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Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!



Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!



Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!




ISBN: 13: 9781502704740

ISBN:10: 1502704749


Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!



Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!


PRELUDE .............................................................................................................. 8
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 14
FOOT IN THE DOOR STRATEGY ...................................................................... 17
CHAPTER ONE: ................................................................................................... 22
THE AMAZING POWER OF THOUGHT!........................................................... 22
THINK BEFORE YOU ACT: ............................................................................... 24
LIVE IN YOUR IMAGINATIONS! ...................................................................... 25
SEE YOUR THOUGHTS AS A MAGNET ............................................................ 25
MAINTAIN DAILY A POSTIVE THINKING TIME ............................................ 26
BE YOUR OWN PROPHET ............................................................................... 26
SOW A POSITVE THOUGHT SEED ................................................................... 27
CHANGE YOUR LANGUAGE TO THAT OF AN ACHIEVER ................................ 27
CHAPTER TWO: .................................................................................................. 30
....................................................................................................................... 30
SPEAK POSITIVE ABOUT THE SITUATION ................................................... 36
CHAPTER THREE: ................................................................................................ 39
TAPPING INTO YOUR PERSONAL GOLD MINE! .............................................. 39

Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!



AVAILABLE.................................................................................................. 43
CHAPTER FOUR: ................................................................................................. 46
THE POWER OF INSPIRATIONAL DISSATISFACTION! ..................................... 46
SET FOR YOUR SELF A BHAG: ..................................................................... 49
FACE THE CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM HEAD ON! ......................................... 49
LOOK FOR SOMETHING POSITIVE TO BUILD UPON!.................................. 50
REALISE IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE! .................................................... 50
RE-EVALUATE YOUR LIFE ........................................................................... 50
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................... 52
CHAPTER SIX ...................................................................................................... 59
STEPPING UP TO THE PLATE! ......................................................................... 59
THE BELIEF THAT YOU HAVE FAILED: ......................................................... 61
THE BELIEF THAT OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONLY ONCE: ............................ 62
KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE BIG PICTURE: ..................................................... 63
MIND WHAT YOU FEED YOUR MIND WITH ............................................... 64
CHAPTER SEVEN ................................................................................................. 66
CONSTANT AND NEVER ENDING IMPROVEMENT ......................................... 66
THE 80-20 PRINCIPLE ..................................................................................... 71

Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!


ALWAYS SET YOUR GOALS HIGHER THAN EXPECTED ................................ 72

COMPETE WITH YOURSELF ALONE: ........................................................... 72
ALWAYS BE A LEARNER .............................................................................. 73
LEARN HOW TO SELL YOURSELF: ............................................................... 73
CONCLUSION...................................................................................................... 76
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................... 77
PICTURE REFERENCES .................................................................................... 77
BIBLOGRAPGHY.............................................................................................. 77


Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!


This book is a book about YOU! It is a tool that you can either choose to use or
ignore; but it is all about YOU all the same!
It is about you because I want YOU to achieve something through reading it and
going through its pages. I want it to spur you to action; I want it to make you do
something about your life that whenever you look back, you will sit down and
be proud of yourself for taking a particular step at a particular moment in time
as a result of reading through its pages.
There are two most important resources that you have got to manage well to
become anything worthwhile in life: the first resource is money; the second
resource is time. However, if you dont manage your time well you are never
going to be a good manager of money.
Managing time properly depends on what knowledge you acquire and how YOU
put that knowledge to use. Adequate knowledge and time become tools that
when effectively put to use you can easily convert them to money.
In other words, if you are yet to learn how to manage your time and other tools,
(like the knowledge you will come across in this book) effectively, even if you
get money, lack of adequate knowledge about stuff like: the power of thought
and how it relates to a mans destiny; the conscious and subconscious mind and
the impact they have on your life and, what your major tool for wealth creation
is, you are not going to effectively put the money you get or earn to use!
Where this book seeks to differ to others that you may have read however, is


Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!


1) It looks at success from a different perspective in the sense that it tries

to examine the unanswered questions and define the difficult
buzzwords we come along in our quest to succeed. An example is seen
in how it describes what the subconscious and the conscious minds
really are, as against what many out there claim both to be.
2) It dares to venture where others dare not. For example it looks at how
wrong thoughts could lead to a nervous breakdown; it establishes a link
between our thoughts and the thoughts of others and how the latter
impact our lives and may affect us positively or negatively.
At the end of the day, by learning how to, and taking control of the
THOUGHTS of your mind, you would be better prepared to manage the
two important resources mentioned earlier, being time and money. You
will also be better prepared to chart for yourself a successful destiny.
Your ability to accomplish such is the essence and the purpose of this
Though the book is about the amazing power of thought and, what you
can accomplish when it is properly managed, I have started it of by
narrating an incident that taught me to never give up on whatever I am
pursuing in life. This is followed by another personal experience on how
I got a job as a journalist due my desire to become a motivational
inspirational writer and how I used the foot in the door principle by
applying to canvass for adverts for the organisation that eventually gave
me my first opportunity to write for a living!

Acquiring Success through the GO FOR

Amazing Power of Thought!


After that, well delve into the real stuff; Acquiring Success through the
Amazing Power of Thought!

The man who learns how to control his thoughts, will end up being the
one who controls his world.
Britain's William Churchill it was who made the statement, 'Never, Never
Give Up'! As the story goes reportedly, on October 29, 1941, as Prime
Minister, Churchill visited Harrow School, a school he had attended as a
child, where he made the speech that contained those three inspiring
If you have read Napoleon Hill's all time classic: 'Think and Grow Rich'
you will recall how he narrated in the first chapter of the book under the
sub-title: 'Three feet from Gold! an incident that also teaches against
quitting when in pursuit of a goal. He wrote about one R. U. Darby who
had embarked on a mining expedition only to give up when he was three
feet away from uncovering millions worth of gold!
I learnt the same principle through a personal incident I experienced in
1994 that made me resolve never to let it repeat itself again!
Never! I will explain!
In 1994 to celebrate and coincide with the 30th Anniversary of Domino
Stores Limited, Lagos (owned by the Murray Bruce clan) I was
commissioned to execute a Special Project on the organisation. It turned
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out to be my first, cover story in a national newspaper, The Vanguard

Newspapers owned by Vanguard Media Limited.
The story itself was spread over three pages whilst the paper was filled
with adverts I had sourced for from organisations congratulating the
The project saw me meet and interview key members of the Murray Bruce
clan such as Joy E. Jonah (nee Murray Bruce) Executive Director, Domino
Stores (who also served as my contact within the company); Michael L.
Murray-Bruce, Managing Director; William R Murray Bruce, the
company Head of Finance and of course, Ben Murray Bruce, a director of
the company and founder of Silverbird who travelled in from the United
States for the anniversary.
Then, I had the support of the Vanguard Group Advert Manager (also incharge of Special Projects) Mr Olu Odulaja, who had given me the
assignment. I had just purchased Brian Tracy's book, Maximum
Achievement, and I was set to put the principles I had learnt in it to
Jumping on a motor-bicycle (known as an Okada in those days) I had
moved from one company to another among the list of contacts provided
by Joy, sourcing for adverts to feature in the project.
One of the companies I had approached for adverts regarding the special
project was WAMCO Nigeria, producers of Peak Milk (now known
as Friesland Campina WAMCO Nigeria). The snag however was that according to the person in charge of advert placement- WAMCO had a
policy concerning its Peak milk product not to advertise in Black and
White (B&W). (In 1994, Nigerian Newspapers were yet to print in colour!)
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I had such a long list of contacts to follow-up on within a short period that
after being persuaded that there was nothing that could be done about, I
gave up!
However, the Peak Milk colour advert story did not end there!
On the day the feature came out (Vanguard's ace columnist and Veteran
journalist, the late Bisi Lawrence, had written a half page kicker to the
cover story to set the ball rolling) I picked up the Champion Newspaper,
which was also working on the same Project (letters had been sent out to
two media organisations) and was confronted with a single advert feature
story and- wait for it - the lone advert was a full page, black and white
advert of Peak Milk!
Not that it bothered or affected my performance. I had sourced several full
page adverts that featured in the project (even extending beyond the
anniversary date) seeing Vanguard increase both its pagination and print
run to accommodate the project. But the fact that those who managed Peak
Milk at WAMCO changed their minds and gave a B&W advert (after
telling me they would not) to Champion Newspapers was something I
found difficult to understand!
What had happened?
Shortly after I left the WAMCO Manager's office I learnt later that a highpowered team of four from Champion had driven to her office, begging
her to give them an advert and citing the fact that their jobs were on the
line, since 'a person from Vanguard' (me) had gotten all the adverts for the
project, while the Champion was left with nothing!

