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(First Grading Period)

Thai silk is produced from the
cocoons of Thai silkworms which is
considered to be one of the finest arts
in the world
Khorat - the center of the silk industry
in Thailand
Thai weavers raises the caterpillars on
a steady diet of mulberry leaves
Silk weaving dates to as early as the
first century
Types of Cambodian weaving:
1. ikat technique weavers tie and
dye before weaving begins
2. uneven twill yields dingle or twocolor fabrics produced by weaving
three threads
Cambodian textiles employed natural
dyes coming from:
a. insect nests - red dye
b. indigo - blue dye
c. prohut bark- yellow and green dye
d. ebony bark - black dye
Takeo, Battambang, Beanteay
Meanchey, Siem Reap, Kampot
provinces Cambodias modern silkweaving centers
Cambodian silk is used in sampot
(wrap skirts), furnishings, and pidan
(pictoral tapestries)
Cotton textiles is used in garments and
for household purposes
Krama traditional check scarves worn
almost universally by Cambodians are
made of cotton
According to Lao tradition, stories of
their history were not passed on orally
nor was it written, they were woven
Lao stories were weaved in the
intricate dense patterns and motifs of
Sihn Lao womens ankle long skirt
whose form is undeniable but whose
patterns are unique to each skirt
It is traditional that every woman in
Laos weaves all the sihns she would
wear throughout her lifetime
They uses folk icons to express
personal views (crab resourcefulness,
snake fertility, butterflies beauty,
birds success)
Golden Thread Silks were born in
Ha Dong - center of silk weaving and
old jacquard looms are still used
Some Popular Vietnamese Fabric Ranges

1. Shantung taffeta
2. Bengaline weave
3. Ebony satin all-natural lustrous
silk hand-woven and dyed using ebony fruit
Vo Viet Chung Vietnamese designer,
uses ebony satin
Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore
- the fabric most common to
both countries
- an Indonesian-Malay word,
believed to be related to the
Malay word titik, which
means point, dot or
- The drop action refers to
the process of dyeing the
fabric by making use of a
resist technique
Two Categories Of Batik Designs:
1. geometric motifs
2. free form designs
In Malaysia, the sates of Kelantan and
Terengganu are considered the cradle
where batik first flourished
Two Main Types Of Malaysian Batik:
1. Handpainted- the artist uses the
2. Blockprinted- metal block is dipped
into molten wax and pressed against
Malaysian batiks incorporate leaves
and flowers, similar to Indonesian
batiks, to avoid the interpretation of
human and animal images as idolatry
in accordance with Islamic doctrine
Malaysian batik is famous for is
geometrical designs or spirals
Indonesian Javanese batik patterns are
larger and simpler than Malaysian batik
More brush painting is applied on
Malaysian batik to be able to put lighter
and more vibrant colors
Javanese batik are deep-colored
In Singapore, batik has been recorded
since the 12th century but has receded
in popularity through the years
Nowadays, batik is featured in as the
uniform of flight attendants for the
official flag carrier airlines of Sinapore,
Indonesia and Malaysia
Brunei's traditional textile is also called
batik but its designs have their
national flower simpur, sumboisumboi (pitcher plant), and Brunei's
traditional design of air muleh.
Different techniques used:
airbrushing, cracking, bubble,
rainbow, sprinkle, geometry and
marble - ---these techniques are
applied on cotton, chiffon, linen and

Hand-made batik designs are created

through the art of layering and mixing
of ccolors
Brunei's batik can be done in four
different ways:


