure 2).
Start the stop watch as soon as the formation of the
ridge has been prepared [see Figure 2(1)]. Start
testing the gel time at the point on the ridge most
remote from the conical pile by inserting a palette
knife to two-thirds of the depth of the foam system
and drawing it across the ridge in a direction normal
to the principal axis of the ridge. Before the gel time
has been reached the cut will not cause splitting of
the foam system and it will retain its creamy
consistency [see Figure 2(2)].

Figure 2 Determination of foam system

gel time
Continue testing in this manner, inserting the
palette knife into the foam system to make tests
approximately 25 mm apart whilst progressing
towards the conical pile. Record the time as the gel
time when the foam system readily parts as the
palette knife is drawn across it [see Figure 2(3)].
E.4 Expression of results
Report as the gel time of the foam system, the time
elapsing between the start of the preparation of the
ridge and the time when parting occurs.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Appendix F Method for determination

of foam system stability
F.1 Principle
The absence of oil carry-over from the compressor is
checked by the administration of a sharp shock to
the foam system which will precipitate its collapse if
significant quantities of oil are present.
F.2 Test sample
The test sample shall be a sample of foam system, of
at least 5 L, in a suitable rigid container.
F.3 Procedure
Approximately 1 min after the foam system has
gelled, determined by the method described in
Appendix E, drop the container on to some hard
ground from a height of approximately 100 mm.
F.4 Report
Report whether the level of foam system has
significantly decreased.

Appendix G Method for determination

of foam system appearance
G.1 Principle
The appearance of the cell structure obtained in the
foam system is determined by visual examination.
G.2 Test sample
The sample of foam system shall be prepared as
described in Appendix E.
G.3 Procedure
After the foam system has gelled, split the
initial 400 mm diameter pile of foam system down
the middle on the test board. Examine the section.
G.4 Report
Report whether the foam system has a fine,
uniform, cellular structure with no pockets of
collapsed foam system and with no evidence of
formation of layers in the foam system structure.

Appendix H Method for determination

of solid resin yield
NOTE The procedure described may be used with either
powdered or liquid resins. This test is very sensitive to the oven

H.1 Principle
The percentage loss in mass of the resin is
determined after the resin has been heated under
specified conditions.
H.2 Test sample
The test sample shall be approximately 3 g of resin.

BSI 07-1999

H.3 Apparatus
H.3.1 Ventilated oven, capable of being maintained
at a temperature of 120 2 C throughout the
working space.
H.3.2 Flat bottomed dish, 70 mm to 90 mm in
diameter and maximum depth of 100 mm.
H.3.3 Desiccator, containing silica gel.
H.3.4 Balance, capable of determining the mass to
the nearest 0.001 g.
H.4 Procedure
Dry the dish for at least 30 min in the oven at a
temperature of 120 C. Cool in the desiccator and
weigh to the nearest milligram.
Put into the dish 2 0.2 g of resin, spreading the
contents as evenly as possible over the bottom of the
dish. Record the mass of the dish and contents to the
nearest 0.001 g.
Place the dish and contents in the oven on a level
perforated sheet metal shelf and maintain at a
temperature of 120 2 C for a period of 3 h.
Remove the dish and contents from the oven and
allow to cool in the desiccator. Remove the dish and
contents from the desiccator and redetermine the
mass immediately.
H.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the percentage solid resin yield SRY (in %
solids m/m) from the equation:
( M 3 M 1)
SRY = ----------------------------- 100
( M 2 M 1)

M1 is the mass of the dish;
M2 is the mass of the dish and contents before
M3 is the mass of the dish and contents after

Appendix J Method for determination

of free formaldehyde content of UF
J.1 Principle
The determination of free formaldehyde in the UF
resin is based on the reaction between sodium
sulphite and formaldehyde and is carried out at a
reduced temperature to prevent decomposition of
the resin by the sulphite.