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This is what lead to WAMCO changing their policy and advertising in

B&W; all for the sake of the Murray Bruce family and, the persistence of
the Champion team.
The company's Advert Manager who narrated the story to me was later to
lament over the phone how she wished I had not given up. She added that
she felt bad seeing so many adverts alongside a big feature story in the
Vanguard on the anniversary, while the Champion Newspaper had only
managed to get one (WAMCOs) advert!
Thus, the lesson is to never, ever give up! Please, keep this in the back of
your mind as you read through the rest of this book!
Now, the introduction: How the desire to be a motivational writer led me
into journalism...enjoy!

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The person who learns how to control his thoughts will end up being the one
who controls his world!

It is not the certificate(s), commendation letter or title that you receive

while on a job or an experience you go through that really matters. It is
the skills and talents you are able to acquire and take away with you while
you are there BODE AYODELE

had read all the

books you could think of;
Napoleon Hill's Think and
Grow Rich, Success Through
A Positive Mental Attitude
co- authored by him and W.
Clement Stone, Anthony
Robbin's Awaken the Giant
and Unlimited
Power and even Brian
Achievement; but still, I was
yet to realise my dream of writing a Motivational/Inspirational column
for a nationwide publication, let alone work for one!

The desire to be a motivational writer had started when I read my first selfdevelopment book, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent
Peale. I came across the book after experiencing a setback while engaged
in school politics and studying as a student of Lagos State Polytechnic,
Isolo, and Lagos State. That, however, is another story for another day!
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Although, access to such self-development books in Nigeria, where I lived

then before relocating to the United Kingdom was not as easy as it is today,
there was a bookshop in Victoria Island, Falomo called Glendora
Bookshop that I constantly made a pilgrimage to.
It was there that I occasionally got my fair share of motivational literature.
Then, being the early 90's, as a freelance Special Projects/Advert canvasser
for Vanguard, a significant sum of my commission was earmarked for
motivation and inspirational books. I even tried at a point selling them! As
regards my dream to write, I had managed to get in a few book reviews in
the paper, but never on anything that I could consider the real, big
time stuff!
Though my background at the polytechnic was Accountancy in retrospect
now, Ill say my desire to become a self-development writer, based on the
books I had read, is what lead me into journalism.
I remember the first day I had put across a call to Success Magazine in
the United States. I was put through to the editor! It was like a dream come
true! I had also read Og Mandingos The Greatest Salesman in the World
and, had confessed each of the scrolls in the books for 30 days as
stipulated. Yet still, I was yet to fulfil my dream of becoming a recognised
motivational/inspirational writer or speaker.
And then it happened!
A friend of mine who is also a lawyer, Tomi Vincent, told me about this
publisher friend that he had met, one Mr Sunny Ojeagbase; Publisher of
Complete Football magazine based in Okota. He was planning to start a
self-development motivational inspirational magazine.
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Tomi had spoken to Mr Ojeagbase. The latter wanted to see me. It was an
opportunity I could not afford to miss.
Few who know me presently may have never realised that I ever engaged
in the business of motivation/inspiration in the past. However, in 1995
(almost twenty years ago) I got my first job as writer for a self help
motivational Magazine, SuccessDigest (SD) published by the owner of
Complete Communication Limited (CCL) and founded by Ojeagbase.
To tell the truth I was not initially engaged as a writer but as a marketer
who was saddled with the responsibility to canvass for adverts for the
magazine. He told me during an informal tete-a tete that he had already
employed a complete editorial team for his about to start magazine and
was only looking for an advert canvasser.
One of those amongst the team he referred to was a colleague and friend
till today, Bolaji Oyegunle; a person I would meet up with later on the
sports beat while working for the Guardian. He had moved over from
proof-reading for SuccessDigest to do same for Complete Football, before
he eventually became a sports reporter for the publication!
I applied for the sales job (though, still nursing the ambition of being a
writer) brandishing the theoretical selling skills I had acquired from
listening to the audio tapes of the likes of Anthony Robbins and Brian
Tracy. I subtly mirrored S. O (as we called Ojeagbase back then) during
the interview, noting and re-producing every gesture and move of his while
we spoke! (I learnt about this technique in another set of self-development
books I was reading then). I told him I could sell; that selling by me was
first nature. I told him that I learnt the art of selling by selling myself!
I got the job!
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There was something in me that Ojeagbase saw that made him agree to
employ me that day; even though I did not get to sell a single advert for
the magazine for the over two years that I worked for it!
Ill explain.


Taking up the marketing/sales job on that day was part of a veiled strategy
of mine that I planned to unravel once I secured a foot in the door. The
moment I got the job I embarked upon the next phase of my strategy. I
looked for what I thought was left out or missing in the about to be
published magazine and sought to fill it.
Among other things I wrote an opinion article titled WHAT IS
SUCCESS? Next, I brought in some of my motivational/inspirational
books and did a review on them, introducing a double-paged spread, book
review column. And, as if that was not enough, I came up with a Success
Digest puzzle page, fashioned after Mark Ogagans (then with CCL,
Nigeria) similar page in one of the Complete Communication Limited
I ended up contributing more editorially than anyone else in the editorial
Well, as you might of guessed, that lead to the yet to be made public
masthead, initially describing me as the Sales Representative being
changed to reflect Sales Representative/Staff Writer before it eventually
hit the stands. My article, What is Success? was made the opening article
in the magazine while, I was assigned to handle the opinion column
throughout the duration I worked for SD!
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While I was supposed to be busy canvassing for adverts for the magazine
I sought to, on a part time basis, attend a short course on page planning
and Newspaper/Magazine design at the Nigerian Institute of Journalism
(NIJ). None of us on the SD team then could handle production (except for
Bolaji who working also for Complete Sports, found the task quite
demanding). Complete Football had a production crew which occasionally
helped out and included Phillip Balepo, a senior college who was later to
venture into Sports marketing/ T.V presentation.
The core planning for the SD magazine however, was handled by
Ojeagase himself.
I finished my course and the opportunity to show-off my skills came by in
an unexpected manner. Ojeagbase had a pressing assignment and told us
we would have to handle the entire production of the magazine ourselves.
It is either you guys will sink or swim he explained.
I told my colleagues that I had acquired the skills needed to plan the pages
and they should leave it to me. The magazine came out with a bang and,
coupled with the fact that we ran extracts from the book Maximum
Achievement by Brian Tracy, which I introduced to the team, it was by far
the best selling edition of the magazine up to then. Ojeagbase came back
and was so impressed, I was promoted to be put in charge of Editorial
Production, while someone else was put in-charge of sales and marketing.
In place of not getting adverts for the magazine (although I established a
number of strong contacts) I also came up with the idea an annual
SuccessDigest seminar/conference and muted the idea of selling
motivational/ Business books, then quite novel in Nigeria. This was later
to turn out as the main source of financial success for The Success Attitude
Development Centre (SADC), the mother company of SuccessDigest!
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Though initially engaged as a salesman, I also established myself as a

journalist for in the same year I started, I was selected as the Nigeria Media
Merit Award Business Reporter of the Year (1996) nominee and, received
a letter of commendation for my entry. It was an article on the advent of
Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) in Nigeria.
However, I was less experienced then; attempts by me to see myself made
the Editor of the magazine within two years of being there (trying to take
over from Ojeagase who was then its Publisher/Editor) saw me being
shown the exit door faster than I could think!
I secretly wanted
Ojeagbase to promote
himself to the role of
Editor-in-Chief while
he made me the Editor.
However, he agreed to
give me all that came
with being the Editor
(since I was virtually
playing the role) but
refused to give me the
title! Expressing such to me during a brief informal meeting, he asked me
to state categorically what I wanted from the organisation.
I thought I needed to talk big and told him (through a letter) in response,
that it was either I am made the editor or nothing! I repeated the call during
a high-powered tripartite meeting called between me, himself and his
Deputy in CCL - another long-time senior colleague - Mumuni Alao.

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At the meeting Ojeagbase said it was either one of the two of us would
have to leave the company as he felt I was too ambitious; desiring to take
over his organisation. (Prior to then I had also engaged unsuccessfully in
talks with him as regards owning shares in the company as well!)
Well, it all ended!
On the other hand up to that time it was among the best two years of my
life seeing Ojeagbase describe me as a man of many parts since he not
could arrive at a better way to describe the bundle of talents he saw in me.
Later on I was to chart a career in Journalism; moving on to Policy
Magazine and then to the Guardian. Before Success Digest, as mentioned
earlier, I also had a working stint in the Advert/Special Features
department of Vanguard Newspaper, where I worked and met with the
likes of Bisi Lawrence, Tony Okenedo, Ikeddy Isiguzo and Onochie
Anibeze; while Frank Aibogun served as Editor.
All of these (among other experiences) were part of what formed the
person I am today and the skills I have acquired that has led to my
publishing of Bode in Flight, an online and hard copy publication,
presented in print and video format that enables me to reach out and touch
peoples lives through motivation/inspiration, self-development and
Business ideas/concepts; and of course features stories.
But, it had all started out with the THOUGHT and desire to be a
motivational writer and speaker!
By reading this book, you have become one of those I have set out to touch!
Other chapters you will read include:
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May God help us all to realise our dreams and keep our promises.