using metal blocks
screen printing
digital printing


Flying Lanterns / Sky Lanterns /
Wish Lanterns / Yi Peng
- made out of rice paper
with a bamboo frame
which contain a fuel cell or
small candle
- used during the year for
Cambodia and Laos
Indigenous people represent 1.4
percent of the total population in
They live in remote rural areas
They are referred to as
Handicrafts are part of their
traditional culture and their
They make paper by hand for over
700 years using the bark of sa
(mulberry tree)
SA PAPER was used for calligraphy
and for temple decorations,
umbrellas, fans and kites
In Luang Prabang, Northern
Laos, it is now used to create
lampshades, writing paper, greeting
cards and bookmarks
Vietnamese silk painting is one
of the most popular forms of art
favoured for the mystical
atmosphere that can be achieved
with the medium
During the 19th and 20th centuries,
French influence was absorbed
liberal and modern use of color
Vietnamese silk paintings typically
showcase the countryside,
landscapes, pagodas, historical
events, or scenes of daily life
Shadow Puppetry is an ancient
form of storytelling and
entertainment which usesflat
articulated figures (shadow
Wayang Kulit is a type of puppet
shadow play performed around the
Indo-Malayan archipelago tracing its
origins to India
It is derived from a Javanese HinduBuddhist tradition, where handcrafted leather puppets depict epic
stories of the gods in shadow play
A traditional gamelan accompany
the story-telling

Wayang, in modern Indonesian

language means "show" or
Wayang is also attributed to
Indonesian word bayang which
means shadow
Kulit means "skin", a reference to
the leather material that the figures
are carved out of
The puppets come in all sizes,
ranging from 25 cm to 75 cm
The puppets are usually made out
of buffalo and goat hide and
mounted on bamboo sticks
The puppets are moved behind a
cotton or linen screen by a dalang
- puppetmaster in shadow
puppet plays
- tells the story, interprets
and voices each character,
producing sound effects
with speech and
movement and
manipulates all the figures
between the lamp and the
screen to bring the
shadows to life
Wau Kite is a uniquely designed
Malaysian kite
Its wings are similar to an Arabic
Farmers used kites as scarecrows in
the fields and as a means to lull
their children to sleep
Kite flying has become a popular
sport internationally
Malaysia has been celebrating kite
festivals annually like the Pasir
Gudang International Kite
songkok or peci or kopiah is a
cap widely worn in Indonesia,
Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, the
southern Philippines and southern
Thailand, mostly among Muslim
males in formal gatherings
(wedding feasts, funerals, festive
occasions such as the Muslim EidulFitr and Eid al-Adha)
Songkok was associated with Islam
in Malaysia
Peci in Indonesia is associated with
the nationalist
secular movement
In Brunei Darussalam, mens
headgears are
categorized into

a) dastar - a piece of cloth tied

around the head;
b) songkok or kopiah a type of
cap made from velvet
c) tangkolok or serban resembles a turban, typical headdress in
the Middle East


For many thousands of years, the art of stone

carving has flourished in Cambodia

Breathtaking carvings found at ANGKOR WAT

has become one of the countrys most
cherished art forms

Thailand is world-famous for its sculpture that

dates back 4000 years

Most commonly used materials are wood,

stone, ivory, clay, and various metals

Most notable sculptures are the Thai bronzes

famous for their originality and grace

Wat Pho, the oldest and largest Buddhist

temple in Bangkok, houses the largest
collection of Buddha images in Thailand, also

RECLINING BUDDHA - 46 meters long, 15

meters high; covered in gold plating; decorated
with mother-of-pearl inlay in his eyes and the
soles of his feet; bottom of the Buddhas feet
are intricately decorated with 108 auspicious
scenes in Chinese and Indian styles

Lao artisans used a variety of media in their

sculptural creations

Precious metals (bronze, silver, gold) are used

for smaller objects

Two Buddha Images:

- Phra Sai (Buddha of Inspiration)
- Phra Bang (Royal Buddha Image)

Vietnamese sculpture was influenced by

Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism

The prehistory started from the Nui Do culture

(300,000 year ago) to the Dong Son culture
(2,500 years ago)

In the DONG SON CULTURE, cultural activities

are not divided clearly, there are no prehistoric
sculptures, only expressions or manifestations

Among the famous sculptures is the 10,000year- old carvings on the Dong Noi Cave

Dong Son culture is famous for its kettledrums,

small carvings and home utensils

Sculpture of Grave Houses in the Central

Highlands: couples embracing, pregnant
women, and people in mourning, elephants,
and birds