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

J.2 Reagents
J.2.1 Hydrated sodium sulphite 20 % (m/m)
J.2.2 Thymolphthalein indicator 1 % (m/m)
in 50 : 50 V/V 64 O.P. industrial methylated spirits:
distilled water solution.
J.2.3 Sulphuric acid. c (H2SO4) = 0.5 mol/L.
J.2.4 Sulphuric acid. c (H2SO4) = 0.05 mol/L.
J.2.5 Sodium hydroxide. c (NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L.
J.3 Apparatus
J.3.1 Conical flask, 100 mL capacity, stoppered.
J.3.2 Weighing bottle
J.3.3 Ice bath
J.3.4 Burette
J.3.5 Balance, capable of determining the mass to
the nearest 0.01 g.
J.4 Procedure
From the weighing bottle weigh accurately 6 0.1 g
of the resin into the stoppered conical flask.
Add 15 mL of deionized water and three to four
drops of the thymolphthalein solution. Shake the
mixture vigorously until the complete solution of the
resin is obtained. Neutralize the solution with 0.1
mol/L sodium hydroxide or 0.05 mol/L sulphuric
acid as required. Cool the solution to + 0.5 C.
Add 25 mL of the sodium sulphite solution,
previously cooled to a temperature of 0.5 C. If free
formaldehyde is present, a brilliant blue colour
appears. Run in rapidly from the burette the 0.5
mol/L sulphuric acid until the colour disappears.
Check the end point by adding one or two extra
drops of the indicator solution and note if this
addition causes any colouration. When no further
colouration is observed the end point has been
J.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the percentage of free formaldehyde
content F (in %m/m), from the equation:
F = ------M
S is the volume of 0.5 mol/L sulphuric acid
used (in mL);
M is the mass of the test portion (in g).

Appendix K Method for determination

of water tolerance of UF resin

NOTE The water tolerance is a measure of the degree to which

the resin can be diluted. The correct water tolerance is an
important factor in ensuring good foam formation.

K.2 Test portion

The test portion shall be undiluted resin,
approximately 100 mL.
K.3 Apparatus
K.3.1 Water bath, capable of being maintained at a
temperature of 25 0.5 C.
K.3.2 Test tubes, 152 mm 25 mm and test tube
K.3.3 Glass sample jars, two, with well fitting lids.
K.3.4 Burette, of capacity 100 mL.
K.3.5 Beaker, of capacity 100 mL.
K.3.6 Measuring cylinder, of capacity 50 mL with
K.3.7 Pipette, of capacity 10 mL.
K.3.8 Glass stirring rod
K.3.9 Thermometer, 0 C to 100 C.
K.3.10 Timer, 1 h.
K.3.11 Balance, capable of determining masses up
to 50 g with an accuracy of 0.1 g.
K.4 Procedure
K.4.1 Weighing method
Add 6.5 0.1 g, equivalent to approximately 5 mL,
of resin to each of the test tubes and place in a rack
in the water bath. First, add 5 mL of water from the
burette, drop by drop, to each of the tubes, shaking
well. In the same manner add to individual tubes
appropriate quantities of water (see note) as shown
in Table 5, selected on the basis of experience or a
preliminary test. Shake continuously to ensure good
mixing. Retain the tubes in the bath for 1 h before
inspecting them.
NOTE It is very important not to over-dilute inadvertently at
any time. Not more than 1 mL of water should be added at a time,
and it should be added very slowly at the start when the resin is
most viscous.

Over-dilution will result in premature precipitation

and a false result.
K.4.2 Volumetric method
Bring the temperature of the water bath containing
resin sample and tap water for dilution
to 25 0.5 C. Measure 50 mL of the resin into the
beaker and add 50 mL of tap water from the burette
(see note to K.4.1) with constant stirring. Return
some of the diluted resin back to the 50 mL cylinder,
insert the stopper and shake for a few seconds. Pour
the fluid back into the beaker.

K.1 Principle
Water tolerance is determined by progressively
diluting the resin solution to determine the dilution
at which precipitation of the resin occurs.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Repeat the operation twice to ensure that all the

resin in the cylinder is transferred to the beaker.
Pipette 10 mL of the solution into each of the test
tubes and add to individual tubes from the burette
appropriate quantities of water as shown in Table 5,
selected on the basis of experience or a preliminary
test, and shaking continuously to ensure good
mixing. Retain the tubes in the water bath for 1 h
before inspecting them.
K.5 Calculation and expression of results
Some tubes will contain a uniformly white liquid,
others will have a clear demarcation line between a
clear solution and the white liquid. Note the
maximum quantity of water which does not result in
a clear demarcation and calculate the percentage
water tolerance WT from the equation:
( Volume of water added + 5 )
WT = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100
For convenience, use Table 5.
Table 5 Water tolerance conversion
Water added



% V/V



K.6 Report
Report the percentage water tolerance WT.