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thought is (in the
right direction) the
more likely the goal
is achieved.
everything! There is
nothing that was
created that was not first of all backed up by the power of thought. If you
look at the world closely you will observe the more constructive thought
that goes into something the better its outcome.
Many do not realise the power behind thought because of its invisible
When the bible states God said let there be light and there was light, the
hidden message behind this fact is that the creator thought light into
existence before speaking it forth.
The act of thinking is one of the most important acts a man can engage
in. You can never over-emphasise its importance.
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One success strategy
proven over the years is
the art of writing down
your goals. The basic
reason for this exercise
is to make you think.
Great and deep thinkers
are those who end up
reshaping the world. No great invention, scientific discovery or great
success story was not preceded by deep thought.
Dear reader, I want to reveal to you one of the greatest secrets of life.
Negative thoughts or thinking is what is responsible for all of the
misfortunes, negative occurrences and mishaps in the world today! You
may argue that these happenings are due to the hand of God but, have
you forgotten that God created man in His own image and gave man His
creative ability? Well, that creative power comes through thinking!
One of the reasons why advance world countries appear scientifically
ahead of the developing ones is due to the quality time their scientist,
inventors and leaders spend in constructive thinking.
In many cases scientists invent things that seem virtually impossible; reshaping the world in the process. Simply put, they individually or

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collectively, examine a problem (or challenge) and constantly engage in

thinking about it, till they solve it.
The same goes for inventors, what makes them able to improve on
existing products and invent things that others find useful is, the time
they spend thinking about it.
We have companies with huge sums earmarked for Research and
Development (R&D). These departments are saddled with the
responsibility to frequently design or improve on existing products. All of
these activities require long-term, deep thought.
No matter how good you are at anything, if you do not spend enough
time to think it through it is going to wither off and die at one point; like
a plant, starved of adequate water. Whatever you do, learn to cultivate
the power of constructive thought.
Below, I have listed seven ways you can take best advantage of this
This might sound pedestrian but there is more to it than you might think.
If you want to achieve anything worthwhile you must form the habit of
thinking it through. Play it over in your mind. Create and re-create the
image. Look at what you intend to do from various perspectives in the
picture of your mind. Once you conclude something is worth doing of
course, by all means write it down, but dont just stop there. Go back to
expanding your possibilities through thinking!
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There are basically two worlds every man lives in, in life. The first world is
YOUR WORLD OF REALITY. This is what people see. What you are actually
experiencing. Your job, salary, responsibilities, marriage and financial
status all come into play here. Unfortunately, most people live in this
world alone. They dont dream big because, as far as they are concerned,
there is no reason to do so. Everything looks bleak. The Landlord is on
their neck; the bills have got to be paid and, bankruptcy seems imminent!
Well, such people have got to realise there is another world that you can
live in. It is the WORLD OF YOUR IMAGINATION! The good thing about
this world is that it places no limits or restrictions on you. In this world
you can imagine yourself as a great inventor, a high street Blue Chip
Company Director; a Presidential spokesperson or even another
President Obama! It is the world of Imagination that makes a lot of people
though, with similar circumstances (same job, same education, same
status etc with others) different from one another. Your imagination
will keep that secret you under wraps until it is ready to manifest! When
you see a person that all of a sudden seems to be lucky; a person who has
a colourful personality and that everything seems to be going for, it is
because the person has a vivid, colourful imagination of his/herself.
The moment you begin to realise that thoughts are creative you will begin
to understand the magnetism behind the power of thought. If you
constantly engage in negative thinking you will experience a lot of
negativity. If you engage in positive thinking the result is you will attract
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positive experiences. Even the bible acknowledges this fact where it

states: as a man thinketh so he is. When you understand this, you will
start seeking to eliminate negative thinking habits and replace them with
positive ones. The best way is to write down positive things you want to
happen and read them over and over again.
Many refer to this as meditation time. The problem is, they dont know
what to meditate about! It is not the time to start mulling over your
problems and to think about what a failure you might consider yourself
to be. No, it is the time to examine new ideas, new plans and goals. It is
the time to think big. During this period seek to re-create yourself with
your thoughts. The time in your life which is best to engage in this activity
is during or shortly after your resting period. It is best followed up with a
brief time of writing down the positive, purposeful thoughts youve
engaged in.
Being your own prophet means prophesying constantly into your own
life. If you do not believe in YOU it is probably unlikely that others will.
Many rely on a prophet or someone else to see and say something
positive about them. While, the truth is, they have the same ability lying
within. Speak your destiny to success or, in other words, re-create your
destiny with positive confession. Program or condition your life and that
of your loved ones with positive words. Engage yourself in positive talk.
Pronounce good tidings into your life and destiny. Never agree with what
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is not in your favour. In reality, you may follow professional advice and
take precautions, but mentally, convince yourself that your situation will
change in your favour. Ensure whatever you say is always along such lines.
Sowing thought seeds is one of the easiest ways to change your destiny.
When you think of something positive write it down and put it away. A
while later you may encounter what you have written and it could provide
motivation to move you forward in life. You could send a text message or
a positive worded email to yourself. You could even write to yourself an
encouraging letter. All of these activities will help you form a positive
image about yourself.
Finally, you need to watch your own language. Words trigger off thoughts
and thoughts lead to actions. If this doesnt make sense to you get a loved
one or a person of the opposite sex you admire to start talking to you
about intimacy. Before you know it, a part of you begins to react
physically. Even without you doing anything about it. If such dialogue
continues you will be motivated to act on your thoughts! That is the
power of words! A persons choice of words are very important. Do not
say I am frustrated. Rather, say, I have a bit of a challenge that I am
working towards solving. Keep things in a proper perspective. The
problem you are currently facing does not define you. Let your language
reveal you as a person who is focused and believes in a brighter future.

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In conclusion, once again, the power behind your thoughts cannot be

over-emphasised. Learning how to control your thoughts alone will see
you redirect your life along the right path. Life is made up of people
looking for one secret or the other to get on in life but, I can assure you,
that the man or woman who learns how to control his or her thoughts,
will end up being the one who controls his or her world.

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The angle at which
a bat hits a ball
direction it flies in.
suggests the fact
circumstance determines what you get out of it. How you think
determines how far you sour above the problems of life.
Unfortunately, many have been fooled into believing that what happens
to them in life has nothing to do with how they think or feel. They are
taught that they have no way to exercise any form of control or influence
over their lives. That the only determinants of a persons destiny are
either God or the Devil, who are the representatives of good and evil.
The problem with this belief is that people ask why do bad things happen
rather than seek ways to prevent them from happening. People wait for
guidance to do something, rather than making up their minds, taking
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control and doing it. They put accountability in the hands of someone
else; of God, and go on singing mentally: whats gonna be, gonna be!
When you understand that thoughts are creative then you realise that
you must take control of your thinking pattern and processes. You must
take responsibility for your actions and destiny. You must take charge!
One of the easiest ways to do this is to control your attitude towards
every circumstance you encounter.
There are many problems you may encounter in life that may seem
unsolvable; like losing a loved one or the wrecking of a car in a motor
accident. But, what we can take care of however, is our aftermath, mental
reaction. If, when any unavoidable circumstance happens to you, your
first reaction is I am finished! It is most likely that you will trigger of a
chain reaction of subsequent negative occurrences in your life.
Fear magnetises more problems!
On the other hand, if you let the problem inspire you to think positively;
to look at it from a positive perspective, the chain of subsequent
occurrences would likely be different. As stated in the opening quote of
this chapter, the angle at which a bat hits a ball determines the direction
it flies in. Your thoughts are the bat and the problem the ball. Your
thoughts must address the problem in such a way that it must not have a
negative spill over affect; affecting other aspects of your daily life and
Many look at their problems and allow themselves to believe they are
going through the worst a person can experience. They believe there is
no one else suffering like they do. That is the wrong way to approach a
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problem. The first thing you need to do is to put the problem and your
situation in the right perspective!
I am
sure we
have all
heard of
the story
man who
said he
no shoes until he came across a person with no feet. The fact that a
narrative is publicised and promoted above others does not mean that it
is the best example of its kind. You do not need to flow with the crowd.
Many have heard of the story of Rosa Parks standing her grounds and
insisting on sitting while white people stood in a segregated bus; but few
have heard of another lady who, since she was a six year old child - went
through what Parks experienced on one day - for an entire year!
Ruby Bridges story is a perfect example of how a negative situation, when
confronted with a positive attitude can be turned into a positive