Indonesia is known for its stone, bronze, and

iron-aged arts

Sculptures can be found in numerous

archaeological sites in Sumatra, Java to

Native Indonesian tribes usually create

sculptures that depict ancestors, deities and

The most amazing sculptures are :

After a period of time the wearing of

songkok became a tradition and
synonymous with being a Malay

Songkok replaced the dastar as part

the Malays national dress on most
formal occasions

a. Asmat wooden sculpture of Papua

b. Dayak wooden mask and sculpture
c. The ancestral wooden statue of Toraja
d. The totem-like sculpture of Batak and Nias

From the classical Hindu-Buddhist era of

Indonesia, the most prominent sculptures are
the hundreds of meters of relief and hundreds
of stone Buddhas at the temple of
Borobudur in central Java

Richest, most elaborate and vivid wooden

sculpture and wood carving traditions can
be found in Bali and Jepara, Central Java

Jepara wood carvings - pelaminangebyok

(wedding throne with carved background)

Most of Malaysias sculptures are relief

Relief Sculptures
partially carved into or out of
another surface
rely on a base or a plane to support
a combination of both threedimensional and two-dimensional
art forms

There Are Three Main Types Of Relief

1. Alto form is almost completely carved
from its surface, highly-shaped, very little of the
structure touching the base or plane; could possibly
stand alone if the base or plane were removed
2. Bas form is a relief that barely extends
past the base
3. Sunken relief an image that is carved
into the surface

Relief wood carvings frequently adorn the

doors, walls and windows of traditional Malay
houses; popular motifs of such relief carvings
are the various kinds of Malaysian flowers
and plants

The best Malay woodcarvings is from

Terengganu and Kelantan
a. ukiran halus (fine carving) - carving of
relief patterns, hilts of keris (short Malay
dagger), bed heads, and cupboard tops
b. ukiran kasar (rough carving) - carvings
on larger objects like furniture, pillars,
windows, room portions, and eaves of roofs

Cengal is the preferred wood for building

houses and boats

Balau or Perah is used for rafters or

floorboards of a house or for the prow of a boat

The Sri Mariammam Hindu temple was

constructed and dedicated to the goddess
Mariamman, who is worshipped for her power
to cure disease

Its most interesting feature is its impressive

gopuram (tower) over the main entrance,
which is decorated with numerous Hindu
Merlion was conceived because the
Singapore Tourism Board felt the country
lacked a distinct image representing the nation
and its history
An icon which could tap into the particular
myths and folklore of the area, many of which
feature sea-beasts and magical-fish creatures
The Merlion is partly inspired by The
Singapura Story
is a mythical creature with the head of a lion
and the body of a fish, used as a mascot and
national personification of Singapore
Merlion = sea lion
The Sentosa Merlion is the biggest replica,
standing at 37 meters and made from glassreinforced concrete, designed and sculpted by
James Martin, an Australian artist

Sculpture in Brunei takes on a more utilitarian
role than an aesthetic one

Excellent craftsmen used bronze and silver to

create adornments and functional items such
as bowls, tools, and the like

Sculpting is not yet widely practiced in Brunei


Examples of their creations can be seen at the

ASEAN Squares
The square has on display the work of a
sculptor from each of the original six ASEAN
member countries: Brunei Darussalam,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and
the Philippines
The sculptures, which have as their theme
"Harmony in Diversity, symbolize ASEAN
solidarity and the aspirations of its member
countries, which is love, peace, freedom and
mutual respect.
Brunei Darussalams The World of ASEAN by
Mr. Haji Marsidi Haji Akip
Indonesias Goals of ASEAN by Mr. Husna
Malaysia's The Emerging Kubah (Domes) by
Mr. Latif Mohiddin
Philippines Brunei Entelechy by Mr. Eduard
Singaporess United Profile by Mr. Michael Ong
Chu Keng
Thailands Movement by Mr. Saravudth

Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training

Center was established in 1975 to revive and
promote the nations dying tradition of crafts,
including metalwork

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