Appendix L Method for determination

of total acidity of foaming hardeners
L.1 Principle
The acid content (expressed as the % phosphoric
acid) is determined by titration with standard
L.2 Reagents
L.2.1 Sodium hydroxide solution. c (NaOH) = 1.0

BSI 07-1999

L.2.2 Phosphate indicator solution. Mix 2 parts of

solution (A) with 1 part of solution (B).
solution (A): 0.1 % m/m phenolphthalein
in 50 : 50 V/V 64 O.P. industrial methylated
spirits: distilled water;
solution (B): 0.1 % m/m naphthol-phthalein
in 50 : 50 V/V 64 O.P. industrial methylated
spirits: distilled water.
L.2.3 Distilled water or deionized water
L.3 Apparatus
L.3.1 Analytical balance, accurate to 0.1 mg.
L.3.2 Conical flask, of capacity 250 mL.
L.3.3 Burette, of capacity 50 mL.
L.4 Procedure
Weigh approximately 3 g to 4 g accurately of
hardener into the 250 mL conical flask. Dilute with
approximately 50 mL of distilled or deionized water.
Add 3 to 4 drops of indicator solution and titrate
with 1.0 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution to a violet
end point.
L.5 Calculation and expression of results
Calculate the total acidity, A (expressed as %
phosphoric acid) from the equation:
4.9TA = ------------M
T is the titre (in mL);
M is the mass of the sample (in g).
L.6 Report
Report the total acidity A (expressed as %
phosphoric acid).

Appendix M Method for determination

of resin viscosity by the break time
M.1 Principle
The break time of the resin is determined by
measuring the time taken for it to flow through the
orifice of a standard flow cup, before the stream
breaks into droplets.
M.2 Test sample
The test sample shall be approximately 50 mL of UF

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

M.3 Apparatus
M.3.1 No. 6 flow cup, complying with BS 3900-A6.
M.3.2 Cup stand
M.3.3 Orifice plug for each cup.
M.3.4 Stop watch
M.3.5 Beaker, of capacity 100 mL.
M.3.6 Water bath, capable of being maintained
at 25 0.5 C.
M.3.7 Thermometer
M.4 Procedure
Immerse the resin sample, enclosed in a
screw-topped bottle, and the test cup in the water
bath for 2 h or until the resin sample has reached a
temperature of 25 0.5 C. Dry the cup, plug it,
clamp it into the stand, and place the beaker
beneath the cup. Pour the resin sample into the cup
until it runs into the overflow.


Unplug the orifice so that the resin sample flows

into the beaker, and simultaneously start the stop
watch. Stop the watch when the first drip of resin
appears, i.e. when the flow becomes discontinuous.
M.5 Report
Report the time recorded to the nearest second as
the average of three results.
NOTE As the flow of these resins may be non-Newtonian, it is
unsound to convert the break time to absolute units of viscosity.

BSI 07-1999

Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

BS 5617:1985

Publications referred to
BS 476, Fire tests on building materials and structures.
BS 476-5, Method of test for ignitability.
BS 718, Specification for density hydrometers.
BS 1982, Methods of test for fungal resistance of manufactured building materials made of or containing
materials of organic origin.
BS 3900, Methods of test for paints.
BS 3900-A6, Determination of flow time by use of flow cups.
BS 4370, Methods of test for rigid cellular materials.
BS 4370-2, Methods 610.
BS 4735, Laboratory methods of test for assessment of the horizontal burning characteristics of specimens
no larger than 150 mm 50 mm 13 mm (nominal) or cellular plastics and cellular rubber materials when
subjected to a small flame.
BS 5350, Methods of test for adhesives.
BS 5350-B8, Determination of viscosity.
BS 5618, Code of practice for thermal insulation of cavity walls (with masonry or concrete inner and outer
leaves) by filling with urea-formaldehyde (UF) foam systems.

BSI 07-1999

BS 5617:1985
Licensed copy: University of Teknologi Mara, University of Teknologi Mara, Version correct as of 29/01/2013 04:09, (c) The British Standards Institution 2012

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