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Ruby Bridges was a Black
American born September 8,
1954. She was the first Black
American to attend an allwhite elementary school in
South America.
In 1960 at the age of six she
was one of the same number
of students who were selected
based on merit to attend a
school. The selection was part
of a scheme for them to
participate in the integration
of the New Orleans School
System, which was billed to
see students of colour, for the
first time, attend schools meant for white children only.
The other five students for one reason or the other could not honour the
invitation. Ruby was the only coloured student that showed up. The
problem was however, parents of the white students in the school were
not interested in having Ruby learn alongside their children and, at a
point, withdrew their wards from the school in a protest to the new state
integration policy.
Even the teachers (all white then) refused blatantly to teach Ruby. Her
saviour came in the person of one Barbara Henry, a newly employed
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teacher in the school,

who offered to teach
her. This, she did, in an
empty class for a whole
year as others refused to
get close to this brave
young girl!
In a movie to depict the
life and times of Ruby
Bridges viewers would
note as the young girl
was guarded and escorted by four U.S Marshals everyday she went to
school. She was abused and derided by parents and pupils, who lined up
to stage a protest in front of the school building.
One parent threatened Ruby that she would poison her. Another brought
out a coffin with a coloured doll inside and threatened to kill her. Despite
all of this Ruby focused on her studies all by herself until she performed
excellently in her first years grades. Her result was so good that the school
principal, who was reportedly also against the presence of Ruby in the
school, forced Rubys teacher, Henry, to resign when the later refused to
lower Rubys grades.
By the second year Rubys persistence had yielded great results as the
anti-integration policy was totally abandoned. Many more coloured
pupils entered school, seeing Ruby serving the role of a trail blazer.

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Ruby, now an
invited to the
White House by
Barrack Obama,
standing in front
of a huge framed
picture of her
attending the school during the first week when she was six years old,
told her in front of all present that she was the reason why he was in the
White House!
Could you expect such a negative circumstance to give you an honour any
more than that!
Below are tips on how to maintain a positive attitude and handle
negative circumstances when they come your way:
There must be something positive that you can hold on to. You must
preach to yourself and convince yourself that it is not as worse as it could
be. Your mind must never be convinced that you are in for it or that you
just cant stop negative things from coming your way. The first area that
you need to recover from the shock of the occurrence is in the area of
your mind! Dont allow negative occurrences to throw you off balance!
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Your thoughts and speech must work in synergy with each other for you
to maximise your full success potential. Never allow yourself to fall into
the rut of speaking negatively about a situation. If you are considered a
failure during an exam make it clear that you are looking towards
excelling next time. If you lose something valuable make it clear that you
are planning to have it replaced. Positive thinking and speaking ensures
a person maintains a positive mental attitude. You cannot afford to be
negative about your circumstance. Remember thoughts are things!
One major reason why people crumble, so to say, after a negative
experience is because they allow themselves to be defeated in the battle
of the mind. The mind processes a million thoughts per day. Some of
these are triggered externally, some are generated from within based on
previous experiences etc. In all, it is the job of the conscious mind to filter
these thoughts and to determine which ones are valid; which one should
be further substantiated and which ones must be discarded. Not
evaluating your thoughts, whether positive or negative, is a recipe to
If two negative occurrences happen to you within a short period (for
instance, within the same week) it is wrong for you to conclude that
everything negative is just coming your way. Rather, you must isolate
each problem and take them for what they really are - isolated cases. Next
you must look at the aspect (s) of each problem (s) and identify that they
could have been worse. Finally, you must look for a way to solve the
problem and put it to rest.
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fYou can
make it a

continuous, daily habit. If you go about speaking and confessing negative

daily, thinking you can just put on your positive thinking cap when
something negative occurs, it is not going to work. Thoughts behave like
water and tend to flood the mind once they are entertained. You have to
control them the way water is controlled by the knob of a tap or a dam!
Dear reader, maintaining the right attitude in every circumstance is an
essential habit of success that you must develop over time. It is not going
to happen overnight. It requires a lot of self-discipline and practice.
Remember the saying represented by the acronym, GIGO: garbage in,
garbage out! What you feed your mind with determines what it dwells
upon. This is where reading positive success stories and listening to
positive messages comes into play.
God has given every individual His own capabilities and personality. We
have that ability to prophesy, and as the bible states, degree a thing and
it will surely come to pass! Why not begin to speak daily, positively into
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your own life today. Exercise and begin to think about the positive future
your God given capabilities can create for yourself?
You are whatever you make yourself to be in life!

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The truth is, until
you realise that you
personal gold mine
and you understand
how to cultivate and
tap its resources,
you get will be
fretted away and
amount to nothing
How would you react if you were informed/discovered that you own a
personal gold mine? I mean, a mine of wealth, which can only be accessed
by you. A mine that is full of assets that you can convert and sell for cash.
Yes, one that belongs to you of which you can do whatever you like with
it! Well, the truth is not only do you own one - every human being on the
face of this earth, as we intend to point out in this article - does!
Many people fail to realise how wealthy they really are. If wealth could
be defined as the accumulated worth of what you have, that could be
converted to cash, there are many millionaires out there who do not even
recognise it! I am talking about everyday people. The common man on
the street.
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Many feel the only way they can make it financially in life is to be a
beneficiary of a huge sum of money. Some seek to win the jackpot while
others go in search of a wealthy benefactor. Some are willing to do
anything - either legally or illegally - to acquire such, but the truth is, until
you realise that you already own a personal gold mine and you
understand how to cultivate and tap its resources, whatever money you
get will be fretted away and amount to nothing purposeful.
I will stop building the suspense at this point dear reader and let the cat
out of the bag- your personal mine of wealth - is your mind!
The mind of
personal gold
mine and the
each man is the
human being on
the face of this
earth has some
form of knowledge that, with time, when packaged and presented
properly, many out there will willingly pay for.
Have you considered that the experiences you have gone through in life
could be converted to cash? Have you discovered that your skills and
talents are assets others are willing to pay for to learn how you got them?
Just take a look around you dear reader and you will discover that those
who are considered wealthy in life (aside through inheritance) qualify to
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be called thus because of what they have been able to generate through
the gold mine of the mind and convert into money!
Many fail to understand the value of uniqueness. What is unique to you
could be valuable information to others. Have you survived a turbulent
marriage? Check online, there are those who have converted such
experience into a book that sells for money! Have you gone through a
crises before? There are many out there that are willing to part with a few
dimes to gain from your experience; probably as a Public Speaker. No
matter who you are and where you are there is something you are in
possession of within the store of your mind that someone else is willing
to pay for!
What most people need is not what they can sell, it is how to package and
market what they already have in their possession. They dont, at the
initial stage, need a huge sum of money from some rich person. They
need to learn how to cultivate the knowledge within and present it in the
form that that the rich person or investor will buy into it. And this brings
us to the difference between being rich and being wealthy. While being
rich could be referred to as those who have a lot of disposable income to
spend, being wealthy is possessing what can easily be converted to

