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Analytical balances are accurate and precise instruments to measure weights.

They require a
draft-free location on a solid bench that is free of vibrations. Modern balances have built-in
calibration weights to maintain accuracy.
A wash bottle is a squeeze bottle with a nozzle, used to rinse various pieces of laboratory
glassware, such as test tubes and round bottom flasks
Reagent bottles, also known as media bottles or graduated bottles, are containers made
of glass, plastic, borosilicate or related substances, and topped by special caps or stoppers and are
intended to contain chemicals in liquid or powder form for laboratories and stored in cabinets or on

Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard

or known value
Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to
each other.
A primary standard is a reagent that is extremely pure, stable, has no waters of hydration, and
has a high molecular weight . Some primary standards for titration of acids: sodium carbonate:
Na2CO3, mol wt. = 105.99 g/mol.
Desiccator a glass container or other apparatus holding a drying agent for removing moisture
from specimens and protecting them from water vapor in the air.
A titration is a technique where a solution of known concentration is used to determine the
concentration of an unknown solution.
In chemistry, neutralization or neutralisation (see spelling differences), is a chemical reaction in
which an acid and a base react quantitatively with each other. In a reaction in
water, neutralization results in there being no excess of hydrogen or hydroxide ions present in
In chemistry, an indicator is defined as a substance that undergoes distinct observable change
when the conditions of its solution change. An indicator is used in titration to determine the
endpoint of a reaction.
The equivalence point, or stoichiometric point, of a chemical reaction is the pointat which
chemically equivalent quantities of acid and base have been mixed. In other words, the moles of
acid are equivalent to the moles of base.
The "endpoint" of a titration is when there is some signal that shows when to stop adding titrant. Often it is
the color change of an acid/base indicator.

Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution.

a standard solution is a solution containing a precisely known concentration of an element or
a substance.
Acidimetry the process of measuring the amount of acid in a solution, as with an
acidimeter or by titration.

Alkalimetry is the specialized analytic use of acid-base titration to determine the concentration
of a basic (synonymous to alkaline) substance.

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