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As far as that
dear reader, YOU,
yes YOU reading
this line at this very
moment - YOU are
not going to be but are already a
very, very wealthy
I recall an article I wrote while working for SuccessDigest many years
back. The article was titled: There are Diamonds in the mud but you need
to dig down deep to find them. In it I posited that just as diamonds can
only be found beneath the earth and require miners to dig deep into the
dirt to discover them, there are individuals who, in terms of their
potentials are similar if not equal to rare diamonds in worth, but may only
be found and discovered by those who seek them in the most
unexpected, obnoxious of places.
In the Chapter Seven of this book under the titled Constant and Never
Ending Improvement (CANI) one of the self-improvement points given is
that a person must learn how to sell oneself. Selling yourself in this
instance, refers to the ability to present and attract buyers to pay for or
subscribe to your wealth of knowledge. The skills and talents you have
are the gold nuggets but the ability to sell them effectively are the tools
and equipment you need to commence mining.
Just as the acquiring of tools for mining are expensive, the acquisition of
tools to mine and present the wealth of your mind, to attract the money
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you desire, is not easy to come by. Such tools when acquired can easily
see you become a beneficiary of numerous investment schemes designed
to assist those who have potentials to excel in business. Two of such
schemes that readily come to mind includes a the start-up loan for young
entrepreneurs scheme approved and introduced by the British Prime
Minister, David Cameron; a Business loan scheme organised by Smarta
Enterprise (both here in the united Kingdom) and the Youth Enterprise with
Innovation in Nigeria YouWiN scheme, initiated by the Ministry of Finance
of the Nigerian Federal Government, which is presently in its third and
probably, final year.
According to Paul C Nwabuikwu, Special Adviser to the Coordinating
Minister of the Economy and Minister of Finance Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,
one of the main problems Nigerian youths, -the targeted beneficiaries of
the scheme are facing- is the inability to properly sell their talents and
The question is not whether you have anything to sell? The question is,
have you acquired the skills and talents, being the tools and equipment
required, to sell it!
To turn your mental gold mine into wealth, below are two essential tips,
which will see you succeed:
One thing a lot of people who want to establish business fail to
understand is that putting those skills and talents to use to the benefit of
others is a powerful marketing skill itself. There are a thousand of people
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who want to tell you all about what they can do but are unwilling to give
away anything of such until you pay for it!
One motivational/Inspirational speaker/ author I have been personally
endeared to over the years is American motivational speaker, Brian
Tracy. Tracy has become such a huge success partially, as a result of the
amount of useful information he freely gives away. A highly successful
student of Tracy is Brendon Burchard. Burchard describes giving out free
stuff for others to have access (basically through the internet) as organic
content; stating that having something free to give away is one of the
surest ways to ensure you turn out successful in future.
There are many who spend pages and pages telling you what a product
of theirs would do if you buy into it without bothering to tell you anything
that will impact your life on the spot. Why would I want to buy and read
your book that you claim can motivate and inspire me to success if, while
promoting it, you cannot motivate and inspire me in the process? People
are not likely to buy because you tell them what you can do. They are
likely to buy if you seize the opportunity they offer and first of all start to
do it. Start impacting peoples lives for free with the skills and talents that
you have acquired and watch as others come seeking your service as time
goes on.
By having something valuable to freely give away, not only will you be
exercising and perfecting your skills of packaging and presenting your
talents, you will also be creating an army of word of mouth promoters for
your products as well. Brendon Burchard, mentioned earlier, noted in one
of his training sessions that there are lower and upper tier end products.
The former being products not as detailed and as qualitative as the latter.
He noted that one should ensure he has a product in both categories;
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further revealing that the free content you give out is what will attract
prospective buyers of any of these products, in the first place.
It is one thing to have social media presence, it is another to know how
to best exploit it to the advantage of your business or self-development.
While some would argue that that a platform like Facebook engages too
much of their time and does not contribute anything positive to their
lifestyle, others would agree there are many who have initiated and
maintained six figure businesses through the same medium!
Many still feel that a platform like Linkedin is still only meant for listing
your C.V and work profile. Few fail to understand that both Linkedin and
Twitter are so interactive now they the usage of all kinds of media that
could help you get across to your required audience.
In all, the success you seek for lies within you. Your unique experience
and knowledge only needs to be tapped, developed and presented in
such a form that it will attract the interest of prospective buyers.
There is a gold mine of wealth and knowledge you have acquired over the
years within you that is waiting to be explored!
Only you has the key to its vaults!!

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The more powerful
the thought is (in the
right direction) the
more likely the goal
it is aimed to

motivational writer,
W Clement Stone
who coined the phrase Inspirational Dissatisfaction. In the book,
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude he co-authored with
Napoleon Hill, he highlighted the fact that one could convert his thoughts
from negative to positive; by using the emotions behind any form of
dissatisfaction, to serve as a propeller to achieve greatness.
Many have allowed negative emotions to truncate their journey to
success and terminate the belief in their ability to fulfil their dreams. They
have permitted external influences to form and reinforce negative
thoughts in their minds, rather than conquer them, on the journey to
achievement. The person who is inspirationally dissatisfied however, lets
the negative emotions they derive from the negative influence they
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experience, motivate them to develop an equal and then stronger

positive emotion.
It is not uncommon that most of the acts of greatness that we consider
amazing feats of our time are nothing but activities of men who were
inspired and spurred on by their initial dissatisfaction.
Thoughts and the brain operate like the signals emitted by a Sat-Nav
device. The life and destiny of each person follows the pattern of his
thoughts and thoughts of others about him. You can harness the latter by
constantly thinking positively and constructively, and not allowing the
negative thoughts of others about you to guide you. It is for this reason
it is essential to master the art of goal-setting and positive-thinking. Set
your mind on whatever you want to achieve, act in that direction and
keep going till you get there. When you do this there is nothing that you
cant accomplish.
This brings one to the story of James Ketchell. Ketchell is now a relatively
popular man. At a point his name dominated the news on virtually all of
the network stations. His is a story of courage, fortitude and ambition in
the face of what many would consider unsurmountable obstacles and
The story of Ketchells life seemed to all of a sudden to grind to a halt
when in 2007, in a motorbike accident, he broke (some reports say
shattered) his ankle; breaking both legs and an arm.
Expectedly, the doctors told him he would never walk properly again.
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But Ketchell had different plans. He concluded that he was not yet
through with life. He wanted to enjoy it and enjoy it he would.
He set goals for
anywhere near
to what he did
would consider
Then, all of a
sudden, it was all over the news that he had accomplished them all.
The 31 year- old completed what has been called "global triathlon". He
rode a bicycle over almost 270 miles; rowed all by himself 3,000 miles
across the Atlantic Ocean, and wait for it, successfully climbed Mount
Today, he is being regarded as a record breaker, in many quarters. But
imagine at a point he was not even expected to walk!
Is there anything in life that serves as a source of discouragement? Is
there any experience that you are longing to get away from? Maybe, this
is the time to reach out, and aim for those dreams you once considered
out of reach?
Someone said the best antidote to pain is success? One could add to that
that the best way to get rid of a bad experience is by replacing it with a
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good one. You may not be able to change things immediately but you can
change the way or the perspective from which you look at it. It was coauthor and colleague of W Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill (both mentioned
earlier) who said for every adversity, there is the seed of an equal or
greater benefit."
If you take a look at your past I am sure there were experiences youve
had which you thought you would never get over. Probably, there were
times you thought you wanted to commit suicide and wondered whether
you could survive another day. But all of such thoughts are of the past
now showing that with time, by filling your mind with other thoughts, you
managed to overcome and get by.
Below are ways to turn your source of dissatisfaction into an


A BHAG is what has come to be known as a Big Hairy Audacious
Goal. (Dont ask me how they came about that phrase!) It is what
some others would call a Magnificent Obsession. It is the setting
and striving for goals and objectives that otherwise you would
consider out of reach. Once you do this and set out to achieve
them you will take your mind of whatever is causing sorrow.
What has caused dissatisfaction in your life? Dont run away from it.
Turn it on its head and face it head on. How many are there who have
set up charities as a result of the loss of a love one; an incurable disease,
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or in remembrance of a mishap during a disaster? With time you will

discover that the positive cause you embark upon as a result of the
problem you encounter will soon replace and grow bigger than the
problem itself.


Never give negative thoughts the upper hand. Ask yourself what can
there be thats positive out of this experience? How can you turn it into
a gain? How can you please yourself and other loved ones? Can you turn
it around and squeeze a testimony out of it? Are there others who have
had experienced anything similar that you can learn from? Once, you
find that positive angle to an experience, consider it as a building block!
Hold on to it, till something else positive comes your way; then build
each positive experience upon the other, brick by brick, till you get out
of the dark. Dont dwell on negative experiences. Engage yourself and
get busy doing something worthwhile.


There is always something to be grateful for. There is always a reason to
give thanks to God. The moment you believe your case is the worse
there could be you, have caged yourself in a prison of negativity that
you have to mentally break-away from. Tell yourself how lucky you are.
Tell yourself you survived for a purpose. Speak and preach to
yourself. Play the role of being your own positive thoughts advocate!


When mishaps set in, it is the time to take a re-think about your destiny.
Do I need to change something? Is there some advice that I have
ignored? Am I really doing what I want? Is there still enough time for me
to change? These are the kind questions you need to ask and provide
answers to as you chart a new course. Never just shrug your shoulders
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and act as if nothing can change. For every human motion there is a

force or emotion behind it. Things dont just happen. The more
powerful the thought is (in the right direction) the more likely the
goal it is aimed to accomplish is achieved. This is why it is essential
you turn dissatisfaction into inspiration. It works!

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"The subconscious
mind, comprises of
those thoughts that
influence and
impact your life,
which you are not
consciously aware
In the first chapter
we looked at the
power of thought.
We highlighted how
everything and anything that exists, was brought into existence through
thought. In this chapter we will take a step further from where we
stopped to take a look at how to harness the power of the subconscious
To do this, we must know what the subconscious is. Many definitions
have been put forward on the topic. Some of these are so complex that,
rather than making the subject easier to understand, they do the exact
opposite! But, basically, the subconscious mind comprises of those
thoughts that influence and impact your life, which you are not
consciously aware of!
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What do we mean by this? Remember thoughts are substance. They

materialise into action, personality, power or even material things!
We can further divide thoughts into two main categories: those we, as
individuals, are consciously aware of, and those we are not.! Both kind of
thoughts have an impact on our lives and destiny!
Belonging to the first category are the conscious thoughts that we engage
in on a daily
take, the desire
we have and
emotions such as
love, joy, peace
opposites. All of
such belong to
this category. Every day you consciously engage in a thought process and
these thoughts are largely responsible for how you go about your day or
what you experience that day.
In the second category, the subconscious, are at least two kinds of
thoughts: thoughts that you have consciously engaged in the past but
have forgotten (they still have an impact on your life all the same) and,
thoughts others have towards or concerning you!
Every day you have people thinking about you. The people you meet or
those you have encountered in the past. The people who read/encounter
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books or work credited to you. All of these put out a thought process that
directly or indirectly impacts your life.
For instance, when you write a book, a blog or even put up a post on your
Facebook account, someone else reads it and sets in motion a thought
process about you and what you have written. If the person is so pleased
with what you have written he (or she) could say a word of prayer;
blessing you for what you have done. Now, this will amount to a positive
thought issued concerning you that you are not aware of. It is a positive
force, seeking to make a positive impact on your life, nevertheless!
Or lets assume it is the other way round. You state something that seems
to support a government official that many consider fraudulent. Of
course, there are those that will say or let out thoughts that may not be
in your favour concerning what you have written. Or, for instance, if you
are writing against the Obama Health Care Plan, saying it is a waste of
money, some angry reader could say or hope that the next time you are
sick or need medical attention you will not be able to afford it! Here, you
have a set of negative thoughts, issued concerning your person that once
again you have to contend with despite the fact that you are not aware
of them!
Take note that I said thought is power! The more thought there is in a
particular direction, the more the possibility the direction towards
accomplishing the goal that thought is directed towards is accomplished.
As pointed out in a previous chapter scientist discover inventions by
constantly engaging in a particular thought; they desire to achieve
something, until they experience a breakthrough!
Many people do not realise that they are guided and powered in life by
thoughts. Take a look at the footballer who makes a number of dazzling
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moves on the field of play, or seemingly, effortlessly scores (with an

acrobatic bicycle kick) without even looking in the direction of the goal!
Aside his skill and talent, he is able to accomplish such a feat so
effortlessly due to the enormous amount of thought that has gone into
him becoming a world class player.
Another example is the Man of God who convinces thousands that he is
a person who has met with and is blessed by God. He later proclaims a
blessing upon a persons life. The power of thought emitted by the
thousands of followers who believe he has power to say something and
it will come to pass, goes to work and the person he blesses receives a
Thought is power and wherever it is channelled it will seek to make an
This leads one to the issue of mental Health problems and what has
become to be regarded as madness. It occurs when a persons thought
process is overwhelmed by the thoughts and influence of others who are
thinking negatively about him. When those external thoughts (thoughts
of others thinking about the person) are negative, the person engages in
negative acts that amount to madness! At a point it could be said the
person no longer knows what he is doing because he is no longer
controlling his own thoughts or actions. What happens in the mind of a
person with mental health problems is that the thought of others take
over their own. This is why there have been issues of people hearing
voices and seeing other people. Their minds are so engage by thoughts of
the mind of others or negative thoughts that theyve had in the past that
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they no longer engaging in conscious, constructive thought to control

their own lives.
Just as a ship is impacted by the waves and the wind (aside the motor of
the engine that powers it); and, a train is impacted by the force of gravity,
traction behind the tracks, and weight of the passengers it carries (aside
its engine force); and, a plane is impacted by the wind/air, gravitational
pull of the Earth, Sun and Moon (and of course, the weight of passengers);
every individual has a number of thought processes outside his own
conscious thoughts, that seek to impact him!
As, in the examples given, there is the need to control and take advantage
of these forces by harnessing them with a focused, self-directed,
controlled force. Man, is not at any time to surrender his thought process
to an invisible guiding force, without remaining in control.
Remember you are the captain of your own ship, the person in-charge of
the steering wheel of your life. Dont surrender this responsibility to some
If you are driving and you hit a boulder along the road, the force of the
impact will probably send you and the car in a different direction. The
power of the engine you control (through the steering wheel which
controls the wheels) will seek to send you in another direction. Not losing
control to the former, but constantly being in charge till you steadily take
control of the vehicle, is what makes you an experienced driver.
People can send out negative thoughts concerning you, leading you in
one direction, by identify the trends in your life you can unravel these
thoughts and through positive thinking send your life in another. A curse
is a set of thoughts, a blessing is another set, likewise. If one persons
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thoughts send you in an unwanted direction, engage in positive thoughts

that will send you in another. Direct your thoughts positively towards
yourself and your loved ones and avoid all the negativity that may have
been sent out to manipulate your life.
Just as computers can be linked to each other through the internet and
used to access each others files, as Napoleon Hill pointed out in Think
and Grow Rich. Brains of people can be linked up with the minds of
others they love, have emotional thoughts towards or who are think
about them at the same time. When you think of something and someone
else thinks of, says, or does it at the same time such minds become linked
together. This is what enhances telepathic communication. If someone
has an accident in a faraway place and you have a feeling something
terrible has happened to that person, the linking of brains though
transmitted thought is most likely what is responsible for such
Our minds are like transmitters that are linked to each other by the power
or intensity of thought
Remember, when in the past you probably thought of an idea but checkup the things you needed to accomplish it on the internet only to find that
such is not yet available. You check again, around a month later and find,
just the way you want it, what you need to move your idea forward. What
has happened is that your thought has triggered of, a thought process
tapped into by the minds of others that lead to someone, somewhere
picking up the idea and making what you need (and most likely are willing
to pay for) happen!

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Success does not come
in one swoop. It comes
incrementally over time.
There is not really
anything such as instant
success. It requires
preparation, consistency
and focus.

Each sport has its own

peculiarities. One of such sports is baseball. Originating from the United
States in the 18th century the game uses the phrase stepping up to the
This refers to when a batter move close to a pentagon shaped metallic plate
in the batting area to strike the flying ball thrown by a pitcher.
Successfully striking a ball in baseball requires precision skill and much
practise. The ball is thrown at top speed, with some of the sports "power
pitchers," reportedly pitching at speeds of 95106 mph (152.9170.59
km/h). The bat is one with the least area of contact that you can think of.
Modern day baseball bats have a diameter of 2.61 inches and length of 42
inches. This, by far leaves the hitter with much less a surface to hit the
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ball with, than in other bat and ball games, where a ball is similarly
required to be hit in motion, like lawn tennis and Cricket,
Missing the ball in flight in the game is common, especially for learners.
Batters are given two opportunities to restrain from hitting a pitched ball
(depending on certain conditions, too technical to mention here) before
being required to make an attempt on the third; otherwise, they are
penalised. The fear of not hitting the ball or not hitting it well and being
caught out by an opponent has scared many from stepping out and
attempting to hit! When you decide to hit a pitched, flying ball, you are
expected to step forward and place your foot on the plate in front of you,
hitting from there!
Many however, are afraid to Step up to the Plate!
Succeeding in life is similar to a batter attempting to strike a ball in
Many want to succeed but are afraid to attempt to do what it takes. They
want to make money but are afraid to lose. The want to sell but are afraid
of rejections. They want pass an exam but are afraid of failing. Some even
want to date but are afraid of being turned down!
As the saying goes nothing ventured, nothing gained! You cannot seek
to maintain status quo and equally hope things will change for good. Even
if opportunities come knocking on your door as they sometimes will, you
have got to take advantage of them.
You can only perfect what you practise. Luck is so scarce that it is not
something you can hope to live by. Success does not come in one swoop.
It comes incrementally over time. There is not really anything such as
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instant success. It requires preparation, consistency and focus. It calls for

hard work, diligence and concentration.
One of the reasons why many people are afraid of stepping out and taking
risks is because of numerous erroneous notions they may have. Below are
a few belief systems you need to do away with if you want to achieve your
Never, ever conclude that you have failed. In fact believe that there is no
such thing as failure. The earlier you allow this to sink in the better. A
person may choose to stop attempting to learn or seeking to achieve
something. But that is all the person has done. He has not failed. He has
only stopped trying.
Most of the things we use today are made by scientist. What many might
call failure scientist will refer to it as an experiments. It is called an
experiment because they are not sure of the outcome. Some of these
experiments could go on for ages. In fact the more they are carried out, the
better the end product turns out.
Some of the worlds most brilliant people have been adjudged to have
failed before. I am sure we are all aware of how the world greatest scientist,
Albert Einstein, was once considered a dullard who would amount to
nothing by his class teacher in school. We may also be aware of the case
of Winston Churchill, who was said to have failed the English Language
in school, only for his speeches to become a point of reference much later.

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Failure does not exist. Even mistakes, like the one that led to the discovery
of Penicillin, have something good to offer. Every attempt in life has its
own purpose. Its own seed of greatness!


Opportunities come as many times as you seek them. The world is
governed by thought. Your thought process either repels or attracts
opportunities. When your mind has been developed you will get to the
point where you can tap into the mind and the thoughts of others. As stated
earlier with reference to Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich, the mind
itself operates like a signal transmitting and receiving device. When people
have hunches, premonitions, telepathic messages and even a word of
knowledge - as stated in the bible - it is the ability of the mind of man to
be linked to the mind of others that is at work.
Opportunities are created, they do not jump out of space! The world will
create as many opportunities for those who refuse to stop looking for
them. They may take time to manifest and not come as soon as you want
them, to but they will eventually show up, and show up again, if you keep
looking for them long enough!
What is yours will come your way. Unless you give it up and pass it on to
someone else. You are the driver at the steering wheel of your life. Your
thoughts are what controls the vehicle of your destiny. You need to take
responsibility. When you allow others to control your thoughts you are
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invariably allowing them to chart the course of your life. This could be
through charting and determining your belief system.
In all, a focused mind will eventually surmount all obstacles and
accomplish its desire to the extent to which it is focused. Distractions,
interruptions and stoppages may delay you along the journey but you alone
can decide what is most important to you in your quest for life. If along
the way, it seems someone takes what you are targeting, just believe it was
not meant for you. What is yours will eventually come your way. Just
remain focused on achieving your goals and fulfilling your purpose.
Furthermore, to programme yourself, always be willing to take advantage
of whatever comes your way. Towards realising your dreams you need to:
The big picture is your overall goal or objective. Once you continually
have this at the back of your mind you will remain on course towards
accomplishing it. If it seems your life takes a detour it could be for a good
reason. Probably, your mind has discovered an easier route to get to your
destination. Or, maybe there are other things that you have programmed
into your mind that make it avoid certain routes you intend to take to
success. Keeping the big picture in focus will enable you remain on path
towards accomplishing it. Whatever happens along the course of life, it
will give you the assurance, that you will surely fulfil your dreams.

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What you absorb determines who you are. Your environment, friends and
influences reinforces, sharpens and shapes your destiny. Why people are
different or similar is based upon the different or similar kind of backgrounds
they grow up in. There was this story of a child that was raised up with monkeys
in the forest. The child moved on all fours and made grunting sounds like a
monkey. Though he eventually was rescued, taken to school and joined a choir
(google the story: From Monkey boy to Choir boy) he still has memories of
his wild-life background. Similar stories are seen under documentaries on what
have come to be referred to as Feral Children. The mind can only work on what
you feed it on and your personality can only rise up based upon what mental
resources you provide it with.


Never give yourself excuses for under-performance. If you barely manage
to accomplish goals you set for yourself, or others set for you, it is because
you keep aiming low in life. Form the habit of doing more than is required.
Improve on your work ethic. Re-organise your priorities. However, there
is nothing wrong in considering one aspect of life more important than
others. Some people consider getting a distinction in school a priority.
Others would be satisfied with just passing by and are more interested with
excelling elsewhere, probably in business. Yet still, some want to excel in
everything they do, irrespective of what it costs! There is nothing anyone
cannot excel in, in life, if the person puts enough thought, effort and time
to it and is willing to pay the price. This leads us to the next point:
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Virtually anything and everything can be accomplished if you are willing

to pay the price. Numerous feats that were once considered impossible
have been achieved with ease over time as more and more people have
given what it takes to realise their dreams. You are not really serious about
the goal you have set until you understand what it cost and are willing to
invest in it. Success is an exchange. You may need to trade in your time
effort, energy, knowledge or even goodwill to attain it. If you want to be
taken serious with the goals you have set you need not only state what you
want to achieve but what you intend to do that will enable you to achieve
It is essential to know that stepping up to the plate requires courage and
determination. You need to be hungry enough for success. You need to
conclude within your mind that you are willing to give - and probably even
forsake - whatever it takes, to make your dreams come true!

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"The day a plant stops
growing (improving) is
the day it starts to wither
and die. If you want to
remain relevant in this
present age you have to
improve on skills and
talents acquired, daily.
It was motivational
and author Brian Tracy
that popularised the acronym CANI. It stands for Constant and Never
Ending Improvement. Also calling it the 1000% principal, Tracy refers to
IT as a formula based on the law of incremental improvement. The
Japanese call it the Kaizen principal, the principal of continuous
betterment. It is getting a little bit better every day.
To Tracy, this was responsible for his tax returns increasing from $14,400
to $1, 400, 040 per year, 12 years later.
This meant he increased his sales by 100 times in twelve years!

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CANI is not only applicable to selling. If you can apply the principal to
other areas of life you will in no time turn yourself into what others will
regard as a genius in whatever you do.
One constant factor that many people fail to prepare for is change. Change
is inevitable and is bound to happen. However, to take advantage of change
you must implement it yourself before circumstances change you.
In Business and Management there is a module referred to as PESTEL
Analysis. It was designed by Harvard University lecturer Michael Porter.
It refers to a company assessing its Political, Economic, Sociological,
Technological, Environmental and Legal climate towards preparing
strategically for the future and, out-pacing competition.
You do not need to be a legal entity (another name for a company) before
you assess factors that have an impact on your life and make changes to
take advantage of them.
Another issue that people need to de-emphasise a little is specialisation.
Ill agree it is good to specialise in a certain disciplines and excel in these
areas but it is also necessary that you do not remain too dependent on
others to the point that you cannot perform without them.
I will illustrate this with a personal example. In 1998 I started working for
The Guardian Newspaper, Nigeria (first as a test candidate, then later as a
member of staff.) I had worked in the media before but had not done
anything close to working under the kind of pressure you experience while
working for a daily.
One thing that was mandatory when I started was the need to maintain a
doubled spaced writing style while preparing a manuscript. Ineligible
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writers usually suffered in the hands of proof-readers and typesetters and

eventually, editors, who may not easily understand what you have written.
Due to constant pressure to meet up with deadlines it was not in all cases
you were called upon to explain what you had written.
With time I discovered that I was not producing enough stories. The reason
was I was just getting use to the double spaced, clear handwriting style.
Born a left-handed person, I hand on my own accord (after being beaten
as a kid for it of course) changed over to writing with my right hand, As a
result I could no longer write in a hurry. By the time I wrote half way
through, in most cases, I cancelled the script and started again to make it
look better. By the time I was through with my story the deadline for
submission was over!
In some cases I would risk it, trying to write in a hurry, only to have pages
and pages cancelled for being ineligible. The situation was helpless!
This continued until one day I made up my mind to effect a change. I saved
up some money and brought myself a laptop!
It looked more like a portable T.V than a laptop compared to what we have
today. But despite the fact that I was only a test candidate (until a while
later when I was eventually given a job) there were very few others in the
newsroom who came to work with one.
In no less than no time I taught myself how to type my own stories. I had
less errors in my copies since I could spell check them before submission.
There was also no longer an issue of ineligible writing.

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In fact with time I

connected my funny
company server and
was submitting my
stories direct to the
copy chasers (a term
however, I noticed another bottleneck in my work. With time I was
responsible for producing and planning the golf pages of the
paper. Initially, I had little control of how the pages came out, as the page
planning was handled by the production crew. With my laptop and a few
instructions to put me through however, I perfected the aspect of laying
out my golf pages on the laptop myself. I also took time to learn how to
beautify them, shading certain areas and boxing out others.
My improvement became so conspicuous that the then MD and Editor-inChief of The Guardian, Dr Emeka Izeze, reportedly made reference to it
much later, when computer training was made compulsory for all Guardian
Today, as the Publisher of my own publication, Bode in Flight, I can plan
design and produce the pages it all by myself as a result of the knowledge
I had acquired beyond just mere writing, when I was a journalist.
When it was eventually announced that all Guardian reporters should type
their own stories, many complained while some felt threatened that the
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directive was aimed towards victimising them. Imagine what would have
happened to me if, when the change occurred, I was one of those who
complained. Your guess is as good as mine. Still then, just a test candidate,
I would have been forced to leave!
Never wait for your environment to force you to change if you can avoid
doing so. The best way to prepare for change is to improve on your
knowledge and skills and always seek a better way to do things.
As stated earlier, the day a plant stops growing is the day it starts to wither
and die. If you want to remain relevant in this present age you have to grow
by improving your skills and talents daily.
I remember attending a Business and Management seminar recently where
the facilitator spoke on the fact that many companies were adapting
automated selling. Specifically mentioned, was Argos, a British retailer
store which commenced what they called a digital generation of new
The stores would see customers placed orders electronically and conveyor
belts transporting their products to a terminal where the purchase was
made. It was also noted that certain robots were being produced in Japan
which were designed to do the work of men.
What surprised me was that majority of the attendees at the seminar
consider this a problem for job security in the future. With the way things
are going on, many are going to lose their jobs to machines one lady
Technology will one day make men redundant, I can see some of these
companies sacking their staff another man, who sat in the front, added.
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But I felt differently and I made my views known. I explained that it was
men who would design those machines and as the future unfolds one could
make his or herself relevant by learning something that the usage of such
technology would depend upon. I reminded them that the same was said
about computers replacing men at work but it never happened. Not many
people (aside the facilitator) was impressed with my suggestion.


There is what is referred to as the 80-20 rule or principle. Named after an
Italian, Vilfredo Pareto, the rule simply states: a vital few that make up
20% of the people earn 80 % of all the money. It is also applicable to
other aspects of life. Hence, we could state: a vital few that make up of
20% percent of the workforce, provide 80% of the skill, talent, ideas and
so on that gets the job done. Whatever you do, always seek to be in the
20% or even 5% league. Make yourself indispensable. Let it always be
said, even years after you leave a company, that this was a job you could
easily handle.
Richard Koch, author of the book 80/20 Principle provided an analysis
of this principle from a self-development and business perspective. The
book is worth reading.
In conclusion Ill provide the following principles to adhere to for those
want to succeed through applying the CANI principle.
FAIL DAILY: Failure is inevitable. If you dont fail it means you are
restricting your efforts within your comfort zone. Though most of what is
considered failure is negative there is a kind of failure that is worth
commending. For instance, if you are a secondary school student in SS2
studying chemistry and you prepare and take A level Chemistry exams;
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even if you fluke it, few will consider you a failure. You have raised your
bar standard far above your peers. By the time you take the SS2 exam or
even SS3, you should find it easy to pass.
The same goes for a BSC student learning with Masters/PHD questions
and Thesis Research papers.
I know a HND student (a relative of mine) who back in Nigeria singlehandily designed a generator as his final assessment project while in
school. He had test run the generator prior to presentation time and many
students saw it work. When the time to demonstrate it for assessment came
however, something went wrong and it didnt work. Nevertheless, news
soon went round the school that a student had built a generator. He became
an instant celebrity and was later nominated by the school to embark on a
government sponsorship package to travel to America for a Technical Aid
Corps (TAC) exchange programme. A child can only learn how to walk if
he is willing to be laughed at. This leads us to the second point:
Never limit your targets to what is expected of you. Always seek to exceed
the standard set target; even though you might not go beyond it at the end
of the day. Setting your own target gives you that extra push that makes
you work harder.
Competition is good if you can limit it to competing with yourself. It is a
grave mistake of many to compete with another person. You may not have
the same background as the person you are competing with or, not have a
brain nurtured in the same manner. Competing with yourself means always
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seeking to do better than you did before. It doesnt matter how far it gets
you; as long as there is constant, self-improvement. One day, those who
know you, will notice you have changed. The promotion you desire for
may start from there.
No matter whatever you are called to do in life always be a learner of
something useful, even if you are considered an expert in your field.
Look for some skill not expected of you (like a lecturer learning how
to set up the computer network system; or like a student, preparing a
thesis, learning about desktop publishing). In future, all of these skills
could come in handy and give you that edge over competition. Yes
there will be competition but you should focus on yourself, not them.
If you do this you will not realise it when effortlessly, you take over
the pack!
Self- selling skills are the most important skills you can possess. Never
be among those who say My only weakness is and then mention a
self-selling skill. These include skills such as writing skills (C.V, cover
letter etc.) public speaking skills, delivering presentations, interviews,
oral quizzes, dressing up and appearance skills or modelling, and selfgrooming skills etc. The first thing you must learn how to sell in life is
yourself. If you cant do that you are bound to fall flat on your face one
day. President Obama of the United States of America continually
dusts competition because he has mastered how to sell himself.
To illustrate this Ill share with you details of a YouTube video that I
watched. The video features a lady whose name is Faith.
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Faith attended an X Factor audition in Abjua. Her confidence was so low

that she could hardly answer the question regarding her name. One of the
judges, on seeing how poor she was, told her to just go ahead and sing.
One even remarked before she started she would not make it.
However, when she sang, it was as if a miracle occurred. Faith had this
remarkably wonderful voice. The judged who felt she would fail held his
mouth agape. Well known Nigerian, veteran singer, Oyenka Oyenwu (who
was also part of the panel) sang and nodded her head along. The crowd
joined in as well. Faith held them all spell bound.
Just as it seemed she would sweep them off their feet completely she
forgot her lyrics. She looked down to the ground but just went blank. That
was the end of her audition!
The judges stopped the performance. Now it was time to judge. Out of the
three judges she needed at least two votes to move to the next round. The
first judge who spoke, noted her lack of confidence. The second judge,
Oneyka, picked up from there, stating it was not good enough for her. She
voted no immediately. It was only the third judge who did his best to
salvage the lady. Focusing on her voice he said he believed in her. He gave
her a yes and got the backing of the crowd.
The third judge (who spoke first) realised how everything now depended
on him. Faith was already in tears. It was such an emotional moment.
Eventually, moved by compassion and the plea of his colleague, he gave
Faith a yes. It was obvious she was broken emotionally before then.
How different it would have been if Faith had learnt a little about how to
sell herself and maintain self-confidence aside from learning how to sing.
We can all learn a lesson from Faiths experience by agreeing never to
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agree that something is your permanent weakness, but rather working on

it till we get better.
Remember, make sure every day, you are improving on yourself. Always
seek to be among the 20-80 achievers. Never be tired of failing as long as
you have set goals that are beyond what is expected. Run with the top
league, but compete only with yourself!
In parting, I will leave this personal quote with you: A dwarf will have
the brain of giants if bold enough to walk and compete with them!
So, what are you waiting for?

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Man is a programmable entity. This means that he is directed by something. He
is actually programmed by a set of pre-programmed thoughts. The thought that
directs a man could be his own thoughts or, the thought of someone else. In
other words there are some men whose minds are so powerful they can impact
the minds and lives of others by issuing thoughts in their direction and thinking
about them.
To ensure that the thoughts of others do not affect you negatively you must
engage in your own positive thinking and direct your life with constructive,
positive thoughts. It is the latter, constantly and habitually engaged in, that lead
to success and achievement. You must also be observant whether your life is
taking a negative trend (contrary to what you plan or desire for yourself) which
most likely is as a result of someone else re-directing your life by thinking and
desiring negative things concerning you.
It is the principle of negative and positive thinking and confession that is
applicable in blessings and curses. Each requires a thought process and each
must be directed at one or, another persons life. However, just as matter and

energy can be converted - as discovered and revealed by Einstein - so can

thought be converted such as from negative to positive towards
reshaping your destiny!
Think about it!
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Anthony, L. (2011, August 25). The Problem we all live with.
Retrieved from EDU Solution:
Commerce, T. P. (2012, February 02). For the Love of Petersburg. Retrieved
from The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce: /ruby-

Government, U. M. (2014, February 17). Eastern District of
Louisiana. Retrieved from US Marshal Government:

Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden
Powers to Succeed: Brian Tracy: Books, 1st Fireside Ed
edition. Ed, 1995. . Simon and Schuster.
Peale, N.V., 2003. The Power of Positive Thinking, 1st Fireside Ed edition. Ed.
Touchstone, 10 Traits for Maximum Results eBook: Dr. Norman Vincent
Peale: Kindle Store.
Robbins, A., 2012. Awaken The Giant Within; New edition. Ed. Simon &
SADC, 2014. SuccessDigest Online Home [WWW Document]. SuccessDigest.
URL (accessed 10.5.14).
Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement eBook: Tony
Robbins: Kindle Store, New edition. Ed, 2012. . Simon
& Schuster UK.
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Anthony Olabode Ayodele is a Journalist by training a
researcher and a Public Speaker. He is presently the
Publisher/Editor in Chief of Bode in Flight (BIF
Magazine) a general interest publication.
His experience spans over many years in sales,
journalism and pastoring.
Dr. Chris Imafidon, of 'Every Child is a Genius' fame:
'wrote concerning Anthony: " your talent deserve a
degree in Mathematical communication science.
Elsewhere, he wrote: "Bode is a great communicator, astute teacher and very
keen student that believes that every opportunity must be welcomed as a
learning opportunity. He has got eyes for details; he is a great writer, editor and
loves to communicate complex in a very simple manner."
A man of varied skills and talents, Bode was once described as a "man of many
parts." Coining this phrase, Dr. Sunny Ojeagbase, publisher of SuccessDigest
Magazine of which Bode formed part of the
pioneering, team noted his versatility and ability
to easily acquire skills required to excel in his
chosen endeavours.
Married with children, he is presently available
for Speaking engagements and consultation.
His interests include Motivational inspirational
speaking, speech and feature writing.

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All Rights Reserved

A Flaming Fire Publication
Copyright 2014 Anthony Olabode Ayodele

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